BK Sister Shivani - Astrology, Destiny, Karma & Angels | The Ranveer Show 232

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some people work extremely hard and still don't get that element of success and some people don't really have to work very hard and success just comes very easy to them and people will say oh this is so unfair they're not working hard and they're getting it's nothing is unfair in this world what we are seeing as hard work is visible karma in this costume but what we don't know is that Soul has done some very very good karmas in another costume which the world of today cannot see but it's just that my mother started practicing meditation so you know you suddenly have a little shift in the house and she would say try it out experiment so it took a couple of years because I would just not listen was life actually fine yeah life was fine because 25 years back life was not what it is today it's a very different world 25 years back very different we didn't even have the word stress that time in school and college we've not used the word stress it was only in physics it was never in human emotions 25 years back I don't have much to say about this episode I just want you to experience what I experienced what I do promise you is that it will be heavy BK Shivani has been one of the most requested guests that we've ever had on the ranveer show and every spiritual conversation like this expands my Consciousness and I certainly hope that it expands your Consciousness as well for more Consciousness expanding conversations make sure you follow us on Spotify every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world I send you lots of love I send you lots of prayers I send you lots of light and I hope that lots of growth comes your way because of this episode so Shivani on DRS [Music] um I feel so relaxed just sitting in front of you usually with podcasts I'm supposed to begin with a lot of high energy and then there's some episodes like this where my energy is not low at all it's just very centered and that's often an outcome of who is sitting in front of me so thank you for coming down to us thank you so much how are you feeling today very nice because I just started with my morning class before coming here so obviously when we begin the day with studying high energy words and sharing them very stupid question to begin this conversation but uh how much do you think sleep has to do with your reality once uh you know you sort of begin a spiritual journey do you think uh the amount of sleep required reduces because uh I've been meditating for maybe six seven years now and every year I've seen a reduction in how much sleep I need and it's definitely an outcome of age like as you age you know you need lesser sleep but the deeper my meditations go uh the Lesser sleep I need someone sometimes because maybe sleep is simulated in the meditation but other times just because I don't know that's I'm asking sleep depends on how the day has been so if the day has been with a lot of clutter on the mind you know stress emotional fatigue basically not physical fatigue so we sleep for charging of the body and for the mind energizing of the body and the energizing of the Mind the kind of Lifestyles we lead body doesn't get very fatigued we're living in AC homes working in AC offices driving in AC cars physical fatigue is for those who are doing physical work like construction or Farm or that's physical fatigue but most of us are experiencing emotional fatigue so if my mind during the day has created a lot of lower vibrational energy which means stress anger critical judgmental thinking just even in my mind even if it's not in my words and behavior getting hurt feeling let down you know so the lower vibrational energy so then my mind is tired it's fatigued and what will happen is as are the quality of my thoughts during the day so will also be the quality of my thoughts in the night during my sleep so that's why when we are Disturbed we don't even fall off to sleep easily you know it takes time to go to sleep because the mind is not going into the Delta stage so during the day we are in the beta plus stage which is a lot of thinking then we go from B theta plus to Beta to Alpha that is dream stage which is also where we go in meditation then Theta and then Delta Delta means absolutely deep sleep where even if somebody makes a noise around you you won't come to know it's one of those minutes but when we are very turbulent emotions during the day we are not able to go very easily into the Delta stage so we are in that beta Alpha stage very often we tend to wake up in the middle of the night then again try to fall off to sleep because we haven't gone into that Theta Delta State so that way we will take longer we need longer and today if you see people even after sleeping longer hours don't get up very fresh and energetic in the morning they feel like sleeping a little more because the body is energized and rested but the mind is still tired because they were thinking even in their sleep dreams turbulent emotions even during sleep also depends on what content I was consuming before going to sleep so many of us are with our phone before sleeping so you know again consuming either the world news or or some kind of media which is not very soothing and calming before sleeping so if that's my lifestyle I will need more sleep you know I often wonder why the older Generations in India but pretty much all over the world actually consume this much news like I feel it's important to know about your world but not kind of be addicted to it it's only 8 PM News 9 pm news it's so late in the day and uh I often see folks my age kind of not in that system even in their late 20s they prefer kind of not consuming old school media like television Etc um I mean the the narrative all over the world is that old school media is manipulated in many ways uh because of many angles but uh these kind of elements which are sort of I mean I want to call it lower vibrational elements it could be this it could be violence on TV and you know violence of All Sorts even emotional violence to some degree I would even say some soap operas where there is emotional violence as a part of the story um do you think we are heading into a phase of human history where these things are moving away and aspects like spiritualism like meditation actually Rising like the real question here is do you think we're moving into a sort of age of light in the 2020s and 2030s because I know for a fact that even with me um all these meditation and these things didn't make sense to me in college I should laugh upon it and it just came into my life in such a strong way right so there has to be a reason it came into my life when I was meant to do this podcast and reach out to so many people right and that just makes me question the age we're going into because when I talk to people in the 30s and 40s they say that we weren't like you in your 20s yes and I tell them that I don't know I'm like this but it's just situations that cause this but there are not many who are in their 20s today on an aura like this so it's not about the age of the body there could be somebody in their 20s and very inclined towards a meditative living and they could be somebody in their 80s and still not interested so it's not to do with the age of the body it's to do with the intention of the Soul what it's like there's a whole buffet around you are you more inclined towards the junk food or are you more inclined towards the healthy food which one are you going to choose doesn't really depend on your age it just depends on your liking your intentions do you think many new souls are actually going for the healthy food because that's what we notice uh it's not about new Souls it could also be old souls because what we are going through right now is a time of a paradigm shift so both the things are going to be happening at the same time it's like um the 3 AM 4 AM of the 24 hour cycle where some people are in deep sleep and some people are beginning their Awakening so for someone it's a good night and for another one it's a good morning so it is that time so this is what we call the transition like we go through a 24-hour cycle so it's morning afternoon evening night time is cyclic spring summer autumn winter time is cyclic similarly there is a bigger World Cycle golden age Silver age copperage inh which in Hindi we call satyuk tretayuk dwap today's world is called gorkalu which means peak of ironh so we are here at that cusp where it is a piece of peak of Iron Age but it's also now going to be the beginning of the it's a Duke yes absolutely that's why you're inclined towards raising your vibration when you say it's going to be the beginning how far are we really are we like 200 years away no it's not that far away can't you see how lower the vibrations of Kal yoga are moving because of all this destruction happening in the world do you think everything it's not just destruction outside it is about the decline inside so this soul is like a battery if we visualize it like a battery so Satya means battery fully charged so there's Divinity and then as we take a body rebirth coming down so morning to afternoon to evening to night batteries so that's when the vices are at its peak so ego lust greed jealousy horror to worry now mental health issues also so this is all meaning the mind is not at that higher vibrational energy so we've reached here so now how more longer are we going to be in this stage or go even so this is the time of the transition where the night is coming to an end and the morning is beginning so some people will be on the night side still sleeping and some people will start the Awakening so for example if you say I have started meditation which means you have started raising your vibration raising it from that lower vibrational frequency of what we used to be to raising to being calm stable accepting people forgiving so you're raising your vibration but when you raise your vibration it's not only your vibration it radiates energy doesn't stay inside energy radiates so you're radiating your vibration into the collective energy of the planet so when one Soul raises their energy it's not only about them they radiate that into the collective consciousness of the planet so the energy of the planet is going to shift so don't need a very big number just need a small number which is called The Tipping Point when that small number compared to the 800 crore population of the planet so we don't have to wait 800 crore people will think of meditating and raising small number which is called The Tipping Point when they raise their vibration they will overpower the lower vibrational energy and the world will shift were you always like this like since then not at all not at all okay not at all after the age of 25 I started after the age of 25 yeah what was happening between 20 and 25. between 20 and 25 I was doing my engineering oh okay yeah okay so you're doing my engineering and uh yeah normal College fun parties the other kind of fun now it's the other kind of so no I was not at all like that not at all what happened nothing happened actually my life has been pretty smooth it was good academically everything was fine at home so nothing happened but it's just that my mother started practicing meditation so you know you suddenly have a little shift in the house you see her but then she used to keep telling me to do it and the more she said it the more I moved away because I didn't feel I needed it otherwise I needed life is fine why do I need to do this and she would say try it out experiment so it took a couple of years because I would just not listen was life actually fine yeah life was fine because 25 years back life was not what it is today it's a very different world 25 years back very different we didn't even have the word stress that time we didn't have the word stress in school and college we've not used the word stress it was only in physics it was never in human emotions 25 years back so life was quite fine and I didn't have any issues or problems outside so I think in that era we called that life find that there is no problem and I think in that time in student life only as long as you're doing academically fine everything is okay there's no other pressure and I think it's my personality because she was asking me too much to do it I was like the more she asked the more I went no I'm not interested that's a lot of interested yeah that's why so and uh I also felt I don't know I didn't find many things logical when I heard it the first time so even after I tried I again moved away that I'm not understanding this scientifically and then without any reason like you said without any reason it happens one day I just said today I want to learn it but nothing had happened just it just came I've been thinking so much about time because whether it's my own existence whether it is material success I see around me or whether it is spiritual success I've seen people who've started meditating early it's always an outcome of situation and the situations were put into those people's lives which has made me think that it's definitely about an element of willpower and hard work and how much dedication you have towards processes but so much of it is based on your own personality which is again an outcome of time who were the people you met when you were a child who was in your family when did they get into meditation uh if some people work really hard in life why do they work hard in life why are those same people drawn to sports you know where you see athletes working aren't you inspired from them like uh so much of the world and so much of the people's stories are pre-decided according to me yes there's definitely an element of willpower and um what's it called uh you know when you do things yourself like an element of self but then there's such a huge element of time yes decided by who I'm asking you that question you used the word pre-decided so pre-decided by because it is free decided but pre-decided by who by your own past yeah so that's it so the element is not of time the element is of my karma some people work extremely hard and still don't get that element of success and some people don't really have to work very hard and success just comes very easy to them and people will say oh this is so unfair they're not working hard and they're getting it's nothing is unfair in this world everything is fair it's just that what we are seeing as hard work is visible karma in this costume but what we don't know is that Soul has done some very very good karmas in another costume which the world of today cannot see and so this consequence of Success is Not of only this hard work it is the work that the soul has done on their journey of lifetimes so nothing is luck nothing is coming out of nowhere everything is pre-decided by the karma I the soul choose to create so karma and my destiny work hand in hand if you've accumulated a certain amount of I don't call it bad but you know like some kind of negative Karma right is there a way to erase it without actually going through the outcomes of it no the outcome will always come but if you have energized yourself the way you will face the outcome will be different and so there will be no suffering like for example before you started meditation and after you started meditation see the way how you are responding to scenes of life so meditation is not about feeling calm only while meditating meditation creates a shift in our personality and that personality is visible in the day-to-day Karma so earlier let's say what I was 25 years back if something didn't go my way I'll react but at that time I called that reaction as normal that anger is normal so I'll get angry because that's the vibration at which I was it's a result of the sanskar and the karma that I have carried sanskar means my nature anger is a sanskar like habits personality personality but personality is still actually there's no English word for sanskar personality is you know today we call personality in terms of my body language the way I speak sanskar is emotional patterns like criticism can be a sanskar appreciation can be a sanskar doubt can be a sanskar trust can be a sanskar so if you are a person who trusts very easily so people say trust is your nature so trust is your son's car somebody doubts very easily that's their son's car someone is very stable someone is very reactive emotional patterns which have come with me from my past Karma and that's why the baby born has Sun scars just the other day I was with somebody who has twins just two months old twins they don't look very similar and the mother very sweetly said she said the day they were born I can see they are so different I said how do you see in a one one day old baby that they are different she said they are so different one is so smiling the other one is like now the child has done no Karma it's just a one day old child but one day is the age of the body the soul so the soul in the previous costume if they were light happy smiling they're just going to carry that sanskar body changed and the other Soul little grumpy because that's how the soul was in the previous costume so we are starting this birth with our Karma and Sans cars and now the present Karma so you said if we've created any heavy baggage could be in this birth I could have made a lot of mistakes in this birth also or I could carry from the past doesn't matter consequence will come but now if I have changed my way of responding the consequence doesn't feel heavy it's like wearing a bulletproof costume your way of responding to the situation will change like if I would react earlier then the suffering is more for me today the same situation and I can be like it's okay there must be something good in this also so now that situation is not creating an element of suffering for me because I've changed my present Karma so when we start meditation we are creating a cleansing here and this will help us to face the consequence of past Karma and this will help us to more or less create the right karma in the present I have a friend who actually asked me a question and she only asked me this because I've been meditating longer than her and I actually didn't have a solid answer I'll tell you the way I answered it but first I'll tell you the question the question was how do you gauge that you're advancing in your meditation journey and what I I think learned on the podcast was uh someone had said that you need to spot your own behavioral patterns in terms of if there are angry situations how do you react Now versus how would you react a year ago or two years ago is that different and that's progress but there is also an element of deeper meditation experiences you know where maybe sometimes you get out of a half an hour long one hour long meditation and you're just feeling like whoa where did I just go you know like what what just happened like yes I've had meditations in my own life where sometimes it's gone so deep you know I'm I'm meditating for the same amount of time every day but on some days maybe because of the situation maybe because I'm on an empty stomach I don't know why it makes a lot of difference um I have these meditations where I could even like forget where I am there's been a day where I've even forgotten my gender my name like I just feel like I'm a being meditating yes yes now how do you explain this to someone who's never meditated firstly but secondly and more importantly when someone started meditating how do you gauge how much progress you you're getting spiritually or from a meditation perspective a meditation experience can be different on different days like you know and you've experienced it it's not always the same so don't try we don't try and you know say oh I want to feel that thing again which I felt yesterday so meditation experience can be different but spiritual progress is not only about the meditation experience because someone can have a very Divine experience in their meditation come out of that meditation come into activity because you can't be in that meditative state but you need to be a meditative Karam Yogi Karam Yogi means while you are in your Karam in your action you have to be a Yogi Yogi means in a meditative way of doing your karma so that feeling which you are having while you are meditating should now also be your feeling while you are in activity that Divinity that Stillness whatever you are experiencing during your meditation the next stage will be you will feel that even while you are doing whatever you are doing you could be in a crisis you could be doing your work you could be with people but you are at a different vibration so spiritual progress will be determined by how my feelings are now changing while I'm in activity not only while in meditation that is it's like am I healthy while I'm at the gym no am I healthy only when I'm with the doctor no I go there to get healthy but then I have to check whether how is my stamina during the day if earlier I could climb two flight of steps now I should be able to climb five without getting Breathless that means my physical stamina is building up similarly my spiritual stamina earlier if I would react in my behavior second would be my reaction would be just in my thoughts third stage would be my reaction is just there and it just finishes fourth will be I will not have any reaction I will just respond so it has to convert into a spiritual stamina if I'm meditating but it is not converting into a spiritual stamina it's time to check how long does it take it's different for everyone it's different for everyone okay but it's just a little attention nothing else otherwise if it's not converting into something it's like you're creating an energy energy has to get converted in your activity if it is not converting then I need to check what I'm doing during meditation okay I hear you and I think you've answered the question for a lot of people wondering about the same there's another topic that we will wonder about a lot nowadays and that's the topic of astrology and astrological charts and uh Cosmic influences on our lives yes uh and it's something that I've laughed at again in the past that over you know all this is not real Etc and I've just come to realize that there is some logic behind it and I've got into reading about it as well yes you know and be it like the Western School of thinking which talks about Sun Signs be it the Indian Egyptian astrological charts which talk about rahu ketu and all these things they are all linked they are all uh kind of connected from a sort of uh uh scientific perspective almost like the mathematics of all of them are the same but lots of people don't understand it and after we've spoken about meditation willpower Etc I'd love for you to kind of give people a briefing on where the astrological charts have an influence on your reality of life for example you know when they have 12 houses of astrology and one supposed to represent your personality one represents your married life one represents your career etc etc um a lot of times that could be true if it's read out by like a high level astrologer you know someone who knows their stuff he'll or she will say some very accurate things about you and that's how people even get into astrology my understanding is that all of this melts away when you get into your sadhna or meditation but I would love to hear it from your perspective and how much truly melts away you know that's the other depends on the individuals okay so what is the astrological chart it is something that was prepared a day or two after the baby was born for most families a child is born and they will get the chart prepared child has not done any Karma and the destiny chart is prepared that at the age of 10 this will happen at the age of 20 this will happen and then we'll get married and then we'll have two children then at this age it's not going to be very good for seven years or five years everything is written down very very clearly written on the basis of the child has not done any Karma so if Karma creates my destiny how is it that my destiny chart is prepared before I've done any Karma so obviously because it's the destiny chart of the Soul not the destiny chart of this body so it has nothing to do with this age so I the soul I'm in this costume and this is my last minute I'm about to leave till this last minute my every Karma and sanskar is on the soul and I leave the body I leave everything behind but the only thing I take with me is my karma and my son's car so I will call this last minute as the closing balance sheet that's your closing balance sheet the soul enters into the womb of the mother couple of months later a baby is born and the destiny chart is prepared that is the opening balance sheet so the opening balance sheet is going to be identical to the closing balance sheet gotcha identical yogena our 31st March closing balance sheet in India is next day first April it's the opening balance sheet so what is in the 31st March closing balance sheet the way I did business in this financial year so they could be good they could be bad they could be profit they could be my every transaction will come there and now I take this whole bunch of transaction into I've just changed a costume for the soul it's nothing just another day but I've changed the costume so that balance sheet is now the opening balance sheet which is given to the family two days after the baby is born what is it based on it is based on the sanskar and the karma that the soul has come with astrology means the science of the influence of the planets on my son's car and this I've discussed with an astrologer a very senior one of India and I said like I went to him very raw because I would not study this for myself I've never studied it or seen it you know you don't know your own okay because I'm sure it's changed it's not as per what was in the chat my parents would have known it otherwise it's not and it's changed based on the lifestyle and decisions you made in this life yeah because that was only the opening balance sheet that is what is very important what many of us do is keep referring to the opening balance sheet as if that is the way life is going to be it is the opening balance sheet only based on my yesterday yesterday means whatever I've come with so influence of planets on the sun's car meditation is going to melt what my son's cars so whatever Sun scars change in this lifetime for the good or sometimes not for the good so with meditation I can change my son's car for the good sometimes due to any other influence or my own my son's car changes towards the other side also the influence of the planet will change and so those predictions where your son's car has changed will not turn out to be true those predictions where your sanskar has not changed will turn out to be true and so if anyone goes with their astrological chart at whichever age they will see that some things have turned out to be as for in the chart and some things have not turned out to be as per in the chart depending on how much change the soul has created which means did you change your way of doing business in this financial year so somebody can come with profit very good karmas of the past suppose they do not do some good karmas in this they profit balance sheet will now start shifting towards a loss somebody could come with heavy losses but if they do so like meditation or whatever method they choose they start doing good karma good sanskar the balance sheet of this financial year will go towards good profit so the prediction will not always turn out to be it's like your default settings which can be like that is the beginning setting actually it's not even a default setting it is the beginning it's like okay again now we go back to you last night's meal upset stomach I'm sorry I'm using it as a reference because but it's making sense the last night's meal upset stomach in the morning no problem last night's Karma present consequence if you again go and have a very heavy breakfast now so then you're again doing a similar type of karma which means your sanskar is making you eat you know in spite of learning that it didn't suit me well you are forced to do it through your sanskar because you're not changing your son's car so if you go and again have something which is not right for your body or you overeat the same consequence is going to come again and then your doctor will say I told you this will happen again they told you based on your sanskar this morning because of what you ate last night but if after what happened today you say okay today I'm going to eat less I'm going to eat light I'm going to eat healthy your destiny is going to change today so you are the creator of your destiny similarly if you take a blood test today let's say and you go to a doctor he'll see your present parameters if my sugar is on the borderline based on my lifestyle and the doctor says okay if you continue like this probably within six months or one year we are on the borderline of diabetes I come back home that is my destiny chart my blood report and I say oh but what to do I can't change my lifestyle late nights work and I don't have time to exercise victim of my lifestyle then I will definitely get diabetes probably even before the prediction because I always also have an added stress of my health but if someone comes back and says okay today this change this change this change in this change I never get diabetes in this lifetime so the scientific prediction was true what the doctor said was true but it was based on my today's lifestyle and my today's blood report if I change my lifestyle tomorrow um so the astrological prediction is only a prediction so the word prediction needs to be underlined it's only a prediction which means it's a probability reality will be decided by the individual but many people will consume the probability and make the reality make it their reality so I personally prefer not to consume the probability because why let's create the best of Karma and if something has to happen because I've passed consequence we'll face it with dignity but if the Mind consumes information of a probability then many minds are not able to rise above that and create a different reality so astrological prediction is a science of the probability of what can happen in my life based on my current sanskars and the karma that I have come with you start meditation start changing your lifestyle and you will change your son's car and the probability will be different from what the reality you will create you know if meditation is sort of one of the key factors of human existence in terms of that's the other thing I've realized in this same argument that it's much more important to progress spiritually it's much more important to wash off your emotional patterns the wrong ones at least and it's much more important to give time to these kind of thoughts and uh these kind of philosophies because it'll give you a sense of peace in your day-to-day life um then why is romance even a part of human life you know why is like uh when we watch a World Cup and you see India winning a World Cup why does that make you feel so much emotion you know if the the actual truth of human life is listen sit in one place get into your sadhna definitely help people around to be kind of life is that simple why do these other factors exist is it to distract us from what we're meant to do yeah getting into sadhna doesn't mean you're not going to do your roles and responsibilities of whether relationships whether your work your profession spirituality is not a different life it's not it's not two lives so that's why many people often like you said So what had happened what brought you here so nothing has to happen because we've not moved anywhere else it's not a different life spirituality is the way to be in your life in your life not create a different life so if you are an actor you continue acting if you are a cricketer you continue playing Cricket but you're just doing it with a different frame of mind that is meditation and spirituality so whatever you are doing the vibration of who you are will change in your doing but you don't have to stop what you are doing to work on your sadness is not something that we're going to do throughout the day throughout the day we will do the sadhna inactivity here not just sit in Stillness that's not meditation and spirituality it's like charge your phone in the morning you don't have to charge it throughout the day charge your phone in the morning so charge yourself in the morning come into activity using your phone but while using your phone you check that you're not depleting your power so keep keeping it charged with the quality of your karma so we're not going to leave what we are doing but when we work on the inner being the quality of what we are doing is of a different vibration and you're not doing it to let's say I would not do it for happiness I will not do it for appreciation but I would do it with happiness which means you're not doing it to feel good but you're feeling good and then doing it so you're not using what you're achieving to feel good but you're already feeling good and radiating that into what you're doing so you're not becoming sucking from the world but you are Giver to the world what about romance like why does it exist like in terms of you know and I'll tell I'll tell you why the only answered this question I've always had since I was a kid firstly I've always looked at married couples and asked myself why why even like why is marriage even a thing why does a man and a woman have to come together okay maybe for reproduction like creating a new life but why is it a thing like you know if you actually go down to the real why like when we were just two thousand three thousand human beings on the surface of the Earth who decided this yes parallelly whoever you're with romantically can have such a huge impact on your personality can have such a huge impact on how you view the world how you view decisions it's almost like having a very good or very bad habit in your life yes uh is that the reason that's one question second you know in the west when they're trying to understand spirituality and I actually appreciate that that you know people that are asking those you know questions but sometimes they also misled and there's these other little morphed Concepts that come out I don't know if this is a morphed concept or not I'd love to know what the Indian perspective is it's called the twin flames concept like when two Souls uh meet each other in one life and you feel you feel like very you know intense about it and both those Souls feel like some that you were meant to meet and there's like fireworks and it may or may not last you know but you're very much meant to meet at that point in the timeline is that the purpose of romance like you're meant to meet certain friends who will have a certain impact on you everyone you meet in a close energy Circle which means not just friends parents siblings anybody who's in your close karmic account in this costume you've met them before you've met them before you're not meeting them first time so be your souls on the journey changing our costumes they are also Souls on a journey changing their costume our present relationship with them is a carry forward of how the past relationship was not necessary in the past relationship I was a parent and child or a husband and wife no but I the soul and you the soul knew each other in any kind of an interaction it's like suppose we are meeting today for the first time now this is a meeting now depends on what quality this meeting goes does it go on a very harmonious meeting or does it get bitter if there's an argument and it gets bitter and then we go our way and next month we happen to meet again somewhere the second meeting will definitely get influenced by how the first meeting went so if the first meeting was a little bitter the next meeting will be a little uncomfortable and if the next meeting neither of us makes an effort to make it better then the second meeting will even get tougher we might probably just ignore each other we might just look away so it started because of the effect of the first meeting but in the second meeting also neither of us did a good karma to resolve the bitterness and to heal the energy we did six months later we meet again at a friend's place now it's the third meeting but the third meeting will first start with the influence of the previous two meetings again now depends in the third meeting what Karma you and me do if we continue making it worse every meeting that means the karmic account is getting bitter and bitter and bitter so some of our karmic accounts in this lifetime are not very happy ones they might start on a very but then they sometimes are a cause of a lot of pain pain can be in any form maybe continuously in the relationship there is pain maybe someone loses somebody there is pain but there it becomes pain in that karmic account so even if my some relationship is not in a very good energy in this lifetime it's like my third or fourth meeting one of the two has to change the karma don't let it carry forward like this because it's only going to get so it started with a simple argument went to ignoring each other third absolute indifference fourth talking ill about each other to the other guests who are saying why aren't you talking to each other so every next meeting gets worse and will you keep meeting that person until you sort it out you will keep meeting that person because that person is in your very strong karmic pattern cycle you don't meet only the ones which are with the bitter energy you are always meeting also the ones which are very beautiful anyone with whom I have a strong karmic account I will keep meeting so the ones which are beautiful we continue making them even better but the ones which are a little uncomfortable we should sort them out do you think we have met before of course we can't meet like this again otherwise and have this kind of a conversation yes it just just happened so there was no struggle there was no interest happened so everything is very you know once you understand the karma and karmic again connections how it works life becomes so simple we don't live a life of blame saying why are they doing this to me why did this happen to me how could they do this to me it's like what Karma do I have to do now with this person so put aside the ego this is again where meditation will help to put aside the ego and be the first one to do the right Karma now in that relationship you might not get right energy from there because they are still in the pain of what I have done last time with them continue but because now you are energizing yourself you have the ability to radiate good energy even if you're not getting good energy from the other side you're able to do that this is your spiritual stamina which is building up so this is what I have to check if I have been meditating am I being able to genuinely being nice not just being nice here am I be able to genuinely being nice even to those who are not right to me then my spiritual stamina is building up so then I'm creating good karma in this meeting and then my past karmic account is settling so that's what you said will the consequence still come if you're meditating yes it will but when that consequence comes my present Karma quality is now changed so I'm not going to suffer I'm going to settle that past karmic account so everyone we are meeting not just a the Twin Flame is not just for that relationship parent and a child sibling twins there friends anybody you meet and you suddenly feel oh I connect very well with this person somebody you meet and you say I just can't stand this person it could be at work we have met before so we are all continuing with our karmic accounts spirituality helps us to create good karmic accounts and to clean any uncomfortable karmic account that we have created before uh is there a purpose of marriage in modern Human Society it's their choice it's a choice it's an absolute Choice why should you make that choice it's up to the individual depending on their sanskar and Karma they've already carried that karmic pattern it would be written in their Destiny chart if they have to get married or not because they've already created that karmic account as to who is going to be the one that's pre-decided that's great what about couples that end up getting divorced that is also pre-decided if if divorce will not happen so if you have that written in your day because some people can see it in their Destiny chart oh this marriage will happen but it will not last for very long take it up take it up that this marriage will last because I'm going to change my present Karma that is what it means don't live like a you know victim of only that balance sheet create new Karma change the way you're doing business now and you're not going to live just based on what you started the financial year with so don't hold that Destiny chart like a reality manual it's a probability manual not a reality manual I create my reality so even if there's anything written which is not very we can change it like we just have to put genuine effort that's where meditation and spirituality definitely helps because you can't just put effort unless you energize yourself it's like you can't build up your stamina physically unless you do something for it whatever you choose to do but you have to do something to build up the stamina so something has to be done to start creating the right Karma feel free not to even talk about this if you don't wish to okay and I'll tell you why I'm bringing this up I've been listening to a lot of podcasts from archaeologists and people who study ancient human history and these kind of things uh and they spoke about what a big role uh natural substances have played in the expansion of human consciousness in the past and this is not ganja cannabis it's not things like that because that's for recreation this is like higher experiences there's something called Ayahuasca from South America there is a psilocybin mushrooms peyote was used by uh Native Americans to expand Consciousness and to kind of experience higher spiritual States come back down to The Human Experience and then change those same things using meditation you know uh I I believe even in India we had a culture of some some uh whatever it was um they say that the last three four generations of the world are the only Generations that have not really really like used these substances because all the other Generations in the world history have had a history of using these experience of using these substances the question is one why have the last three four generations stopped using it again it's not as encouraging drug use or anything like that and two do you believe that there are these like magical herbs out there that give you higher experiences which make you understand that there are the world's kind of merged in our world there are other beings with us which are able to probably see there are messages out there that you're able to take in you know these kind of higher experiences you get in meditation there are actually sort of Fast Track ways to just get a glimpse of it and then come back down I don't know about these substances but if there's any substance which can give you an experience but then you cannot stay in that experience then there's of no use of taking that substance you have to create that experience you have to create that experience on your journey if some substance is just making you feel high not divine Divine is what is the result of a meditation and spirituality not just a high feeling those are more a distraction where my other emotions are like it's like shutting down the files I are you uh familiar with soam so which we talk about yeah see again that is what we're hearing about what's written in the scriptures right okay somras link shivratri we have bhang so why is that bhang what is the significance of bhang would anybody really have bhang on the day when they have to connect to the Divine no that bhag actually everything that we listen to and we read it is actually supposed to give us spiritual meaning to it we are looking at it in a physical way it means that when you connect to the Divine you will experience intoxication a spiritual intoxication to be able to show it in terms of a form of a presentation or a story I'm making it physical and saying so they had bhang and so they were intoxicated so it is not the intoxication of the bhang it is the intoxication of the spiritual connection that you had with the Divine so everything that we do on a festival for example all the rituals they are not actually physical they all have a meaning of what we are supposed to create inside but to explain it to people that you know do this and then this is what you will do but later on as time progressed so from the copper age we were given these little little things to learn how we should be but now that we are in the kalyug and in the end of kalio we're only doing the rituals celebrating the festival but not taking the spiritual lesson from that for example now we will have Ganesh chaturthi then we will have navratri then we will have the Sarah then we will have Diwali they are not just festivals which have to be celebrated outside so Ganesh chaturthi means beginning becoming that one who is able to destroy the obstacles the vigan vinashak Ganesh which means the destroyer of the obstacles who's going to be the destroyer of the obstacles I have to be the destroyer of the obstacles I have to be the one who should be able to finish the sorrow and radiate happiness to all so the ganeshi teaches us that you know the ears should be such that you just filtered out everything the trunk should be such that Your Love full and lawful that you are able to pick up a needle you're also able to uproot a tree so you are sharp but yet you are strong so everything everything about Shri Ganesh ji then comes navratri so the art eight arms of the deity it doesn't mean somebody was born with eight arms it is symbolic so it is teaching us that every soul has Eight Powers the power to withdraw the power to discern the power to adjust the power to judge the power to cooperate now those Eight Powers of the Soul how should I show it in a diagram so I show it as eight arms then we have ravan with ten heads that doesn't mean there was somebody with 10 heads so this 10 heads are are 10 vices last greed jealousy so when I finish my 10 vices there will be Diwali so Diwali is lighting the DIA so lighting the DIA means being a giver Diya means to give and when one lights the DIA then you will have the power to light the other ones there this is all symbolic for us to do something here so somras and bhang is also symbolic it doesn't mean I have to have that substance to experience that intoxication I have to experience that intoxication which I will experience if I have the Divine connection yeah um you know you mentioned Mata right now uh with eight arms and all that um when it comes to this aspect of divine feminine in our culture I have like so many questions like I want to have a deeper understanding of it then let me begin this conversation by asking you what the reality of being a woman is and I'll tell you why on the show we've had a lot of male monks I think you're I don't know if I can call you like a monk like the first female or sort of spiritual leader who's come on the show um and this question is coming from a place of having gone to a meet and greet in 2018 and a girl had actually asked me that why are there fewer female spiritual leaders in our country than Milan I had no answer I didn't even know what to say so now I'm asking you that question like is do you think that's true firstly and secondly like what is the reality of being a woman and thirdly then we'll go into whole Mata conversation see once you are living with the Consciousness that you are a soul that consciousness of being a woman doesn't remain okay because Soul Consciousness is not a concept it's a way of living so before understanding that I will live in a Consciousness that I'm a girl so I'm going 25 years back so who am I I'm a girl so I will perceive everything through that Consciousness I'm an engineer now I will start seeing through that Consciousness I am a Hindu or I am an Indian so that's my consciousness of who I am Consciousness is like a lens so depending on the lens I wear I will perceive everything in the world so when I'm in the Consciousness I'm a girl and I'm going to say you are a boy then that difference is there I am rich you are not I am Hindu you are Muslim these are all my lenses these are lenses of everything that I have achieved and acquired in this lifetime but spirituality meant removing all these lenses because they are not my true identity it's like removing all these labels and coming back to who I am and now practicing I'm living in that Consciousness I am a soul talking to another soul so I would not even remember this thing male female no no no because that's been the practice of 25 years and it's the aim is to reach there to a stage where I will never come out of that Consciousness do you think that because of the way our society is and you know often girls in small towns are that's a conditioning of society as a soul you have been in female bodies you have been in female bodies okay and you have been in male bodies so have I so every soul has all the sun scars so but when the baby is born so now in this birth I'm born in a female body now the social conditioning will start a girl should be like this a girl should be like this a girl should be like this so with that social conditioning some of my son's scars will be coming into activity and some of my son's cars will get merged it's because of my present conditioning but every soul has all the sanskars there is no such thing as feminine sanskars masculine no it's the sanskars of the Soul not Sun scars of the body but when I take birth in a particular body the world will say you should be using this son's car so the world will say speak like this don't speak like this laugh like this don't laugh like this walk like this don't walk like this the society is teaching me and making me create that sanskar and some of us don't do it don't some of us don't get affected by what Society is saying then Society will say oh this girl is behaving very boyish or this boy is behaving very feminine because the soul has both the sun's cars it all depends which son's car you are going to use in your lifetime so the soul does the sanskar doesn't depend on the gender the sun's car is of the soul and every soul has been in yeah I want to ask you about this divine feminine angle like this is there actually in all of the world's religions we've had Dr Ajay prabhakar on the show who's an africanistan he studied all of world cultures he said something very interesting he said that in parts of Africa they have their own version of shivji but is depicted as a woman you know it's depicted as sort of a feminine aspect of shivji then in India obviously we have like Mata culture um they do have feminine entities in Egyptian culture as well in Native American culture what were our ancestors trying to tell us when they even divided it into male and female or was that their flaw that they couldn't look Beyond gender can we go back to the cycle again the Golden Age and the Silver age souls are Divine it's on this planet it's not the Golden Age Silver age is nowhere somewhere else in the Golden Age Silver age there is no religion because the soul is perfect body is perfect nature is perfect there is no experience of pain and so you don't even think of the Divine that's what is called Paradise you can call it Heaven call it Paradise call it swerve call it satyo call it golden age after the afternoon which means when the evening starts golden age and Silver age we are Natural Soul conscious these souls are Divine souls and so they are called as deities today deities not by a religion deities not by your religion just the whole society the whole Community is a Divine soul everybody everybody it's the morning of the day it's the morning of the day then Collective Consciousness reduces when you come by copyright the soul has taken birth used costumes gradually we start getting attached to the body and I start forgetting just the trace not what I am today just the trace I start forgetting I am a soul and I start getting attached to my body and I start looking at the other person also as what is visible so that is when the first Trace first Trace not like today the first race of ego the first trace of lust the first race of greed the first race today is like Peak so just the when that first race starts the Divinity of society starts starts just little waning off that is when religion starts religion means teachers philosophers who come to start teaching us to go back to who we were you know it's like a child moving away from their potential so there is a teacher brought in to say like take care of this child so religious heads prophets everybody came was teaching us one thing God is one we are a family and then peace is our religion love unity that is way from the copper age we have all the prophets religious heads teachers philosophers they all came with one message we did not connect to the teaching we started connecting to the teacher there again was ego Consciousness so I said that my teacher is different from you so we suddenly became different reach to a stage end of Iron Age where we are fighting in the name of religion whereas religion was in the name of bringing us together but not taking religion as a teaching but only what we are doing in terms of our lifestyle we thought you're different I am different this one's different that one is different and today we've divided into some major religions on the planet and then those religions also got further divided so we started only moving away from what was the truth so there are two words dharam and Karam dharam means religion religion means the religion of the soul and Karam is my action my behavior so what was taught to us by all teachers was the truth but everybody will have a different way of teaching it right if someone had to describe this scandal everyone will describe it differently somebody will describe it with a story somebody will describe it with a metaphor somebody will describe it with a poem but they're all talking about the same candle so what every teacher was teaching us was teaching us about the powers of the soul the quality of the soul the dharam of the Soul which means the religion of the soul and what is our potential everyone was teaching method different examples different metaphors different presentation different as time progressed we are forgetting the essence we are forgetting what they were teaching we are only focused on the example the metaphor and the presentation and that's where we say what you're saying is different what I am saying is different what that religion is teaching is different no religion is teaching different everyone's teaching the same thing so go to the core the essence so when we say the feminine energy again it's not feminine energy it's the soul power it's the soul power but it is called shiv and Shakti that's why it's said as feminine it's called shiv and Shakti so shiv is for the divine power Supreme Soul again called by different names but that's just a name we can say Supreme soul I can say God I can say parmatma I can say Allah I can say word different reality is one then in Hinduism I can say shiv it's a name so you are one different people can call you by different names but if I forget who you are and only look at the names I will think you're two different people but actually you're one person just being called by different names so God and soul they are the two energies God and soul Supreme soul and soul so somebody said shiv and Shakti parmatma and Atma but it is not male and female it's not male and female it is paramatma and Atma they are the two entities on this planet God and souls then the souls have then presented it in a different way so when we say the Shakti it is the Shakti Shakti means power so whose power your own your own power so how do I present that power how do I explain to somebody these powers and how does somebody worship those Powers because people wanted to worship that Shakti actually they were taught to us for us to imbibe that Shakti to invoke that Shakti not invoke that Shakti like this invoke that Shakti like this we are invoking from there as if somebody is going to come from there invoke the Shakti within yeah also you know because this is a duality based concept there's two things I think the easiest Duality for a human mind to understand is but it's actually shiv and Shakti means the Supreme soul and soul where Mahatma and Atma God and I you know when we spoke about religions on Earth and fighting each other and ego battles and religions and getting further divided in themselves and saying my religion is better than your religion Etc uh let's take the entire human population and move them to the moon and then look back at our Earth as one blue ball and everything that's ever happened in human history is on that blue ball now when you take it really really far into space the Earth becomes one dot yes in like a galaxy of things my question to you is about the Galaxy is that the purpose of space and planets to teach us how small and insignificant we are and also to know who we are it's not about we are insignificant all this is not happening because we have forgotten but it is happening because we have forgotten who I am if I forget if just visualize that tomorrow you forget who you are you forget that you are Ranbir how will life be you forget who you are you forget who is your family you forget you do this podcast you just forget everything some people go through that no just forget how will life become how will life be challenging that's what life is today we've forgotten our souls I've forgotten who I am I've forgotten who you are I've forgotten the purpose of me being here we've forgotten that we are one yes I have forgotten who is my Divine parent I have forgotten what is my potential I have forgotten what is my Shakti so I am looking for it everything outside who I actually am and so every teacher right from corporate to even today is teaching us only that to come back to our religion religion the religious teachers so Jesus Christ got them both Muhammad mahavir Guru nanak Dev ji Shiri Sai Baba they didn't come to divide us they in fact did not come to establish a religion they were not establishing a religion they were teaching religion they were teaching religion religion means dharam dharam means the duty the quality of the Soul which means what is your duty so the duty or the quality of the soul is Purity Peace Love Power wisdom and Bliss these are the seven qualities of the Soul so every teacher came to teach us only that that this is your dharam bring it into your every Karam and this is the dharam of every soul so they did not come to create religions they came to teach religion had we connected to the teaching we would have all been because we're all learning the same thing and we're implementing the same thing we did not connect so much to the teaching and as time progressed and we reached the Iron Age we were only connecting to the teacher and then under the teacher there were more teachers So within one religion also then different teachers now a different teacher will always say the same concept in a little different manner two people cannot teach the same thing in the identical manner but just because two people presented the same concept of dharam into different manners we went and got divided again I follow this one I fall we were not supposed to follow people we were supposed to follow what they were sharing and follow means follow not follow follow it make it a part of your life so we are supposed to follow religion and if we followed religion we will all become United but then body Consciousness and ego Consciousness reached to such a stage that today will be coming intolerant we can't and we were ready to yeah we know what's happening you know speaking about tolerance again uh uh I've been reading a lot about something called cataclysmic events which basically means that every sort of ten thousand fifteen thousand years or so there's some events that happen in the earth cycle which just destroy everything like that's how the dinosaurs also died that's how human populations have constantly kind of been boiled down to nothingness and then grown out of there and this is the history we're not taught in schools this is the history that archaeologists are suggesting actually existed for example they found batteries inside the pyramids so who's to say that ancient cultures also they probably were technologically advanced and the only reason we don't have remnants of their cultures because time and nature destroys everything including plastic over 3000 years so in the three lakh years of human history how many times have we seen cataclysmic events how many times have you seen things eroding away you know and um the kind of big message from my ancestors according to archaeologists is one take care of Nature and two have balance between the duality of Life yes uh have balance between what they call male and female aspect but after this particular episode that's become clearer so Before I Let You Go sister Shivani I've got to ask you one personal question as it's not about me it's just a question in my heart yeah uh what is the purpose of outer space like the universe we know it's out there ancient humans knew what's out there ancient humans also knew that asteroids come from there you know that these are things out of our control uh for example there's something called the torrid meteor stream that hits Earth every like uh 10 000 years and it's been responsible for all these events what are we supposed to make of the big like nothingness out there is that God's way of saying that listen you're very small like or is it something else are we supposed to go out there like Elon Musk is trying to occupy Mars and then I'm sure like we've had an astronaut on the show as well who explained to me that space travel Works in increments right so first you figure out how to go to the Moon then you figure out how to go to Mars then you'll figure out how to go to the next planet etc etc but um what is the purpose of space why does it exist this is astronomy you know spirituality will teach us something different okay we have to go but we're going to go to the soul world which is beyond this universe yeah where did we come from and why is the population still increasing population has always been on the increase is it because animals are turning into human beings no animal doesn't become a human being a human soul will take birth as a human soul with your son's car and win your karmic account but why is population still increasing population is increasing because we're coming from the soul world and that's why you know if you see people say oh I want mukti I want Moksha I want to get out of this thing and I just want we always look up somewhere we're not very clear what's there up somewhere but we keep saying I want to go home I want I want to come out of this birthday bird cycle even when we think of the Divine when we think of God we go there the place of worship or the temple could be her in my room but when I say God I'll go there so the soul has a very faint memory of where we have come from who we were with we are here and how we will go back and that is that timing which is coming now when things which are happening will happen everything that the world is preparing for then we will go in big numbers there's a very big shift that's going to happen the Golden Age population is not going to be the population of inh much smaller very small so gradually from Golden Age Silver age copper age Iron Age population goes on increasing and then and in the last 100 150 years the population has increased and it's still increasing which means some souls are still coming so just try and visualize this Beyond everything that science knows because science can only know that what is visible through a machine or through where I can travel physically wherever you go whether it's to the moon or to the Mars you're going physically so that's the physical world what we call the universe the soul will travel to the soul world there's no body that's going there everywhere here every planet we are going with this body so this is soul world where which is beyond everything that science knows so let's call it home let's call it home let's call God the parent and bear all the children so just visualize Little Stars just like the stars we see in the sky at night these souls in the soul world and then as per what frequency I take myself to by the end of this cycle this is a cycle like you said those Cycles what vibrational frequency I take myself to by the end of this I and H and what things will happen on the planet Souls will go to the soul world so let's say I take myself up to 50. hypothetically on a vibration of 10 to 100 somebody takes themselves up to 90. somebody takes themselves up to 100 and then we're all there okay so now visualize all the souls different Purity level different vibrational level now the planet and there's never a time when there is no soul on the planet so when we say destruction it's not that the world comes to an end it'll never come to an end but it'll go through a transformation but the transformation is so gradual that you won't even come to know that there's a transition that is happening where we will be going and we will also be coming it's like you're working throughout the day you'll go home and come back to work so now visualize almost all of us are back home and the golden age has started which we created with our vibration so the Golden Age hypothetically let's call it a frequency of 100 which means the best so those Souls who took themselves up to 100 will automatically get pulled down automatic there's nothing God is not sending us okay now you go now you go it's depending on where I took myself up to those Souls will come down in the Golden Age by Silver age let's say it's 80 the souls who are 80 will come down Corporation let's say it's 50 the souls who reached up to 50 will come down iron ages souls are still coming so that's something if you experience in your meditation you'll be able to start seeing this you can actually go to the soul World using the power of your mind and intellect and see this is the home this is that Divine Parent Connect with that Divine parent because only connecting to the higher power will start raising your frequency it's like again connecting the phone to the powerhouse to connect a battery connecting to a battery cannot charge but a battery connecting to a Powerhouse so this is the time the change of cycle where Souls will be going home which the souls are asking for or we want to go we want more we want to go home and then we will start coming as per our vibrational frequency and the world will again come into a cycle so what you said it goes into a cycle yes it goes into a cycle and there is a destruction but destruction doesn't mean everything finish but there is a lot of upheaval a lot of applications we're going through one right now we are and it's only going to increase it's obvious we can see what's happening on the planet whether it's in terms of environment whether it's in terms of and these things have happened before these things have happened before it's a cycle morning was there before afternoon evening night was there before the cycle is only repeating so this will be a time of a lot of upheaval but along with that a time of Awakening so it's like the old house crumbling and the new house under construction there's never going to be a time where we are without a house so we are all instrumental by working on our sanskars and vibration we're all helping to construct the new house so each one of us each one who is trying to raise their vibration in whichever manner they feel right which means creating a shift in yourself everybody's talking about the shift so the shift in the planet will only happen with the shift in the individual there's nobody else who will come and shift the energy of the planet we create our world so every individual today just ask yourself do I want to shift in this direction or do I want to shift in this direction if I'm shifting in this direction it's not just a personal shift I'm contributing to creating the world shift I'm a part of that Tipping Point population who's going to be instrumental in changing the night into the morning but before that we will go to the soul Earth and we will come back without frequency vibration is it fair to say that space is just a reminder of us to like look up and go beyond of course knowing that the world is not just us not just this much what is what we know about and what is visible there's much much much more beyond that also Shivani I think we've reached the end of this episode I hope the experience is all right for you beautiful not all right not all right all right is a very so beautiful even even with the iconic start we had on the show do you know how beneficial that was we were able to learn so much because of that so everything that happens is for a very good reason we understand how cleansing happens we understand how our Karma creates a consequence and most important we understand how we feel after the cleansing so like we feel that you know your face changed after that yeah I got empty enough to absorb things no so your face changed which means when I remove any cluttered from my life mind or body it will show on your face so the ego also rips apart like this and then there is purity humility on the face when we remove our cluttered under so it was a very good scene yes I want to thank you for sharing all the learnings and I want to thank God for using me as a metaphor today so absolutely very different experience but uh every podcast teaches me one lesson and from today's show what I learned is that The Human Experience of life is like clay and you can make it exactly what you wish and ideally if you turn it into a clay which is related to you going Beyond this world that's the best kind of use of the clay absolutely thank you so much episode for today thank you for listening to the entire piece if you've reached this point of the episode the joy of podcasting is multi-fold right like you get to learn other people's life lessons you get to experience other people's lives through the course of conversations but when you have interactions like this way of speaking to older great Souls there is some sort of energy that rubs off on your Outlook of the world as well bikeshwani was a very highly requested episode and as is the case with all the other spiritual episodes I feel like they come into my life at the point that I need to hear some of the things that she spoke about after the camera stopped rolling I asked her for a piece of advice for myself and she said that immerse yourself into the thought that you were simply the instrument of creation and you're being used by a higher power in order to create his or her will in today's day and age in today's world but simple thought has given me an immense amount of motivation and an immense amount of drive to take the story forward it's not easy to create three podcasts every week but I feel that with your support the podcast is growing and you're growing with us you're growing with me I love that I get to live this life that I've chosen to live I love that I've been chosen to live this kind of a life and I love sharing my growth and my learnings with you all thank you for supporting us make sure you follow us on Spotify every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world lots of love to you keep supporting lots more spiritual content coming your way [Music] thank you
Channel: BeerBiceps
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Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, bk shivani, sister shivani, bk sister shivani, spiritual mantra, spirituality, spiritual music, gaur gopal das, gauranga das, meditation, meditation for beginners, bk shivani meditation, karma, angels, spirituality for beginners, why meditate, brahmakumari shivani didi, shivani didi, brahma kumaris, destiny, astrology
Id: 7ukeBLsAkpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 13sec (4873 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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