TURBO FUEL Layouts Made EASY in Satisfactory Update 7

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welcome back to our super efficient layouts now in our last episode we covered all of the different fuel recipe layouts that I could think of using both the vanilla and the alternate recipes and we also showed off the comparison of the amount of fuel that they can produce all from a single oil node which is producing 120 crude oil per minute I did mention in that video was a pure note I was mistaken it's actually a normal node because pure notes can produce 240 and you can find all of these layouts both on satisfactorytips.com or on the save itself if you're a member of our patreons and as I produce more of these video guides and website guides I will be updating the save as we go as well so don't worry you won't miss out but in today's guide we're going to be covering turbofuel which can be used to add a lot more power to your overall Factory as well as for turbo ammunition as well as fuel for your vehicles and your jet pack I believe as a vote 86 as a heads up if you do want to unlock these you are going to have to go over to experimental power generation if this is after update 6 and research this and this will unlock compacted coal thank you Ada and turbo fuel now before we get started on these recipes there is one thing that I should mention which is it does use up a lot of silver which is one of the rarer materials in the game so if you're Min maxing these probably aren't going to be for you you'll want to use the nuclear fuel instead which we'll talk about at a later date as there are changes coming for update 7. again we are going to be using 120 crude oil per minute which means all of this can be done from a single normal crude oil node let's get started the first recipe that we're going to cover is just the turbo fuel basic one this times 120 crude oil into 66.6 turbo Fuel and that's using the fuel combining that with compacted coal to create turbo fuel this particular layout requires a 7 by 11 grid you can see in the bottom right hand corner we have two refineries which are going to be set to the fuel recipe and then to the left of that we have three assemblers set to compacted coal and then above it four refineries that are going to be set to Turbo fuel now let's have a look at the two refineries in the bottom right hand corner these two refineries will be set to 100 clock speed using the normal fuel recipe and similarly to the fuel layouts all of that excess polymer resin is going to be immediately sunk that's because we're really concentrating on just producing that turbo fuel but of course you can use that polymer resin to create rubber or plastic should you wish looking at the assemblers in the bottom left hand corner we have three of them placed so it's going to use 53.33 coal and sulfur per minute in order to run and we're going to have two of them set to 100 and then as you can see here on the left hand side we have one running at 21.33 all of that compacted coal is then run into a manifold into four refineries these four refineries are taking on all of the fuel from the two that we placed previously and they're going to be producing turbo fuel with all of them running at 100 except for the one on the left which we've done here which is running at 55.6 clock speed as you can see here we have the normal turbo fuel recipe you can see this one is running at 55.6 clock speed which means along with the three that are running 100 with using a total of 80 Fuel per minute all of this produces 66.67 turbo Fuel per minute which equates to 14.81 generators or 2221 megawatts that's because turbo fuel runs at 4.5 per minute versus the fuel which I think is 14 per minute although I might be mistaken off the top of my head you can probably tell that it is just a carbon copy of this fuel layout here except we are adding the compacted coal to it and then changing That Into Turbo Fuel and you can see how we've gone from that fuel recipe which produces enough for 1000 megawatts to adding 53.3 compacted coal per minute which is allowing us to double the power production so if you're looking for something that's going to be easy to build and quick to do this might be for you but there are much more efficient options available speaking of which the second recipe that we're going to be talking about is the heavy turbo fuel with the heavy oil residue alternate recipe this is going to turn that 120 crude oil into 128 turbo fuel which equates to 4266 megawatts of power so a good one to have but slightly more complicated for this layout you're going to need a 11 by 10 Foundation grid and we're going to start by placing four refineries in the bottom section as well as six assemblers in the right hand section which will lead the resources into a further five refineries that are going to be producing the turbo fuel let's have a look at the recipes the first four refineries are going to be set to heavy oil residue and we're going to sink the polymer resin straight away and send the extra heavy oil residue straight up and along to the heavy turbo fuel refineries this heavy oil residue does need to be combined with compacted coal in order to turn to the turbo fuel with five of them running at 100 and then a sixth one running at 12 clock speed the assemblers are going to need to be fed by a total of 128 whole and 128 sulfur which means you're going to have to be using Mark III belts all of this compacted coal will then be brought along a manifold and split into the five refineries at the top of the grid these five refineries are going to have to be set to heavy turbo fuel this is an alternate recipe for turbofuel with all of them running at 100 clock speed except for one that is running at 26.7 percent you can see here that we have the refinery that is underclocked and you can also see the turbo heavy fuel alternate recipe to Turbo Fuel and as you can see this recipe produces 128 turbo Fuel per minute which equates to 28.44 generators or 4266 megawatts of power but it doesn't stop there once again you can get a lot more bang for your buck with these builds but before we talk about that let's have a look at the turbo fuel that is specifically made in the blenders of course you are going to need blenders unlocked for this and we are going to use the heavy or residue alternate recipe the great thing about this recipe is that it only uses 60 sulfur per minute which is much less compared to the previous one and produces almost the same amount of Turbo Fuel per minute for this particular recipe we're going to be using a 9 by 12 grid and we're going to start off by placing four refineries in the bottom right hand corner these are going to be set once again to the heavy oil alternate residue recipe I have tried to color coordinate this particular build to make it easier for you to see but you can see specifically for the four refineries we've got two producing heavy oil residue heading towards the Atlantis and we have two heading towards two more refineries which we'll talk about shortly but note they are not connected you need to have these two both separated I'm also very much aware that this one looks a lot more complicated so we'll try to break this up on the website but I assure you it is not that bad so the next thing to look at is on the right hand side we have two more refineries the first one is going to be set to the fuel recipe that uses the heavy oil and then in front of that or above it I should say we have a Refinery that's set to petroleum Coke and running at 50 clock speed here you can see we're using the residual fuel recipe from that heavy oil residue and here we have the petroleum Coke Refinery that's set to 50 clock speed so we're only using 20 heavy ore residue to produce 60 petroleum Coke which now leaves us with the the three blenders now first off let's talk about the solid resources going in we need two manifolds we have the sulfur which is coming in from the very bottom I'm not actually showing it on screen at the moment but it's running up the elevator and then running into a manifold you may be able to see that the Splitters are colored yellow and then we have the petroleum Coke which is on the second manifold which is feeding into the three blenders now these blenders are going to be set to the turbo fuel for the blenders and are running at 266.7 clock speed so two running at 100 and a single one under clock to 67. at 66.7 clock speed the heavy oil residue from the left hand side of the refineries is being manifolded into these three and the same goes for the residual fuel this alternate net turbo Turbo blend fuel produces a total of 120 turbo fuel to be used in your factories which is the equivalent to 26.667 generators that are going to be producing 4 000 megawatts of power for your factory not bad considering it's done from 60 sulfur and 120 crude oil but by far the best in terms of bang for your buck for energy is the turbo fuel recipe combined by the diluted fuel alternate recipes this produces a total of 266.7 Turbo fuel which is the equivalent to 59.26 generators or just under 9000 megawatts of power now I should mention for this build you will either need to use the diluted packaged fuel setup that we covered in the last video or the blender diluted fuel recipe that we covered in the last video this in itself is a much larger build so it's going to be on a 23 by 13 grid and for this we are using just the blender fuel recipe um for the fuel rather than the diluted packaged fuel with the refineries obviously you'll need a bigger layout for that one we have the four refineries that are producing the heavy oil residue in the bottom right hand corner and then we have the four blenders in front which are being fed by three water extractors set to 266.67 clock speed and they are turning the heavy oil residue into the fuel in the blenders one thing to point out is that the blenders will be set to 320 percent clock Swede so one of them will have to be clocked down to 20 in the bottom section of of the grid we do have nine assemblers those are going to be clocked to 853.4 clock speed producing compacted coal but for this you are going to have to make sure that you're using at least a level three Mark III conveyor belt to run all the resources as we'll be handling over 214 compacted coal per minute all of this compacted coal will then be fed up along a manifold which will be feeding a total of 15 refineries set to Turbo Fuel and these will obviously be fed with the 320 fuel that has been produced by those blenders these 15 refineries are going to be running 14 at 100 clock speed and then a single one will be under clocked to 22.5 clock speed this will turn the normal fuel and compacted coal Into Turbo Fuel and produce a total of 266.7 to turbo Fuel per minute which should be enough to fill any industrial fluid buffer or for that matter 59.2 let's say seven generators of fuel per minute that's not bad that is a total of just under 9 000 Watts now I know the information in this video is pretty heavy and pretty dense so I will make sure that the guides are up on satisfactorytips.com and of course if you do actually want to check out this save yourself so that you can run around and have a look at all of the mapping then do make sure to join the patrons I'll be uploading this save as soon as this video goes live but guys we are going to leave it there let me know which recipe you would like me to cover in the next Super efficient build guide I was thinking of going down the route of plastic or rubber so do give me a shout in the comments what you'd like to see special thanks does go to all of our amazing supporters most notably our solar eclipse patrons James Irwin and five flesh as well as our Lunas the Calamity Ben and star and our blood moon of the day which today is the city rat until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 104,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Complex TURBO FUEL Layouts Made EASY in Satisfactory Update 7, Totalxclipse Guides, Turbofuel, turbo fuel, Satisfactory turbo fuel, Satisfactory Turbofuel, Satisfactory Turbo Fuel Guide, Satisfactory Turbo Fuel Generator Setup, Satisfactory Turbofuel layouts, Satisfactory Turbo Fuel Layout, Satisfactory Efficient fuel guide, Satisfactory Efficient Turbo Fuel setup, Satisfactory Game guide, Satisfactory fuel guide, Satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 7, Totalxclipse build guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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