SA Meadowlands Worship Service – 09.12.21

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so he sought me and bought me with his redeeming love he loved him [Music] victory beneath the precious blood hold victory in jesus my savior [Music] he sought me and bought me with his redeeming love he loved me [Music] to victory [Music] thank you pardon me thank you ben for getting us off to such a wonderful start this morning and thank you those of you that knew that song for those of you that may not have known that particular hymn we apologize that it wasn't there but that wasn't part of the plan the band just happened to play something that many of us knew oh victory in jesus and certainly we're grateful that we know that victory in jesus he is our savior well our our call to worship this morning actually comes from our scripture reading that we're going to use a little later on in psalm 18 and i want to use just the first two verses as our call to worship when david writes i love you lord my strength the lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer my god is my rock in whom i take refuge he is my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold a little later on i'll read a few more verses from this particular chapter that we'll be dealing with just a little later on as well i want to welcome you here this morning into this house of god this house of prayer and praise thank you for taking the time i think somebody said this morning that probably this is the most we've had since we've had the open services and that's not because i'm on duty but i think it's probably just because we're coming out of the summer past the long weekend and of course into now this fall time when we kind of settle into norms even though we're not into that full norm yet where everybody and anybody can come but we thank god because we are at this point what a an interesting weekend this is yesterday of course we we re remembered many of us 9 11 where we were what we were doing some of us were glued to the tv again i know that our colonels alph and ethel remember a lot of the things that were happening in gander newfoundland as they were part of that particular scene and of course we remember don't we where we were and how god has changed the world or the world has been changed and how god has been with us even through all that i'm intrigued as well that while we worship here today as i look out in the foyer there are people coming in to vote you know they used to say that you want to keep separated church and state and here we are in the church watching people vote as part of the church not a bad thing we live in a freedom we live in a democracy and wonderful that it is and we certainly uh want to uh be praying for that person who will be chosen as our leader now i i kid it with someone when i came in uh when i noted this i said um i have certainly voted for jesus he became my savior a number of years ago when i invited him into my life and and while democracy and all that is wonderful my faith in christ is most important to me and he is a part of my life well i've asked the worship team to lead us into a couple of the worship songs in the next few moments and they're going to do that and then a prayer followed by don as well thank you thank you well it's wonderful to see each and every one of you here today and to see some new faces here it's just great to be in the house of the lord i'm going to invite you to stand with us and sing as we remember the cross and we thank god for the cross let's stand [Music] jesus christ christ i think upon your sacrifice you became nothing poured out to death many times i've wandered at your gift of life and i'm in that place once again [Music] i'm in that place once again and once again i look upon the cross where you died i'm humbled by [Music] once again [Music] now you are exalted to the highest place [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise once again time for the praise once again and once again i look upon the cross where you die i'm humbled by your mercy and i'm broken inside once again i thank you once again i pour out my eyes [Music] thank you for the cross thank you for the cross thank you for the cross my friends thank [Music] thank you [Music] i [Music] once again [Music] well i know many of us remember the place we were when we heard about what was happening in new york i remember for me i'd taken my youngest daughter to her first day of preschool and i'm standing in there handing her over when we heard the news it was shocking but i remember more the feelings that i had the very next day september 12th and i saw a post today and i'm not going to get it right but it says something the fact of only we were where we were or behaved the way we did on september 12th now it's a post that made me think because i know for me i was mourning what had happened i was fearful for what had happened and now 20 years later are we still feeling that fear are we still understanding what actually transpired and are we still feeling the great love of jesus christ that we felt on that day he is an amazing god and his grace is the same today as it has always been he died on a cross he died for you he died for me not because he wanted to die on the cross but because he was obeying his father because he wanted us to have a way to be with him in eternity it is amazing amazing grace [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved like me i was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see it was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears [Music] [Applause] [Music] my chains are gone i'll be set free my god savior has [Music] ransomed his mercy grace [Music] amazing grace [Music] his words [Music] as long as life [Music] i've been set free my god my savior [Music] his mercy race [Music] i've been set free [Music] his mercy [Music] amazing grace [Music] the earth shall soon dissolve [Music] will be [Music] you are forever mine please be seated [Music] i hope that you were able to sing those words today that he is forever yours we're going to sing two verses of an a good old song how deep the father's love for us it is a deep deep love there's many sunday school songs that come out of this deepness that we share for his love so we're going to sing verses 1 and verse 3 timothy [Music] how fast that he should give his only [Music] stress [Music] turns his face [Music] songs to glory will not boast in anything [Music] christ is [Music] why should i gain from his [Music] is [Music] let's pray together our heavenly father we just gather in your house this morning and we give thanks that we can in fact come and worship you dear lord we thank you for your son jesus who died on the cross for us for each of us we thank you because we can feel that deep deep love that you have for us this morning and we pray this morning that our eyes and our ears will be open to your message we thank you for major byron and we just pray that you will use him to speak your word into us and for us this morning we pray all of this in your precious and holy name giving thanks for your son jesus amen [Music] thank you to the worship team for leading us in that particular set of courses today in songs and it is a privilege to be here in this capacity as you know been right retired for a few years and as i often say not by choice but by circumstance but privileged and always blessed to have this occasion to just to share the word and this morning i want to read to you from psalm 18 psalm 18. when our core officer asked a number of us to preach today they actually gave us the passage of scripture and that's a good thing that's a bad thing depending on the passage of scripture and depending on the preacher that you're giving it to and this one here psalm 18 has 50 verses so i suspect that by the time the elections are over we should be finished the sermon but i do want to read to you from psalm 18 and i'll pick it up as i already read verses one and two i'll pick it up at verse three and reading down just two verse nineteen i call to the lord who is worthy of praise and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death entangled me the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me the cords of the grave coiled around me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called to the lord i cried to my god for help from his temple he heard my voice my cry came before him into his ears the earth trembled and quaked and the foundations of the mountain shook they trembled because he was angry smoke rose from his nostrils consuming fire came from his mouth burning coals blazed out of it he parted the heavens and came down dark clouds were under his feet he mounted the cherubim and flew he soared on the wings of the wind he made darkness his covering his canopy around him the dark rain clouds of the sky out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced with hailstones and bolts of lightning the lord thundered from heaven the voice of the most high resounded he shot his arrows and scattered the enemies great bolts of lightning and routed them the valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke oh lord at the blast of breath from your nostrils he reached down from on high and took hold of me he drew me out of deep waters he rescued me from my powerful enemy from my foes who were too strong for me they confronted me in the day of my disaster but the lord was my support he brought me out into a spacious place he rescued me because he delighted in me may god's blessing be upon the reading of his word i do want to acknowledge those who contribute to these worship services and even when we were watching online contributing their musical talents and their gifts to the lord we're grateful to have a portion of the band with us this morning and they're going to minister to us at this particular time [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you again ben for that uh rousing presentation and for the words associated with it as well we're going to sing another song another hymn it's number 24 in our song book our handbook if you want to but the words will be on the screen and you'll recognize the melody as well my body lies over the ocean so if you start to slip off into that we won't mind we'll just be singing the other words anyway from the hymn book god's love is as high as the heavens god's love is as deep as the sea god's love is for all kinds of sinners god's love is sufficient for me please stand as we sing three verses with the band leading us on please god's love is as high as the heavens god's love is as deep as the sea god's love is for all kinds of sinners god's love is sufficient for me god's love god's love because love is sufficient for me for god's me is sufficient for me it's as wide as creation god's love is love it can never be measured god's love is sufficient for [Music] me for me [Music] god's love is sufficient for me is sufficient for me god's love god's love god's love is sufficient for me for me love is sufficient for me thank you very much now i'm going to give a chance for the band just to move down to the congregation you maybe see that by the way and maybe as they do so quietly you would permit me just to have a little prayer and i would ask you to be praying for me as well that god would give me uh strength and as i look into the word this morning and as we deal with it together god we are grateful to you for your wonderful love to us as wide as the ocean as boundless as the sea we thank you god because we cannot as much as we try we cannot understand or deeply fathom how wonderful your love is but we are grateful that you looked down to love us like you do i'm often awed by the fact that as we consider creation as we consider the universe try as we try to discover the universe so vast and knowing that you created it and yet and yet you choose to present yourself with byron jacobs you choose to speak to me one on one you choose to speak to all of us you know our names you know our issues our concerns you know our challenges and we thank you for that but we thank you because you loved us enough that when we were on the wrong path that you had sent jesus christ to die for us to be our savior that we can get to know him personally and get to love him personally as well now i pray that as i open your word and as we look into it together that your holy spirit will be speaking and we pray that the real speaker here today will not be the one standing behind this pulpit but will be the holy spirit speaking to all of us according to your will and according to the message that you want us to hear we pray this in jesus name amen and amen a third century man was anticipating his death and during that time he penned these words to a friend it's a bad world an incredibly bad world but i have discovered in the midst of it a quiet and holy people who have learned a great secret they have found a joy in which is a thousand times better than any pleasure of our sinful life they are despised persecuted but they care not they are masters of their souls they have overcome the world these said the writer are the christians and i said he and one of them at a conference at a church in the usa some people were given helium-filled balloons and told to release them at some point in the service when they felt that sense of praise coming to them now they were of a church flavor if you will where hallelujahs and praise the lords weren't often times shouted out and so the pastor had invited them giving them all this balloon when you feel that sense of praise just let your balloon go during the service balloons just started to ascend to the roof the ceiling of the sanctuary but at the end of the service about one-third of the balloons that had been given out were still in the hands of those to whom they'd been given the challenge of course to us when it comes to our joy is to let our balloons go to express the joy that we have well i've been asked to speak on this particular psalm psalm 18 this morning and different authors have explained expressed their views of this particular psalm in different ways one writer says that david sketches a few grand outlines in this psalm reflections on his life records of the marvelous deliverances and victories which the lord had given him another writer w.t purkheiser wrote this psalm breathes the atmosphere of extemporaneous praise another writer called it an exuberant thanksgiving and still another said it's one of the most magnificent lyrical raptures in the scripture if you listen to these writers their descriptions it makes you almost want to read psalm 18. some commentators have suggested that psalm 18 was one of the last psalms that david wrote if that is the case we see david after a long and glorious life obviously a life filled with ups and downs along the way we have some of the descriptive words about david in the bible his story parts of it and there were ups and there were downs but we see david looking back over his life reflecting upon what god had done for him perhaps remembering some very specific situations in which god had helped him throughout his life in these 50 verses there is an outpouring of david's praise to god for what god had done for him now the theme of this particular psalm that has been set for me today is one of salvation and certainly as we read this psalm as we look at it we see that david writes because he has seen he has known the salvation of god that came to him i want to share with you this morning just a few things about this particular psalm that i think kind of break the psalm down now i don't know how you read the scriptures yourself uh what method you may use as you go through the scriptures i find myself underlining you know if you take my bibles and some of the old ones that i've had you'll notice that there's a lot of underlinings and of course then the highlighters came in and saw highlighting sometimes in yellow sometimes in orange sometimes in pink and it would mean different things for me if not for anyone else looking at it this particular psalm when you read it it breaks down easily into four or five sections and hopefully in this little time we have without taking all of the 50 verses as i indicated earlier hopefully i can just give you an overview of what david is trying to say here in this particular psalm the first thing that i want to note here is that david tells us of his love for god for his god his lord in verses one to three i read earlier in the at the beginning of the sermon the service i'm sorry i read to you and the first verse in the first words of this particular psalm is this i love you o lord i love you what a beautiful way for david to begin this song this writing he's obviously talking to god and yet as he writes he's not only talking to god but he's talking about god to us if you will he begins i love you lord i love you most of us want to simply know that we are loved i was pastor of this church for seven years and so some of you have heard me preach once once or twice in the journey of this particular church from downtown up here i said on a numer a number of occasions that there's not a lot of things i need in life there's some things i can put aside and say i can do without but i do need to know make no apologies for saying it i do need to know that i am loved isn't that the real desire of all of us isn't that the real desire of humanity we want to know that we are loved it's good to know you know by actions but it's also good from time to time just to hear it someone say to you i love you i love you you know i think the world of you or whatever way that we may choose to say it i'm reminded of our daughters raising each one of them raising four children and i applaud some of their techniques because i think they have techniques to child raising that we didn't necessarily have despite that our two daughters turned out relatively well counselors may say differently don't tell my daughters i said that even though this is being aired but i remember on a few occasions when one of the children would just start to kind of act out and and and not be able to express and and they're being a little bit distraught and they're not using words just you know the way it goes and our daughter would say to eli eli use your words tell me what you want use your words sometimes the actions of love are wonderful we need to but also using our words here's david here in this particular psalm beginning with i love you oh lord now i'm not going to do a full summary or or an explanation of all that takes place here in the first three verses but let me summarize it very briefly why david might say that i love you oh lord he uses the phrase here o lord my strength when i'm weak o god i love you because you are my strength he says i love you lord my rock when i need something to hold on to hang on to to anchor to i love you lord my rock he says i love you lord my fortress when i need protection we understand what a fortress is a place to go into you know the old days of course the army the salvation army buildings used to be called citadels or barracks back home it was not uncommon do we say to our friends are you going to barracks on sunday night are you going to the citadel in a sense the coming together of the saints and using military terms we understand what a fortress is david says i love you god because you're my fortress he says here i love you lord my deliverer sometimes i'm in trouble sometimes i need to be rescued nobody else comes to me nobody else can come in this circumstance lord i love you because you you come i love you lord my shield keep in mind david is not writing in the year 2021 he's writing in a different time battle going off to battle and having your shield of protection was important and david says to god that when i needed to be protected you o lord you were and you are my shield there's a number of other references here that david uses david of course is thinking about the strength of his god he thinks about god as his protector david the warrior had had many times in his life when he needed the protection of the shield he needed to be he needed the protection provided by the fortress other times god would intervene in a show of strength and power david in the psalms indicates that he just calls out to the lord and salvation comes from his enemies one can picture david overwhelmed at the impulse of god's love toward him thinking about what god has been to him and simply beginning this particular psalm with lord i just want you to know i love you i love you david thinking about what god was to him the story is told that charles hadden spurgeon was walking through the english countryside one day with a friend and as they strolled along the evangelists noticed a barn with a weather vein at the top at the top of the vein were the words god is love spurgeon remarked to his companion that he thought this was a rather inappropriate place for such a message whether veins are changeable but god's love he said is constant i don't agree with you about those words charles replied his friends you misunderstand the meaning the sign is indicating a truth regardless of which way the wind blows god is love regardless of where the challenges come from regardless of what we face god is love and in these few verses verses one to three david takes the time to tell of his love for his god the second thing i note here in verses 4 to 19 and i'm not going to deal with all of those but david talks about god's deliverance he talks about god's love he talks about god's deliverance in these verses now there are those who will suggest that if you become a christian all will be well your bank account will be full you'll never be ill you know in all of that in the early days of mary my wife dealing with ms not knowing what was happening someone referred her to a particular writer a particular speaker and the essence of what was coming through from the speaker was this if you are not healed then you don't have enough faith if you are not healed then there must be sin in your life theologically of course we didn't align ourselves to that particular thinking but there are those who would suggest that if you are a christian you're good all's well you're going to live life on the high well i wish that were so i wish that were so you know some of you will know that just recently my wife and i moved to an assisted living facility we're loving it by the way they feed us every day and i don't have to worry about what's in the cupboards they do the dishes they come in once a week and they clean our place and as you know with myself i don't mind talking to people and being around people and there's a hundred to 150 i'm loving it that being said that being said i'm 63. i signed up i had i said yes to a calling to god thinking at 19 that i would go into bible college i would come out at 21 i would be a pastor for 44 years in newfoundland that's what i thought and at 65 i would retire to some little community back home that wasn't the plan our journey led us to quebec our journey led us to hamilton our journey took us along the lines of illness and all that type of thing as well deliverance david talks here in these verses these early verses verses four and five he talks about the chords of death that entangled him he talks about the torrents of destruction he talks about the chords of the grave he talks about the snares of death that's confronting him david doesn't hold back david says you know living this christian life isn't always easy there are things and then he goes on here to talk about the deliverance now you have a picture given here in these verses about god coming fire flaming from his nostrils and those types of expressions and we say but hang on now i want god to come but i'm not sure i'm ready for that kind of experience the truth is did god come to david in the way that david describes it here i'm not sure that's the case i think what it was is that david doesn't know how to describe it and he explains and describes it in a way when he says a smoke cave rose from his nostrils consuming fire from his mouth burning coals he's trying to put into words some kind of words that god came that god is a god of deliverance david speaks about that here in this particular psalm now you can read it through in today's language maybe david was saying i was a goner i was nearly done for i was as helpless as a sitting duck i was a lost cause but god came and in the verses there's references to the ground shaking there's smoke coming from the nostrils all of that but the fact is god came make noise make no mistake about it god came that's the point that david is trying to get to here that's the point god came we were the camp directors at the camp in quebec lashigan and uh during the summer many kids would come to the camp and have programming those of us who are salvationists know what those camps are and were and i remember this summer having a group coming in they were renting part of the camp a group of just children three four just kids group from the area wanted to come in and use the the beach and that type of thing so early in the afternoon i wanted to go down and see how things were and i walked down to the beach and as i was about to just turn towards where the the dock was i saw one of the workers running as fast as he could to the end of the dock and leaning over and my heart stopped as i saw these little toddlers just going around and he reached down and he took this little kid and put the little child at the end of the dock and for a second i thought to myself he's going to start mouth to mouth fortunately the child had just fallen into the water fortunately the staff member was vigilant and went to the rescue you know when we talk about god's deliverance that's what god comes like when we're in trouble he comes to us to deliver us he comes in dramatic fashion to us personally others might not understand how we explain it but he comes this god of deliverance when we need to be rescued god comes to rescue david tells of god's love he tells of god's deliverance he tells of god's faithfulness in verses 20 to 29 here in this verse in this chapter in verse 25 we read to the faithful you show yourself faithful in verse 29 david wrote with your help i can advance against the troop with my god i can scale a wall briefly put this particular passage verses 20 to 29. david is talking about the faithfulness of god who comes do you know what that's about do you know what that's about i'm sure if we had a testimony period some of us would stand up and say yeah major pastor byron i get it yep i got a testimony of that let me tell mine let me give my psalm 18 expression here now well let me tell you one on two occasions i was blessed and privileged to go down to the southern united states to help out after hurricanes one of those was just off galveston a little peninsula called bolivar peninsula we had to take a ferry to go over there i remember going over with our team to help serving meals and that type of thing taking one of the pickups with vanessa from woodstock with me we were going out just to do a tour just to make sure things were fine as we drove down this particular street i looked to the left we had seen destruction like you would not believe houses totally leveled destroyed you understand it from the vision visions that you see on tv but this particular house was basically standing or barely the water that had come 30 35 feet waves had lifted the bottom floor up and then when the waves receded it came down so that the top floor was hanging down and you could look right into the house we sat in the van and i'm looking to the left and i remember that day as if it were yesterday just looking and i don't know why that particular house because i'd seen destruction like you could not imagine but that one and i was drawn to it and as i looked the tears just came and started to flow sitting next to me was vanessa and i knew that she was having a similar experience as she looked that around and into this house i started to move on the tears just coming to my face but i couldn't see i stopped i said vanessa we have to pray and we did that god would help us with our mission what we were there for we prayed and we continued on 300 meters maybe 500 meters down the street we came to this little pond in the middle of it all kinds of debris and in the middle of this pond was this beautiful white pure white bird now i've seen many seagulls this wasn't a seagull i didn't know what the bird was i learned later it's an egret if you've ever seen them it's an egret sitting in this pond and again i was i stopped in a different frame of mind and just looking at this vanessa saw it as well we were kind of having the same experience and all of a sudden from the other side of the truck that we were in vanessa started to sing white as snow white as snow and she went on to seeing this chorus that she knew about the whitest now we both reflected on that and i reflected on reflect on it many times you see in that vision of the house that time when i didn't know what was gripping me and then praying oh god come to our help give us what we need to just so that we can clear our minds in our hearts and in just a few moments down god came in a way that was dramatic to us and you may hear this description and say okay so what but the truth is most of us here as christians have had them have had these experiences that's what david is talking about here david here in this particular psalm tells us as well about the power behind all that god is doing here in verses 30-45 he talks about god when he says it is god who arms me with strength in these verses he says it is god who makes my way perfect it is god who makes my feet sure-footed like the deer it is god who gives me strength for my arms it is god who put gives me the protection of my shield he guides me says david in these verses as i just summarize he guides me he directs me to keep me from falling he is the one who made me what i am david here tells us about god's power behind all of his exploits when god was with him about god's love about god's faithfulness about god's deliverance about god's power read through the psalm later on if you would try to put it into sections yourself and enjoy the writing of david here in the last few verses it's we get back to where david started in verse 46 david says the lord lives praise be to my rock exalted be god my savior he is the god who avenges me who subdues nations under me who saves me from my enemies you exalted me above my foes and he goes on there in that particular these particular verses to give praise and praise and praise to the god that he believes in and loves david of course knew that god would be with him friends i want to share finish this sermon this morning and the worship team is going to come up and help us in a moment but i want to finish this sermon by saying to you and to me that the christian life is about being saved it's about salvation the christian life is about a rescue mission when god comes to rescue us we were in sin we were at risk of eternal damnation we were at risk of hell god comes in the person of jesus christ to save us many hymns many songs many choruses have been written as writers have tried to express what this salvation experience means to us we sang earlier one of those particular songs from john newton amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me sin had affected us sin had infected us destroyed our present and our future but through christ we've come to know god we can look like david at how god has rescued us how god has redeemed us and how god has saved us how god has brought us out of the pit brought us into his presence our story can be a story of praise you know we all have our own psalm 18s to write we all have our own psalm 18s to sing we all have our own psalm 18s to tell it's about salvation it's about god coming to us it's about us responding and realizing god comes god came and because he came in such a way all i can do is say i love you lord i love you lord now i know that as we go through this service we've come to the end of this service most of you here have an experience with jesus christ this service is being broadcast and i want to say that if there's anybody listening this morning here or online and you don't know jesus i want you to know that god's will is that you would know him you would be rescued you would be saved that's the mission of god [Music] and so if you're listening to this don't hesitate on the screen there's ways that you can contact the pastors of this church pastors owen and sandra budden on the screen there's ways that you can reach out for all of us here this morning in this building [Music] we've had our so many things haven't we i have i have i've had those times when god has been so much with me that all i could do is just feel the tears i've had those times of anguish and anxiety when i didn't know what was going to happen feeling that death on three occasions in the hospital doctors asked me do you want a dnr by your name i'd like an abc if you don't mind do you want a dnr do not resuscitate i said no i'm good you can take that off leave that out do what you have to do you know when death comes facing you we understand it don't we and that's what david talks about here not necessarily physical death but spiritual death and our response to that is what the praise team is going to sing at this particular moment the one that david referred to lead us on if you will [Music] i love you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] rejoice [Music] take joy my kings [Music] i love you lord and i lift my voice to worship [Music] take joy [Music] a sweet sweet [Music] and as the band joins us on the platform this morning we want to give thanks to our heavenly father for saving us for saving our souls thank you lord for saving my soul thank you lord lord making me thank you lord for giving to me [Music] thank you saving my soul thank you lord for making me you lord lord giving to me thy great salvation thank you before we sing our last song ladies you can stay up please and join us in the last song it would be great i just have a few announcements that i would like to make and it's uh i'd rather you sit and listen to them rather than have to stand and listen to them first of all let's uh congratulate michaela raymond and brandon bond for their engagement this week so congratulations so lots of showers ahead that's great welcome all it's good to see you all and we we have a a young a young person with us visiting us from from belleville uh caleb uh who goes to redeemer college now is uh checking us out so uh caleb we hope you come back again and it's good to see you um i do have a sad note though i received word this morning from major kent smith that his father passed away last night in hospital so ken and and bev are with the family now major jim and joan smith were soldiers here at hamilton temple back in the early 90s both sang in the soxters those of you us old-timers will remember them so please keep please keep them in your prayer ken and bev and family as they deal with this with his death a rally day is next sunday september the 19th with an outdoor service weather permitting and a barbecue lunch and cornrows to follow so that will be very exciting registration is required however and has already been sent out so please we know the space will fill up fast so be sure to pre-register and before friday noon if possible in-person sunday school will be starting up on september the 26th details to follow for that and the virtual candidates welcome on september the 19th is at 4 00 p.m central time or 5 p.m eastern standard time on facebook and youtube sharon and i are flying out there with the intent to be at the service but it looks like we'll be watching it on tv like everybody else bulletins are in the front in case you missed them now next week we will be welcoming back our core officers for their well from their well-deserved furlough and we say thank you to those who let us in worship during their absence dan miller lieutenant colonel and alf richardson major harry banfield and major byron jacobs we do appreciate what you've done and we have benefited from your leadership let's sing our last song which is a one of my favorites shine jesus shine introduction from the band please stand lord the light of your love is shining in the midst of your darkest [Music] world shine shining us set us free [Music] foreign [Music] lord i come to your awesome presence from the shadows [Music] shine on me shine jesus [Music] is [Music] as we gaze on your kingly changing from glory to glory mirrored here may our lives tell your story shine on me shine on me shine jesus [Music] is [Music] amen in our benediction creator god as we leave this time of worship and continue with activities of this day may your spirit open our eyes anew to the vastness and splendor of your beauty all around us may we hear and smell and see and touch your glory evident in all your creation above all let us see your beauty even in the brokenness of our brothers and sisters all of them created in your image and waiting to experience that redemption that comes only through jesus christ our lord we go now to love and serve you on this day in the name of the one who called all things good amen so [Music] you
Channel: Salvation Army Meadowlands Community Church
Views: 106
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Id: L6zA5DfF4eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 49sec (4849 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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