TOP 24+ Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Tips, Tricks and Hidden Features

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hey guys soak here from saki te in today's video we are going to be talking about top 24 tips tricks features and hidden features on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra you paid a lot of money for this smartphone and I want to maximize your ownership so let's dive in and get started right away all right so the very first thing you want to do is you want to go to your settings and then you want to go all the way down and then go to device scare and right here you want to make a quick decision in relation to your battery go to the battery and this is going to be a brand new feature on the as 24 Ultra with 1 UI 6.1 so what you do is you go to battery protection by default this might be turned off so turn this on and go inside and here's what you want to do if you know that you're going to keep this phone for a long time what you can do is you can enable maximum protection when you enable maximum protection your phone is only going to charge to a maximum of 80% by simply doing this this is going to prolong the battery life so it endures the test of time now if you're somebody that trades in their smartphone every year you can just go to basic or you can actually turn this off doesn't doesn't matter because you're going to be trading this anyway but let's say you're not sure where you fall what you want to do is you want to turn this on okay and you want to keep it at adaptive so basically adaptive mode activates maximum when you are sleeping and every other time if you're charging your phone in daytime it's just going to do regular charging this is going to be a balance between Max and basic so that's a battery protection make a choice and you can stick with it and you can see the results long term and if you don't care just turn it off now another great feature actually has to do with haing one of the primary functions of the smartphone this is a brand new feature again with one UI 6.1 only available on the s24 at least for now so for this example I'm actually making a phone call and what I'm going to show you is when you are making a phone call what you can do is you can pull down the notification panel once and then twice and on the top you're going to see the microphone mode so you can tap on this guy so what you can choose to do here is you can keep it standard which is just a usual or you can do voice Focus so the phone is going to attempt to cancel out the background noise and the ambient noise and it's going to make sure your voice is in focus for the other person to hear that is the brand new mic mode you can use during calls especially if the other person is complaining that they're hearing a lot of ambient noise in the background this is going to be the best way one of the best ways to make sure they can hear your voice even more clearly all right so next up I'm going to be talking about some camera features at your disposal you have a powerful camera now when you launch the camera and you go to the photo mode and of course you can swipe back and forth just like this between different modes what you can do is by default you can shoot at 12 megapixels but as you know this is a 200 megap camera so if you tap this button right here you can actually select to shoot at 200 megapixels which is going to allow you to get the most detailed shots possible so if you're out in the wild or if you're traveling and you see a beautiful waa I recommend you take a 200 megapix shot you can also go down one step to 50 megapix that's going to also give you more details but one thing you want to notice is when you are at 12 megapixels you can see you can switch between all the various cameras as you can see okay but when you go into 50 megapixels you can do either 1X or you can do the five times Optical camera because it is now a 50 megapixel camera and then finally if you do go to 200 megapixels that is only going to allow you to use the single 200 megapix camera which is great for detailed shots for most shots you want to use a 12 megapixel now the same thing applies to video so if you go to your video mode okay make sure you tap right over here and you choose the proper mode that you want to use so if you want 4K at 60 you tap right here so that's 4K at 60 frames per second if you want to shoot at 8K you tap that button and if you want to do 1080p which most people use you can do it as well but make sure you just choose 60 FPS which is a great standard and finally when you go to the photo okay there's another great option here when you go to your settings it takes you to the photo settings when you tap on intelligent optimization you have this quality optimization setting where you can go for maximum quality or if you're outside taking photos of quickly moving subjects you can reduce the quality of the the photo but increase the capture time so you can take the photos as fast as possible but with less quality or if you just are doing regular photography just keep it at maximum that's going to get you the best quality but at a slightly reduced shutter speed and of course when I say shutter speed this is what I mean so if you want to make that go even faster you can do that all right the next thing you want to do is you want to go to your settings then you want to go all the way down go into your about phone and tap where it says edit and what you want to do here is you want to give your phone a unique name and make it truly yours so I can sit here and I can say saki s24 Ultra and I can tap on done and one of the benefits of doing this is when you try to connect to other devices using your smartphone this is a name that's going to pop up other places so it's also going to be very easily identifiable so that's step number one step number two you just bought this phone it is brand new you want to make sure that the battery on this phone is 100% so what you want to do is you want to go to your members application right here that's going to be the Samsung's members application you may have to log in the very first time with your Samsung account but once you are logged in you want to tap on support and you want to tap on phone Diagnostics and simply go to where it says at the bottom so you're going to tap on battery status it's going to run the check on the battery and what you want to do is you want to see the normal status and also it should say life good and obviously capacity should be 5,000 mamp hours if you see anything else in these parameters something is wrong with the battery and what you want to do is you want to go and exchange that phone as soon as possible now the next thing I want to show you guys has to do with your navigation bar so if you go to your settings and if you go over to display this is going to be very important because there is a new feature here so if you scroll down a little bit and you go to navigation bar as usual you have access to button navigation which is this right here you got home recents okay you can even tap on more options and you can swap the button positions as you can see but the big thing is and that's the new feature is the brand new Circle to search feature this is an AI feature built in to the s24 so if you have the buttons chosen let's go home to activate Circle to search you press and hold on this on the home button right here and that allows you to activate this feature that you can use to Circle anything and get Google search results based on the area that you circled so that's fantastic all right so that's one thing now if you decide to go with swipe gestures it's going to be different to activate it and then if I go to swipe gestures I can still enable or disable Circle to search now what I can do is basically on the bar you just tap on the bar to activate Circle to search okay now here's the thing you want to remember also uh swipe from the corner upwards to access the regular Google Assistant tap on the bar to access Circle to search function okay and remember you can Circle any thing anywhere in any app and get results based on that all right so that's fantastic make sure you set this up the way you want it now the next thing that you want to do is you want to pinch the screen okay go to wallpaper and style and go to change wallpaper and then go to creative option right here and make sure that you have both of these options enabled I'm going to show you what these are but this one might be disabled from the get-go it is in fact an amazing feature so first let me quickly show you how to enable this because you're going to be using this a lot so if I go to my settings okay and if I go to Advanced features right here I go to Labs you want to make sure that the photo ambient wallpaper is in fact enabled if this is disabled it's not going to show up in the wallpaper area so go to wallpaper and style go to changeing wallpapers so basically with the generated wallpapers you are able to create brand new AI wallpapers on the fly so here's a couple examples of what I created so these are my Creations so basically to create you just go to like let's say you want something that has to do with terrain you tap on it and then you get a text you modify the text so I want to realistic serin uh a Terrain uh tap on Beach and I want it to be at an Arctic landscape and then I want it to have the following Colors Let's just say uh cool colors tap on generate and that is going to generate a unique wallpaper I'm sure you guys change your wallpapers a lot so this is going to give you something to play with and then it gives you a couple different options you can use to set that as a wallpaper as you can see that is the preview okay if I tap on done it gets saved and also applied as you can see remember pinch the screen go to change go to creative go to generative your latest Creations are going to show up right here here and then you have other examples towards the end okay but you do not lose what you create which is great now going back also play with the photo ambient wallpaper tap on it okay when you tap on it it's going to take you into your gallery pick a nice photo that you want of a person okay and basically when you tap on play you can see on the lock screen you are going to get these beautiful weather effects that are going to apply to the wallpaper and it's going to actually be three-dimensional so you can see the snow is going around this person in front and behind which is crazy and even when there are raindrops they are actually hitting the jacket here making that effect so if I tap on done that is going to be my lock screen wallpaper and the lock screen wallpaper is going to react to whatever is happening outside so right now nothing is happening on the outside when I tap it you know there's no snow so I'm not getting any snow effects okay but it is nighttime so the wallpaper becomes dark if it was raining you would see rain if it was snowing you would see snow okay right now it is not snowing so that's the other two things you want to play with to customize your phone by the way because this is a powerful multimedia device you want to make sure you get the best possible video and music so first go to your settings go down to Advanced features and then scroll down a little bit and make sure to go to video brightness and choose bright okay and then when you choose that you can apply certain settings to all these various apps you have downloaded the more you download the more they going to show up here like Netflix crunchy roll HBO Max whatever but if you have this enabled and if you watch videos on any one of these apps you are simply going to get more Vi iant and brighter colors on that display it's great for movies so make sure you enable this and then customize it based on your needs for specific apps and also go back okay and scroll up a little bit go to sounds and vibration scroll down a little bit go to sound quality and effects and make sure you enable Dolby Atmos and Dolby for gaming okay tap on this by the way you can customize it or you can just pick Auto it'll pick automatically based on need this is going to get you the best kind of sound when you're watching movies playing games whatever and also I want you guys to know that we have an equalizer here that you can use uh for listening to music as well okay so anybody that knows what this is knows how to do it you can even customize it based on your needs as you can see okay tap on normal let's go back make sure these are properly configured the next thing you want to do is you want to customize the power button that is right here so when you go to your settings and if you scroll down and go to Advanced features you are able to go to side button that's what this is called and then you can customize this so basically I can double press this to launch the camera or I can modify it so I can go to open app and choose calculator okay now when I double press this real quick it is going to launch the calculator application because that is what set it out to do and also what you can do is if I press and hold the S key I can either wake up BX which I don't think anybody uses anymore so what I do is I go to power off menu so when I do press and hold it just brings up the power off menu and from here you can restart power off whatever okay but one more thing you can do that's really cool here is if you go to the settings you can activate the flat flashlight okay so now if I double press it just opens up the flashlight and that's going to be very useful uh for nighttime maybe you're trying to find a keyhole to put your keys in when you're entering your home just double tap boom you got the flashlight now going back into the advanced features there's a couple things you want to set up just so it just works for you for your benefit so again go back to Advanced features and then go to motions and Gestures and what what I like to do here is I like to make sure these two guys are enabled so basically I can double tap to turn off the display and double tap to wake it up all right so go inside and do that and also over here there's an amazing option it is mute with gestures so let's say somebody's calling you or an alarm just goes off what you can do is you can just grab your phone let's say it start to starts to ring right now if I just flip it over and dump it like that it is going to stop ringing or if there's any alarms it's just going to mute the alarms so it's basically flip to mute all right that is a fantastic feature you can have it enabled like this this one here is lift away so if I enable this let's turn off the display here so right now we have the always on display if I lift the phone it's just going to wake up the phone okay and I can take a look at the lock screen and then put it back it goes back to the all always on display fantastic now talking about the always on display we now have a brand new always on display that is more simple than before slightly more aesthetic if I go over here to lock screen and aod look at what happens aod always on display just enable or disable and I can also say show lock screen wallpaper so if I disable this look at this I'm going to turn off this phone and I have the always on display but I don't have a wallpaper in the background which is this one right here now with the new feature I'm able to add the lock screen wallpaper so I get a nicer effect kind of like the iPhones so this is the lock screen and then if you wait a couple seconds it goes to the always own display but it keeps the wallpaper and it makes it look nicer now back in the lock screen and aod what you want to do is you want to come here and you want to to set your widgets for the lock screen so tap on this guy and you can see you have a bunch of options let me just enable them all okay actually let's turn off a couple of these so it doesn't look like a mess but if I go to the home screen okay let's go to the always on display and then go to the lock screen tap on this and that will activate these widgets you get your music player your weather your calendar your alarms and also a voice recorder I can tap here here and start recording a voice if that's what you want but the good news is you can set these guys up by going into that area I just showed you which is right here so those are the widgets you want to enable for the lock screen one more thing you can tap to reorder and you can move them up and down as you can see so if there's something I want it to be on the top I can move it to the top so now when I go to the lock screen okay and tap on this I'm able to have the voice recorded on on the top and the other sequence I just set fantastic now one more amazing thing you can do has to do with note taking so let me pull up My Notes application this is just a standard Notes application with all Samsung phones but this feature is only available on the s24 so let me go into this note and you can see it's just a paragraph it is about driving safely some tips and tricks on how to drive safe now this over here is very boring I can actually tap on the intelligence button here okay and that gives me a bunch of options like being able to autof format and convert this into something more presentable so if I tap on Heathers and bullets look at what happens it is it is doing its thing in the background using artificial intelligence and now it is reformatting that paragraph to something much more organized all by itself okay and by the way you can swipe over and you can access these different variants so let's say I want to do use this one right here and then I say replace now that boring paragraph is turned into this nice and organized with titles and Heathers I can also revert this let me show you one more thing tap the button I can also create summaries again this is just a small example but you can create summaries from 20 Page Long articles so I can when it says summarize I can say add to page before so now it adds that to the top and I still have my original paragraph whether that's a 500 words or a th000 words or 5,000 words you're still going to be able to create a summary at a glance information for that big block of text so these are advanced intelligence options you can access using this button in Samsung Notes and even do translation or correct spelling and stuff like that and even grammar all right so one more new feature with the s24 ultra if you go to the settings and if you go into the display we now have this new Option known as adaptive color tone which uses the front camera to adjust the colors and white balance off your screen based on the ambient lighting conditions so if I tap on this right now you are going to notice a slight change it looks cool and also is easier on the eyes you can combine this with the eye Comfort shield and get maximum relief on the eyes which would reduce the eye strain so this is for the eye strain specifically but this one is just for the way it appears but usually it makes the screen warmer and more pleasant to look at and of course as always go to motion smoothness and you can choose between 60 hertz or adaptive 120 now because the brand new adaptive 120 htz is so well done you don't really see a huge difference in battery life so I would always keep this in adaptive and don't even touch standard at this point the technology now is so Advanced the Adaptive gets you the best motion smoothness and also great battery light by the way let's say you are outside and you're looking at your phone and it's so bright you may not be able to see the display you can always tap this button to get an extra boost of brightness it is going to be a button sitting here as long as you don't have the Adaptive brightness turned on if I turn this on extra brightness disappears if I turn this off it it is right here okay but at any given time it will give you that extra boost you need simultaneously there's another feature known as extra dim which is going to be sitting over here on the top okay if you don't see this tap on edit and it's going to be right here tap on edit again and then what you can do is it's going to be at the bottom under available and you just drag it and drop it drop it right over so it would show up right here you can put it anywhere that you want okay you can customize this area but extra dim is very useful at night time so let's say you're in your bed the lights are out but you're looking at your phone which we know everybody does so you go to your display and normally you just lower the brightness so it's going to be easy on the eyes now sometimes under pitch black it is still very bright so then what you can do is pull this down and tap on extra dim to get an extra dim display that's going to be even less strain full on the eyes Okay so great feature to have these are the things you want to set up on your phones so you can use them when you need them with these quick toggles now one more Feature A lot of people don't use for some reason is the Wireless powershare feature so again always go go to your settings and go down okay and then go into device care go to battery and then go into Wireless powershare right here and what you can do is let's say you have a Samsung Galaxy buds like this one and the battery is dead you can enable this flip the phone and then you can charge your actual wireless buds right on the back of your smartphone and then get power and listen to music okay so that's an option you have some people don't use it just something to be aware of once you're done charging make sure go back here and disable it even though it should be automatic if it's not used all right all right guys so that brings us to the end of this video but there's going to be many more videos with much more detail if you have any questions comments or concerns drop them down below let me know for now have a fantastic day
Channel: sakitech
Views: 130,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sakitech, s24 ultra, tips, tricks, features, hidden features, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, s24 ultra tips, s24 ultra tricks, s24 ultra features, s24 ultra hidden features
Id: 8PV2_3o0OHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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