Man Made Virus, Intention behind it, Modern Wars & More ft. Rajiv Malhotra | The Ranveer Show 134

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rajiv malhotra is a renowned computer scientist who spent the last 50 years in the usa studying artificial intelligence computer science geopolitics as well as ancient indian scriptures this countless podcasts that can be created with this man but i felt like at this time in human history we should be talking a lot more about geopolitics this decade has already begun with an iconic two years that the world is going to remember forever and this has created kind of a ripple effect all over the world the international governments are behaving in a particular way there's turmoil in certain parts of the world there's so many natural calamities that are happening all over the world history as we know it is gradually shifting at this point in time we need a geopolitics expert to shed light on this subject that's why rajiv malaotra has been brought on on trs remember to follow trs on spotify with a spotify exclusive now which means that every episode is available on spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world with that get ready for one of the deepest most intense conversations that we've had on the show [Music] [Music] i've been waiting for this podcast thank you for being on the ranvi show my honor i'm delighted to be here so how's it going how are you life is life goes on and uh you know i'm recovering from some illness i don't want to get too personal but i'm delighted to be here on your show i've heard so much about you uh appreciated what you do and so this is a good opportunity for me to also share my life my ideas so i think the show had begun with this intention of taking ideas wisdom out to the world that's why we had begun this podcast in the first place very rarely do i have a guest where i'm myself i'm slightly confused about where to begin you know because you know so much about so many topics weird geopolitics history ai uh what would you say is your life subject and i'll ask i'll tell you why i ask you this because i strongly believe that while everyone's sort of a polymath nowadays even the best polymaths have one subject which is their favorite above the others so what's your subject it's a brilliant question very good good place to start i'm very happy so my one quest since i was a kid early teens maybe even earlier has been a very philosophical discovery of the nature of the self the nature of the universe uh and my place in it and hence what should be my life's mission uh what am i supposed to do i i was a philosophical contemplative person as a young child i read a lot i read so many philosophies very at a very early age and you know this this quest of uh discovery led me to philosophy then it led me to the physics i became a physicist for the sole purpose of understanding philosophy both through a scientific lens and of course very deeply interested in reading and understanding the vedic traditions the buddhist tradition the jain tradition and other and christianity judo christianity western philosophy so my quest for knowledge about the higher levels of existence beyond just mundane has been the primary purpose of my life primary objective i think i achieved a lot in business i quit all that in order to pursue this and and i keep pursuing this and when i run out of when i feel that my pursuit is wrong or pursuit is limited or reached a dead end i i reset many times in my life i have reset and reinvented myself in order to continue this pursuit so the pursuit is the same but how i'm doing it with whom i'm doing it how i've defined myself keeps changing in order to optimize this particular pursuit and the pursuit is not just for intellectual and academic interest of knowledge and writing books but i want to guide my life with it i want to use this this knowledge of the ultimate reality to understand geopolitics to understand the world to understand india to understand america how do they fit into this cosmic game if there's a cosmic game where do we all fit in why are we here what are we supposed to do what are the rules of the game and this is very interesting this is a game where there is no uh there is no user manual you can't take a user manual these are the rules and you you do this and that every game that humans have invented we have some kind of a guide and there's some headquarters you can go and challenge there is no such thing yet we know that we are supposed to do certain things we're not supposed to do certain things but there is no headquarters where you can go and make a petition or have a hearing or hold someone to responsible to explain it to us so the interesting thing is we're supposed to figure out the rules that is part of the game that we're supposed to figure it out so i find this life and existence to be a fascinating topic and i've devoted much of my life to its pursuit so um so funny that you talk about the pursuit of life and you know the pursuit of purpose almost we had someone called gore gauranga das prabhuji on the show uh he's a monk from the iscon order and he spoke about how life's purpose in many ways is the moment of death you know like how everything leads up to that one moment and then there's a new beginning so keeping that concept in mind it's a direct question to you uh again i'm not and this is not a direct question to your knowledge it's a direct question to you the man do you think of your own death ever because it's something i've been thinking about a lot after that particular episode well you know there is something called death meditation death meditation is a type of meditation in buddhism i have been in it for several weeks several week courses it's also it's also in shaivism and death meditation is where you achieve such stillness of the body and then stillness of the mind stillness of the emotions but you are alert and you're witnessing yourself and in that state of heightened witness without involvement without emotion without feeling you suddenly see a sort of silencing and stopping or you imagine the stopping of the body the stopping of the mind the stopping so each layer of existence one by one you kind of do it's a stimulation of death and and you achieve perfect stillness uh of all at all levels but the consciousness is alert but still now when you practice that and the buddhists practice it so that when they are dying it's not a very traumatic experience it is not something you're afraid of because you've felt it before already and it's a very spontaneous transition to another another state of existence so i have i have no fear of death i mean i'll be very afraid very straight with you i have no fear of death i don't want pain bodily pain but i have no fear of what happens where i go or all that i mean i'm quite relaxed about uh about uh the death challenge that the death trauma that everybody faces and i'm interested having experienced this higher uh existence thanks to a guru that my guru in the 90s which is what led me to change my whole life give up all my businesses and industry and pursue this thanks to that experience i was given uh now from that experience of uh existence i i want i'm re-entering the the world of vivarica mundane world where there's fighting going on there's a kurukshetra there's good guys and bad guys and there's all kind of social responsibility all kind of geopolitics i look at all of this through a certain lens and through and that lens you achieve you you you attain when you have actually had this kind of a transformational experience so that is that is how i'm looking at the world how are you looking at the world could you explain it a little deeper keeping modern day geopolitics in mind because we talk a lot about i mean at least the youth talks a lot about world war three that how it's going to be based on cyber warfare how it's already begun how the pandemic is probably a version of world war three so so when this whole pandemic broke out you know when december 2019 was happening what was in your head considering the fact that you had already i'm guessing you've already learned a lot by that point so maybe you anticipated it maybe you know what's coming what do you think is happening in the world right now sir so i think that uh if you look at the cosmology uh the the whole cosmic game uh you know in that bharat has a very special role you know i'm looking at from our lens but bharat has not honored that role it is not performing that role it is not capable of performing that role it is very highly polluted corrupted from bottom to top we can talk about it i'm very disillusioned with the caliber uh you know of indian institutions india whether it is this government of old government generally generally the the what you expect of a tradition which is the rashtra that is supposed to lead the world forward the vishwa guru the world is not being led by a bharat viswa guru at all so that is one thing you have to put aside you cannot look at the world and say okay we are vishba guru that is how we look at geopolitics not the case it ought to be the case but what ought to be is not necessarily what is so if you look at it in a very pragmatic way india is in trouble forget being vishwa guru india is in trouble for its own existence and and this is where the the revolution of artificial intelligence is going to push it forward faster uh the the you know india was sort of hodgepodge we are doing very well then we take a step back then we take a step forward but you know what has happened is the best way to understand what is happening with ai is to see what happened with the industrial revolution couple hundred years ago when britain started taking factories and electrifying them which the manual factories were not able to keep up with and this uh industrial revolution of britain made it into a world power allowed it to uh colonize advanced advanced civilizations like india and then france also became joined the industrial revolution the two of them were competing they were at war with each other but each of them becoming highly industrialized and and using that to colonize other continents so entire world history for a couple of hundred years has been was influenced by the the technological breakthrough for the industrial revolution so what is now happening is another industrial revolution the ai is they've considered the new industrial revolution it is going to change the world politics into haves and have nots just like the previous industrial revolution britain and france became the haves the powerful countries all others became colonized became you know have-nots and became ruled now i think you will find the same thing usa and china are equivalent to the britain and france in the sense that they are the duopoly competing against each other in a cold war maybe there'll be a hot war also just like britain and france had but while fighting each other they're also fighting over who gets what colonies so uh us has its sphere of influence china has its fear of interest not only pakistan but pretty much all of africa and many other places china is captured so uh if you i see the the geopolitics today as the beginning of a new industrial revolution uh we are in the in this in this decade uh as much is happening with ai revolution as happened in 30 40 years of the industrial revolution when it's because the speed of change is faster history repeats itself so and in the same way that divide and rule brought us down once i think we're at the brink of divide and rule bringing us down again but say if you had to look at it with an optimistic mindset uh can we undo this divide and rule mentality somehow or is the pandemic undoing it is it bringing us all back together what do you think is happening because i still want to look at it with a positive mindset and ask myself that what is the solution to this problem how do we actually take india at least to that second rung if not the first round excellent excellent uh so you know the understanding the problem with the whole purpose is then to lead to what to do about it uh solutions so one of the things we have to do is defensive and then offensive the two two part to it so as far as defensive is concerned the ai revolution uh you know ai requires two uh two ingredients it requires several ingredients like semiconductors and all that we are not good at but two of the ingredients india has a lot india should control one is the brain power of the ai programmers the software people and india is exporting raw talent rather than using them to build our own intellectual property rather than building our own patents and our own technology that becomes indian made in india technology that we can export what we are doing is selling raw brains so sundar pichai is great guy but he's not working for india he's working for google and google may well be like the east india company in fact i have a chapter section called the return of the east india company so some of these some of these mega businesses that are so powerful they are beyond the control of governments they're not only fighting the indian government they're fighting the us government the european union and so the governments versus private industry has become a big story indians don't know about indians feel carefully complained about twitter but twitter is under inquiry there are lawsuits against google against facebook there are anti-trust cases in the us to break them up in europe also so you know one of the things that india has to do on the offensive is to monitor these groups their use of data their use of data is what allows the ai algorithms to become smart because without the data the algorithm cannot learn it's like you know a child needs to learn how things work in this house by looking at examples by watching people by looking at the reaction and understanding how how the behavior is and being able to predict so the same way the machine learning happens by looking at a lot of examples of indian people's behavior who is right wing who's left-wing who fights whom who can be made to fight somebody who can be made into a separatist who can be made into a punjab farmer that will be opposed to the government you know so they are monitoring and keeping track of individual profiles so they have a profile on random they have a profile on rajiv they have a profile on you know sonya gandhi on modi all these kind of things and they are looking at not only your social media footprint but your gmail your emails your messages to each other uh what you buy your orders online uh this eavesdropping and this surveillance is so sophisticated and this is feeding the artificial intelligence models to map your brain and your thinking so this india can stop india can uh the the government that is furthest ahead in doing this is eu and india can learn from you india is doing some of these things lip service there's a lot of debate a lot of discussion some laws have been enacted very little being enforced and i've written a lot about how our people are actually selling out a lot of nithya yog documents nithyayo plans are actually drafted by google imagine it's like the raja inviting the east india company to draft his strategy and more sophisticated and you have all this industrial technology so you only draft a plan how to uh how to run my kingdom so you know the way the east india company was outsourcing uh had been outsourced the operation of the governments by many kings uh you're finding that some of these modern ai companies are beginning to take over not only simple things like messaging and whom you like and whom you don't like but they are figuring out what you will speak on covet what you're allowed to speak what you're not allowed to speak you know more than 50 of the videos i put up and i put up two videos a week and we have a pipeline with a lot of them recorded more than 50 of the videos i put up get flagged as politically controversial politically sensitive by these guys and then my team has to go fight them and escalate it and get them to change it by then we've lost the momentum and the reason they're doing it on purpose because there is a bias built into these uh these uh international organizations that are doing all this mystery so first india rather than exporting raw brains to these people and these people use indian brains to develop intellectual property patents a lot of technology which then export back to india they export all this back to india and we pay so much loyalty so much money to buy these guys buy their products and it is these companies that are worth trillions of dollars trillions of dollars today uh unprecedented it's because of indian brains indian brains have helped google facebook microsoft twitter you know uh apple google indian brains have helped the u.s defense department so many defense contractors got indian brains indian brains and nasa in ibm and you will find that when india buys a raphael jet why it buys a raffle jet because it's got this technology of multiple targets and you can do the job of 50 pilot sitting with only one pilot actually being needed to do the job of 50. it's doing all of that with the technology a lot of it is ai technology but when you go there and look at who's developing all this technology you'll find a lot of indians there so you know hamare your brains have we are those are not being used for india they are on a personal level they're making good money i'm very proud very happy for sundar pichai but don't think he's helping india don't think that he is a sign of indian technology he's a sign of american technology he's part of the system he's invested in it they're making him into a rich guy famous guy and having an indian face in front is a very convenient thing it's a very convenient thing so so you know these are these are sort of a new there's a new kind of colonization going on which you need to understand because we don't know how this colonization works and we think it's actually good for us because they've hired some other people so that is one thing india can end is just giving away all its talent rather than creating projects in india that indians can follow second is data the second thing that ai needs without which ai cannot function is data called they call it big data which means that you go to kumamela and you can do surveillance on tens of millions of people what chatty where they're from what is their social demographic do they feel exploited who likes who moves hates whom building a very complex map of social map of political problems tensions with each other religious tensions with each other and building this map for such a huge part of india all of all the districts and villages are represented in the mela so that's like an example of how big data is being gathered big data is being gathered by these people based on looking at the financial uh you know all the financial information in india is being monitored by american companies that are looking at credit rating credit rate your credit rating is in the hands of uh american companies so they know all your transactions they know your vulnerabilities they know whether you are a person that can be bribed because you've got a problem whether you are against somebody whether you are whether you are fond of somebody because they maybe they've given you a loan so the big data the big data is financial it is transactional based on what you are buying and selling it is messages that social media messages it's the videos what you like what you don't like it's all your behavior not only online but even offline a lot of you stopping going on so india should on uh first of all india should uh stop this you know export of uh raw brains that go into and and big data that is then used to create ai sophisticated products and technologies which india then has to buy at a huge price so this is a very solid thing then later i can discuss if you're interested what are the positive projects india should do what are the projects besides saying we're going to stop them okay but what should we do what should we do with our big data what should we do with the lacks of talented people which we are not doing today so those are some other ideas that i want to bring out and i'm bringing out a second volume and a third volume on my ear i'm so glad you're bringing up big data it's one of those topics i've been dying to bring up on the show for a while i also read somewhere that whoever controls the algorithm is actually controlling the power structure in the world and many yes many of the world's governments don't even understand this completely because possibly the people who are running the governments aren't honestly i mean for lack of a better way to put it they are not tech savvy so they're not kind of forcing how the power is actually going to shift to these privately owned organizations like google amazon facebook etc and you know while we [ __ ] all over china there is some stuff to admire that country for which is that they probably for they were able to see the future a little bit maybe in the 90s or 2000s they were able to predict that this will happen therefore they didn't allow a google and facebook to establish itself in china and they had their own government-controlled uh websites and companies perfect perfect so so uh i've written a lot on this also you know indian outsourcing was good a good way to create a middle class by renting brains but china also did uh created its middle class by renting cheap factory labor cheap they did manufacturing cheap battery labor big difference is china decided that between 25 and 50 of all the profits made by renting out cheap factory labor all of that money should be reinvested in chinese owned technology to compete against the americans so they would copy the american who set up a factory there they would copy this idea and they would create their own technology and they would invest the profits they're making to to build their own technology for the future now indian tcs should have done that you know this infosys should have done that uh all these companies that made tons of money they just took that money and allowed it and made good share price and a lot of people made money suppose 50 or let's say even 25 or let's say even 10 15 of all the billions of dollars that the indian software exporters made suppose way back from the 90s they had been putting it into a fund to invest in future technologies futurist technology see china because they did it now china is number one in many parts of ai and in some parts they are number two to the u.s they are number one in solar panels they are number one in robotics you know they have more robots than any other country they're more solar panel market share than anyone else they're catching up with us in uh semiconductors uh if you look at uh avionics if you look at so many fields and ai means a collect cluster of technologies it's not just one technology there is a pure ai but it is connected with all these other technologies and that's the way i use the term so if you look at their eight or ten major technologies that are under this ai umbrella china invested in all of them they made very good bets you know these are these are this is where government vision is needed you bring government and industry together you bring your industrialists in line and tell them okay you can all make a lot of money but this is what you got to do yeah so the rules of the big game were made by the chinese that okay we will send our students to america and when the difference between chinese students and indian students coming to america is 90 some 95 of the chinese students go back and indian students most of them stay so as an individual india indian is doing well a chinese is more doing well as a collective as a as a rashtra they're doing much better indians have more a lot of billionaires here they're both famous okay look in every field indians are doing very well but that is not helping india as a nation so china did what you are saying they got the benefit of outsourcing and quick easy money but they also reinvested long term they did not just do short-term dug i think the indians got stuck in short-term jugaad okay quarterly profit annual profit so they didn't think i'm going to sacrifice short-term profit because we're doing well i'll sacrifice a little bit of short-term profit and put it into long-term research just past the statements that are being filed in this kind of technology are being filed by microsoft india google india it is the it is the western people who have set up shop in india to leverage the indian brain and and we are very happy with jobs create connectivity don't have to do it dishonestly we could do it honestly also but uh we have we have not wanted to do that because that's long term that is uh you know investing in investing in technology and intellectual property kia fida how whatever the americans give us we'll take it that kind of mentality of dependence uh is not good and you mentioned that uh the american these uh technology companies are becoming too powerful i would i would point out the american government has a parallel in the defense department there's something called dark part defense advanced research project agency darpa is the inventor of internet what it used to be called darpa net then became internet darpa has invented fiber optics they were responsible for bell labs semiconductors inventing the transistor so darpa has invented so many technologies and and now in ai and all these new things is private companies are doing it but american government defense department cia they are also into this and the chinese are into it chinese are into in a very big way a chinese actually are also building the biggest the the biggest data big data on genetics on every individual genetics uh indian genetics of this culture that of this group that group african every village in you know all this genetic mapping which allows them which allows them to make diseases which are customized for a certain type of gene it will the disease will not affect people in general but affect people of this gene or it will affect everybody but protect the people of this gene this kind of genetic warfare and then solutions based on based on genetics coming up with solutions to medical problems china is at a uh is at the cutting edge of building a a map of the human genetics by country by by you know type of people race whatever so so this is where india is not a player yeah and india needs to become a player because hamare pass brains or hamari pass we have data like nobody because we have so much diversity we have genetic diversity we have cultural diversity you know people are taking our data and making things out of it we ought to be doing that so i think the positive solution would be government should say okay all the tech companies you should start putting away 10 percent into height into futurist technologies after five after three years you'll be required to put away 20 and maybe thereafter we will make it like 30 so you sacrifice your short-term profit so what on sensex if you are not always doing great but you'll be still doing very well but a certain amount of your profit will go into futuristic things and maybe these futuristic things government should give them a tax break maybe government should say you have a tax holiday for 10 years you invest your profit in this list of technologies they give a list these are sensitive to national security these should not be in foreign hands these should be in our hands government should do that and then government should say we'll procure from india make in india will procure yep i think the big problem that encapsulates everything you said pretty much is indian brain drain and brain drain is a bigger problem now than it's ever been if there's even 10 kids who are listening to this or contemplating going abroad 10 really smart kids are contemplating going abroad and then they change their mind because of this podcast i feel the job will be done uh stay back build here uh i also remember being pissed off at the concept of brain drain in college over time i kind of made peace with it because i realize everyone has their own journeys but now once i've learned geopolitics i'm starting to get a little upset about the concept of brain drain again because i feel like indian families celebrate job placements and stable stability and um you know just good salaries way more than they should celebrate being able to create jobs and being able to go aggressive in your own career and being able to chase instability you know seek discomfort as the internet calls it indian families should start celebrating these concepts and then you'll see a reduction in brain drain stop celebrating the fact that some indian has become a ceo in some foreign company and start celebrating the fact that oh wow here's zero da a bootstrapped indian company which has made it big here's kunal cha's cred which is the second company after free charge celebrate indian entrepreneurs more and change culture that way that's that's what i believe will be a part of the solution but so i also believe that there are a lot of young indian kids in cities who are now not looking at okay i've done my engineering now i'm going to go to usa to study the kind of thinking of the country as a whole again good i'm very happy to know that and i do know that and some of them write to me call me and they want to be mentored they want ideas and i'm always there this needs to be supported by big investments so you know the thing is this venture capital if you look at venture capital in india for these ultimate technology higher technology companies majority of the indian venture capital going into things like ai comes from chinese and american venture capital firms chinese have been blocked to some extent not entirely they're still operating to middle east and through singapore indirectly they're operating but most of many of the new investments have been stopped old investments continue but and the americans are very active in uh bringing all their venture capital skills so the company may be an indian entrepreneur or josuke investor there it was a is a you know kleiner perkins from america or some big venture capital firm whatever uh the point is that ultimately uh they will they are buying him out he his his dream is to his dream is to build a company where his shares will be worth 100 million and the venture capitalists will buy him out or google will buy him out a lot of indian companies which are run by indian entrepreneurs in india the venture money comes from either private firms of the united states or somewhere else or from venture capital firms international banks and so on now why isn't india able to put its own venture capital it is not we are not talking about thousands of crowds i mean we yes we are talking about some thousands of crores big projects also but we're also talking about in the hundreds of crores uh little ventures these you know india should create a very large number of uh local uh sources of funding why don't states do that if the central government goes state valley they could take a certain amount of state funding uh they could do some some way to raise some funds and uh make it available to these entrepreneurs the kind of people you're talking about i'm very proud of them young people who want to do this but they need help and they they need financial help they need to they need to be first of all you see first of all they need to be mega projects they say isro okay we are going to put uh so we are going to be uh among the top two or three in the world and putting up satellites uh in and in doing this that that that uh you know and then you look at an example like john f kennedy said in uh early in the early 60s that by the end of this decade we'll put a man on the moon actually usa did not have a program to do any such thing they had no program they had their whole goal at that time when he said it was to go into orbit only but he set that goal and sure enough by the end of the decade americans walked on the moon so you know you put these big challenges so india needs to take a challenge and say okay we are going to create the a competitor to gpt3 and that's a technical thing i don't i mean we can discuss some other time but we are going to create a competitor to gpt3d which is at least as good maybe so many times better and we're going to do it in three years or five years so they shouldn't set goals like that and this requires so many billion dollars we're going to create a team so either bright logan come join us this is like the equivalent of the american space program what is called now nowadays it's called the moon shot which means that a moon shot is something where you know you're you're you're going after the moon and this is such a high target okay even if you did not succeed in the process of doing it many many inventions will be made you know when america had this moonshot that is how they miniaturized and came up with semiconductors all the semiconductors you have today which is miniaturizing on and on the american space program did a lot of that american space program created many spin-off technologies which are now the world hold tech tech system is you know would be impossible without those technology so when you do india needs to do its moonshot india needs to have three or four and i have project ideas then india needs to have a few moonshot scale technology projects to capture the imagination of its young people gives a huge amount of funding and the benefits of uh intellectual property that will come it will take five to ten years it is not next election yoga but it the benefits you will get by the end of this decade will be huge india needs to do that i do not see that vision the only community in india and i have talked to all kind of people in the context of my book the only community in india which understands this strategic thinking are the defense people i feel very happy when i talk to navy people army people air force people they get it like that because you know they're very practical and they see what's happening in the world they get it that we know we we better uh we better do our own uh technologies we can't just go on buying raphael type things forever and ever because costing more and more money again at its core so i believe it's a matter of leadership and direction you need a core of 100 really really motivated visionary people uh and we see that you know with the young corporate leaders of the country i have a friend called mr ashok ramcha he's a mentor to me i have another mentor called mrs radhika gupta she's at ida advice uh i see the way these people think versus say an older ceo in the country and the thinking is different age 60 versus age 40 indian the thinking is different age 40 versus age 28 which is my age i see the thinking is different and then when i compare people my age to the gen z's the 18 19 year olds uh i won't say that they're completely motivated and driven yet but a lot of that potential is there they're very intelligent and they're able to understand what's happening and they have a world view so i feel the gen z of india actually holds the keys you know the kids are in college listening to this podcast now absorbing all this information when they out in the real world as professionals they will understand the concept of venture capital better they'll understand the concepts of geopolitics better so that's my big hope sir uh i still feel we are going in a good direction overall as a nation in terms of intellect uh you know again the beautiful thing is yes our education system is highly criticized but we're still smart people and now we're starting to learn from the internet hopefully from podcasts like this one so so could you elaborate a little more on what could possibly go wrong from what you said i understood that you mean a fragmentation of india will take place where the country might get divided into more countries or you know pieces of the country will be taken away and absorbed into other countries and that's honestly something that a lot of people need to wrap their brains around the international borders that we know of today have just been around for like 100 years or so what was happening before the year 1900 what was happening before they were 1500 what was happening in human history of two lakh years there was no such concept as borders so this border of india that we all see in our geography textbooks it's actually a very new concept this board of pakistan you see is a new concept and it's very likely that these will change further and it's just such a larger than life concept that we are not taught is possible in school but we're probably on the brink of it therefore the question to you is you said that as an economic power and as a geographical power we might take a hit but could you elaborate a little more on that so what can actually happen yeah so i think china can take over the mountain areas china is getting ready for it they have built these high-speed rails all the way to the border uh whether it is arunachal area bhutan area the dark area you know all these different areas sikkim area uh and even though 50 of the whole border northern border is neutral because of nepal not even counting nepal the rest of the border you know india has the largest let me give you a statistic india has the world's largest hostile border you know in the number of miles with pakistan and china and you know all of these different areas which are hostile where there is a territorial claim by an enemy where there is armed forces of the enemy nuclear powers no other country in the world has that many thousand kilometers of hostile borders so this is a huge risk that is going that is depleting india's gdp depleting so you know if india didn't have to put so many troops in kashmir the gdp compounded great growth rate would have been such that today's per capita income would have been substantially higher maybe two three times what it is if you were to simulate and say okay the gdp would have been so many percent higher than it was so we are paying the price of uh this this very expensive protection of our sovereignty you know we have to do we have to export so much techno manpower software manpower uh why because we are there are two things we buy one is we buy petroleum thank god the price of oil has been stable but we spend a lot of our foreign exchange buying two things weapons and petroleum and so without these two we you know you need the energy to run your industry and run your life and you need the weapons to protect you from enemies so you know it's like we're on a treadmill so we have to keep exporting a few years from now we have to export twice as many people because each person brings in so much foreign exchange or because we need to protect ourselves so this is not a stable this kind of a this kind of a sovereignty is not stable where it depends on foreign weapons without which we can't succeed because our weapons have not been able to come up at the rate at which china has advanced and china is giving so not only china is threatening to take over the mountain areas and these mountain areas where the rivers are so mountain area is not just some random nostalgia and romantic mountain that's where the rivers are whether it is the brahmaputra whether it is the all this whole uh you know the the northeast rivers that come through uh ladakh and kashmir uh three of the five punjab rivers are being given to pakistan uh including uh the most uh the biggest river biggest rivers a small amount of the water is coming to india only so the takeover of the mountains has huge implications for the economy so while i have a zillion questions after every single answer of yours i'm trying to curate this as an introduction piece to you because i'm sure you'll be back on the show uh therefore let's talk about something that's relevant uh we had someone called mr abhijit chavda on the show i believe even you know him and you guys have interacted uh in the recent past as well he is also very fascinated and uh into geopolitics in general and he keeps bringing up this concept about covert being a man-made virus uh covet 19 being a band-aid virus um and early on in this episode you spoke about how the chinese have succeeded in mapping out the human genome in terms of they have a genetic mapping of how an indian's indian genus how an african genus how an american genus therefore they can kind of curate biological weapons that only affect a certain part of our population so the obvious question again this is because you study geopolitics in such a wide way and i'm sure you've also delved a little bit into bio weapons in your studies i'd love to know about biological warfare in general the future of it the obvious question is also the coronavirus is it man-made is it being deployed in order to pull up china's gdp while the rest of the world gdp is kind of plateauing you know it's very interesting very early in the pandemic uh in one of my in more than one of my talks on youtube i actually raised this in fact i did research on the wuhan institute where this whole is one of the top institutes of viruses and they have a huge amount of work going on americans actually collaborated with them americans unwittingly taught them a lot of stuff i gave them grants because the chinese always said that we are the center of our research on bats and the corona virus this institute in bihar is well known for that i had pictures i had some articles that they have returned they have written their written published papers on uh on the man-made versus natural viruses papers with that type that they later withdrew so i put a lot of this stuff on in the early days of my uh when the virus came and i was talking about that subject uh this was uh dismissed these youtube facebook type people would ban all of these kind of things and people in india also did not react well they thought i'm being a conspiracy theory so i stopped now it has come back in a big way i actually think there's a lot to be said that that is the case i i actually believe that i'm not sure that the chinese had the strategy that we do this on purpose and release it because if that had been the case they would have protected themselves a little bit better but my feeling is that it was some kind of an experiment they are doing some r d and some there are these mishaps that happen in wireless research all the time when you're dealing with dangerous pathogens this is not the first time that something has escaped and gone out of hand so i think this was probably a technology being developed it had not been finalized it had probably not reached the stage where president xi pushed the button and said okay now go with it it was sort of happening when it accidentally leaked out i think that's probably the case so it was kind of a semi finish incomplete kind of a virus job are not truly perfected to do what it what it could do even more dangerously and it somehow leaked out and then it's gone i feel that that's a scenario i don't have any proof for it but i have a lot of uh information some of it publicly known as some you know the cia mon has a huge amount of huge repository of documents on china and they have a they keep translating those from mandarin chinese to english and some of it they make available to certain people from the outside and some of it they classify so i'm also an avid reader of that and i feel that whether the world can publicly ever admit and acknowledge and whether they can do anything to china we don't know but the fact is that it is it is unlikely that with no human involvement this thing magically appeared in some fact in some fish market animal market and from there it went all the way i think there is a human element whether it is intentional or unconsciously accidental whether it was part of a big government plan or just some research going on to investigate that i don't know but what is more important than the past is it is now abundantly clear that such technologies are within the power and within the control of labs but whether whether ranvir you were doing it or not on purpose now we know that you have the capability to do it again in the future different formulations different mutations see that is what i'm saying so now i know this now i know this i'm using you as a kind of a mirror but i'm saying i'm really referring to china that now that we know about china that they this happened even if it turns out this happened unintentionally the point is the capability exists it can be done intentionally it can be done consciously it can be done that okay this will only affect african people or it will affect everybody except african people because you know what they are if you look at what is the mrna why this thing that moderna and pfizer the americans very successful very successful vaccines because they're using a technology which is genetic oriented and so you can build an immunity to a certain mutant which will be not applicable to another mutant you can build a mutant which is going to attack only a certain type of genetic makeup you know the genetic medicine genetically controlled medicine for good purposes good for positive use is a huge industry so you can now have medicines that will only go to a certain organ in your body also it will only influence people of certain genes uh you you can look at there's something to you can clip edit with scissors you can edit the genetic you can know that this part of the gene is vulnerable to these kind of things and you can remove them which means you can also add them if you if there is a genetic thing which which protects you from certain disease see some genetic substance makes you vulnerable to a certain disease so certain people are more vulnerable than others but by the same token there are certain genetic things somebody has this in them which will protect them from a certain disease so now that we know and this knowledge is exploding this is exploding as this is big data genetic data is the ultimate big data and this is going into all these machine learning systems and they're figuring out these things faster than human beings could figure out so this is this means that this new tech new age of bio and ai the the marriage of biological sciences and computer science computer science learning how the biology works for the biologists neurology neuroscience teaching them how the mind works remember all these ai systems are called neural networks why are they called neural networks neuro neural is the human brain because it's modeled after that it's inspired based on our understanding of the neural system so neural system for mind sciences and biological systems for physical interventions this is the future a large part of the future of computer science i'm a computer scientist by training and my field was artificial intelligence and i'm telling you that the biggest bonanza or the biggest opening of computer science for intellectual property and research has come in these life sciences both in the in neuroscience to for mental mental interventions and also through the genetics for biological interventions so the future is so promising in positive ways and so scary in negative ways india has to be at the top of all this india is not at the top of all this and this is scary that you you end up as a if you if india were to i feel that indians are smart and if india were to set a target of what what we'll achieve in terms of made in india ai based life sciences technologies and other kinds of technologies what will be achieved by 2025 2027 2030 and put some serious brains and just like isro leave them alone don't center it in delhi where ministers are going and messing around every day keep this out of delhi somewhere and put some serious people serious money you will you will solve all these problems you will bring brilliant people to work like one of the things that happened in nasa is all kind of physicists from all over the world came and you know all these uh rocket scientists who used to work in germany and they wanted to run away from hitler they all came to united states so nasa is able to harness the brains from everywhere russians of logan now india can create similar to israel and similar to nasa but in this new field that i'm talking about it can create two or three isro's and give them missions and give them money and have them the freedom to think on their own technocrats i would love to be involved just just for fun just to mentor just to give my input and i want nothing out of it i don't want position position i don't want title title i don't want to be running anything i just want to help yeah and this this would be a good thing to do i have three things to say sir uh the first is a recent article i read on the manhattan project and for people who are listening into the on the podcast the manhattan project was the project related to creating the atom bomb and what surges spoke about where the physicists left europe because they would either be recruited by hitler or recruited by the allied forces which is usa and uh uk so they decided to go on the usa side because they felt like that's the more ethical side that's where uh they weren't the concentration camps and the reason they joined the manhattan project is because they figured that if we don't get together and create an atom bomb someone else on the other side will and then it'll be deployed on the us and on all the allied forces so let's side with the good and that's a great way of looking at the times we live in as well intelligent indians need to especially those who are in the field of ai need to come back to india and develop things here for exactly the same reason that's listed on the podcast so that's the first thing i think the modern day manhattan project the second thing i'd like to highlight uh is uh i think that this is the main reason honestly that a bunch of my co-founders and myself are chasing big business in life to be able to fund projects like this and to fund opportunity like this in india so i hope that we're on the right track uh but the third thing so most specifically like i know you broke down how uh the biggest use of big data is in biology where a lot of people believe that medicine has already learned everything about the human body but that's not true there's a lot of mysteries about the human body that are yet to be discovered and that's probably where ai will be used in a beautiful way but since you've studied ai since you've studied uh biotech what other kind of technologies are we on the brink of according to you which will kind of just create a very very different world by the year 2031 according to you like what else is out there so you know what's happening is if you one of the things i did in my book i this is uh this book i'll just show it up there artificial intelligence and the future of power now one of the tables that i have here is i'm looking at the location where the technology is based from is it outside the bodies it's inside the body and how it's moving so there's a there's a table somewhere here uh where i'm actually uh looking at uh so so this is a table on page 21. so what i'm looking at is that uh certain technology it starts out on a web so you can go to the web and you can enter something and you'll translate it in the whatever some technology then the technology can be brought onto your device your laptop or your mobile device you can do the same thing you don't have to go online you can do it then it becomes a wearable so from a handheld it goes even more intimate becomes a variable uh nowadays the watch is a big variable there's going to be augmented reality goggles there'll also be a variable but it's still outside the body it's not inside my skin it's touching my skin variable is touching the skin and it's put all the time on me or almost all the time now it's going to go even further it's going to go inside the body so the implants are being done we find uh elon musk is very famous for his adventures and one of his latest ventures very he thinks this is the biggest breakthrough that will happen is ai based uh in influence new ruling yes and the us government is investing in that huge way they are parallel things cia has chinese have so american corporates again three people american corporates american government military cia second and chinese these three are investing in this and what they are what they have done so far is very quite remarkable they are able to uh these uh these devices inside are able to recognize that you're about to get angry because there's a certain burst of neurons and so they can anticipate uh and maybe maybe control your anger maybe maybe put in a burst which is a happy burst some happy memory that you had so that your violence is controlled uh they can they they're working on ways that they can detect uh you know a person is about is suicidal so he's about to get this kind of a negative thought and maybe they can intervene so there are positive applications it will be sold initially to the market to the world case had me i'm going to put this implant for good reasons it will help you sir if you're a depressed person you're bipolar uh you are suicidal you are you have anger maybe the court will also say that you are if somebody has committed some violence uh maybe domestic violence instead of throwing him in jail he has to accept that there will be an implant to protect to prevent them so if a person were given a choice in a court that you are either going to be in jail because you're a violent fellow or you're going to have this implant that will keep you nonviolent a lot of people will say i'm better off reading this implant because i'm told they give you free netflix also they give you free netflix and they give you free porn and they give you all kind of fun stuff when you put the implant so i'm watching i'll live in this nice land fantasy land so this business of putting implants that will do what instead of augmented realities from the outside so from an implant inside they're going to give you an augmented reality virtual reality at first it will be to or just prevent prevent bad things from happening maybe and then they'll find that this can enhance your learning you can learn math more you can become you know know many languages so there will be a lot of good applications and and always always technology has found good ways to be acceptable and once acceptable once uh more and more people are into this it's become fashion almost almost you go to a cocktail party and say hey man and the other guy will say man the way we show off with who got what kind of phone smartphone or watch maybe these implants will become highly fashionable and even if they are not fashionable then you know there are still uh us's uh developing implants this has come on many shows also where they will inject something into the body of the soldier who's in the front and this will monitor his biochemistry his blood levels and if something is going to go wrong it will anticipate well before any other method would have anticipated so this is a way to keep the soldiers healthy this is a way to you know anticipate problems there is a company in mumbai that has a blood test where it can predict cancer one year if you're going to get cancer in the next year exactly which kind of cancer very original kind of work they've done it's also been done in europe and u.s similar kind of things but now the implants the implant will be kind of like a permanent surveillance of your biochemistry another kind of an implant will be a permanent surveillance of your neural network and mind so i feel that uh these are technologies that are not 50 years from now this is by 2030 these are realistic these are commercial these are things that will have will be marketed so where is india in all this this troubles me because this is the industrial revolution scale change in the world new colonies new colonizers within the countries haves and have-nots now what we are talking about and what we have not talked about as a problem in india is india's own people being classified as haves and have-nots on a new scale you know we already have the disparity but imagine half the people india barely educated i mean many are illiterate officially those who are literate they're not functionally literate i mean like the driver of my mother's car my mother is no more but he's like family we are all he's living there and he's like our the son in the house he's hardly educated but he's classified as an educated person because you can read and write his name that is the definition of education but when you talk about it he cannot function as an educated person and and get the job that requires some education he cannot do that i would say half of indian people are not functionally competitive on a global scale i mean they can do menial tasks very labor intensive tasks they can do some handicraft or whatever they can do now that's a very large population that's hundreds of millions of people so what is going to happen to the large uh you know social demographic group uh that uh we cannot afford to have uh you know we cannot afford to uh give so many so much housing and free gas and free education and free medical and you know all kind of facilities that human beings need and of course since we have these people we have to we should give them but if we did not have such a large population of the poor kind if we had you know then your thinking would be correct that the youth of india the one you're talking about are the well-educated youth of india and the new industrialists they are well-educated and the new leaders you're talking about that but you are not you're not acknowledging that those are like the top 20 25 percent then then there is another one third somewhere in the middle who are okay maybe they can cross over but there's a good half who are not likely in the next generation to cross over i mean this is a very big job india did not educate his people and this is a big crisis i i want to i want people to tell me what is going to happen to the lower half of india so but at a time when the upper half is jumping ahead don't you think internet penetration will play a role in like educating them as well because let's forget the education system that's it's it's like kind of a dead beast but the internet is like a beast by itself so that's my big hope even for them yeah but even that requires internet-based education internet based tutoring mentoring guiding a student it cannot just be that you give them internet and the guy is just watching porn movies and netflix and tamasha and cricket most of these guys you know most of the people in that level that i'm talking about they are using internet more more or less like one tamasha creating followers getting friends you know they can it is not serious education it is not it is not for that i mean you will find that the number of people who subscribe for a course which is not a trivial course which is got something serious about it even if it is free the number of people is maybe thousands or lacks but then compare it with the number of people in the millions who are just looking at junk yeah internet internet also needs to be it does not it need the curating of internet uh and giving some incentives to people and they should be they should be on a track to learn uh that also requires some thinking and strategy yeah um that's one of the problems we're trying to solve on one of our projects we're trying to create a product that teaches people and entertains people at the same time i can't reveal much of it on the show but uh it's it's a product to solve exactly this problem that how do we kind of make the process of learning fun for the average indian traditionally this was called edutainment educational entertainment and edutainment also has gone into the gaming yeah so you can you can make games i i used to make games way back as a programmer so i know all this gaming stuff uh i i'm deep into this uh the ethos of gaming for good purposes wow you can you can create you can make game i even have a book coming out i will reveal a little bit where i'm describing the cosmos as a game oh oh my god and this is a vedic view by the way the cosmos is a game wow the whole startup evolution enhancement dissolution startup again i'm modeling as a game wow for fun this is just my my this is bhagavan's leela but once her is the most ultimate game yeah once you figure out some of the uh some of the crucial aspects of the leela as a game then you figure out how what if i put these in my my game for human beings my man-made game i will copy some of what bhagwan has done and this is absolutely incredible because because the the the what is called stickiness you know what is the the stickiness in in the in this leela is absolutely amazing because people are really into what pursuing this pursuing that so suppose we can figure out the core tenants what is the tatwa of this game that gets people going into life so seriously and if you can capture that and put it into a game where we can modify their thinking in a good way what a big thing so i'm into that so interesting that you're bringing up these topics so uh it is going to be our main theme on the hindi episode that we will shoot right after this but uh coming back to you know this topic about educating the future of the country um let me ask you a simple question sir don't even think too hard about it just give me a one line answer what's your favorite movie of all time you know my movies have changed over time but i would say the one movie that inspired me that i felt was saying something that i was working on was the movie lagaan because i felt i felt this idea that uh you know we are being ruled by rules by laws that somebody else made whether we have to play cricket and win and all that for our existence now what was the game of cricket that somebody brought and we have to play whether we win or lose but our survival is at stake now these ai giants are making the rules of the game yeah the new game is not cricket only the cricket but these games your social media is gamified so how you respond will determine whether you become famous or not how well your channel does so it's a way of training you you are being trained the algorithm is training you the owner of the technology trains the algorithm with big data that is part one somebody trains the algorithm put his own bias and his own values into it then the algorithm manages all these people trains them to behave accordingly so so the chinese have got these algorithms to train this muslim minority in their in one region of the country and make them good chinese citizens they get rewards if they don't they get punished and they have now taken this gamification of chinese of the muslims and applied it to the general society so all chinese citizens are being gamified and and american citizens the social media is a gamification system uh mike this uh zuckerberg announced that uh uh now it will be allowed to discuss wuhan as a possible origin the bohan lab man-made lab as a possible origin of the virus previously it was not allowed now who the hell is he who the hell is he to decide for two billion people large percent of human beings that this will be allowed and that will not be allowed and then when they are when they are accused of false content they say oh we're not responsible for content you can't have it both ways if you are censoring if you are blocking people like they're blocking my channels a lot if you are blocking people then you are taking responsibility over content you are taking a stand on what is the right content what is wrong content then in that case when the content is dangerous and irresponsible you're also you know your your neck on the line so i feel that uh uh the the this uh [Music] the movie the movie that influenced me uh in a way that i could take its lesson not just entertainment in a historical context in the past i can take its lesson and apply it to the future i can say this same game is being played now yeah you know in a you know in a virtual sense we are being gamified just like those guys had to play cricket and beat the people who made the game and maybe we will learn how to do our own social media and learn how to beat all these guys like lagaan they beat them in cricket in the end so we got we got to we got to learn from dagon and figure out okay now how how do we create that kind of a rag tag team with very little resources but a tremendous amount of willpower a tremendous amount of confidence and courage and all that and look at the team everybody was optimized for his role this guy's a tough guy so he'll be doing this this guy is not so tough but he'll be doing that everybody doing a role so i feel that india needs to be india needs to create team india we need to have a team a bharat team home team i called it we need to have a home team that is savvy about all these challenges and not afraid facing squarely and out to win and learning and and we need to put all the resources into it yeah the reason i asked about the movie is because i feel everyone's favorite movie is the piece of art where they find themselves in the most where they say okay that's me that's me on screen that's what i want to do that's where i see myself and one way to educate the masses is through amazing storytelling so going forward i mean i really feel there's a need for entrepreneurial stories and inspirational stories in indian cinema rather than the ladka lurky hero villain kind of stuff we need to be able to create more movies like lagaan like guru things like i i feel that i am the i am the person with the vision he against all odds we'll show them we'll beat them at their own game i want to do that for this new ai internet cyber big data game that is the new game and i want to do the lagaan version hopefully during my life but certainly i'd like to inspire people that this work continues so that would that is why i find such movies because i can use the metaphor and move it up 20 30 years and say okay today the metaphor can be applied in this way yeah and i see it happening there is a huge need for inspiring content for this exact reason that if we want more indians to be risk takers we want more indians to be job creators it has to happen through storytelling uh so we'll be moving on to the final section of this particular episode think of this as sort of a rapid fire section it's all our questions from our twitter verse uh you were kind enough to retweet our uh tweet about questions for you so this is the best of the lot you've got your own cult following that's one thing i can tell you from seeing all the questions so uh let me begin with our twitter verse section and there's there's a lot of questions honestly um okay uh wow okay aman maurya asks overall if you had to choose between a positive and a negative future of india what do you think is more likely considering all the data that you have in your head which side are we tilting on more well i'm very sorry that i i can't give the good news to make people feel good i've been doing the good news most of my life as an act in this area saying that we want to build this great indian grand narrative and i've been working on it and documenting india's great achievements and all that that is very important to do that's past the question is can we project it into the future and i i feel that the the number the the percent of people like the ones on this show and you as a host and many other wonderful people they are on the right track but i'm not sure that the power that they have enough percentage share of mind of the indian mind and the resources and i'm particularly worried that there's a bottom 50 percent that are not even in the discussion they don't even know what the heck is going on they're just looking for basic dar roti get a job learn to be a little bit of a lower middle class fellow in the city and leave the village life there's an abandonment of villages because the agricultural economy is not able to support villages there are so many people who are doing the five six people doing the job that one person could do in a city like delhi in a domestic case in a domestic situation because they have i mean you ask them why aren't you working in your village they have no no economy there's no way to survive so this uh this is a very serious problem i do not know how the india can simultaneously solve the china problem the pakistan problem the domestic breaking india forces the overpopulation with 50 under under the under the level where they're not able to sustain themselves they need to be supported maybe maybe at some point there'll be a unit of entrepreneurs leading the charge if the babus and the government governance can't uh handle it it's an interest yeah i mean that's that's the big hope and that's the vision i have for myself in 2029 and 2013 that okay we would have got some capital from whatever we're building now and then it's all about training the next generation of entrepreneurs um there's a follow-up very interesting follow-up question from captain jack sundaram how do we create futuristic thinkers out of the young generation of indians wonderful so i can only tell you my process my journey was i was a deep meditator so that got that puts you in touch with some creative source inside there's an infinite infinite super computer with all the ai and all the brilliance that is uh in all of us that is an app that we we are born with we have that kind of innate intelligence we need to learn how to tap into that and i had i had i was blessed with this gift and this was encouraged and developed further by several spiritual masters during my early middle life and so my ability to think big to connect the dots to figure out this thing has a cause effect relationship with that thing it looks like it's unrelated but not so if you change this it will change that is a big cause effect relationship that ability to think on a large canvas multi-level some of the moving parts are not even visible there beneath the surface i got it early childhood lot of such insights through meditation the second is i so i would i would encourage young people to get into a meditation program because it will expand your mind it will make you a smarter person i mean if the americans have picked up indian meditation in the last 25 years and proven that you can have better athletes and you can have better mathematics and you can you can have better musicians why are we not using it as a central part so we should it's a it's a it's a remarkable thing second thing is develop a reading habit and and just be furiously reading other people's thoughts whether it's a technology whether it's a philosophy whether it's their geopolitics i wish india had a similar thing like china like usa does where they would translate all the mandarin into english so that a lot of indians can be reading it right now what we what the average indian thinker knows about china is very superficial what they translated into english some speech or what the americans have said about china india gets to know but india's own surveillance and understanding of china is very limited because of language and because we've never really pursued that so i would say that the pursuit of knowledge through reading not only the technology reading and the philosophy reading those are very important also the geopolitics the pragmatic reading of competitors doing what i call purva paksha which means uh study of the opponent purupaksha means like in a competitive research in marketing that's a purupaksha you you study your competitors in marketing you study them in military you study them in politics all that is purva paksha it it's a very good system in our tradition we forgot we forgot so when the when the muslim invaders came we were not studying them to figure out who are these why they come what is their strengths how many more will come what is the money they have what is their funding level what do they want i mean we had no theory about them we just allowed them to come next time we would just react it was like when they come we will fight but in the meantime let's not get into bad news let's think positive let's think positive that they won't come back let's think positive that bhagwan is enlighten them and they will not invade us again if they invade us then we'll worry about it that's not good enough you've got to anticipate and our tradition has been like that the purva paksha is a part of our tradition that allows you to anticipate that allows you to learn from other people and improve improve your own capability using the best examples from other people so i would encourage purva paksha so one is meditation the other is a lot of studying and research including the puru paksha study of other people and then i think the young people to be futuristic should be courageous to do thought experiments to do take risks stick your neck out and say okay here's a proposal and let people argue if they don't like it you don't have to get personal you don't have to abuse somebody because he came up with the proposal that was wrong here you have to be able to make mistakes that's the only way you learn if you do not tolerate risk risks and uh making mistakes and the the the it is a calamity that somebody made a mistake and then you have to punish him and go after him and abuse him if you have a culture like that which is what we currently have then people will be very safe everybody will be a follower you better get a job with somebody else and then he'll tell you what to do because you're too afraid that is wrong so our culture if you look at our history it is a courageous people sticking their neck out arguing full of that so we have to create in our youth a meditative person well-recorded person uh people who have got debating skills which is part of poor capability to be able to debate opponents in an articulate way in a very civil and courteous way and and these people have to be extremely strong in taking on challenges and if the data tells you that something is not right accept it and you have to do something about it and not not uh hiding in this feel good comfort zone that i don't want to get into something which is not feel good a lot of people tell me sir you know so as if my job is to feel give him an addictive dose to make him feel good one of the reason china is so powerful is because they've raised two generations of youth who were told you're not going to feel good you may feel shitty because of what where we are but you got to work hard you got to work your ass off for the country and you are not here we're not here to make you feel good so when you go to china and i've been there many many times when you go to china and you talk to people they're tough emotionally they're tough they're able to handle adversity because they've had so much adversity and they have not been asked to hide it in in some bollywood or some your fantasy and all that they they are very realistic in facing adversity chinese are rugged emotionally rugged tough that's a great asset when you're fighting long term you can make your you can make your people go through years of suffering india you can't do that plus it's a democracy you lose elections if you do that if you tell people that look we are going to go through a period of tightening our belt in terms of how much we go do for fun sean and all that in order we can channel this so that by 2030 we can be great uh if you do that to people you'll lose elections you have to tell them caribbean you just vote for me i'll solve all your problem right away this that so that is uh so that one thing one should also ask is democracy safe for india i mean emotionally that's what i want as a free thinker obviously i want but as a pragmatic guy can we afford the luxury of so much freedom or do we want to say that okay for 10 years let there be a government no elections no none of this nonsense let it just run and build a nation i mean all these great nations were built like that they had you know look at singapore look at you know taiwan look at china look at you know japan they had a long history stable long term not having to fight for its own survival that kind of uh governance which is given like 10 years uh and you know and and assume they're all honest people they're not going to take you for a ride i think india needs to compromise on its democracy on a temporary basis not become a dictator but just extend the tenure of people who've been elected maybe maybe coordinate all the central and state elections and by in one election day or five years something like that and no no confidence motion moving this that tabasha drama all that nonsense just you electric fight unless you committed a crime and you can be impeached unless that happens five years the guy is in place and he'll do his job if you have five year term maybe ten year term for certain things i think it's much better india should consider that uh rajiv sir there's so many more questions but i know that you're in the middle of a certain kind of process that you're going through uh with respect to what you told us at the beginning of the show where you had a certain procedure with your back and uh you know what i'm going to leave all these questions probably for the next time so uh i just i feel like i've not even unearthed maybe one or two percent of everything that you have to share with us uh and i guess this was much more a learning session for me for the ideas i want to put into the content i'm creating going forward so let's just call it a day on this particular episode and i'll allow the audience to kind of send in even more questions the next time you're coming in on the show and we'll have a continuation of our twitters around then even the hindi episode which will be around all your vedic learnings all your learnings about indian culture uh that's gonna be something exciting but as for this episode so i hope you enjoyed it and i hope it added some value to your life you know i am i'm very happy firstly you're a good interviewer you're a smart guy you've got your heart in the right place you're a thinker and you you understand your audience and how to bring all these ideas out i'm very happy i would love to do many of these uh in the next few days we can schedule one every day or two we can keep doing this i i want to thank the audience their questions were very important to the point not frivolous questions not cheap shots but serious question which is what i would like and i want you to continue raising these kind of questions because you know we should raise the bar and have thoughtful discussion we should encourage more and more of our young people to be very thoughtful and uh not only in english but also hindi and you know with different languages i would love to be part of your show on an ongoing basis and i want to thank you for that so namaste to all of you until we meet again yes thank you again sir i'm hoping to have you again maybe for some thematic episodes the next time so thank you for joining us on the ranveer show thank you so much so that was our episode with rajiv occasionally on this podcast i end up creating an episode with someone where i know that there's at least 10 more episodes in that person and this was one of those episodes this was my first interaction with him he's a legend in the world of indian twitter he's got an infinite amount of knowledge that he's accumulated over the years and i promise you that rajiv malhotra is going to be back on the ranveer show i'd also like to know which other guests in this geopolitics domain you guys would like to see on that nba show and with that once again remember trs is a spotify exclusive now every episode is available on spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world if you like this episode make sure you hit that thumbs up button make sure you tell us on our social media handles and make sure you share this episode with your friends namaste see you next time [Music] you
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 613,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, rajiv malhotra official, rajiv malhotra, rajiv malhotra exposed, geopolitical, geopolitics, geopolitics of india, world future, AI, artificial intelligence, indian scriptures, politics, indian politics, political, man made virus, future of wars, world war 3, virus, war, future war, india, china, coronavirus, future, abhijit chavda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 42sec (5202 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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