10 Powerful AI Features for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Tips and Tricks

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hey guys s here from saki TI it in today's video we are going to be sharing 10 powerful AI features for the Samsung Galaxy s24 series these features are going to help you boost your productivity and also help in various real life situations so let's dive in and get started right away the very first feature is actually built in right into your keyboard and it splits off to three different features so let's launch the messaging application to give you the examples I'm going to bring up the keyboard and basically let me type something so here's a textt message that looks like a mess it says hey what's up how you doing want to hang out so what you can do is on the keyboard you can tap this icon here this is the intelligence icon you tap on it and you will get three different options now the first one I'm going to show you guys is the writing style option now when I tap on the writing style as long as there's something within here it is going to recommend different ways how you can present yourself yourself so the first one is the original but if I go up here this is the professional version of what I just typed here you can see it looks very nice and clean hello how are you doing would you like to meet up and discuss some business opportunities or if I scroll down here's the Casual version of what I just typed but it's cleaned up even more so it says yo what's up how are you doing want to hang out and I can keep scrolling down you can see the social version with the hashtags and if I can go down even more here's the polite version and then at the bottom we have the Emoji version that actually utilizes a bunch of emojis so that's one feature and by the way what I can do is if I like one of these guys let's say I like this one I tap on insert and it replaces what I just wrote and puts in the professional variation of the AI suggestion so that's number one number two we have the chat translation option okay so if you activate this basically by default it starts to to translate you do have to pick the language so let me tap that one more time bring that up translation so I'm going to pick a language I'm going to say translate from English to let's just say French so now I'm going to send the text message and look at what happens when I send a text message or even when I receive a message right at the bottom of that message right here it's got the translation for example we just got a response and at the bottom here we have the response translation so that's great if you're talking to somebody with another language and this is just not any translation it is AI assisted translation so it's going to be as realistic as possible it's not going to be perfect but it's going to be as realistic as possible by the way if you're not going to be using this feature just go back into intelligence and make sure it's turned off because you don't need it all the time you can exit and it's going to disappear when the thing pops up and finally tap this again okay bring up the keyboard tap intelligence and you have the spelling and grammar so let me write something messy here so again here we have a lot of typos it's not the perfect grammar tap this again right here go to spelling and grammar and it's going to be checking that it's going to converting that to properly looking sentence as you can see and then you tap on insert and you're good to go so those are the three keyboard features you can use they're built in to your Samsung keyboard and I do want to let you know you can always go to the settings and go over to advanced settings and then go to advanced intelligence where they have bundled up all the AI features and you can see in this case I can go here and I can turn on and off those features individually as you can see okay and even go inside and customize certain features such as being able to install new language packs as they become available but they're going to be listed right over here all right let's move on next up I want to talk about the Samsung Notes applic application so we're going to go to the Notes application and it's got a lot of AI options built into it I'm going to launch the Notes application I'm going to go right over here so here's something I just typed in I rambled in just a few thoughts on safe driving now what I want to do is I want to format this into something more presentable maybe in a meeting or maybe in a presentation so again all I do is I look for the intelligence symbol which is right here you tap on it it is going to select the text I can select even more and then I have these four options so I can autof format this note into something that is much more clear so let's use meeting noes so now it's going to do it's doing its magic and let's see what happens so there we go so now I can present these in a meeting and they have been reformatted with a headline a sub headline and bullet point as you can see and the great thing is I can change the format Style just by swiping over so you can pick from various different looks as far as just the visuals are concerned but it's nice that you get all these various options okay so that's one let's show you one more tap this again Auto format let's do Heathers and bullets I'm going to tap again and now we are going to get this new Arrangement there we go again I can swipe over and all that and if I want to replace everything I just tap on replace and now my scrambling are replaced with these organized not notes as you can see let me undo this next up what I can do is I can tap this again and now I can correct any spelling errors or I can also translate so translation is built into this as well I can go from any language in this case we have English to any other available language as you can see and you can also tap on ADD languages when more become available so let's do uh as an example Spanish tap on translate so that's the Spanish Spanish translation of what I wrote and I can replace that as well if that's what I want to do so those are the AI features built into Samsung Notes they're going to be very very useful for many people now the next feature might be very important for people that are traveling or live in a mult multil language environment so this one is known as The Interpreter okay so if I go to the advanced features again it's a translation feature Ai and it's this one right here so you can use AI to translate spoken conversations which sound natural to both sides now to use this feature you have to pull down the tab right here the quick toggle area and then you want to make sure that interpreter is in fact active so in my case it's right here if you don't see it here tap edit and it's going to be edit again and it's going to be somewhere at the bottom you can just drag and drop it okay and then you can move it around where you want it to go so so I can grab this guy and I can put it on the first page on the top so tap on done and now I have access to it right here so when I click it it activates this window you can see on this side let's say I have somebody that speaks German and on this side I speak English okay now what I can do is I can tap here hey how are you doing what's up uh what's how's your day today then tap this again and now that's going to be close the so now that not didn't only translate it to German it also spoke it to in German so you can have a two-way conversation just like that which is fantastic that person is sitting on the other side so that's why half of this screen flipped over for them to see it and the other half right here you have a couple buttons here where you can make it like this if you want okay if the person is right next to you you can use it this way if there on the other side you can do it this way fantastic AI capability and again because it is AI assisted it is more natural than just raw translation the next feature that we have is known as instant slow moo feature that's built in to the gallery application so let's go over here here's a video okay I'm going to play this video you can see it's a video of me just panning this way towards the car now if I wanted to at any time I can press and hold on a video to create a slow motion shot so look at this I'm going to tap this press and hold boom so now we have the slow motion shot right for that okay and you can also edit to add the slow motion effect permanently to any video by tapping the adjust speed button and choosing how fast and also changing exactly where you you want to create that okay so you can see adjust speed let's do 1 and A2 uh let's move this a little bit let's move it over here and here and now that area is playing at half the speed of the original when you're done you can tap here and you can save it as a brand new file so any video can be turned into slowmo and any portion of that area can be extracted and saved as a single separate file next thing I want to be talking about is the powerful voice recorder app that now has AI that is going to allow you to transcribe translate and summarize so let's uh launch that voice recorder so let's uh go over here and create a new file let me just start talking into it the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra now has AI features by the way I'm just rambling so it's recording me uh it also has titanium frame it's got the Snapdragon H gen3 processor it's got 12 GB of RAM it's a great phone blah blah blah blah now I'm going to tap on pause or stop okay I'm going to save the file now when I go into that file right here oops not this one this one right here what I can first do is here's my regular audio file right here but I can tap on transcribe and I can choose the language so if I choose a different language it will translate and transcribe but I'm going to do English tap on transcribe okay and there we go it knows we have two one speaker okay but there was a little pause somewhere but if there were multiple speakers it would analyze their speech and put them down as Speaker two so it's great if you are in the classroom the teachers and students are talking interacting is going to split these people people up and then on top of that you can go to summary and it will create a summary of the ramblings and look at that it gave me keywords and summary so if this was a lecture in a classroom you can create a very nice summary completely automatically instantly to look at and learn even better and again the best part is you can also translate this stuff so tap on this button here and now I can go to let's say Japanese translate now those notes have been translated from the English to Japanese these are the keywords this is the summary this is phenomenal guys look at the transcript that used to be here and then oops the summary that makes it look so nice Okay it almost feels like it knows what I'm saying of course it's using AI the language model but it gives me these nice summaries and keywords that are usable in real world especially if you're in a classroom or whatever teacher student whatever and of course the next thing that we have is something You' probably seen it is the circle to search option you press and hold and then you can Circle anything anywhere anytime and it's going to get you Google results based on that if you want to see the results you can pull this up and you can keep browsing and if you don't want to see the results you can as you can see you can pull it down and you can even move this around this is a very simple example but as you move it around it's going to give you different results based on what gets into focus and of course when you're done you just go back and you're back in business now you do have to go to the settings and scroll down go to display and scroll down and go to navigation right here navigation bar and you can see with swipe gestures the circle to search is enabled so you can disable it if you don't want it but if you are a person that likes to use buttons like this one right here you can also have Circle to search but now you have to press and hold on the home screen to activate the feature so look at that so now I Circle to search that area I'm getting relevant results right over here stuff is just popping up you can just do the research as needed so that's Circle to search let's go back to swipe all right all right so that brings us to the end of this video guys if you have any questions comments or concerns drop them down below let me know for now have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 49,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakitech, samsung, s24 ultra, ai, features, tips, tricks, Samsung galaxy s24 ultra, AI features
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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