Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra After 2 Weeks - Phone of the Year?

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the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra so I have to say straight away for me fed the year already and I know wow wow look I'm going to speak into the microphone again wow look I know it's it's early and people are thinking how could it be fun of the year when it's just January but we've had lots of smartphones out this year already right but yeah yeah I do like it now let's get I mean what about you the first first impression I've said phone of the Year what's your what's your reaction it's it's almost phone of the year how about that almost pH of the okay all right so so we'll get to that so the first thing I want to talk about is the design right so it looks exactly the same as the s23 ultra which looked exactly the same as the s222 ultra now I think you know I've been seeing this a lot in the comments I'm not hugely bothered about it because I still think it's a really good design I think the biggest change here is that we've got titanium right so Apple had titanium for the iPhone 15 Pro Max now we've got it for the s24 ultra I like it I like the matte finish because previously was glossy but using this over the past couple of weeks the one thing that you know is kind of a thought that I have is that fair enough it's titanium it looks nicer it's supposed to be more durable I'm not going to drop it but it's not any lighter because we've comeone from aluminium to Titanium now on the iPhone we went from stainless steel to Titanium so the weight difference was something that was noticeable on the s24 ultra it's like 1 or two G yeah I mean I I kind of feel the s223 ultra is lighter or maybe because it's not as thick because if you notice with the design of the s24 ultra the sides slightly thicker yeah on the device uh but I think even though titanium might be the biggest change I think the biggest change is the flat display you really notice it you really notice it when you're using the device and how good it is even though I was one of the proponents who love curve displays so you know you must seen the clip from the previous podcast episode and andong did say that he's prefers curved displays and I was like no for me it's you know I think curved displays look better but flat displays are more practical and we've got symmetrical bezels as well which I think you know a lot of these aspects go towards it so I I think we're definitely team flat display now would we agree on that yes yes yes yes yes yes yes welcome CH I think there's a small minority of people think like oh no why why hasn't it got a curb display but I think especially when you're using with the S Pen and stuff it doesn't kind of just you know fall off the edges I think it's it's a good good shout from Samsung for going with a flat display I think it definitely works but let's talk about this display because it's brighter which I absolutely love right it's still one of the best displays out there but the key thing is that it's using Gorilla armor I was going to say gorilla glass armor but the the timer is Gorilla armor now this is supposed to be more scratch resistant I'm not going to test that my s23 ultra loads of scratches because I didn't use screen protor the s24 ultra it has um gorilla armor which is supposed to be more scratch resistant but also reduces Reflections and this is very noticeable so when you put this up against pretty much any of phone out there whether it's direct sunlight or a direct source of light you're going to notice that it's way less reflective and that's actually much better you know for that viewing experience now having said that one thing that I did notice straight away cuz I just came straight from the s23 ultra was that it's not as vibrant it's not got that same saturation level now I asked you and you were like no it looks the same to me and I was like okay you know what let me actually talk to somebody who might might know thing or two about this place that is that is not true no so I I messaged Tom and then I also messaged Samson and they said yes it is not as vibrant and that seems to be a byproduct of being less reflective yes yes so to my defense saf sent me a message I I woke up in the morning it was you know me waking up I took a look at it and I was like it looks fine so it was a little hazy eyes but the the one thing whatever the one thing to mention is once you put a screen protector on the display that nullifies that reflectiveness completely okay so here's the thing about the screen protector so this is something I mentioned right if you put a normal screen protector on guess what it's going to do it's going to remove it's going to you're no longer going to have the anti-reflective properties because now you've got a layer in front of it right so this anti-reflective uh property that you have on the gorilla um armor if you put a normal screen protector it's going to take that away and then it's going to actually look a bit more vibrant because now it's a bit more glossy right so that's what it seems like now this is something that a lot of people were asking me that oh so if I put a screen protector on it's going to go however Samsung do have some anti-reflective screen protectors so if you still want to keep that anti-reflective right then and and you want to use a screen protector then you want to go for an anti-reflective screen protector if you use a regular screen protector which we're doing right now you're going to lose the an reflectiveness yeah but I think it also goes to play on the idea of what vibrancy is if a screen protector can take away that then it just is all about how you are reacting to the way light shines on that display now I'm not saying that it's good or bad I think you know Samsung was trying to offer something that you know especially when people are using these devices Outdoors uh you know in daylight that they could actually see the display without Reflections and things like that so for me it's it's fine um because I also had the same uh complaints on my on my videos on these the new Samsung TVs the new OLED TVs that have uh a new reflective coding and people were like it's not going to be as vibrant and I'm like yes but it's not going to change the image image quality and the color volume of it it's just that you're seeing it now differently instead of you know trying to it's also what our I was used to with every other screen right so like every other smartphone screen that we have we're used to seeing that now so it's a bit of a change but if you ask me right now okay so you you you get um which has those anti-reflective properties slightly less vibrant right or would you go for something that is reflective and you know doesn't have those properties I'll be like you know what I'll actually go with Gorilla armor because it's a compromise I'm willing to make for that antireflectivity reective ones as well to kind of see what that effect is but nevertheless beautiful display right and all the right things that we have seen on it right now one thing that I want to touch on are the camera because this has been somewhat of a controversial topic so let me just say that the s24 ultra amazing cameras overall right great for photos and videos I am definitely for the 5x zoom camera the five time zoom camera which has a high resolution so it's not the 10 times camera that we had on the s23 ultra but guess what it still does really good at those extended Zoom ranges because it's got a higher megapixel sensor so I still really like it all right what are your thoughts on the cameras so far I've got some mixed feelings on the camera not it's not bad but just mixed so I think you know when you when you look at it from my skin complexion cuz I I did my whole video on that is it's the best phone for black it's the second best phone for black people and besides the pixel which does a better job at darker skin tones so I appreciate that aspect um of it the 5x looks really good um you know I would say compared to the iPhone it's comparable some situations slightly better especially on my skin tone caveat there I understand what Samsung said that you know a lot of people don't use the 10x cuz I actually went back to look at how much 10x photos I took not that much um so I can see why you know they made that but I me know people like us we still do take photos like that in general my own thing is whenever it switches to 10x they have this very funky Haze over the image itself I don't I can't describe it properly it's almost like a blue tint need to just I'm joking it's I'm joking sorry sorry yeah no it's it's right so I I think that's a software thing I think that's a software thing that will happen um and I think some of the um the HDR um issues that some people have noted can be fixed via software my thing is more of how the imbalance of the skin tone is especially someone who's much lighter than me a white person compared to me it's it's very it's very drying just looking at some of Tom's photos for instance right and how it it makes him look so I think they need there is some fine tunity that needs to happen but I think the image quality is still really good uh the one thing I I will mention is Samsung please your 24 megapixel option which is only on Pro mode make that the standard like do right now with their primary camera shoot as standard at 2 megapixels you get more detail yeah yeah so much so much more detail and know yes they're they're combining the 50 and 12 to get that but it looks really good um and and maybe it's just the processing might be a little longer but it didn't seem like that to me when I when I took a photo so just make it a standard and call it a day it seems like the re the main reason why Samsung went for the five time zoom is because the range between five up until 10 times right was not great on the s23 ultra because as soon as you got to say around eight times then you're using the three times and then you're using everything else is just digital after that right and then when you compare it to something like the iPhone or the pixel which both have five times cameras it's just not as good so I think that the fact that they've gone for this I think is definitely the right move now one thing I want to touch on is the software right because one of the things that I got so many comments on because there was a rumor that there was going to be a software update before release which didn't come by the way haha but there was like all of these comments about why don't you wait till the update and I'm like what update I'm sorry but we haven't been told to hold back testing right we've been told to test and we can only test what's in front of us right okay now if there was an update that was supposed to be coming then you know that's when we should have got the devices right because even if somebody's like oh there the Embargo is at a later time you can test it you you've got the phone right now you're still going to be testing it so the only time you can properly test it if there was this update for example is after that update but then we've got the devices before that so we can only test what we've got right and there was this whole like big debate online saying oh you YouTubers doing it for views and stuff like and it's just like wait hold on like we've been given the devices we need to test it we're not going to wait two months and then do the test when everybody's already bought the phone right people are pre-ordering the phone absolutely they want to know the reactions of what we do and what you know what our job is essentially to test these phones as we are provided for them if they are not ready then they shouldn't be given to us right to reviewers to review simple as oh yeah absolutely I think I think the only time that we can give that kind of Grace is you know say this is a twoe period before we get the device and we get it on Monday today and you know the review embargo is two weeks from now and Samsung says Hey guys could you just wait till Wednesday There's an update sure I can wait till Wednesday it's it's it's two days yeah I I can give them that time so I can get the update and then like hey this the final update makes sense but when you're not told anything in that kind of manner plus you guys some people just don't understand how long it takes I don't do camera comparison because I know how long it takes you takes Danny forever to just take the photos videos and then compile them together which is why I just kind of stay away from that it's just it's a lot of work you know I'd say it's it's the most difficult um video still to do I've been doing them for over 10 years now and they are still the most difficult videos to do but they're also the most rewarding cuz that's what people come to my channel like a lot of people come to my channel because I'm the camera comparison gu but yeah I just wanted to kind of highlight that that look we can only test what's given to us right okay and based on my testing this is the thing though my reaction was I actually said the cameras were really good because I really do like the s24 aultra cameras I think there's certain areas that can be improved and I think a lot of people were looking at my camera comparison because I started with cinematic mode now e you know this as well iPhone doeses cinematic mode better than pretty much you know everything else out there so they're taking that and they're like running with it and they're like oh the Samsung uh cameras are not good it's like but there's a 20-minute video you watch the first 15 seconds watch everything else because there are certain situations where the s24 ultra actually does better and has improved massively and I'd say in video in particular it's improved quite a bit you've got some really good quality video and especially with dynamic range I think it was really going toe-to-toe with the iPhone which I think is you know like a big prop to Samsung for actually improving the cameras on that side of things right so yes there were certain areas where it wasn't as good as the iPhone but there were certain areas where it was better so I think you know if you ask me right now cameras I'd still say very very good overall they're only going to get better with software updates right whenever they do come but that's my sort of thoughts on the camera so far I agree with you I think the other thing people don't realize and maybe because a lot of you know your camera camera videos are long there's also many things to cover is this camera is more feature packed than you imagine there's a 4K 120 you can now record 4K 16 on all the devices you also have that AI camera um Zoom thing I forgot what it's called again specifically that can record two different points at the same time you can record with the front and the back cameras at the same time and have it as two separate files not you know not the same so if you're vlogging this is great you know because you can walk around talk about a scene in front of you while you're still capturing yourself so there's a lot of features in the camera I think the one thing that I want to see Samsung do is simplify some of those features you know 4K 120 should be on the main uh you know just in the main camera rather than going to the Pro mode uh just because it's there I you know things like that where they can easily move things around the software so it's more accessible to people because I think a lot of people don't realize that this is a very feature packed uh camera as well as also a very good camera in in total 100% And then you know speaking of features in AI you mentioned I mean this is you know Samsung are calling it the AI phone and there were lots of really cool AI features like on the Imaging side of things just being able to edit after the fact right maybe not not something you're going to use all the time but you can always go in if you've got a friend like I do like e who always takes pictures a little bit off angle you can sort that out later when we were in Vegas that time if we had the s24 ultra we wouldn't have had to take 300 shots just to get a straight shot look to my to my defense right okay there's no defense seriously there's no defense there's no defense but I mean there are some really cool AI features but on the topic of AI features the one thing that a lot of people well I didn't initially notice but then it was in the small print and you know everybody was talking about it afterwards is that these features firstly should be coming to the s23 ultra as well in the coming months some of them at least or if not most and they are only going to be free up until the end of 2025 after which we don't know there might be a monthly charge for some of these AI features there might be one of charge I don't know we we don't know yet Samsung hasn't said anything would you pay for these features going forward that's the question uh yes um maybe not all the features uh pertain to me but I think a lot of people first have to go away from I think we need to slowly back away from the premium model that we've had for you know years you know and people have to understand Samsung isn't making the AI backbone for this you know this is something that Google has with its Gemini as well right so again you know this is something where that partnership with Google and Samsung has Brothers for we don't know they don't know where that partnership is going to land so I I'm I'm glad at least it's somewhere there saying hey look it might go away or it might be something where you have to update because maybe maybe this version of AI just doesn't work as well so I get that but I think in terms of features yes I would pay for I would pay for some of them how much how much would you pay like say it was all of the features right so you want to carry in using all of the AI features what's what's the monthly charge that you would be willing to pay I would raise the price by 50 bucks the phone don't do a monthly charge just raise the price well they they have already raised the price by 100 bucks yeah yeah okay there you go say for example okay you've got your s24 Ultra 299 299 a month $299 a month I think that's reasonable I think that's reasonable yeah 299 $2.99 if it's just if it's just this feature set but if there's something bigger and more robust then maybe $5.99 maybe if it's a a um I don't know proper AI assistant that does other things cuz the thing the other thing as well is with these is that you want them to improve you want these features to get better so you're not just paying for so you know if you've got a monthly subscription they've got they can reinvest in making these feature better features better and maintaining them and improving them right maybe adding more languages etc etc so maybe I'd say yeah I think 299 Samsung if you're watching and listening you know that's the kind of price that we would be willing to pay um but having said that okay AI features very cool like especially you know like the chat assistant and you know the translation live translation when you're making phone calls like the thing is though here's my thing right how often are people going to use those now if you're somebody who travels okay or you speak to somebody maybe somebody's trying to find a wife that's um doesn't speak the same language has them right maybe singala konel singala wants to have a variety right of wife and then he is speaking to uh different ones then for somebody like that yes I'm joking by the way but you know for somebody who is in a lot somebody who's speaking to somebody you know or trying to learn a language brilliant okay on your dayto day I don't think I'll be using those features very often and this is where the question comes in that you know how I mean they're very cool features and especially like to show them off they're like wow like I've shown them to people they were like this is amazing but it's like okay when it comes to practicality how often do you use them I think I think yeah you're right there those features some of those features are not I think the photo editing and generative AI ones will be used more especially you just cropping out people and that's something that I think will be a day-to- day you take a shot and you remember oh you know what I no don't worry it's fine we good I can take that person out um or I can make us look cooler or do something else with it I also think stuff like the note-taking transcribe feature with AI that I think a lot of people will use people at least who take a lot of notes my buddy you know you know him Sam he's doing his he's doing a Masters program and he just got the s24 ultra and he's like man you know this is great in class cuz I can record and done I don't have to do anything else so those kind of things will will happen I think it's just a matter of I think people have to be patient with AI on devices to find the right kind of features that work for them there're going to be a lot of features that being being thrown out and to be fair all these features are very useful they're not useful all the time yes and I think that's just the that's you know this is the difference from being a gimmick where like H this is fun no you would definitely use this I remember you know the call feature I was talking to Samsung and I said when I went to Korea with you guys we had to go to a restaurant that you had to call to book and you you had to do in Kore I had to use a service online to book the restaurant and I'm like I could easily just called and just done this no questions asked well it's uh it's interesting Le let's see what happens with these AI features and how much we use them going forward one great thing is the software you know Samsung has promised seven years of software um sorry not seven years seven generations of OS updates and seven years of security updates which is brings it in line with Google amazing battery life has been great a little bit better than my s23 ultra and performance as well we've got the H gen 3 oh H Gen 3 is a beast of a chip I mean some of the Benchmark numbers I've seen um from you know mine are are close to the um iPhone 15 Pro Max some are better depending on what benchmarks you run so for me this brings in the question uh because I just I've been playing a lot of you know console level games on the iPhone and I'm going Samsung Android whoever you guys can do it your your processors are pretty much benching the same so yeah I I need to see some of that yeah but performance again has been top much you've got no worries in terms of performance and price now look they've increased the price in the US by 100 bucks right UK is the same but some of the pre-order deals have been mad so you know shout out affiliate link you can get $150 in free Samsung credit you can get double the storage so you can get 512 GB version for the 256 GB version price and on top of that the there's um U boosted trade-ins as well so in my comparison of the s24 ultra versus the s23 ultra I kind of said obviously you don't need to upgrade if you've got the s s23 Ultra you don't need to upgrade you don't need to get the s24 ultra however I kind of broke it down with all of the discounts so I said if you use your student discount okay you get 10% off then yeah you you you get the Samsung credit which you can use towards other things I mean fair enough it's not money off but you know you consider that discount that you've got there as well then you consider the double storage right then you consider the tradeing so if you've got the s23 ultra you trade it in you get $750 if you count all of those discounts you'll be paying the equivalent of $270 or if you if you if you don't have if you're not a student or you don't know a student right you'll be paying up to $400 now that as an upgrade is like wow that is if you consider all of those pre-order deals which I'm not sure how long they're going to last right then it's kind of like makes it a lot more compelling even in the UK you had double the storage but as well as that you had um I think right now they've got 100 pound off but you got the Galaxy watch with for free again you got accelerated uh trade TR in like Amplified trade-ins and stuff like that and again when you consider all of that like you know one of my friends Richard he was just like oh I need to like should I just trade in my s23 alra cuz it's going to cost me 300 I don't know like few hundred pounds like 400 something pounds like should I do it and I was like dude it's up to you you don't need to do it but the deals are pretty good right now oh yeah it is um uh quick note though uh anyone can get that student discount you just have to click it that's it on Samsung's website pretty much you don't need to you're student I'm got nothing to do with this okay this is but you're right those those deals are are great um I think on average what I've seen from a lot of uh my subscribers is uh a lot of people are like yeah I'm uh I paid like 800 bucks for for the device uh you know because yes they didn't didn't didn't trade in like you know a brand new phone or phone from last year but they got like 800 off plus you know upgraded memory and also getting the free smart watch as well so there is a lot to that price price point deal that Samsung does Samsung plays the margins really well especially when they want to um that allows people to upgrade quite effectively yeah so I mean overall s24 Ultra recommendation I'd say yeah brilliant phone if you're considering it do check it out we'll be covering it more extensively going forward anyway as we do on our channels but uh yeah if you ask us well you ask me I'd say it's phone of the yeah yeah it is it is it is almost at least for me yeah we we'll hold on to that but I would just want to add the s24 line this year the plus the regular I think also have got really good upgrades just in terms of just uh full feature sets at least with the Snapdragon hn3 versions here in the US I don't know about the exos versions that's a whole well this is the thing that's that's a test that we're going to have to do because in the UK and other regions for the s24 and the s24 plus there is the X andus um 2400 whereas in the US and other regions is hn3 whereas the s24 ultra is consistent across the board which is another you know good reason to go for the s24 ultra it is the one chip across the board
Channel: SuperSaf Speaks
Views: 58,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supersaf speaks, podcast, tech podcast, supersaf, samsung galaxy s24 ultra vs s23 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra vs s23 ultra, s24 ultra vs s23 ultra, samsung s24 ultra vs samsung s23 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, s24 ultra, samsung s24 ultra, galaxy s24 vs s23, s24 vs s23, s24 vs s23 ultra, samsung galaxy s24, samsung galaxy s24 ultra camera test, supersaf tv, marques brownlee, mkbhd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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