Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - NO OTHER PHONE CAN DO THIS! (Powerful Features)

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this feature looks amazing it's just one of the features and only available on the s24 series before we dive in there's going to be an exclusive link down below for saki Tech viewers which is going to get you $150 instant Samsung credit instead of the $100 everyone else is getting and also you will get free double storage capacity when you order the s24 ultra links down below limited time deal hey guys soak here from saki T and today's video we are going to be talking about the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and it's brand new features that right now no other phone in the world can do these features are powerful AI features and there's even a cool hidden feature that blew my mind so let's dive in and discover in detail these unique to s24 series advanced intelligence features that I know everyone wants to know so let's dive in all right so let's dive in and discover everything so I'm going to show you guys if I go to my settings and if I scroll down and if I go to Advanced features on the top we're going to have the ad advanced intelligence features if I tap on this guy you can see all the AI features are bundled right here and we also have some additional settings I'm going to talk about all that stuff no problem but one thing I want to show you real quick is the circle to search function which is not found in here so if I go home okay you can see at the bottom we have the navigation bar if I press and hold on the navigation bar I am able to bring the circle to search function so when I Circle anything it is going to get me relevant results from Google search and I can actually make this go up so I can inspect all the results or I can just swipe backwards to bring it back down and I can also zoom in into this image as you can see by pinging my fingers on it to get some more detailed look at what I circled so that's great but I'm going to show you something also much more important if I go to my settings and if I scroll down to display and if I go all the way down to NV navigation bar I can switch between swipe gestures and buttons now when I go back to button view I can now press and hold this guy to bring up Circle to search and again I can Circle anything that I want and based on what I've circled I'm going to get specific things that I can do with it so if I were to go home now press and hold and if I Circle to search right here you can see it comes up again I can also move this around so if I want to change the area where I want to search I can just move it to this side I'll get results for that particular area so it's a highly customizable area to work with so that's Circle to search and also one more thing I'm going to show you guys is when you go inside you can turn this off if it is not something you need I like it so I'm going to keep it makes it easy to search stuff the next thing I'm going to show you guys actually is a hidden feature that needs to be activated so again go to Advanced features and go to Labs tap on labs and you're going to have this brand new Option known as photo ambient wallpaper when you tap on this guy you are going to enable this and once you enable this let me show you what happened I'm going to go back home and then I'm going to pinch the screen I'm going to go to wallpaper and style I'm going to tap on change when I go to creative you are going to see a brand new Option here that is known as the photo ambient wallpapers for lock screen only and look at how amazing this is so if I tap on this guy it is going to allow me to pick any photo from my from my gallery and then it's going to give me weather effects based on what's happening outside so let's tap on try now I'm going to show you how it works so I'm just going to pick a photo let's pick this one right here okay as my wallpaper and now it's going to give me a preview if I tap on play you can see what it's going to look like if it's raining so if it was raining I would see this and look at this the snow actually reacts to the photo so snow is going behind the photo and in front of the photo whenever it detects a subject okay so let me press play look at the rain and how it actually is hitting the person it's a little hard to see but it's actually recognizing that this is a person and the effects are working around that so it is incredible I'm going to tap on stop and that's basically what that is you can make that work for any photo it is recommend mended to use a photo with a subject inside it now we're going to go back to Advanced features but since we are here let me show you the generative home screen and lock screen wallpapers so basically you have the option to create something brand new from scratch using AI so let's say I want something that has to do with terrain I'll tap on this guy okay and then I'm able to say if it's if if I want it to be surreal or real so I'm going to say surreal I'm going to say I want it to be a Canyon and then I'm going to give it a color let's say I want orange color now I'm going to tap on generate and that is going to generate a surreal Canyon in shades of orange as you can see right over here another powerful AI feature sometimes it gives you two or three options that you can use as you can see so now if I tap on set I can choose to set this on the home screen let's see what it looks like there you go okay I'm going to give you guys one more example so go back let's choose something like painting so okay so I want a painting of a cave all right or let's just say mountain and I want over here I want something like a let's say parachutes and then I want 19th century realist style okay so tap on generate let's see what happens again it's using AI to create something extremely fresh and never before seen so look at that beautiful and and it gives you variations you can test out so tap on set let's go like this that's what it's going to look like okay so another powerful AI features now let's go back and look at the ones under the advanced features and there's even more by the way I'm going to show you everything so advanced intelligence right here we've got the phone let's tap on it so what this allows you to do is when you call somebody you are going to get some prompts on the display and you can tap them to live translate a call while it is actually happening okay so you have a whole bunch of settings here that you can pick you can pick your language and the other person's language in advance so it's ready to go when you are using this feature so let me show you how it works I'm not going to do the translation but I'm going to show you guys what it looks like so I am calling somebody right now you can see on the call screen we have the call assist feature I can tap on this and that is going to allow me to either do the the text call or the live translate if I go to live translate what I can now do is I can have the other person speak in Spanish and translate it to me in English and I can talk in English and it's going to translate this to the other person in Spanish they're just going to hear a Spanish voice talking to them translating what I say in English Okay so right now I'm just going to end this call just want to show you guys what it looks like when you're doing it so that's that let me go back to the settings right over here go back to advanced intelligence and then we have the Samsung keyboard features which are which are quite incredible let me show you what that is so if I go to my text messages and let's say I'm texting somebody right here I'm going to have a bunch of options if I tap this button advanced intelligence button that gives me access to chat translation writing style spelling and grammar so to use these features I have to write something so let's say I'm going to write something messy so here I I have this thing right here hey what's up son how you doing you okay or what so what I can do is I can tap on this guy right here and first and foremost let me show you what it does with writing style so if I tap on this it is going to rewrite it in different tones and it's going to allow me to choose one so this is the original version now if I want to do professionally it's going to take this this nonsense and translate that into hello how are you are you well or if I want to be casual yo what's good man how you holding up you cool so you can see how it uses all these different options so this is the social option this is the polite option hello how are you doing are you well okay and this is the emojify option with some emojis in there and if I want to use one of these guys I just insert it and it's going to pop up right there now on top of this I can tap this again and I can do chat translation as long as there's something in here I can translate this stuff automatically to another language so let's say so let me pick that again tap uh chat translation let's say I want to translate to French okay now what happens is look at this it is translating everything I'm saying to French so if I send this the other person is going to see the French version of whatever I sent in English as well incredible okay let's do one more tap this again and then you have the spelling and grammar that's self-explanatory basically if there's any typ typos and grammatical errors it's going to ask you to fix it it's going to give you suggestions to fix it so those are the AI features built in right into the keyboard that you can access by tapping this button fantastic let's move on if I go back over here we have The Interpreter I'm going to come back to that real quick because I want to show you guys Samsung Notes so this one is quite amazing just enable it and then go to Samsung Notes okay and then what I have here is is I have a paragraph about car driving safety I just copied and pasted this from another location now again you can see over here we have the intelligence button if I tap on it it is going to give me four options autof format summarize correct spellings and translate look at this one if I tap on auto format it is going to say do you want to do it with Heathers and bullets I'm going to say yes so look at this it's now tidying up the text and the final result is going to be this that is beautiful okay it now looks highly professional super formatted I can copy or replace as needed now I can go down here let me just go down okay tap this again now I want to do summarize that's the auto format I can also summarize what this is tap on it it's going to take whatever it is it ISS here and it's going to summarize it like this incredible look at this if I replace it now I have the summary as you just saw of that entire paragraph I'm going to go back now and again if I tap it I can also translate the whole thing it gives you the options what is the target language let's just say Chinese translate look at what happens boom replace look at that beautiful that Samsung Notes advanced intelligence options all right so going back to the advanced intelligence area we're going to go back to the voice record here okay and basically this is going to be a transcript assist in the voice recorder app so let me show you what I'm talking about basically it says use advanced intelligence to create text transcript summaries and translations of your recordings so if I go to my voice recorder application okay it looks just like any other voice recorder now I'm going to record something all right let let me just start and ramble randomly tap so we are talking about the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra advanced intelligence options I'm going to take a pause and then we're going to talk about the Samsung Galaxy s24 s24 plus pause Snapdragon gen 83 processor now I'm going to say stop okay I'm going to save this voice note and I'm going to go into this voice note and now you can see right away we have the transcribe option so if I tap on this guy it's going to allow me to pick any language to transcribe to I'm going to say English tap on transcribe that's part of the actual AI so look at this it is able to transcribe it and also recognize that this is Speaker number one which is me if there was somebody else here it would put that person as Speaker number two so it can dis differentiate between speaker one speaker two hence is a transcript on top of that now that I have this information I can go to summary and now ai is going to be using summarizing features uh to show me what whatever I just rambled here is now in summary format look it gives me keywords and summary of my ramblings of course if this was a more advanced conversation it would give me even better summary and keyword so that's what the advanced intelligence does when you go into the voice recorder it's going to be the transcript assist so that's what this is all about go back over here let's go to Samsung internet now this is for the Samsung internet application you have the summarize and translate feature so again let me go to internet browser here's a website here's some news so if I go up a little bit and if I tap again on the intelligence option here it's going to allow me to let me tap that again summarize and translate this page so I'm not going to do translate that's kind of obvious but if I tap on some summarize it's going to take this entire web page and it's going to give me a summary now sometimes if the website does not meet their requirements it doesn't do it okay but you get the idea you will get a summary of something that you try to summarize on a web page so that's a browsing assist feature for Samsung Internet it's not going to work on Chrome CU it's a Samsung feature okay let's go back over here at the bottom we have the photo editor so this one is actually pretty cool so if I go to my gallery right here let's go to Gallery okay got a couple photos in here now let's grab this one right here okay and tap on edit and then of course we're going to have the intelligence button I tap on it and it's going to say what do you want to do tap or Draw around anything you want to move or delete so let's say I want to move this thing from here to here or make it even larger so select it or actually tap it okay but it does allow you to snap onto it so so now I can take this and I can put it right here all right and then I can tap on generate and that is going to generate recreate that image with intelligence so that thing should be moved over here and it should look natural sometimes it's not going to be perfect but in this case look at this it's nearly perfect with some little imperfections here but this is a very hard example it's much better when you use it on human beings and if I go inside the good thing is it gives you details and I can also uh tap on something let me just tap this again right here not only can I just move this around I can also resize it okay so look at this you can really create some cool things with these features uh you just have to keep doing it over and over and sometimes it's not going to be perfect but many times it will be perfect so look at that so there's imperfection here but this one looks pretty nice it really looks looks larger and finally what we have here is we have The Interpreter feature so basically this is the feature that's built into to other features like the phone and the voice recorder that does live translations as you're talking so this is the interface for it as you can see I can tap here basically if if I'm sitting on this side and somebody's sitting on this side now we can have a conversation back and forth I can talk in one language from here all these various options for example if I spoke Chinese I would speak Chinese and then that would translate this to the other person in German or in English let's just say English so I can speak Chinese on this side the other person can see what I said in English and then the other person talks in English and I'll see what they're saying in Chinese so that's The Interpreter it's an app but it's also built in to the other features we looked at which was the phone feature and the voice recorder feature which is right over here okay finally I want to talk about if you go to the settings and if you go into advanced features and if you go all the way down I'm sorry all the way up advanced intelligence then down look at this you can turn on this option it's that says process data only on device now when you do this it gives you additional privacy but it also limits the AI features because some AI features like The Interpreter is using data from online sources but if you use the photo editor that's on device so that's more private but if you enable this features like translate and interpreter are going to be disabled or not going to work as good all right so I would keep this disabled if you want to use all these features completely if you don't care you can disable it for additional privacy that will be up to you as well all right so that brings us to the end of this video these are all the AI features available on the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra that no other phone can do right now not even the s23 ultra or the iPhone 15 Pro Max even though other Samsung phones might get this as part of an update down the road any questions comments or concerns drop them down below let me know for now guys have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 84,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakitech, S24 Ultra, Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, features, tips, tricks, no other phone can do this
Id: ec6iOTR35Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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