Aliens, Time Travel & Parallel Universes ft. Abhijit Chavda | The Ranveer Show 112

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part one of this conversation was all about the basics of astrophysics part two is where we talk about aliens and people concepts that you have asked about on twitter this part is centered around most of your questions and of course no episode of the ranvi show is complete without spiritual talk what's the astrophysics behind spirituality that and more on this part two of a very special conversation with abhijeet javida [Music] i'm sure you've thought of this but before before i highlight aliens i'm they're not going to talk much about abductions is that something that fascinates alien abductions not really not alien abductions but aliens yes it does okay uh again another podcast topic but here we're getting into just the introduction to that topic so i had covered about two weeks ago three weeks ago and i couldn't work at all i couldn't write i couldn't create so i just figured that yo let me watch as many great movies as i can and i watched a gorgeous movie that stayed with me it's a little heavy i recommend you watch it i think you'll really appreciate it i believe it's called arrival have you seen this i have it's about the communication between humans linguistics linguistics um it's a heavy movie this is a very heavy movie yes it's meant not for masala cinema goes it's meant for people who think uh the basic gist without without revealing plot details is that okay aliens have arrived on earth they're possibly friendly possibly not and human beings don't know how to interact with aliens same aliens don't know exactly how to interact with human beings because there's a language barrier imagine two thousand three thousand years ago someone in india goes to japan how are they gonna interact they'll say oh me meh the japanese person will say the word for me so they've shown this whole interaction between humans and aliens eventually they sort of learn how to communicate with each other they give each other names all that and the final kind of plot explosion in the movie is that humans realize the secrets of the aliens language and how our language is sort of linear like when i'm saying okay so my name is it's linear it's linear yes but aliens don't in that way don't talk in a linear language they talk in a circular language yes yes uh where you can read a sentence probably backward and forward and there is a concept sort of concept of time travel in that um in their language and the reason aliens come down to the earth is to uh show humans their own advancements in science in language in all these things uh so that's what i gained from that movie uh once i'd like to highlight what you gained again as a physicist you're watching that movie and i'm sure it must have kind of uh turned some light bulb on in your head also but obviously we'll also talk generally about aliens so it's a very interesting thought experiment these movies and science fiction books are essentially thought experiments what if you had this sort of a situation or this sort of a dialogue between an alien and a human so how would we go and proceed and try to communicate and what if time travel were possible so what what exactly is time right is it linear is it circular is it something else so these are the concepts that you explore in these stories this is a new concept that was there which i have not come across before the linguistics of communication between aliens and humans that's never been explored before as far as i understand but yes aliens could be very different from us we are carbon based creatures right our bodies are carbon based the chemistry is carbon based you could have aliens who are silicon based or who are based on something else entirely right for example on on the uh on saturn's moon titan the temperatures is minus 200 something degrees but it has liquid flowing over there which is hydrocarbons okay so there could be a whole different kind of biology over there which is completely alien to what we have and what if that kind of situation somewhere else in some other solar system would produce an intelligent species now how would we communicate with that right so that is one of the interesting questions that arises out of a out of a story like this but the bigger question is do aliens exist right if they are there where are they where are they all the aliens how come we have seen no signs of aliens right because we have been searching we have been searching we have these radio telescopes and all that which search for signals and pulses and so far we haven't found anything concrete you know like unmistakable sign of some civilization or intelligence so that is the big question the fermi paradox where are all the aliens right and there are a number of uh i don't know possibilities first of all it's possible that our instruments are too rudimentary and primitive it's like you have a morse code machine and you're trying to b and these guys have extremely advanced technology right so maybe we are we are too backward we think we are very evolved but compared in the galactic skill of the scheme of things we are like ants for example i mean if you were to explain to an ant why you have a why you have a mall and why you have all these things the ant won't understand at all right you just can't get it through into the the creature's brain similarly there could be enormous disparity in intelligence and technology the other thing is that uh alien technology if it is an advanced civilization it would not leak out or energy so if you look at the earth at night you see it glow because the entire planet is covered with lights right now there is a huge wasted wastage of energy because the light should be directed downwards not upwards so we are wasting their extremely energy inefficient an advanced civilization would not be energy inefficient it would not beam out random random noise into the universe right the communications would be very very uh energy secure so there are lots of uh concepts that we have to think about and lots of possibilities why we haven't actually come across alien civilizations and maybe it's a good thing maybe they are dangerous maybe they don't want us to evolve and become advanced to their level so that is one of the big issues and in the fields of of research you know because you've studied the solar system this much do you believe that there's a possibility that aliens could be a part of our solar system also and we've not explored see if we look at the history of the earth the earth is approximately 4 billion years old now we know that life on earth emerged around 3.8 billion years ago as soon as the planet cooled a little bit so life just seems to have spontaneously evolved or arisen on earth because of the the chemistry the geochemistry of the of the planet and we know that mars had a similar kind of environment about a billion billion and a half two billion years ago similar to earth it was a very wet planet it was warm so why is it not possible that there could have been microbial life on mars and there are other planets other moons for example moons of saturn and jupiter where we know there is a there are large bodies of water for example i think it's europa that has a subsurface ocean there's ganning meat that has a bigger subsurface ocean than earth and if the ocean if the water is liquid it means it is warm and it means there could be biochemistry over there and it could also create life so in my opinion i think it's highly probable that there is at least microbial life in our own solar system outside the earth but as far as intelligent life goes i don't think there's any intelligence at least what we recognize is intelligence in our solar system but there are billions and billions in the milky way itself there are about 100 billion stars and in the observable universe there are about 1 trillion galaxies so you can imagine how many stars there are right 10 rays of 21 22. so it's statistically absurd to think there is no life out there or even that there's no intelligent life out there i am convinced that there is intelligent life out there it's just that the universe is too vast and too empty for us to have found it thus far and maybe we don't know how to look for it maybe we're not advanced enough to look for it ah wow firstly wow secondly uh you know i'm gonna highlight we spoke about arrival i'm sure you've had some science fiction inspirations in your own head uh for me growing up i grew up in the age of video games and uh i always chose video games that expanded something in my mind uh if i was in a phase where i wanted to learn about football i played fifa if i wanted to learn about basketball i played nba games if i was in a phase i wanted to learn about life i started playing on the video game called sims which is sims you control a human being's life you're playing god you say okay go take a go eat go sleep it's a simulation isn't this simulation of life yes sims was a rage in the 2000s and towards the late 2000s some i think from the same sims company the company made sims which one was it i can't remember but i believe it was the same company it was someone who had worked on sims said that let me take this concept of playing god into the life of a whole species so human beings evolved from apes apes evolved from some smaller animal the small animal evolved from some cell so in this game it's called spore okay it was a rage when it had come out at least there was a lot of hype about it the execution and the way they made the game wasn't that fun okay so the game didn't catch on but it opened up a lot of kids minds so spore begins as uh you start as a one-cell creature and you go through the process of evolution evolution so you are in the ocean one cell in the ocean and then you have to engulf other cells then you become a fish then you have to engulf smaller fish and not be encountered by bigger fish yes then you become a creature where you are an animal and you have to hunt on land then you become a tribe where there are tribes of different creatures and then you have to become the dominant tribe like which is what happened with sapiens versus neanderthals and uh what's the other one that's uh denis dennis owens so you become a tribe then you become that that dominant tribe which is what the human species is today it's it's our story isn't it yeah yes then uh once you're a human species you have to play a city level where you have to fight wars with other countries which is what we're at right now what we've probably just come out of but then eventually the whole world becomes one country where you're fighting against your species but then you unify the whole species and the next stage is intergalactic travel and that's the stage that actually opens up your head as a gamer like yo what and then if you compare to the human story we've just reached right outside of pluto right now yeah we don't even know what's out there yes uh and in spore again when you are in inter galactic being there's lots of friendly ones there's neutral ones and there's aggressive ones uh and the eventual aim of the game is to reach the center of the galaxy uh which is which is like a power point it's a source of power it's a source of i believe food and all there's some planets there which are like a source of food or some something like all sorts of minerals so it's a battle for resources of the galaxy something like that i see it um again this is all just hypothesis these are all just theories this game i spent hours on it just to reach the center of the galaxy to maximize on each level all that beautiful beautiful exercise for the mind the game flopped there was never a sequel really yeah because they didn't execute well i mean there is i mean they failed as a product but they didn't feel as an idea the idea seems to be very great yeah um what do you think is at the center of the milky way galaxy a supermassive black hole okay we know it's there okay yeah it's been observed its gravitational effects have been observed because you can see stars clinging around very fast around this black hole before i ask you questions about black holes i've got to ask you questions about your science fiction inspirations so i would say for me it's spore what i just spoke about arrival which we also spoke about in this part of the arrival blasted my head it's a very simple movie lots of people won't like the movie the third one i definitely say is interstellar that's a great movie oh yeah and i know that nolan consulted with physicists yeah he did yeah to create visualizations to create the exact graphics yes even you know the climax of interstellar and spoiler alert uh i think we've already spoken about in the podcast where he basically matthew mcconaughey passes through a black hole and he enters another dimension yes so our dimension is um x-axis y-axis which means if i walk in a straight line it's x-axis if i walk sideways it's y-axis if i jump up with z-axis that's it with 3-d creatures he enters a dimension where there are more than just three axises and that fourth one he can't even explain so his mind isn't able to perceive what's going on but it's basically time time travel is that considered the fourth axis yeah time is supposed to be the fourth dimension of space time in general relativity so the time is the fourth dimension so when we say space it is these three axises xyz forward sideways jumping up yes or going down yes and then the fourth one is time it's time which means that which year were you born in uh 1976. i can go back to 1976 right now because 1976 is happening at the same time as 2021 but our minds are only able to perceive 2021 as or now possibly because of the quantum physics theory that you stated that when you put your attention on something it becomes a real thing it's a possibility i would actually love the physics expert to shed some light on these accesses time travel and all these concepts so in general relativity uh space time is a four dimensional uh arena that the entire universe is embedded in okay so it's like a platform that you play in but it has four dimensions now time travel i'm not sure if it is possible because it may break the causal structure of the universe one of the possibilities of how to do time travel is the concept of the wormhole in which you go backward view you loop through something and you go back to another not just a different place on the universe but a different time in the universe so that may break some causality laws of the universe so we are not sure how that works okay stephen hawking had proposed that it it may not be allowed because it breaks causality but it is just a conjecture we don't have proof of that so wormholes would be the best way to travel back or forward in time is it possible it may be possible we don't know yet but talking about dimensions in uh string theory for example string theory doesn't work in three dimensions or four dimensions to have a proper theory in which it works you need 10 dimensions what is string theory can you explain it like so string theory is a it's a it came out of the need to reconcile gravity with quantum theory for example quantum field theory which i spoke about it is all about fields this theory doesn't work in curved space time in general relativity matter curves space time right and if you try to use the quantum field theory in that it breaks down so the mathematics breaks down one one one second so i gotta i gotta break it down way further for the listeners so when you said matter curve space time okay yes uh that basically means that so they say that imagine space time like a long bed sheet like a long bed sheet like a trampoline like a long surface that's the stretchable surface okay that's the arena you spoke about yeah and you're saying manlo our universe is like a ball let's say the sun is a ball okay the sun is above so you put the sun on this arena it will go down deep into that it will stretch okay and it will warp the entire surface so if you have a smaller ball which was earlier passing in a straight line because of the presence of the sun it will start it will move in a curved line and that's why you have these orbits around the sun the planets going orbits around the sun so according to general relativity matter warps space time and it tells other matter how to move correct okay so that is the that is the concept of warping of space time and that's where the concept of gravity also comes into play gravity is nothing but the warping the curvature of space time it is just a geometrical uh it's an outcome of geometry emerges out of the geometry of space-time let me take this a little deeper now we think that the universe is that we see around us the stars that blackness of space is all that there is but it's actually something we possibly don't see which is that a space-time bed sheet that we spoke about what's the official word for it space time space time that's it it's manlow it's like i mean just try assuming that it's like a uh it's like a bed sheet yeah we are not able to see that the bigger the object the more it has an impact on space time yes and therefore uh if we're talking about the sun which which is so heavy it has a huge impact on space it does yes it affects the smaller objects around it which human minds understand as gravity that oh it was a big object and that's why we're attracted to it or we orbit around it but it possibly also has an impact on the human mind's perception of time am i right yes so time space time consists of time as well right so so what happens in general relativity is that around a large object time itself gets warped time itself slows down so for example sitting here on the surface of our planet time moves at a certain speed if you go 100 meters 100 kilometers up into orbit time is slightly faster just it's the the difference is very very little but if you had a clock that was accurate enough you would be able to measure the difference the speed at which time travels now if you were to orbit around the sun close by then time will move at a different speed if you were to take an orbit around the around a big black hole then for you it may it may feel like it's been just 20 minutes but on earth it will be 20 years so that's the kind of effect that you see in general relativity and this has been actually measured which is what they show in interstellar where in interstellar they show that yes yeah where he spends i think one hour or something of a short duration on a particular planet and he comes back to a spaceship and he gets a message from his own daughter who is now as old as him he's like whatever 35 and now his daughter is also 35. that's right she's spending time on earth with uh the time phenomenon that we know on this planet and he has gone on this other massive planet where time for him has slowed down a lot i think that planet was in orbit around a large black hole and that's why time was lower oh okay got it so what is your theory about what will happen i know it's a very uh guesswork based question what's your theory about what will happen if we pass through a black hole well according to the according to physics that we know there is something called a tidal force a tidal force is when you have a long object and the force of gravity affects that object so it affects the foot differently and the head differently so the if you are falling into an object the bottom part of your of your let's say your feet they will perceive gravity more strongly when your head then your head perceives now when you have an object as massive and compact as a black hole the difference in this force of gravity is very very significant your hands and your your legs in your head so what happens is that it stretches you apart this process is called spaghettification so if you are falling towards a black hole especially if you pass the event horizon you're gonna be stretched into a kilometers long strip and you won't be alive anymore so that's what happens that is the physics of general relativity and that is definitely going to happen now this may not happen if it is a very large black hole in which case this spaghettification will not be so apparent but what is inside we have no idea like there are theories of what may be inside a black hole if you pass the event horizon according to general relativity there's something called a singularity inside which is where the density of matter and the curvature of space space time become infinite so there is the one point inside a black hole where you have this phenomenon but that actually is not going to be true because singularities usually are indicative of a problem in your physics it is not a real thing it's it's just a mathematical equation blowing up it's like dividing something by zero that's when you get a zero it's going to get infinity right so what it indicates is that our theory isn't perfect it needs to be refined so that we can actually understand what i am visualizing is okay now coming back to a theory about there is the universe the universe and all its objects are sitting on a bed sheet called the space shuttle system on spacetime if there is an object as heavy as a black hole that means it won't tear through the sheet of space-time or it might but suppose that space-time sheet is not terrible then the black hole keeps sinking into something else infinitely infinitely yes but coming out on the other side into another dimension well there is a theory that on the other side of a black hole there's something called a white hole which is a portal into another universe where time flows backwards so that's one of the theories that also is the solution of einstein's field equations so that is a possibility so if you maybe go into a black hole you emerge on the other end into a very strange universe where time flows backwards [Music] wow i'm just gonna move on to the rapid fire now no no but this is this is just such a heavy and beautiful podcast like i've learned so much on this so uh what else do you know about because you're a history expert you're a physicist what else whatever what are the other knowledge portals in your head well i've been reading all my life uh i have always been interested in science physics chemistry biology all of that i have also been a very big fan of history so i've been studying history since the time i was seven or eight years old there was this series of books by an american author called will durant it was called the history of civilization i believe there were enormous thick black books but i used to devour them like like they're fiction you know because history is the most interesting story that you can find out there so i read about the egyptians and the romans and all of these civilizations and eventually i came into india at a later age so i know i mean i've been reading about history my whole life i i could be considered to be historian i don't have a degree in history but i do have an understanding of history you know what i even degrees man nah degrees are just pieces of paper yeah it's all about it's all about your urge to learn i strongly feel that like i remember when i was starting out as a fitness coach people ask me where's your degree it was a degree but uh you know it's it's about how again every everything boils down to wisdom and consumer experiences when you combine the two you get business uh but anyway um we will do the rapid fire round uh i just want to address one thing a lot of people will be listening to this podcast watching it thinking that why didn't we go deeper into topics it's because i have 20 podcasts right here this is just to introduce you to my big brother now and uh i guess even in the rapid fire on you'll get to see new nuggets of his head we will be doing a hindi episode about history and english episode where history after this and so many more episodes going forward but let's move on to the twitter verse rapid fire around also okay so these are twitter verse questions you don't need to go too much into detail but feel free again it's an open conversation mr bhavesh joshi asks is the sound of the cosmos really ohm well i am not sure about that because we don't even know if this uh if if acoustic vibrations happen in the cosmos see the sound that we perceive on earth is because of the vibrations of the air molecules around us the vibrations that are there out there in space are of a different kind like i said it's all fields so so the photon field vibrates at a certain frequency you'll have a certain sound well if you if you translate that into human audible sound it may sound like something we don't really know what it is so we perceive the photon vibrations as light right and there are other vibrations as well every field has a certain frequency of vibration so i don't know what it sounds like it's it's never been tried to translate that into human audible sound but that's what our spirituality our scriptures say um i think i think again from spiritual uh books that i've read they say that um every every sound in the world can be derived from a base of three sounds like the rgb theory yes yes like in terms of your three base colors and then you can derive more colors out of that so when you combine ah oh um these are three bass sounds okay which your voice box is capable of generating also yes and then depending on the movement of your tongue and your lips uh you can change it so if i want to say ranveer basically use with a combination of my tongue and my lips yes correct to generate that so if i want to say i'm basically saying ah but i'm also vibrating my tongue assortment to bring out the that's very interesting yeah so uh and this is just the human body but again the body is a representation of the universe and uh they say that the sound out there are but then um those those basic three sounds can be changed into other kinds of sounds other kinds of sounds i think that's where the questions uh logic also comes from um same guy i think he's someone who's fascinated by astrophysics yoshi asks why space smells like metal or gunpowder what does space smell like space is mostly empty it's mostly vacuum so i don't think it has any spa any smell okay i believe what he's talking about is that when astronauts go into a space station or a sat or or a spacecraft that is in orbit there is a certain smell that they perceive okay so yes i have heard about this and i i don't think there's any good explanation thus far of why it smells the air smells a certain way inside a spacecraft got it beautiful amir asks this is at cowley theoretically if time travel is possible what will be the potential counter effects on reality as we know will it create multiple timelines so say uh again this is that whole paradox theory which i'll let you only shed light on but say tomorrow i go back 50 years into the past and um you know i meet my friend's grandmom who is gorgeous uh who's a gorgeous lady and i decide to stay back there in that timeline and i marry her and i have kids with her will my friend even exist in the morning exactly this is something called the grandfather paradox so let's say you go back in time and you murder your own grandfather when will you exist anymore that's the question right so time travel causes all these uh problems in the causal structure of the of the universe which is possibly why it may not be possible to do it it may not be allowed by the laws of physics but we haven't progressed that far in our understanding of the laws of physics to know whether it's possible or not now will it create multiple timelines i believe there is a theory of quantum mechanics called the everettian theory the many worlds theory in which every decision that you make splits the universe universe off into different branches so every time you flip a coin if you have heads here in a parallel universe you got the other thing that sort of thing so you may have a multitude of parallel universes very close together in which you exist at the same time but you are living different lives um you know i think i've seen this episode of cosmos which i'm sure you've watched as well cosmos the show with neil degrasse tyson i haven't watched it oh it's lovely like uh you should like like everyone should check it out again um it's all everything you've spoken about even in today's episode but explained through animation okay through amazing beautiful animation have you watched a show called family guy ever it's an offensive cartoon i have seen some of it yes yes so the same game family i had a big role to play in cosmo so they combined you know neil degrasse tyson's knowledge as a physicist with this dude's knowledge as an entertainer okay so just gorgeous outcomes interesting and they kind of celebrated science on that show and i'm dead sure that many of the people who are on this podcast until this point are cosmos uh fan boys and fan girls uh but either way cosmos spoke about a concept where um they said that okay mathematically there is a theory of infinite universes am i right yes okay it's not entirely infinite it's like 10 raised to 500. that's string theory that's a string theory landscape got it so it's almost infinite you could say okay then my question is because i assume that there are infinite universes and i remember having this conversation with someone who was into uh quantum physics who had said that that means that every thought of yours is actually a reality and it's happening in some universe yes it's so it's an almost infinite universe kind of uh concept it's not entirely infinite but it's close to that so everything they can do that you can think of that you can imagine it probably exists somewhere in some version of the universe with wings yeah possibly who knows if there's an actual spiderman with wings in some universe somewhere there is a theory that anything that you can conceive of anything you can imagine exists somewhere in some universe something or it becomes a universe because of your imagination even the act of thinking is a choice so every choice that you make splits the universe off into different branches according to this particular interpretation of quantum mechanics so if that interpretation is correct yes you know how if i move my hand yeah now i have moved my hand from this level to a higher level okay yes that means the light that's bouncing off my hand has also moved as in my uh this movement now has been registered in the universe's timeline forever it is yes does it go out in the universe does that light go out in the universe well this light is confined within our room it's not going out okay so say you are standing in an open field and you flash uh you know you you keep a tv under you and you play a youtube video you play a beer by subscribing and that beer says video goes out into the universe it does yes um so in the same way do the thoughts that you have also go out in the universe because we say think positive whatever you think will come back to you so this is a philosophical theory it's not a scientific theory okay so if there is a consciousness field out there then it's very possible that your thoughts may reach out to other consciousnesses or they maybe become part of the field but it's not a scientific theory okay got it cool i i mean it's also one of those things which i believe exists because i mean okay i've done maybe 130 140 podcasts for now although and you included in this list okay although i i pers okay i personally perceive the concept of success as personal happiness success is subjective that's your definition of success yeah that's my definition yes that my definition of success is every single human being has his own version of success yeah for someone it could be a stable family life for lots and lots of people it could be knowledge and curiosity for lots and lots of people it could be the obvious ones like materialistic like money whatever fame all the 130 140 podcasts that i've had or say 100 plus guests that i've had are all accomplishers they've done something either accomplish stuff in the material world or accomplish stuff in the spiritual world or accomplish stuff in the world of knowledge like yourself or a combination of these but the base of it is a certain degree of positivity and peace i've always seen this i don't think we've had one guess where i looked at the person and said you're not happy on the inside or you're not sending out positivity into the world now if you're putting out positivity into your work in the world it comes back to you as the success that the world sees people look at your youtube channel with that genghis khan video which is what how i found you i found you i was like yo who is this man who has this kind of knowledge you're putting out your own positivity about learning and knowledge into the world maybe it's manifesting itself as a youtube video and that youtube video is going out to all these seekers now that's the uh kind of confined theory of put positivity out and positivity will come back it comes back to you yes but i feel that also happens on a life experience level that when you are thinking positive and you're not criticizing other people when you're just concerned with your own your own definition will happen as your own family you're given more of that stuff obviously there's a base of hard work you're putting that hard work energy also into that soup that you're building so positivity attracts positivity it attracts success yes well that is something that you see over and over again it's a pattern that you see in human existence isn't it so clearly there is something to it but we don't have a scientific law for it but if there were to be a scientific law out of all the things you studied what is the closest representation of that thought would it be this whole thing about you and me are joined by the same consciousness so is that negative dude who's sitting somewhere in some corner of the country okay but because you and me are vibrating on a higher level of like knowledge frequency or positivity frequency so there's more of a connection between us and there's less of a connection between that person and the general field of consciousness sends us more comforts in the form of money or fame or whatever we are seeking whatever we are seeking yes but what is the scientific theory well the scientific theory that comes closest to this is quantum field theory everything is fields everything is interrelated right particles are basically localized manifestation of fields and there are certain interactions between certain kinds of particles and they don't interact with other particles there are stronger interactions between certain fields less interaction between other fields so that sort of thing is there in quantum field theory and i would say that's the closest to what we are describing over here so if there is a field of consciousness and positivity then you may have similar interactions in that matter so if it is possible to create a mathematical theory of positivity and consciousness then you could probably construct it along the lines of quantum field theory and see how that goes it may throw up something very similar as a physicist do you believe in this that if you think more positive than the universe around you will give you more positivity i am a very strong believer in positivity absolutely keeping your scientists aside besides i'm sure you know everyone has different versions of them themselves inside them i'm the youtuber and cameras or i'm the businessman in my room i'm the thinker alone i'm the meditator and i'm even more alone in the same i'm sure they're a different version there's a historian there's a scientist if you keep the scientist aside and you just think of the thinker inside you you're able to pick up on people's energies absolutely okay immediately okay you can like even like the moment you meet them yeah you can and you're not someone who meditates much i have meditated in the past i have used so it's not been part of my life for the past few years but i have done that i've done pranayama so i've been into that in the past the reason i ask you this is because does your study of quantum physics increase that ability of intuition according to you no theory is not practice quantum field theory quantum physics it's all theoretical the more you study it the more you solve problems you you get better at that and you make maybe get some insights but meditation is a practice it's not a theory and when you practice that then it's a whole different level of experience so yeah it gives me some intellectual insights into maybe the way things are but meditation gives you intellectual insights no the quantum field theory gives me intellectual insight it gives me gives me a different level of knowledge than what most people would have so i can see more patterns more parallel since between science and and philosophy for example but when you meditate it's a practice i mean you can you can describe meditation theoretically that if you you do certain processes and certain things will happen but only when you do it yourself will you will you feel those sensations and see those insights with your eyes closed and all that so you have to actually practice it in in person and only then can you get the insights for example when buddha meditated he got nirvana and he he tried to preach that you know his his learnings so you can write a book about them and you can read them but unless you attend nirvana yourself you'll not know what it means right that sort of thing um you know how are you a good reader of people where does that come from is it because of your world of science no it's not it's something that's boring within you okay got it it's something i discovered after the age of 20 that i can actually understand people i didn't know that until then so i i i lived in a hostel when i was doing my msc and that's where i got into into contact with lots of lots of different kinds of people and that's where i realized that i can actually understand people without verbal communication so i think that's you pick up on body language cues or maybe some other thing that you may not perceive with your eyes or whatever but it is something that exists definitely it's pattern recognition so pattern recognition definitely yes um you know you all know harare keeps coming up on this podcast because he's he's also like you you know ocean of knowledge now in one of his books i can't remember which one um he highlighted the fact that okay now if you take the concept of intuition and break it down from a scientific perspective the is it like what is it it is basically i am with you right now when i'm looking into your eyes the corner of my eye is also noticing your hands the corner of my eyes also noticing your eyebrows even though i'm looking into your right eye okay now someone with a great intuition versus someone with a weak intuition what does that really mean the person with a great intuition has a higher processing power in the brain therefore that person is able to see the hands and the eyebrows and notice these mic when have you blinked when have you nodded your head the person with the higher processing power is able to retain that information put it on a sheet of paper within their own heads and then come up with results that okay this wasn't possibly thinking of this i personally feel that when you are studying science and quantum mechanics and all in that kind of detail you're focusing on improving that brain muscle of yours yes therefore maybe your intuition is also building an interpersonal skill that's an interesting theory and it may be possible for sure i'll tell you something about pattern recognition pattern recognition needs a lot of data processing so you cannot recognize patterns until you have absorbed a lot of data exactly you know what is wisdom wisdom is nothing but patent recognition yeah so you cannot be wise until you reach a certain age and you have processed a certain amount of data only if you do so willingly and then also you need to have the intelligence to recognize patterns that other people cannot see and also you need to know what to do based on certain patterns what action to take that is essentially wisdom and that's what all this machine learning and all that is yeah you're automating wisdom you're crunching through vast reams of data and you're trying to see patterns and then you're deciding what to do with it predictive analytics age does bring its benefits it does yeah one of which is this but i also i mean not everyone who's older should be you will meet people who are really old who have no wisdom whatsoever that's also there so it's not entirely necessary for you to be old and then you're wise it's not entirely it doesn't always hold true in my experience the best advice of god when it comes to an older person is when the older person is open yes in terms of not who doesn't shoot down your ideas who doesn't shoot down your theories but instead says that okay i hear you but how about this you know you look at us absolutely if you want to advise an older person it comes the best advice uh comes from people like that who are open who hear you uh who have that little child alive inside of them absolutely an open mind is very necessary yeah without that nothing happens you know it doesn't work yeah but we're doing astrophysics here so niranjan kumar asks about parallel universes um nowadays scientists are claiming that there's people with a parallel copy existing in real life i think what he means to say is if there is ranveer in this universe in another universe is another version of me doing other things or is an evil version of me uh like what what what is this theory are there other versions of me in other places so it's the uh manny wolf theory uh every action that you take it's a choice so maybe there are multiple choices that you had and you picked one so when you do that the world branches off into two different forks in one fork you are here you have taken one one choice in the other one you have taken some other choice so every time you make a choice or you think about something or or you interact with the world in a certain way the world branches off so eventually over the years we're two very different runways may occur may emerge out of this who have taken universes yes and two parallel universes who have who have chosen a very different uh parts of life it is possible so according to this theory if this theory is correct then it is going to be that way that you may have a multitude of versions of yourself and you are living all the possible choices and outcomes that you may ever be able to take in your life another beautiful mind-bending hypothesis with respect to what you just said is you know sometimes what is your intuition your gut feeling is a voice inside you saying yo do this be with this person don't be with this person don't take up this business deal stay away from this person there's a voice inside you so if i say that so close your eyes and think of your name it's coming out of a certain place now is this voice the future version of you warning you or guiding you to the correct paths we will not know but yeah who knows it may be true you know so like like when i look back at my own life career-wise okay i'm not talking about engineering i'm talking about after i've cut off certain mentors from my life who were giving me wrong advice but i realized that only after a certain point they also gave me some right advice which is why they stayed mentors for a bit now after binary no no i think i've outgrown this person's wisdom pool and i used to get voices in it saying no no what he's saying is wrong or don't don't listen to this yes or no you know this may not be entirely correct now when i'm thinking about my life right now and i'm going back to those conversations in my own mind i think thank god i didn't listen to that guy at that point because that was wrong advice thank god i did what my gut was saying could it be that this version of me is thinking back and looking back is actually communicating somewhere with that version of me which heard a voice saying hey man don't listen to this guy or get out of this room so if there is some possibility of communication at some level with a parallel universe and a parallel version of yourself then maybe that's the that's the voice but if there are infinite number of versions of you then you may have an infinite number of voices in your head so that also not that also doesn't make sense right maybe there's another runway who did not take the choice make the choice that you have made and who stayed with that mentor so maybe that one ranveer has taken a completely different path in life but are you able to communicate with that specific ranveer or not we don't know i think the voice in our head is our own intuition it's it's within our own consciousness in this this universe itself that is my feeling about it and consciousness is something beyond time consciousness exists as much in 2025 as it does in the age of the dinosaurs it's very possible yes we don't know what consciousness is there is no scientific definition of consciousness it's the biggest mystery in science we know it exists we are trying to understand what it is but we don't have the fuzziest idea of even how to define it so in science when you create a theory you have to define something what is a proton what's an electron you define it first and only then do you study it but we don't know what consciousness is we don't know how to define it we don't know where it emerges from we don't know if it is localized if it is somewhere else so it's an entire field but it is very strongly connected to quantum mechanics because the observation effect seems to to need a consciousness for it to happen that's a possibility coming back to this theory of infinite reviews yeah now that ranveer in that room was talking to that mentor and feeling that no no i shouldn't listen to this dude giving me wrong advice in life he listened to some voice which is called consciousness consciousness is infinite but it's ranveer's consciousness at some level therefore there are infinite runways positive ones and negative ones that runway in that room who chose to listen to the positive runways who were telling him what to do in life who go down the right paths versus another human being i'm not like i mean this is just ranveer's situation what if there's a negative human being let's call him um you know something from b okay bundy a negative guy he chooses to listen to all the negative bunties in his own consciousness therefore he ends up taking the wrong decisions so on an everyday level do you think this is i'm asking the scientist as well as the thinker the philosopher do you think that that's the logic of staying positive thinking that no joe like so there's a hindi that says so when you start perceiving life with that kind of a prism those kind of rose tinted glasses when you start seeing positivity where there is not where you say all is well where it's not really well well yeah then do all the positive versions of you from other parallel universes give you the right thing because you're more in sync with all of them well that's a theory i don't know we can't prove it or disprove it right but it is possible yes okay but do you think of scenarios like this for yourself because after all you gained all this quantum physics knowledge all this knowledge about physics in general about the universe in general plus i know you're a thinker it affects your thing the thing is i think about all kinds of things but i don't have any certainty because in science what i have realized is that we don't know anything we don't know anything for certain so there are these different interpretations of quantum mechanics but we don't know if each of these is right only one could be right or maybe none of them is correct so people who who know less they are very certain about things people who know beyond a certain level they are very uncertain about things because we know that there is so much that is not known to us so it is difficult for you to make a value judgment and said that yeah this is the right thing so i don't know my answer is i don't know true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing possibly yeah and then we have people with a very limited amount of good knowledge they probably have good knowledge but think that they know everything so therefore have opinions on everything yes very judgmental people right yeah yeah they say that great minds discuss ideas and narrow minds discuss other people so yeah that's right anyway um okay let's get back to that round of twitter questions some indian scientists like ak mithra acharya agnirath neshtik believe that a black hole doesn't exist why do they say so this question is from devang sharma so the thing is this that there are certain theories which there could be objects like magnetic stars and all that which are also very compact objects which are also dark and therefore they could look the same as a black hole so if you have an object like a magnetic compact object and a black hole sitting side by side you will not be able to tell which is which because they have very similar properties now general relativity tells us that black holes do exist they should exist but there are other theories which say that other kinds of objects could also exist so these are valid scientific theories these are not these are not nonsense but i would my belief and my certainty is that black holes do exist and the world is riddled with them because we have seen signs of black holes we know that there is a big black hole at the center of our galaxy we have recently taken a snapshot of a different black hole in another galaxy it was the event horizon telescope so there is a significant amount of incontrovertible proof that black holes do exist that they are out there but other kinds of objects more exotic objects could also exist so i am open to that but i would not agree that black holes are not true they are fiction that's not correct correct yeah i mean maybe they call it something else but it is a sub it is an object with a lot of gravity yes yes very compact so it's very gravitationally strong so you know theoretically how we have those images of the milky way like i'm sure those aren't real images like there's no device to take a real image like a photograph of the milky way no no we cannot do that but when we talk about the milky way how it's that circular shape yeah spiral fabia yeah it's spiraling around something yes uh which is supposed to be that black hole yes but when you said exotic object what did you mean like what else can be there so there are other theories in which you have very compact gravitationally bound objects which have a very high uh amount of magnetism okay because they have a lot of charge in there but they are the their radius is greater than what would be the event horizon of that that object therefore they are not technically black holes but they are very similar very similar to black holes and they are very dark so there are many such theories out there you can construct a theory basically using this the laws of physics which comes up with all kinds of different uh phenomena and these could exist somewhere or the other for example in the theory theory of electromagnetism there is something called a magnetic monopole so maxwell's equations do tell us that magnetic monopoles should exist so if you take a magnet it has a north pole and a south pole you cut it in half both the magnets will have north pole and south pole right they always they always have two poles but according to the theory of electromagnetism according to maxwell's equations there could even exist monopoles just a north pole or just a south pole we have never been able to see one in real life but theoretically it's possible so there are many such such outcomes of the laws of physics that we have never been able to observe but may be out there okay adarsh mishra do you think that ancient indian space science made any sense could it be true and this is also me speaking to the historian inside you as this mentioned about the distance from earth to moon in the hanuman chalisa by tulsidas i don't know what he means by that but the first part of the question is interesting that do you think ancient indian space science made any sense like could it have existed um and the reason i want to ask that is because this is something we just spoke about with respect to graham hancock we're talking about graham and coke yeah he keeps talking about civilizations that have existed for years but are not documented uh and that's why this theory of did the mahabharata rama actually happen that could have been very very advanced civilizations where for some reason the science of them died or the evolution of them died out and then we had to restart from scratch and our modern day human beings looking back at harappa and mohenjo-daro and saying that oh that's the first civilization when there could have been other civilizations like i want to echo one last thing that graham cox says that when we look at ancient egypt which is two thousand five hundred three thousand years ago four thousand years ago they themselves considered themselves a modern civilization when in truth there was probably another civilization which was which happened way back which was scientifically more advanced our gauge of studying scientific advancement is saying that oh you know but if there was another civilization 50 000 years back why can't we find that plastic or remnants from that civilization that exists today but what if they didn't look at plastic as an advanced form of science and they could have looked at something biodegradable as an advanced sign which actually degraded that's why there are no remnants left so it is a possibility see what what we look for is ruins ancient ruins and if you find something we make a certain assumption or deduction based on that and when you don't find ruins be beyond a certain time period you said there was nothing before that now if you look at the geological history of the of the world every 10 20 50 million or 100 million million years every time this passes the entire geology changes of the planet so if something had existed there it would be completely obliterated right so if an advanced civilization did exist on this planet let's say 200 million years ago way more advanced than us and then something happened then over the over the next 200 million years all traces of the civilization would have been wiped out because of the tectonic activity and geological activity of our planet and therefore we may never be able to see its existence or find any traces of that but it doesn't mean it never existed so the possibility is there you have to keep an open mind but you have to look for clues and when you look when you're talking about such ancient civilizations you will never find clues but people who say that this thing could never have existed they are people with closed minds who are not open to the possibilities that science itself gives us right now when you talk about egypt there could have been their civilization before egypt more advanced it is entirely possible i'm open to that if i find evidence of that i'll say it it was definitely there if i don't find evidence of that i'll say that it may have been there but we don't have evidence but you can't say it was never there the possibility is not there you cannot say that so some some people are like the dogmatic historians who said that there was nothing before so-and-so thing that's not true so there are lots of interesting references in the mahabharata and ramayana about various weapons very energetic very powerful weapons there are mentions of flying machines vimanas and all that now we have no evidence of that but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence right so i am entirely open to the possibility that such things existed i would want proof of that then i will say it did exist right now i'll say it may have existed but i am not of the opinion that it would it it's impossible i'm not of that opinion it's possible i love that answer sir and this is why i wish to create historical content with you by historical content i don't mean content that becomes historical i mean content about history but i believe that the content we're creating has potential to become historical once again i want to end this podcast by bowing down to your knowledge like you've spent so much time researching and reading i believe that this is only one percent of the knowledge you have and i hope that people spread the word about this podcast so when it comes to the study of physics is there any parting note that you wish to give the listeners or viewers who are more interested about going deeper into this world like any books any references what is the path to begin well the books that i know of are all technical books i don't really i haven't really read any uh popular books about physics my understanding is that we all intuitively understand science okay we don't know that our education system makes us fear science makes us fear mathematics but mathematics and science are actually very intuitive subjects for example if i have a ball if i go to the park and i have a ball with me i go to the perfect with my dog i throw the ball in the air my dog doesn't know the laws of newtonian mechanics he doesn't know that the ball will trace a parabolic path and come down at a particular location but he's able to get there he's able to catch the ball right so it's not like he understands physics but he has an intuitive understanding of it of the mechanics of the world so we all of us have an intuitive understanding of physics especially indians we have a genetic understanding because we have india is the birthplace of science and mathematics we've always been good at it we have to rediscover that passion it is there in our blood we over the past 100 or 200 or thousand years it's been it's been kind of stamped out for some time temporarily but we have it in us so i think we should all take an interest in science and try to understand and learn it gorgeous ah you know so much more to creator too uh looking forward to the next episode i'll be i'm see i'm like losing my words right now but i'll be linking all of your handles down below um if people want to find more of the work that you do where should they look for you just google my name okay twitter twitter as well yeah okay lovely i i still feel we're just at the brink of everything that you're gonna create for the world of content so looking forward to it happy to be a part of this podcast with you sir happy to create this podcast and i personally feel that again i'm speaking as the student inside me that if you are to go deeper into the world of physics it comes from a friend a brother a sister teaching you and i feel that that's what we've done possibly for seekers out there so glad i created this with you thank you thank you for having me excited as for the history podcast that we're going to do now so let's move into that absolutely [Music] you
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 1,804,755
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Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, abhijit chavda, abhijit chavda beerbiceps, abhijit chavda astrophysics, alien, time travel, parallel universe, alien dance, time travel movies, parallel universe hindi, astrophysics, time travel in hindi, universe facts, universe facts in hindi, time travel universe, unknown space facts
Id: q8-OGNF-Dcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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