Stellaris Ringworlds - Science Without Limits

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[Music] [Music] there are three ways you can get your hands on a ring world segment the first and probably easiest is to conquer another civilization that have a ring world hey presto you've got a ring world segment next you can build a ring world segment from scratch that is the most time intensive and resource intensive method and it does require more ascension perks and technology than any of the other methods and finally you could restore a broken ring world segment if you find a broken ring world somewhere for instance the cybrex ring world or if you manage to take a system from the fallen empires with a broken ring world that will do it for you and if you enjoy this video please construct that like button repairing a ruined ring section is rather simple first you have to find one like this one i have found here and then you have to claim it inside your borders then you have to get the mega engineering rare technology this is going to give you megastructure restoration which will enable you to restore this ruined ring section then it's as easy as paying 10 000 alloys and waiting the appropriate amount of time once this ruined ring world has been restored we can send a colony ship here and we have a ring world segment okay so repairing a ring world segment definitely one of the easier methods but let's say you don't have any of those inside your borders and you can't find any in the galaxy we now want to build a ring world from scratch how do we do that well step one you must complete or restore a mega structure for instance here i have completed the science nexus megastructure it's easier again if you're able to restore this as it will go from being ruined up to being complete in a single restoration so that's one click on the other hand if you want to build something like a science nexus you first have to build the construction site and then build multiple levels spending quite a lot of time and resources to get it finished once you have completed a mega structure you can then take galactic wonders which will give you access to the ringworld technology the ringworld technology is in engineering and basically you just need to research that and we'll suddenly be good to go we can start constructing ring worlds grab your construction ship head on over to a star that you'd like to construct a ring world around right click and then attempt to build the mega structure but there are some rules the main rule is we cannot build in a system with habitable planets there are two options for dealing with this first you could crack any planets in that system allowing you to build the ring world probably not something i'd recommend but still possible and the second just find another system with no habitable planets now i can build the ringworld site it's going to cost me quite a lot of influence and 500 alloys all right here we have our site now i can upgrade it to the ring world frame there we are now i've completed the ring world frame i still don't have a ring world segment at this point you are now in the same place as anyone else that has a ruined ring world as you can see that is why getting a ruined ring world and upgrading that is much much easier and faster you can do that quite early on in the game you'll also notice that all of the other planets and celestial bodies in this system are gone where did they go well they've gone into the construction of our ring world now just like before i can complete a ringworld section and allow myself to have a ring world here we have the completed ring world and we are a biological empire yes as you might be able to tell we have synthetically ascended at some point that's why we've got lots and lots of machines but we are still biological and that that means that the districts we have available to us are set like this we can have city segments providing a lot of housing a few enforcers and a few clerks commercial segments we've actually got an extra plus two merchants here due to the tradition mercantile gives us an extra two merchant jobs when we've completed commercial enterprise tradition on our ring world research segments providing us with lots of researcher jobs agricultural segments yes we're getting some farmer jobs and then industrial segments with a 50 50 mix of metallurgists and artisans as a biological empire the main things you're really going to get out of a ring world are either research you can stack so many researchers on this planet that it is silly because you can get up to a hundred researcher jobs just from these research segments alone and then you could even start including research labs and research institutes on the planet for even more research output otherwise a trade value ring world is also quite feasible this is going to mean you're going to get lots and lots of trade from having lots and lots of merchant jobs just from the commercial segments alone you can stack up to 40 merchants on this world yes you can have agricultural segments which will provide you some food but the resource output in terms of pop efficiency at this point of the game if you're trying to get food i really don't think it's there and if you're going for or want something like an industrial world with lots and lots of metal just producing lots and lots of alloys you're much better off with something like an ecumenopolis because you can't shift these jobs around if we look over at our colony designations first off we have the colony designation that's because we are under five population we have ringworld that's going to give us a nice plus five percent from jobs that's pretty handy research ring world that's a great one giving us an extra 15 percent research output really good agricultural ring world giving us an extra plus 25 food from farmers that's really no better than a regular planet commercial ring world giving us plus 20 extra trade value that's the same as urban world designation and bureaucratic center giving us some extra administrative capacity really not worth it if you're building a ring world to be a bureaucratic center you need to take a long hard look at yourself so as you can really see the main purpose with the ring world should primarily be research and then if you do need it something like trade is also valuable as well don't be afraid not to overly specialize though because you can still get a really a large number of jobs from something like an industrial segment just two or three of these will give you 10 to 15 metallurgists very useful and if you really do need the farmers yes agriculture segments are fine too here is that same ring world i have filled it up with a 158 pops and i'm now producing a phenomenal amount of research we are getting through oh my goodness we're getting 4.2 k of research from this one planet because we have so many researchers but what are the differences if you are a biological hive mind empire well let's take a look first you have a hive mind segment that's inside of the housing segment this is going to provide us with maintenance drone jobs and some synapse drone jobs and still a whole butt load of housing then instead of the trade segments we have generator segments giving us 15 generator district jobs in this case tech drone jobs providing us with lots of energy income and finally our industrial segments now provide only metallurgist jobs or in this case foundry drones that is very useful that actually means that a ring world could become much more specialized towards alloys if you are a hive mind player though of course you still have access to research segments and a research focused ring world should probably be your primary concern interestingly if we drop the fleshy skin and biological organs and we go with a machine intelligence hivemind instead it is interestingly completely identical to the biological hive mind we still get access to agricultural segments which means we can produce food even if previously we had no food production we had no food output we had nothing going on with food i really wouldn't recommend as a machine intelligence you build these agricultural segments but just note that they're available to you something i've not really talked about is the resource upkeep of these segments it's really important to note you do need rare resources in order to build them in the case of research segments you're going to need exotic gases with your trade or generator segments you'll need rare crystals with your industrial segments you'll need volatile moats with your agricultural segments you'll also need volatile moats but with your nexus city or hive segments you won't need any rare resources those are kind of free this means you will need some sort of economic output on planets outside of your ring world in order to support these segments of course a ring world is only as good as the resource base you have to support it if you'd like to know more about rural worlds the economic backbone of any empire click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 96,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris lem, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris ringworld, stellaris ringworld 3.1, stellaris ringworld build, stellaris ringworld research, stellaris ringworld research segment, stellaris robot ringworld, stellaris guide
Id: 6a8D5jWrowU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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