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holy guys look at what we just found unboxing oh dude this one is extremely heavy feel it feel it feel it oh what do you think's in there all right let's see guys hey what's going on guys it's abandoned exploration squad and no for once we're not doing an apple store dumpster dive tonight we're going to be doing a regular phone store dumpster dive and of course i'm back with my friend what kind of broke boy what is up guys so the reason we're doing a regular phone service tonight is because you guys have been requesting us to do it for a long time now and today while i was driving by our local verizon store i saw they were doing some remodeling and that is always a good sign for dumpster divers when they remodel stores they tend to throw away a lot of access products so hopefully we score big tonight also guys we are so close to a million subscribers it would literally mean the world to me if you could subscribe and help us get there and to pay you guys back we're going to do a huge giveaway and while you're at it subscribe to my friend welcome to brokeboy he does dumpster driving videos too his link will be in the description check him out all right guys we're approaching the verizon but i'm pretty sure there's still employees there and the last time they caught us it did not end well they pretty much bitched us out and told us never to come back but dumpster diving is not illegal so we're not gonna stop you see the verizon right there and the lights are still on so that probably means someone's inside oh dude i actually see a guy in there should we still go yeah let's go check real quick all right guys this is gonna be risky let's do this quick holy guys look at what we just found we got an entire bag of stuff too let's get this on you before the employee comes open the truck come on hurry this is heavy dude let's grab the bag oh my god that is huge dude freaking jam-packed is it even gonna fit i don't know put it in all right let's go let's go oh my god guys let's get out of here this has got to be one of our biggest phone store hauls yet guys look at all these new phone boxes we got the new note 10 plus box the new s10 plus box the new iphone box and we don't even know what's inside these yet so where should we even start dude we got so much stuff i say we start off with the box which box though there's a lot of boxes the iphone box the iphone box all right that one looks freaking cool look at that see what's inside there oh dude no iphone but we got freaking brand new earpods look at that dude this stuff's expensive at the stores i know just for the little inserts like this the new freaking charging cube that is awesome already guys in our first box all right what next s10 boxes yeah s10 plus box let's see what's in there ah nothing but these boxes are still worth money even without the phones or anything inside of them let's grab this s10 box oh dude this one is extremely happy feel it feel it feel it what do you think's in there all right let's see guys oh dude what kind of phone is that it's not an s10 that's a galaxy s7 it's in pretty bad shape but it's still the phone guys dude that back looks destroyed i know let's see if it works first it's probably dead we'll try to charge that later but guys we got a freaking phone it might not be like an s10 but it's still a good phone yeah we'll try to see if that works later but still guys awesome we got our first phone it's a good sign maybe there's more inside the rest of the boxes let's check this speaker box that is uh jbl these are good speakers too and nothing cool box though let's see the galaxy watch box empty i'm praying for more phones though guys note 10 box these are cool too empty let's grab this one whatever that is stylo 5. have you heard of that yeah it's an lg made phone all right oh i can do stuff in there all right this is exciting let's see what's in there all right we got the chart we got brand new chargers that's not bad these are expensive too like you said yeah the oem stuff always retails for more money all right that's awesome we got the we got another note 10 box oh what's that what is that thing uh that is to change the for the s pen the tips this is the thing that pulls it out and puts it back so they're like little tongs gone yeah is that worth anything or no no not really all right but it's a very useful tool box is still cool though see is that the inserts it's for galaxy s9 so we got a motorola g7 c and that is empty but i like that box a lot it's a cool green design i like the lime green color pops out a lot it's pretty sick guys and oh that's kind of heavy another galaxy watch box and i think it's empty but keep the box see inserts maybe they go to the note yeah another iphone box is a cool one too is that the xrxs xr let's see what's in there we've got good luck with the other iphone box ah empty it's kind of gross too but we'll keep it let's grab that s10 5g one empty a20 never heard of that either though you heard of that one uh yeah it's like an economic phone if you can't afford like the newer ones you can get something like this see how do we open this i'll pull it out let's see empty google pixel 3 oh and that is heavy dude feel that do you want to do the honors pull it off yeah why was it heavy oh look at that look at that we got stuff in here hell yeah we got the brand new earbuds brand new chargers this is an adapter charger that's the charge of the box this is the charger cube more little adapter things awesome dude these really cool literally yeah complete box i'm not sure how much the google pixel 3 stuff is worth probably a decent amount brand new chargers that's awesome guys and i just noticed we got brand new earbuds right there still in the freaking bag look at that samsung earbuds awesome dude see hmm are those older yeah they i remember when i bought my first galaxy s3 that came with that all right they're still good though i mean they're brand new and this is kind of interesting too oh my god dude we got a tablet look at that it's a nexus let's see if that works come on give me some life probably needs to be charged this looks older is that older yeah it's definitely an asus tablet i'm a huge asus fan too so that is super cool to find and i'll be even more happy if this ends up working we'll test it later but guys we already got a phone and a tablet this is awesome let's keep going this is kind of an interesting book thing i picked up before we found that some motorola for a z3 hmm it's kind of interesting some cool pictures of the new phone it's a promotional thing is it worth anything or not not sure it's kind of cool though neat to find just keep looking oh charger cubes and a charger sweet this is uh except for uh motorola phone yeah motorola any micro look at that micro usb suite two charger cube samsung charger cubes those are nice and we got a little insert and earbud thingies whatever you call those some more inserts i think these go for the google pixel and then got a motorola z3 box see what's in there it feels kind of heavy oh adapter and what's under here ooh what is that all right that's kind of interesting comment down below if you know what that is but the adapter is cool and the box is cool too let's throw that aside grab that s10 plus box i like that blue look that is really cool especially the way it shines like that oh what is that hmm i'm not exactly sure what that is so do you know what that is that seems to be an adapter yeah i'm an iphone guy guys so i'm not too familiar with the samsung stuff but cool to find and last box in the box we got the google pixel 3a feels pretty heavy too i can hear something in there let's see what we got oh heck yeah we got a another charging cube whatever this is and stuck in the box another adapter and is that to get the sim cards out yeah all right guys so just in this box alone we got all these new phone boxes which are awesome alone and valuable but we also found a phone and a tablet so we're off to an amazing start let's get into this huge bag and see what's in there i'm excited look at all that stuff in there this is probably the biggest bag we've ever found let's rip it open and i'm already seeing some good stuff i saw a cool little box there that's for a gizmo watch but i think it's empty and see another phone box to moto e6 it's a cool little box i think it's empty though yeah no point even opening it but cool box uh-huh what else do we got in here oh look at that two more boxes we got a another iphone box let's see what's in there oh brand new charger dude you can't beat that i actually need one too so that is sick it's a cool box dude that's the xrx xr all right sweet got the moto motorola z3 let's see what's in there decently heavy but it is empty it's all right we still got this entire bag to look through start moving the trash because there is so much stuff in here it's insane oh some kind of cord see is that a google pixel 3 charger yeah the only reason i know is because we just found one like a minute ago so yeah let's keep digging there's just so much stuff to go through oh another box motorola 7 or g7 and that one is empty but it's another sweet looking box see another cord oh two chargers all right these these are all the chargers for motorola phones hmm should we keep those yeah they still do the job all right and if someone wants these or actually needs them for their phone comment down below you got the older phones so we'll keep them for you see tempered glass display empty it's all kind of heavy there's just so much stuff we need we got to start clearing this out like grabbing handfuls of this stuff try to keep an eye out too because i'm going to go through this really fast so if you see something let me know oh dude look at that we gotta fit it hell yeah it might just be a display though i think yeah ah that kind of sucks but that is still cool dude see it's a fitbit are you sure i think so yeah all right well might not have any value but that is cool to find we'll take it let's keep on digging see we got a car charger oh sick these are one of the chargers with the lights on them that is nice dude these are barely like 40 to like 50 bucks sweet just for this let's see what else we got oh we got something big right there okay what is that is that a display case it's got the charger in the back for a tablet maybe what do you think or it's it's definitely for a tablet because it says samsung here all right you're right you're right that's interesting we've never found one of these before i mean probably got no use for it but still where are you going to find one of these other than a verizon dumpster kind of cool guys we'll keep on digging see another charger another car charger an s8 fast charger hell yeah that's nice give that to my mom she needs one she just got the new s8 and lots of garbage let's start moving out see i see a wall plug looks like another older charger an lg charger we'll still keep it though hey google pixel 3 box now one is pretty heavy too hey look at that this one has the chargers inside of it too no uh wall plug though but still brand new charger and adapters that's sweet all these google pixel boxes have really paid off for us too yeah it's nice i'm not even gonna bother to check these because i can pretty much feel they're empty we got so much other stuff to look through too we'll double check it later guys but it's so late we just gotta get through oh we got another tablet dude it's a samsung one hell yeah let's see does that work am i even turning it on right let's see i feel like yeah that's it all right it's another older tablet it looks like it's also probably been dead for a while what happened up here it's got some kind of chip on it still cool though dude samsung tablet it's awesome we'll charge that up later i'm sure we got a charger for this somewhere what kind of chargers oh wait that's the charging port right there no yeah definitely the normal micro one all right guys we can charge that later that's awesome two tablets and a phone this is an awesome night guys one of our best yet and what else do we got in here other than trash because there's no shortage of that i'm gonna rip this open more because i'm sure you guys are having hard time seeing with the bag closing like that dude there is so much stuff in here this is crazy earbuds look at that these are the newer ones too right yeah they sound amazing these are the akg ones these still have the plastic wrap on them so those are new we'll take them that's sweet let's see what else we got this is probably one of the boxes for hey that's actually for the one i just found i'll keep the box see what's at the bottom of the bag any more phones or tablets sim card right there should we take that yeah all right see i don't see much else though at the very bottom just dump the rest of that out all right looks like that's it with another sim card and uh another uh charger nice the motorola charger tonight has just been incredible guys we got phones tablets all these new phone boxes all these accessories like the chargers and earbuds i couldn't be more happy this is literally a dumpster diver's dream come true so let's go ahead and do a huge recap on everything we found let's start with the boxes we got two galaxy watch boxes four s10 boxes two note 10 boxes a jbl speaker box three iphone boxes five motorola boxes three google pixel boxes and a 20 box in the style of five box moving on to the accessories we got this cool display tablet case which is probably not useful or valuable but still cool to find all these chargers two of them are older but we're still going to keep them someone wants them and then all these charger cubes two pairs of earbuds a fitbit which is sadly just a display and then two car chargers and the best finds we've got the galaxy s7 the samsung tablet and the asus nexus tablet we're gonna test all these out later tonight if you guys see anything you like here remember we do a huge giveaway for a million subscribers and all you gotta do to enter is make sure you're subscribed leave a like on the video turn on post notifications leave a comment down below saying i'm in and lastly go follow our instagram page and you're in and that's about it guys we'll see you in the next one squad out
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 30,026
Rating: 4.8251162 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving jackpot, dumpster diving samsung store, dumpster diving verizon, dumpster diving phone store, found phones dumpster diving, found samsung phones, samsung, brand new samsung phones, android, samsung note 20 ultra, samsung s20, phone store clean out, free phones, samsung tablet, samsung tab s7, samsung transparent phone, samsung galaxy note 20 ultra, samsung galaxy s20
Id: -8thW8jSo38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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