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hey guys welcome to the new episode today's episode is very different it is an interview with the one and only sub Guru now before we get into the episode there are some things I have to admit I hadn't read any of the books that satguru has written I hadn't seen a lot of his podcasts or his videos I've barely ever done any yoga and it would be wrong to say that I'm a very spiritual person because I haven't explored that side of myself and there are many such reasons that makes me extremely unqualified to interview someone like satguru but there is one big reason my mother my mother's been a subgroup follower for a few years now and she constantly sends me videos all the time about his talks his thoughts whenever I would share a problem with her saying this is how I'm feeling this is how I'm thinking she would often quote satguru and the recent past when I had a personal tragedy I got to spend a lot of time with my mother and I realized how much uh sadhguru means to her how much his teachings and the Isha Foundation means to her so when I got the opportunity to interact with little I just had to take it so one fine morning me and my mom we drove down to the Isha foundation in coimbatore and we interviewed satguru I have to say I had a really good time at the Isha Yoga Center it was very peaceful I visited the adiyogi statue I went to the dhyan linga I even meditated I had pretty good time and if you ever get the opportunity to you should visit as well on that note here's the interview namaskaram [Music] so it's nice to be here it's nice to be here um I don't know if your team gave you any context to me no you you should give me some context okay I shall uh my name is tanmay I'm a comedian so oh that's fine yeah which means I am generally I've been a cynic I'm generally cynical and I'm generally skeptical um but I'm here today with an open mind um not just because you know 30 years of living around chaos kind of tends you tends to make you want to wander towards some Stillness skepticism let's separate these two things skepticism and cynicism two different things I am a super skeptic are you yes always but I am not cynical because cynical means you made some assumptions skepticism means you're looking fat uh but yeah I think I'd agree to that but my mother has been a long time follower and uh all my battles against the world are in one place and my relationship with my mother is is in another and um I knew it would make her very happy if I was here and I know that uh all the teachings that you have given has made her very happy uh so thank you for that first of all I know it brings a lot of peace to many people um I would not pass on this opportunity to do that mommy are you happy I'm a woman that is yeah I never thought you would be here I'll sing with you does he always speak such bad people to converse my first question sir is um I'm a fairly younger audience that follows me you know kids between the ages of 18 to 30. um you know love and relationships make a big part of their lives um and given today's chaotic world and social media there's always a need to want to have a partner to search for a partner or if not social media then sometimes your mother asks you questions like why aren't you getting married why aren't you with someone um how does one learn to live alone and be alone uh say uh as human beings are made as life is made what do you think this is a complete Life by itself or it's a half a life it can be it can feel fairly complete a fairly complete means uh somewhere it's not yet complete well if you pay enough attention to it it's a complete lie it's made as a whole life but to do things in the world if you want to do business you want a business partner if you want to build a family you want a another kind of partner you just want to live outside you need another kind of partner you need Partners to act in the world you don't need Partners to be because you're the only creature on the planet who is being referred to as a being sparrows are flying around you can't fly but we don't call them bird beings they're just Birds all right tiger is roaming in the forest We Don't Call Him a tiger being an elephant is Raging through the forest we don't call him an elephant being only this one we're calling a being because this one is supposed to know how to be when you don't know how to be then you start thinking you're incomplete how to act in the world is a different Affair altogether because that's not your space world is not entirely your space if you want to act there you need the cooperation of hundreds of people otherwise you cannot Act so to get that cooperation you form variety of Partnerships to fulfill your financial needs one kind of partnership your social needs another kind your physical psychological emotion needs another kind of partnership that is for activity but if you sit here why aren't you a complete life this is a complete life it's based on what you just said do you think it's possible to have multiple partners given that like you said different people satisfy different needs some people may satisfy or emotionally some will satisfy of his beliefs is it possible to everybody has multiple partners but if you are thinking partnership is only about body based Partnerships then it's a different matter otherwise don't all of us have different partners to fulfill different aspects of our life hmm you I know what you're talking about no but you know the term that goes around nowadays is is polyamory or things like that which is oh I'm in love with different people or why not I am in love with billions of people hmm but why did you misunderstand love means you have to do something with your body physical body has its boundaries only with boundaries you can maintain sanctity of your body if you don't set any boundaries everybody can walk over you then it will become ugly there are other aspects to it there are Sciences attached to it let's not go there even in terms of simple sense physical everything physical has a boundary isn't it in fact it is a defined boundary which makes the physical isn't it you call this a table this is not a table why because that's its boundary we call that U we don't call this as you why because that is your boundary physicality is always like this so your misunderstanding physicality with other aspects of life is it not true that if you have a dog at home you share some emotion with the dog does it mean to say your mother doesn't exist there is nobody I'm sorry love is positive some see there are there's too much misconceptions about these things if I have to fix that right now in a brief conversation the thing is like this if you ever experience any love for anybody where do you experience it people say it's in the air but did you feel it in the air or within yourself you must answer that question is this part of Indian engineering I mean my mother has been asking me these questions is it oh engineering no no she's following me it's okay if she asked that question and now I am asking you the question in case you did not answer that question at least time did you answer that question this is not for me that you have to answer for yourself If you experience anything as a human being does it happen within you or outside of you within you right yes yes whether it's peacefulness joyfulness love anything pain misery whatever happened happen only within you so when you talk about love why you talk about somebody else that's a relationship a relationship is a transaction which needs to be managed with some amount of skill to be loving you don't need anything or anybody you're just loving loving means it's the sweetness of your emotion and why are you not sweet why have you become bitter because you have assumed things from limited experience of life isn't it if you're walking on the street somebody poked you and went away now walking on the street will be bitter experience because you're always thinking that people will poke you poke you maybe one only once in your lifetime they poked you but all the time you will be suspicious fearful and thinking somebody will poke you and just to fulfill your desire somebody May so the problem is the experiences of Life instead of using that as a way to rise most people are using the experiences of life to become wounded they did not become wise the more bitter experiences happen to you the wiser you should have become Unfortunately they become wounded because they do not know the difference between memory present experience of life and Imagination in yoga we call this Trikala there are three aspects of time in your life memory there is yesterday is only a memory isn't it now you are experiencing what is there but now memory may be overlapping into your present moment and you can't experience it or using this memory you project something which is Imagination now when you don't have any distinction between these three that memory experience and Imagination are all mixed up then everything is a mess and in that mess people are trying to find sense they will not find anything so how does one learn to be present this is are you present right now are you here I am yes but right now the problem is you are thinking about something else so right now there are people who are always uh whole world right now it came from America but now it's everywhere be in the moment be in the moment I am asking you be somewhere else and show me no but if I'm in the future no no can you be somewhere else and show me right now I can't you can think about the past you can think about the future so what they're essentially telling you is do not think about the past do not think about the future be in the moment means that's a teaching but one needs to understand to arrive at this level of cerebral capability it took millions of years of work of the evolution to get us here to this level of capability we are the only creatures on this planet who have such a cerebral capability and this capability unfortunately most human beings are suffering a work of millions of years people are suffering this is the greatest thing that's happened to us we can think better than this cows we can think better than the elephant we can think better than anything we our memory is so vivid our imagination is so fantastic this is what they are suffering what happened 10 years ago they're still suffering what may happen day after tomorrow they're already suffering they are not suffering life they have not even touched life they are suffering their own memory and Imagination that means you do not know how to handle your faculties because your education it is teaching you all the nonsense about how to dominate and extract things from everything it's not told you a thing about how to manage this one if you do not know how to manage your thought and emotion how the hell are you going to ever live well I'm asking anybody how just by chance if somebody is nice to you today you feel little good but you can never have this working for you throughout your life somebody will always be nice to you there's no such thing then you must get series of dogs every 12 you can have a dog means it's a 12 year love affair all right however you behave he behaves well with you I hope dogs learn and they bite you [Laughter] if my dog is watching please please don't do that every 12 years you have to replace your love that's all when I said that I'm a cynic right like one of the at one of the points that truly resonated with me was you know once you go through enough ups and downs in life you start on you start feeling like life you only count the Downs you forgot the UPS Fair the Downs make a bigger dent in your memory um do you believe that life has any purpose do you or do you think life is purposeless see this question arises only because people are too invested in their own thought this is a culture Yogi culture never paid attention to what you think you think whatever nonsense you want we don't care about that because your thought is a consequence of a limited amount of data that you have yes or no correct it's a programming whatever's input yeah the same thing you're thinking so this may be positive this may be negative accordingly you're making your conclusions it doesn't mean a thing because it's not life your thought process is not life your thought process is something that you make up at least you must make it up the way you want she's giving you teaching all this she tries she sends me videos of a few every week some of which I watch some of which I learned from Earth um especially in moments where she can see that I'm I'm growing very Umar do you have any questions yeah I have some questions on the safe spots otherwise I've seen enough of Heroes that I understand um the same song you said something about plowing plowing is I thought it was an integral part of the um physical soil only when you plant it means it's the time you know you grow better and especially where it's in Punjab they are burning those leftovers of this crop after harvesting is it a very difficult thing like they can't plow it or something and then and when I question them they said it's called roaming for the next harvesting that's the reason there's not enough sunlight in India I don't know I what I thought was maybe weeding is a little difficult so they just burn the whole thing off that's not the thing okay let's not get into why they're doing what they're doing because that's a big thing you can't touch anything the farmer is doing anymore okay believe that but why plowing why am I talking about that see the problem is even in the universities largely except in few universities in most places including the agriculture Ministry including the soil health card that government is making we are thinking of soil as a bunch of chemicals we think it's nitrogen phosphorus this one that one no soil is a living organism if you take a handful of soil this is anywhere between 7 to 10 billion organisms in a handful of soil it has to be that way if all of them are on and active there is enough oxygenation happening first 12 to 15 inches of soil is the basis of 87 percent of Life on this planet if there is enough organisms they keep the soil expanded like that and it can hold water it can hold oxygen everything now you compact the soil too much now there's no oxygenation roots cannot go into that so you start plowing so that is a habit we've gotten later now you went into the forest if you go into this Forest nobody ever plowed this land just see how everything is growing because there the organic content could be anywhere between 60 to 70 percent of the soil it's so rich that it's water holding capability is such if you go there into the jungle you don't need an Implement with your fingers if you just dig like this two three inches if you go it'll be damp this is all your crop needs to understand if you raise the organic content anywhere between eight to ten percent right now 62 percent of India's soil is below 0.5 percent to call Soil as soil it should have minimum three to six percent if you make it eight to ten percent your irrigation requirement would come down to 30 percent of what you need right now if you're using 100 liters you would use 30 liters and still it'll be fine if you raise it to 12 to 15 percent organic content your irrigation requirement would come down to 10 to 15 percent 15 liters out of 100 liters is what you need right now one of the biggest crisis that you're facing in the country Urban people won't understand this go and see in The Villages or you see any traditional imagery artwork movies everything those uh Village girls are carrying apart well nicely painted and she's swinging and she's singing a song and going no that's not how it happens she goes this damn thing is weighing 25 kilograms which you go shaking like this she doesn't go sing she doesn't have romance on the way no because the actress is carrying an empty pot she can do all that you just see how they're carrying the water the whole thing is Joy shaking like this neck is shaking like that it's 25 kilograms on top of the head but there is no room for romance or song or dance with that weight on your head all right so we have been depicting this in a romantic way people are walking miles to get a pot of water what is romantic about it I'm asking but unfortunately the Romantic image of The Villages The Village Belle is carrying a pot and she goes like this and that two washer clothes she goes two kilometers somewhere to a river or a pond you think all this is romantic there's nothing romantic you had to do it somebody else is doing it looks romantic poverty itself is being made into a very romantic thing in the movies and books and everything you know it's a cruel thing but everywhere it's romanticized in a certain way living that our water consumption for agriculture is over 84 percent of the country's water is used for agriculture you can bring it down significantly if the soil was rich one reason why it's not happening is Summers there's no cover crops this is part of our agriculture in this country in the Summers we always had cover crops of legumes pulses and other things we knew that we will not get any yield out of it not much yield out of it but when the rains began to happen in Monsoon we would blow back the whole crop into the land easily one to two inches of humus was forming every year today there is nothing in the last 40 years we think by throwing salt we can do it Seema you're eating healthy and you are healthy suppose we test your blood today and we find you're a little deficient in iron or B6 B12 something what will we do we'll give you two three pills to take it for a month two months three months whatever to bridge that you know lack of nourishment now we are thinking similarly with agriculture we have the soil but it may not be always in a perfect State because every year we are using it for so many crops what is deficiency this nitrogen phosphorus I mean something sulfur we put in different ways lime whatever else we were putting to bridge that Gap now you took a few pills and you felt really wonderful tomorrow morning so you decided not to eat anymore just take lots of pills and you will be okay you know what will happen don't look at me there's no reason to look at me these people have your son [Laughter] how do we irritating uh how is it going it's another question that's targeted towards me it's well targeted I can see with the best intention of course because it's your mother she keeps referring towards these people yes see this has happened because vegetarian diets have lost their strength in many ways for example the vegetables that were growing see everywhere it's happened but they're not enough studies to tell us clearly United States is one place where the studies have happened today it's very fashionable for people to eat salads and things like that one important ingredient is lettuce if you eat lettuce in early 20th century let's say 1920 how much you got out of that today what you will get is only 10 percent of what you would get there 90 reduction in nutritional value of vegetables has happened in United States in different vegetables it may be little different anywhere between 50 to 90 percent most vegetables range if you ate one orange in 1920 today you will have to eat eight oranges to get the same nourishment from one orange so how many people can eat eight oranges per day to get that so today this may not be an absolute fact but it is very related a country like India which is so packed with population so close you can't really keep distance but in United States where it is very well proportioned between land and population you know the proportion is extremely good in spite of that it was nearly 1900 people dying per day of the pandemic we've almost come out of it why is this one important reason this may not be the only reason one important reason is this the nutritional value in the food has gone down so much if you ask any doctor you don't have to be a great virologist or something just a simple doctor if you ask them they will tell you if you lack vitamin A vitamin B6 B12 vitamin C vitamin E calcium foliate iron magnesium zinc if these things are missing in your diet you become susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections this is common knowledge why is it a country like United States which has a choice of nourishment all right people can choose and need whatever they want that much choice of nourishment is there and food is way cheaper than most other countries in spite of that see they are not able to control the number of deaths are so high because they are so susceptible to uh upper respiratory tract infections well there are various other factors this is not the only thing but this is also an important part of living your civilization will be ripped apart in three days of food shortage yes or no food rights food rights will do that the moment people don't have food to eat it's not available anywhere if they see your welfare they will Slaughter you on the street it'll happen and it's happened in the past is not new human beings lose everything all sense of humanity the moment they don't have food for themselves and their families they will become aggressive like animals you know I'll be the first one to be slaughtered so he is the cause let us not take it there let's reverse it that's all I'm saying uh see right now uh yesterday I spoke to this Caribbean Nations all together called CARICOM 11 nations are already signing up for policy change we've developed a policy document one thing is a common document for all soils another thing is for soil types another thing for individual Nations what they should do in policy change in India will it solve all the problem it will not solve all the problems immediately but it will start reversing the problem at least it will not advance right now see we are keeping this land really good what is the guarantee next generation will keep it this way this all that happened isn't it the previous generations it was fine now we have done this so this place we have a policy in U.S we are building a whole spiritual City so I have dedicated 70 of the land as conservation land the forests that are there nobody can touch his private land we can build all the hundred percent if you want 70 percent we've committed and written it into our Constitution that no matter tomorrow what demands come what pressures come you can only build in 30 of the land similarly here we have some restrictions either this home school you're sitting here nearly 70 acres of land we take only 340 children I can take 10 000 children if I want for 70 Acres according to City School standards only 340 children because we want the children to grow up in a certain way tomorrow if I am not here these people who are around me are not here let's say 100 years later they may take 10 000 people so we have to write it down somewhere that this cannot be done that needs to happen this is why policy change is very important because it ends it ensures that even in future somebody cannot destroy it will everything be reversed tomorrow morning no that's not how it works but if you give incentives it will begin to happen right now we have done this in a big way in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Karnataka has given a subsidy for every tree a farmer plants today there is 125 rupee subsidy it's growth related over four years it will be paid every year he has to take pictures of the thing and we have set up a digital platform and an agency through which if they post the picture he will get the thing straight into his bank account it will go so now millions of farmers are going in for tree based agriculture this kind of incentives are needed you need a cover crop in the summer you must give some incentive to put the cover crop once it sees the benefit of that then he will naturally do it by himself so like you said I'll be the one who will be slaughtered first so don't say that so what should he do your social media has not had much influence at home [Laughter] [Music] all right I'm gonna leave then you guys can continue [Laughter] what can young people do so yes see in a democratic Nation we must understand everybody's saying sadhguru what can I do I'll roll up my sleeves because I fix my garden it's very cute you fix your garden it's wonderful I appreciate that but that's not a solution that's for your satisfaction the solution is agricultural land should change you're not a farmer so what is it a human being can do in a what is it a citizen can do in a democratic Nation there are two most powerful things in your hand your vote and your voice vote is only once in five years or whatever it's over now it's your voice and today as a generation of people we have a voice that no generation ever had see uh what is it 2020 or 2021 these numbers 2021 our video reach is 2.2 billion when was it possible that spiritual talks would reach 2.2 billion people in one year or two point billion views in one year such a thing was never possible many great people have come but when they spoke hardly 10 people heard so this is the first time we have Technologies and means to communicate with the entire world if we want in this time if we do not transform the world and do what we really wish to do it shows that we simply don't care that's all so that's all I am trying to do I'm 65 riding 30 000 kilometers is not a Joyride it's not a joy right and I'm riding in the northern Europe in Winter where roads are icy I see roads and two wheelers probably you don't know what it means and then I'm entering Arabia where temperatures are 38 to 40 degrees in the month of May then I'm riding straight into Indian monsoon and of course I'm also riding through probably a war probably yeah laughs so you said the soil is getting converted into deserts so could we convert the deserts into yes very much possible see if you add organic content to sand it will become soil if you take away all the organic content from the soil it will become sand so just to tell you Rajasthan was a a very Lush Forest some six seven thousand years ago even a better example would be around 10 000 years ago Saudi Arabia was a rainforest will you believe that see what's happened today you do one thing from 2003 to today you just see the African map the Google image of Africa you just see how the sand is spreading to the middle only in the middle there is green slowly both South and North it's spreading like this this desertification is one of the most serious problems right now so we are partners with unccd the agency for combating desertification and this problem is gone to a place where it's scary scary you know so this is where we are going why see suicides are happening over 300 000 Farmers have committed suicide in India in the last 20 22 years people are explaining it off oh he had a bank loan oh he had this he had that I'm asking you if you were a farmer and your soil was rich and you could grow food on that even if you cannot commercially be successful if you could grow food for your own family would you commit suicide I'm asking would any man do that when it's become so hopeless he cannot provide even the basic things for his own family that's when he kills himself we are explaining it off as if it's just an economic problem yes there are economics involved in that but it's mainly the soil 62 percent of India's soil is below 0.5 percent this is a desert we're just getting there very soon in the next 10 15 years we'll be totally there if we don't act now actually something out of all this in Hinduism we have this uh burning of the body after the death Why Not bunny is it something is there any reason there are many reasons some of them may be still relevant some of them may not be one important thing is when people die if people died of old age this was the practice but now it's forgotten if people died of ripe old age they were worried but if they died somewhere in between they were always cremated because we don't know what he's died of nobody to test these bacteria or virus and say what he is died of the best thing is to cremate there is also another aspect if a person this is a little complex to say in two minutes if a person dies because life became feeble and he exited the body out of old age then there is no rush with the body because the body has become too feeble for anything to come back but let's say somewhere middle of the life somebody died either because of injury or uh let's say because of some something broke in the body see when I say injury it can be from outside or your heart broke your liver broke this is also kind of damage when that happens the rest of the body is still vibrant because of this it will draw certain types of energies towards it so you don't want that to happen and there are many things I think you can give a death book you have okay so there are many aspects which are unnecessarily active for periods which is not necessary so if you cremate everything kind of closes see even even for the family I am saying in this country after cremation we won't leave it with that we will take the ashes and throw it into three different rivers or ocean because completely it must be gone you must not be able to identify where is somebody who was dear to me right now it's just gone because we want to treat Life by its realities till somebody is here whoever they are you do your best with them once they're dead you must wash your hands of them this is the nature of this culture all the rituals people are doing people are thinking it's in memory no it is to distance yourself there's something called as Ronaldo there are imprints in your own body about people who have been dear to you you want to distance yourself because if you don't do that death will grow within you when you're alive it will kind of weigh you down so you need to distance yourself in this context also cremation is a very sensible thing to do unless people have died in a certain way that certain way I won't go into because it will need a lot of description but generally cremation is better ecologically today we are thinking bury and plant a tree is better but not necessarily yes it is better but even the ashes are good they become part of the earth very quickly so what do you say about this modified genetically modified vegetables uh at this point when we are pushing for soil policy I am not telling people what kind of farming they should do they can do organic farming they can use inorganic material they can do genetic things I am not recommending but I am not trying to tell a farmer how he should do all I am saying is let us keep the soil alive for ourselves and future Generations what kind of farming you do I will leave it to you because people living in cities they don't understand a thing about farming they think it's some kind of a philosophy farming is not a philosophy or religion it is a practical activity which needs to work if you worked on the farm you will know it's a heartbreaking activity it's not easy especially if the soil is poor so there is no point telling them you do organic you do this you do that if the soil is Rich the usage of chemicals and other things will naturally come down you know as it gets poorer chemicals go up as it gets richer it will come down as you pop one or two pills it's okay through through something into the soil because it lacks something but as it gets richer the need for this will come down when the society gets mature enough and they ask only for organic food then you can do that because the market is not mature for that handful of people are talking about organic food that's about it not a whole population is talking about organic food handful of well-to-do people are talking about organic food with this farmer can't go 100 organic but increasing the organic content in the soil will naturally push everything in the direction right now many un agencies are talking about going all out GMO by 2030 because what they are seeing is if we do not reverse this now and really food shortages come the only way out is genetically modified food but that will give us a bridge of approximately 20 to 25 years when we crash after that there will be no recovery so it's very important we are in a cusp of time where we need to act the young people they don't have to go and fix anything in the farm they have to they're good at raising The Voice yes raise it all I am saying is 100 days Everybody Talks soil you want to close the conversation say sorry save soil say let's make it happen you want to close a message say save soil instead of saying I love you you say save soil it's not any different I'm telling you saving soil is not any different from loving the life around you so 100 days if everybody speaks we will aggregate these numbers and we have written the soil policy I am addressing the cop-15 in Ivory Coast where 170 countries are participating and we will get an absolutely positive response if enough people talk about it this is satguru's version of like share and subscribe guys they don't have they can continue to dislike me if they dislike me all I'm saying is don't have to support me buy your own this thing is just I'm only talking about a concerted action I will do my thing you do your thing but all of us are doing at the same time so that you're leaving in a couple of days are here for the yeah 30 000 long 30 000 kilometer long journey wish you all the best for that thank you very much for uh featuring uh on this channel and most importantly thank you very much for buying me two more months of peace with Mom [Laughter] foreign [Music]
Channel: Honestly by Tanmay Bhat
Views: 740,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tanmay Bhat, Tanmay, Bhat, AIB, All India Bakchod, Podcast, Finance, Clueless, Streams, Live Streams, Streamer, Live, Live Streamer, Tanmay Bhat Live, Comedy, Jokes, Funny, Funny Video, Youtuber, Indian Youtuber, Vlogs, Vlogger, Indian Vlogger, Indian Podcast, Indian Podcaster, Finance Show, Finance Series, Podcaster, Interviews, Celebrity, Live Shows, Chat Show, Conversations, Education, Educational, Learning, Science, Arts
Id: KcbsZfoS7WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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