Relax with Bob Proctor | Meditation

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You now find yourself in a very relaxed position. Your whole body is becoming relaxed. You just hear my voice, you hear nothing but my voice. Every fiber of your being is becoming relaxed, totally relaxed. You will not go to sleep, you will remember every word I'm saying, and you will let yourself relax. Release every thought that comes into your mind. Release every care and concern that's on your mind. You just hear my voice. You hear nothing but my voice. Your eyelids are becoming very heavy, and you have let your eyelids go closed. All the tension is leaving your jaw. Your jaw is very relaxed. All the tension is leaving your stomach. All of your abdomen muscles have become relaxed. You are totally relaxed. You take a deep breath in through your nose, and literally fill your lungs. And as you let the air out of your lungs, you breathe out through your mouth, and you let the tension leave your body. A deep breath now through your nose. (inhales) (exhales) Relax. Totally relaxed. Another deep breath now through your nose, all the way in, fill your lungs. (inhales) (exhales) Relax. Take another deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. And as you let the air out of your lungs, you let the tension leave your body. Fill your lungs all the way in. (inhales) (exhales) Relax. Your body is becoming more and more relaxed. You're aware you're not in a body, you merely live in a body. You are not a body, you merely live in your body. And you are letting your body relax. You are letting all the tension leave your body. You just hear my voice, you hear nothing but my voice. Every thought is leaving your mind. Every care and concern has left your mind, and you're totally relaxed. You just hear my voice. You hear nothing but my voice. You will not go to sleep, and you'll remember every thing I'm saying. And your body is becoming more and more relaxed. Now mentally, begin moving through your body. Become aware of your skull. With your inner eye, you now see a beautiful, white light of energy flowing in through the crown of your head, and this beautiful white light is permeating, penetrating, and filling every cell of your being. It's a relaxed, healthy energy. Your skull is becoming very relaxed. This beautiful, calm, relaxed feeling is now moving into every fiber of your brain. This beautiful relaxed feeling, now, is moving into your ears. It's moving down through your forehead, into your eyelids, and your eyes are very heavy, they're very relaxed. This beautiful, relaxed energy now is moving into your cheeks, throughout your mouth and into your tongue. Into your jaws, down into your neck, your whole head is totally relaxed, totally relaxed. You just hear my voice, and you're totally relaxed. This beautiful, relaxed feeling now is moving down into your shoulders. Moving down into your arms. Right down into your fingertips. This beautiful, relaxing energy is flowing through the crown of your head, and it's circulating through your body. You have released every thought, every care and concern, and you just hear my voice. You hear nothing but my voice, and you're totally relaxed. This beautiful relaxed energy has moved down through your arms, right into your fingertips. Your arms are becoming lighter and lighter, lighter and lighter. Totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. Your arms have become totally relaxed. You have a strong urge to lift your right arm in the air, but you cannot move it, it's too relaxed. It's a strange phenomena, you know you can, but you can't. You're totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. But this beautiful, relaxed energy now is moving down through the upper part of your body. You are not a body, you merely live in a body, and you are permitting all tension to leave your body. This beautiful, relaxed energy is moving down into your chest, and into the upper part of your back. It's moving down into the abdomen, down through the lower part of your back, and your hips. Your body is becoming more and more relaxed. You just hear my voice, and you're totally relaxed. You will not go to sleep. You will remember every word I'm saying, and you're totally relaxed. This beautiful, relaxed energy's moving in through your hips, into the upper part of your legs. Your body's becoming lighter and lighter, and you're totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. This beautiful relaxed energy, now, is moving in through your knees, and down through the lower part of your legs. It's moving down into your ankles, right through your feet, and into your toes. Your whole body, now, is totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. You just hear my voice, and you're totally relaxed. You have let all tension leave your body. Your entire body, from your head to your toenails, totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. With your inner eye, you now see yourself on an elevator. You're on the tenth floor, and each time we go down a floor, your body sinks deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. All the time, just hearing my voice. Totally relaxed. You'll remember everything I'm saying, you will not go to sleep, you just relax. Each time we go down a floor, your body sinks deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. You're going down now from ten to nine, to eight, seven, six, five, four, you're sinking deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. You're down to three, two, one. Your full body now is totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. The elevator doors open, and you very, very slowly move out into a beautiful white foyer. Immediately in front of you, there is a beautiful white door with a gleaming gold doorknob, and you're totally relaxed. You quietly open the door and step inside. The door quietly closes behind you, and you have found yourself in your room of images. You are now in your room of images. It is the most beautiful room you have ever been in. The color, the climate, the decor, is absolutely magnificent. You have never been in such a beautiful room. You are totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. You just hear my voice, and you're totally relaxed. You now find yourself in a most relaxed position. And you're aware of a calm, serene, magnificent feeling that is flowing through your entire being. You are totally relaxed. All tension has left your body. All resentment is just leaving your body. It is floating right out of your marvelous mind and body. All feelings of guilt are leaving your marvelous mind and body. There is a mental cleansing that is taking place, and you are experiencing the most marvelous, serene feeling that you have ever experienced. You are totally relaxed. All disease has left your healthy body. You have let all resentment and all guilt float out of your marvelous mind, and you are totally relaxed. The most magnificent feeling you have ever experienced is flowing through every fiber of your being, and every part of you in is perfect harmony with natural law. You are totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. You will not go to sleep, you just hear my voice, and you're totally relaxed. There's a magnificent feeling that is coming over you. You are very aware you are not a body, you live in a body. And you are aware of this magnificent power that's flowing through you, and you are directing it. You are becoming more acutely aware of your co-creative ability with this magnificent power. You're totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. You will not go to sleep, you just hear my voice, you remember every word I'm saying, and you're totally relaxed. You now see yourself already in possession of the good that you desire. There's a beautiful, wonderful, calm, enthusiastic feeling flowing through your consciousness. You are aware that you have no limitations. You are free, completely free, and you see yourself already in possession of your goal. The image of prosperity, of plenty, of happiness and health, is filling your consciousness. You're totally relaxed, totally relaxed. This image of your goal is becoming clearer and clearer on the screen of your mind. Every detail. You just hear my voice, you hear nothing but my voice. And the image of your goal is becoming clearer and clearer. You are developing a tremendous desire to make a written description of this beautiful picture. In the present tense, you already have it. Be aware of the feeling of satisfaction that is flowing through you in the accomplishment of your goal. Be aware of how good you feel, the wonderful feeling of accomplishment is filling your consciousness. You now see yourself sharing your newfound good with a loved one. Be aware of how happy they are for you, and how proud you are. The picture is so clear. You have a strong desire to make a written description of every detail of your picture, The image of your goal, already being achieved. The present tense, it is filling your consciousness. You are developing a tremendous desire to practice this exercise often. You have a tremendous desire to practice this exercise often. All feelings of resentment and guilt, all tension has left your body. There's a feeling of love that is filling your entire being. You have nothing but a feeling of love for everyone, and everything. Be aware that you have created this love vibration, and it is within yourself. You have let it take over in every fiber of your being. You are totally relaxed, you just hear my voice, you will not go to sleep, you will remember every word I'm saying, and you have a tremendous desire to let yourself practice this relaxation exercise often. The image of your goal has filled your consciousness. You see yourself already in possession of the good that you desire, and you have a tremendous desire to make a written description, in the present tense, of every aspect of your goal. In a moment, you will be back on the elevator. Each time you come up a floor, new energy will flow through the crown of your head. It will fill every fiber of your being, and you will feel renewed, strengthened. Each floor you come up to fills your being with greater strength and enthusiasm. When you hit the tenth floor, a beautiful smile will come on your face as you open your eyes, and you will have a tremendous desire to make a written description of your picture. You are now leaving the room of images with a tremendous desire to return often, and you are fully aware that you can return at will, anytime, anywhere, you're totally relaxed. You're back on the elevator now. Each time we come up a floor, new energy will flow into every fiber of your being. As we hit the tenth floor, you're going to feel like you've had a wonderful rest. A beautiful smile will come on your face, and you will be filled with new strength, and new enthusiasm, and you will have a tremendous desire to make a written description of every aspect of the goal that fills your consciousness. We're coming up now, up one, two, there's new energy flowing into every fiber of your being. You're up to three, four, there's new energy flowing into every speck of your consciousness. Your mind and your body feel renewed. You're at five, six, there's new strength flowing into every fiber of your being. As you reach the tenth floor, a beautiful smile will come on your face as you open your eyes, and you will have a tremendous desire to make a written description of every aspect of your goal. You're at six, seven, every fiber of your being is strengthened. You are filled with enthusiasm, and your goal is crystal-clear on the screen of your mind. You're at eight, nine, and as you hit the tenth floor, a beautiful smile is coming on your face. As you open your eyes, and you now have a tremendous desire to make a written description of every aspect of your goal. You will begin by writing in the present tense, I am so happy now that I have... Your eyes are open, and you feel like you've had a wonderful rest. Every fiber of your being is renewed. You have a tremendous desire to practice this exercise often. And right now, the only thing you desire to do is to make a written description of every aspect of your goal. You will begin by writing in the present tense, I am so happy now that I have... (gentle music)
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 148,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: naX5LH_psLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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