In Conversation with The Mystic - Ranveer Singh with Sadhguru - IIMBUE 2018

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ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for your patience without further ado I invite Kiran Mazumdar Shah to introduce the speakers and the next session thank you good morning everyone I'm sure you agree that we've had a terrific day one of em view and now we're off to a fantastic day - starting with an absolutely fantastic session and I have the distinct pleasure of introducing this much-awaited conversation between two iconic celebrities the first is one of the most sought-after mega stars in Bollywood a versatile actor par excellence who has captured the hearts of millions and who can combine wit and serious acting with ease his portrayal of historic figures like Bajirao and allowing kill ji have made him legendary in every sense of the word and of course he is undoubtedly a great youth icon so may I invite Ranveer Singh onto the stage [Music] Johana Habana yay this gets her head actually bunny Hawkeye to me automatically and the other is one of the most influential thought leaders of our time a spiritual mystic a Padma Vibhushan and a voice of reason and human advancement someone who is one with nature and who understands the dangers of man-made destruction of our forests and rivers and calls for action through his huge river rally he is also flamboyant and cool he is also a kind of a youth icon he loves golf and he loves bikes he's often called the mystic the motorbike mystic so let me also invite Sadhguru Jian to the stage [Applause] I must confess that both Sadhguru G and Ranveer Singh are two of my favorite people and I'm indeed grateful that they made their way to imbue 2018 so I can't wait to get their conversation started so over to both of you on this wonderful subject of sensing the future through many lenses thank you at the end of the song that they played for you you got shot yeah today it's going to be nice yeah Saphira angry good thing I stopped no sir didn't go all the way to lane you don't think it's go ahead yeah let's see sub guru ji do some dance moves do you dance well do dance of course how can I not but like where when like do you like your home just put on some music full volume rock out to Cali Bali generally I don't need any music I simply dance you it's in your head or there's no music in your head you just dancing say yeah for me dance is not because of your music that's being played simply because of the rhythm that I have found with life I so I'm talking about Sam a huge fan and I've become a bigger fan in the past month I have two best friends one's a photographer one the filmmaker and they're massive fans of Sadhguru G so when I told them they were like so jealous of you this that and the other come let me show you some videos so for the past month a lot of my nights are spent watching hours of YouTube videos of Sadhguru G and I'm watching it with them and just like this they keep gossiping so psichology is talking and we're sitting in silence watching and then they they you know interject with these gasps and gushes like thirty three-year-old grown men very macho guys the range of your fans is amazing sir so coming to dance I see it as a form of active meditation you know like in my experience when I like I've been to a lot of raves you know I like psychedelic trance music I think the 140 plus B PM's it does something to me when I dance for hours four hours six hours eight hours non-stop I've I feel euphoric does that does that resonate with you at all if we can tell you're a party animal come on well my party has been normally telecast all over the place so people know that we dance for 12 hours from yuning 6:00 to morning 6:00 and myself three nights so if we have to take this a little deeper because I think that's what people are expecting that you asked me and gossipy question and I am supposed to make it profound for them so it's like this this nation this nation was named as paratha or Bharat in Hindi but generally it was called para terminar Bharata what this means is power raga and Tala have a means sensation why we are talking about sensation is your whole experience of life right now is through sensations what you see what you hear what you smell what you taste and what you touch are different types of sensations so your entire experience of life you may be interpreting it in many different ways in your intellect but essentially there are these are multiple amalgamations of sensations so that is the power this is the experience of life raga means the tune for this here we have no participation existence is already set attune for us our ability to live this life is only in finding the Torah or the rhythm if you find the Tala you will dance your life your life will be like a dance if you don't find the color you will get crushed by the process of life find your Tala so what is happening whatever this 140 you said 170 today that a nun contented and fast I know but what's that and be whatever be whatever their beams beats per minute or if you have a certain music which overpowers your mind people are done with their own thoughts and emotions for most people unfortunately the cerebral development that has happened in the human being has become an impediment their only problem is they don't know how to handle their intelligence they think misery and suffering is happening due to variety of reasons no there's only one reason your intelligence has turned against you that's all it is you call it stress you call it anxiety you call it misery you call it madness you call it whatever you want essentially your intelligence has turned against you a whole lifetime people don't learn how to handle their own thought and emotion 50 60 year-olds still don't know how to handle their thoughts and emotions thought and emotion is essentially generated by you it should happen the way you want but because of this thought and emotion being out of control they can't feel the rhythm of life their psychological realities have completely overpowered their existential reality so when you play music which is loud and you know beating itself into you not just through your ears through the entire body every cell in the body gets the beating when you thrash like this by sound now the psychological reality kind of evaporates and they seem to enjoy that some ecstasy of that so enjoying the ecstasy of music and moment is fine but how long you are pretty fit but still your capability is only four hours so many others many others who are not as for hours twice a day many others who are not as fit as you they won't last four minutes in dancing that's a fact so when you finding the rhythm only happens for four minutes or four hours of whatever amount of time that means you will never know the rhythm of life just by the nature of your existence so one must know the ecstasy of existence not ecstasy of action alone action is beautiful simply because it's coming from that dimension if you are trying to find joy or ecstasy in your action you will become enslaved to that action see now people can't take off the headphones they crossing the street with headphones on with whatever 140 PMP whatever and they hit many are getting killed many are getting killed simply because their headphones are on because right now they can't feel any pleasantness without something dumping in their ears or in one way what they're trying to do is somehow keep the intellect away so that sound can do it visuals can do it sensations can do it anything can do it any of the five sense organs if you force it in a certain way you will not feel thought and emotion so people think that is freedom no you're getting enslaved to something else so it's very important that you can sit silently here and still be ecstatic this needs to happen to every human being otherwise inevitably you will get enslaved to something maybe music maybe dance all this is going to kill you if you dance 24 hours a day you're going to die that's a lovely thought so absolutely I mean I hope to reach that stage of evolution and awareness where I can we can get to that be ecstatic I'll have to hang with you a little bit more I know I'll get there so which brings me to something very exciting so you went for the World Cup I'm so jealous I'm slogging it out shooting heads 12 hours a day you're hanging out in no I did you have a World Cup how was that yes I did but I've been dreaming of going to work up football from the age of 12 or 13 Wow so here I am now I make you wait how was it tell us tell us how was your experience - such a such a you know lifelong dream coming true witnessing the greatest spectacle in the world spectacle is of course fantastic in its own way and we have to congratulate the organising capabilities of the eyes of Russia and the way they did the organization almost everybody who was there was saying never before another World Cup has been organized like this so there were thousands of volunteers across the towns across the city both Moscow and st. Petersburg where I attended the events just about every hundred 200 meters there would be somebody standing smiling at you and if you look little confused they will approach you and ask where do you need to go what what do you need how about everything and they had many of them had breakfast coupons and things like that if somebody is looking around for food they say why don't you have it free the level of organization was so fantastic and it was done so joyfully and wonderfully I thought this is the way we should organize events when we organized the event it's not just about the event the whole city needs to be organized in a beautiful way we do like this in our events but seeing a government managed event to happen like this was really fantastic football of course I love the game people kept on us which team satoru which team will you root for I said I root only for football lovely only only disappointment was I wanted to see a mr. Rodriguez play but unfortunately Colombia got knocked out before I went there how much Rodriguez that's an interesting choice you like him as a player sir hmm you like him as a player that's an interesting choice oh he's he's not found in effect Puja but when it comes to the game is not a play is almost like an artist on the ground that's not really agree i watch a lot of him too so really well you were impressed with the organization of the World Cup very good I mean good store Chucky I put in me sir they should come and see how they we do ganpathi with surgeon in Mumbai it's epic epic you should see our organization [Laughter] sir well you just have to drive in Bangalore so so what about like you you thoroughly enjoyed watching the football but what do you think about what what is your take on sports it's competition you know it's isn't it based on one-upmanship isn't it aren't you telling young kids that it's about winning you know as a child I wasn't I didn't get any kick out of winning really it was very like minimal for me I used to really just enjoy playing cricket playing football the process was so enjoying I used to enjoy competing with someone but winning wasn't you know how I used to get it you have to win you know teachers my dad was like it's all about winning and all but it was not for me it didn't resonate for me so what is this whole thing about like what should we how should we inculcate young kids into sport what do you tell them is it about winning say yeah winning is only a desire game is the process process is the game rather if you don't conduct the process right winning will just be a desire all the 32 to all the 32 teams came with the desire to win but only one wins because they handle the process right not because they had a stronger desire than others so this is a culture where we always insisted on process but today we have taken this from outside we have become a goal-oriented society that means our desire has become more important in the process only if you conduct the process right the results will come right now there are flowers if you want flowers in your garden if you go and do flower flower meditation flower will not come if you want flowers in the garden you need to handle soil men your water sunlight soil doesn't look like a flower and many or definitely doesn't smell like guava what it doesn't feel like forever not as assemble I do but if you handle these things right flowers will happen flowers will happen only to those people who the process right unfortunately we have shifted our attention to the goal in yoga there is a saying in the yogic culture this is a very basic process that is we say if you have one eye on the bow you have only one eye to find your way which is very inefficient if you use both your eyes to find the way depending upon the times and your strengths and capabilities you will get to a place that you need to get you are not concerned who is getting where the question is only are you operating to your full potential that's all it is like I want to be better than you this is not going to get you anywhere so if I want to be better than you or if I want to be better than somebody suppose the one next to me is a lame person I will walk little faster than them him and I think I'm doing great it's very important a human being focuses upon himself or herself and explores the full potential of who we are how somebody else is doing he is not your business you can enjoy what somebody is doing but the moment you are concerned that they are doing better than me or I want to be better than them you bring a whole lot of unnecessary emotions into your life which destroys you in a very basic way that's lovely I say this all the time you know entertainment media in Mumbai keeps asking competition chal raha hai aaj clap you film the teen so corrode ki a hunky film maybe teen so corrode ki and their competition chal like it's not competition I don't want to be better than anybody I just want to do well myself I just want to enjoy what I am doing and I think that fulfills me enjoyment out of when I'm doing something if I'm enjoying that process it's very fulfilling for me see in our lives if we do not do what we cannot do that's not a problem but if we do not do what we can do we are a disaster so if if when I am doing something I am always looking at what you are doing inevitably I will not do what I can do and I will become a disaster it's very important that I am doing everything I can do absolutely and if you are doing something different I can look at you once in a way just for the joy of seeing somebody success but if you are concerned about how to be better than somebody you cannot enjoy anybody success nor can you enjoy your own success I am NOT one of those female fans you know look good there you know guru gee I feel everything you're saying you I don't want to be better than change the direction it'll be I feel all of these things I genuinely feel them I don't want to be better than anybody I want to enjoy my process enjoy what I am doing enjoy what other people are doing I'm just not able to articulate it that's right that's why you are here so which brings me to this concert you mentioned success you know and everybody you know I have noticed is trying to define success along the way I came across a meaning that I really liked it was success is the magnitude of the beneficial footprint that you can leave on society I like that definition one of the definitions of success that I liked but what what is what is your take on this concept what is success I mean we're here is the purpose of life are we here to procreate if we procreate how is successful like what is how do you convert you how do you consider yourselves like now I'm successful well procreation we have done a lot in the country this definition what you said will lead to make life absolutely it's latarian even my success should be useful well a peacock is dancing what is the use of it there is no use and that's what is beautiful about it it to attract the mate no I thought that's what I do well so not to your eyes you shouldn't get you shouldn't get attracted it [Laughter] the thing is everything that's beautiful in the world what is the use of it this is why people are asked is asking this everlasting dumb question what is the purpose of life sir I put so yesterday I put a tweet out saying I am meeting Satguru ji tomorrow what should I ask him and 80% was what is the purpose of life what is the purpose of life what is the purpose of her as I guys just come up with something else please so when you ask what is the purpose of life essentially you are asking what is the use of black there is no use even if you are not born everything would be fine believe actually it would be better [Applause] there is no purpose life is a phenomena beyond this nonsensical logical calculations about what is the purpose of this what is the purpose of that what is the use of this there is no use it is just that life is a bigger phenomena than your intellect your intellect is just a small part of this life unfortunately your thinking life is contained in your intellect no your intellect is contained in this life process just one aspect of it it's just one dimension of intelligence there are many other dimensions of intelligence today science is telling you what a bug knows you do not know I'm good a grasshopper knows you do not know actually isn't it so from Bangalore from here in this Karnataka there are dragonflies you seen the dragonflies every year they are traveling all the way to Africa East African East Coast multiplying there and again coming back okay without any kind of navigation equipment or anything these tiny little insects they're going all the way to Africa and coming back could you do it Hamas sing without any instruments could you just follow the waves and simply on a sit on a log and go to Africa and come back I'm saying look at the intelligence in a small insect like this intelligence is all over the place the entire universe is just a living intelligence you have captured a little bit too [Applause] so sir today we are here essentially to sense the future now what is this why what why have we given this title to the session sensing the future now I've heard you before saying the moment right now is eternity this time travel past present past future is all nothing everything is now doesn't matter what I say you tell me have you ever experienced any tell chef tell him that the sensing the future is a latte no no that's not what a future what a future is what generally when people want to know future they go to your next role of Jack or they go to your match fixture so people want to find a job they will want to go on find out through an astrologer or whatever other crystal gazes or whatever they want to find out what will happen through my career or they want to get married they want to go on ask somebody what will happen in my marriage I think it's obscene obscene is the word you choose yes how am I going to live with my wife you want somebody third person to tell you I think it is obscene so essentially you are a match fixer no I'm not saying matchmaking like that it's a match fixer so before you enter the game you want to know the result that's what it is so I can tell you right now what will happen at the end of your life we will be attending attending your funeral that's what will happen yes if you want to know the future I will tell you right now yeah they get to you know 11 so on the way what will happen that's what you want to know on the way to my grave what will happen on the way believe me if I tell you everything moment to moment what will happen in the next whatever number of years you're going to live you will see in three days you will get so disparate somehow you will want to disprove what is said and you may commit suicide just to prove me wrong because it will become so frustrating that everything is written down what you will do and what you will not do it will become so frustrating you will not want to live so when you are in this state of mind when I say in this state of mind if you if I tell you what will happen tomorrow most people will not be capable of participating in today I am made like this even if I know exactly what will happen tomorrow today everything that I do I will do it as if my life depends on it even though I know the result tomorrow I think but I think everybody should live like that live in the now like do what I are doing and most people if they come to know what will happen tomorrow they will not participate today that means they won't live so then it is best that they do not know what is tomorrow so can we change the topic to sense them right now no no sensing sensing tomorrow is not in that sense sensing tomorrow is so that we do the right things today you have some picture of tomorrow so that you can do the right things today that's important if we don't foresee in some way then we won't know how to do anything in our life so sensing tomorrow is one thing predicting tomorrow is another thing having absolutes of tomorrow is a total foolishness or it's mystic so you know I have I feel technology constantly evolving and I have a feeling like mobile phones have really changed the way we are you know it's having a huge bearing on pretty much everything it's permeating everything social media mobile phones this kind of technology like sometimes I wonder were human beings ever meant to communicate like this like I could be hanging in a jungle in Africa talking to somebody who's at the North Pole you know that kind of communicate can be facetiming with them now I can actually see their face you know so this is for being with the chimpanzee or being with the Eskimo wrong so you went to Africa to be with the chimpanzee not with the Eskimo but I'm saying I still have that capability thanks to technology and with that now comes along social media it's really changing things you know and as like people who are kids who are 1819 now I'm much more into it they know how to use these things much better like ice I still was born when they were landlines you know so FaceTime is still a trip for me so what what is your take on on you know mobile phone technology and social media what is it doing how is it is it the new evolution like this is what human beings were and now we have a cell phone and that is the extension of us now say every machine we have created is just about this extending our faculties in some way we have visual capabilities so we have a telescope and a microscope we can speak so we have a microphone and a telephone like this every technology is just an extension of our existing faculties now if I speak through a landline it was okay but now I have a mobile phone which is far more comfortable now that is not okay no it's perfectly okay I know what landlines meant I am talking about 35 36 years ago when I was driving all over the country building is a foundation village to village town to town always on the road so I have telephone days I don't know whether you have seen those things maybe or - you should have seen the blue boxes you know those telephone booths local STD ISDN those blue boxes horrible tin boxes so on the highway I will find one blue box it's my day to call so I never had a telephone book very easily I remembered 800 to 900 numbers and names so I go first as soon as I go I will pull out five thousand rupees and give it to that guy he won't understand why I said just keep it there's a down payment for you they normally call cost you fire rupees 10 rupees 15 rupees like this I give him five thousand rupees he doesn't know what's coming now I go into the booth this black horrible smelling foam some of them had it serviced with some perfume rest were everybody's bad breath was there anything then I call and call and call for five six hours and make all the calls I need to make for the month and then people other people who want to make phone call some local call something they all come there they get Stickle eating at me that I am NOT coming out but that guy takes care of them because I already pay paid him five thousand words so I would finish all my calls and get into my car and drive on today if I just tell somebody's name my phone calls yeah it's a done thing I'm hugely appreciating the technology some people are complaining but they're complaining not about the technology they do not know that what they're actually complaining is about their own compulsiveness compulsive usage has come this problem is not just with phone if they start eating they don't know when to stop eating if they start drinking they don't know when to stop drinking if they start doing something they don't know when to stop it so this compulsiveness is there and all aspects of life now the gadget has become a drug it keeps people engaged but it's also keeping a lot of people out of drink at least there's something good about it so compulsiveness is not what we need to handle technology is a tremendous enabler nobody should ever complain about it otherwise we must put you in the blue box with a black phone you will understand even if my finger is to hurt a lot at the end of the phone calls Lucy I keep wondering what is it that prompts you to travel share your knowledge share your wisdom with others why wouldn't you like say yes or Moo Maya give it all up go to the mountains and meditate I fantasize about doing that I'm like one day I'm gonna leave all of this I'm going to go sit on top of a mountain and meditate say yeah you would anybody for that matter would want to drop this and do something else who got why because in some way they're finding this burdensome I don't have to go on a mountaintop to meditate I'm meditative every moment of my life you just check my pulse right you always bowling in the wrong direction the same such 2ma things you watch but now at my last night so you check my pulse rate you will see I am always meditative so I don't have to go somewhere to meditate this is what I was saying when the previous what's the purpose of life came see if you fix the purpose of life you will do what you think is right if you don't fix any purpose to life you will do whatever is needed and that's what is most important today that we do what is needed not what we fancy I don't know what is it that I need to do how will I know say can I can I be honest with you and tell you that I find a common truth ax I I feel a compulsion to entertain people does that make any sense to you yes so many people cannot even smile or laugh unless they sit in a cinema they can't do it with their neighbors they can't do it with their family the best place for them is a cinema hall they can laugh because it's a dark place so you're doing a good job I heard I [Applause] sometimes I feel like there's nothing better I can do with myself than to entertain people you know it's like I can this is one thing I know I can do it well and I can you know I can I can make people smile I love to do that you know when somebody sees me on the road they like aah and then I'm like you know you give that energy back to them and it lights them up I find it fills me up with some euphoric feeling it is also needed right now Entertainment is very needed because people are not simply ecstatic by themselves entertainment is very very needed otherwise a lot of them would sink into depressions so you are doing a very cheap psychiatry when I say cheap I mean inexpensive not cheap means that way I didn't mean that way I meant very it's not cheap five hundred bucks to go to a multiplex now I know but you go to your circuit which do you know what's the fee so inexpensive psychiatry at least they go there for those three hours they feel good and they come especially in a country like India where a whole lot of people are in living in abject poverty I think cricket and cinema is keeping the mood of the country little up I wish slowly that changes in the sense that people will be joyful by their own nature they don't need are they please guru ji I'll be out of a job er then I will teach you how to do something else which was still a sleaze psychiatry this is a question that you know sometimes this is not my particular now I when I was I was never interested in the you know the examinations and things that happened but I saw people sometimes many times desperately copying answers in the examinations and things like but I never saw anybody copying questions like this what do you mean yet guru ji did not fare us so diligently I've done my homework and all her come with sheets and all so this wasn't in the budget just so you know I have not followed any of this I just made my point so I don't miss any there's some stuff I really want to ask you this is an introduction that is not really either gable nah that's what they did when they were caught copying methyl Coulomb Boozer lower back this reporter Lauren Twitter survey I'm will look cool um who Lyon who last hunt so I really this is you know not my time of the day it's really early in the morning this is my time to be plugged into the matrix to be in the rat race achieve achieve acquire acquire and then something happens to me after midnight when the day's over I become really relaxed and then like I have these extras and existential thoughts and I start thinking about other things and this this thing always fascinates me I find that I find the universe to be in some kind of dichotomy I want you to explain that to me I know you can elaborate on it because I've seen so many see new talk for so long on YouTube I know you will tell me something I've never been able to figure it off yeah I never said your movie was too long so you'll have to take it up with mr. Bhansali Manito kartha hoon caseins gotta marry since dalaman a toccata so so you know there's always this like there's light darkness black-white yes-no life death there's always I always find the universe to be in some kind of dichotomy you know is is that the sin sin is it like do you find that now I I want to understand in what sense are you calling it as a dichotomy like a whatever like when I have these thoughts I'm like there's always two things that play you know in in every every aspect of life big small there's always an opposite is like can you elaborate on that an eighth of your minutes yeah party so a lucha by name [Applause] about before coming to the dichotomy the very way you're characterizing yourself and the question that you're asking itself is a dichotomy people always thought Charlie Chaplin was very funny but if you listen to his private talks and things like that there was a deep sense of agony yeah in him is he was especially sensitive to the Agony's of life yes what an artist but when you see him on the screen he just made it there so ridiculously funny hilarious all the time everything every step every act not just some act just every step and every act is hilarious if you sit in front of if you sit watching a Charlie Chaplin movie you don't laugh at a particular thing you just laugh at everything so because there was such a deep agony he decided instead of sharing this agony with people he decided at least he'll make them laughing because somewhere he understands this agony could exist in a whole lot of people in different measure of course so when we say dichotomy we're talking about contradictions you said light and darkness let's take that because that's a very basic day and night light and darkness there are many ways to look at this one fundamental way is like this there is light right now you know there is light right now only because you have seen darkness suppose let us say 24 hours of the day everything from your childhood everything was lit you would not know what is light so you know light only because in somewhere you have tasted darkness you know what is white only because you've seen the black you know what is a man only because you've seen a woman you know what's a day only because you've seen a night so what seems to be contradictory on the logical level of your mind in terms of making of life they are complementary to each other they're working with each other but pretending to be opposite to each other this is why in this culture everywhere in the world not just here in one way or the other they figured this and they made it in so many ways they called it in and yang here we called it Shiva Shakti and if you see the images of Shiva the one half of him is man another half of him is woman physically because what is being depicted here is this is the nature of physical existence as long as as long as your experience of life is limited to physical when I say physical right now everything that you can see has to be physical isn't it so can you see something that's not physical can you hear something that's not physical can you smell taste or touch that which is not physical or in other words your entire experience of life is physical even your thought and emotion is physical we can measure it today we can measure your thought and emotion that means it's physical so your whole experience of life is limited to the physical dimension of the existence and the very nature of physicality can only happen with this even if you take the basic electric charges there is a positive and a negative without that it will not work if you take an atom there are positives and negatives so the very construction of physical nature is between two opposites or two complementary dimensions of life so when you live here if you live here with the necessary perception in a very brief amount of time one can realize this contradiction or this complementary nature of these two things can go on playing endlessly upon you without taking you anywhere when you realize that that the physical will not get you anywhere that is when you turn spiritual it does not mean you rejected this physical you're still living in the body you're still living in this world it is physical but this is the longing of every human being it's not just some spiritual person every human being is trying to touch something beyond what they are right now if you know money you're just thinking more money if you know power you're thinking more power if you know pleasure you're thinking more pleasure if you know love more love if you know knowledge more knowledge whatever it is you are always trying to touch something more if it finds this longing to become something more if it finds a very basic physical expression we call this sexuality all you are trying to do is be something more than what you are something that's not you you are trying to make it a part of yourself if it finds an emotional expression we call this love once again emotionally you're trying to make something that is not you as a part of yourself if it finds a mental expression it gets labeled as greed ambition conquest or simply shopping something that's not you you're trying to make it yourself but if it finds a conscious expression then we call it yoga Yoga means Union Yoga doesn't mean twisting and turning Yoga means Union why do you have to know Union because that's the nature of the existence on the surface it seems contradictory if you go deep enough certainly it is not contradictory there is a union what is it that separates you from the rest right now all of you can do this experiment you also take your right hand and touch laughter is that you I mean is that you it's a part of me it's not you it's me it's you touch the seat on which you're sitting is that you now I'll go very deeper Google G I can also do go as deep as you are it's not you obviously no er it is me here everything is me everything is Europe Ramon you know I I I believe yeah everything is this is a problem of being born in India you only said it you only said it that is too much spiritual Jorgen is all over the place without any living experience this is what happens this is what happens when you do watch too much late nights at Guru on YouTube everybody is talking and up in the brahmanda but even if a mosquito bites it bothers them so it clearly tells you this is me this is not me what is telling you this it's just your sensations isn't it here if you touch there is a sensory response here if you touch there is no sensory response or in other words what you are saying is whatever is within the boundaries of my sensation is me whatever is outside the boundaries of my sensation is not me isn't it so isn't it so there's water in this nothing else okay because this happened I was I had to go for one match I had to go to Petersburg and come back to Moscow for another match so at the airport we had a these days they don't give me plastic bottles of water they always have glass bottles of water this is a glass bottle and that has the same shape as usually how the vodka bottles are made no and this bottle came in the screening in the airport and the lady said you can take it so the person who was with me pulled out the bottle and said Sadhguru would you like to drink I took it up and I started drinking I drank half the bottle that lady's face just when she started telling the other cities she is just drinking he's drinking then this person is trying to explain to her no it's water but she doesn't understand a word of English she is just started almost getting hysterical he's drinking half a bottle of vodka right here then we went close and showed it's printed in Russian it is water then she said but the bottle was like that so the question is this there is water here is this you hello no if you drink it does it become you yes right now over 70% of your body is water so what was outside if you include it into the boundaries of your sensation it becomes you isn't it and this is how you gathered this entire body the food that you eat and the water that you drink slowly you gathered into the boundaries of your sensation and now it feels 100% like you I'm gathering a lot of protein these days so what is not you becomes you every day every day it's happening to you what Yoga means is you make your life and it is so exuberant that your sensory body expands you heard a phantom leg somebody lost a leg though their physical leg is gone they still have all the sensory leg in place because sensory body has a presence of its own if you become very exuberant within yourself you will see your sensory body will spread suppose your sensory body became as large as this Hall you would experience all these people just as you experience your hands and fingers if your sensory body became as large as this universe you experience the entire universe as a part of yourself that is when somebody calls you that you're a yogi that means you experience the union now if for one moment if you experienced all these people really like how you experience your body you experienced all these people for just one moment after that do I have to teach you morality thou shalt not kill thou shalt not steal thou shalt not harm do you have to teach them various kinds of morality what is a part of you you have no issue with it of any kind isn't it this is what essentially spiritual process means that is you transited transcended the limitations of your physical existence spirituality does not mean looking up or looking down spiritual process means you understood the limitations of physical and extended your experience to something beyond your physical nature because what is physical about you is fully accumulated from outside even the first two cells was given to you by somebody isn't it hello even the first two cells have not yours your parents gave it to you rest if it is just earth most people don't get it till you bury them but if you get it right now that what you are carrying as my body is just a piece of the planet what you're carrying as my mind is just what you've gathered from the society in which you exist beyond this there is something called life this must come into your experience if that comes into your experience this dichotomy business is gone because this contradictory nature or complimentary nature of opposites is only related to the physical existence physical is like the peel of a fruit the peel of the fruit is there only as a protective layer but right now we have made a world where people are busy eating the peel but the problem with the peel is if it was totally bitter by now everybody would be enlightened the problem is there are spots of sweetness in the peel people are trying to make juice out of that I want to look within what do I need to do guru ji I want to if I were to say this make this statement I want to be at one at peace with myself what do you suggest I do say peace is a very poor aspiration know why I'm saying this is know this not to this negative unfortunately even so-called spiritual leaders are going about saying the ultimate goal of life is to be peaceful I'm asking all of you a simple question every one of you know the answers it's just that somehow you determine not to use it in your life it's not that you do not know tell me can you enjoy your lunch if even if you're not ecstatic at least you must be peaceful to enjoy your lunch isn't it so hello a handful of people who live around you work with you can you enjoy their presence even if you're not blissful at least you must be pleased peaceful isn't it just to enjoy your walk on the street you must at least be peaceful is it so so I'm asking is peace a fundamental requirement in your life or is it the ultimate goal of your life fundamental requirement so why is somebody making it as the last thing that will happen in your life it must be the first thing that happens to you isn't it so do not do not ever hold peace as a ultimate aspiration because peace is a basic requirement every creature if their stomach is full they sit peacefully except human beings yes sir you have a dog at home feed him well he sits there peacefully isn't it what is the human problem the human problem is just this they are not able to handle their own intelligence that's all their problem is this happened unfortunately about two and a half months ago a lady our television anchor in andhra pradesh jumped off the fifth floor window and killed herself and she left a note nobody is responsible for my death my brain is my enemy she articulated it 100% in fact this is the reality with most human beings it's their brains which is the problem you remove half their brains they will all sit peacefully you must act you must act how they will sit no if you remove half their brains how they will sit your doctor you must show [Applause] so then sir if peace is the basic requirement what what's a better way of being ecstasy ecstatic so let's understand this peace means a certain stability it's very nice when things are stable within you that means you're balanced then you can use your body and many faculties that you have in a sensible way because you peaceful if you rigid ate it you cannot use it in a sensible way it will go all over the place as I said earlier you cannot even do what you can do if you cannot do what you cannot do that's not the problem when you do not do what you can do a disaster is unfolding in our life isn't it when you're not peaceful this is what is happening so that's a fundamental thing so if your experience of life if your mental state becomes Pleasant we say you're peaceful if it becomes very pleasant we say you're joyful if your physical body becomes Pleasant we say you're healthy if it becomes very pleasant we say you're in pleasure if your emotion becomes Pleasant we say you're in love if it becomes very pleasant you're in compassion if you're a very life energies become Pleasant you are blissful if it becomes very pleasant we say you're an ecstasy ecstasy is a certain peak don't try to stay there it's something that you hit how often do you hit is a question for each individual but to be blissed-out every moment of your life is a living reality for everybody what it needs is a goal by itself no if you are blissed-out by yourself what it means is you are never the issue in your life there are thousand issues to handle if you are not the issue you would take up every damn issue in the world and try to handle it isn't it but when you yourself are an issue what will you do you will try to minimize minimize your life people are always wanting me Sadhguru you are taking such big projects if they don't happen what what to do they don't happen what to do they didn't happen but I don't want to die not trying whatever we can do we will do maybe it will happen maybe it will not happen it depends on times it depends on support it depends on various things but if you are blissed-out you are never the issue in your life this one thing everybody must make sure there are thousand issues in life but I am NOT issue that means you have decided you're always a part of the solution never a part of the problem you got it right I have a feeling you and I can hang a lot we can become Bruce I thought we already are you know my best friend said over there looking up only swag is unmatchable my best friends did say that when you meet him your life will change and I think to a certain degree it has thank you so you that so many youths are right now being entertained by you I want you to take advantage of this and because India is a youthful nation our demographics of such 50 percent plus or below 30 years of age no nation has this - this demographic demographic advantage will become an advantage only if we create an inspired balanced very clear minded youth in the country otherwise we will be the biggest mess on the planet so I want you to use your popularity and the following of youth that you have to bring this to them I'm thinking of dedicating a certain amount of time for India's youth I would like you to be in some way part of that and make it happen [Applause] we'll take some questions from the audience eager to ask you some question so we have these questions appearing go through the app pigeonhole can I have the questions please so they ask the questions to the app and then know they get voted upon and the questions with the top number of votes get picked I can't see it technology issues many tuple is evil others are failing okay this question nah it's for both of you to my knowledge I haven't seen anybody from our I am alumni becoming a guru ji or an actor what is your advice and your thoughts and maybe he has a manager from I am I don't know would be sir could be I don't know to my knowledge I haven't seen anybody from our I am alumnus becoming a guru ji or an actor what is your advice and thoughts on this really no mystics no no performers no what do most I am alumnus become you have to tell enlighten me sorry what they become boring and jubilant faces yes jubilant so I think our education system not just that I am right from kindergarten his life taking process [Laughter] [Applause] who's Eve I only open a school I would love to send my kids there you must come and see my school how we running our school top children want to come there before the vacations are over beautiful but one school is not good enough see we have made the education system into an industrial process of turning out certain kind of products this is a crime against humanity if you ask me right from my childhood I never understood why I should go to school so every day when I'm either cycling to school or walking to school this questions came up to me and most of the time I did not reach the school because exist engines questions engage me so when they missed me for too long you know what happens all that drama happens then again I went back for some time and like that I love that stories of sitting and staring sitting and staring I love that story so about about why education does not produce either mystics or even actives for that matter because both of them need some versatility not a set straitjacket in a straitjacket nobody ever became a mystic in a straitjacket maybe in India a certain type of actors you can become do the same thing in every movie and still you're an actor no it's happening same movie same thing so only one of your so I'm not making judgment or metal so if you have a straitjacket you cannot act you definitely can't cannot access other dimensions of life so this happened to me about maybe 10 11 years ago this school where I studied almost 45 years ago the trustees of this school came to invite me for their hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary I said see please why me I was not just a not good student there was not even a student I can tell you so shall I tell you what they said who knows a guru you are the only mistake you have to come homework so now that you know the story we can leave that not be actors yet but I don't know if you are aware Chetan Bhagat who's an iamb alumnus wrote this book based on which three idiots was made and it was incidentally short at the imb campus so obliquely we are connected to the world of films as well definitely there are individuals but I am saying the general system not just I am right from early school it is it is conditioning the mind to such a limited way of looking at life you're only cultivating intellect you will see all those people who are using their intellect and thinking they are doing great all of them become will become irrelevant in the next 10 to 15 years time because everything that you can do by gathering data analyzing and bullshitting everybody in the world he is not going to work a simple a simple gadget your phone will do it already the Google lady looks much smarter than you then your professor isn't it I I just did not understand what were they trying to do in that school I just couldn't figure what is it they're trying to do just reading a damn book to me they just have to teach me how to read it just goes on for 12 15 20 years the same thing this death see there are there are studies which clearly show 20 years of formal education 70% of your intelligence is irrevocably destroyed that means you will come out of the knowledgeable idiot you will have to undo it then people talk about unlearning why it's simply unnecessary there are other ways to do education all you have to do for a human being is to develop their body and their brain to the fullest possible extent rest they will do but none of the schools are focused on this they are only interested in how to cram something in that you don't like so that you can puke on the examination day so if you change the system wealth a places of learning definitely must create mystics and actors also why not yes one of us because yesterday mr. Saul singer who's sitting here actually spoke about this beautiful model of Education in the future which talked about building resilience and building the other qualities which are not taught today in schools okay Ron Vahid we have this question I think you can take a look at it I'm not quite sure whether you want me to ask you this question or we pass and move on to the next question I think we should pass okay can we have the next question please Sadhguru there is a growing concern that we have become an intolerant Society have we really become intolerant if you are living in our a newsroom studio a television studio then yes but I have a huge excess on a daily basis to the people of this country I know this country by firsthand experience I'm traveling and still traveling the country and meeting all sorts of people from tribal woman to people like you so in my experience the differences of caste creed community has come down a lot compared to how it was 25 years ago a lot that is the fact but still there are terrible things happening in rural India still happening still enormous discrimination but compared to how it was 2530 years ago and how it is today there is a world of change there is a huge change if you do not understand a thousand-year-old problem cannot be fixed overnight we just have to keep pushing the positives and get it there I will tell you a simple thing this is almost nearly maybe 36 37 years ago when I first was in a village in Tamil Nadu I decided to do a program so somebody offered their large home so about 150 people turned up we did the first day program then we served a meal to all of them second day only about 75 people turned up then I asked what happened they said those people that we called yesterday they are all that particular caste whatever that is we cannot eat with them I I said then I cannot teach you all this I did not teach I closed and went back then when I went home and I thought about it I said this a thousand-year-old problem either you can work towards solution or you can just be very righteous and leave it right there and walk home then I went back again and I said okay you guys have problem eating with them don't eat with them we'll just do the program they said okay so we did the program at the end of the program I just divide simple games and made them all play together they had no problem playing together because no scripture says you should not play together so they all play together that became the gramacho moment right now over 10 to 15 thousand people participate in the finals of the game where people gather in huge numbers in Tamil Nadu over seven and the teams from across Tamil Nadu participate in this man women children all kinds of people participating in these games these games have taken away the distinctions because whoever plays well that guy becomes the champion it doesn't matter what caste or creed he belongs to so you can see this that this happened in United States you hate the blacks but you cannot help having Magic Johnson's poster in your bedroom you can't just help it because he's magic so the same thing we did in a smaller scale in rural Tamil Nadu why I'm saying this is this intolerance intolerance just going on this about you know many unfortunate sexual assaults and stuff happening it's not happening new believe me I have been in the villages and towns lynchings these things have always been happening just not been reported that's all why does this happen you need to understand we are not a state or a country which is ruled by law it's only society manages its own law because there is not enough policeman there is not enough infrastructure in United States the average time in which a police car arrives is 3 minutes and 20 seconds on an average a policeman arrives fully armed you think he's got only handgun no when he opens his boot he's got a rifle a high-powered rifle he's got a shotgun and sometimes some of them also have like a Mal's tengan three to four weapons he has and two of them come they could handle a crowd of fifty or hundred people here a policeman comes with nothing in his hands no even Lottie he doesn't carry he comes in a bicycle you don't expect him to handle a frenzied mob why is the mob frenzied I have actually witnessed two lynchings myself what yes if you live in the villages of this country for twenty to thirty years minimum one or two lynchings you will definitely witness I was in a you know in my farm where it is a very remote village one day I just ride into this village and I see a big crowd I park my motorcycle and I just go and see they just beating a human being like I've never imagined possible then I try to get in and try to stop them they push me aside and they go ahead and the guide dies there on the street and they bury him right there outside the village then the sub-inspector of the local not in that town somewhere else close by the police station is some 10 15 kilometers away he was a friend of mine he was my batch mate so I went there and I told him what is happening you need to do something about this he said I know about it you don't get into this affair somewhere they're building some small dam and somebody starts a rumor all over the place that they're taking children and sacrificing for this dam in every village this is happening there any strange looking guy enters that village it's finished that they're going to steal their children so now it is found technological support the rumors are spreading much faster but even before it was happening unfortunately this is because we are not there is no law enforcement this is the way mob enforces law unfortunately we need to change this means it needs education it needs evolution of the society and it needs enforcement we are not capable of enforcing law for one point three or four billion people with the number of policemen that we have it is always the society which decides how to enforce the law so it is very sad but today people are catching it on the mobile phone so you are seeing it but I am telling you if you live in a village for 25-30 years you will definitely see at least one lynching in your life almost in every village this happens unfortunately Kiran but you'd like to ask through a question that you know we should not be the problem but a part of the solution and you also talk you know I know that you are so committed and concerned about the reverse of our country and you also basically tried to engage you know the country youth and various parts of the society to really understand what this issue is how successful have you been up to now in getting people to understand why they need to be part of this solution that last part of the question I like because making people understand is the biggest problem as you know that you were also part of that rally when I started speaking about rivers you won't believe at least twenty to twenty-five percent of the media across the country went on reporting that said Guru wants river linking to happen I went down saying this is not about River linking this is about River revitalization oh yes yes River linking I am saying professional reporters reporting like this all over the place some I think by intent to just to mislead the public some it's fixed in their head reverse means linking because so many people have spoken about linking they think it's about linking this is a fundamental thing we need to understand our rivers in this country or rain-fed or forest fit rivers only four percent of our river water is glacier-fed we are always trying to do what Europe does or America does most of our modules we've picked up in the form of dams in the form of canals this is all imitation of European way of doing things but they are temperate climates here we have only 40 to 48 days of precipitation or rain in a year this 48 days of rain that comes down we are supposed to preserve in the land for 365 days the only and only way you can do this is to enrich the soil and keep it in shade there is simply no other way there is no great technology involved in this it needs a forest the land should be full of humans and there should be shade only then rivers will flow they for example in Europe the precipitation is anywhere between hundred and eighty two hundred and ninety days in a year and their precipitation is not in the form of rain it is in the form of snow if one foot of snow falls it will take another 15 20 30 days sometimes to melt and slowly drip in if you count that also as precipitation those number of days where it's dripping in then the precipitation goes up to 230 to 240 days so 240 days of precipitation 45 days of precipitation can you address these two problems the same way then immediately people will jump and say you know Israel is doing a great job please understand Israel is transforming desert into a fertile land we are transforming a very fertile land into desert these are two different things so have we managed to make the whole nation understand maybe not but we have managed to make the central garment understand neither yoke understand a few state governments to understand and the policy almost 80% of the recommendations are already in the policy and budget is being allocated for at least about 20 to 20 to 30 percent of the policy budget is being allocated it is less than a year I think it's very very agile response from the government and United Nations took this up in a big way and on March 22nd which was the World Water Day we launched what is called as a decade of action because the recommendations we have made is relevant for all tropical nations so a decade of action has been launched by United Nations behind which there is a budget of some two point billion dollars so where people should understand they have understood rest of the population also should understand it's very important but this valley floor reverse all of you should understand was driven mainly to make policy changes first thing they will ask is ok where should we plant trees I said no you don't plant trees what should we what what should you do there are three things you should do you must me give a missed call you must make your friend give a missed call and make his friend give a missed call and that's all you do missed call will bring up a river no this is a democratic society here unless there are numbers nothing will change you need numbers and because we got 162 million people supporting the rally for rivers which is the largest moment ever on the planet because of that because of that overwhelming support from him all the people in the country we gave the policy document to the Prime Minister at 6:15 or 6:20 in the evening next day morning by about 11 o'clock we get a call from the PMO saying Prime Minister has formed a special cell and they want a soft copy of the policy I thought that's fantastic that never happened in this country before [Applause] that's really something that's awesome it's those kind of applause I will also give missed calls not that time is over missed call now missed call business is over now I told you you must stand up for the youth of the country a run wait here's a question for you how do you manage to pull off that bundle of energy all that bundle of energy I don't know I don't know everybody asked me this Guruji how are you so energetic and I really don't have an answer I think I'm really excited about life you know I'm really like enthusiastic I want to do many things XP have many experiences I have a zeal for life a lustful I love it I love people I am I'm hungry for experiences and I don't know I don't know where everybody asked me this question all the time what is the what is the secret of your high energy and I really don't know what to say you must just tell them you're still young I'm still young they should ask me that question to me sir guru you also like this so foolish I've been trying why are you so energetic then I would tell them something you must just say I'm still young man what are you asking such a question how do you how do you sometimes I feel like I hope I can keep it up you know I hope I don't get jaded with everything that I see around me sometimes I get very disturbed i watch the news and I get I get really like it really gets me down do you watch the news always I get I get depressed sometimes lot of people think the ostrich trick will work ostrich stick trick does not work with life she living in a protected atmosphere it may work for some time hiding from the realities of life is not an answer so do I do I get to watch the news every day maybe not but I keep abreast of new some way but about your concern about will I be able to keep this up well it's very much possible for every human being if they just do a few things right with how they sit how they stand how they breathe how they eat if they just take care of a few things a simple process every human being is capable living in a very energetic way throughout their life most of them are sitting wrong standing wrong breathing wrong eating wrong and they wondering why it's not working it doesn't work like that in this life in this planet unless you do the right things right things won't happen to you this session needs a fitting finale so we have the request from the audience can we see run veer and sub Guruji dancing together on stage [Applause] the music that will be chosen by the organising team no they didn't come to see me dancing this is somebody who is not here and anyway this questioner cannot see right she's not here yeah oh they're here let's organize a party in the evening few minutes sir make it naked late a few minutes game let the managers negotiate and then we will see you no need so can we have the music play [Applause] [Music] [Music] on one condition I mean you're getting guru ji to Nancy please everybody in here has to get up and do the same step [Applause] I need ha I two individuals one who epitomizes spiritual and the other will epitomizes youthful exuberance sub Guruji and one we sing
Channel: IIMBue
Views: 513,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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