S24 Ultra One Month Later // After The Fixes!

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s24 Ultra so it's been out for a month really hard to believe that and I got mine I think the 26 I've actually had M like a month in like two days or something as you can see I'm still here in Barcelona I'm actually headed to go home here in a little bit uh but I wanted to talk about it because it's been out for a month there's been some updates that have come out we've had some fixes there's been a lot of complaints about this phone since it came out which I mean arguably yes were kind of frustrating especially for some folks who had problems with the screen who didn't like the vividness in the way that it looked who felt like they got the the rug pulled out from underneath them and then there were complaints about the cameras so Samsung has actually done a pretty good job I I think of addressing that and coming up with the updates that are necessary to improve the user experience because from a hardware level this phone has been spectacular I mean big 5000 mamp battery Snapdragon 8 Generation 3 and we got the new camera on the back which of course I know is divisive for some folks as well but I gotta say I've taken quite a few zoomed in shots 100 times and it still looks pretty good I know it's working a little bit more with the AI enhancement but realistically for me how good do those shots look at 100 times Zoom anyway right they're they're not the greatest it's more for a novelty Factor oh this is really cool or if you need to like see something so I didn't really have a whole lot of heartburn what's more important to me is that now we have the regular camera the one times we have the three times telephone and then the five times so you can get really good intermediate shots you can get close shots mid-range shots you can get the five times when it comes to the portrait so there's a lot of nice things that I think offset and benefit as opposed to having the 10 times so I know we can have a philosophical discussion on this but I've been using this phone all week while I've been here I've got T-Mobile the antenna reception has been good it's definitely been way better than my iPhone it's been way way better than the iPhone and I made a video the other day saying the iPhone uh modem sucks and I stand by that and also my brother's here with me as well and he's been complaining about his signal but yeah the signal is solid I think the meman here is great I think the battery life is good I like the always on display what they've done with it with the changes and it's pretty neat because when I got here I didn't even have to update my time it added the new time zone for me when I got here to Barcelona that's really cool straight there on my home screen and yeah it's been good I think the camera is good I think with the recent improvements that it has been also positive I know there are still some areas where some folks are still a little unhappy and I think maybe the s23 ultra camera out of the gate was probably better so I think this one is really good but I think there might still be a few little areas where after having the s23 ultra especially all year it got fine-tuned a little bit better than what we got on launch here so I think this phone know last year everybody was complaining about the trade-in value and then this year everybody's complaining about the screen I know some folks have complained about there being like a grainy screen as well I haven't experienced that but if you have I'm sure it's probably frustrating you may be able to get a return on that and I know some people oh what about the green line look if you have a green line going through your screen that's not a software problem that's a hardware issue you should replace your phone and Samsung should honor that but that yeah it's just been a little bit more drama than usual surrounding this phone which I get it whatever new phone exciting stuff I mean we had the same thing with the iPhone I actually made a video recently talking about the pixel 8 Pro saying how it was the least uh device least problem Laden phone we've had in in recent memory you know there's problems with the iPhone 15 Pro problems with the s24 ultra so I'm I'm happy to say that the pixel 8 Pro turned out pretty good it didn't have a whole lot of issues but anyway so yeah we've got the AI stuff on here I made a video the other day demonstrating how I was able to use the live translation stuff well it's called Google Live translation it's called The Interpreter on here but I like that it's in the Quick Settings menu so if you go into the Quick Settings menu swipe down go to your second page bam interpreter it's right there plenty of languages you can download the language models it works offline I know it's basically piggybacking off of Google and that was a thing that I talked about a lot so everybody was like ai ai ai ai for all AI for everyone Samsung AI blah blah blah whatever who cares well when it comes to the phone yeah it does have some AI stuff the circle the search thing is cool also Google feature so I think the pixel8 pro is still King of the smart AI smartest smartphone kind of competition discussion Point uh the Samsung Galaxy s24 Series has some nice smart features it has some of these things but most of them are built off of Google so anyway they NE they're there hopefully Samsung doesn't actually start charging us for them after the end of next year because I talked about that when it first came out right they said well they didn't say anything it was in the fine print saying that the features were for free till the end of 2025 does that mean they'll start charging who knows but that's what it implies I think they probably won't because if they do start trying to charge for them then people will probably get upset about it and they'll be like ah we're not going to do it you notice they haven't really talked about it much so uh there is that and also most of the smart features are Google they not even Samsung so like what are you going to charge for right if anything maybe they're charging you to offset what they're paying Google to have that stuff but I thought it was funny and the keyote like oh Circle to search and then Google and their Twitter was like bam we have it too coming out the same day the s24 ultra comes out so it's just it's interesting like this whole AI Venture this new world that we're heading into very interesting topic of conversation but overall battery life is good performance is good the heat has been good and overall I mean the phone's beautiful and I'm going to answer this right now because I'm going to get several comments everybody's always asking what case is this you can see it's got Samsung on the back this is the official Samsung silicone case you can get it and it comes with a screen protector which I also have on here which is also anti-reflective and I think it does help and the anti-reflective screen protector I think it does help some I got a light right here right next to it but uh yeah and I think it's a beautiful looking phone it's got the flat screen it's got the super brightness all that jazz ip68 45 wat charging reverse wireless charging wireless charging all the things that you'd expect out of a flagship Samsung phone so I think that when you take a look at it yeah it's probably the best Android phone that's out there right now especially in the states I mean we've got the xiaomi 14 Ultra that just came out that's limited to basically China I mean maybe they'll have a global one I think yeah we just had the global launch but still try getting that yeah it's expensive and it might not even be supported properly by your carrier I mean AT&T it won't let you use 5G and there are other phones out there but by and large one of the things we love Samsung for is their Global availability they you can get it in Germany you can get it in the US you can get it wherever and the features work it's not like Google where Google has some of their smart features in the pixel phones and if you go outside the US they basically don't work and nobody really talks about a lot of that stuff but yeah uh when you have this one it works wherever you go it's not like oh you went to go to Barcelona for a week sorry your smart feature doesn't work so or this or that you know so I think it's a good phone I think arguably it's the best Android phone that you can get right now and there's not really any deals or crazy specials or anything I'm sure Samsung will continue their usual model of putting out deals and price drops and all these extra things they they're going to do it throughout the year so if you're looking to get one try and make it work for you try and find a good Carrier dealer incentive if you want to go that route I a lot of people get heartburn when I mentioned that but realistically most people get their phones through their carriers they don't just go buy them outright from Samsung so that means you're paying for monthly service fee you've got AT&T you got Verizon I say oh you can get it for free you know with the three years of installment agreements I've got somebody who's going to go in the comment section oh it's not really free yeah I I get that it's free because they're riding off the bill credits because you continue to have service through them that's pretty much how it is here in the United States if you're elsewhere I'm sure that that that might be different but in the states most people get them and that's the thing most people hold on to their phones two three or four years and then they go trade in their previous phone and get the new one so if you're trading in an S21 Ultra and getting this essentially for free through AT&T fantastic deal if you're going to pay for service for them anyway then whatever and I'm not getting paid by a carrier to say this I'm just talking to you realistically that's how it works but if you want to if you want to buy it on your own that's what I did I traded in my s23 ultra because I do review stuff and I got to I got to buy this stuff like Samsung they're not my biggest fan they don't send me phones for free they don't send me anything early to review I'm still waiting they supposedly they were going to send me the s24 which who knows if that's even going to happen now I thought it was but Samsung reached out to me and said T-Mobile wanted to send me the s24 not Samsung but T-Mobile did so I was like sure go ahead and send it and it's been like two and a half weeks and I've sent two follow-up emails and no answer yet but we'll see if that happens if it does I'll be very happy to cover the s24 I've covered the s24 plus I bought that one myself I'm sorry I can only bring so many phones here with me I have like five phones with me right now but anyway s24 Ultra solid phone I think they're doing a good job I appreciate the responsiveness with the updates you still you got seven years of support now and yeah I think that that has meaning uh in in some areas I mean if I don't think anyone's going to buy this phone and hold on to it for seven years maybe somebody will and I know some people are like oh still got my Note 8 and I I got to tell you I love the Note 8 it was a fantastic phone but I wouldn't use it today I like the security I like the updates I like the responsiveness I like the camera like there's a lot of stuff and of course you've got decks you got Wireless decks you got the Best in Class best in the world stylus experience with the SP pen so there's just a lot of good things here and I'll just go and call this my review I guess I mean maybe a month later I I've been I've had so much stuff going on uh this last month that trying to get the full review done on this phone that actually does IT service and put the I don't know maybe I'll still do that I'll just call this one month later I'll still give you my full review I know it's a little late but I've taken a lot of pictures while I've been out the last two weeks I want to talk about that stuff many of those photos have been since the update has come out I know there's questions about that so I won't call this a full review this will just be one month later and after the updates or something like that I haven't titled it yet I know some people like oh you should have your title and your thumbnail before you even record a video I haven't done that in like six years I've been doing this I record a video and then I have a title in a thumbnail that I think accurately depicts what I'm talking about but a month later I'm really happy with it I think it's been a good phone I think if you want to buy the phone it'll be a solid option for you it's going to be good for many many years and I like that Samsung is being very responsive with the updates and the fixes and things like that that's what you should do as a brand and seeing them do that this year and listening to to the responses and the criticism I think it's been positive I think most people pretty happy with the ability to update the vividness and make the screen look more vibrant and stuff like that so uh I'm going to get out of here I got to go catch a flight here in I don't know like 3 hours so uh yeah it's been fun good time here in Mobile World Congress I'll talk more about that later but I wanted to talk about the uh good old s24 Ultra it's crazy it's been out a month and if you got one I'm sure you probably been enjoying it if you weren't one of the people affected by the screen issues I'm sure we'll hear about that in the comments so that's all I've got if you any questions or comments of course please go to the comment section I'll do my best to get back with you if you enjoy the video please hit the like and the Subscribe button and the little notification Bell if you want updates when new videos come out and as always thanks for being here I appreciate you watching I'm sorry I didn't put out a video yesterday I meant to I got tied up with all the stuff going on here in Mobile World Congress I mean I got to take a day every once in a while and I was super busy so I I apologize normally I try to get them out every day uh I'm surprised quite frankly I've been gone for eight days and I've missed one day so I'm proud of myself for that um I'll Pat my own self on the back but anyway sorry for no video yesterday video today and hopefully my plane makes it safely back home if I do there'll be a video tomorrow if not this is the last one so that's all I got I'll see you guys next time yeah later
Channel: TechOdyssey
Views: 13,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s24 ultra, s24 ultra one month later, s24 ultra one month review, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra review, s24 ultra review, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra review, s24 ultra vs xiaomi 14 ultra, s24 ultra after the updates, s24 ultra fixed, s24 ultra screen fix, s24 ultra update, s24 ultra camera, s24 ultra camera review, s24 ultra camera update, galaxy s24 ultra update, samsung s24 ultra, s24 ultra unboxing, samsung galaxy s24 ultra case
Id: QffCGYj6K3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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