Abandoned Million Dollar Murderer's Mansion Exploration!

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we're doing something a little different today guys but this is gonna be a really exciting video we're kind of going back to our roots and doing some exploring so our name is abandon exploration squad because that's what we used to do all the time we kind of drifted more into dumpster diving but now we're gonna go back exploring because exploring is awesome but today we're exploring an abandoned mansion and this thing is huge it may not look that big from the outside but it's huge on the inside like to look at all those rooms I'm pretty sure every one of these is a room it's got to be like over 20 rooms I'm gonna go look at the front door right now we got some pillars right here these are really cool but we're not actually gonna go in through the front door just one to come and look at it we got this door knocker right there wonderful anyone's home and the buzzer can talk to people it's pretty cool we're actually gonna go in through the garage door though and I'm gonna give a little background on this house so it's been vacant for about five years or so and this is this was for sale for about two million dollars no one wanted to buy it and actually someone was murdered here I don't really want to say a murderer lived here but someone murdered someone in this house so it's kind of creepy we're gonna be in for a surprise so let's take a look here's the back right here the backyard was huge look at this I don't know how many acres this is but it's a huge backyard and I think they even have like a horse table or something over there so that's pretty cool but we're gonna go in in a minute this is the backyard issue one to show everyone really quick pretty cool they even got like a balcony or something on the roof I don't know what that is but I want to check that out you guys ready for this we're going inside right now and before anyone says anything we do have permission to be in this so we're not like breaking and entering or anything we're not doing anything illegal this place is gonna be demolished that's really sad to see this place go but at least we get to look at it so we're gonna head into the main area right now whoa this place is really cool we've got the kitchen right here please this is one huge kitchen well it looks like they cleared out basically everything like there's no furniture or anything really it's one huge mansion got a fireplace right there let's take a look over here the backyard someone broke this window right here I know what's in these yeah like a little sinking here inside like a little closet door it's kind of weird got another door right here well what is this it almost look like it looks like it would have locked or something I have no idea what this is it's really weird [Music] whoa now this place is cool look at that chandelier that thing is humongous I've never seen a chandelier that big in anyone's house we have a second fireplace right here this must have been like the living room or something Cup fancy this place is we have the upstairs right here but I want to hit the hole downstairs first but the upstairs looks really big too fancy bathroom please look at all the decor well that's not nice little storage area right there or something and I don't want to call this place haunted because I'm not sure if it's haunted but people have seen mysterious activity going on in here like it's been heard that they've seen faces in the windows and creepy stuff like that but I've not seen it myself so I'm not going to say anything but maybe we'll see something today that would be kind of cool this must have been like the living room or something another sink like in these little closet doors that's really weird and that's our third fireplace right there where we got here this must have been like a master bedroom but like I said they cleared everything out of here there's no furniture well this is interesting we like separated the bathrooms in a few separate sections and all the electricity hasn't shut down one part of the bathroom right here there's a sink on this side and another sink on that side that's so weird that they'd separated into two separate sections why wouldn't they just make it one huge bathroom pretty cool though and this whole area just closets they must have been living the big life people were loaded so we're gonna go head upstairs and I'll show you when we get up there we're hitting the upstairs now guys let's take a look [Music] but let me know if you see or hear any paranormal activity or anything suspicious because we might catch something on camera that we didn't ask before we got to oh that's my little elevator shaft that's what that was that's really cool I wonder if it still works I don't think it does but yeah look right here the button says talk to the different level we have all the different levels the elevator which is a we have the second level the upstairs what's wrong right now we have ground level and we have the basement so that's pretty cool it would be really awesome if it did work but look at how big displaces so many different rooms so I'm actually really creepy areas too and this is actually the window right here where people reported saying faces like looking at them through the window it's really creepy Hey look you can go up there let's see what's up here well this leads to the roof elevators right here super dark and creepy in here [Music] don't fall through she hid up onto the roof oh no this is pretty cool-looking got the entire view from here like their own little patio don't step on there it's like eating in this would be awesome to have at your house like your own little patio on your roof that's crazy that someone was murdered here I wonder what room it was what do we got here take a little it's a little box like a seat the back back to the main part right here we got this whole other side jeez what is this like the tenth bathroom man imagine living here would be crazy Oh what the lights are on but this is only like in that room it's really weird none of the other light switches work it would be really cool to stay here overnight and see what happens see if we can capture any mysterious activity 24-hour challenge alright guys we're gonna hit the basement good second so we'll get back to you and sink right here and that almost looks like blood it's probably just like the rest water like - looks like it has one me - that's random
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 2,371,559
Rating: 3.9334087 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, caught by cops, haunted, exploring, robbery, caught on video, mansion, murder, million dollars, almost died, clown, chased by clown, spotted clowns, trending, murderer, urban
Id: XF8i70pIJEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2016
Reddit Comments

Jesus fucking christ that music was cancer

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Why-so-delirious 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Some people radiate so much "stupid" it just makes me mad

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/C_N1 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

I watched this muted and just enjoyed the house. The house has so much potential, not the video. That forest view. 😍

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CronoTriggered 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
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