The Worst Alternative Recipes | Satisfactory Update 4

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welcome back to another satisfactory guide and today we're looking at the worst alternative recipes in satisfactory update 4 having last week looked at the best alternative recipes now these ones today are the ones that you should avoid using in pretty much all circumstances and we'll be talking about why as well now trust me there are some downright terrible recipes and there are also some recipes that look useful but are actually red herrings heavy turbo fuel that's not to say they're terrible all the time but they're only really useful for a certain build in the few occasions that they are useful so let's get into it and as we'll most likely be unlocking early game recipes first we'll start off with them and work our way up through the tiers so starting off in tier one and two our first recipe that you should avoid is fine concrete take the added power consumption of an assembler and combine that with limestone and even rarer quartz and you can produce concrete the problem is limestone's really easy to come by and quartz not so much so there's really no point going with this recipe our second recipe is copper rotor now this one really isn't that bad but we want to avoid using screws and i'll be honest the steel rotor is just so much easier alongside the original stator recipe that i go with that all the time our third recipe is coterium wire keterum is much rarer than copper so why use it to produce wire perhaps if you're low on power this could be useful but i'd much rather go with normal or iron wire for that matter our fourth recipe is bolted frame now this one is hit or miss it's good but only if you're using the steel screw alternative otherwise just avoid this one these are the only recipes that i could really think of in the lower tier of the top of my head so if you have any others then be sure to let me know in the comments what you think we should add but moving on we do have some more in tier three and four our fifth alternative recipe that you should avoid is iron alloy you're taking a rarer resource to make a more common one this one's an avoid especially considering the pure iron ingots are just around the corner there are times though where perhaps you may want to use this but generally speaking just not worth it our sixth recipe is the meme choice same with seven it's bio coal and charcoal i mean why is this even a thing if you're tearing down your forests i bet you're using noblesk anyway right right our eighth recipe is compacted steel so depending on where you're at in game this isn't bad as it will hugely reduce coal costs but it will also be using sulfur which is rarer so late game you want to avoid this also why set up a compacted steel line if it's going to be changed later like does it make sense to me our ninth recipe is cheap silicon now this one's actually really good if you're trying to maximize your resources in game but for the majority of players the added buildings and power required just to save a bit of quartz probably isn't worth it now our 10th alternative recipe that i think you should pretty much avoid in all circumstances is coated cable i'm against using oil to boost production for lower tier items but if you have to go with insulated cable as it's both more wire and oil efficient than this one our 11th recipe is coated iron plate same as the previous recipe why use oil to get more of an item you can produce without oil it's not gonna happen just just don't don't go with it don't do it don't do it to yourself okay so this one could have a few people up in arms so just bear with me alternative recipe number 12 is steel canister all right i know that it doesn't use oil so yes it is much better than the vanilla recipe you're right but it's much worse than the coated iron canister which uses copper instead of coal put simply it's better than the original but the worst of two alternative recipes our 13th alternative recipe is electrode circuit boards this recipe is just pure oil combining rubber with petroleum coke and i see no point to it whatsoever if it was like kiss marry avoid this one's just pure void just don't do it our 14th recipe is the automated miner now this one's actually quite an interesting one for example maybe in a couple of updates if we're lucky they'll be used as some kind of consumable items such as for a drill bit for late tier miners that could be pretty cool in that case building these these automated miners on mass would be useful but at the moment there really is no point we use them for drones and we use them for mining it really isn't necessary for us to bulk produce these even if we are trying to harvest all the nodes in the world so i mean you could go with it but there's no point our 15th recipe is seismic nobleska i mean why add crystal oscillators to the mix it just isn't worth the hassle for the manufacturing line our 16th alternative recipe is rubber concrete now though this actually has some really useful applications in the real world the use of oil to make extra concrete in this game is once again a bad choice and then 17 we have turbo heavy fuel uh okay i know everyone loves turbo fuel and the standard is still all right as a recipe but the turbo heavy fuel ends up making the line admittedly a lot easier to set up but at the cost of making it much less efficient just just avoid this one and our 18th recipe is crystal beacons what's with adding crystal oscillators to the recipes it's becoming an obsession and just makes it all the more complicated to produce again one for for you to avoid again i should mention these aren't necessary always terrible recipes but for a lot of people these are just bad recipes and it doesn't stop there oh no even tier seven and eight have some bad recipes too so the first one being uh the oc super computer i mean just because it's late tier it doesn't mean it's good in this alternative recipe you'll be using bauxite and nitrogen and that really does not make it worth it even if it does save on power our 20th recipe is the cooling device now the extra resources for cooling systems and the added complexity and power required really don't sit well with me to be honest just go with the original one unless you're really tight on bauxite our 21st recipe is the electromagnetic connection rod uh this requires more uh keterium oil and power in return for less iron less copper and less coal it's like the opposite way around to what it should be it's just not one for me and finally we have instant aluminium or aluminum scrap this is terrible forcing us to use sulfur when it really isn't necessary save your scare sulfur for other more pressing resources like sulfuric acid for i don't know uranium so there you are guys the worst alternative recipes that i could possibly think of for update for um of course this is just my opinion and i could be wrong so do let me know if you disagree or agree in the comments and also let me know below which recipe you think is the worst out of all the recipes in the game but that's all we have time for so if you found this video helpful please do drop a thumbs up and obviously if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe but anyway guys thank you so much for watching and thank you to our amazing supporters most notably our solo eclipse patrons the calamity and cerebral tag as well as our lunar eclipse patrons chris mccabe lord of july and james irwin as well as our blood moon of the day papa snoozy anyway guys until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 90,192
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Keywords: The worst Alternative recipes | Satisfactory Update 4, Totalxclipse, Satisfactory update 4, Update 4 recipes, Satisfactory update 4 recipes, Satisfactory U4, Satisfactory recipes, Super efficient recipes, Update 4 best recipes, Satisfactory game, Hard drive hunting, Hard drive, Satisfactory Update 4 hard drive recipes, Satisfactory Update 4 Recipes, Satisfactory Alternate recipe tier list, recipe comparison, satisfactory gameplay, worst alternative recipes, worst recipes
Id: bb7tSweUMCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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