Salvage Squad Steam Boat

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[Music] this way to salvage what have been called out to fix up a sick old steamboat and obviously because it's salvage squad there's not a river in sight rent bloody field and since we are in the middle of the landlocked county of Warwickshire we're about as far from the sea as you can get Oh so I mentioned so Rodolfo we've got an owner Adrian Hey hello Mike you've got a quiet dilapidated folks how long did it don't really know and havoc about five years have you not got a logbook on its mother I've got no history on it at all we took it on I got distracted good work and anything else good intention and you decided to just instead of putting on a river at all though this is definitely a feel-good Blandon it in the corner of the field to give us very good Roger finish you in scorning wooden boat you doesn't want to dry it always gonna get hard and crack okay so Rick down corner field moist but keep the weather it's not going to rock it's got grass growing through the hole here no I'm not I'm not a squirt Jerry but that's not good is it grass try blowing that Agence dreamt of doing up his boat ever since he got her but Adrian isn't someone who just does things up he's a perfectionist even working every spare minute it would taking months to achieve the kind of restoration he'd be happy with he's faced up to the fact that the only way you'll see is boat back in the water is if he lets the Selby squad loose on Oh even so he'll be keeping a close eye on the quality of the squad's workmanship Adrian wants to show her off at the prestigious steamboat associations Windermere rally think craft but the steam boats and it's only one week away this is Ascot on the water for steamboat fans no riffraff allowed if we can't get Adrian spoke gleaming like her sisters she'll be turned back at the jetty what do you think it all seriousness we've got nearly everything I reckon we've got to stand a chance regularly go one week one we listen boiler boiler down at the end call queue the boiler woman what does it look like Claire's in good shape I wouldn't like to come I'm just trying to be up there a bit here comment it's steam that runs through Adrian's veins he meticulously restores model engines for clients all over the world this is the first time he's allowed strangers in his workshop it's no surprise then that he looks a little bit anxious as the squad begin to move it from the field Gary where's the trailer I up yeah and when he didn't look away from here because lately we'll have to swing it out it was a clear picture it's like another dog [Music] pretty much meanwhile Claire is doing her impression of Miss Marple you're so wonderful but I'm there's something wrong that the boiler doesn't quite fit with the hole when you say it doesn't fit you mean before we ever actually put it in their scientific community it isn't it sort of styling or their specifically the supposed dutiful yeah and in fine and the foil is kind of thick crude is it not just because it's been left out in most yeah no no it's not about styling of it so no I don't see us who knows anything more about it you're saying if you don't think it's the right boiler do you know not the original boiler beautiful babe lovely plumage fun with the boat safely in the trailer the squad head for Adrian's workshops at the top of the field in its former life Adrian's boat was once judged the most beautiful steamboat on the Norfolk Broads she's part of the history that can be traced back to the 1780s when the first steam launches appeared on River Clyde when Queen Victoria became a fan some fifty years later all the top simply had to have one and by the 1860s the layout was pretty much as it is today a boiler amidships the middle to you landlubbers supplies high-pressure steam to an engine which in turn drives a propeller in the stern or as we call it the back if the team is to get to Lake Windermere they're going to have to restore each one of those and repair the hull this is the operating theater where the salvage squad have just six days to perform their surgery the patients on the table her organs have been taken out but what's the diagnosis will she live so what you reckon exists I mean what sort of shaping on to look like to you it doesn't look bad what I would like to do is have have a hydraulic test on it which is basically get it full of water yeah hump it out pump it up pump it up get plenty of pressure in Orchestra if anything goes wrong if anything splits all that happens is Giga little bit of water yeah whatever happens with steam we're in big big trouble what would it what would it actually just exploded off yeah it was very very nasty indeed because of course steam expands continue to have bandages with it that would actually be a lot more dramatic I wouldn't it be very dramatic I mean a lot of things we're going to have an accident we should go out big no okay at the bench Axl's getting a masterclass from the squad steam expert Claire are we doing I'm learning you learn very quickly with us yeah that's it so your boat can go forwards and backwards I don't really know but there's something it's not so made of boiler and both of them are the same age of the whole okay so something not quite matching up here she was mentioning this to make this eventually I mean I is it why do you think it's different from the boiler the start styling is different the fitments different it's much more expensive machines what does the engineer young engineer much more delicate and sophisticated so it just doesn't quite Molly on one precious day gone and all the team have done is shift is a boat and figured out what's wrong with her I try to sum up what we're doing here we've basically got to test the engine doesn't completely rebuild it have a look inside yeah and then Jerry's already said about testing the boilers almost without safe and it will work hopefully and then we come over here to the boat itself but I'm gonna Gary back in here by the way just poke got a nine-game Jane I noticed earlier over in the field and I've notice here that we've got loads of holes in the boat that you're like yeah well no it's not here it is loads there's daylight the love the long-term will put is whether you put a vampire in there dying in daylight there's enough like I'm gonna bro trust me on that so and and we've and we fix up a bit of caulking good put caulking it will just go around hammering Hawkes in the caulking I walk in my life so we've got caulking to do and what what exactly is that just this white stuff yeah well that loud Cygnet on top caulking it's like string yeah sixth string wine it up hammer it in with a chisel okay fill the back of the gap and then fill the front with a with a sealant and why on that glass it water over time I love those signs like that anything else we needs there bit plumbing bit of plumbing connect the boiler up to the engine basically I'll shoot often see what I can find out about the engine and a boiler there's a motor splash at the back ah they get fostering co limited yacht and launch builders Portsmouth England a number can you see them from it 145 you have very good eyesight if they're to rise to Adrienne's challenge Claire will have to delve deep within the engine to coax it back to life Gerry will come within a thousandth of an inch of losing it and axel will come face to face with the devil himself in the form of two planks and a mile of cotton and all the time Adrienne will be cracking the whip the address on the plaque on the boat said Portsmouth so we went there and we had a nice day there but they're not there anymore they've moved we asked we were told they moved it to Southampton so we've gotta go over there to Basra thornycroft and try and find out about our little boat Jane during the first world war bas pers became famous for sinking German ships with their motor torpedo boats which is why the Luftwaffe repaid the compliment by visiting their Portsmouth yard during World War two after the war what was left of the company joined forces with their main rivals thornycroft and the new company Vasa thornycroft lose to Southampton nowadays they're best known for their mind sweepers all of which makes our little boat Jane look fairly insignificant in the company's history but unless Hitler got them first I'm hoping phosphors naval architect Peter Brown might still have some record over so these micro films have a summer of our earliest drawings where we had records that weren't destroyed during the Second World War and if we look under boats and cruisers and I think we have a drawing back in Warwickshire the squad are into their second day clear an axe or about to tackle their first big challenge cleaning and pressure testing James boiler house if you put your feet up and I'll do the work okay as the water in James boiler turns to steam the pressure rises unchecked it would blow the boiler up just like a balloon until it exploded making a rightness which is why all steam boilers even your humble pressure cooker as fitted with a safety valve designed to release excess theme long before the boiler goes bang the first and only rule of boiler testing is don't use steam until you know the boiler can take it so clear is using water to pump the boiler up to twice working pressure 300 if there are any problems the worst that will happen is that someone will get wet just as well as it turns out a boiler has a loose pipe if we've been using steam axial would now be dead Jerry meanwhile has another set of legs to deal with before they can recoup the hole all the old stuff has to be removed when you get the cool canoe fit like a dream you had the old joy nothing to that are sure on inspection the inside of the boiler was in good Nick while the loose pipe needed a tweak with a spanner so time to get steamed up actual fixes the safety valve while Claire sets the fire I'll give you anything burn you look with the boiler lit the pressure gage creeps towards the maximum of 150 pounds per square inch if the boilers going to pass the steam test the safety valve needs to blow any minute now all they can do is wait any second now okay yeah go boil up as the pressures off we've got a working boiler but what about the engine with luck all you'll need is a bit of spit and polish all we have to do is connect the steam feed open the steam inlet valve and watch what happens this one of all the food not good clears now going to have to take the engine apart to find out why it isn't running while she's doing that the boys start the big job of making sure that boat will stay afloat when they get it back in the water and at the end of day two they're already behind schedule so Adrienne steps in to give them a lesson in caulking you're just going to tuck it into the tucking into the same okay then we need caulk and chisel hammer okay not a big hammer just just sufficient okay we're just going to knock it back into the same just a little bit not too far just work our way there easy you might think but there's one small problem you've got one and a half kilometres this stuff to get in that's a mile as a mile nobody gets fed nobody goes to bed until it's done you sure it while they got on with that I was still in Southampton with phosphors architect Peter Brown searching for some trace of Jane we were about to get lucky 1/4 1/4 35 now this happens to be the drawing of the boat is it that specific about it is that specific it is this one looking at the the date of the drawing here which is the 1st of January in 1921 you're very lucky to have a boat of this age in the condition that you say it's in because that's that's pretty old for a wooden boat anything obviously must have been either well looked after or nature looked after it for you very well it was probably looked up well looked after up to a point and then Adrian got his hands on it before it would set my field off lovely I mean in those days they wouldn't have drawn much more than that no that would have been it better gonna wear and built that boat from that they've taken the travel here to decide there's two ways of building it one is clinker one is Carville what's clinker and Carl clinker is where you've got these overlapping planks right outside and Carville is where all the planks join in to end look I think you say so it's smooth on the other side that's the one we've done so that's the one right yeah it's my recollection s1r about caulking the side of the hull when I remember it being quite smooth as Gerry and Axel were finding out making change smooth Carville built hull watertight has its frustrations a mile of cotton has to be squeezed between the planks if you realize and get this right serious proudly points maintenance as we tend to detect metal teeth sadly they've only got one day to do it caulking can be traced back at least as far as the Bronze Age the idea is to fill the back of the gaps between the planks with cotton and then cover it with flexible mastic the result is a smooth seal that will expand and contract with the planking caulking is one of those jobs that will drive you mad it looks easy but its not first you need to twist the cotton up with a drill to make it nice and fat to fit in the crack then you have to hammer it into the crack with a chisel too far hit it too hard and it will go through but failed to twist it up enough or hear it into the crack too softly and it will soon fall out this is going to a very long time while the boys are getting to grips with this Bronze Age technology Claire's taking a pirc's engine who knows what lurks beneath the cover slate finally gets you inside the engine wonderful beautiful domed lid so that when the top of the piston comes up that's not not going to strike a slap great lots of ribs cover flow expansion and it's absolutely fine in there absolutely fine when it's not gifted it looks down bore you can see there's no scoring and it still beautifully machined and when it got stuck when we put some seen through it I think it must have been just being solidified or something's just falling it's kept holding it together absolutely fine absolutes I'm not worried about that all love is the inside the machine back in Southampton I was also getting to know Jane a bit better there's a lovely lot of detail there that you'll probably recognize when you see and match up with you both yeah I mean there's that there's a bronze bull out there for instance and a fair lead over the stem would it have on here anything to do with a boiler do you know well here we've got the shaft line propeller stuffing box and the casing with a wooden casing for the engine there is no provision there for a boiler so that has got to be a petrol paraffin or oil engine ah what so so the original boat wasn't distinctly the boat was originally designed as a motor launch hook so as one motor of the missing rather than a steam Lodge it would have said riah steam lon right so it brought a ringer then this is come from a chop shop isn't it we've got two halves at one bite we've got like the base of the boat and then all the pallets that go on here not from the original boat is that way it would appear the original boat this boat 14:35 was not a steam launch Oh now as they say in steam circles this is a bit of a blow it might just pour cold water on the whole restoration process which is a shame because back in the workshop Jerry appears to have things under control these abandon Adrian's caulking techniques proved to work since the Bronze Age and come up with his own way of doing things what we're doing if rather than doing the loop business we're bringing it out putting the tension in it letting it come back a bit laying it nice and loose against the hull and it's going in a dream I mean the difference is we're gonna be able to put semen now in maybe five or six minutes and it was taking us over an hour oh yeah look at that just the time saved is phenomenal the squadron high spirits but the sound of sea shanties brings Adrian back to the workshop when he let the squad Gare his boat he told them he wanted a perfect job and he means to get it even if he has to ruffle a few feathers hey guys nearly there we've got I stood beside we don't get the sense in nicely and not gonna get insane to it that's not gonna jog Laura with a if you think no but you actually doing it I mean trust you're helping but you know it looks like Claire can forget finishing the engine tonight oh goodness you guys got that eight o'clock tomorrow morning yes seven now your stubble you I thought tomorrow morning sir an hour later and the squad realized that Adrian wasn't joking guys that's just so much for coming minutes just have a seviche of tea yeah let's take five and you actually wearing this up in the Daleks oh yes that's bound up with a drill it was you know we're going to be a little dull and so yes okay bit more care people yeah I'll color on with what I'm doing it seems everyone's relatively satisfied with that work seems I'm good at that so I'll continue with that well what are you doing actually spitting it getting in the scene getting it to fill up the gaps right well I mean I've been patient I've got across all these red marks where I like to go across wait so she's got the throws agreed allowed to splice it so but you should be picking it up when you're going across okay I mean just just tidied up just you know exactly a bit more time tidied up yeah yes sniffing all right in the old days the sail is called the longest seemed to be caulked the devil which is where we get the phrase caught between the devil and the deep blue sea so perhaps it's no surprise that this is turning out to be one hell of a job maybe we got what one two three four five six at the front end and seven teams left to hammer hernĂ¡n yeah we get stuck at it we can lick and crack it had jerry's patent caulking method been up to Adrienne standards at least they would have got to bed on time now with only the boiler test finished by the end of day three they have little choice but to knuckle down while Adrienne takes charge of the night shift by the morning they're finished caulking but there's only time for a swift copper before the hard work starts again I was well chat with you because I could see you starting to go yeah he'll come across our driver games crunch the gravel yeah and just make me wanna I thought you both had such a few more failures that we were basically cooking down we're going to do is feelin anyway yeah yeah still at the engine to finish off I just finished I'll get them sailors called the sealant over the caulking pie which is why we talked about there being the devil to pay playing the devil the longest seam is what axles doing is it beyond the call of duty this one while Adrian checks his workmanship meanwhile Claire and Jerry's start to transform the boiler from a lump of rust into a work of art [Music] with the caulking and sealing finished axel gets to give the funnel a rub these wooden planks aren't just there to make the void little pretty the main job is to provide insulation from the scalding heat of the boiler itself the glue is just to keep the clinks in place until the brass straps are tightened up once the brass work is fitted and a quick coat of varnish applies a lump of scrap is transformed into an elegant antique ready to put in the boat for sticking a steam engine and a boiler into a motor launch is a tight fit and I'm heading back from phosphors to reveal to the squad's that all their hard work and late nights may just have been for nothing these in the original plans seem to this actual total firing because without those the job number there we have a slight problem here this was originally a motor launch it wasn't a steamboat so if you look here it is dodo signs a droid motor yeah up from is a fuel tank which I'm guessing is this this thing here got a water tank angel went over that was the fuel tank and it was a petrol engine as you can see there's no there's no chimney stack or anything on it it was a petrol engine this explains why the engine and the boiler don't quite marry up with the hole and actually flagged a planet you were right by the way but effectively if we're doing a restoration for this maybe we should be looking they're putting a picture engineer maybe I don't mean it we are able but making all the work you've done with a boiler don't look at me like that crash is why it'll make things there are some in the rules yeah just restore it back restore any pet window steam engine went in there it's day four of the restoration and the squad think they're back on target to get Jane ready for lake windermere but I've got news they might not want to hear this was originally a motor launch it wasn't a steamboat so stir it back restoring the petshop window steam engine went in there there's only one man that can make that decision if I'm not putting a petrol engine back in my launch okay okay I mean you surprised at this type this happen not really now I mean out of all the sting launches that are out there I mean there's probably 10% that original bill steam launches a lot central Oh for the reminder wooden hoes are there oh yeah I mean the conversions either from rowing boats or from motor boats or something you take a nice contemporary hole that's you know lost its way it's been abandoned you build yourself a nice team plan please find an old steam plant yeah and married two together well I just like making something in the style of you know when we go up to Lake Windermere we're not going to get picked on as the sort of you're clearly not a steamboat no no because the bidding cold-ass really my day the decisions been made all that remains is the tricky bit squeezing a half-ton boiler into a very tight space [Music] or the budget each other [Music] primera vez me me [Music] now let's go like that you come to me yeah we got a tat you gotta track that's going to catch on this chair that boiler will go in that hole ah is this an extension that you put on yes aha that's extension portal for pumping up wasn't it remember yeah recession listen this at this boiler back out on the deck okay okay Allah who is in there like that thanks will scores an equalizer with Adrienne's nose a little out joint the offended tap is removed and the lift begins again okay across oceans elephants live in structures [Music] double [Music] that's very good excellent i blowing me brownie points from Adrienne things are looking up with the boiler in place it's time to start the plumbing Axl has got to join the pipe that will run from the safety valve to the top of the chimney so that any escaping steam won't poach the crew excellent all right can i watch you could let me die too much I'd love to work I love to I'd love to see you with that oh we've got a math work this way I will do do I get masks lately it's going to take about three four minutes before going but cut sold on it what it takes up and pay up there to make this glow red yeah I might watch from a distance how are you watch from a distance taxi when the safety valve kicks in the steam in this pipe will be so hot that it will melt ordinary solder so axles using silver based solder which is a much higher melting point than this stuff your plumber uses the engine has joined the boiler inside the boat the squad now have just two days left to complete the plumbing and paint the hull but as day five dawns agen remembers something rather crucial there's one thing we actually forgot in all this gone we've got boiler boat engine yeah look at the bank fella has it got one look that's the problem here is just the right one yeah listen the one I came in about it some shifty the old too big though see the color to go is make it high it was a machinist men carrying horribly like my department then he makes up a bit I can manage that I below Kenny now the problem the team of landed Gerry with is that the hole in the middle of the propeller is larger than a shaft onto which it's got to fit so Joey's got to make a new piece of metal that will fit tightly into the hole in the propeller and then drill a hole down the middle of it which will fit snugly onto the propeller shaft there's with most things in life it's not that simple this hole here the different size this end to this end which means it's not just the case of getting my bar and making it smaller in diameter along its length sliding it through probably what's called taper turned which essentially means but I've got to start it off big at one end and I've got to gradually reduce it in diameter to the other [Music] just as Jerry gets going Adrienne brings him another piece of good news we've only got one big crumbs that I'm more than aware yeah so I'd rather get right look why are you paddling at the bag I'm good I fit in Pella and see he make propeller was there well you're here to wrap me not by that point anymore thank you all right Thank You Jerry into a propeller all right you carry on this is where you Duff it up and break the tooling go into all sorts of trouble with a boss after the last few days last thing I want to do is copy that in front of Adrian the lave is one of the oldest machine tools around dating back at least as far as the 14th century it works by spinning the metal in a central chuck just like a drill and then applying a chisel right tool which can shave off my new quantities of metal resulting in parts accurate to within a few thousandths of an inch but it's not as easy as it looks you can have to go all the way up there again aren't you why you're going to go lie up there again because you started the cut from the wrong flashing Muppet with Jerry turning into Kermit the Frog I figured it was time to attempt to solve the mystery of Jane's transformation from motorboat to steam launch Adrian had bought her from fellow engineer David Sykes who steamed her on the Norfolk Broads ten years ago a debilitating illness meant he could no longer look after her properly he took her out the water and five years ago sold her to Adrian David still lives on the Bronco and with any luck he'll be able to shed some light on the mystery so as you know today's gym was found it oh this is Jonathan one that is we first found Ella that's all the front back that I made new did you make that one as well yeah it did this is doing no stealing the ribs when you say famous that's helped end yeah bang bang bend the wood finesse together Alexia yeah yeah brain so it turns out that it was David that reinvented Jamie's a steam launch and not only that I discovered that it actually made the engine and the boiler himself you actually built everything yourself from scratch yeah that's absolutely amazing did I go down the engine ever run I made that engine I'm a dying David's engine is a Stuart Turner 6a it's based on an original design that goes back to 1915 but David Bowie as a set of castings and machined all the other parts himself is the first time the vinyl gravely mystery solved Jane had been bought as a rotten hole by a brilliant engineer who'd rescued her using one of the many engines and boilers he made himself but having solved one mystery David set me up with another yeah I made these nuts part a gene I think you should go back where it came from so what is this yeah you're not going to tell me I know no no well I'm going to take this up to like Wyndemere and see if any of the squad could actually tell me what it is meanwhile our other master engineer was making progress [Music] oh yes that's how it should pick sadly that was the easy bit hollowing it out so that it fits the prop shaft will be much trickier well that's it happy bunny now because the end of the shaft is tapered Jerry will first have to drill a hole down the center of the collar and then use a lathe to type out the edges so when exactly mirror the cone-shaped propeller shaft his first task is to position it accurately on the lathe this is so critical I mean okay so steam engine the prop will turn relatively slowly but if it's wrong it's out of balance it'll shake the boat apart and it's not something I want to be responsible for I mean I should work it out but it's the opener tell me to hurry up no sitting right down what's wrong I'm having a very unhappy time of this why mate we're trying to go I'm trying to get it onto this face place right and it it's not going for me I've already drilled through Jerry's problem is securing the prop to the lathe in such a way that the collar is positioned exactly in the center when he starts to hollow it out just a fraction of a millimeter off and the prop will wobble and damage the boat what-whatever probably the closest with lateral thinking up meanwhile Claire is starting to make the main steam pipe that will supply steam from the boiler to the engine all right just about Oh Jerry oh boy like it's so hard isn't it it's someone else's workshop it's someone else's lay so that every night returns our massive boat so that we this job in Reverse or I think most eight it time he works on stuff like that but the shed is now so he is not disturbed and isn't going to ask anyone else where we put the thing down the other night Roger so make your the real answer that girl so I just fed up what's frogging about your workshop on my own leave it little soon yeah let's take it off again why because I've got to lock type of thing in there because I'm taking massive even think before Jerry can commit himself to hollowing out the inside of the collar he's got to be absolutely sure he's got his measurements right 79 55 whatever that is in real life I think it's been ongoing - while getting cabin fever on immigration turning out of the way yeah what something tell me this one the pressures really getting to Jerry he knows that if he makes even the slightest mistake the propeller will be useless and no one will be going to the lakes the squad are now one day away from Wyndemere clear and Axl are putting the final touches to the plumbing and after a night of nightmares Jerry is about to start the most critical job of all turning an angle inside the collar so it will fit perfectly onto the tapered shaft machines friend of mine says Boyd lennier twice things were so clear an axle there's one big job to finish bringing my water they're going to spend the rest of the day sand in the hole smooth before applying as many coats of paint as they can less than a week ago this hole was rotten after five years at the bottom of a field the squad have worked day and night to get this far but Gerry is still working on the collar a no amount of painting will get to Windermere by tomorrow if it doesn't fit [Music] anyone else will put that for your job [Music] [Music] the moment of truth Jerry's finally finished the inside of the collar if it fits they're on their way to Wyndemere if it doesn't then six days and several nights of work will be wasted come on that's like it every um you want to know so why do we come swimming oh I think that deserves a pat on the back I tell you what boys and girls they didn't want to go on much further than that you know that would be chopping because mahalo boy you carefully calculated it I did carefully calculate it nothing be there she may be finished but to find out if she'll float there's a 200 mile drive from Warwickshire to the lakes it's the morning of the steam rally and Jane is about to fill the water around a hole for the first time in ten years like any boat has been out of the water for a while she's bound to leak a little the question is how much coming in she's closing the first thing we look at in my walk in the near horizon yeah quickly they pull her out to see how bad things are that is absolutely current isn't it and we might actually ever split that what can we do with that crack there leak there well nothing just hope it swells up while still that tells us out I think it's just kind of throw it back in the water and just let it take off a bit more it's going to take at least two hours for the planks to swell enough for the water to stop coming in time to take stock on what's been a very tough week well that's it look happy no hmm no I might be a long before cuz you're such a taskmaster mate but really at the end of day it was worth it so why don't we course we did I mean it's old but we would have been over there well my past miles are like yourself Halliburton squad like us were you happy to work xbox yeah absolutely top much I'm going to come to the Nick that you guys buy screaming you know you once but all definitely little threat after two hours it's good news and bad news the boat stopped leaking water from the bottom but it started taking it in from the top fortunately a few drops of rain won't put the boiler out the squad light the fire and get up steam oh my god you look like arrived just in time you're on fire quick throw water on it okay our baby I'm doing all right it's the morning of the steam rally and Jane is about to feel the water around a hole for the first time in ten years it's um well we're if somewhere there it was great see this observation I'd love to get in but I'm not allowed when they design this I know Maureen so I'll actually they've spelt it wrong but the sentiment inside over it was Ed Oh I let the old boy getting I got this off of them baby Sykes the previous are enough its examine what it is actually I guess you might be a couple a kettle a William it hit off a wind it is Windemere people so what why I've been tea kettle cup of tea we've got these copper pipes over there that obviously need something voiceover often but Shoji gets things for their there may see good coming in there yeah put some water in the top okay what I'm seeing through it infant pea I wasn't sure Dave and it got this when he basically got the boat as a wreck first hold of it and he just put it together these things are named Raya and he built this yes no all right he actually built the boiler Nanjing it's all these anywhere that's why we have a steam boat instead of a petrol engine so everybody opposition to raise the age of the boat he aged the boiler we're actually right in that isn't quite yeah this is his handiwork so we actually had to go of it yet so I'm just intrigued I've sorted dump on your latest job I just wanted a you props kind of code because you had a few problems problems we have do you have a problem with the problem well come on let's find out that Gordon no time like the present like it's not is it like an ignition justice for our switch don't know [Music] [Applause] Charlotte yet so funny thing is I boy we go forward here put a propeller on backwards here so we've made it to Wyndemere with a dry boat and a boiler full of steam but they promised Adrien should be good enough to gain admission to the prestigious steamboat rally and to do that she'll have to pass muster with none other than a technical director of the Wyndemere steamboat Museum David Matthews and we're better to do it than the steamboat museum itself home to the prettiest steamboats of them all I enjoyed wandering mornings with your gang someone and lady and lazy lady morning madam half an approving eye or maybe the screws however us I work the kid yeah well good choice isn't it you need a criteria bus little boats around the steam plug in a very nice workable solution I think some people try to over elaborate the registration and I think it's a mistake and it doesn't want to look like a grand piano you know you can see if they're going out enjoying it that's a work that I do in a working bit the engines a nice size for it somebody put a lot of work in on that nicely balanced so you know in old houses we've seen of course it's be very rare to find a completely original old steamboat by the only place you'll find them is in this museum here you don't need to get too hung up about not having the right glad you said I told the chapters and I was getting very upset but the great thing is it's a beautiful old boat and it's been put to a wonderful use and it's not just rotting in somebody's backyard in affirming oh come on that was a rotten as much accomplishments great food a botanist cream so it will write a parley cuz you are oh yeah really one except salute Samantha's we can go week that were in success our James no steamer and she's free to join the beauty pageant unless you believe it we made it either in just six days and nights the squad have managed to turn Jane from a pile of timber at the bottom of the field into a glistening steamboat worth around 20,000 pounds fit to join her sisters on the waters of Lake Windermere which is both there's a lot hand signals but very rarely is it just away [Music]
Channel: The Hot Red fox
Views: 10,507
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: zNcgw7CTKlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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