Sadhguru's Message For Young Citizens Of The World | Save Soil | The Ranveer Show 182

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the much awaited conversation with the legend satguru is finally here the last time i spoke to him it was 2018 i was a very different person the questions i had the thoughts i had were extremely different as compared to my perspectives at this stage in life it's been two and a half to three years of a lot of knowledge absorption and i hope that if you enjoyed that conversation that we had back then you'll enjoy this conversation even more it's aimed at all the gen z's out there aimed at college students it's aimed at young professionals and above all it's aimed at the leaders of the human race in the future why because this conversation touches upon a lot of topics including the save soil movement what is the safe soil movement satguru will tell you himself on the show but what's to be noted is that because of climate change because of deforestation because of pollution caused by human beings soil all over the world is losing its quality and therefore that means that we might face an entire phase of food shortages and famines all over the world in as less as 40 years from now this and more on this very crucial conversation with satguru on the runway show enjoy yourselves follow us on spotify drs is a spotify exclusive which means that every episode is available on spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world this conversation is going to blow you away if spiritual conversations are what you're in the search for namaskaram enjoy the episode with guru [Music] just i think this has already become one of the most fascinating moments of my life being in the middle of nature speaking with you so um you know i last spoke to you in like this in 2018 i feel like i was a child back then i feel i'm a little older of a child now but that night i i mean that that conversation had such a deep impact on me because of the things you answered my questions with like the the answers you gave gave me the answers i needed exactly at that point in time and that night i actually had a dream about you this time i'll treat you like an adult okay happy happy too happy to just be next to you and be talking to you it doesn't matter how you treat her this is the thing with me even if they're 70 years of age i treat them like children and they slowly become like that with me that is the whole thing with time people are getting crusted that is the whole thing about life that you don't get trusted and rested just because of time no i agree i'll still treat you as a child okay happy happy and honored too happy and honored to be treated like a child so guru it just breaks my heart that i'm having such a beautiful moment here with you and our world is in the middle of a war right now not the world only two nations two nations no no it's very important we don't exaggerate this because we should never move into that thing about two world wars have happened we should never ever move in that direction conflict should not happen but in case it happens at least it must be contained everybody should not jump into it what do you think goes on in those few men's minds you know the ones who are the decision makers why would you consciously choose to go to war it can't just be for economic reason there has to be a thought of ego as well like you see these are very superfluous judgments but we must understand all this is rooted in our strong sense of identity and we want our identity to dominate somebody else's identity so nationhood is a very strong identity the identity is consciously built and encouraged to a point that you are willing to shed your life for your nation it is always considered a great virtue right if i am willing to shed my life for my nation i am also willing to take your life for that that is a natural process whether it is nation race religion caste creed or even your individuality if you're unnecessarily identified you will get into unnecessary levels of friction and conflict um isn't identity just another word for ego like i've constantly been thinking lately a lot about this concept of ego the more you think about see when you say it's a concept of you go that means you made it up why do you make it up [Laughter] okay fair my my follow-up question i didn't make it up so i don't have it these are these are the kind of answers i just play with my hair okay and i'm not ready for the next question yet but i'm still gonna throw it at you so okay the next the next question honestly is the other kind of concept that fascinates me a lot in this world and kind of still makes me feel bittersweet about the times that we live in it's this concept of gen z which is generation z which means kids that are roughly born after 97. wait wait if you're generation z don't ever say that because that means you're the last generation well that's one thing i'm trying to avoid that you should not be the last generation what does gen z mean is the last word last album i think i think culturally i am a millennial because i'm born pre-97 i am also 20th century millennial i think which millennia are you talking about i think those are the cultural kind of terms given to them all right but don't use the word gen z that means you're the last generation please don't be that we'll call you uh you know gen a okay i think the next one's called jen alpha just we go back to the start oh okay it's a circular moment of alphabets so so i i work once you learn the alphabets you must go into words once you get the words you must go into sentences once you go into sentences you go into literature okay don't keep on repeating the alphabets man [Laughter] i i work with a lot of these gen z's and some gen alphas what i notice about them is that i seem to find a different name [Laughter] gen z is dangerous it means you're the last generation can do that yeah i think it's a cool sounding name maybe in in our heads as as youth but anyway uh so so the one thing i notice about them is that they're incredibly intelligent far more intelligent than my generation was at that age 17 18 and you talk to some 13 14 year olds and they're even smarter than this gen z generation so i look at them as like both blessed and slightly cursed cursed because we're living in the times of the virus we're living in the times of this particular incident we spoke about like the war and then they're also living in the times of ecological damage the good thing about gen z and gen alpha is that they're way more environmentally conscious they're more intelligent they're very more strategic they know how to use technology design social media much better but i'm very curious to kind of think of that trajectory in this world what kind of world are they heading into see every generation thinking they are special is a very bad thing unfortunately every generation thinks they are special so we come from the 60s the 60s generation thought they are really special people all right they became a disaster don't go in that direction because this thing thinking this generation is more intelligent that generation is more conscious it's not like that because by doing that you're shirking your individual responsibility what do you mean see you got to be smart my generation is smart what does it mean whether you're smart or dumb is the only question that matters isn't it whether you're conscious or not is what my oh we our generation is more conscious there's no such thing this is the whole people find thousand different ways as to how to shift the fundamental responsibility of being human to something else and something else you're talking about genji can handle their phone better than me maybe it's true because that's what they were born with i could climb a tree better than any gen z probably even now i can do it better i can ride a motorcycle better than most zen ziza so what i'm saying whatever was available to us in our times we've become good with it that doesn't make us smarter so what world are they heading into though like what do you think is in store for us over the next 10 20 years well if they're only looking at the phone screen or the computer screen they're heading at your wall you need to look up and see where is life going around you it's very important you're misunderstanding technology and uh you know the screen space as a reality no it's a technology is a wonderful tool only if you use it consciously if you become unconscious and compulsive about it today in the united states they've set up technology d addiction centers okay just like drug detection technology addiction they're going crazy with technology alright technology has done wonders to me we're doing 100 times the work that we were doing uh maybe 15 20 years ago simply because of technology i think it's a great thing but somebody else is suffering that human beings are even suffering their own brains isn't it if they didn't have a brain they would be peaceful because they have a brain they're saying stress stress stress because you don't know how to handle the highest technology which is here on this planet the greatest technology on the planet is the human mechanism people who don't know how to handle it people who never read the user's manual they are suffering their body and their mind i i have two follow-up questions to this yes the first one is are you familiar with the whole metaverse revolution that's happening and the second a revolution i've heard about metaverse i know what meta worse yeah it's like virtual reality worse that's the that's the follow-up question that's the second against any technology i am for it only if you know how to consciously handle it see right now isn't this meta worse yeah hello that's that that's that was the question like um you know i i just hope that the technologies of the future don't take us away from nature because we are living in a beautiful city because you will be wearing those vr glasses and you will completely not look at the world yeah see right now if you pay enough attention to this this is super metaverse believe me people have never paid attention lived in jungle spent weeks together just by myself what's happening here not simple even today when i'm talking about the soil everybody's saying how did you become an environmentalist from where i think it's quite vulgar to call yourself an ecologist environmentalist whatever i'm not saying in scientific as a scientific terminology generally people calling themselves because you are a part of the ecology you are a part of the environment how the hell did you assume that you're above it and you're going to fix something you are part of it you just outcome of it isn't it what's happening in the soil and who you are is just a reflection it's a consequence of what's happening there so we assume this distance especially if you wear these vr glasses and walk around all the time you will never see life around you not experience life around you so all you are having is like a psychedelic experience at that time during my time everybody was doing that with lsd well 12 13 of my friends died doing these things i thought they always said i will kill myself on my motorcycle but i'm still here they did drugs and they thought that is better because they were seeing worlds that didn't exist and many of them died others got sick so they were doing meta metawars with chemicals you're doing metawars with technology all that will happen is your mind will get distorted because the mind is a reflection of what you're exposed to if you're more and more exposed to the unity and the harmony of the creation that's how your mind will become if more and more you're exposed to all these aberrations however great it is in terms of creation it's entertainment means you do it one or two hours that's a different thing but you think that is a new world and you but people are buying real estate hello people are buying real estate in meta worse there can't be a dumber thing than that okay see you buy a real estate in the false world false estate it's not a realistic especially after the conversation i heard of yours with prajakta right now just before this where you were kind of dishing out pieces of truth from the near future where you said that 90 percent of the organic content in soil has deteriorated all over the world you know you spoke a lot about generally the deterioration of our planet i feel like that's the pertinent issue but people don't focus on all the holes in the boat they just focus on making the boat larger and larger and you know we're speaking about uh billionaires of the world like elon musk all these people they're trying to colonize mars they're trying to do all that terror forming but here our planet is getting affected and i feel that's the issue that gen z needs to talk about a lot more so jen whatever then uh but but the younger folks need to know these truths you can call them z a closer term would be c then confused that's not a popular thing to say but i'm telling you this is very important that you don't label yourself already people are putting enough labels on you you are indian you're brown you're white you're with this religion that religion that cast this creed all kinds of rubbish labels they're putting on you don't put one more label on yourself because every label will restrict you in some way isn't it will it not yeah yeah so don't put any labels why don't you just live here as a living thing breathe and exist and reverberate at the highest possible level that's all you can do with life rest is all your imagination do not misunderstand your imagination as reality this is very important if you confuse psychological reality as existential reality you will suffer immensely in your life this what is happening to people what is it that they're suffering or see somebody putting pins into your body no you're just suffering your own mind isn't it the greatest thing that's happened on this planet if you ask me in terms of technology and in terms of possibility is human mind but you suffer that all the time and uh if i say it doesn't matter whether you're born yesterday or you're born 100 years ago if you are suffering your own mind your gen c yeah um how do we get people generally to just be a part of the safe soil movement after your chatter project i have understood the significance of it but my question maybe this is a capitalistic question but how do we actually grip people's attention and tell them listen this is what's wrong with the planet see first thing is uh the younger generation needs to understand food comes from land your body that you carry which matters to you this comes from land this is land this is called human because this is a consequence of the humus in the land so take some time to find out how much humans is left wherever you are you're living in a city everything is paved all right paved land and plowed land disaster on the planet it is very important soil is a recycle all the time dead life is going into it and life is coming out of it the most miraculous thing about soil is this the miracle of the soil is that nowhere in this entire universe is there a place where you can sow death and it sprouts life burst out with life bury something dead here and just see in a few days how much life will be happening around it tell me you show me one place in the entire universe where this can happen so right now the kind of things people are imagining up making up in their mindses uh about a week ago there is somebody who's got a startup okay if you pay 1.7 million dollars to him when you die you can book it right now when you die whenever you die they will take your body and leave it in the space because there's no oxygen out there and there's no microbial life your body will not rot it will just remain the same way for millions of years your body can float around in the space maybe you can catch a ride on some spaceship i'm saying the body that you carry is essentially soil if you did not do anything eco-friendly at least when you die you must put it back where it belongs hello that's the simplest thing you can do but today they're putting them in boxes and preserving them in buildings like parking lots they're built for people to be stored in boxes this box belongs to your grandmother you can go and put flowers there what is the point of preserving a dead body it must go back because we have no business it's a loan that we have taken we have to put it back when our job is done isn't it so doing this kind of things is all coming from the ignorance of how life happens life you know if you utter the word carbon everybody thinks something noxious something poisonous today because of so much stock happening in the social media about carbon carbon dioxide carbon monoxide carbon is life you and me are carbon life ah this tree is carbon life every animal is carbon life isn't it this entire world life the fundamental material for life is carbon based and right now what you call is life on one level is just a whole carbon cycle if there is a chain if there is a chain which is making something let's say motorcycles have changed you know these days these chains that we have today on these motorcycles modern motorcycles they don't give us so much trouble otherwise when i was riding motorcycle every 500 600 kilometers you have to check your chain because it will become loose if you ride like that it'll come off and cause a disaster for you okay every 600 kilometers 700 kilometers you have to check it 1000 kilometers you have to take off a link because the material was such today modern chains are made in such a way we aren't we're just not bothered with simply writing they're also you must maintain but when you're on a single trip you don't have to bother so a chain any chain is a cycle like that any chain is only as strong as an individual link you don't have to break the whole chain if you break one link it's gone right right now this chain the carbon chain is going on all right to keep the life going that's the only way life is going but the agricultural soil on the planet which is one big link in the chain has become too weak if that breaks life is not going to be good life you can order from your your food from swiggy piggy wherever you like it but somebody has to cook it right somebody is cooking the food the delivery mechanism won't deliver it to you somebody is cooking the food somebody is growing the food delivery can happen technology app do not misunderstand the delivery as the source you're eating food not because of a food app you're eating food not because of a store you're eating food not because of your kitchen you're eating food only because of the richness of the soil if you don't understand this we will pay a serious price unfortunately in the last 30 40 years we have missed this point and caused enormous damage to the soil where 62 percent of india's soil has less than 0.5 percent organic content this is on the verge of desertification we are partners with unccd the u.n agency to combat the certification this is the biggest concern right now the world is turning into a desert if people don't understand how it turns into a desert saudi arabia means you see a desert right 10 000 years ago it was a rain forest gujarat was a you know well-endowed forests rajasthan was a forest when the saraswati river flowed on the surface all these were forests the moment it was deprived and certain things changed and people did not understand what was happening they all turn into harsh deserts this is what will happen it is not that tomorrow tomorrow morning there will be sand dunes in your neighborhood that's not the point because then you may think it's very romantic you can go and sing a song there like a movie star or something that is not how it will happen food production will slowly slide it's not like one day suddenly there will be no food it slowly slides even today for all of you young people who are well to do who have choice of foods to eat i want you to understand every day even today 820 million people go to bed without food it's expected by 2032 nearly one and a half billion to two billion people will be going to bed without food it's expected by 2045. nearly three to 3.5 billion people will be going to bed without food is that what you want to do and what makes you think it won't be you what is the guarantee it's not you you always think these things happen to somebody else no no it will happen to you and me i've been reading a lot of historian's work like graham and kog you all know harari and they keep talking about how history is so deep that there's no way we can even know what happened before ten thousand years or twenty thousand years so i always think that maybe there were civilizations that actually made some wrong moves from an environmental perspective and mother nature came to bite back do you think this is another cycle like just like that see it has happened not on the scale it's happening now because now it's global mayan civilization collapsed because they over formed mesopotamia one of the greatest civilizations in the world between two rivers that collapsed because of over farming rome as a civilization collapsed because of over farming because those days there was no massive transportation systems like railways or ships and things like that once they could not grow food that city would collapse today we can say you are not growing any food in mumbai all right but you can good get food from all over the world but how long do you think it will work without the needed food growing around you how long will it work and once there is a shortage in that source they will stop sending food to you already it's happening to many places okay the next question i'm going to ask might sound a little rude and i apologize i'll also be rude no problem that's that's fine uh you're allowed to be rude yeah but uh um and then i'm asking you this from the perspective of me studying a book called the garud quran lately which speaks about death so you're thinking what punishment i should get is it no no no i'm it got me thinking about my own death and everything i wanted to do before my death so all these campaigns you're taking on where be it safe soil be it kaveri calling are you doing it from a perspective of you want to create an impact in the next 20 30 years because you're doing some extreme stuff like the 30 000 kilometer bike ride it's it's it's harsh on anyone's body so it gets me thinking that firstly it's a two-prong question i'm very sorry if this is coming off as rude but i'm curious do you ever think about your own you know your own moment in time and and secondly how do you my moment in time i am fully sorted out on that completely sorted out i don't have such bother at all in life do you think about it at all no because i will decide that moment i'm not thinking it'll happen like that to me what are you waiting for why you asking why am i not dead why have you not chosen why have you not chosen it yet well still the water is flowing people around me are still thirsty to know and to grow if they show little boredom in front of me i'll be gone they better know that yes that's how simple it is for me people who sit in front of me if they show boredom they think what is he talking about well i'll be gone okay i met you four years ago and uh again this is going to be a slightly rude question i apologize to like everyone here um you know i i see what you're trying to do i've visited the ashram i've come to coimbatore i've seen all the work that's going on i've seen the energy of everyone and there's a lot of good intent here especially when it comes to the environment not a lot of good intent only good there's only there's only good intent here and you have people in the world of politics people in the world of media i would even say the entire left wing of the country always trying to pull you down i feel the same people there's pockets of it which try to pull me down as well and i'm by the way i'm called gen z which is like which is which is like i i feel embarrassed but you know these kind of narratives are out there so how do you perceive all that so like what do you what do you make of that situation when you're trying to do so much good and people are misinterpreting you they're trying to pull you down because i'm actually asking you this form from my own perspective if i could learn something see if you are very clear that what you're doing is significant for every life around you other people's opinion means nothing but what i'm saying for 30 years plus they've been saying the same things they're not even creative they're not able to come up with anything new all right same things they are saying but they have not gotten anywhere because they have no substance there's no substantive anything that they have said so it's unfortunate that they're in that state but what i see is every daily mystic quote is there you know daily quote all these people are just waiting one thing that they don't understand suddenly all of them will get together and make it make the twitter trend i am so glad because every day they're reading my quotes even people who are here are not reading [Laughter] they're reading okay i'm saying every day carefully they're reading my quote the day they don't understand they think i made a mistake and boom they'll go i'm glad i worked in prisons both in india and united states i worked with hardcore criminals who have come for murder rape worst possible things that a man can do for those things they have come and i've seen significant transformation with in their lives simply because of two days or five days of contact with me these guys are continuously following me i'm very confident one day they will be very transformed i wish them the best but my you know it's not just about the opinions of guru i feel if you are in the middle of your own purpose sometimes people yes it unfortunately takes a certain amount of energy time resource to handle this but see they also enhance the message any publicity is good publicity i don't think this is publicity i've never looked for publicity actually people may find this difficult to understand i'm an extremely uh private person really i am public because i consider all of them as part of myself only in that sense otherwise i am not public in any sense so it takes a certain amount of uh you know in your stride a little bit of extra it's like you're walking and somebody hangs onto your leg you still have to walk you walk but they are lightweight okay i'm saying uh with all whatever they've been doing for 25 years they're not able to prove one point and say okay this is actually happened how long will people believe this kind of trash endlessly slowly they're losing their attraction they're feeling stupid many of them have started following us in a positive way many journalists who from hello magazines and stuff who started this whole scandalous thing about us today they're all devotees here others will come what do you think is that person's journey who has that much anger in their heart see some of them are genuinely angry because because there is bitterness in them from their own life yes lack of being significant in the world this is not just about me they're attacking sports people they're attacking actors they're attacking artists anybody who's successful they're attacking them because their anti-success they want to succeed but i they must have failed repeatedly in their lives in everything that they do now anybody who is successful they want to pull them down who just tell me who's been spared which arena of life has been spayed politicians who are elected they will pull them down sports persons who are very super successful they pull them down spiritual people of course the thing is on but they don't pull down all the spiritual people if they're ineffective if they're not a big success they're not pulling them down they're not disagreeing with them all right so they're essentially you know ranked by somebody's success which shows lack of significance in their own life i wish them success so that they can relax and be positive about life so i'm very hopeful about india going forward as a country i feel it will be a change maker in this world they say that india's the spiritual capital of this earth i don't know if that's true i would like to believe it a big aspect of being spiritual i feel is being loving and we're seeing so much me versus you in this country as not me versus you let's settle this who told you being spiritual is being loving isn't it about spreading love then get a dog then dogs are really spiritual he said what are you saying dogs are very loving come on i mean is that me yes or no yes sir they're very loving so they're all spiritual i don't wag your tail all the time and you're spiritual please don't do that but so like how do we get the country united because i feel that repeatedly our country has been invaded and affected and brought down because of this whole divide and rule policy people caught on to the fact that we play a lot of me versus you so again for the next 20 30 years how do we work on that aspect of unity to build businesses to build movements to save soil to help the environment because i feel that we've been given a gift to be born in this country and we're not valuing it enough as a unit and there's too much ego there's too much anger there's too much hate especially poster pandemic so what's your advice here so yeah don't judge the whole country by looking at a television screen or a social media platform no just walk around here just walk around in this village or in the city you don't find anybody in anger you don't find anybody beating up somebody do you no no such thing happening some incidents happen 1.3 billion people some incidents here and there happen unfortunately lives are lost injuries have been caused to other people which definitely needs to be dealt with there is no one way to deal with that there is uh law enforcement there is a certain sense of harmony in the society all these things matter these are not overnight jobs this is something we need to strive for as you said history historically uh we've gone through a whole riga of invasions worst kind of invasions we've not documented it very well as other cultures have but we have gone through and taken a beating that very few uh populations in the world have taken most cruel kind of battering we have taken but we still not bitter that is what is beautiful about us people have come subjugated us made us feel like you know you even have to pay a tax for being who you are all this but we are not bitter that is a great thing okay we are not bitter yesterday what happened for that we are not bitter but making sure that doesn't happen again to us tomorrow is also equally a responsible thing to do for which we are building a strong nation right now we should have done it sooner it's 75 years now but we're doing it a little slow but for the size of the country and the diversity of the nation that we are i think we're doing well do you think fiction film stories are a good way to unite the country because that's my only hope honestly or sport that's the other one definitely we must use every means i do not ascribe to this that this is the way everything that we do we must see how people can transcend the smallness of their boundaries and see at least become if not boundless at least a larger boundary which includes most people so if you don't strive for that your life will naturally be constantly in conflict with something or the other for the well-being of the individual and the well-being of the society and the nation it's very important that there is a larger identity with which we can move forward it is happening it is just that it's not being projected well see after the pandemic you mentioned the pandemic it was a serious hit okay especially in a country like ours the economic cost has been so serious most people don't understand i am in huge appreciation of the lowest level from the lowest level of worker what i have seen is from a foolish constable from a village official to panchayat leaders and even political leaders and right up to the state governments and central government what they have done in these two years i bow down to them really you can go on picking what didn't go well but in a country like ours where infrastructure is so minimal the way we have delivered the vaccine solution and the way we have taken care of people there have been aberrations but such a large country with such little infrastructure country like united states with such massive infrastructure and such massive amount of fund see they are still shaking still shaking you know i know every one of us must be in absolute gratitude from the because we don't know who did what from the doctors nurses small you know police constables everybody strived to manage this it's not a small thing it is not a small thing 1.3 billion people if what this person speaks one language that person speaks another language dozens of languages you can't communicate in one language to everybody how to communicate a message how to make them behave responsibly how to even wear may wear a mask people are carrying you know people's level of understanding like this people are carrying a mask in their pocket they think it's like a driving license when i ask them where is your mask you're coming so close so i got it sadhguru i got it in my pocket here in my hip pocket i said it doesn't work on your bum you got to have it on your nose i'm saying i'm saying in this kind of country to effectively manage a pandemic and come out of it successfully and having a thriving economy as we're having right now is not a small thing so this it's not just one prime minister one chief minister one somebody everybody has strived isn't it from the smallest man to the biggest man everybody has strived let us not go on giving endless negative commentary appreciate the nation if you can't appreciate the administration appreciate the nation we've bounced back right it's not a small thing so maybe i can ask you unlimited questions more but i know like you know time is tight i have to ask you about the 30 000 kilometer bike ride you're doing which i find fascinating um there's someone called wim hof they call him the iceman he uses pranayama and aspects of yoga to basically deal with freezing temperatures and i think the world notices wim hof and his abilities and often they overlook all of india's yogic leaders for their yogic abilities because we won't do such i know my mom's well i've been in conversations with him but i won't do any such circus feats i mean sir but thirty thousand kilometers no hundred kilometers starts hurting your back i can't imagine what 30 000 kilometers is like well maybe this is a good ad for yogic back [Laughter] how's that what what's your opinion on pain with respect to the journey in front of you and generally pain as a concept pain is not a concept if you don't know that it's not a concept i can cause some pain to you you will know it's not a concept it's a living reality when you get it hello can pain be controlled by the mind see pain is of the body if there was no pain see suppose this water is hardly nine inches deep all right nine ten inches deep but you want to dive from the top of the tree if there was no pain you would have done it yes if it if it breaks your head and still there is no pain a whole lot of people would have done it right now the only thing which is making you behave sensibly at least in terms of your survival is pain without pain most people would not know how to survive either so pain is a very good thing it manages you even emotional pain that you cause because you want to be a tragic hero me no see there is only physical pain as existentially true pain that you have in your mind and in your emotion is caused by you you like to poke yourself why because you're away in life you have not found any other way to feel profound pain makes you feel profound you're from mumbai cinema world i'm saying without pain no profoundness isn't it you're always happy no artistry no artistry people think they're profound because they're in pain no you're misunderstanding pain for profoundness it's a serious mistake if it comes in loads then you will know what it is all right it'll destroy you it'll mutilate life pain yes or no human beings have been destroyed not necessarily by a sword or a gun they just break themselves down into pieces because of their own emotions and thoughts more people are mutilating themselves by themselves using the sharpness of their own mind rather than by somebody's food or gun isn't it so why is this so because you have misunderstood a few fundamental things you do not know what is real and what is not what is existentially true what is physiologically true what is psychologically true you have lost you know the boundaries of this once you lose this whatever you do it will hurt you just tell me one thing people are not suffering tell me one thing well if they are poor they suffer their poverty you make them rich they suffer the taxes yes if they're not educated they suffer that put them to school they suffer that they're not married they suffer that get them married don't tell me no children they suffer that give them children daily suffering yes so it looks like you're suffering every aspect of life so we'll offer you death oh they'll suffer that so suffering is not because of life situations suffering is because you do not know how to manage yourself you do not know how to manage your own mind your emotion your energy your your very life you do not know how to manage then everything becomes suffering physical pain is a different thing physical pain is caused by some contact or disease or injury or something that of course we must see how we keep it at the minimum in our life mosquito bites you all right but you don't have to be bitten by a bear you need to avoid that why are you taking on the pain of the bike ride you are assuming that it's painful it is it is risky not painful risky one thing is i'm riding in the winter european winter not northern european winter where it's snowing probably roads are icy being on two wheels on icy road is not a joke it's risky then i'm coming into arabia where temperatures are anywhere between 38 to 40 degrees i could melt away there like snow then i'm entering india in the peak of indian monsoons why someone like me i can live a good life i can live a very comfortable life because wherever i go people will take care of me any part of the world if i say tomorrow i want to live what is the most exotic place you can think of if i say i want to live in the alps mountain people will set up a home for me i don't have to have a dollar only in my pocket if i say i want to live in himalaya somebody will set up a wonderful place for me if i say i want to live on the ocean somebody will get a big yacht for me i'm telling you i can live very well and very comfortably why am i doing this because i want all of you young people to understand if we don't do this now we will regret seriously and your generation z label may come true for half the population at least if not for the whole population for half the population it may come true i want to make sure we have i have lived very well wherever you put me i because i never sought comfort i have slept in the jungles i've slept on the trees i've been head to toe by insects you know when i came back after two three weeks of being in the forest people wouldn't recognize me because head to toe insect bites you can't recognize me it's all like this my face but i didn't suffer so i've never sought comfort so i never suffered but i've lived an extremely engaging and intense life and my experience of life is in a way that i will not exchange this for anything in the universe you give me anything if you give me a mountain of gold i will not exchange this just now i was in united states in los angeles this guy comes and he wants to meet me and he has a presentation to make i said what is it about he said something about our online properties he wants to make a presentation i said okay let me see what it is then he comes with the presentation and shows what all is on youtube what always on all these things channels and platforms then he says and all these calculations he makes and shows satguru if you allow me i can package all this material and in today's today's value it is worth about 2.7 billion dollars i can package this for you and get you that kind of money in the next few years i said what do i do with 2.7 billion dollars get me 8 billion people that's what i'm looking for right now for a safe soil movement just get me 3.5 billion people the job will be done do that huh and if you if you get me 25 million uh earth i'll take you on a ride all right on the motorcycle your back won't break believe me challenge accepted satguru thank you maybe just one last selfish selfish question because i don't get this opportunity all the time um do you have any last piece of advice for me or whatever we're trying to do through this show i know you've kind of got a gist of it through the questions but uh just any last piece of advice for my team and myself see every generation is remembered for things they do right see right now after fifteen thousand years we're still talking about ad yogi why you think because he was tall or handsome or something no we're talking about him because of the offerings that he made to us which is still relevant to us isn't it you remember a human being through history either he did something terrible then you remember him in a wrong way or they did something with which our lives are still benefiting as a generation we have this opportunity this is a one-time opportunity in the next 10 to 15 years time if we bring about the policy change now in the next one or two years and it will naturally take effect in next 10 to 15 years time we will be remembered as a generation who turned the planet around it was going sliding down to a you know disastrous place and we turned it around we will be remembered for that you don't have to remember me because i don't care whether you remember me or not people ask me sadhguru after your time how should you how do how would you like people to remember you i said if they are only thinking about me obviously they're living bad lives all right if they forget me the moment i'm dead that means my work is successful they're doing well they're doing great you always think it is ungratefulness which make people forget no it's joy which makes people forget you know like a very wise lady said uh you know she uh she had two of her twin girls she got them married they went in different directions on their honeymoon one girl who was a very loving wonderful girl never sent a message never wrote nothing two months no message from her the other girl every other day she was sending messages wanting to call and talk to the mother so somebody came and asked how are you girls doing she said about the other girl who never sent a message one is doing really fine others seems to be having some trouble with her husband okay one who is happy doesn't turn back one who's really going straight and fast won't look in the rearview mirror right so i don't want to be remembered this is possible as a generation say for example even today in this country we always talk about the freedom movement all right that generation which fought for this nation maybe if you were there you would have also fought that's a different matter but you were not there somebody fought we will always remember them isn't it always remember them 75 years we still remember them i'm telling you even if it's 500 years later we will still remember the people who fought for this freedom of this nation yes or no similarly right now the facts are not all out yet we will bring this out in many ways in how many ways we are at the point of disaster but we have the opportunity to turn around you don't have to go and fix the soil you just have to make your voice loud and clear that enough people enough people means sixty percent of the world's electorate must speak 3.5 billion people speak of soil for 100 days from march 21st to 100 days do this i will make sure every garment in the world will bring soil related policies into their policy system i will do this because i am fully organized with that u.n agencies are with us i am speaking at the cop 15 in iowa coast addressing 170 nations we will do this but people need to be there if people don't care why will the government do anything because the government is there only to manifest people's mandate isn't it if people's mandate is not about these concerns they will not manifest that that is the responsibility that you have use your wi-fi and little bit of your brains it helps thank you sadhguru namaskaram and just thank you for the opportunity once again thank you so that was the conversation with satguru i hope you enjoyed it and i hope it had as much of an impact on you as it did on me when i have had conversations with sadhguru in the past and there have been two conversations he's always given me some advice which pivoted the way my mind works which pivoted the way i perceive my own mind that was the highlight of this conversation for me where he spoke about the nature of thoughts and he said that there's no such thing as positive or negative thoughts again i don't know if these were his words but this is what i gained from the conversation there's no such thing as positive and negative thoughts they're just thoughts you've got to learn how to separate the sensibility of your soul from the sensibility of your mind overthinking negative thoughts and sometimes even mental health issues are an outcome of giving your thoughts too much importance listening to your over stimulated mind therefore focus on spiritual growth focus on creating distance between your thoughts and your perception before speaking to satguru before visiting isha foundation coimbatore and ooty on this trip i was going through a lot of my own mental health issues a lot of overthinking and i feel like this conversation actually fixed that overthinking for me because after this conversation every time a negative thought came up every time a self-deprecatory thought came up every time dark questions came up i started observing the questions from a different place in my mind i realized that hold on these thoughts these sentences are just my mind acting against myself i've got to perceive it and let it go i've got to stay in the moment i've got to practice mindfulness that's what i gained from this conversation might seem like just words to you but this was very pivotal for me when it comes to my own mental health and according to me in the long term this is going to be a pivotal conversation for my own spiritual growth remember all the spiritual growth that we are seeing as a team we want to share with you folks so keep following us remember to follow trs on spotify every episode's available on spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world this month we've got an incredible amount of spiritual conversations coming your way everything from sat pal bhai of nanak naam speaking about sikhism to amogli la prabhu of iskcon speaking about lots of deep spiritual things i'm not gonna reveal too much just watch out for the conversations that are gonna follow this particular magical conversation with satguru namaskaram god bless you so you
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 631,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, sadhguru, sadhguru english, life advice, teenage life, teenage life advice, youth and truth, college student advice, spiritual, spirituality, spirituality sadhguru, sadhguru live, the ranveer show sadhguru, the ranveer show spirituality, sadhguru youth and truth, youth, sadhguru youth, save soil, save soil sadhguru
Id: nOaDB6o5TCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 2sec (3422 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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