SA Meadowlands Worship Service – 09.05.21

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so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] great first number i i really enjoyed the first number hide me great and the second number standing on the promises and it's good to see everyone here today and that's we're going to be talking about that a little later on so uh good morning and welcome to the salvation army meadowlands corps those in our sanctuary and those on youtube i pray that you will be blessed as you share and worship with us today the call to worship from psalm 121 i lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth he will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over israel will either slumber nor sleep the lord watches over you the lord is your shade at your right hand the son will not harm you by day nor by moon by night the lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the lord will watch over your coming and you're going both now and forevermore have a prayer our father we just thank you for this time that we can share together today just bless our worship together in jesus name i pray amen our first song 691 when you feel weakest when you feel weakest dangers surround subtle temptations troubles abound nothing seems hopeful nothing seems glad all is disappearing and everything's sad and the chorus i love the course keep on believing jesus is near keep on believing there's nothing to fear keep on believing this is the way faith in the night as well as today we're going to stand and sing have a good sing and we're going to sing the four verses straight through together please [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] amen maybe seated those couple of lines verse three trusting in him you're surely succeed and keep on believing there's nothing to fear great song great song now we're going to sing another song number 63 the lord's my shepherd and this song book came out about six years ago six or seven years ago and this particular tune i really like this particular tune we sing it here a lot and i would like to sing it now the lord's my shepherd i not want we know that one he makes me lie pastures green he leads me by the still still waters his goodness restores my soul and then the chorus the chorus i will trust in you alone and i will trust in you alone for your endless mercy follows me your goodness will lead me home let's sing the three verses together shall we [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] beautiful words aren't they beautiful words i'm going to read from psalms now psalm 91 i'll be speaking about that in a few moments psalm 91 from psalms now leslie brandt wrote this book and it says on psalm 91 that one whose faith is focused on god who finds his security in him does not have to live in fear he is not left untouched by the tempest of this life and he may be wounded by the onslaughts of evil but his great god does not leave him to suffer these things alone the lord cares for his own and delivers him even in the midst of the conflicts that plague him if god is truly your god you do not have to be afraid of the enemy that threatens or the affliction that lies you low men all about you may fall never to rise again but the lord is by your side to raise you to your feet and to lead you to ultimate victory even the ministering spirits of his invisible world are watching over you they will not allow anything to hurt you except by god's loving permission and through his eternal concern our loving god has promised it because my child loves me i will never let him go i shall feel the pain of his wounds and bear his hurt and shall transform that which is ugly into that which enriches and blesses and when he cries out in agony i shall hear and answer him i will be close to him and will deliver him and i will be will grant him eternal life amen rebecca now is going to play a few courses that we can sing if you'd like to stand we're going to sing some songs about god's promises and just praising him for how good he is [Music] flow blessed be your name blessed be your name when i'm found in the desert place though i walk through the wilderness [Music] the darkness closes [Music] shining down [Music] suffering though there's pain in the offering blessed be your name every blessing you pour out now turn back to praise when the darkness grows [Music] take away my heart will choose [Music] amen [Music] i love you lord all your mercy never fails me in all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up [Music] of god sing that again [Music] oh your mercy never fails me in all my days i've been held in your hands [Music] of god all my life you have been faithful [Music] all my life you have been so [Music] oh i will sing of the goodness of god i love your voice [Music] as a friend and i have lived in the goodness [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i give you everything your goodness is running after it's running after me your goodness is [Music] maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is that is who you are that is who you are is [Music] of god i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] thank you so much please be seated uh god's promises i'm going to read from the niv now the psalm 91 the niv version he who dwells in the shelter in who he he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust surely he will save you from the fowler snare and from the deadly pestilence he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart you will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalk in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you you you will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked if you make the most high your dwelling even the lord who is my refuge then no harm will befall you no disaster will come near your tent for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against the stone you will tread upon the lion and the cobra you will trample the great lion and the and the serpent because he loves me says the lord i will rescue him i will protect him for he acknowledges my name he will call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation psalm 91 is one of those well most well-known psalms in the bible it contains a list of promises from god to those who have who have faith and trust in him psalm 91 is god's way of telling us that whoever runs to him and seeks his divine protection will be saved from calamity and destruction when we pray the words of this psalm it becomes a powerful shield of protection from fear i have an illustration this morning that shows how god's protection keeps people keeps them alive if they trust in him and i go back to june 23 2018 you probably won't remember that date but we i'm referring to those soccer soccer team that got they got stuck in the cave and what happened in the the story that unfolded of what happened and i just want to say that those 12 boys and the coach that were in there the coach if you remember he he was a monk at one time so he got the the kids to to meditate and pray that someone would rescue them of course and also the families that came near the came near the cave and they prayed for them and i was reading too that they were i didn't know if you know this or not but they were they went in about four kilometers in and the torrential rain that went came down filled filled the cave and they were stuck in there four kilometers in and of course uh they were in there nine days before they were even before they were found and then it took another eight days to bring them out and as i said they were praying the boys were praying and also they were the parents and of course the the rescuers that went in the divers that went in to save them and well it's hard to believe all the things that have happened before they were rescued and cnn uh asked the boys the thai youth uh soccer team and their coach have described their rescue from a flooded cave as a miracle and it was a miracle that they all came out alive so i want to dwell on the promises of psalm 91 this morning and the first promise god will be a refuge and fortress and uh taking this the first uh verse from the first verse of that from the king james version it says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty the hiding place said in the in this verse is your secret place your mind your inner self what's on your mind only you know so it's considered your secret place and it's in your mind that you come into contact with the presence of god in the moment of prayer of praise contemplation it is your secret place that you meet the divine that you feel his presence being in the shadow of the almighty means being under the protection of god this is an eastern proverb this says that children who are under the shadow of their father are always protected that that is they have a sense of feeling secure therefore he who dwells in the hiding place of the most high that is those who visit their sacred place pray prayer praise feel the presence of god and have a constant internal communication with him will always be under his protection verse 2 when you say these verses you surrender yourself body and soul to stand by to to god sorry trusting with all your heart that he is your father and protector and that he will stand by you to protect and guide you throughout your life it is the same trust that a baby puts in his mother when they are little children the mother that protects cares loves so much the child feels completely comfortable and safe with this verse you place your trust in the infinite ocean of love that is god within you promise number two and three god will deliver from the snares of the fowler and promise three god will be a covering the meaning of these verses is very explicit and easy to understand in them god shows that he will deliver his children from all evil from disease from the perils of the world from evil doers and from under their wings as birds do with their young promise number four and five you will not fear terror at night or day you will not fear pestilence or destruction these two verses are very strong and need understanding when we go to sleep everything that is in our mind is amplified in our subconscious therefore it is very important to go to sleep with peace of mind to have a quiet night and wake up with joy therefore it is essential for to forgive yourself and everyone around you before you go to sleep asking god for blessings contemplating the great truths of the lord before you fall asleep the arrow that flies by day and the destruction that rages at noon refer to all the negative energy and evil thoughts that we are subject to every day all the prejudices all the envy all the negativity that we are immersed in in our day today will not reach us if we are under divine protection the destruction at noon means all the difficulty we encounter in our life when we are awake and aware the emotional financial health and self-esteem problems night terror is the problem that plagues our minds and hearts which can get magnified when we are not sleeping well all these evils and dangers are sheltered and are turned away when we pray psalm 91 and ask for the protection of god promise number seven or sorry promise number six and seven others may fall around you but will not be slain no evil shall befall you verses seven and eight these verses show how you can develop strength and immunity and protection against any evil if you are under the shale shelter under the shield of god divine protection deflects the path of bullets prevents the development of disease repels negative energies and deflects the path of accidents if god is with you you need not fear nothing will reach you promise number eight no plague shall come to your house verses nine and ten when you have faith trust and assert each of the previous verses of this psalm 91 you may you make god your refuge being sure that god loves you guides you protects you and is constantly in contact with you you will make the most high your dwelling your home and your place of refuge in this way there is no need to fear anything no harm will come to you or to your home promise number nine angels will watch over you verses 11 and 12. these verses serve to understand how god will protect us and save us from all evil through his messengers the angels it is they who guide us who give us impulses of inspiration bring us spontaneous ideas that come to mind give us warnings that make us alert not just to think twice before acting push us away from people in places that can bring us the evil protect us from all danger angels follow divine guidelines to advise and protect give answers and suggest ways promise number 10 you will tread and trample over evil verse 13 by making god your refuge and the most high your dwelling you will see that all the shadows will dissipate you will be able to identify good and evil and thus choose the best path god will fill your heart and mind with full wisdom to follow the path of peace be above your problems to free yourself from all the ills of this world promise number 11 and 12 you will be heard and rescued when you call out to god and 12 you will be satisfied with long life and seek salvation and see salvation verses 15 and 16. at the end of the verse god reinforces our commitment to us assures us that he will be with us in all situations and with his with his infinite kindness will give us the answers we need to follow the path of goodness god assures us that to make him our refuge and habitation sometimes we do not know how blessed of people we are people go through a lot of things these days cancer and many other sicknesses kovic included we don't really have to fear if we have a trust in god so if you were if you were here and if you're here in fear today trust in god and he'll make care he'll take care of that fear and protect and protect you a short prayer i have dear god thank you for your presence with us thank you for your almighty shadow thank you that you go before us and cover us from behind thank you that you are in our midst and that our future is secure in the place you're preparing for us amen amen [Music] father of kindness you [Music] you've brought me out of darkness you have filled me with [Music] of peace help in time of need [Music] you are faithful forever you will be all your promises are yes [Music] your promises is [Music] beautiful savior you have brought me near you've pulled me from the ashes you have broken every curse blessed redeemer you have said this [Music] lord i can't help but sing [Music] faith [Music] forever you will be faithful you are all your promises are yesterday amen all your promises is i will rest in your promises my confidence [Music] is your faithfulness i will rest in your promises my confidence is your faithfulness [Music] you are [Music] faithful forever you'll be fake you are all your promises are yes [Music] you are faithful forever you will be [Music] faithful [Music] amen all your promises are yes and amen [Music] all your promises creator sustainer and governor of all things you are the source of all love life forgiveness purity joy truth justice mercy peace all that is good and we are aware that we can only come to you as father because of the sacrifice of jesus and so most of all we thank you lord jesus for that we ask for your forgiveness for our rebellion against you and our neglect of your will and we thank you for the wonderful promises that you've given us in your word help us to listen to your word to follow you and participate in your work this day we ask for your blessing on everyone gathered here today and those watching through technology we come to you in gratitude for all your kindness to us this week we ask that you will help those who are suffering in mind body spirit or soul as we right now think of those that we know in that situation and we pray that we will allow you to work in these situations and that you'll be a refuge to everyone that reaches out to you we pray for refreshment and inspiration for our majors owen and sandra as they enjoyed their well-deserved vacation and this week we are praying especially for healing and restoration for haiti but please heal in afghanistan nigeria other areas of hate and conflict and so many areas that are suffering from natural disasters right now we ask that you heal our land we ask for your wisdom and peace during the election in our country help us to participate in your healing in all of these situations as your spirit leads we pray through the name of jesus our lord and savior and would you join me in praying the lord's prayer now our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen good morning all it's good to see you i just have a few announcements uh first of all i'd like to start with congratulations to barbara and graham brown who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary yesterday [Applause] i know we do a lot more if it wasn't for the pandemic but congratulations just a few things i would uh remind you to continue this week continue to pray for our students as they start the new school year the younger ones keep them safe we'll keep them all safe but the younger ones going back to class in our college and and university students going back going to new settings and some online some not online and just ask that we keep god keep them safe and focused and that they do well i have one special announcement we are pleased to announce that as of october the first lieutenant caitlin young will be appointed here in hamilton this will be a short-term position ending next june her time will be split between meadowlands and hamilton community family services ministries as assistant ceo for meadowland she will be assisting the buddins with all the various aspects of core life such as pastoral visitation worship and preaching please extend a warm welcome to lieutenant caitlin when you see her in october next sunday we're being led by major byron jacobs as we conclude our summer psalm series by looking into the god looking into god's salvation as expressed in psalm 18 and i hope that you all plan on attending see you next week thank you a rousing closing song this morning 987. get these glasses straight 987 in your songbook and we want to praise the lord this morning on this song we're marching on with shield and banner bright we will work for god in battle for the right we will praise his name rejoicing in his might and will work till jesus calls and we're going to sing the four verses together and we'll sing the four verses we'll ask you to stand please as we sing together [Music] foreign [Music] um so [Music] great sing thank you very much and for our benediction the band get it there 10 35 oh father let thy love remain so [Music] amen go in peace have a great day thank you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Salvation Army Meadowlands Community Church
Views: 203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vtYbc-jEYw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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