House of Prayer Experience | Speaker: Pastor David Riley | September 8, 2021

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[Music] so [Music] if you stop to pray this morning that's why we are here we are the sydney seventh-day adventist church and you are as of now you would have entered a host of per experience [Music] for those of you on our youtube channel i would like you to remember to subscribe to our channel you can share the link and you can subscribe and you can just touch that notification bell so that you will know that we are on and for all our programs you will get your notification this is the house of prayer tonight if you have your burdens if you have your request i'm gonna ask you to place those in the chat we always are interested to take our joys or sorrows to the master's feet and tonight is a wonderful opportunity for you to do that so please just type in the chat all your prayer requests and our prayer ministers will be here to pray on your behalf tonight we will be having several prayers i'm gonna ask you to tune your hearts heavenward as you worship with us we're going to be listening to the jacks family in just a little while as they will be doing our song service or welcome will be done for scripture reading and then we will go into a very special season of prayer i'm going to ask you to borrow your heads now with me as we pray let us pray dear god our heavenly father we're so grateful to you you have been a wonderful god to us we are happy every time we have this opportunity of coming in your presence and tonight is no exception i would ask you to bless everyone who is worshiping with us tonight wherever they are from i ask that a special blessing be on them i also ask lord that you will be with this program as planned may your name be glorified and may we find joy as we worship you tonight i ask that you will keep the internet stable you'll keep the electricity stable so that as we worship we will worship in the beauty of holiness thank you for hearing my prayer i ask through jesus amen okay good night everyone our first song will be five six seven kim five six seven have thine own way lord have i known [Music] while i am waiting yielded and still have thy known way lord have thine own way search me and try me [Music] wash me just now as in thy presence humbly i bound i'm thinking way lord have thy no [Music] help me i pray our next is is there is sunshine in my soul today and that is him number four seven zero four seven there is sunshine in my soul today there is sunshine in my soul today most glorious [Music] [Music] blessed sunshine when the peaceful happy moments roll [Music] when jesus shows his smiling face there is sunshine in my soul there is music in my soul today i'll carry on to my kings and jesus listening can hear the songs i cannot see but there is sunshine [Music] when jesus showed his smiling there is sunshine in my soul there is springtime in my soul today for when the lord is [Music] jesus [Music] there is sunshine in my soul [Music] there [Music] and is and praise and love four blessings which he gives me now for joy [Music] when jesus [Music] my next hymn is him 190. 190 yes jesus loves me jesus loves me this is [Music] yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so [Music] he will wash away my sin please [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus take this heart of mine me yes jesus loves me yes jesus our last name which is our opening hymn now is 462 blessed assurance jesus is mine blessed of glory divine hair of salvation purchase of god born of his spirit washed in his blood this is my story this is my song where's in my senior all the day long this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long perfect submission perfect delight visions burst echoes of mercy whispers of love this is my story this is my song where's in my savior all day long this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long perfect submission all is at rest watching and waiting looking above lost in his love this is my story this is [Music] this is my story is my song praising my savior all the day long amen good evening everyone boy this holy pandemic has seen us gone digital but one thing i can say it can't stop us from praising and worshiping god we at sydney and seventh day adventist church would like to welcome everyone our visitors and our regular members on our zoom youtube and facebook platform to our house of prayer experience i hope tonight your hearts will be blessed your minds will be filled will be fully fortified and your soul given over to jesus pray and praise brings joy and gladness in the lord have a wonderful blessed evening and enjoy the word of god welcome good evening everyone [Music] today our scripture passage for meditation comes to us from title chapter 2. we're going to be looking at verses 11 to 15. that's titus chapter 2 verses 11 to 15. it reads this for the grace of god that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly love we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all inequity and purify unto himself a peculiar people stealers of good work verse 15 these things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority let no man despise you this is the word of the lord may he add his riches blessings amen shall we pray sing unto the lord bless his name show forth his salvation from day to day declare his glory among the heathen is wonders among all people father tonight i want to thank you for the presence of your holy spirit in our midst we want to thank you for all that has happened thus far in this worship experience and all that we will encounter throughout its proceedings father we are giving you thanks the world around us we are bombarded with news negative news every day every minute every second and because we become so fearful and distrustful of our situations sometimes we even question where you are so as our heart fails and we become perplexed discouraged depressed we do not know how i remember how to praise you so tonight i want to give you thanks for showing up always for your people in spite of all the situations you're ever present you are our rock our strong tower and we can fall at your feet we can tell you all our trials everything that beset us but tonight as we come lord those songs which were song we want to thank you may you place them in our hearts when we become discouraged when our parents do not turn out the way we so desire them remind us that you love us yes jesus loves me for the bible tells me so in the bible we can find so many experiences that you came through for your people which will provide healing for our bodies and minds and yes lord we're cognizant that persons are dying because of it persons are being killed by the guns some are losing their minds their mothers who are finding it's very difficult to send their children back to school and in this age of technology where teaching is done at a distance there are students without their gadgets their broken margins their churches right now even in our own churches we are quarreling or debating about vaccine vaccination whether to take it or not to so there are so many things that we can focus on please lord right joy love peace long suffering temperance and goodness in our hearts may as christians our lips do not continue to pour out negativity to the world around us but may we be like the wellspring of life giving hope to this hopeless space there's earthquake and famine floods fire everything but we have the markers and we are assured that he will come one day lord in that mean in the meantime equip us to go and tell so those who do not know you the wealth spring of life and hope will find you before it is eternally too late bless us kind father and forgive us of our spirits of doubt and unbelief cleanse us we pray and help us that we will leave tonight proceedings being renewed cover now the speaker may you take away david and may you put jesus so that the word coming will come from your lips and will inspire us to do more for you thank you for hearing and thank you for your blessings in jesus holy name amen heavenly father we still tarry our lord to talk to you because we know that you're not tired of hearing us our father lord we know that you'll love us so much that you send your son to die for us and oh god as i offer my prayer to you tonight oh lord on behalf of some specific persons i pray for cleansing and i pray for healing so when i pray o lord my prayer will come up to you as i see smelling savor thank you lord for this medium that we can talk to your father maybe we can talk to some people on this earth maybe they won't listen oh lord but i believe that for god you always listen to your children even though sometimes we are so wayward thank you lord for the cross which we can come to for healing and for cleansing tonight oh lord i present to you the new believers oh god of the sydney adventist church oh father we live in a time when the devil is wrath he's angry oh god because he doesn't want to see anyone come to you he would love to have them for himself but we are happy oh lord that they are serious oh god that they don't want to dwell with him so they choose you so we pure lord that you'll be with them that you'll hold them in the hall of palm of your hands alone every one of them are god i pray that they will stay true to you that they'll be strong in your father so that there's no local for that serpent oh god he knows that you're coming he's near and i know that he will want to snatch him from from your father i pray that they too will greet your lord repeal tight that he cannot find a way in their lives help them to study your words or father having to read the bible daily spend time our father with you and to study the spirit of prophecy or lord and they can be fully furnished your father i pray that each dear lord as they eat their daily meal that your words will be a part of father of that menu and that's the only real lord there will be spiritual strength no father we pray put it in their mind oh lord that they will always want to know you through your words because so far there are so many thoughts about there oh lord i pray and that they might not be swayed over your father by all means of doctrine but they will study your word that they will know you for themselves or father oh god i pray that after they are furnished they are full or father they are energized they are strong they will choose our father to tell others about you the intentional order save somebody that they too can contest and see that yo is good blessed and we pray our father bless them tonight bless your family and that they will always continue on this journey and oh lord i pray that when time on earth shall be no more all the new believers our father along with those who have been there from a long time ago lord will caught up to meet you in the clouds we'll be joy peace and happiness forever and we'll always offer the reign and live with you for time and for eternity in jesus precious name i pray amen hello good evening everyone good evening my brothers and sisters the task is mine this evening to introduce to you the speaker for this evening host of prayer experience now then [Music] the person of i am speaking is pastor david riley now then pastor riley and i met in 2010 when he came to sydney for his internship pastor riley was such a quiet and pleasant person and we worked together as bible instructors for over a year and pastor would be so happy when souls would turn their heart over to jesus that gave him such great joy as well as myself pastor believes in being educated and he believes that we should all try to get the best education but he is not interested in me giving you his educational background pastor want me to tell you that he loves the lord he loves people he loves the work of the lord most of all he wants jesus to come and he want us to do our part to help others to be ready for that great day pastor riley is a friend he's a humble servant of god and i ask you that you pray for him as he come to give the word that the lord has laid on his heart pray him up and his family but before pastor come and speak to us we are going to have a special sum from marvin and renny ferran thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they [Music] [Music] has been [Music] is [Music] [Music] if you can have it god can heal it if there's a boy i can feel it if you can have it i can hear it if there's a boy can feel it if you can have it all god can heal it if there's a void in your life [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] [Music] shake his head if he can save you i know we can hear your truths of the lord [Music] just put your trust in jesus he will make a way for you don't him yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] greetings brothers and sisters in the blessed name of jesus our lord and savior i am so happy to be alive tonight and have this great privilege of joining with you in sydney to praise god and to magnify his name i just wanna marvin and his wives god can heal it indeed we need healing indeed we can call upon god at all times he is ready and willing there is no sorrow that god cannot heal and i'm happy to worship with you tonight and joyful experience knowing that there is hope in god amidst all the challenges that we are facing in our world today i wonder also than sister johnson my very good friend and a worker together when i shared at sydney some years ago it was a joy to go through that community and to just experience the blessing and the transformation of god and to worship with cinema enjoyed i must tell you that i enjoyed those years those months that i spent with you and if i had the privilege i would come back again and share with you brothers and sisters tonight you have given me the privilege to come in and worship with you and i take it as a joy and i trust that as we worship that the spirit of god will be here to bless us and to do us good i want to say thanks to the elders for inviting me and for our pastor pastor montagu my colleague in ministry we share together and we enjoy the moments that we serve god together and look forward to the time when we will spend eternity in god's kingdom that's my hope that's my joy i am longing for jesus to come to put an end to the many challenges that we have to face brothers and sisters you know i listen to that prayer just now and i sense the burden on my sister's art you know there are things that we don't understand but i want to tell you that there is nothing that god doesn't understand never give up don't lose hope because we serve a god that is faithful is sure his promises are sure we can count on him so i say to your brothers and sisters do not give up do not be discouraged or disheartened despite the challenges and the troubles and the fears don't be afraid the bible says perfect love casteth out fear when the love of god is in our hearts when jesus reigns within we have nothing to fear because we serve that god who owns and holds everything in his arms and he says that no one that he holds will be able to be plucked out of his hand so hold on and stand firm in jesus name okay i i want to share a word with you tonight which i hope will bring some blessing and encouragement to you amid all the challenge that we are facing right now you know today i got a call not too long ago that a friend of mine just fell ill last night he said he felt bad and he passed away today just a few days ago i heard that my very good teacher and friend counselor dr clegon just fell hill and in a little while after he was dead we don't know what is going to happen to us any moment so what i'm encouraging you tonight and encouraging myself also is that we hold on to jesus every moment be faithful to god all that let him hold you so that whatever because whatever come our way we will be saved in the arms of god tonight i as i thought about what i should share with you the thought of the death i know you have lost her loved one sister campbell recently and i just want to express my condolence to you and to let you know my prayers are with you and i want to encourage you to not be dawn hearted because not long from now jesus is going to come the bible says those who sleep in jesus god will bring to life not just for a little while but for eternity and i know the time we spent together we had some good moments together and um even since i left we have communicated and shared the blessings of the lord so we look forward to seeing her in the great getting up morning and i want to encourage you keep faithful so that you will meet with her again the title that i chose to share with you tonight is living in joyful hope you know as i listen to the introduction the welcome this evening and i listen to the prayers i sense and heard the word joy and hope being expressed and i said to myself indeed the spirit of the lord is working with us because while they are trouble there is joy for those who trust in the lord why there are difficult moments going on around us and sometimes it seems as if there is not going to be any answer still amidst all the challenges for those who trust in god there is hope and i say we ought to live my brothers and sisters in joyful hope not with sorrow not with pain not with uncertainty because we serve a god who is certain and when we hold on to that god we can also be certain and we can speak with confidence telling our friends and our neighbors let not your heart be troubled these were the words of jesus when he was on earth he knew there was trouble he saw in the he experienced the troubles around him he saw the pain in the faces of the people around him but he said to them there is hope let not your heart be troubled and i'm saying the same thing to you tonight let not your heart be troubled if you believe in god hold on to him there is hope and tonight i just want to share a little word with you that i hope will bring hope to your heart let me invite you to pray with me god of heaven come into our midst tonight we are scattered far and wide but god you are able to bring us together and through the internet the inventions of men you have brought us together and even as we are scattered abroad in different places lord and you you are promised that one day we will be in one place listening to you as our great god and preacher and teacher we look forward to that day and as i sense people from all different walks of life listening to your sermon this tonight dear god and participating in worship i recall the promise of the word that one day every nation kin gentom and people shall gather together around your throne and we shall enjoy the blessings of your presence and sing the songs of moses and the lamb may you dear god establish our heart in faith so that we will look beyond the darkness of this world to the beauties of your eternal kingdom in jesus name i pray amen i want to invite you to turn your bibles with me to the book of titus i won't let you know that titus was a young man when he received this message he was called by the apostle paul to go down to a little country tone to be the leader in the atone to teach and to encourage to preach the word of god he was encouraged to be a faithful servant of god and today i am saying that god is reaching out to you and to myself to be faithful servants in this moment of darkness in which we are experiencing today and paul wrote this epistle to titus and those words are coming to us today they have been left to bring hope and courage to the hearts of god's people up to the end of time and they are there for us tonight the apostle paul says after you know exalting titus and giving him instructions as to how to live as a christian and how to encourage his brethren to live as christians and he's saying that based upon what god has said what god has promised we can stand up firmly he says to us in verse 11 for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men i want to praise god tonight that his grace is unmerited favor something that we did not deserve has been given to us by god though we have sinned and consort of the glory of god though we have strayed and many times we have fallen down even over that sin that we fell down on yesterday or sometime in the past yet god's grace is able to transform us to give us hope so the bible says before the grace of god that bringeth salvation have appeared not to some men but of all men thank god tonight there are some hopeless people there are some fearful people there are some concerned people they are unsure of what is going to happen especially as we exist in a very covered saturated society whenever they we heard of men friends dying alone without friends without family my dear brothers and sisters i want to encourage you tonight to know that god's grace is available to you and me god's love is available and he said to us do not be afraid for the grace of god which brings salvation has appeared unto all men let me just pause to say here that the greek word for salvation so also means healing hello my friends so the god that gives us grace that gives us salvation is also able to bring healing and deliverance and i want to let you know that it is not just spiritual deliverance spiritual uh salvation spiritual restoration that what god wants to give but the word souls are tells us that god wants to give us and is able to give us physical deliverance and healing as well so god comes my friends is grace is available his grace is able to bring healing physical healing and spiritual healing so what must we do today we must put our trust and our confidence in god we must trust him to protect us to guard us to put a shield around us as a matter of fact god says when we trust him when we obey him when we follow his counsels he will protect us from the diseases and the pestilences that are in the land but of course we are living in a world of sin and it is quite possible that we may fall to diseases and some of us may die but let me hasten to say that though islami though we may die we will die by the grace of god in the blessed oh hello somebody we will die with the assurance that though i die the bible says blessed are the dead who die in the lord for you look forward to the day when jesus will come and the dead will hear the voice of jesus and will come forth oh yes my friends to live not just for a time but for eternity so i go on the bible says that grace that brings salvation that grace that brings salvation was made sure in jesus christ the angels when jesus came in luke chapter 2 10 and 11 says behold i bring you good tidings of great joy and this joy was to go to all men that jesus the savior has come to bring hope to humankind that savior is alive today and he's prepared a place for you and i so that we can live with him the bible says as we experience the grace of god it comes to teach us to be our guide through the power of the holy spirit teaching us my friends to deny ungodliness let me tell you there is a lot of ungodliness going on in our world today as a matter of fact man seems to want to put god out of business man seems to want to take over there is a technological development that has come and is shortly going to be launched we're in this technology is able to go in your genes and take out portions of it and it is able to put in portions so that if you want your high color to be changed if you want your brain power to be increased if you want to get rid of diabetes or whatever the sickness is they can just go in there and cut out that portion of that gene that controls that area of your system and they can make new persons out of you can you imagine when evil men wants to proliferate proliferate evil in this world they can just make their own people transform the human body into instruments of their whole my friends i want to let you know that this is the plan of the enemy satan or he wants to control humanity but i want to assure you that god will not let that happen god is still in control of his world and god is the one that is going to be able to transform human minds as a matter of fact he wants to transform us right now and so he says we must deny ungodliness turn our box on ungodliness we must deny worldly lust first john 2 15 to say 17 says those who hung onto the world and its ways will not enjoy eternity because the world is passing away my friends god is calling us to live a life that is worthy of him he says we must not hold on to the world but we must live soberly hello we must live sober persons who are not sober do not know what is happening cannot recognize what is happening around them and many of us even as christians don't understand what is happening around us and are falling to the drunkenness of the false doctrines and teachings and presuppositions of men but god is saying that is not the way for us to go he wants to teach us to walk in righteousness be sober be vigilant for your adversary devil like a roaring lion is going about seeking who he may devour and i tell you friends there are some serious things going on in our world today that are bringing cedras challenges to those of us who are christians but i tell you something god is going to open up himself in this world and you better be open to receive that which god is going to do in this world to be a part of that great out thrust declaring the falseness of what is happening in the world the untruthfulness of life and the things that men are saying and bringing us into that light that will shine across the world when the righteousness of christ will be spread across this land like the waters cover the sea i want to be a part of that group and i invite you to also be a part of that go what is it that motivates us to live like this what is it that is to propel us to live like this it is the blessed hope of the coming of jesus christ for my friends jesus says let not your heart be troubled i will come again and the apostle john in revelation says even so come lord jesus come quickly and i know that we want jesus to come quickly if it doesn't come quickly my friends the bible says even the very elect may be deceived but i thank god it is not possible for the deception to overtake god's people when we put our trust in him so the bible says we must look we must open our eyes we must become conscious of the signs of the times so that our heads may be lifted up and look up knowing that over the damn sun drive nice or looking up for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of that great god and our savior jesus christ this is what is going to cause us to live in joyful hope because when men's heart are failing them for fear god's people are rejoicing somebody will want to know how can you be happy and rejoicing in this time and you will be able to say to them my god has promised that he will come and he will put an end to the atrocities that are going on in the land and you will make a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness my friends god is coming my jesus is about to come he's about to take over this world so i invite you to let the hope of jesus fill your heart with joy live in joy live not in fear live not in uncertainty jesus is sure his promises are sure and is coming is sure for he gave his life and i always say jesus promised to come the first time it took 4 000 years before he actually came it is just about 2 000 years that since he died and if he came the first time i am sure that he is going to come back the second time who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify himself unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good work so what must we be doing while we live in joyful hope we must be lifting up the voice of our voices to tell people about jesus to tell them that god is able to bring healing and deliverance to tell them that god is gonna put an end to sin and all its effects to tell them that they can have hope they can live without fear for jesus which tells us the truth the bible says the truth shall set you free so come on board walk in the truth and fear will depart and joy will take its place so as we come down we must become a people's zealots of good works go into all the world preach the gospel tell men of the love of jesus of the hope that is in jesus when we meet with each other we must not be spending time quarreling with one another about who will take the box or who will not take let me encourage you brothers and sisters to talk to one another about the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of jesus encourage one another to be faithful to turn from sin to righteousness yes this must be the words on each lip we are told it says not these things speak and exhort and rebuke those who seek to speak negative tell them to stop tell them to speak words of light and life just like jesus tell them to tell others that jesus is the healer and the deliverer tell them to say to their friends that jesus is the savior and he is able to them atomos to bring healing and deliverance to his people yes friends men will turn their backs against you then will be angry against you men will want to despise you but their apostle says let no man despise you don't care about what man must say against you lift up jesus lift up hope be courageous be strong in jesus and you will make it through the dark moments of this earth's history indeed jesus coming is a blessed hope it is the blessed hope and god has given that hope to all of us and so i say tonight brethren as we worship as we praise god let your voices be heard telling others on the internet over facebook whatever medium you can use to share the love of god tell them that jesus is coming tell them that jesus is able encourage your brothers and sisters share a word of encouragement to me as i seek to share with you and i trust that when the trumpet shall sound when the dead in christ shall rise when those of our loved ones will hear the voice of god and those who are alive will be changed from mortal to immortality you will be there i will be there when the saints are caught up to sail through the ear you may not be able to go up different places on this earth in a little while from now but one day we will be able to enter through orion into the heavens of heavens where we shall be with our lord forever i encourage you let the blessed hope keep your hearts burning may your faith grow stronger and strongly today for soon and very soon we shall see the king i want when glory gates are open when i go to sit by the river of life and to pick up root from the tree of life i want to see you there i want to hear you call out for david pastor riley whatever you want to call me look out for me for by the grace of god i shall be there when i'm there i want to see you i want to walk with you to talk with you to rejoice with you to talk with jesus with you to share eternity with you may god bless you my brothers and my sisters hold on to the blessed hope and if we don't meet here on earth let us meet by the grace of god in the new earth somebody says you shall have a new name but i will have the same siege stars i will look a little better than i am looking right now but indeed you will be able to know me you'll be able to recognize me and i'll be able to recognize you and we still live eternally full of joy in the kingdom of god so i invite you continue to live in the joyful hope of our lord and savior jesus christ god bless you until then [Music] well thank you thank you very much pastor those were very strong warnings those were words of encouragement and words of hope brothers and sisters i trust that you have enjoyed our programming tonight let me invite you to come again on sabbath when we will be here again on these platforms to lift up the name of god this sabbath will be a very special sabbath because we will be looking at matters concerning your health i ask that you all be here remember to share the link when it is posted in fact you don't have to even do that now you can just go ahead and subscribe so that you will you will know when our next program will be on but in the meantime we're asking you to share with those who have not had the privilege to be on our platform as yet so i'm going to ask you to share with your friends share with your co-workers share with those who you meet tell them that we here at sydney are delighted to have you join with us in worship let me thank all those who participated in the program tonight and let me again say thank you pastor david riley we are indebted and grateful to you for the time that you spent here and shared with us on our platforms as we experience our house of fur tonight we are going to close off now with prayer i see is [Music] just just a few for requests in the chat i'm going to pray for those now and then after that we will be going out with music but i'm going to ask you to bow your heads now as we close in prayer let us free dear god our heavenly father we thank you so much for the time that we have spent in your presence this evening we thank you for all the blessings that we have received at your hands lord i want to make special special mention of all our friends who have joined on our various virtual platforms provide a special blessing for them especially sister annette barrell she has asked for a special blessing on her children and her grandchildren so that they will come to know god father that is a good request because we want everyone to be saved in your kingdom when you come a second time she's also asking for a very special blessing and special assistance for her son or shane he is in need of a job to sustain himself lord i ask that you will provide for him a job so that he can take care of his financial obligations and to return the blessings to you lord i ask that you will be with those who are not well yes some of our church members have been struck down with illness especially i'm mentioning now brother and sister hope lord i ask that you will just touch them in a very special way that you will put your hands of healing on them and you will take away the pains that they feel those are the members that are shut in and are not able to be with us in our virtual spirits i ask that you will pour out a very special blessing on them as well that you will be the comforter that you will be our provider or shield and defense we continue to bless pastor riley and his family and his ministry lord when day will come and you will put in your appearance i ask that all of us will be happy to meet you as our savior from sin these and other unmentioned mercies i do beg in your dear son's name jesus amen thank you again friends for being with us and again we hope that you will have a very pleasant night we see you again sharp 9 30 as we will worship again in this space have a pleasant rest of night and a productive rest of us thank you and goodbye [Music] i feel like enough it seems like my best just ain't good enough [Music] but lord if you hear me i'm calling you do you see do you care all about what i'm going through and then you say one more day [Music] one more step see i'm preparing you for my and when you can't hear my voice please just my bless i'm the lord i see and yes i understand [Music] sometimes i feel so all alone i feel just like a stranger so far from home it seems like i've done all that i can do [Music] please lord give me strength i'm just trying to make it through [Music] i'm preparing you for my eyes and when you can't hear my voice please just he knows just how much [Music] understand [Music] [Music] i it not [Music] i won't forget nor have i forgot see everything works according to my class i am god trust me i got the whole world in my hands [Music] [Applause] i'm getting you ready and if you can't if i am the lord i see what you're going through every moment i've been trying every situation i won't leave you i understand understand understand understand [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sydenham S.D.A Church
Views: 376
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #seventh-day adventist, sydenham sda church, i will go sda theme song, i will go sda, sydenhamsdalive, sabbath services, cjcsda, gospel, evangelism, virtual church service, virtual church, sydenham sda virtual church, hope, advent message sda, communication, what is the spirit of prophecy, prophetic word, kingdom of god, jesus christ, virtual church tv, House of Prayer, House of Prayer Experience, prayer room
Id: yBcuv7vjH7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 16sec (4696 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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