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sailor Fortis look at the food I can't my eyes are watery all right please shut the front door where is this man what'd you say this ladder is leaning what oh wait this dude made the big match that's really setting it on fire it's drying the clothes what the episode a bird you drive there dry they probably left it there dry there there is no water in it Roy wait you know the ultimate bath hack is wash yourself toaster what what oh they're using up that bath mat for like wait is he even shower in the shower right yeah hey do be kind of working the Naugle I do be getting him kind of sexy yeah it's a cool smiley face this looks like it's filming like China or something why do you say that I don't know it's just like speakers inside glass jar cooler 10 pack you said speakers oh did I it's popular put a speaker in this you're a special kind of boy and now we know and knowing is half the battle yes oh why did it instantly just light up I don't know cool oh that's pretty welcome to America oh look a cheese grater that's a mashed potato man Bob the Tomato potato - that's awesome beast making a pizza no he's not making a pizza though Pizza Chandler he's making miniature sandwiches obviously and he's gonna move four bites this is supposed to be satisfying it satisfies those weird people that have those like pimple popping cream all right that was a good one object oh you gotta hear the sounds the only thing cool I can still hear it faintly wow sounds like a beat yep oh oh you guys beat what whoa okay it's lagging it's Kawhi Leonard whoa oh wow is it pushing back against him impressive let's slice out dude the waters in no time that's insane and probably shook to my core right now where's your core sure where is it find it where is it in your body my course right here all right Chuck I could see you just open to close the door while we do a light back Jake thanks appreciate hey what's going on air pump oh they're gonna be pumping some air yeah that means no some squirt squirt some farm fart does it get tube in Wow I think it's really smart oh you got the battery I'm digging this music yeah like I'm gonna hold like 80s video game Oh what is that shall I look at it it actually works it looks like someone's peed on you hey you remember that time we used to sell Karambit yes way back in the day look at those two come booze maybe watermelon wait what he's gonna slice that's a bamboo stick oh I thought he's making food to eat oh think whoa Wolverine Brian's technology that's his brains for sure sure are you ready this is it did in fact slice it in slower motion Wow look there's a fly ooh nice man noise I think you got the fly nice flick another replay yes this guy gets all the girls not worthy to watch him so I'm gonna buy we love you you could say it back for those of you who want to buy your mother a gift for Christmas but also don't want to spend any money don't get this get this once you get a piece of paper and write a note don't give her a limit cut in half lemon as a hand holder it's gonna last maybe a week it's gonna smell zesty in there you farted on me earlier how much descriptive oh wow look at this this looks like it's gonna be fun yeah dude I can't wait to play this game with all my friends but I spent seven hours making it for them all I'll really care because it's stupid oh my goodness we're really out here doing this oh I would not what ha ha ha look at this yo I can't even tell what he's doing he's going so gonna make a noise yeah he's gonna make the noise the cardboard music oh my goodness that's lit dude all right I'm sorry that's great however you did that sorry I doubted you that was amazing can you for he was eating it yeah that was it yeah and then he just turns up yeah oh and he hit the truck well he's a genius he's a freakin genius blue things are getting a little dicey in here [Applause] spider-man save him well I would say Stretch Armstrong Oh chunky now he's Chuck Armstrong you serving dude I love to check much noise all right let him up he can't breathe Oh what's what's up that's what that's what they put underneath them this is looking at each other oh oh Kmart that's what's inside it it's like this gummy fluid yeah Armstrong that's gotta be unsafe just got it just broke the machine ooh iPhones pretty tough that's the same thing just talk good about Android it is good until now that's a battery that's glass you want a minute and nine seconds of this what else is it this is obvious slow-mo that's it coming out the back I'm skipping there's all the pieces all screwed together very nice thumbs up at the end I love that what are you grinding some hold your son grime parmesan Oh Parmesan cheese all up in my pizza makes it taste better make the cheese EW Mina's greasy - what this is not a grinder that was a that was a bow and arrow this is gonna be the grinder yeah there we go I'm really Jamin after these look at that making grand things Oh sharpen his knife oh look at it I just call it a surfer uh because he's grinding on him grinding maja there it is that's what you wanted to see isn't it yeah it's clobberin time it's a chia pet time but Chia Pets and you're supposed to get ate some more from it you look like an alien now I always look like you do we I'm pretty sure we pick you up in the air hit 2-1 vidya you swapped out with the real Chandler dude oh that's the clean-cut handsome oh he's getting squashed now it really does look like an alien smash that like button get it you smash it nice oh I didn't that look like hope oh yes are you satisfied no will it take to satisfy this man then so you get some tape what snip-snip oh you know what else what else we're doing oh yeah we got another taste right auntie pick each other so yeah and then the key oh I get it so it's like I knew I mean that's not a bad idea what else are you gonna that's are you gonna do you can't just get airborne but it works though that's actually practical and then they're gonna drill a hole in there always for a minute but wait oh that was wd-40 did you see that Oh Seto that look like wd-40 though ya know boy they might have any week whoa Jimmy get that one and that one that's a copper night so that's got to be copper right there so what is the little tool that is a vice that hi Stan well I scrap just put it all right oh this is a long one there's a minute in three seconds Oh Oh maybe you know I don't know what's going on here I think I feel like this would be hard to explain if you want officer sir what do you have this you know stuff oh yeah keep going keep making it worse for yourself oh man oh yeah this is no this is a kibou yuca chef oh my god it's gonna launch that tinfoil that's literally over you that's cool for that you can go to jail you got an app for that that's like a musket bro yeah look a flip can't say that all right I tried everything that's [Music] like I did that was a good word he liked it Wow whoa notice the colors are the marked squares on these cubes and then watch what happens whoo minecraft but that looks like a creeper over there what do they put one us 2.0 whoa optical illusion plane whatever wait what cool cool what is what am I supposed to be I lose device it's the same cute what what was that supposed to be confused by all of the Mars squares on these queues and then watch what happens look it's a bit red red yellow yellow whatever there's no way it's the same thing they just oh whoa top of each other so it'll match yeah look they become the same color kinda I'm confused not a lose so we're just stupid doodoo head alright you better scratch it what do you think I'm doing you know it's annoying when people say they're gonna itch something you know each an itch you scratch an itch it's just stupid it's true begin at stupid what's going on here we're just putting metal pipes into tubes that's all life is man just pipes in the teeth oh he's making whoa that's kind of dangerous oh don't do that you're gonna implode oh he's gonna make it torch this is an extended clip for your lighter I mean it's cool but it has if you want to do without looking the flame can travel back up it could be kind of dangerous I mean but at least you got a bendy lighter I guess well that was that hack I missed you you never called anymore Chandler you never come to the life hacks Chandler alright bye key it is
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 1,143,437
Rating: 4.9057088 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: LLT2nC2lVfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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