Satisfactory Game | Aluminum Production 100% Efficient

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hello guys and welcome back to another satisfactory super efficient build guide where today we'll be creating 300 aluminium alclad sheets at 100 efficiency and do forgive me i will say aluminum and i will say aluminium i get mixed up um yeah enough said i'll be showing you the process and an example of how it can be set up in a factory setup should you wish we are also going to be using the vanilla recipes for this build due to them all being readily available to everyone which is really important eventually we will go on to do uh alternative recipes as well but not for this video the idea with these guys is to make understanding the process as simple as possible so that you can implement it in your own way and this will be supplemented with a written guide over on our website you can find the link below so if you do find this content helpful please do drop a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and before we get started i'd like to say a huge thank you to human imperfect for writing out the setup for me to make it easier for me to do this so for this build we will be using only the raw resources as inputs so it should be easy for anyone to set up this from scratch you're going to need 300 walk site 300 water although this will be reduced to 150 once we close the loop and the whole process is running we'll also need 150 coal 100 copper ore and 150 raw quartz and we will also make use of overclocking on a water extractor so you will need a minimum of one power shard as for the buildings that we're going to require we'll need resources for five refineries 10 assemblers five foundries four constructors four smelters and as i mentioned a single water extractor now do note that this will cost about 430 megawatts so in power to run once fully set up for this demonstration i'm also going to be using a 10 by 14 grid now you can also see from the top down view where the various resource inputs are being brought from so we have coal in the black square we also have bauxite in this rusty red colored square copper in the light turquoise box and also raw quartz from the pink square first we will place the three alumina solution refineries in the bottom left of the build these will be fed by the bauxite using a manifold system as well as a single water extractor i have overclocked this water extracted to 250 percent initially due to the nature of this building we will enter recycling the water so in the end it will actually be overclocked to 125 once we've linked this together if you don't have those uh power shards available you can just link three water extractors together or alternatively you can get the water extractor running and uh have that fed into a buffer before you start this whole build and then once that's running the buffer will empty and it will all level out now the big thing with this is once that you've fed the refineries with the water pipe make sure that you've placed a valve just before the setup to stop any backflow this will be really important later down the line another thing that i should mention is that one of these refineries also needs to be set at 50 clock speed and for me i've placed the middle one as the underclocked refinery once these are running these will produce a total of 300 aluminum solution as well as 125 silica the silica will run directly to the right of the build whereas the aluminum solution will run to the left into two more refineries facing the right of the build these two refineries will be set to aluminium scrap and should be fed by the 300 illumina solution and 150 coal one of these refineries will also be underclocked to 25 although you should you wish you can actually underclock both of them to 62.5 percent if you prefer to load balance this on the output side we will run the 450 aluminium scrap above the silica line across to the right and do make sure that for the aluminium scrap line that you're using at least a mark iv conveyor this is the same as the aluminium alclad sheet line and also the aluminium ingots line they will need to be tier four belts as well all of the other conveyors should be marked threes unless of course it's running 120 items or less per minute in which case you can use a mark too for the water output you'll notice that we're outputting a total of 150 water per minute so we shall now connect this up with the original water pipeline this will allow us once the factory is running to input only 150 water per minute from the water extractor rather than 300 so to do this run the outputted water back into the water input line of the first refineries and make sure that you use a valve in between the connections this is just to stop backflow which will be super important next we will need to produce 125 more silica to do this we will place four constructors in the bottom of the build and these will turn the raw quartz into silica note that one of these constructors should be underclocked to 33.33 and the silica line will merge together along with the silica from the refineries and run alongside the aluminium scrap line to the next five foundries i've placed these five foundries on the top right hand corner of the build facing the left and we will run a manifold into these five foundries where we will produce aluminium ingots which we will return to shortly at this point we will also need to produce 100 copper ingots per minute for this we will need to place four smelters i've done this in the center of the build and they will all be set to copper ingots with one of the four smelters being clocked to 33.33 clock speed the smelters will then merge and run the copper ingots along the top of the aluminium ingot line into a manifold of 10 assemblers which you can see located in the top of the build these will be set to produce aluminium alclad sheets though there are some slightly complicated elements to this setup notably the water loop the build itself is pretty simple once broken down into the tears so with this knowledge feel free to experiment and build a factory in your own style take for example here i've taken the maths that we've just spoken about in this build and set up a new factory in the crater lakes which is actually a pretty good place to build an aluminium line if you're starting out as you have easy access to the coal the water and the bauxite as well as plenty of space unfortunately you'll need to import copper and raw quartz which i've done here as you can see with these drones so with this particular build my water is being brought up from below from from here we have the refineries for the illumina solution and the scrap with the silica and scrap taken up to the next floor to become aluminium ingots on this floor we're also producing the excess silica that we need for these ingots and the copper ingots which we're going to be taking up to the top level along with the aluminium ingots to become aluminium sheets in the assembler line it's the same process that we've just talked about in the layout but enclosed in a factory and it looks pretty cool and the great thing about this game is that everyone's builds can be different you can have your own way of doing something and i'd love to see it in fact if you do do this setup why not jump over to my discord and show me in our screenshot section uh anyway guys we get we are going to leave it there thank you so much for watching um i hope it's helped you out and if so do let me know by clicking the thumbs up and obviously if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe and remember you can find this layout with more details on things like the water loop on our website the link is below but that's all we have time for so special thanks to our amazing patrons who allow me to create these videos most notably our solo eclipse patrons the calamity and cerebral tag as well as our lunar eclipse patrons christmas cave and lord of july as well as our blood moon of the day which today is kareev johnny anyway guys until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 81,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory Game | Aluminum Production 100% Efficient, satisfactory aluminium setup, satisfactory aluminum production, Satisfactory Aluminum, Satisfactory aluminium, Alclad sheet, Totalxclipse, Super efficient build guide, Super efficient guide, build layouts, Satisfactory game build layout, Satisfactory game, Satisfactory game guide, how to build, build guide, Satisfactory update 4 aluminium, Satisfactory update 4 aluminum, Build guide, Vanilla recipe, Aluminum Alclad sheet
Id: FNAaPa78fDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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