Billye Brim 091821 Jesus is Coming 01 Part 1

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getting it all out well i don't know if you could hold it all in there bless the lord hallelujah hallelujah this is for reading to lynn later and this is for now and then i need my computer so is everything okay every once while you could just say glory here's my bible and then here's my ah drop something there's my computer so there we have it i uh i don't feel like preaching no i don't i just feel like to share and i just want to share with you all just like lynn and i would share when we get to talk and on the phone and things like that and things are happening and uh brother max back he gave me a permission to uh just go out there and it may be the last time i'm here because in case i go too far yeah in case i go too far but i'm telling you folks things are going on marvelous things wild things terrible things wonderful things i want you to turn to genesis chapter 12. and this is a passage that you're very blessed to go to a church where this passage is is believed and this was when god was sending abram out of his home country and into the promised land and god said get out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show you and i will make of you a great nation and i will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing and i will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed and literally the last line in the hebrew says all families of the earth are all nations of the earth shall bless themselves so it's up to them if they bless themselves by blessing israel all right now let's look at luke 21 and when jesus disciples his apostles ask him when shall these things happen when will the temple be destroyed and when will be the end of the age and when will be the sign of your coming to set up your kingdom and jesus gave them this sign this is the main tree main sign verse 29 luke 21 29 he spoke to them a parable watch the fig tree that's israel and all the trees so i want to read you a little statement out of david barron's book here hallelujah david barron was a jewish man who was brought up in the 1800s i believe he was born he was born in 1855 he was brought up in the greatest best rabbinical schools and he knows the hebrew and knows things all about these things so well but then he became a believer in jesus so this book i'm reading out of and i should have brought some books but i didn't type psalms and prophecies by david barron and it's available online but this is at the bottom of one page when god bound up the future of all nations in the history of abraham and his seed he made that history prophetic every event and every right became as it were a bud destined to open and blossom and ripen into fruit on that tree under the shadow of which all nations were to be gathered jewish history is supernatural the future of all nations is bound up in the history and events of abraham and his seed jesus said you want to know when you watch israel i want to um talk a little bit tonight because god of the prophecy god gave us a year ago about the calendar when they came out of egypt god gave them a sacred calendar they already had a civil calendar and that civil calendar had been going on for hundreds of long long time and it is the one that's beginning right now with rosh hashanah rosh hashanah we've just passed and that's the head of the year rosh means head shanna is year her is the so the head of the year we have just begun a new year now the reason why i'm talking about this so much is so lynn won't pester me 9 19 19 september 19th what's today 18th okay a year ago tomorrow 9 19 19 i was at dr larry allison's church walk on the water church in osage beach missouri he has a conference every year he has different speakers every year the same speakers come bob yandian is one of them i'm one of them lynne mink is one of them and it was my night thursday night to speak so they always put you up in a beautiful condo there on uh lake of the ozarks i spent the day looking over the lake and praying all that day and the lord said to me the crowd is going to be sparse tonight and that's the way i want it fine i thought oh great maybe we get something like brother hagin did you know that night and when he had that nobody could get to the meeting because of the rains the heavy rains and and that's when he got caught up to heaven maybe god's going to do something like that so when we got to the place and brother larry was leading you through the maze that gets you down to the platform and the auditorium he said by the way the worship team is going to leave just as soon as they get through worship there's a big concert in town with top musicians christian musicians and so fine you know we go in there and a lot of the other people were gone too there are only about 50 people there but that was all right and the lord said now i want you to preach he told me that day what i want you to preach i want you to preach from first john where john said we touched him we felt him we we talked with him and he told us something so that we could have fellowship with him and fellowship that word means fellowship is a partner and a partaker and this is what we heard from him to tell you god is light and in him is no darkness at all so you go and preach don't preach long he said i wonder why he had to tell me that i don't know don't preach long and then he said i want you to pray i want you to preach that prayer is fellowshipping that is what the fellowship is working with me is prayer so i did it i obeyed him i came i spoke just a little bit on that and uh then uh brother lin mink got up and lynn had a song in the spirit and the song in the spirit was kind of about what i had preached and the lord said that he wanted us to stay in his presence have unbroken fellowship uninterrupted courtship uninterrupted communication you will fly from here to every nation in your prayers i'll send you by my spirit here i'll send you by my spirit there unbroken fellowship be ready for instant instant instant download i will encode you and download you with magnificent revelations and so that was the he sang the song was beautiful and then after that i had a word wasn't wrong but i don't know it might be one of the most i don't know it shook me more than any other word i'd ever given and on the inside the word is going to start when you give a word you only get the first line or so you know it's got to be by faith you don't get the whole thing just go out before you and he inside me i heard him say it's going to see here's what i know it's going to start with 20 20 will be a year of transition but inside no don't put that up i don't want you to put that up uh 2020 will be a year of transition now inside me i hear him saying i only said 20 20 because that's how they see the year he said i'm talking about the way i see the year start which will be rosh hashanah was going to be 10 days hence 9 29 19. so then he gave the word 2020 will be a year of transition and it will begin with the beginning of the year as i see it on rosh hashanah that year will be a year that's transition on to 2021 in 2021 all things will have begun begun to end begun to change to move to rearrange now this year i must have you i must have my body the church in that fellowship i just sang about unbroken fellowship so prepare for it to begin the transition year in 2020 i'll provide all you need to fulfill my will work with me in fellowship in prayer for yourself yes but beyond yourself and know this that it will start the transition year on rosh hashanah and 2021 rosh hashanah is a big change so 2021 rosh hashanah going to be a big change now if you your heads can figure out we just passed 2021 rosh hashanah was there a big change that's what i'm going to be talking to you about tonight now i noticed that when he gave that word transition just just just stuck out to me now brother larry got up just after that dr larry allison and he said i am preparing to fold up this dispensation to bring to a close the things that i prophesied to bring to vision the things that have been unseen and to bring glory so when i went away from that the word that stuck out to me all was transition you're going to begin transition so transition in the websters is the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another and then my thoughts went down to labor you know when you're gonna have a baby and of course the pregnancy itself is in different parts but then comes transition and that's the part where as lynn i've heard her preach about this before at first you have a contraction you can wash your dishes you can finish packing your bag you can call your neighbor your husband whatever but then when you get down to transition you are not going to do anything else but have a baby and transition is the very last phase of labor when you enter into labor that's the last phase so i always knew and and and there's a word in the hebrew it's the word used for trouble it's the word used for um tribulation it's the words that's used for daniel's 70th week the trouble time of jacob's trouble and it's a word sar t-s-a-r and it means you're in a narrow place because of outside pressure and that's transition they use the same for the birth canal it's the same word you're in transition you're in a narrow place but you're gonna you're gonna get a baby and i knew this was all tied together and you know the new testament says when such and such happens you have entered into the birth pangs and it's the same picture here so i submit to you that we have been having some birth pangs around here and that we entered a time of change like we never entered before and it was outside pressure i do not believe that was god but i believe he knew of course it was coming and i believe that uh oh my goodness and the end of it all be big change in a future as bright as we can have it bless the lord but we knew worldwide more change in the past since that word was given we we have seen more change than we have ever seen anywhere anytime hallelujah so i want to talk to you a little bit now about lynn says to me do you think it's the rapture and i want to say to you i want to talk to you tonight about why i don't think it is the rapture because we're still here and that's the main reason but even before that date i knew it wasn't going to be the rapture and so i want to look at a little bit of um i want them let me see what i shall read here when they came out of egypt god gave them a brand new calendar a sacred calendar and he charged them with keeping it it's not the jewish calendar it's the god calendar and he it is the calendar of redemption i want you to listen to what baron says about it the sacred calendar of the history of redemption for not only are each of those moabs or feasts or special assemblies appointed seasons of meeting between the lord and his people as the hebrews say the muadai jehovah may be rendered considered separately full of emblematic and spiritual teaching but taken together all those feasts they form a series of striking symbolic prophecies some fulfilled some yet to be fulfilled and thus foretell as well as set forth the great plan of redemption it is beautifully supposed by some observes dr andrew bonar quote that israel's feasts represent the course of time this earth's days from creation to the final end the lamb's slain passover commences it and the eighth day of the happy feast of tabernacles is its close hallelujah so it is earth's history when you look at these feasts jewish history is supernatural now i'm going to ask them to show you um a little um chart well a little the one that gives the seven feasts this is god's sacred calendar and so he gave these moeds marked them on his calendar these are the days he has circled and you will notice that that uh the spring feasts which is the sacred calendar the the jews have two calendars the civil calendar have been going for hundreds of years the civil calendar over in the fall rosh hashanah marks the birth of adam and creation so then now we're going fast forward fast forward and the god's bringing them out of egypt and he gives them a sacred calendar now this sacred calendar is the calendar of redemption and as has been suggested in here it gives you earth's history and so it opens up with passover now they celebrated passover years and years and years and years before it was ever fulfilled but these have a fulfillment and in passover the fulfillment of it of course is prophetic and they have it every year they celebrate it every every every year but it's prophetic and jesus became the passover lamb on that same day they are to begin a seven day feast which is called the feast of unleavened bread leaven is a type of sin jesus dealt with the sin problem they're going to be eating only matzah for seven days and i've been there many times and you get so tired of matzah but jesus dealt with the sin problem then at the end of that week you have first fruits and that's when they take the loaves and go down of the barley harvest and they go down to the feast priest and they wave it before the priest and that is a type we are told in the new testament jesus is our first fruits the firstfruits of resurrection so that was fulfilled with the resurrection of jesus then you count everything about god's calendar the sacred number is seven and so you count seven weeks seven times seven is 49 add one more day and you have 50 days and you're going to have what they call the feast of weeks we call it pentecost so you know that jesus walked the earth for 40 days and then he ascended into heaven and he told them to go and wait they're not waiting until they get in one accord they are in one accord but god got them in one accord they're waiting on the next day on the calendar god has never done anything with our redemption without it being one of these moeds and he's not changing he doesn't change and he will do that again now you have four months without any holy days and you're going to move over to the fall moeds these have not been fulfilled these are the ones yet to be fulfilled we are in those high holy days right now first you're going to have trumpets that's rosh hashanah rosh hashanah is not fulfilled hasn't been fulfilled it's called the memorial of trumpets shofars so the big thing that happens on yo rosh hashanah is they blow the shofar they don't just blow it loud like christians do they have patterns to it certain things they play that that play and they're going to blow it a hundred times on rosh hashanah and you're supposed to get somewhere that you could hear that trumpet that shofar now we do know and i believe just turn over to 1 thessalonians chapter 5 i get so thrilled i am not at all discouraged i don't know who in this world could be discouraged the signs of the times are everywhere what do i care bless the lord i am not going to get down over this stuff i could tell you that right now i have read who wins i know all about it i know the devil is in his last you know trying to hang on bless the lord so we're going to first thessalonians chapter 4 rather verse 13. i would not have you to be ignorant brother concerned brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as those which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him for we say this we say to you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not precede them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god hallelujah there is the trumpet that will blow i believe on the day of the rapture of the church and the dead of christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in clouds to meet the lord in the air so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words now some people say the word rapture is not in the chur in the bible no it's not but this word caught up is a greek word harpazzo h-a-r-p-a-z-o and it's always used it's used you know when philip uh was down administering to the ethiopian eunuch and he got caught up this is the word harpasso you know that when um paul said he was caught up into the third heaven this is the word harpazo it's also used and i'll give you the scriptures on that uh acts 8 39 2 corinthians 12 2 and 4 revelation 12 5 speaking of being caught up during the book of revelation it's always this word har plaza it's the same one it never applies to anything else except you were one place and you got went to another place bless the lord so yes this is talking about us when we are caught up and it's tied to the trump of god now i believe and many many people believe that the uh for the thing could i have had the calendar back please bless the lord that the thing which will begin the fulfilling on is the feast of trumpets and that that will be for us uh then from that one two three four five days later is the day of atonement and on the day of atonement that is the day that the jews repent for all their sins they believe that on that day god is really deciding judgment this all has to do with judgment all this time trumpets and the day of atonement and uh someone i was watching a little video it's on youtube right now of somebody walking down the streets in jerusalem on the day of atonement this year i don't care if you are the most secular jew down way deep inside you you figure out you better keep this yom kippur they fast all the day in israel no cars are on the streets every business is closed every restaurant is closed it is considered um like a slap in the face if you are seen eating out in public so everything is silent and in this youtube thing i was just watching the person making it it is just before yom kippur just before yom kippur 6 35 in the evening when yom kippur is coming in at 7. so this person is walking and you just hear them walking and it's absolute silence because and they repent and they think about what they've done wrong and then that was the day that the high priest went into the holy of holies and then their sins would be pushed off for another year or god would decide that you didn't get written in the book of life so bless the lord it's the day they keep now this year i told mack i don't think i'll tell that it's really way too far out i'm far out anyway so there you go i don't know whether this means anything or not i don't know but this year everybody got quite shaken up because on yom kippur now there are thousands of people down at the wall praying at the dead sea one of the pools of water at the dead sea on yom kippur turned blood red and they don't know what caused it they don't know if it was algae or iron or whatever but it was at the spot where sodom and gomorrah supposedly were meodea who knows i don't know i'm not telling you that's what it meant but it's unusual it's a little unusual so uh now why do not i think uh that this was gonna be the rapture so turn with me to leviticus 25. now i want to read you a statement by baron that i thought was so good these feasts and moeds are not of man's origination but appointed and ordered by him who is infinite in knowledge and who knows the end from the beginning these rights and ceremonies must every one of them be regarded as predictions of those things they typified they were celebrated by successive generations for centuries before those things which answered to them appeared to human observation or could be known in any other way than by divine revelation their fulfillment also is equally certain the very order in which stand in the sacred calendar is significant as setting forth the order of sequence in which the various stages of god's redemption scheme were to unfold themselves in the courses of the ages the numerical bible calls this the calendar of prophecy and seven marks it seven is the divine measure of time there are there are seven of these moeds now when this is rosh hashanah it's the first month of the civil year but it's the seventh month of the sacred year there's something about this month that's the highest holy days of all another thing he did with seven was chapter 25 leviticus verse 8. and i think i'll start back here uh with verse 2. no better start with verse one because this is one of those things that comes from sinai and that's pretty high up the that that has lots and lots of that's it god on sinai said this and jehovah spoken to moses in mount sinai saying speak unto the children of israel and say unto them when you come into the land this is very important because we're going to talk about shmitah years and they are counted as they have to do with jews when they're in the land when you come into the land which i give you then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the lord six years shall you sow your field and six years shall you prune your vineyard and gather in the fruit thereof but in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land a sabbath for jehovah you shall neither sow nor thy field nor prune thy vineyard that which grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not reap neither gather the grapes of the vine undressed it is a year of rest to the land and the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you for you for your servant and on verse 8 you shall number seven sabbaths of years unto thee seven times seven years and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto you forty and nine years then shall you cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month that's yom kippur in the day of atonement shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land and you shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof it shall be a jubilee unto you and you shall return every man unto his own possession and every man unto his family a jubilee shall that fiftieth year be verse 12 it shall be holy bless the lord so he has divided the years into what's called weeks of years seven years one two three four five six seven just like there's seven days in a week there's seven years in a shemitah cycle in a sabbatical cycle seven years as i was studying and i hadn't really known this both the temples were destroyed at the end of a shmitah year both temples were destroyed at the end of a shemitah year now i want you to put up the shmitah cycles and i made this chart had this chart made quite a long time ago and so i don't know how close you can see it but uh oh dear yeah there we go they fixed it for me oh i'm given that i'm giving them a raise in that department hallelujah so you see down here in the bottom there is a shemitah week can you see that from where you're sitting and can you see that september 6th and 7th 2021 begins a shmitah year it begins the seventh year which is going to end on september 26 2022. just kind of look at that in a minute you and i are entering into the seventh year of a shmitah cycle so the lord said in 2019 rosh hashanah 2021 there's going to be a big change i submit to you that on rosh hashanah 2021 september 6 and 7 big changes occurred in this earth i know some of them some of them i can talk about some of them i can't but i when i started studying it and lenny started pestering me i call her lenny but you don't call her that it's i get to call her that you have to call her pastor lynn now no i don't know you could call her whatever love name i that anyway go on billy brim now she she started calling me right away send me that prophecy do you think that's the rapture and at first i didn't know if it was or wasn't but then i got to studying i don't believe we're going out at the beginning of a shmitah year because seven year cycles the tribulation the great tribulation which after we leave it will come into effect in the earth is a seven year cycle we will be in heaven for the seven year cycle of the married supper of the lamb so if i'm going to have a date that i pick and this is probably why i'll be my last time here people argue with you picking dates well i don't exactly pick dates i don't know which time it'll year be but i do believe it'll be at the end of a shemitah cycle and i think that we'll know it i think that things will have happened in the church there will be a glory in the church there's going to be things happening in the church and you can rest assured it is not going to shock you when suddenly you're caught up because you're going to have seen some things change change change change it's all about change hallelujah here we are [Applause] so great change is going to take place and we're going to be over here at the end it's either this time or if if we don't go out of here september 26 then 22 you're going to have to wait till 29 because it's going god doesn't change it it goes in cycles now about these shmitah cycles they only are counted when the jews are in the land so they were in the land and that's when the first metal cycles got started after joshua had divided up the land then they started the shemitah cycles now they were in babylonian captivity no shmitah cycles were counted but when ezra came back with those jews they started the shmitah cycles they don't have jubilee they haven't had jubilee since the temples was destroyed now think about it i thought that was interesting both temples were destroyed at the end of a shemitah year on tisha b'av at the end of a shemitah year so um bless the lord hallelujah what do i think is happening well i asked pastor max mac if i could tell some of the things and he said be all right now he doesn't know what they are he may change his mind uh [Music] you know the lord led us many years ago uh to buy this place in israel mgdoll and uh things are really going well now you'll get a partner letter in the mail real soon and uh so one thing we're supposed to do is have prayer so years ago julie cerrone said well we own the land already why don't we have the prayer on a phone call so we started having a phone call every wednesday morning at 8 00 and people call on there and pray with us how many of you are on that phone call and you pray with us so we praying along praying along and uh something happened on november 20th just after the elections on that phone call and uh it happened um well i'm going to have to tell you about max and quinn if you won't mind if you get the microphone is this microphone okay if max and quinn will come into the front i will get them to him to confess his terrible sin what he did quinn come on up is that is that one live okay when was that when was that when he did that terrible sin was that in this room or in another church no in this room it was here well 93 or 94. we're not sure exactly which year all right now uh max was born in jordan and uh brought up there and brought up to hate israel because after all they pushed his grandfather out and took his grandfather's land that's what he was told and um he was in the jordanian army if you don't mind to tell he was stationed if you've ever been to israel and you've been in that jordan rift valley that deep deep beautiful valley but it's the border between jordan and israel so he's in the jordanian army and he is an army person and tell what you would do so it was a mandatory two years under uh jordanian laws king hussein and um because of the hate for israel of the time my grandpa crossed the river and he sat in jordan valley anyway served on jordan river close to lake of galilee in the very far north and jordan and close to syria you could see the lake you could see golan heights whoever any of you guys familiar with the area but i was across the river and there is a jewish soldier just on the other side of the river and i have my m16 on my m60 and the jeep radios all the ammos the whole nine yards and i was waiting for the israeli soldier just to make a move meaning scratch his face or move his eye or kick a fly out of his forehead just to do something for him very much to take him out that's how much i hate israel and the jewish people but now well all right now let's see what shall we do oh we've got to get you married to quinn which she would never have married him if she had been my daughter never never never but quinn has always been a dedicated christian she met an arab man in college is that right quinn and he's max's brother and he became a christian and she married him and they had her daughter and he died suddenly i guess it was suddenly i i i yeah yeah yeah i've heard of the attack he wasn't arab emirate yeah he was working so uh quinn um i don't know how did this idea first come about did is the mother your friend how did that happen yes so briefly prior to his brother's death his brother had a dream and in that dream he told them that he was not taking proper care of our daughter and so that his youngest brother was taking over and then shortly after i learned that he had passed away i received his other brother who lived here in the united states knocked on the door and said i have something really strange to ask you my mother's wondering if you would marry my youngest brother to keep on in the family that's our daughter so now i'm gonna there's a long spiritual supernatural story uh her family had a wonderful christian friend that walked with god and knew god and that christian lady told quinn it's god now i would have doubted it myself so i don't know we we talked the other night i talked a lot about this what did he think of the idea you know but anyway long story short they got married and he comes to united states and quinn is praying for him 19 years and he's muslim and he hates israel he lives in the united states and what year was that quinn um i think it was 93 or 94. that's not i believe it's 94. 94. we talked about it all right i was the guest speaker here and quinn tells him a lady is going to speak on the middle east and begs him to come to church and so he does now she said the other night i feel like to hit you max for doing this but she was not allowed to say israel she had to always say palestine so she begs him to come they where were you sitting we were sitting like in that middle aisle somewhere there past the center in the far back so i get up and i'm speaking on how the land belongs to israel and max gets furious and what did you do this is his terrible sin that i'm having him confess right here because it's yom kippur well before that i have to say this is the first church i ever entered before my salvation as a muslim this is the first church i put my foot in but this is your first church you ever were in when she invited me before my salvation yeah when i was a muslim in the united states the living word christian center the first first i entered in and here you are and i believe something happened that god can get this i didn't know [Applause] so we were sitting there and what she told me this lady going to be talking about palestine to get me to come and she said she's really intelligent very smart and i want you to go and listen she want to get me to church somehow so i i did we of course we wrote together we live we lived in our first home here in north minneapolis the second uh sister really started talking she said israel and the land of israel the land of abraham and i looked at him like what is this she's talking about israel well yeah well she's of course she's not israel she doesn't know palestine so i got up and i told her you come with me or you walk home i'm taking the car and i stomped out of the church and i went home so that was his sin right here in this room so a very long story short um max um has a business and he gets trouble in his business and he plays prays to muhammad and he prays to allah and he gets no results but he asked quinn to pray so i asked quinn to pray i felt like i'm hitting the bottom of the bottom and you know when you when you really when you hit the ground what do you look for you look for god so i started praying for allah muhammad praying praying praying nothing happened then i went to queen and i said hey can you pray for me and she never expect me to say like pray but i asked her to pray for me she felt like there's something wrong with this guy today but she did she did pray after she prayed things go as well for a day two three i was in a car business and you know when you sell one or two or three cars it's a big deal and after that i don't ask her again but i pray it again because i'm not going to get in deep to the story but there's some other stuff going on in my business that i wasn't aware of but anyway i believe the lord wanted to save me and he is he did save me so next time i want to quen because when i pray nothing happened when she prayed things happen like what is going on really i mean delegate praying wash five times a day go to the mosque do this force my kids to go to the mosque you can't wear shirt you have to cover your hair you can't say the name of jesus of the house all these things all of it imagine your life that way with me and he was mean he was really mean yeah i was he was me i think i'm not mean anymore anyway she she said he had kind eyes and he wasn't totally mean but that was his religion but but god so i asked her a few times and then i believe the third or the fourth time she said well why don't you come and sit down let's pray together and to me was you know as a former muslim i'm sorry this is going to take a little longer but just to let you understand that the point here or the picture of it um muslims have the integrity of god just like as much as you have the integrity of jesus so it's not easy for them to have some christian at the time they pray for them they believe in jesus but they don't believe that he is the son of god or crucified on the cross they believe him as a prophet so what used to irritate me when she prayed two at the same time but god did his will he moved forward when she said in jesus name in jesus name i kind of like bite my lip oh i need that prayer i need to make sales you know i'm thinking in my in my head in the flesh whatever whatever she said that's fine so i start like sponging that little by little anyway so we pray together and then whenever i ask her for more prayers she never really hesitated then i found out later on after my salvation or prior to my salvation she have my name all over her bible a lot of scriptures a lot of words and and just all over she probably could share some of that but um one night i was praying in my business i wasn't going down on my knees like you see muslims praying no praying to allah you have to go on your knees you have to wash and go up and down but i was asking just the christian's prayer like we asked the lord okay that was my prayer my both hands crossed and my face down on my hands and i'm back in the back of the shop in my building and i was just praying for allah muhammad praying from the bottom of my heart 45 minutes later i heard the voice and he said son come to me i didn't say anything then he said son you need me come to me i got freaked out the the sound the sound and the voice wasn't like something you can't make make out of like a speaker or or any of it it was so strong it filled up the whole shop i sensed it just like a bubble squishing me i ran out of the building lift the lights on jumped in my car went home not a word to quinn because i know if i said oh i heard a voice and this is what he said to me son come to me you need me she'll say oh this is jesus come on let's go to church so i didn't say anything to quinn four weeks later she kept praying i kept praying the same voice came and he said son come to me i did the same thing i was praying in my shop in the back son come to me you need me and then he said muhammad my formal name is muhammad not muhammad as a nancy muhammad you need me come to me and i said who is this so i have the courage to say who was this i wasn't afraid as much as the first time and he said i am asa i am a messiah i am jesus which is jesus name in arabic and a yeshua son come to me you need me when he called me by my name that was really the key point there for me see god know how to deal with your heart you know how you think and he hit me right on that spot because allah will never call you by your name he will call you a slave if you hear the names with the abdi like abdul rahman abdul rahim the slave of me and i know i have some former muslims here joining us and and she know what i'm talking about now i said so probably some of you know her but that was the the touchdown for me and so then you went to church and then i went to church with my neighbor pastor mike keller you probably guys know he's in grand forks north dakota living word he's my neighbor whenever he wanna he walk his dog out and a couple doors down from us whenever i see him coming walking the dog i run inside the house because he want to talk to me about jesus i know pastor mike i know what you want to do he was very nice to me i was nice to him but you know like you know you go to church and just leave me alone one day actually i got caught on the sidewalk and that the front door was closed the garage door was open i have the opportunity to run through the garage door and i have a back door for the garage i ran to the backyard but he caught me on the way back i haven't got on my truck yet he said i know what are you doing i know what are you doing well god will get you someday and he did anyway so you went to church and what happened in the church i went to church on thursday night that was september i'm sorry wednesday november 12 2011 january thank you i was thinking of the year january 12 2011. i went to church and i was you know pastor mike keller's church is smaller than this so there's an aisle just like this gentleman here with the blue shirt and i was sitting there and pastor mike standing here and i felt force behind my shoulders i don't want to go to the altar i know i don't want to go in my heart and my mind like even after the lord spoke to me a few times i was wrestling with it i'm trying to observe it like did this just happen to me is this real but it was so i sat there and pastor mike just looked me in the eye and he said anybody needs prayer then he shift his face to the other side i put my head down a power between my shoulders sitting down pick me up moved me to the aisle and pushed me forward you know how people walk like in north dakota especially with the wind and sometimes you know northern minnesota they walk in when they go this way because they're facing the wind for me it was the opposite it was a push behind my shoulders and my feet is ahead of my body because i'm fighting back i fought it back and i didn't know what it is but i noticed something powerful is just pushing me there until i stopped or stopped before pastor mike and he looked me in the eye and he said mohammed you i love you so much and god loves you so much i could pray for you all day long all night long a matter of fact i have been praying for you but would you accept jesus christ as your savior tonight and i nodded my head and i said yes and he prayed for me i repeated the prayer of the salvation after him and things kind of different just right away right there right then i felt different i felt like i'm flying i felt like i'm free i feel the weight is gone i cannot describe it but i felt now born again put it that way my eyes are open if i tell you the food tastes different next day i'm not exaggerating really i just felt my my within my being is different so he had been um so grouchy that the dog didn't like him and uh he had his oldest daughter was it anna no it's not anna it's marion the second oldest okay she wanted a dog and muslims they don't like dogs no they think that they can do something to you with their just so far away whatever and so he didn't like it but he wanted to please her and she already not happy the way he is so hard on them so he gives her a dog a little shih tzu and it hates him and what would what would the dog do the dog um what he does well first of all muslims believe the dog is going to take their prayer wash away or something dirty very much like they stink their their breath could affect you 50 feet away so if you're in maple grove or any neighborhood like you walk in your dog and you see somebody if they if they cross the street to the other side so you know why or if you have a dog and you bring food to them and if they don't eat it you know why because you have an animal maybe i went too far with this but what would the dog do it's true so the dog we live in a split level home if i am downstairs the dog is upstairs if i'm upstairs the dogs downstairs he sends my vehicle in the driveway and and when he sends me coming home he just run one day i actually faced him in the hallway in the corridor of the house and the dog got confused like what should i do now go forward or turn around he actually did turn around and he floored it all the way to our bedroom and ran to the bathroom so the night that he he became born again comes home and what does the dog do the night i came home i said i was just i just want to sit down um i sat on my on my chair and put my feet up in my recliner and the dog for the first time after how many years two years two years is good enough running away from me um he came and he sat by my feet not just on the floor no he jumped on the chair and he sat by my feet and quinn had asked him did you get saved and he told him he had she didn't believe it until she saw the dog quinn said now i believe that you you accept jesus in your heart when she saw the dog came and sat by my feet yeah hallelujah i'm telling you and animals animals really sense they know so he uh then he starts having visions and uh someone tells them you need to have your visions tested checked judged judged and he went to a pastor and most of his visions are about um the middle east they're about middle east middle eastern things and about political things and the pastor said i don't know anything about those middle eastern things i don't know how to judge your visions but there's a woman who does down in missouri and her name is billy brim so he has got to go back to the woman that he that he stomped out on and we were having a special night with doo doo fisher and we'd rented a a theater and larry austin was there and they came in and he asked me and i said i'll pray about it so i prayed about it and lord told me to do it now he couldn't have gone to anybody better and i'm not bragging on me but i was brought up under kenneth e hagin whose ministry is marked by visions and i know about them and i know and brother hagin told me one time he said i don't tell people what the devil tells me and shows me i tell them what god tells me so one time my daughter brenda who her mother has lots of experiences and one time the devil took her out of her body when she was about i don't know sophomore in high school took her around the top of the room promised her she saw cities i'll give you all this if you'll worship me she knew it wasn't right but i went to brother hagin i said brother hagin he said she's keen to the spirit and some people are you tell her don't stop these experiences they can come from the kingdom of darkness they can come from the kingdom of light but judge them and here's how you judge them and so he taught me he said tell her don't don't cut it off you can cut it off if you want to and not have any spiritual spiritual experiences but he said the devil's going to try when he sees children particularly who are keen in the spirit he'll make pictures move on the wall he'll do all kinds of things to get them to be his medium so brother hagin taught me what to do with brenda and myself and all of us and one of my granddaughters said you have a lot of these things and she said do you ever think we're kind of an unusual family you know but anyway uh i know how to do it he couldn't have come to anybody better because of my training and so i taught them right away first of all it says that in the spirit the evil spirits cannot say jesus christ come in the flesh so when the spirit is manifesting then you judge it and so then i taught him that and then i taught him of the bible the bible it has to line up with the bible brother hagin would say you look like jesus you sound like jesus but i want at least two scriptures that confirm what you're saying to me and so he he began judging his visions and we would talk about them it was amazing things that would happen and well so we got this prayer that we have every wednesday morning so he after the elections in november he's listening and suddenly he hears me speak in arabic we're praying in tongues we're praying in the spirit because to tell you the truth that's the best way to pray you don't know how to get everything solved so the best way is offer up and ask god to help you with your utterance and you pray in the holy ghost so that's what we're doing and he's hearing me in arabic and he asked me about it and uh one day brother hagin just walked in my office and he just said you know it doesn't say in acts chapter 2 that they spoke in all those languages it says those people from all around the world heard them speak in all their languages and then it names where they were from europe africa and the last one it names is arabia and he said they heard them speak so he's telling me this so then the lord we pray about it and the lord speaks to him and the lord says to him this oh i wrote it down well it's not in my book the lord said to you do you have your book no i don't have my book with me if that's all right we could just tell him what he said he said he said it's an assignment pay attention pay attention to the words it's an assignment you will hear miss billy or you'll hear billy brim in arabic and you will write him in english this is an assignment pay attention this is an assignment this is an assignment yeah this is an assignment pay attention so we don't know how long this assignment is so we pray to him probably more and here's what the lord says to me pray 15 minutes in tongues yeah and then max he's writing just as fast as he can go isn't that right he's writing as fast as he can go he cannot in the natural interpret no english he cannot interpret arabic in the english fast fashion my spirit isn't the best if you see he writes it as fast as he can he just writes it as fast as he can and then we stop and the lord he reads me what he's got written down and all of the people we had 1588 on the last call he tells us he gives us the phrase and then the lord gives us scriptures just a scripture doesn't tell us what the scripture says then i look up on my computer the scripture later on and it'll be exactly what the lord said some obscure scripture that i never knew was and it'll have the very words like i am going to cut off the wicked then some obscure scripture i am going to cut off the wicked and we're hearing a lot about judgment yeah we're hearing a lot about the wicked being judged we're hearing a lot about many things we have some very unusual things now here if you'll bring two chairs up here i ask for these bless the lord um hallelujah give me my okay one thing one thing that happened one day max is just reading back and he says i don't know this word and he spells it k-h-o-r-a-s-a-n we don't know what this word is so after it's over with i google it you know and find out that it's an ancient name for afghanistan and the lord says quran afghan say so i look it up i find out it's an ancient name it was an area a geographical area marked out hundreds thousands of years ago and it's an area called coruscant and uh then i found out that isis has three years ago named that as their uh headquarters so they call themselves now chorus on isis so we look it up we get it in the prayer joseph harris texts me the following sunday that happened on a wednesday joseph harris a pastor lynn's going to go and do a meeting with joseph harris just in days he calls me and he says billy i am out to eat with an elder in my church who is with the department of defense and he said on wednesday when that word coruscant came my wife called me and said what do you know about this he said at the very moment we checked the time at the time you got the word chorus on i was in a briefing at the department of defense where they were telling us about coruscant isis at that moment now i i'm going to have to i guess move this because we want people to see so to move this out of the way but when we start praying after the lord told us this is an assignment we didn't get bible verses right away no when we first started uh november 20th yeah he just gave us statements he didn't give us bible verses right away not until april almost i need this still up here you can put those things down there but i'm take these take this off all this off there you go there you go yeah no i want you to move the chairs up aren't the chairs too far back put them up front okay now then i'll i'll sit right here and i'll have this in front of me yeah just a little a little well yeah no kidding uh the brother hagin used to to to to demonstrate things so if you this this will be all right i'll just no i don't want that i don't need that nope so um what you got a word all right here we go all right so this is how we do you remember at the beginning billy said uh we're going to talk tonight like lynn and i talk so this is how we do so i have a word now the lord is speaking to me saying that during certain times in the future i will put a certain emphasis on certain gifts of the spirit at this particular time he is putting great emphasis on tongues and interpretation absolutely specifically interpretation so what he is i hear the lord saying to me right now is that we are to open our eyes and to listen and ask the lord for interpretation that in the days ahead it will be very important that we interpret our prayers yes and he told us in the word to ask for interpretation he did all right so he is emphasizing this gift right now in a demonstration of how it looks how it acts how it functions and how it manifests all right praise the lord now he said to ask for it we're supposed to be asking things i wanted to know and larry allison wanted to know dr larry allison contacted me and he said billy i really feel you're supposed to come down to my church and we're supposed to ask the lord what he meant by that when he said two years ago something big is going to happen so uh the first we couldn't arrange it i couldn't get it arranged with my schedule but until after rosh hashanah which was the sixth and seventh and eighth you want to know why it's the eighth i'm going to just throw this in extra because they call it the day that no one knows if you want to use your noodle a little bit you can figure out something here it's called the day that no one knows because back in the day when moses had to go out and look and the high priest had to go out and look and see when the new moon came you
Channel: M B
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Rating: 4.9783783 out of 5
Id: VaC2Eiok91Y
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Length: 75min 11sec (4511 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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