Embracing Change: I Will Go | Health Emphasis Day | CJC Online Church | September 11, 2021 | 9:15 AM

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy servers happy sabbath everyone happy sabbath sister lisette happy sabbath sister jennifer oh i can feel a warmth in here this morning and i know it is the presence of the holy spirit and i am hoping that wherever our viewers are this morning they are feeling the holy spirit as well today we are celebrating health emphasis day under the theme embracing change i will go welcome to all those who are viewing on watch cjclive.com the cjc's facebook page youtube channel and bless tv amen i feel welcome amen amen for all of us who are here face to face yes welcome to you amen happy sabbath yes i'm so delighted to be welcoming brother wilbur johnson yes yes he is our sign language interpreter and i hasten to welcome the entire deaf community amen amen to all persons with disability glad so glad to have you sharing with us in worship and in fellowship amen let us pray shall we yes there is a place of quiet rest and it is near to your heart dear lord yes it's a place where sin cannot molest and it is near to your heart amen draw a snare draw us close to you make us healthy and happy as we celebrate in your presence today in jesus name amen amen i know it is becoming a recurring theme for me to say i'm excited but i can't tell you it is sabbath it is sabbath and we are excited and at this time the dover praise team will lead us in praise and worship amen amen to god be the glory great things he hath done this morning as we gather to give god praise we invite you to join us as we blend our voices together with the hope that as the praises go up the blessings will come down pouring turn your hymnals with us as we sing this wonderful song to god piece of glory number three for one to god be the glory great things he has done [Music] that is [Music] praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice o come to the father to jesus [Music] all perfect redemption [Music] offender who truly [Music] praise the lord praise the lord let the earth [Music] great things he has taught [Music] rejoicing through jesus [Music] praise the lord praise the lord let the earth in his voice praise the lord praise the lord [Music] through jesus [Music] our next song is all day of rest and gladness or day of joy and life and we can all attest to the fact that indeed the sabbath is a delight let's sing this wonderful song together [Music] gladness [Music] [Music] who can be [Music] r [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah glory to god we have heard a joyful song jesus saves jesus saves because as he saves we know that we can always rely on him we can always lean on him because indeed he is our rock number five to eight [Music] is [Music] our shelter is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] foreign [Music] the shelter is [Music] a shelter [Music] is changed [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] a shelter in the time of storm happy sabbath everyone thank you for joining us on the various platforms on this our health emphasis day did you know that god never leaves us according to hebrews 13 verse 5 and verse 6 goes on to say the lord is my helper i will not fare what can man do to me i want you to close your eyes yes go ahead no take a deep breath that feels so good right now lamentation 3 verse 23 says his mercies are new every morning every morning his mercies are new imagine how wonderful it is the lord can give us new mercies every day type thank you jesus in the chat today we will be focusing on embracing a health embracing change i will go in particularly we'll be focusing on the impacts on mental health brothers and sisters this is a call to action and a timely one i must say it was benjamin disraeli who said change is inevitable change is constant change can happen to our personal lives change can happen to our financial situation change can happen in our environment and yes change can happen in our health situation since change is a natural part of our existence it begs the question how do we respond nothing takes god by surprise do you believe that brethren nothing takes god by surprise yes let us think about elijah imagine after that powerful redemption or service on mon carmen to find out that jezebel is going to kill him he ran for his life and soon enough as we know depression set in and we know how the story ended god came through for him he fed him with the birds of the hair and of course he allowed him to be in deep sleep brethren god can come through for us even today sometimes we have to stop running to truly embrace the change to go forward at this time we will be blessed with a special song [Music] it's my desire to live for jesus [Music] it's my desire to [Music] live [Music] [Music] much it's my desire to live it's my desire to help someone today someone who may have failed to seize away foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] today [Music] it's my desire to live [Music] if you can see where jesus brought me from to where i am today [Music] [Music] is [Music] what do you see tell me type it in the chat what do you see for those of us those of you who are just joining us today we are focusing on the team embracing a change i will go yesterday was celebrated as world suicide day and i believe we should view life as we view life as we view living or view living as we view life and of course change is the same no living things grow growing things change and there is no growth without change so we must embrace change to go forward if you don't believe me i encourage you this morning to change the view change or respond to change based on your perspective here is an amazing story of hope autumn norman cousins is known for what is called the biology of hope he has an amazing story of hope he remembered two doctors dr williams and doctor who are two oncologists rather and they were one morning sitting in their breakfast room preparing for a very important meeting as they were there dr bill said why unhurt i'm wondering so bitterly do you have a 74 increase rate or response rate with your patient and i have only 24 we do the same criteria we give them the same schedule and of course i don't know what is happening why do we have a different response rates from the patient the medications that they use are etapocide platinol oncovin and hydroxyurea well dr william responded i give my patient hope you give them epo just tell them that what you're giving them will give them hope it's a fighting chance for them and i believe that is truly what changes the respawn rate the other doctor could not believe it cancer may rubbish our bodies yes but it cannot rubbish our souls we must remember that in all that we have that is happening around us jesus is our hope and once jesus is our hope we have nothing to worry now let us think about our apostle paul you remember when he was out and they were bringing him to prison and there was this storm and they would call that big win of course a yoko clyde on but guess what today we would call it kovit 19 because they did not know that there would be any hope but guess what these are the three things that he said according to acts 27 verse 23 to 5 do not be afraid do not get discouraged be hopeful keep a positive attitude but most of all know that there is no losses that god will not be with you well what a promise that can be the future i believe for us to embrace change lies in the lyrics of this song what we may not know may not hurt us sometimes we just worry so much but there's this song that we sing so much and if i could sing i would sing it with you this morning but i'm gonna say the lyrics we have this hope that burns within our heart hope in the coming of the lord brethren jesus is our hope i want you to type hope in the chat this morning type hope in the chat because jesus is our hope and at this time i want us to know that we're going to be going into our lesson review and this will bring us a lot of hope this will start with the children review and then the other lesson review will be done by pastor kemar douglas see you soon [Music] this water is so refreshing it brings me to this week's lesson lesson 11 but the water in the story wasn't so refreshing the topic is bitter water to better water memory verse you would leave them to springs of living water revelation 7 17. the message we thank god for giving us water the israelites moses had led the israelites of egypt into the desert desert but they were but they grew thirsty they saw a lake upper hen and they grew excited so they ran to italy but moses knew that the water there wasn't so refreshing so when they drank the the water wasn't refreshing so they started to complain to moses but moses knew that god had linked to left them so he prayed to god and god told him to throw a piece of food into the water so that's what moses did and when and then when the people drunk again the water wasn't so bitter the animals drank the grown-ups drunk the children drank boys and girls boys and girls sometimes we may have some bitter moments in our lives but when we ask jesus to help us we can make them better happy sabbath everyone the topic of this week lesson is god leads away the message thanks to god we will live with him and worship him for forever we met the memory verse if i go and prepare a place for you i will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where i am and it is taken from john 14 verse 3. in the week's lesson god tell moses that he may not go into the promised land because he broke faith and struck the rock moses introduced the children of israel to their new leader joshua please call the people together to remind them to obey god and repeat god commandments to their children he heed them climbs mounts neighbor from to from neighbor god shows moses the promised land before he dies there was another never another prophet in israel like moses god had a plan for him and he had has a plan for us thanks to god we will live with him and worship him forever lesson 11 brave hearts the paw point says jonathan said to his young armor bearer come let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men perhaps the lord will act in our behalf nothing can hinder the lord from saving whether by many or by few this power text says we praise god who calls us to make a difference for others the lesson was about was about jonathan the king of the israelites son who were battling against the philistines the men in this pitiful little band were armed with slings and bows and arrows no one but the king and his son had swords and spares jonathan told his armor bearer that they would go up to the outpost of those uncircumcised men the next morning they made their way past the guards as they came to the base of the stony cliff jonathan had an idea that they cross over towards them to let them see us the plan worked and they took a secret and difficult path um up the cliff face as there was a lot of yelling and sword wielding the earth started to shake and the philistines ran north south east and west as the saul heard all the yelling the rest of the men and himself went to chase away the already confused men and even some of the hebrew men came out as they smell victory the moral of the story is that god can do great things through you if you want to trust him if you trust him have a faith in him and honor him in everything that you do have a happy sabbath happy sabbath everyone my name is yonder jack and i am from the waterford seventh adventist church and i will be reviewing the early teens lesson this week our lesson this week which is entitled god's witnesses focused specifically on paul the apostle many of us know the story of paul very well saul was a pharisee born and bred he was also a known persecutor of the christians one day while traveling to damascus saul met jesus and let's just say his life was never the same since but the focal point of this week's lesson is not so much paul but that through his life we can see that god uses every and anyone to be a witness for him [Music] unless he moves on to emphasize the fact that god gives us different gifts and talents all of which should only be used for his divine purpose one may raise a statement that it is hard to witness regarding these challenging times well in matthew 28 19 and 20 for memory text say with me go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you and no i am with you always even to the end of the age amen [Music] happy is said everyone and welcome to cjc online church indeed this is time for the adult lesson study and we're very happy that you could join and be a part of this wonderful experience as we look at the topic longing for more before we begin we will invite elder noel mcfarlane to pray let's let's pray loving father we thank you for the privilege of being enlisted in this war of fear as we come we ask that you may be with us may all that shall listen our words be blessed we pray for christ's sake amen and amen what does it mean to be longing for more what is the focus of the week's lesson that we are now reviewing what are the things that we desire as human beings and how does it fit into the health message of the seventh day adventist church well we start off with our memory text that says now these things took place as examples for us that we might not desire evil as they did first corinthians 10 and verse 6. now what does it mean to not desire the things and the examples and the evil that was set before us who set an example for us and why should be careful not to fall into that temptation elder mcfarlane who was paul referring to when he says we must be careful about the examples that they set i like i like all the texts the bible refers to to us how treats the human being um it will referring to the israel of those days and also to us today say look god has always given us examples and you know let us not let us look at them carefully so that we do not fall as others have fallen you know jesus throughout his ministry use stupid types even his parables and that tells me that the bible is is written by one consistent person you know types so that we can understand everything and it's a concert to us today that look here it is look this is it this is where we're going you walk according to the great amen indeed paul actually outlined in the book first corinthians 10 the examples that were set both good and bad and we want to focus on the example to see that we don't make the same mistakes that have been made in the past we need to learn from the israelites and what they have done and make sure that we don't fall into the same traps as the past let's look at the good examples and how do they fit into the new start program if you turn your bibles to first corinthians chapter 10 and look at verses one to four you will find the good examples um verse one and two speaks about the fact that they were baptized oh they walk through the cloud and they pass under through the sea and they got through that's the good example of being baptized and then verses three and four speaks to the fact that they drank from the same spiritual drink and they head from the same spiritual meat and they also drank from the spiritual rock which is jesus christ which shows reliance upon god so that's the example of this the good example is to be baptized and to follow jesus how does this ella my father fit into the new start program of the adventist church as adventists we have all once we take the message we have all been baptized and we have been given a way to live live everything we do by faith um we have given the new start program which tells us how to live unheard here and this is basically to strengthen our immune system to make our minds clear so that we can understand the will of god and his and his word so that we can trust it the whole aim is to be able to trust god trust god that even when we we we do all that is said we can rely on god that says look where i can't go for it for you'll take us over the hill it'll take us true when even though we're cool with our own we should not be worried we should trust god that look i have followed his precepts i have done what he has said and you strengthen me and if there's something stronger than my body god will take care do all that is necessary you know and also have our vaccine but make certain we are following god's in instruction especially in the new start because that is to strengthen our immune system and to prepare us to go to the last great trial to go into that final risk the trials that are facing us now are nothing we are just like in the in the piece of stage of peace we are we're gonna move with the footmen then the horsemen then the swelling of jordan so when this covert is there there's much more to come much more and god has been preparing our body to the new start program everything about the new start program is to make us strong make our immune system strong to go through this last days that you say though i walk to the valley of shadow of death i'll fear no evil that's trusting god say look god will pay me to have done all that can be done but trust god that you take us over the great great amen indeed if we believe in god if we trust in him if we are born again then we should have that new start we should have that adequate nutrition we should have adequate exercise we should drink plenty of water indeed we should get inadequate sunlight we should have 10 percent all that is good now nice clean fresh air get some adequate rest i'm gonna discuss that later and of course trust in god we don't need to panic and have fear in anything we need to trust in god that he will carry us through yes god has laid a way for us a path for us that we must be obedient to and then once we have trust in him and we have followed what he says we must do then if anything has happened then god be praised he will carry us through so what are the evil examples that israel set for us well if you read from verses 5 to 11 that is first corinthians 10 verses 5 to 11 it's a quick summary because we don't have a lot of time for this lesson number one they lusted after evil number two they had idols number three they committed sexual sins number four they tempted god and number five they complained and murmur you cannot follow the example of israel by tempting god and complaining and when i think about tempting god i think about the story of christ in the that when he was beginning his work in the wilderness and the devil came to him uh ella my father what was the temptation that the devil presented to christ that seemed like he was trying to tempt god all right what has happened here did everything sim tim also attempts god in a new look cast yourself down he has given he has made a promise look his angel will take charge over you and once you do that he'll prevent you from damage death and damage the same thing is given to us today we have been given their message but many persons just say i have faith i don't even have to do holiday message you know god will protect me but he has given us something to do he don't doesn't want us to be presumptuous we know that covet is there we just don't go there on on not doing what you ought to be ought to have done and thus you are being presumptuous saying that god will protect me you know but god has given us principles and has given us give man added knowledge and how to to strengthen our do things to help us train our immune system and thus we are to do them and trust that god will carry us us through once we follow his precepts and just don't go there and you know elder directly distorted israel the lord spoke to them about serpents and that they shall be able to trample on serpents and some person decided to tame god by literally having instincts all around and trampled on them to say that nothing will happen but when the snakes bit them then they recognize that that's not the way it is that's not the way it's supposed to be and of course most have to lift up that bronze serpent for them to look to the serpent or to be healed persons cannot say at this time hey listen god's going to protect me i'm going to have faith in god so i'm going to run out all around cover this everywhere and just behave as if it's not here it's a figment of an imagination and despite that god will then say hey i'm going to heal you i'm going to protect you from kobe it does not work that way we need to do all in our power that god has laid down to protect ourselves you know we're the man sanitized if you are into the vaccine of course take it make sure that you do all in your power to serve the lord and to do what is right and pleasing inside and then once we have done what god has laid down of course he will then protect us but if it should come upon us and we should die it doesn't mean that we didn't trust in god i mean that that was god's will at that time for us to lay down the burdens of this life so we can await a better life to come all right because many will be put to sleep as we approach the swelling of the jordan many will be just put to sleep just rest god will yellow some of us the past but do what we need to do and god will carry us into the final rest a big part of the new start is rest as you just mentioned a while ago rest what is this rest that we find in the new star program and the rest that we found even as we started this week's lesson you know rest is so important you know i am almost 64 64 now and the other day i find my pressure was about to go out of work and i had to analyze what's happening and i find i wasn't getting sufficient rest and by just reversing my wrist adding some magnesium everything went right back to normal you know rest is important in this life and we are looking for the ultimate rest where but this has to come with accept god's word in faith you don't understand it and we'll never understand many of god's word but we accept it although it looked contrary to science but i tell you everything that god says is scientifically proven and no melinda does quite the number of this they look at someone's sister-wide statement and do a research on it and then they find that their knowledge is way above the world you know things are said we accept it in faith and follow it and and look for the promised race because though we are going through difficulties here god promised to take us finally home where we can enjoy that race and this about is a example of that my health was not not very good sometime before i started the church and when i started church because i was a workaholic i find that having that risk regenerate my body and added knowledge you know brought back my body this is is a little shadow of what the tourists will be in the future amen in fact hebrews chapter 4 makes it very clear that there remained a rest for the people of god the sabbath is critical to you know you have a hustle and bustle and a very tiresome week and when you get to the sabbath the staff is supposed to be that little oasis in the week where you can rest and relax and not think about the bills and the cares and the worries but focus on jesus and his love and his grace and of course a sabbath should be a delight it should be a time of happiness and joy and rejuvenation because when the sabbath is finished we shall feel so relaxed and so energized that we can start once again the sabbath is a beautiful thing and therefore they remain it a rest for the people of god in fact paul says in hebrews chapter 4 if god didn't have that wouldn't he not have spoken of another day so therefore rest is important the sabbath rest is important but there's also the spiritual rest that we need to look forward to and of course rest in canaan no not the king of israel but the kingdom that god has appeared for us elder why didn't the israelites enter into canaan what was the problem what did they enter into the canaan rest wow it's a unbelief you know not having faith in god when i look back at what god did for them walking through the red sea you know and all this moving out of egypt with power and you know god giving them special food and their rebels they give us back what we wanted in what they had in egypt wow god must really feel it and sorrow are we doing the same thing today god has given us many things god has given us the message or are we treating we right now we should be in a resting stage that people are wondering how these persons are taking it so calm to covet what are something is about them what are they looking for and investigate and and find out no god we have a chance like olin is a result was given that a probability to show the world to say we are different we are serving a true and living god and we are going home soon but to a large extent we are failing but it's not too late let us take god's word in in in faith hold on to it you know even though we can't understand it look for that wrist and you'll give us peace in our mind and final rest in future can we actually have unbelief and actually be keeping the new start and the health message can we actually have unbelief and still keep the sabbath holy sure sure we can have unbelief keep the sabbath even keep new start the ultimate is knowing that god shed his blood we are in a big warfare and we must trust christ that you know he will carry us true we you know we we have to believe him if he says jump over that wall we have to know his word we are prepared to jump although we can't understand what is going to happen you know you know i've seen god leading in these last days that you know i have to say lord i will trust you more and that's what happened with abraham you know he was a see god's leading when you go to difficulty don't say why me why me lord this is the lord give me the strength to enjoy you go through continually praying and ask asking god's strength but we need to indeed in everything we must give god thanks in everything the good and the bad give god thanks and miss the pandemic give god thanks kobe does come give god thanks there are so many things that we can praise god for we don't need to turn around and start to murmur and complain and become this then become bitter because that would not help us and the fact remains that hebrews 4 3 does declare that for which we have believed do enter interest as he said as sword in my wrath he says i enter into my rest also that works for a finish from the foundation of the world sometimes we can disobey god and still keep his sabbath israel of all kept the sabbath but they did not make it to the light it wasn't a joy to them they made it so ardeous and so burdensome that person couldn't enjoy the sabbath even though they kept the day holy and hollowed you see the thing about sabbath and even the new star program is to accept the fact that jesus christ is lord and we must have a relationship with him we must know him for ourselves trust in him believe in him have that bone i can experience and from that experience we can then do as he has commanded we can truly enter into the rest of the sabbath and of course enter into the new jerusalem rest that he has prepared for us because how many were lost during the time of israel because they had unbelief and elder let's explain to those who are watching how many were lost because of unbelief they began to entertain the canaan land the wool generation that left egypt were lost because they had to wander 40 more years into the wilderness until a new generation took over you know god had promised promised us rest and today we are approaching the new canyon are we about to fall like israel of this let us trust god trust god allow him to to to work out his willing on us let us be a spectacle to the world you know and don't worry as everyone is worrying and lo know that we are entering the tours in the in a little while indeed elder i do agree we need to recognize where we are the time that we have come to live and make sure that we don't end up not entering the canaan rest you know god ellen white says that god would have come already if only the people of god did the work that is supposed to have done and therefore he's just tiring not because he doesn't want to come but he is waiting for us to do the work and the mission that he's commissioned us to do you see we are wandering around in the time of the end because of our own fault of not doing the gospel commission and proclaim the three angels message the way we should with the power and authority indeed i find it very strange that among us as seven-day adventists that we even have the mark of the beast mixed up in our minds and we're now following the world um call it the vaccine the mark of the beast or cold weather is the mark of the beast or any other of these things those of us who are adventists should know better that at the end of time what is truly important is worship it's not some technology that would change our genes or anything that will make us um become zombies in the time of the end it is actually about worship that's what we preach and teach all the time as seven aventis who do you worship do you worship god or do you worship the beast and his image and receive his mark so as we wrap up there's a question under chooser's lesson the very last question i think is very important as we close how can an understanding of what it means to be saved by the blood of jesus help us to enter into the kind of rest that we can have in jesus knowing that we are saved by grace and not by works you see um the initial warfare was a spiritual one this belief in what god says caused adam to fall and as a result it affected his physical physical body as well that will continue to the end of these and will be be intensified as we get to the close of time having a trust in jesus we'll realize we'll realize that jesus has shed his blood for us and nothing we can do in fact blood was shed from the very beginning that sin entered in his middle jesus came again shed his blood and this blood will carry us to the end nothing we can do will give us victory to enter into that rest unless we trust god trust that jesus has done it all that even when we we fall down at times we will fall down because of big warfare we're in we get up and say lord your grace is sufficient i am willing to go again give me strength so even though we are running this race and we the developers don't eat us down sometimes we don't give up trust god that his grace is sufficient to cover us keep moving and you will get victory in the long run amen and amen so in this last few moments i just want to encourage you you're watching that the blood of christ is what saves us because we are saved by grace not of works lest anyone should boast it is by christ's blood that we have been redeemed christ's blood is actually an example a type because the original typos was that of the sanctuary message when they used to kill lambs the sin offerings and burn it on the altar a lot of blood was built in the old testament to show the effect of sin and how sin needs a redeemer a savior god himself had to come here on earth to redeem you and to redeem me indeed that sanctuary message is still applicable today we need the blood of jesus yes we can be very good people atheists are very good people but if you don't believe on the name of jesus we cannot be saved because only by his blood which will slay for the foundation of the world can we ever be redeemed and sanctified i encourage you if you have not yet accepted jesus as your lord and personal savior do so today before it's too late let us pray our heavenly father we thank you for your love your grace and your mercy we thank you that you have put in the bible examples good examples and bad examples so we may know all we ought to order our steps may we be a covered under your blood may we accept your sacrifice may we accept your grace and maybe live our lives in accordance with your principles and apply the help message to all that we do we pray in jesus name amen and amen god bless you have a wonderful sabbath [Music] so [Music] indeed the lessons we studied this week were powerful and you can agree with me if you are tuning in that they truly are embracing change and equipping us to go god knew we would be going through these changing times and since we know we are going through this change this time our god has equipped us if we look back at the lessons we will see that even from the days of israel when they were going through the wilderness and all they went through all the changes up until today god has been with us god will never leave his people let us look at our own selves today over just a little over a year last since last 20 20. let me say that it's just been a little over a year since we started this pandemic and we have been through so many changes do we embrace them that's a question we need to ask and in timing with the lessons i'm going to leave you with six five rather five tips on how we can embrace change to ensure that as we go on god's errands we are ready to go with him with good mental health number one embracing change by focusing on mission yes our weight is not an idle weight god jesus has gone to prepare a place for us and he's coming back for a prepared person this is the time for us to venture into new ways of doing the mission let us think about this next embracing change with positivity it is said that 10 of or we accept change is how we actually not just what happened you know but guess what 90 the other 90 percent guess what it's actually how we respond so if 90 of our success in embracing changes how we respond to change let us think on being positive every day despite the changes we are going through thirdly embrace change with great gratefulness there's so much things to be grateful for every day and as we talk we talk about gratefulness and be the attitude of gratitude we must ensure that we look for new things every day to be grateful for are you grateful today type three things in the chat that you're grateful for because i'm sure we have a lot to be grateful for and number four recognize and expressing our feelings these are truly changing times and for us to embrace change we must recognize what is happening around us we cannot say that we are okay all the time sometimes we may need to talk to a friend we may need to talk to a health care professional but most of all let us remember to always talk to jesus he is in tune with our infirmities he knows our weakness don't be afraid to express yourself today and it's okay guess what mental health is real finally number tip number five rather embracing change by forgiving yes someone may have wronged you and you also may have wronged someone but the healing cannot take place if we refuse to let go of our past for god to bless us we have to let go of our past forgive today spend all the time you can with your family members and your friends life is short and we see this now more than ever we are not promised tomorrow and finally as i close i want you to think about this our god is a god of new beginnings he will give us a new name a new life so as we look forward to the hope of a new heaven and a new hurt let us ensure that we let jesus remain our hope in these changing times he wants to be there with us and he wants to give us a new life today he wants to do something new in our lives he want to do something new for you today want to do something new for me embracing change i will go will you and as we close off sabbath school this morning we will be blessed with a special musical item continue to embrace change and ensure that as you go you take good care of your mental health goodbye for now [Music] here i am again lord asking for more fill me up completely with the anointing oil not only my hair but every part of me i [Music] a muted to thee anoint me lord this day as i go along my way let my life send forth the glow let the oil around [Music] amen [Music] broken hearts and lies [Music] just with one touch [Music] dear lord from you [Music] [Music] to every wounded soul let it let it overflow anoint me lord this day as i go along my way let my life stand for the glow let the oil around be flown anoint me lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this day [Music] let the oil around [Music] me [Music] lord [Music] i'm [Music] so the kovid 19 pandemic has been on our shores for the past year and since then life as we know it has never been the same nevertheless the central jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists is not daunted we are committed to the holistic development of not just our members but the community citizens we serve as a result we are leveraging human resource and assets not just for the glory of god but to be of meaningful benefit to the communities we serve one way we do that is through the ministry of care and compassion jesus ministered to the health needs of the people during his time and in following his example today we take you on a journey to our premier health institution [Music] is [Music] welcome to the hs walters health center [Music] located just across from the syndram sda church on old harbour road saint catherine is the h.s walters health center owned and operated by the central jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists for approximately 30 years the health center has been serving the sitting ham and surrounding communities over the last six years the facility has not only expanded its physical structure but also its offerings to its clients essentially the h.s walters health center is here to provide quality health care here you will find a warm atmosphere and smiling faces as we take care of your whole being an experienced team of doctors nurses counseling psychologists physiotherapists dentists and support staff are here to fast track you on to being a healthier you some of the services offered at this facility includes general medical antenatal and postnatal care dental services such as cleaning filling and extractions family planning wound care pap smears child welfare clinic where your babies are immunized every wednesdays and thursdays and our dynamic eye clinic where eyes are screened for free and you pay a small cost of only two thousand dollars to get your eyes tested um today i got my eyes tested after one year of um given being given this classes and this first was really good it was quick once a long um process and the team of persons working here very friendly very professional the doctor was you know very thorough even to explain what was happening in my eyes um so yeah i was pretty much satisfied with the service [Music] as a health center we are guided by the ministry of health to to govern with the protocols of sanitization we also have our isolation rule and to god be the glory we have had an active case since 2020 and our staff who are very dedicated we have been praying and despite the pandemic we are here every day of the week even though the laptop we're still here just to offer our service why because our staff are so eager and willing to serve our patient [Music] so you see hs walters is not just a seventh-day adventist clinic it's for everybody it is not just for adventists it is for non-adventists as well as adventists it is for the community and outside the community it is just for everyone [Music] the health center is also home to kenstar pharmacy and managing director mrs keisha sterling richards tells us more we offer to members of the summit the adventist church a 10 discount on their prescriptions proceeds from our enterprises typically goes back into supporting church work before the kobe would have supported several campaigns would have supported buildings um dedication our buildings contribution and not just our conference but beyond our conference we support your people we engage and we employ them and we try to support our society as best as we can so we thank you for choosing canada's pharmacy there you can get your prescription filled then you can get your natural remedies there you can get your supplements and your vitamins and your minerals and there you can get counseling and support and power because we do believe that god desires us to be healthy and we believe in a multi-dimensional approach to health thank you [Music] there's that prescription over the counter gift items snacks refreshment you name it this is basically a one-stop place to get all the items [Music] since covered the types of prescriptions and questions that we're getting have really seen much of a difference between pre and post i mean obviously we'll have more of the phobic prescriptions coming in in addition to our usual chronic illnesses but it's still the same general flow we impose from what i've seen so far [Music] their facilities are opened sundays 9 a.m to 2 p.m mondays to thursdays 8 30 a.m to 5 p.m and fridays 8 30 a.m to 12 noon call them at 876-423-0955 or 876-943-9249 friendly staff is waiting to serve you [Music] be it pandemic or a lot though health ministries still remain a vital part of life for the healthcare workers at the ages walters health centers whatever your health needs are today visit them at old harbour roads and catherine there you'll find their doors open to serve you and a guaranteed christ-centered experience [Music] that was our church in action and now we move right along to pastor's time introducing pastor neville barrett executive secretary of the central jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists immediately following pastor barrett's greeting we will be greeted by sister dionna henry sister henry is director for health ministries be blessed welcome pastor barrett thank you very much happy sabbath everyone i greet you this morning in the name of the father son and holy ghost ever living ever faithful they ever choose the only wise god we're good to be in the presence of god this morning and we are worship him in spirit and in truth i greet you warmly also on behalf of our church pastor and president pastor levi johnson we hope you and your family members are doing well in spite of the pandemic that we all are going through at this time several of our workers as well as our members have been affected by covet 19 and it behooves us therefore as a family to continue pray for each other during these trying times again we express sincere condolences to the family of our late dr newton clegon who has given outstanding service to his church we continue to pray for the family i pray for their strength during this time of loss central jamaica conference my brothers and sisters cannot do without you our members our workers both locally and overseas as well as our friends who continue to contribute to central jamaica conference we appreciate your support over the years as you continue to give to the cause so we can carry forward the mission here in central jamaica conference as a result of this pandemic we need your support more than ever before i know some of you are there in terms of you give your advice and your suggestions etc as to how we can navigate our way through this pandemic but we need your financial contribution as we seek to advance the cause here in central jamaica conference the needs are many as we talk about the community aspect of our work and a real initiative we focus on our members we're very conscious and we care for the safety and well-being of our members but in spite of all what's happening the mission must continue and we have to come up with creative ways of reaching men and women with the gospel with the gospel of hope that they need now and so we're not just preaching we are we're scratching where it's itching and i tell you uh the itchings are great and so we need your financial contribution as we seek to minister to the knees in our consequences so continue to support us with your tithe with your offering whatever you have to contribute to central jamaica conference so we can advance the mission here today is our health emphasis day i will go embracing change now kovit 19 ladies and gentlemen you will agree with me as a game changer oh yes so embracing change we must and there are so many changes there are so many things we have to do differently uh we have no choice and things may never go back to where it used to be what we have to find a way to advance god's cause point men and women to jesus christ because there are many souls to be garnered into the kingdom of god we need your help we need your support and so as we focus on our health today we want you to understand that health is more than just what we eat you know we have to exercise right we have to ensure that we feed our minds on the word of god and to avoid becoming fanatics you know at 70 adventists we embrace the health message we embrace the earth's message but at the same time we are conscious of the fact that we are in a pandemic and this time requires drastic measures and so ladies and gentlemen while we embrace our health message in this pandemic we must recognize and be guided by the government health protocols we encourage our members to do so as together we work through this pandemic this is a health crisis that is affecting the lives of everyone regardless of their religious persuasion so let us focus on saving lives during this trying time instead of spiritualizing everything and so i want to encourage thank god our other for our director uh sister dean henry as she organized with the team today's program or we know that a blessing is in store for everyone and we want to commend i want to take this opportunity to welcome my colleague in ministry dr hosean uh health ministry and prime minister director of jamaica union who you will hear from later on we're happy to have you sir and we welcome you the central jamaica conference he will be sharing god's word with us today but we are happy to have him here at central jamaica conference my brothers and sisters let us be focused let us keep our minds fixing jesus christ there nothing that he cannot heal there is no sickness or disease that he cannot cure we serve a mighty god let's trust him as we trust him let us be wise as we move through this difficult time i just want to remind our members to us tomorrow we'll be having our leaders council and we're looking forward to having a great time with our leaders from all the respective churches we begin at nine tomorrow morning so we're looking forward to see you god bless you all have a spiritual sabbath day stay sweet in jesus and let nobody steal your joy today god bless you well happy sabbath again sister jennifer all righty and oh what a sabbath school we had yes ma'am yes praise the lord embracing change embracing church i will go and sister roshania tully and her team really took us places and we'll talk some more about that later on amen now sister dion henry will come and address us amen thank you so much happy sabbath family this morning i am really delighted to be in god's presence he is of course our creator sustainer and healer and i'm thankful for another sabbath day for health emphasis you will agree with me that the health platform has changed drastically since 2020 in fact we have come to live in a time where there is a coexistence of non-communicable diseases popularly known as lifestyle diseases and communicable diseases such as kovid 19. long before kovid 19 however the jamaicans have been dying from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes heart disease cancers stroke and others both require lifestyle change hence the health messages that you've been hearing are far more applicable now than they were before family we must change to a healthier lifestyle i would like to commend the administration of our conference for crafting the strategic direction for health ministries comprehensive health ministries haters too physical mental emotional and spiritual health in fact comprehensive health ministries is about you and it is about me all of us taking care of our whole being i would also like to thank my fellow directors pastors and sponsors for embracing health as you provide leadership and support in your respective ministries this morning i would like to specially recognize the efforts of our health care professionals working in the public health system and in private settings including our own hs walters health center thank you for continuing to provide life-saving care on a daily basis permit me to draw a parallel with the bible character nehemiah in the book of nehemiah 4 verse 19 he shared that the work is great and extensive and we are separated one from another on the wall but god will fight for us frontline workers god has got your backs thank you for standing where we cannot stand we love and appreciate you then i must also commend our ministry leaders my own health advisory parish health coordinators zone health coordinators medical missionaries and health promoters thank you for ministering in so many ways yes for the many many educational sessions as you empower church and community to make informed decisions about health thank you for providing compassionate care through our life hope centers and in particular morning dew ministry an online ministry of compassion and care thank you for providing home-based care to so many vulnerable persons today we are worshiping under the theme embracing change i will go this is a timely call to action let us make a greater resolve to make the necessary changes the lifestyle changes as one more step to reduce our risk for so many health related challenges as i chlor as i close be assured be assured that this public health crisis will end yes this covet 19 pandemic will end so start resting start resting in the assurance that we can all look up to jesus instead of looking down on the many challenges that wants to steal our joy god bless you stay safe everyone amen amen amen yes thank you jesus sister dion says amen and we just want to thank pastor neville barrett yes even as we also thank sister dion henry amen and the entire sabbath school team this morning yes sister lisad how did you see the glass interesting you know um not too long ago past the dudley housing yeah invited us on a water drinking challenge by the way i like water yes so do i but i so wherever i see water yes so this morning i saw water in the glass in the glass yes it might not be full but that was water amen and i'm always happy for water amen well i saw the glass too yes and i saw it full all right yes it had water but i also saw possibilities for maybe more water so my glass had water and possibilities amen amen so sister listen would you like to share with us the lines that we can if we have a decision for jesus where do we go well i do not have the lines but i'm in i think you do but i'm inviting you to all our viewers to click on that link the cjc decision 2021 link yes if you want to make a decision for christ and i can pray that you will decide for christ today and the prayer lines are also open yes it's in the chat but just in case you are not seeing the chat the numbers are 793 one once one six or four zero eight seven three five six and those are just two of the numbers you can also praise your prayer requests in the chat someone is always praying amen amen it's a special time of day yes it is on this september 11th yes it is september is september 11th but it's a happy sabbath day yes it is and we go into the divine worship yes amen amen and yes we would like to tell our viewers that even though we're wearing masks we're actually smiling you may not be able to see the smiles but we are smiling and it's indeed a happy sabbath so as we embrace this change we will go with it and we will still praise god because even in this time we have to do what we can for the master yes the dover praise team is waiting to lead us right into praise and worship for our divine service amen amen [Music] yes it's that time where we live the lord's name on eye let us magnify the lord together let us praise his name [Music] lord i live lord today love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're in my life i'm so glad it came to save us lord i lift your name on lord i love to sing your praises i'm so glad you're in my love i'm so glad you came to save us you came from heaven to earth to shore the way from the earth to the cross my the deaths to the grave from the grave to the sky the lord [Music] from the grave to the sky lord i live today [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord i lived [Music] [Music] brokenness i seek your face alone [Music] above you there's no other who's able to restore my soul come and make me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you are all i need holy spirits [Music] breathe on me [Music] i'm ready to surrender to give you all my life no matter what the cost or sacrifice feel to me your calling and cleanse me from my pride fall aways [Music] [Music] and change me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] breathe [Music] breathe [Music] me [Music] indeed alleluia is the highest phrase let's give god the highest praise this morning [Music] yo for the lord god almighty reigns [Music] hallelujah [Music] mines [Music] are you is [Music] are you worthy's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] l [Music] indeed he reigns in the heavens and in [Applause] [Music] for the lord god almighty race [Music] [Music] are you [Music] [Applause] is [Music] are you lord god almighty [Music] worthy's [Music] draw me close to you never let me go [Music] i laid all down again to hear you say that i'm your friend you are my desire [Music] no one else will do [Music] cause nothing else can take your place [Music] to feel the warmth of your brain help me find my way bring me back [Music] [Music] needed [Music] help me know your needs [Music] [Music] needed [Music] [Music] [Music] near blessed lord to the cross [Music] [Music] us bleeds [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] our scripture reading is taken from daniel chapter 1 verses 8 through to 15 and it reads what daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat nor with the wine which he drank therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself now god had brought daniel into favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs and the prince of the eunuch said unto daniel i fear my lord the king who has appointed your meat and your drink for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of your sword then shall he make me endanger my head to the king then said daniel to melzar whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over daniel hananiah michelle and azariah prove thy servants i beseech thee ten days and let them give us pulse to eat and water to drink then let our countenances be looked upon before thee and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat and as thousands deal with thy servants so he consented to them in this manner and proved them 10 days 15 and last and at the end of 10 days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat we need it for prayer what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and grieves the bear what a privilege to carry everything to god in prayer eternal father and our god we come before you one more sabbath morning the day of first and o lord as a petition on behalf of your people lord remarks in your lord that my prayer will come to you a sweet incense lord lord reacts that you will cleanse us from all unrighteousness creating me a clean heart of god and in your right spirit within me oh father be asking you at this time oh lord that you will bless us in a mighty way lord so much of us at this moment lord are going to try in times lord chine times you know we cannot do it on our own lord but with you all things are possible go father at this moment we place the thomas family into your hand lord you know whenever you know everything that they are going through or father so i'm asking you at this moment lord that you will visit them one more time lord lord remove their problems from you help them to realize lord that there is a god who is willing to help and who is safe lord we please also the 12 year old boy that send requests to us lord lord we are having challenging with him oh lord but lord we pray oh god that they will cross all their cares upon you and lord help that they have that belief that you will do what is best for them oh god we pray for those who are sick and afflicted at this time lord seek spiritually seek mentally lord physically whatever the sickness may be lord i pray o god that you may touch them from the crown of their head to the soul of your feet or father oh god so much things are happening no father but oh god i pray oh lord that you will help us to overcome oh god lord our health sectors and problem lord so many problems that we cannot do it on our own but we know that with you all things are possible and lord us today lord as we celebrate our health emphasis day oh god lord embracing the change so lord the prayer of god as we embrace is the change lord we will embrace it with your eight laws of health that you have given to us lord lord if we are follow these lord no sickness will come upon us so father so lord help us as christians lord as leaders lord we will follow what you have put to us dear god lord we pray for those who are mourning at this time comfort them they said this is our day that morn for they shall be comforted so lord i pray oh god that you will continue to be by their side oh lord i pray lord that you will be with to their procedures of this program oh god i pray that someone will be blessed i pray that someone will cry out for you and i pray lord that someone will be encouraged oh lord i praise the priest the speaker for today your one servant i pray oh god allah that as you anoint him report from the high lord i pray lord that let him be seen but you may be seen to him oh god and lord i will speak lord we will speak thus saith the lord lord keep us to this day and bless us again we thank you for hearing us we thank you for answering us as we give thanks in jesus holy precious name we pray amen [Music] we need wisdom we need power and true love for each other we have had so many big but empty words so we come before your face asking for your grace bring your people to a state of kingdom life restore your church again touch your people once again [Music] with your precious holy hand we pray let your kingdom shine upon this earth [Music] glorious church not for temporary [Applause] [Music] mighty rushing wind blowing touch your people once again lord you see your tired servants and the broken wounded soldiers oh how much we need your precious healing hand we need the power of the cross as the only source for us when we stand up facing final battle cry restore your church again touch your people once again with your precious holy hand we pray let your kingdom shine upon this earth [Music] not for temporary [Applause] but to restore authority [Music] and a power let the mighty rushing wind glow away touch your people once again it's a mighty rushing wind touch your people once again [Music] touch your people once again oh lord we need your touch today we have come to worship you with our tithes and with our offering we are your people you are our god you are the source of holy father we are what earthen creatures and you have given to us your resources and we say thanks today we commit ourselves holy father to use your resources in carrying out worship to you you alone deserve our praise your lone deserve our worship and that we see amen we know mighty god that you have sent your son jesus to die for us he was rich and because of our sake he became poor so that we all may be rich so that we give thanks because you have resources holy father with talent with time with our body temple we give you thanks and we again commit ourselves to use all these resources to praise you you are our god no matter what happens you deserve our praise we know that you are the limitless provider you have provided for us even before we were born and you certainly provide for us up to the end of time remember the conversation you had with abraham when you said to abraham that i will bless you i will make you great and abraham is a full testament he's testifying to the fact that you are an abundant god you give divine abundance in time of need and we say praise the lord our god that we serve today is not just a limitless provider he is in fact an eternal protector a sure guide during this time of trouble we're told that if we're to be able to see openly the demons around us vine for our souls trying to kill us but the god of heaven is protecting us through the medium of his holy angels so our god he has sent to us a call he wants us to be his partner he wants us to invest in this final mission the mission of saving souls the mission that is here and now are you willing to invest in god's business are you available to invest and become a partner with god in his mission for saving souls the call goes out to all of us we ought to be ready we are resourced we're given resources to worship god he wants us now to use all the resources that we have been given to worship him so will you worship god today with all the resources that he has given to you the call is for each one of us shall we pray holy god in heaven creator sustainer redeemer we have come to you this morning on this holy sabbath day to give you praise to honor you and also to thank you for the opportunity we have to become co-laborers with you in your vineyard and to be partnered with you and investing in your final project the mission of saving souls hold god today as we worship you and as we give freely of our offerings and our tithe may we not just give because we expect to get a blessing but may we give because you have already blessed us you have given us all resources that we need to praise you and to worship you in your name we pray amen and amen [Music] me [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] bless the lord bless the lord we are indeed at worship sister lisette please tell us who will bring the entree for today well that's pastor dr dudley hosting amen yes we mentioned him earlier with the water challenge yes well pastor whole sin no stranger he's described as passionate about literature prayer yes amen health family and youth evangelism and he has distinguished himself as a health and family life educator pastor dudley ever prayed for you yet i think he has maybe generally but he has okay he currently serves as health and publishing ministries director for the jamaica union conference of seventh-day adventists he also serves as the prayer and men's ministries coordinator for the same institution i like his personal philosophy it is if you want to stand tall spiritually yes you must first learn to kneel and lots of kneeling keeps you in good standing amen amen praise the lord i love that too yes of course we know him as co-host of the radio program prayer power connection aired on guess where ncu radio radio every wednesday at 6 30. of course he's a graduate of northern caribbean university but he is also a graduate of the inter-american adventist theological seminary and of course he is a man of god that's the most important piece of the information also important is he is married to the former katrina jackson an educator and guidance counselor the union has produced one daughter curry and two sons david and joelle did we say he's a family man yes we did we're excited a message is coming from the lord through pastor dudley hossein but just before that say something just before that we have special music amen and it's coming from arpeggio let's warmly welcome them amen [Music] i know somebody has a testimony today how god favored them despite their struggles despite their obstacles god favored you i know i want you to tell everybody come on praise thee and say the love love is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] but you've got the glory [Music] my story [Music] me is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] my favorite [Music] and prosperity [Music] their integrity your faith [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] don't [Music] [Music] tell the neighbor next to you tell them or god is our god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] me [Music] replies [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] amen praise the lord god favors me thank you arpeggio from brayton indeed god favors me i feel like running skipping praise the lord for what he has done for me he favors me he has been good to me and today i can say like david i will bless the lord at all times his praises shall continually be in my mouth magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together we serve a powerful god god is able capable and available in this morning i'm so excited and elated to be here at my home conference central jamaica conference praise the lord thank you sister jennifer and sister lissette for your kind words of introduction indeed god has been good to us and we continue to praise him saying like david also this is the day which the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it so this morning on this platform i want you all to rejoice and be glad because a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones so today is health emphasis day so we want you to be excited we want you to be uh to be elated we want you to praise god let the happy hormones flow today shout alleluia today shout praise the lord and let me ask you the question has god been good to you has god been good to you did god bless you this week did god provide good food for you to eat has god provided good shoes for your feet as you navigate the path through this pandemic can you praise the lord on youtube this morning can you praise the lord on facebook can you praise the lord on this platform because david says let everything that has breath praise the lord so this morning i bring you greetings from the jamaica union conference from our president pastor everett brown from our secretary pastor merrick walker and our treasurer pastor bancroft bar wise and all the departmental directors and workers there at jamaica union conference we're happy to be identified with central jamaica conference and i would like to express commendation to the central jamaica conference the administrators sister diane henry and the health ministries team for hosting this needed health emphasis day i like your theme embracing change in fact before that comes i will go embracing change i will go i will go you see the gospel and the health message they are not on the quarantine are you listening to me we have a mandate we have a mission to go and teach and heal in fact jesus mission statement is the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to bring deliverance to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the lord so i like your theme and i'm embracing this theme i will go embracing a healthy lifestyle i will go sharing the gospel i will go extending the healing ministry of jesus because jesus the great healer he did more healing than teaching and preaching so as a church following the footsteps of jesus we need to be there extending the healing ministry of jesus in the various communities in central jamaica conference in jamaica union in america in canada in africa in the caribbean islands we need to be like jesus i will go embracing change our world has changed profoundly in the past 20 months his natural sister listed coveted 19 has taken a tragic toll in human lives and suffering every day i'm hearing about sickness suffering and sorrow we are conducting 100 days of prayer before i get prayer request after during the day people are experiencing sickness and suffering and sorrow the world has changed profoundly and if there is ever a time we need to connect with god and show that we care you see people don't care on what we know unless they know how much we care are living in the new norm and we should accept the new norm with renewed thinking and a healthy lifestyle therefore my brothers my sisters it must be enunciated at all levels that optimum health must be sought after with passion with a determination to be healthy health is very very important at this time god says i wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers so we need to to embrace a healthy lifestyle because understand that many of the folks who die from covert 19 they have on the conditions core mobilities and we need to remember that ncd is still a number one killer so we need to embrace a healthy lifestyle and trust the lord because he's able capable and available so as we observe what is happening we're realizing and we're seeing clearly that the health behavior change is not in proportion to the health education that we have been doing so it is needed and needful for us to embrace a healthy lifestyle to embrace change in this new norm to embrace holistic health the oxford dictionary defines health as physical mental and spiritual soundness but of course we know that is more than that the other dimensions and we need to embrace the physical the mental the social the emotional the environmental the spiritual as a church we have been doing that and i'm reading also that persons with underlying conditions are at greater risks of dying if impacted by covert and let me share some stats with you persons with comorbidities are 96 times more likely to have moderate and severe illnesses and are more than 100 times this one when they are ready to touch me more than 100 times more likely to die than persons without chronic illnesses if infected with the kovid 19 virus and its variance so we heard dr jacqueline bether mckenzie explain some of these findings so we need to go back to the basics we have been given a health message at the church for over 150 years with a question i would like to ask you and myself are you embracing a healthy lifestyle are you embracing the eight laws of health and more are you going back to the bible and embracing the principles there have you gone back to the spirit of prophecy looking at what ellen white thinks and ellen white wrote over 150 years ago and you know medical science is confirming or teaching that they are sound and powerful so today we have this privilege to embrace change like never before we have this privilege to embrace a healthy lifestyle and effect behavior change because to talk about health is one thing but to live it is another thing but by the grace of god we can do it without him we can't do anything but through him paul says we can do all things can i get a weakness up there so the passage of meditation is coming to us from daniel daniel chapter 1 verse 8. the bible says verse 8 through to verse 15 and beyond but daniel purposed in his art that he would not defile himself with a portion of the king's delicacies nor with the wine which he drank therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuch that he might not defile himself no god had brought daniel into the favor and goodwill of the chief of the eunuchs and the chief of the eunuch said to daniel i fear my lord the king who has appointed your food and drink for why should he see your faces looking worse than the young man who are your age then you would endanger my head before the king so daniel said to the steward reading from the new king james version so daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs that said over daniel ananiah michelle and azariah please test your servants for 10 days and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink then let our parents be examined before you and their parents of the young men who eat the portion of the kings delicacies and as you see fit so deal with your servants so he consented with them in this matter and tested them ten days now the end of ten days their features appear better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king's delicacies thus the store took away their portion of delicacies and the wine that they were to drink and gave them vegetables a topic today change your mind and just as how daniel and his friends drank water i'm gonna drink some right now please pardon me you need five to stay alive eight to feel great glasses and tend to rejuvenate let us pray gracious loving heavenly father indeed we're happy and we're thankful for this privilege we have today the 11th of september today we are reminded of 9 11 where traveling change dramatically today in health emphasis day we pray that our lifestyle our behavior will change dramatically we pray now in the name of jesus that he'll touch down here again in a special way in studio on this platform and we pray that you will touch us like never before touch every viewer today every member every visitor touch yours truly touch my lips and let them be filled with messages from thee speak through me to your people let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer amen amen the book of daniel is the tale of two cities one scholar says it is a story of two significant places in ancient history jerusalem and babylon one represents the rule of righteousness and the other the rule of wickedness one reveals the mystery of godliness and the other the mystery of sin thus the stories and prophecies of the book illustrate the principle of the great controversy between christ and satan between good and evil and my brothers my sisters i must remind you all that we're in a warfare we're in a battle we're in a struggle paul says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god for the pulling down of strongholds paul says that we wrestle not against flesh or blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places so we see here in the book of daniel in particular chapter one two cities two forces working we see here that daniel and his friends they were taken captives they were taken as slaves to babylon and understand they walked from jerusalem to babylon very interesting they walked over 500 miles scholars will tell you they were slaves they were not supposed to ride in luxury they walked they were forced to exercise maybe that's why they were so brilliant because they walked and we have been told that exercise is i mean uh walking is the best exercise and one study says that for every hour you exercise you add two hours to your life so sister jennifer will live very long because she does it every morning at least for half an hour am i speaking the truth jennifer so they were forced into exercise physical activity and they came to babylon they had to embrace change in a positive way they were not like you and i we complain when we're faced with challenges we murmur like the israelites when i read the account i never hear them speaking negatively i didn't hear them complaining and say god why did you bring me to babylon i'm a good boy in israel why they trusted god they knew the text before it was written the bible says in romans 8 28 and this we know that all things work together for good to them that love the lord to them whether called according to his purpose can i get a weakness and i must remind you my brothers my sisters when you find yourself in a new situation like all of us in this new norm we need to praise god as christians because god knew about this pandemic before it occurred are you with me so we need to trust him because this we know that all things work together for good to them that love the lord to them who are called according to his purpose so they were forced to exercise and i want to remind you that exercise is very good i will listen to me it's good for you my brothers my sisters when you go back to genesis you will see that god gave man right there in genesis one and two you know a plant-based diet and god gave him a garden to care for to do physical activity so exercise has been called the wonder drug why because it it can do miracles exercise strengthens the heart and lowers blood pressure enhances enhances blood vessels lessens bad cholesterol exercise increases energy and enhances the immune system it helps to prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes so get up and get going in the pandemic get up in the mornings and go out there and be kissed by the sun because you need the sunlight to touch your skin to make good vitamin d a friend of mine had type 2 diabetes and he got up and went outside exercise every day in the sunlight eating a plant-based diet in a few months he reserved a reverse rather type 2 diabetes exercise combats obesity by burning calories and helps to help you to manage your weight the bible says you need to lay aside every weight it multiplies endorphins which are called the feel good chemicals it increases chemical activity in the brain which sharpens thinking those guys were sharp those hebrew boys they were sharp you see it sharpens your thinking and reasoning exercise can delay for those of us who are older over 40 it it can delay the onset of alzheimer's disease so let me get back to the story pardon me for giving you a little commercial an exercise you see they were brought to this place called babylon now understand my brothers and sisters they were placed in a new home they were given new knowledge they were given new foods no longer french fried tofu they were given new names they changed danielle's name and his friends names or what were changed understand even though daniel's name was changed they couldn't change his nature are you listening to me although he was a slave he was free in babylon he said when the son shall make you free you're afraid and today even though i'm in a building here i'm free and i'm excited to have freedom in jesus he has pardoned me and cleans me from all my sins so my sins are cleared you know somebody teased me some time ago that dudley you have sinned in your name h o s i n whole sin but i told him because of the blood of jesus my name has been changed from hosting to sinclair so today i am free and i can sing amazing grace so sweet the sound that saved uh rich like me i once was lost but now i'm phone i was blind but now i see they changed their names but they couldn't change the nature of their character now understand these young men live for the lord you see when christ is in the vessel you can embrace change in a positive way they did not complain they did not murmur they trusted god my brothers my sisters listening i want to remind you that you need to be excited at all times thank god for coffee 19. i have mercy on why i'm saying that you know i heard you know some folks praying on the prayer line i thank god for kofi 19 why because some folks got the opportunity to spend more time at home and be not only a husband but a house ban are you listening to me i had more time to spend in prayer and bible study so friends we need to take time to praise god in this pandemic like these three hebrew boys and if you should read the entire account you will see that these guys were excited about jesus christ excited about god united in jesus christ and ignited by the spirit so the king nebuchadnezzar's goal was to change their identity and hopefully change the way of their thinking that's what he wanted that's what the devil wants to do he wants us to change our minds on the topic today change your mind you see if you have not yet started the journey of embracing a holistic lifestyle you need to change your mind because health starts from the mind i will talk more about that so so understand now this king wanted to change the names of these individuals somehow to change your thinking and mess up the character so understand these guys were very serious the bible tells us in daniel 8 verse 1 but daniel daniel sensed what was happening and the bible says that daniel purpose in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies nor with the wine which he drunk therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuch that he might not defile himself so the bible says daniel purposed in his heart in scripture the word heart often refers to the mind are you listening to me in scripture the word heart often refers to the mind daniel purposed it is mind so in essence the text means daniel made up his mind what did i say daniel made up his mind and today you need to change your mind you need to make up your mind the amplified bible says but dania made up his mind daniel 8 1 the amplified bible i just want to make the point clearer using this bible translation but daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king's finest food or with the wine in which the king drunk so he asked the commander of the officials that he might be excused so that he would not defile himself daniel was a young man with purpose and no doubt his friends and associates they followed him he was a leader of that small group daniel made up his mind daniel resolved in his mind that he would embrace change in a positive way and that he would embrace a healthy lifestyle daniel had good brain power and he made the right choice he had good mental health and understand mental health is really brain health he had good brain health friends and he understood that what affects the body affects the mind somehow and when you read the account you will see that this is the first clinical trial of the benefits of a plant-based diet then they'll say look i don't want the king's food i want to go back to genesis 129 daniel read that account and when you look at the words used there for vegetables it's similar words used for what god prescribed as the best diet for us so daniel said look man i will follow a plain thus save the lord i will trust god because i don't want anything to defile this body temple the bible says our bodies belong to god your body is a temple of jesus christ and you should not defile your body you should put inside what is best just like those motor vehicles the owner's manual say that you need to use nine tier or above octane gas and if you put a lower grade it may affect your engine and even my old 1972 volkswagen vintage bug if i put 87 gas it will not run well i lent somebody the other day and he put in 87 gas and that car didn't run well so we need to put in the right fuel so let me get back so danielle made up his mind you see health starts in the mind and many people are sick today because they imagine negative things many folks are sick today because of negative thinking cognitive behavior therapy says that if your thoughts are right your feelings will be right and your behavior will be right and the divine biblical commentator ellen g white in the book ministry of healing page 241 she says watches now many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental depression grief anxiety discontent remorse guilt distrust all tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay disease and death she says and she continues on the other hand on the other hand she says courage hope faith sympathy love promote health and prolong life can i get a weakness and she goes on to say a contented mind a cheerful spirit is health to the body and strength to the soul so many folks are sick today and when you read the book mind character and personality development she says nine tens of the diseases from which men suffer start from the minds so we need to get back to the basics and encourage individuals to begin to think right to think and believe that by god's grace you can rise from the bottom and reach the top somebody says that only grave diggers start at the top so if you're there not embracing a healthy lifestyle you need to start slower the preacher says your rise higher and you catch a fire you can do it you can do it you can embrace a healthy lifestyle and you need to be happy as you embrace that because a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones no doubt daniel knew this text from proverbs 17 22 and merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones so he'll start from the mind the topic is change your mind so you need to begin to think and the health behavior change experts like james prokaska he developed a model you call the trans theoretical model of behavior change in which he speaks about the various stages of change he says that before behavior change is affected you must go through pre-contemplation that's the first stage you you're there you know that you should change but you have no desire to change the near future then you have the contemplation you're planning to change and then you have the preparation you need to make that preparation then you have change then you have termination are you with me or relapse so you need to go through the stages of change you need to trust the law to start from the mind you need to change your model of behavior change and this same author james for costco he says if you're going to change your behavior you need to change your thinking and we need to get back and ask god to change our frontal lobes because many times we damage it because of addictions alcohol pornography ganja cigarettes even good things can you know if you're addicted to things that may be good in themselves it's not good for the frontal lobe so that's why paul says in romans 12 verse 2 he said be transformed by the renewing of your mind metamorphosis just as how the caterpillar changes to a butterfly god expects us to experience change from the mind so be transformed by the renewing of your mind so daniel made up his mind daniel was resolute he was determined to obey a plain thus save the lord to embrace the principles of a healthy lifestyle he was not willing to budge for a moment he was not willing to compromise or conform are you with me you see where many people are conforming the church of laodicea is a church that conforms that is lukewarm the church conforms and take pride in lukewarmness but god expects us to get out of that insipid state and be on fire because we have a health message to share to let people know that we have found a friend in jesus who is a divine healer and we still believe that exodus 15 26 is valid god says if you come to me and you obey my laws my commandments and my statutes god says i will protect you because i'm the god of heals so in this pandemic we need to remember that god is the one who heals yes we must practice social distancing yes we must practice good hygiene yes we must embrace immunization are you listen to me but it is god who gives protection are you with me he protects his people but of course somebody says that if time should last everyone will get the virus but god will give you good immunity because we know that good immunity is more than immunization there's a lifestyle component that we need to we need to proclaim because we have this long time hello so we should be proclaiming to the world that we have found a friend in jesus it's a great healer and healing comes and conditions as we embrace a healthy lifestyle he says i will heal you i praise god that he's the one who heals and david experienced that healing so much that he could testify in psalm 103 oh bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name who forgives me of all my sins and who heals all my diseases today somebody needs to praise the lord before it even happens because god is all powerful god is able capable and available so daniel made up his mind daniel at a health challenge daniel stood there in that location daniel purpose in his hearts that he would not move to the right arm move to the left god uh daniel was resolute his eyes were fixed upon the prize on the finish line friends understand that the heart of the problem the preacher says is a problem of the heart and the bible tells us in jeremiah 17 verse 9 that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked have mercy the heart of the problem is a problem of the heart and i told you that when you read about heart in the bible it's referring to the mind of course a few times it speaks about the physical heart so we need to get back to the basics and be transformed the heart is desperately wicked and we're not going to experience holistic health unless we put aside sin and ellen white mentioned that in the book uh ministry of feeling that guilt can affect your health so you need to come to god and make it make it right david didn't have good health when he committed cold-blooded murder and hot-butted adultery saw that lady taking a bath and he called her over he should have called her over for a prayer meeting but he called her over for some other meeting got her pregnant and he wanted to give her husband a jacket but i got the story shot david committed cold-blooded murder because he allowed her husband to die because he had to take her to be his wife david didn't even realize he didn't have good health david prays that prayer have mercy upon me of god according to thy love and kindness according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgression so if we're going to have good health we need to confess our sins because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked so if you're embracing a plant-based diet and you're exercising and your life is not right with god you will not experience holistic health if you're getting good ssb which my brother calls source of breeds and you need to get that fresh air there to invigorate the lungs and you're getting good sunlight and you're very tempered but if you hold on to sin [Music] you will not experience good health so the heart of the problem is a problem of the heart so danielle purpose in his heart that he would not defile himself daniel decided that i didn't want i don't want to eat meat and drink wine so he said to the servant please test your servants for 10 days and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink friends we need to always drink water to hydrate the system one person says irrigate the system but it's important to eat and drink but not together are you with me friends you need five to stay alive eight to feel great and tend to rejuvenate to understand it he told them to test your servant for how many days just elijah 10 days and let them give us these guys were were bold they had confidence in god they believed that if they kept their part of the bargain god would keep his part so they said please test your servants for 10 days and let them give us vegetable to eat and water to drink it is not just cabbage and water that they had when you look at the meaning of the word it takes in legumes and some other stuff some seeds are you with me so these guys ate this dog and praise god the bible tells us watch this now so this person consented verse 14. so he consulted with them in this manner and test them 10 days watch us now and all the end and at the end of 10 days their features appeared better and the bible says fatah have mercy now they put down some weight then all the young men who ate the portion of the kings delicacies you see these guys didn't want the king's food because they knew that they would bring in some unclean meats and of course the israelites back then they ate the clean meats are you with me so they were not necessarily vegans the animal is friends but at this point in time that they embraced that and even the clean meats that they may have were not prepared they were thinking i'm just using my imagination we're not prepared the way moses had instructed the israelites kosher meat and eating and drinking involved an act of idol worship because the food was offered first the idol so they didn't want to be a part of this you see they didn't want to indulge in the babylonian system my brothers and sisters so they were resolute here we have these captives it would have been easy for them to conform to the norm are you with me but they stood up for what is right my brothers my sisters you must understand that we too we're in babylon because babylon means confusion when you look at genesis 11 9 you will hear about the tower of babel god confused them are you with me babylon means confusion so we're living in confusion even right now in the medical world all over there's confusion in the religious world some people are saying that you know if folks take the vaccine that they get the mark of the beast but the mark of the beast is not that are you with me friends there's confusion so we need to get back to the bible there was confusion around daniel and his friends but because they knew the bible they knew a plane does take the lord they could stand up and we as god's people need to get back to the bible get back to the spirit of prophecy get back to evidence-based science some of the stuff we're hearing is not proven conspiracy theories they say we need to get back to the bible and embrace what god has given us and the three things that we need to use to test what we're hearing one it must be bible-based must be bought by the bible two it must it must be backed by the spirit of prophecy and also must embrace good science evidence-based three things bible spirit of prophecy good science so daniel understood the connection between health and holiness so they stood up they proved themselves faithful we as god's people in these last days need to prove ourselves faithful to god and be obedient to what we receive from the bible and press forward because the devil oftentimes he uses food to get people when you look at the account in genesis 1 or for parents they fell because of food eve the forbidden fruit looked tasty and delicious good for food and the devil a larder to sit and the people of israel during the wilderness they were craving the flesh parts are you with me and here daniel maybe knowing those stories stood up on this point of appetite and jesus in the wilderness of temptation jesus was victorious on our behalf and we too my brothers and sisters we can be victorious we don't have to be victims we can be victims we can press on the opposite way and get new whites every day because jesus was successful we too can and we have the account of daniel and his friends that they stood up for what is right they did not budge the writer to the left but they stood up on a plane thus shake the lord my brothers my sisters so they had this challenge and god blessed them you know the story after 10 days they went to the examination they went before the king and the king tested them thoroughly and when he looked he realized that they were ten times brighter and better than the astrologers and magicians because they trusted god so it's not so much what they ate it was good that they ate the plant-based food but it was god you see sometimes we we pick up the food instead of picking up the god who provides the food you see god bless them god took them from the bottom and bringing them to the top they were brilliant and note that they learned all these pagan things but they did it you know it's okay to know some of those stuff when they were at the head and not the tail god says his people should be at the head and not the tail at the top and at the bottom as a child of god i am jealous of my church because god has called us to press on the upward weight god has called us to exhibit holiness godliness to be the health message when they see us on the outside they should take note that we have been with jesus they should take note that we're embracing a healthy lifestyle so god bless these boys young men daniel and his friends and what god did for them he can do for you today if you find yourself at the bottom there is hope there is hope because jesus was victorious on our behalf jesus can empower you he's a friend that sticks closer than a brother so today if you have not changed your mind you need to change your mind change your mind and when you change your mind when you you begin to imagine yourself drinking water eating a plant-based diet getting up and running around the place are you with me are walking walking is the best exercise and getting the good fresh air and you know being pissed by the sun are you listening to me being temperate and many of us as church workers we sin and come short on this one we work work work work but god has said to us that we need to exhibit self-control paul says i keep my body into subjection that when i preach to others i may not be a cast away and even today i'm talking to myself that we need to be temperate in all things and i exhibit self-control and did you know that self-control is one of the fruit of the spirit the bible says the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith temperance which is better translated self-control and if we get that right every other will fall into place the divine biblical commentator says that if we succeed in the point of appetite we shall be able to grow and experience optimum health and other dimensions of health so today i'm saying to you change your mind and if you're already embracing the health message don't change your mind because medical science is catching up with what we have taught for over 150 years my brothers my sisters we need to get back to the bible get back to the spirit of prophecy get back to what we know get those books and read it ministry of healing counseling diet and food counts on health and embrace a healthy lifestyle that folks may take note that we have been with jesus jesus is a great expert for health behavior change it is not the psychologists are psychiatrists it is jesus he says without me you can do anything but through me you can do all things all things through him you can do it he did it for me he can do it for you it is no secret what god can do what he did for dan and his friends he'll do for you there's hope because paul says that there is no temptation that has taken you it's unique to you it's common to all men so these guys they succeeded you too can succeed god will bless you obey god and he will do it for you trust and obey but there is no other way no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey these guys did it they trusted god they obeyed and god blessed them now the son writer says you never can prove that the likes of his love until all and the out are you late for the favor he shows and the joy he bestows are for them who will trust and obey god protected them god promoted them god will do it for you how many of you today watching on this platform how many of you are willing today to to change your mind and if you have already changed your lifestyle not to change your mind they are on his friends they were already in it they didn't change your mind daniel purpose in his heart what's your purpose in life are you purpose driven are you just fall for anything are you serious what drives you is it to glorify god or to pick up yourself your desire should be as paul's things whatever you do whether you eat or drink you must do all to the glory of god do it to glorify god trust the lord he will empower you he'll protect you in this pandemic you need to obey the protocols you need to embrace a healthy lifestyle you need to make that intelligent decision for immunization follow jesus trust him and obey him and he will do great things for you how many of you pledge today that you will change your mind and be like daniel dear to be a daniel here to stand alone what god did for daniel he'll do for you if that's your desire just assume an attitude of prayer and if possible a posture of prayer as we pray today let us pray father in heaven we're happy and we're thankful for how you are with us and for how you have been with us when we started earlier this morning until now thank you for the story in the bible in daniel 1 thank you for the example that daniel and his friends have said for us we pray that we will emulate their life and that we will trust you as though they trusted you and we pray that we live the life that counts as they did back then and embrace a healthy lifestyle daniel had a positive mind daniel exercised well daniel had his water and his friends also and we pray that we will embrace a healthy lifestyle obey the loss of health and we pray that you'll protect us help us to trust you at all times because you're able capable and available father we praise your name because you're the god who heals you're the god who protects so we pray that you will heal us you will protect us that you'll provide for us that you will bless us and keep us that will let your faith shine upon us and be gracious unto us that you lift your countenance upon us and give us peace today so we pray for those who are experiencing the negative emotions like anxiety and depression we pray for those individuals today who are listening we're experiencing uncertainty and fear we pray that you'll touch down and touch them today almighty heavenly father and we pray that you will transform their minds oh god we pray that you replace fear with faith that you'll replace confidence that you will replace anxiety with confidence that you will eliminate uncertainty and doubt and empower your people with faith and empower them to be obedient lord have mercy now give us good mental health physical health emotional health social health financial health many individuals are burned today they're depressed because they can't pay the bills we pray that you will open the winds of heaven and power to blessing as they are faithful to you that there shall not be room enough to receive and above all things mighty god show your spirit upon all of us spirit of the living god fall afresh upon us break us melt us mold us today and empower us to embrace change in a positive way we pray and act these mercies in the mighty name of jesus our lord our savior and our king amen praise the lord hallelujah and no father we have heard your word and we are blessed i asked father that we may not not just have heard but believe with all our hearts and where we have come short lord you give us a strength to go and do with faith lord we know you're longing to bless us and no lord we ask that this may shower down on us where we are we father help us to be strong help us to be your divine laws laws of health and lord may we be such as we obey such in faith you we be an example to the world father that they may see that you are real your words never fail and will not fail lord and you are demonstrating your power in us all as we obey their laws help the lord that this may lead others to come to know you as they see your great work thanks again for this marvelous message you have given us today lord help that may ring in our ears continually as it evokes action of life bless us now and send us on our way rejoicing wherever we are through this world we pray for christ say amen [Music] amen amen what a health day sister listen what a worship session what a charge i tell you book of daniel chapter one two forces working how will you choose and he didn't only ask the question we got answers prayer exercise diet a purposeful mind mental freedom temperance and above all faith in god that all these things can be possible we thank you pastor hossein for such a timely message this morning the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart and we know that god is able and he can help us to be purposeful in having a healthy lifestyle and jen make sure it's not ssb so so breeze yes amen yes um there is more there is more inviting you from your various platforms to join us at 4pm 4pm yes there is more from our health ministries team and their special guests yes what can we say you just have to come back and join us all right yes the lord bless you and keep you jen the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon all of you yes and give you peace embracing change i will go amen amen [Music] you
Channel: Central Jamaica Conference
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Id: F_wpeZJ7AKc
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Length: 191min 11sec (11471 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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