How to Plan Factories Like a Pro In Satisfactory U7

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hello guys and welcome back to another satisfactory guide in our last episode we were talking about how to build and decorate various styles of factories but one question that came up in our live streams is how do you start out planning a factory in order to build these in the first place because let's face it if you don't do planning whether that's in your head or down on a spreadsheet then the build can fall apart and look at nothing like you originally planned thankfully with a little bit of planning you can create something like this which works perfectly without any issues which is what we're going to be talking about today and speaking of planning if you're planning on buying some satisfactory merch heroic replicas who brought to life the doggo as well as the coffee cup and xenobasher are now starting a new Kickstarter Campaign which will bring to life these two creatures as well as the build gun and a mechanical pen for us to use so if you do want to support them do check out the link to the kickstarter below and to celebrate this heroic replicas are also putting on a discount on their current store Goods which means you can get 15 off your coffee cups at the moment as well as I believe the t-shirts and all the Plushies that they have in the store you can also get 50 off the keychains which I use for my house keys both here and in the UK as well as the sticker packs and finally you can get 20 off their real life replicas so that's the xenobasha and the Xeno zapper so if you do want to grab yourself a bargain why not check out the link to the doggo store below and be yourself one of these anyway enough of that let's get back to the video so today we are going to be planning a factory from the get-go and in order to do that we need to know what we're going to build so always when you're planning a build start with the goal so I'm going to pick a goal and I think the item that we want to produce should be something like encased industrial beams next we need to work out how many of them we want to produce and whilst we're here we're going to want to choose which recipe that we use but we'll get to that in a moment because the first thing that you should do once you have your goal is to look up what kind of production you're going to need now we can do this placing down the constructors and the assemblers however it's much easier if we use other satisfactory resources such as satisfactory tools satisfactory tips the satisfactory planner or even the satisfactory calculator satisfactory tips has various saves on it but also if you go to the factory layouts there are several layouts available from fuel layouts two rotors reinforced iron plates modular engines heat sinks you can find a guide and follow that should you wish it helps with planning or we could go to something like satisfactory tools satisfactory tools is my go-to when it comes to planning out my factory lines because I know how to use it and I find it really easy to do so you just go to update six the calculator and then we will pick an item for example our encased industrial beams and from here we can see that 10 encased industrial beams is going to require 160 iron ore and 160 coal and 150 Limestone as well as all of these machines however we can then play around with this to get the perfect amount say we only want to use 120 iron ore per minute and here we have 7.5 in case the industrial beams will be produced by 1.25 assemblers and require 112.5 Limestone 120 and 120 iron ore but we can also and make sure that we're choosing a different recipe for example the encased pipe recipe so with that we've removed the original encased industrial beam recipe and we have this one here notice with the encased industrial pipe it uses a lot less resources so we can actually go back to our production and try and adjust this again and as you can see it's going to allow us to produce just under 11.5 in case the industrial beams per minute so this is a much more efficient recipe when it comes to resources so now that we have the recipe that we want to produce and also we know what resources we need the next thing that we need to do is find out where we're going to be placing this this is where satisfactory calculator comes along the great thing about these satisfactory calculator is the interactive map which allows us to select the resources that we're looking for so Iron Coal and Limestone for this build and find a location that is perfectly suited for our build which has them nearby of failing that ways in which we can easily get those resources to our Factory and another great addition to the satisfactory calculator is the ability to load our own saves into the interactive map so we can see what nodes we're already using and from here what we're going to do is pick a couple of good options that are available in our map for places to build our Factory for example our first location is where the rocky desert meets the Crater Lakes we have three pure coal nodes on top of the cliffs and then we also have plenty of limestone and iron nodes nearby however with the difference in height this might not be the best option for us to pick even though it looks pretty good on the map our second option here is the little Lagoon in the forest where we have the coal available nearby but we also have iron and the Limestone but they're on the cliff situated outside so again it's close by but if we don't want to put too much work into the logistics perhaps this isn't the best option for us and the third spot that I've picked out is this place in the Dune desert you can see we've got the three coal nodes nearby but we also have Limestone and iron all very near so perhaps this is the best option for us and we're going to work with this but before we choose this particular space one thing to also think about is how easy it's going to be to get resources from other factories if this is a more advanced build here it's pretty good because it's open so there's plenty of space for building a train Network or a bus but other locations might not be as useful now that we've chosen this location the next thing that we need to do is work out where our Factory is going to be around here but also where we want the inputs for the factory and also the outputs and then after that we're going to build the footprint with that in mind so for example we have the coal the Limestone and the iron on this side perhaps we want the inputs to be on this side and then we'll have an output maybe maybe we'll use this Valley and have the output here and so we know roughly where we want the items to come in which would be over there and also where they're going out from here we can build a basic footprint for what we expect the factory will be and here we are with the footprint as you can see we planned the inputs and the outputs and we have a basic footprint for the factory but at this point it is really important to work out one of two things is it really important that it looks amazing to you or are you more interested in the production the throughput of your factory as having an intricate design may affect the spacing which you can build your production Center so if you are doing a decorational build you're going to want to focus on the outer section first and I do recommend checking out my recent video on satisfactory decoration for factories that might be a useful video for you I'll put a link to it in the top right hand corner but for this we're going to focus mainly on the production and then secondary will be to make the outside look good so we don't need to spend as much time thinking about that at this point we're going to go back to the satisfactory calculator and see how many machines we need we can see that we're going to need three foundries we're also going to need eight Constructors one for the steel pipes and one for the concrete and then three assemblers but with that we're going to take the buildables that we need and we're going to be placing them on this layout to see if they can fit because from there we can tell if we need to expand it a little bit more or whether it's going to work just fine having placed down the constructors and the foundries I've noticed that we do need a little bit more space for the assemblers because it's going to be quite tight we can make it work but it's a little bit too tight for my liking so I'm going to quickly just add a few more rows of Foundations and from here we're going to want to place our assemblers now that we have a rough idea as to how we want this built we need to consider the logistics are we going to be using logistic thoughts for this are we going to be taking the resources up to a floor above and then bringing the them down to the constructors and the assemblers once you have an idea as to what you want to do you're going to want to remove the buildables and for example add those logistic flaws which we'll do I'll show you in a moment and then the other thing you want to bear in mind is how are you going to take the items out of here I've already mentioned that we want to have the output in the center here the next thing to do is just to make sure that we have space which obviously we do in a new area for our train line and perhaps we want to build that out just to make sure that everything's going to fit as planned now I'm going to sort out the logistic flaws so I'm going to make sure that we have one full Foundation there now we're going to remove that and place just above the layout that we already have we're going to build the logistics floor here we have the production as we want it but I am going to show you how I would plan to scale this in mind should I wish to later on just give me two moments while I build that and here you can see how we would quickly scale this up so we wish to we just need to move the assemblers further along and then double up the production lines size and then add the assemblers at the end something that's really simple so we can build around that we can make sure that the wall on the right hand side and the left hand side are pretty simple in terms of decoration perhaps they're a blank wall so that they can be expanded if we want to we just tear them down and expand the lines but for this we're going to be just keeping with the smaller build so we don't need to worry about that too much with the production now placed and in its positions that we're going to be using it the next thing that we want to consider is that the power Logistics now this is often a second thought in the factory it's normally the last thing that you do but work out the system do you want your power to be on a circuit so that you can switch it off as you go into the factory if you're not using it or do you want to hide the cables along the the top or place them below make sure you're aware of that so that you can build that into your factory at this point when we're going to seal the factory in with walls and do the power Logistics and the next tip I think I think we're on 11 now if this is a larger build if you're doing a thousand package turbo fuel per minute then you're going to want to break this down into smaller bite-sized chunks don't try and do it all at once break it into each of its little compartmentalized pieces so we're now going to cover all of this in and once that's done the last thing for us to do is to make sure it's all running efficiently so we'll want to turn everything on ideally have an awesome sync that it feeds into just so that you can see how everything's running and if there's going to be any bottlenecks as you can see we've now got the factory running I did realize that I forgot to add one of the assemblers so rather than change the layout I've just overclocked them and we're just waiting for everything to start running smoothly now with the awesome sync connected but whilst you're waiting for your factory to turn on why not listen to some chill tunes and Vibe out to that while it's all turning on we've just released a new album do check it out the link to the Spotify playlist is Below in the description and it's also copyright free music so if you're a content creator you can use it yourself without any issues and in case you hadn't realized I should also mention that we did go for the overhead power cabling here which I think looks really clean if you want some tips on how a management Cable Management do check out my video I'll put a link to that in the top right hand corner now and with us producing those encased industrial beams it's now time to do the last thing which is to decorate the factory but there you are guys I hope you found this guide useful on planning out your factory if you did do hit the thumbs up and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe special thanks does go to all of our amazing supporters most notably our solar eclipse patrons James Owen Fire Plus and treble as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star Shoku the Yemen wolf and that dude aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is dashlom until next time check out this video and as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 372,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Plan Factories Like a Pro In Satisfactory U7, how to plan your day Factories in Satisfactory, Satisfactory how to plan a factory, Satisfactory Totalxclipse, Totalxclipse, Satisfactory Factory Planning, Satisfactory Factory planning guide, Satisfactory planning tips, satisfactory Update 7, Satisfactory Update 8, satisfactory unreal engine 5, satisfactory game, satisfactory, satisfactory gameplay, Satisfactory tips, Satisfactory Guide, Satisfactory Tutorial, Satisfactory Game
Id: 9P83ne8hgRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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