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as a bringing episode 8 I'm sorry guys and you guys won't believe what we just came back guys it was really almost a two hour drive there in a two hour drive but I think it paid off I don't know what do you think I mean we haven't really gone through much of it but from what we could see a lot of goodies and I know you guys have been asking me to do spots but you guys been asking me to go dubstep and Samsung we couldn't find any nearby that's what we drove two hours away but let's see if this pays out I'd really appreciate if you guys can subscribe if you haven't already like this video and comment down below where we should go next and how they appreciate me and not just me also go check out my best friend herb annex from squad he's literally close to him in subscriber only 50,000 subscribers away so definitely go check him out I'll put his channel down description below so definitely guys show some support and not only my gear doing giveaway if you guys haven't heard the summer nights I'll be doing the live streaming giving away to iPhone 11 pros also best red squad stay tuned anything you wanna say about your way Bob all the iPhones we found in like the past month we're into a huge giveaway along with like sign knife own boxes accessory use cases there's gonna be like tears for that so once I had a million guys giveaway will happen so thank you guys so guys in me lip well let's get to the most exciting part of the night man opener up we take it home because downtown there's a lot of yeah I mean you guys can't see much that's what we said dude I'm excited to find dude first time ever at the Samsung store that's insane dude on you guys been requesting in a dude I literally like tried looking and we never finding one spot in goobie hit it I'm pretty sure it's because like the Black Friday in stuff I'm pretty sure that's why they were like yeah well we got definitely will we go there again possibly you guys I mean is it worth the four hours if you keep multiple locations I mean we just definitely just mean the gas money hopefully I could already see something go look at that what do you to these things push sorry oh it opened up what is that though I'm not sure what she's gone frankly really expensive it depends on the brand I mean this is a samsung brand and one so this one's probably a little bit more pricey but comment down below if anyone knows how much they're worth comment down below we have no idea that might have made the night right there goes a pretty good money that's pretty new and I'm pretty sure right now dude this is pretty hyped and this brand I can't pronounce it because of my Giri rock you yeah occulus is pretty banging right now like it's pretty popular right now so nice alright so part of the finest all right some of these boxes I saw some needs to have stuff um these ones are empty almost a casing right there that is actually a display case we found one of these before it yeah and that's the to lock like the galaxies and stuff like that well it just happens himself put another one I mean retail stores on me obviously they do we have used for them to these no charger in it too so the only one together as a bundle like on eBay or something or someone has in store and each stuff like this comment down below or shoot me an email it's an interesting find them yeah that's when I saw a case right here not bad it's suspect case I'm not sure what's with galaxy s 9 at Qumran but I'm pretty sure guys not a bad kiss I mean a little bit torn up but well stood in the job yeah what are these things iPhones I don't know what these charges oh it's the lock things have you ever been to like a Best Buy oh yeah yeah or no universe actually I just needed the best but where ice not recently was at a Walmart that I went to like they had this there and like the items were parked or not parked we're putting them behind it so we got a few right yeah I don't throw their work I think you special PD online yeah I'm preaching is special P I don't know maybe it's in here I don't know what's interesting though you like a magnet you take a magnet that unlocks it it's weird pretty neat yes pretty neat let us know down below if you know anything we do better for that oh is that it's part of the phone that's weird it's got no battery it's a screen although gets cracked right there it's got four isn't as I'm not sure if you guys know what kind of phone or part this is do it actually yeah this might be feel like one of the new phones attached hands because my buddy got one in the cameras his were up here in the top right so this could be probably an s10 screen dude is there worth needing no any mr. Kraken has the cracks I mean I first ship the display works we could probably get a few bucks for a book-burning its eligible for me I don't know what that seems to be a part right there in the base right there there's only two things that I see but who knows if anybody knows how much you seems value for that's ten for parts or whatever let me know comment down below because we would have not that many maybe you will find the other pieces yeah we'll find out see what else we got Oh what is that Samsung notebook that's pretty neat that is meaning secret consultant not they its crippled because of the moisture and stuff it's been raining and snowing for these past days pretty mute oh that's cool it's a cool bubble like inaudible yeah I like the wig shines I see a bunch of home boxes too expensive yeah dude it's crazy dude everyone when they first were tree like announcement with the phones bro I want to look at my legs I'm like 60 bucks dude they're pretty expensive but now I'm not sure how much they have you seen them lately I don't know um no I think aren't these the other ones oh no he's your prisoner ones no yeah they look dirty on some of the phones I think that you're the fool the earbuds ones the wireless in your books legal I think just the fold comes with those we'll take it I mean for your boys didn't we have a case to domestic it's the keys right here oh it's like what is that it's another screen hmm is that Miller turn screen no I don't think so I'm not sure I don't know one has like no parts though nothing if anybody knows what kind of phone this is comment down below if I help us out a lot I mean I don't know I remember I remember my friend grab Julie what's compare them real quick could remember that the other one had the camera like yeah see yeah way different do cuz it has it like all one thing that's what I like separate little like parts to it maybe I'm not sure you guys comment down below what you guys think this one's for I'm not sure well has a pen slot so it has to be for a no look so I mean that's pretty cool this one that's doing it does oh no oh yeah no right there he brought the mother but I think I'm not sure one way bigger than no I Stephanie where the pentose is a bigger yes doesn't have it oh yeah I don't know guys comment down below what you guys think these are for I have no idea hmm pretty much - you will do my review the VR don't forget our let's do it and look Lily kiss right here do not her box do this was literally brand-new dude phone is left for us part like an S seven or eight I'm not sure you guys come with humble oh I see I see galaxy seven I don't know what do you think that's crazy doing we're fighting a bunch of good stuff and a lot of the stuff is pretty good still like none of it seems to be like bad boom box oh yeah what not some way to it dude to the front dude holy water damage I don't know okay oh yeah it's like scoffs you think that works I don't try to power it on oh oh yes that's crazy let's see what happens like it works - don't worry no fine dude that's yeah you think I like an upgrade or something yeah it wasn't no can buy accessories in there t-mobile in the box t-mobile phone not bad though dude that's crazy complete phone seats Android is starting other than like the screen right here in little crack on the back yeah dude store good bone I think maybe it's dead yeah it is probably dead we're gonna have to charge and check it out well guys that's crazy it's a little freaking note5 dude that's fun not a bad I'm not the newest phone but what do you see something that free do we can't be complaining man that's insane I know people still use these to definitely do what a jackpot maybe they have something feels pretty lady I'm looking boxes we usually rarely find any of those but we don't usually my Samsung stores usually awful yeah but guys lose their first time being with samsung dumpster guys it's crazy you guys are playing a bunch of cool things I call the pizza box trick oh wait whoa what that's still in they no way Brandi Belkin sure when I went to Walmart to go buy another cable cuz I was like I was living in Santa dude I I like I know guys we find a bunch but I had to go buy one dude these were going for like 35 Milkin is extremely in spensive image quality to look at its literally still in the wrapper that's crazy - what that's insane bro that pays for a gas right they literally dude it was worth it already do I be finding those phone parts look pretty cool yo did you see that knows that well that's up oh it's a samsung samsung chromebook not bad for not know Christ that is crazy dude they were fun a freaking Chrome oh we found one laptop I think before but never likes a Chromebook what they just toss this oh no is this loaded parts there's an old model I'm not sure I'm dumb below I don't really I don't really have one yeah I'm not a Chromebook users easy dude - these are for parts are you like good money do people have a point the hard drive and stuff like the screen stuff like these these laptops are really popular like a lot of people have these I think it's probably easy part I'm not seen you turn on them nothing yeah we're gonna have to pile you further more testing on airport better call that glitter in there that must've been like a little kid or some school that's crazy dude a freaking laptop broke them the freaking no.5 in a laptop did you see over here oh yeah I was talking about these excuse the box for the case but look at that no tooth in your buds and a box Oh looks like hmm is that your buds oh no just uh and a charger do but we got a charger in here dude we got a charger USB yeah I appreciate spy type-c consumer products but yeah do not bad dude we got a yeah or dude no these are not the vintage yeah they're kind of like the mildly the old ones all the samsung brand stuff is good though yeah forever but dude I don't think we've ever found on a buds uh where this but uh case before no that's pretty cool dude and we came with a charger do it so so ebooks what is that like it's a freaking motherboard doing him another walk that's four that's weird looks pretty old that's crazy look at all that the serger it's crazy look at that the way they do this is crazy I don't think I've ever seen one like this look at the camera guys I don't know it must be a little bit I don't know if anybody knows what kind of motherboard us is comment down below but that's pretty crazy dude holy cow try to think it reminds me of a galaxy 3 Axios do you think yeah apparently they don't mind one open before yeah that's what I found one in the water and I opened it in like the board was similar the way it was let's pray galaxy s3 so guys comment down below what you think um we think it's a galaxy s3 but I don't know we could be around but who knows you know it's interesting though schools yeah what's in Saudi boys like chips in like buses and - that's crazy what's really cool though what's all this stuff is actually gold-plated oh yeah do they use do they do so which one really wanted to we could use chemicals to get the stuff off and money that way it might not be much but I mean oh I forget like a bunch of them at once it is probably like profitable yes pretty cool then we have another lot I'm not sure what good these are little another foam bucks and that's 10e just being loose in there but still a cool box no lock lock I got a watch you got a watch case for your boys we found a bunch of those before anything in there stuck in them this is supposed to be stuck in there that's the one we got their band is that the whole thing nah I just part of it check maybe to the other one no this one yeah how would they forget their band in there that's that's crazy how is it like the Apple once it's yeah it seems like that's come to anyone it is does it right there Missy says galaxy watch size small that's cool that's pretty cool I'll do grape on a band for the galaxy I mean only a half but yeah so goodbye keep the box oh we got brand-new case sir pricing on those for note 8 usually a place things over but usually they go for 40 to 50 bucks 60 bucks yeah I see some memorizing go for like 60 bucks dude it's pretty new - I mean - no it's not that old yeah I mean somebody spending new phones like almost every like six months - pretty new brain freakin new you can't complain with that Oh bro it's completely okay wait bro I don't think I've ever seen one that color do they come on I don't know that's crazy dude Oh pink as seven guys I don't think it's cool Oh screams in the VR yeah dude weird so like every man dude the drive was worth that I mean we probably have to do like multiple things when we go down yeah we might have place like sleep out they what's the Sprint bone not bad I mean the screams right the back looks pretty good it's got a small crack in the bottom job is all time I don't know duper never seen a rose gold galaxy you know they made of Misco yeah when I went to the store they had like a black or white one and a silver one that version of the sudden no guys comment down below I mean I know sprint always comes out with crazy like Samsung ones probably check it out later on I mean it's put that do the other freakin phone form on the probe do found a bunch of stuff this is night like dude I'm shocked with all this cool stuff and look there's more little things we got a pen this probably goes with it so Aspen I don't know what phone that is if you has no comment down below but dude that's cool these can be pretty pricey yeah dude I've heard things can be pricey mmm oh it's too like god yes freaking jackpot overnight whoo I can't believe on all this stuff like did you do that I don't know it says galaxy is pretty cool boy kinda neat dude that's crazy dude the Samsung you finally don't fit up at the Samsung store do you guys literally I never would have thought I'd go in here like they kept commenting me saying like guys cuz it does she like Versace the Gucci store boy we went to those stores but we didn't find anything but when you guys said Samsung we went into a check it out and guys holy cow guys the stuff we found is little good although it's cool stuff we found guys literally versus like with the trash to forces a stop living Chloe creams VR all of you guys guys like this was literally a freaking jack just like the message in the Chromebook to yeah literally here let's go through it real quick we got a few cases we got that outer box we got another one both for them in really great shape we got a spy case we got the the VR we got these equal your blood cases like reading your books yeah through your buzz guys look at these screens we found we don't know if they're good but that's crazy for parts you got some ear buds guys we got when old earbuds we got like phone accessories right here the best I think this is my favorite one do it has to be the s7 guys or phone yeah guys will be fun an s7 a rose gold one I've never seen one in my life like that Samsung laptop guys a Chromebook Samsung laptop that's crazy brand new balcony brand new bulk him like he said holy cow this is just crazy dude I this is pretty cool this guy's just like what else we got don't forget about the way up the know five guys Lulu that's crazy guys two freaking homes what else we got this cool lock thing support I think this is pretty neat dude look at this guy's a water floods we don't we think it's for a Galaxy s3 but I'm not sure guys comment down below which were do you guys think this belongs to what phone this port belongs to but do that's literally crazy then all these box though put it again we'll just about yeah we have to put those together but guys literally look at all this stuff guys literally jackpot all the night guys probably dude I'm not sure I'm sure they're knocking you throwing away phones like every night yeah I don't know I mean I don't know if we just got lucky maybe maybe they do have to check it more often guys this is crazy guys well guys we're gonna wrap it up guys it's pretty late guys we just came back home guys it was it was a drive lose a mission but it was way worth although I mean yeah they're in back we I'd do it again for sure my mom was going there was a traffic I feel yeah problem with the city coming back was only like an hour I'm sure I didn't do it maybe even later yeah yeah the problem was traffic cuz we did leave during rush hour we shouldn't we should have waited a little bit later I mean but I mean you know we were just too excited we were I remember our main goal was to go to like the Gucci never saw so we didn't find anything but I mean you guys commented to Samsung and we saw that Samsung like couple were there it was a big store - yeah it was huge guy was like fancy it was like I was shocked like I thought we're gonna be locked I never really liked a lot of stores down there they don't like yeah I didn't like I mean we tried a few gamestop there were locked and stuff and they had the cameras like no it's cuz people would throw trash in there I think that's a problem their lock is because they think we're gonna dump stuff in there but we don't dump anything guys if anything we're helping them and bringing this stuff grow up in the environment fire me guys money literally guys that's what we like to do I mean mainly we don't strive for like for us you know like we don't do it for like money or anything we just do it like see what good things we find and just to give back you know but night guys I think was the best jackpot ever at a Samsung store I don't think do I don't think I receive a doctor that video samples so I think we're probably the first ones no I don't think I've ever seen very far and few between yes so guys this is literally the PI one of the biggest Samsung jackpots on YouTube I don't know if the only one yeah the only one comment down below if you guys knew him but I'm pretty sure I have not seen this but I did a bunch of Apple once we've done it a lot only two words on Verizon Sprint 18t t-mobile I do a bunch of but I've never seen directly yeah this is literally a Samsung store guys that we found all this stuff so that's pretty crazy these are the suppliers to the horizon yeah like this is these are the main people guys like we're not going throw any little like tiny phones so many people probably or stuff that they don't use burrito sounds another huge company do like they don't like this especially at a main Samsung stores I don't think they really care about this stuff boy holy cow guys I'm I'm shocked I can't believe all this stuff dude two phones a laptop phone parts the VR dude cases I'm just I'm shocked this is really probably one of the best jackpots I've ever seen at a Samsung store dude and it's the best first time getting it dude so it's pretty like we're gonna be addicted now we're gonna hit that yeah yeah for it do it apart just have to do all your stuff maybe like metal detecting and like magnet fishing so we're definitely got a lot of use part for you guys so definitely stay tuned but we're gonna wrap it up guys like I said guys it's super late now thank you so much for everything guys support crazy it's literally like insane guys I love you guys so much Irene over 200k guys I'm so excited and I got a really big surprise coming up but I won't tell you guys you guys have to wait and see so you have to be to stay tuned I'm gonna be uploading every single day guys also stay tuned for that and be all night cuz I have a video that's dropping out that's literally crazy it's something that I've always dreamed of getting like you guys you guys are gonna be shocked once you guys see the video like it's gonna be probably the best video that I've ever chopped on my channel not probably very emotional but you guys definitely gotta stay tuned for that also watch you Saturday nights don't livestream Saturday night December no it's on a Monday actually no but like oh yeah yeah live dump some guys every Saturday guys what we find when we find it exactly so stay tuned Saturday night guys yeah true Saturday night guys live dumpster-diving guys also comp them a little wood store you guys want me hey and guys the best thing that you guys all been waiting for My dear way I'll be announcing the winners livestream on Monday December 9th so stay tuned for that I'll begin way to iPhone 11 pros so definitely guys stay tuned guys alrighty man well that's a guys I think guys we're gonna head out because it's already super late guys I'll catch you guys all - next time
Channel: Wauconda Broke Boy
Views: 2,833,245
Rating: 4.7236543 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster divers, apple store, apple store dumpster diving, jackpot dumpster diving, jackpot dumpster dive, mega dumpster haul, mega jackpot dumpster diving, samsung dumpster diving, samsung store dumpster diving, samsung, dumpster diving samsung store, massive dumpster dive haul, apple store dumpster dive, trash picking, trash diving, jackpot dumpster diving apple store, dumpster dive haul
Id: 0v9j2pE55Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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