Greater Community Temple Tuesday Night Teaching With Bishop Brandon B. Porter

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sanctuary on tonight hallelujah for our tuesday night teaching i believe god's going to send the mighty word on tonight and we begin to lift our hands wherever you are if you're in the sanctuary or if you're in your home and begin to bless and lift up the name of jesus and let him know how much you love and appreciate and that you love him more than anything in this whole wide world hallelujah we honor you god we lift your name up we bless you we praise you we magnify you we glorify you hallelujah [Music] [Music] you rain on the throne for you are god and god alone because of you my cloud days are gone i can sing to you this song i just want to say that i love you more than anything [Music] [Music] my cloudy days i just want to say [Music] when all my friends were gone [Music] [Music] i just want to tell you [Music] i love you [Music] i just want to tell you [Music] i worship i just want to tell you [Music] i [Music] i just want to tell you [Music] i want you to know i love you thank you lord thank you lord [Music] lord we love you father god father we thank you o god tonight for your presence god that is in this place father god we thank you god for your presence god that has been with us throughout the day god we thank you god how you have ministered to our hearts oh father god we thank you god today how you have brought peace father god in the midst of a chaotic situation we thank you god that you open doors oh father god lord that men tried to close we thank you god in the name of jesus christ god we thank you for your sweet presence that is rested in this place right now god we thank you o god in the name of jesus christ for the ministering angels god that you have dispatched god even right now god somebody is heavy burdens god somebody has some trouble right now god but right now god in the name of jesus christ lord we thank you right now god that the burden is being lifted god we thank you god that provision god is already made god so god we bless your name god before we see it god we say thank you god because you are trustworthy god lord we can take you at your word god you have not allowed one of your promises god to fail god so god we thank you god we can look at your track record god we can look back in our past god and see how long god and how many times god you have brought us over god you've brought us through storms god you brought us through fires god you brought us through challenges god lord we thank you god how you touched our bodies oh god lord and you healed us god we thank you god on tonight god we have much to thank you for god because god you are worthy god father we thank you o god that your blessings continue in our lives today god oh we bless your name god because you are holy and righteous oh god and lord we reverence you on today god lord we stand with our hands lifted oh god thanking you god blessing your name god telling your thank you for your goodness and your mercy god so we ask god tonight god that you would have your way god in this sanctuary god move up and down the aisles oh god heal deliver set free god we ask god that you would anoint our great leader bishop porter god anoint him afresh today god give him a rhema word just for somebody's trouble today god lord send the word father god in the name of jesus christ let your anointing rest upon them and let your sweet presence oh father god abide in this place god in each and every home that is watching on tonight in the name of jesus christ we pray and we say thank god amen and amen our scripture is coming from the book of psalms chapter 1 blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law does he meditate day and night may the lord bless the readers and hears endures of his holy word hallelujah can we give the lord a hand clap hallelujah hallelujah aren't you glad that you serve a mighty god hallelujah a god that knows no weakness no failure thank you jesus hallelujah oh we love you lord hallelujah thank you hallelujah thank you god thank you god thank you for being mighty thank you for being strong for us god say lord lord your mind lord your mind lord your mind [Music] your glory above the heavens and the earth yeah when i think of all you made the sun the moon and the stars no praise is high enough to express how great you are we serve [Music] god we serve what am i [Music] a lord yeah oh lord how excellent is your name in all the earth you said your you made the sun the moon and the stars no praise is high enough to express how great you are we we hello [Music] say the lord lord your mind lord your mind your mind oh yes can you lift your hands up in worship [Music] god we serve [Music] why don't you open up your mouth and say lord thank you for being mighty in my life oh hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on let's give god praise [Music] praise everyone lord hallelujah god is good all the time amen help me say it what a mighty god we serve yes he is worthy of all and we're all the praise and the glory belongs to him you believe that well welcome to each and every one of you thank you for joining with us on tonight as we share in the word of the lord and we're thankful amen for praise and worship will you honor them just clap your hands with these faithful persons each week as they are pouring out of themselves into the kingdom of god and we're thankful for their efforts and good to see you tonight oh my come on give yourselves a hand yeah thank you amen coming into the worship center auditorium pulls us a little closer together we still have our social distance but you know this is a meaningful place and we're thankful for that holy father we honor you and thank you tonight for what you have done in our lives thank you for this time of fasting and prayer as we cover each other and seeking your face and bringing them before you as we stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters and even now as i know we pray tonight but we pray again man should always pray you said in your word and not faint so we thank you that you would touch those that have been challenged and affected through sickness and diseases in various situations you know who they are those in the hospitals now that are that are struggling for oxygen and need respiratory relief and i know that you can do that we come against diseases and infections oh god in the name of jesus this evil virus and we ask in the name of the lord that your hand would cover and keep your people thank you for a good report to come a good report we pray for our brothers and sisters everywhere those that are in hospitals or some are at home recovering that you'll minister life wholeness healing to them we pray in jesus name amen and amen come on let's say i believe god thank you god bless you take your seats amen thank you for being in prayer with us we ask the saints everywhere and especially in tennessee central to uh to join us in fasting and prayer today and on friday tuesday and friday this week as we are praying for the leaders in our jurisdiction various ones and i've gotten messages of various ones that have been hospitalized and struggling and so on and we're believing god though for miracles amen and some others i've heard as well from not just in our jurisdiction but across the country and the people that i'm hearing about that are struggling of those who've not been vaccinated and for whatever reasons but we pray for them and let me say this because it's something that we're hoping to get very involved in and that is if you've not been vaccinated at least go get tested amen and that should be a requirement i think it's becoming a requirement in many uh places of employment that if you've not been i was talking to a cousin of mine today and their establishment there in chicago and they said that for their employees if they've not been vaccinated and they have to be tested at least three times a week and there's a hub right there on their campus where they have to test so there's no guessing about this either you covered or you need to find out what's going on so just not just for your own safety but for the safety of others as well amen amen and don't be afraid to find out what's already going on some people don't want to be tested i don't want to know if i got you need to know we need you to know okay doesn't mean you're going to die just because you know you know what not to do for somebody else or with someone else and you know what to do now better for yourself get you some what's that cmos that stuff you sell get you some stuff to help you amen so you can protect protect yourselves uh in this situation god bless each of all of our elders good to see each and every one of you uh with us on today god is good and when is he good talk to me all the time can we go quickly and i won't hold you along tonight um in case some of y'all hadn't eaten yet you waited after church to eat well we're gonna let you get out of here so you can tear up some um that is matthew 11. um look at verses 28 29 and 30. matthew 11 verses 28 29 and 30 while you're standing and finding that don't forget that next tuesday i was has that been mentioned they didn't want to announce that tonight oh wow really where is uh reese he's not in here okay next tuesday we're going to be having a panel discussion talking about mental health and it's so important for us to discuss those matters and i'm going to deal with stress we're going to deal with balancing family balancing the place of employment i'm going to deal with medications you know psychology psychiatry the whole bit the challenge because the enemy attacks the mind and the bible says with the mind do we obey the law of god and as a man think of what so is he right god has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind amen and so the mind is important there's an acronym that one of our elders put for mind it's m-i-n-d managing input navigating destiny and if you can't think straight you probably can't live straight so we need to have our minds clear that's why when bishop mason would pray he would say often cast the devil out of our minds because our minds need to be healthy our thinking needs to be healthy so we're going to talk about some of that on next tuesday in a panel discuss we'll probably be in the other auditorium then so we can spread out our panel panelists are going to come and many of them are they are professionals and degree people and some that work at some of these institutions but we want some people that are of faith as well because we still believe in prayer amen it's not the only thing we do right but we we believe in prayer if you take a tylenol you ought to still pray amen i know something else i don't believe i don't believe no medicine you all right okay we'll get give you some time you know just like you people talk about money came back by happiness you've heard somebody say that money came by happiness you just don't know where to shop that's your problem you know i bought a whole lot of stuff made me happy amen somebody a pork chop right now would make me happy amen and i could buy it anyway so so just join with us on next tuesday invite others to come we're going to have great questions out there for the panelists so we can answer these eels we got people in our congregation that have been challenged with mental health and as a people we don't need it to be a stigma amen we need it to be an understanding that they too can get through these things as well god heals everything even the mind you ought to have matthew 11 28 by now come unto me jesus says all ye that labor and are what heavy laden and what does he say i'll do i'll give you what i'll give you rest come unto me all you that labor in a heavy laden and i'll give you rest verse 29 take my yoke upon you and do what else learn of me why for my yoke for i am meek i'm sorry and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls verse 30 for my yoke is easy and my burden is light gracious father thank you cause increase as we receive this truth in jesus name amen and amen take your seats thank you sorry to have you standing so long with that observation and announcement so there's so much to share relating to understanding the will of god in our lives and walking in faith with him amen and yoking up with him as the scripture is saying but i want to just kind of deal tonight with learning the load learning the load he says come unto me all you that labor and a heavy laden and i'll give you rest there is so much to understand about what god allows in our lives and i think that's why sometimes we become overwhelmed is because we feel something unfair is happening to us you know about us and that uh there's been some unfair treatment and so on and so forth um but however god is very fair he is righteous he is just the scripture says that god will not put more on you than you can bear amen god is faithful and just and the bible says he will not allow you to be attempted above that you're able but he will within the temptation make for you a way of escape that you'll be able to bear it now what does that word bear mean handle it absolutely amen that you'll survive that you'll survive this excuse me and you're in your let's say this thing i'm going through some kind of way it's going to make me better do you really believe that amen well you're all a smile behind the mask then if this thing is going to make me better then you shouldn't be you know throwing up your hands or always me no it's going to make me better so the word says in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you the things that happen in our lives have already been calculated they've been weighed they've already been scanned amen they've been approved by heaven in order to to come into our space and so god is so just that he would never allow anything to transpire in our lives that we could not handle he's already looked at it extensively to determine whether or not we could conquer this thing amen that's why the word calls us more than conquerors because we won before the battle begun say that i've already won amen i want it before i begun it amen because the battle is already won jesus again says some meaningful things here he says come unto me all ye that labor and that's part of and he's promising a couple of things he's promising rest but he's promising two different kinds of rest okay he says come unto me first of all and so we have to know that the answer the uh resolution or the resolve or the remedy uh to whatever we're going to need in life is in him come unto me all ye that labor and watch this and i'll give you what rest now check it out he's given a prerequisite for those who are to get rest you don't need rest if you ain't been doing nothing amen there are places on the highway called rest stops you know why you need a rest stopper you've been sleeping all the way so the driver is the one that needs to rest when when my cousin robert is taking me a couple places he likes to drive you know he's from chicago they drive all around the place but i like to sleep in the car so uh we we're a good team i like to sleep and he likes to drive and he don't like to talk a lot so that really works out amen and so when i wake up we're there but um he likes to drive so he needs to rest not me because i've gotten rest all the way right come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden okay and those are struggles and and situations in life and i like to even see this heavy laden in the sense of something i've talked about about the stress and the mental health because sometimes the burdens we bear are not all physical many of them are emotional amen we were just talking the other night about things people go through i was talking to elder calvin thompson about things she don't know what people are going through and especially today you know used to be a time you can kind of look and see uh if they were looking happy or not but with these masks going you all look like y'all in the same situation amen we don't we don't know what you're going through you only have to hide no more you're already here right so heavy laden i i look at that descriptively as something uh that's weighty on us and sometimes it's it's spiritual or mental you know or social domestic or something that's happening in our life but he says whatever that situation is he promises us i will give you rest help me say rest is a promise say it again rest is a promise and i like to say like this that he'll give you the rest um because he knows what else we need sometimes we need rest because we lack something because we're deficient of something and we could be sleep we're deprived of something amen but he'll give you the rest hallelujah of what you need god is a finisher in our lives and he's the author and the finisher so he knows exactly extensively what we need in order to top off whatever it is we lack in our lives notice what he says take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart so he's describing himself if we're going to be his and be like him then we have to be like him i say often to you that you can thank you facebook and youtube please like and share as david would say please like and share amen i often say that if you're going to represent someone you have to what represent them if you're going to represent them you must represent them or be reprimanded amen somebody so we have to represent what we represent in other words you have to show people uh who you are representing a man uh if you're going to represent someone if you're going to um to to speak in their behalf right then then you have to to show them again uh if you you're working in the embassy you have to represent the nation and represent the nation that you represent is that right and that means hold true to their to their laws and traditions and practices and that should be the hub that embassy is the hub of those things that nation represents take my yoke upon you learn of me i am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find here it is another rest rest unto your souls amen say that you'll find rest into your souls so the first rest that he speaks of in verse 28 you see that rest there coming to me and all you that labor and heavy laden and i'll give you rest because life itself is a struggle and you can't make it through life without salvation and righteousness amen somebody so the first rest is the rest of salvation and justification say that salvation and justification that's right god wants to give us rest from the weariness of this world that we're in how do you know that sin wears you out amen this rest that he speaks of the first rest that he speaks of is a deliverance oh my god how refreshing that is when you get set free how many you've been delivered from something do you feel better are you thankful hey i don't want to ask you what you've been delivered from because you've been delivered but still whatever that is uh it's no longer haunting you or troubling you or burdening you amen you are free from that thing amen somebody so that's that's that's slavery sin enslaves from that snare of sin just think about how you used to live when you had to have a drink some of y'all couldn't sit in here this long you have to leave out and smoke amen but how god delivered you from that lifestyle and other things that you had to do or you felt at least you had to do whatever addictions you might have had and behaviors proclivities and what have you but it's amazing how god frees you i wish i had somebody in here that knew what i was talking about help me say sin is bondage oh my god amen sin is bondage and and you better go to your class reunion you see people you because you in christ you look so refreshed you'll be like good god we graduated together because they've been worn out man by sin and the lifestyle of sin are you hearing me but it's going to take the power of christ to cause us to conquer this these enslaving habits that we've had it took jesus those you that have been delivered from something say it to jesus if you know you've been free shot i'm free amen it was damaging to the human body and mind and destroying our human soul if you would our understanding and so this arrest was a rest to our conscience as well because when you're in sin you get beat up in your conscience you've been looking around thinking somebody after you know always when you walk in you always think somebody whispering about you because there's this fight this war going on inside of you and the struggles of the wilderness the practices of all the old habits that you had and the things that you were doing innately now that you don't have to do anymore because you're now triumphant you've conquered this through jesus christ why don't you clap your hands for the blood of jesus amen and that's the only way we can win we have to conquer of the evil the power the evil of sin through the power of christ it's going to take jesus christ to bring us to that place of total total deliverance amen and then um in the next part uh when he mentions about rest you'll find rest if you notice he says for your what for your souls all right that's the second kind of rest that he's going to give the other was more so as i mentioned a rest of deliverance from the captivity of sin amen and now this other rest is a rest of satisfaction of a pleasure or satisfaction of confidence and and uh completeness a sense of of well-being a good feeling uh and uh it's like a sleep or or god just pulling you out of a situation giving you comfort and cheer it is it is restoring your joy and i'm going to tell you and i think it really goes along with what what we're leading up to on next week because there is a mental place of that we ought to be in god that is healthy you know and righteous amen somebody the saints will use to pray keep lord keep my mind clear that's why the bible says casting down imaginations there's some things that that wear you out emotionally and mentally uh and where you can't rest you ever been there well you couldn't sleep you tossing and turning because your mind was just we're going constantly we need rest in the head amen we need rest in the mind and and this comes through this kind of rest is is a refreshing of the spirit say that a refreshing of the spirit amen it gets us to the place where we can settle ourselves it's it's kind of a peace that comes over you amen somebody why don't you close your eyes and just say peace you can just feel there's something in it just closing your eyes and saying the word peace hallelujah and that's what god wants to put us there as well to put put us put peace in our minds uh in our hearts so that we're not troubled that we're not without faith amen uh we're full of spiritual confidence amen and hope and expectation of what god is going to do we all need to be encouraged this rest is a sense of encouragement somebody say encouragement it's also motivation of the soul motivation amen of the soul that's right and it's uh god's enthusiasm helping us on the task that we have to approach in life so so two kinds of rest he's given us rest from sin from bondage from the enslavement of sin and and bad habits and all of that but then he gives us rest in our minds of of wherewithal and self-worth and confidence and trust and hope and expectation so he says you shall find rest unto your souls that word soul is another word suki psyche you've heard psyche like psyche tsuki psyche soulish it's a soulish state and it has to to do with understanding so the bible says out of all of your getting get what not an understanding but get understanding because you have to stand under something to get it you know so you submit to god and whenever you submit to god that's why the scripture says that if you lack wisdom ask of god because when you submit to god when you come underneath god then he can pour into you so you can't pour into something that's above you you can only pour into it y'all with me something that's what did i just pour on some fake flowers they shall live and not die amen you can only pour into something when it's underneath you and that's why i say that they can pour out on you if you don't submit all they can do is spit on you because you're willing to come underneath and that's what understanding is that is standing under you can't i don't get that church that's because you won't stand under i don't understand what you're talking about because you won't stand under i don't i don't i can't get you you won't stand under you got to submit to something to figure it out you understand what i'm saying to you amen you have to become a part of it almost notice what he says take my yoke upon you learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest good god almighty in other words this is this belongs to seekers i told you sunday that david was a man what after god even though he had all kinds of traumatic things that went on in his life you still got to go after god because he says it's by invitation he says come unto me what there is right there come unto me that's a great invitation that has been offered come unto me all you that labor in a heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you learn of me so learning him and here's what i like about it as well uh what further stated in verse 30 for my yoke is easy and when you think of yolk this is something that is that fits you this is a requirement of something that settles you that fits you that helps to put you in the right place or keep you on the right path a yoke is steering you it is directing you do you know what a yoke is all right you've seen it on television and usually oxens and so on and they're wooden objects that have been made so that these two beasts can be carrying a load at the same time that's why you yoked to people how can two walk together except they're yoked except they're agreed you understand so anybody when you get married you yoked to people [Music] you yoked to them you locked in amen it's a wooden object clamps around your neck that ring is that ring right here that's a yoke you put that ring on you said i'm yours everything i am everything i'm not i'm yours it i don't know where that came from it busts me up i'm laughing at it now so you know if you don't want to be theirs don't put that yolk on you put that i'm yours it's not it's bonding not bondage i hope amen somebody right but that yolk you put around the neck of of both of the beasts and they together can pull right jesus says take my yoke upon you learn of me now in other words see because you can't go in opposite direction if you're going to be yoke with them y'all got to go the same path you can't have two horses yoked and one going one way the other go no that doesn't happen like that you got to go with the flow is that right so he says take my yoke upon you to learn of me for our meek and lowly and heart so i don't want you functioning unlike me you got to function like me you got to keep it keep in step with me the same pace i have this is the pace you have to have you can't have one oxen with one pace and another with another it's going to tear up what's going on the load will be wasted the load would be wasted and as ministry partners and leaders and churches and so on we have to come together that's why the church has to be unified that's why god wherever he sees unity he commands a blessing all right but here's the thing about the yoke it is fitted say the yoke is fitted in other words it's custom amen he knows what kind of yoke you need you got me and then there's some kind of solace or peace or comfort i know it seems like that you put a yolk on an animal that makes them uncomfortable or not so it kind of it controls them but it's a comforting control you know it gives them a level of confidence because they can handle the load without it being too heavy there's something about the yoke that shifts the weight in the right place you understand what i'm saying to you i saw something on i like watching uh cnbc a lot i like watching shark tank i like watching the other the guy who's the business the prophet pro fit and he gets in help people with their businesses and so on and i saw this i sent a link to my son and my daughter-in-law because they got this big old horse in the house you know with the baby right there the big old dog a big old rascal and when i come over he just goes to bargain like he gonna eat me alive you know and i just you don't get back whatever and he he found it but yesterday i went over there he called himself gonna try to dare me he jumping all in my face and i said get down every time i say get out he goes closer and i'm like and bryce is sitting there looking at me like what am i going to do all right he's about to die he about to die doc he bout to die there's gonna be a dead dog y'all gonna have some hot dogs around him on the grill but um but i saw on this this particular episode where the lady had a harness and and she called it a lifeline for the dogs because and the dog when these ferocious embarking and carrying on and she puts this little harness around it it goes around his mouth and kind of so some kind of way hooks up and just because the harness is there he doesn't get outrageous just because the harness you've seen it just because the harness is there and you tug on it's not a choke chain you know you used to have the choke chain for the dog that was so abusive but it's not quite that but it's just it gives a dog some kind of calmness and they're not ferocious anymore so i'm buying them one of those so i don't have to kill their dog the next time i come over there amen uh but it's kind of like a yoke it reminded me i thought of that when i was preparing this message because it's kind of like a yoke um in the sense that it gives this beast because animals can be wild but it gives in a sense of calmness and also and of belonging to the situation as well he says my yoke is easy watch this and my burdens are light now he says take who's yoke my yoke right for my yoke is easy and my burdens are like this is descriptive for a reason he says this for a reason jesus does for my yoke is easy and my burdens are light i get from this that he's saying to us if what you have is unmanageable it didn't come from me amen if what you have going on in your life is unmanageable it didn't come from me amen if it's too much for you i didn't give it to you you get it amen look at somebody and say if it came from him is gonna give you life not take your life away amen my yoke is easy and my burdens are light the burdens are the load okay because if you cannot submit to the yoke you will not be able to move the burden did you get that you won't be able to carry the load you won't be able to be productive all of us in life thank you holy spirit have something that we're supposed to carry from one place to another amen there is something that you embody that you're to carry that you're to host that you're to be responsible for and you cannot be effectively responsible in that thing if you're not properly tied to christ okay so we got to be yoked to him he says for my yoke is easy all right so now we got some understanding jesus says i want you to be a part of my yoke okay he's not a part of your yoke you're part of his yoke yokie dope right you're part of you're part of that okie doke whatever i don't know you're part of his yoke not he's a part of your yoke so we're always trying to pull him into what we're doing come over here lord no he said you come over here right amen we're always trying to invite him into our stuff and i get that i get all of that but understand some of the stuff that we're trying to invite him to to help us out of we would have never gotten in if we've been yoke with him you understand so our purpose in life should be to surrender to him should be to check with him before we engage in other things lord is this your will father is this what you have me to do what is wrong with y'all you can't pray about everything amen the bible says in all your ways what oh well i mean you yelling it out like you know it but why don't you do it in all your ways acknowledge him and what will he do direct your path so what what is it okay will y'all be truthful how many you know you don't pray about everything come on i'm gonna turn around so i can't even see you how many no you don't pray but i'm not saying you won't pray i said you don't pray why because why is it that people that's why are there things that we don't pray about okay tell me what we're taking for granted what do we take for granted take life for granted all right come on preach i want you to get a little it [Laughter] all right we just think it's going to work out so that's what you mean by that we're just taking god for granted really right anybody else yes oh she said we don't want to hear him tell us no and then she moved ahead too and she said we don't want him tell us no y'all should have seen on facebook amen all right who else why why is it why does it why are there things we don't pray about because i promise you i got discernment i'm looking at some of y'all i see it on your face cause you're saying right now i didn't pray about that yes ma'am we think it's too trivial amen too too small to to nothing almost in a sense where it's not important uh yes dear speak speak we got a teenager here she says our teenagers are smart in this church she says we try to take it upon ourselves that's so true anybody else yes ma'am we don't want to wait i love you that is so true we don't want to wait that's why because we're going to take him a while i got to wait till sunday for him to answer me you know what uh yes sir just being he said just being human that's your excuse okay just being human sometimes we forget amen i get it i get it yes sir oh sometimes we do you know god ain't gonna hear that matter of fact you only want him to know so you you're gonna say nothing thank you you're gonna slip it in yes ma'am we're afraid of the result or the outcome of the prayer absolutely of what god's gonna say yes sir want to be obedient oh my god y'all got some great answers in here uh facebook y'all are y'all on here what are they saying oh here are y'all asking questions on here too amen let me see if you all are asking questions all right so um we definitely want to make sure that we pray anybody else did i miss anyone that's good stuff yo oh zach i'm sorry we feel like oh man that we feel like it's not going to happen that's real because the bible calls that praying a miss that's praying something and don't believe that what you prayed for wow so you don't pray with you wow that's deep who else i saw some other heads yes ma'am say it again we being self amen all the way in self just won't do what we want to do i ain't got to ask nobody i ain't got to ask you about that just like the fella i told you all the story before the guy who was uh going down old dirt road back in the country somewhere in mississippi and he was taking the cow he had a cow that he was going to take down to the city and sell it and the old man was on the porch and said uh is that you john over there and john said yes sir mr roberts is me and i change the name every time i tell the story though yes sir mr robert this made he said uh where you going he said well i got my cow here i'm going to town i'm going to sell it when i get to town he said well well john you better say if the lord will you're going to sell that cow he said well the lord ain't got nothing to do with this mr roberts it's my cow and i'm gonna sell him when i get to town good talking to you so mr roberts still on the porch there you know drinking his lemonade swinging on the porch and oh john went on down to town later on in the evening mr roberts looked and he saw some dust coming up the road and it was john he was walking slow had his arm and a sling and his drag and his left foot you know y'all keeping up with me on the camera really facebook uh dragging his left foot and then he um he he was going up towards mr robert's house miss robert said john is that you is it yourself mr rob he said what's wrong he said i told y'all going to town sell macau he said yeah he said and before i get to town some guy jumped me on the road and beat me up stole my cow and left me for dead he said well oh my god where you going now john he said i'm going home if the lord will look at your neighbor say you better ask god about this one [Laughter] you better ask god about this one for sure amen because sometimes and many times and just for the truth of the matter we leave god out don't we say that stop leaving god out tell somebody stop leaving god out i don't care who it is like uh uh someone said you don't want to hear the answer some of y'all don't ask god about somebody you're dating because you don't want god to tell you that ain't him that's not her you gotta want the will of god to be done the safest place in the whole wide world lord have mercy is in the will of god you should pray about anything and everything uh april mentioned sometimes things are too trivial that we feel that things are too trivial at least well whatever it is in all thy ways how many ways is that all right so shout out some things you ought to pray about that people don't pray about but they should pray about come on tell me real quick what jobs all right family matters listen oh what needless pains we bear all because we do not care that's a great song what everything to god in prayer pray about whatever it is if your child won't stop wetting the bed ask god to touch him heal him from this situation in the name of jesus i ain't gonna lie about it i used to wet that bed boy i wet that i had a cousin my cousin he's a pastor now too and so they would come down from chicago every year and my mother would put me and terry in the same bed because they knew we both went to bed so we sprayed each other all night and so so i had to pray and as a child you learned to pray i pray and ask god to deliver me from there that's all we can we got to stop this foolishness i need your help jesus can i tell you what what happened this is how it is it's like it what watch this dizzy don't fool me i said i'm about to say it it seemed like it was yes it was yesterday i said i feel like it was yesterday but let me tell you what happened boy i got i tore up some mattresses i tell you drew amen we would have the house you drive by there's a mattress on the curb amen but anyway so um i was um um what was i telling y'all some y'all threw me off what shut up i ain't talking about i went to bed i knew i said that i prayed about it stop it yesterday i did pray about well y'all pray for these folk up in here too but i did ask god here's that's what i'll tell you because it was it was a situation it was something going on with me man what happened was i would dream i was in the bathroom i was under attack i was under spiritual attack i would dream i was in the bathroom and then i started walking in my sleep and y'all have to hear from mary mary's probably watch it online now i remember what i remember like it was yesterday i was walking in my sleep and marrying my big sister mary i walked into her room robert and i was getting ready to light up man welcome to baby baby baby that's what they call me bb right baby baby baby and i woke up like what what i'm sorry and i stumbled back you know to the bathroom but i would think i was in the bathroom okay so you know what i'm the only one going to tell the truth about it i'm looking at some more weathers in here i'm looking at y'all and some of the weather's in here amen but god had to deliver me and he heard my prayer as a child the lord lord heard my prayer look at the neighbors say what right stop being so deep come on we're coming back into the world some give us some things about the prayer yes sir your health absolutely what else travel what else finance what else you're lost okay come on talk to me y'all so deep come on come back to some just everyday life stuff how about your diet how about losing weight how about x there's strength and a mind to go exercise you understand and stuff like that different things that she would say people may think are trivial but there's some itty-bitty things that you got to learn to pray for i wish you could welcome me on there and understand that some small things in life that are seemingly small to us that we have to pray about i told somebody that i said you need to pray about whether you're gonna eat captain crunch or or uh frosted flakes because you don't know you don't know yes what what oh yeah pray about what you're wearing i mean you know it seems like it's trivial thank you april for that and thank you for that it seems like it's trivial but you never know because god orders your steps you never know why y'all still laughing back there in the back i ain't with y'all now uh you never know what you put on may attract what you might need [Applause] oh yeah because i'm not talking about you know sexual stuff relation no no i'm talking about even employment okay or the right person that sees you and has confidence and maybe wants to do a business deal with you and so on and so forth you just i'm telling you little bitty things some things that we take for granted as others of you said it stated we have to pray about everything for my york is easy my burdens are light whatever i put on you what being able to stay with me to say yes yoke is about yes lord and to say yes that prayer that submission jesus is saying it's easy for you to get in the yolk with me it will fit over you i know what you need i know what how it fits i know how big your neck is i know how wide your shoulders are my yoke is easy watch this here's another word it's comfortable amen somebody look at your neighbor and say you can make it through it oh yes it's it's it's comfortable and here's something else my yoke is for you it's profitable amen it's operational amen somebody it's size just for you help me say the lord knows exactly what i need amen because his yoke is easy and his burdens are light there's some things that you're trying to get from point a to point b but i believe that the lord is gonna make a way out of no way for you believe that in the name of jesus clap your hands in the presence of the lord y'all took up all my time i'm out of time now and i want to to be out in roughly an hour tonight would you mind if we keep these services to roughly an hour or so you're not mind that will you bring others and invite others to come out and be a part but we have to learn the load the load that he has it is something that he's given us my yoke is easy my burdens are light help me say whatever the lord is allowing in my life is manageable as long as i have him where he needs to be in my life amen my yoke is ease if i'm yoke with him if i'm in sync with jesus if i am united and you can hear them you can feel them you you know their momentum you know which way they're going and here's what i love about even the yolk sometimes there's a stronger beast than the other not every animal or on the yokes are the same strength sometimes you got somebody that has more strength you ever been carrying furniture with someone right and they were not as strong as you you had to say okay you stay up top i go to the bottom i'm bringing that couch down the stairs because you knew you could handle more weight if not you said like you go to the bottom i stay up here and you you know you got to know how much you can carry what's the what's the main objective to get the furniture moved the main objective here is to carry the burden so that's why for those of us in the kingdom we have to get under each other's burdens amen we have to seek to help one another amen the scripture declare that that we have to help one another amen we have to be stripped to each other uh let the strong bear watch this the infirmities of the weak what is an infirmity a weakness so we have to add strength to people that are weak i said often here in ministry because sometimes people will make you get rid of folk in the church everybody in church got some kind of problem some kind of infirmity look at your name and said there's something wrong with you too now i need you to find somebody and tell them i want you to tell them y'all ain't nobody look at rebecca please find rebecca for me back there in the back and find find off over here sitting over here like he's security tonight amen come on turn tell somebody there's something even wrong with you all of us have something wrong here's what a pastor and other leaders and i need you all to do this for me are you listening to me i need you to do this with me not for me but with me because we detect struggles of others and sometimes instead of us ministering to their struggle we broadcast it all right what you to do is here's what i try to practice i pull on people's strengths because i know what your strength is i'm discerning you i'm looking i have to know you amen and so i watch you i'm noticing you and i discern your strength because whatever you're strong at that's why god brought you so you can help us with that thing but then sometimes strong people have burdens strong people have challenges so i pull on your strength but i minister to your weakness i don't ignore it i can't ignore it because if i ignore your weakness it can become contagious i pull on your strength but i have to minister to your weakness so that means you know i may compliment you over here but if i know you got a problem with something i got to talk to you about that so don't get upset with me okay you may be a great usher but if i know that you've got some other issues that you cuss a lot you know i got to deal with you because you better cut somebody out of the door you don't set yourself so stuff that i got i got i can't just let that go i can't hear you cut somebody out the door and say i know i didn't hear that i know you heard it now you got to deal with it right so sometimes as a pastor even though i celebrate your gift and i pull on your gift oh thank god we love you you're so gifted and talented but when you cut up and we see that problem i got to talk to you about that come in let's talk about this how long have you been bipolar let's talk about this how long have you wrestled with this anger problem that you have let's talk about this because this guy we got to fix this i'm not picking on you i'm pulling on your strength but i have a responsibility as a shepherd to minister to your weakness otherwise you may be devoured amen somebody help me say it in closing for my yoke is easy and my burdens are light when you turn to somebody say god wants you to win so stay close to him in jesus name clap those hands let's pray let's pray stand with me so we can pray stand with me so we can pray father i thank you in the name of jesus for your goodness for your mercies for your peace for stability for your love o god we honor you and thank you for the better and the best that is on the way for us we cover our brothers and sisters and help us to be patient and loving with one another even though we're not perfect in all things our brother told us last tuesday that we have to be perfect in love even though we struggle in other areas but you've taught us how to love you've shown us the epitome of love in everything and so god we thank you that you're giving us that kind of strength but help us in the areas that we struggle so we can be made better in the name of jesus forgive us of our sins that we might be what you desire in jesus name somebody shall thank you lord for my life in you clap those hands and give him praise somebody thank you for watching and joining with us tonight it's a good group of you in here love you i want to challenge you to sow seed give your tithe and give your offerings tonight those of you that are watching us on youtube and facebook amen be a blessing on tuesday night some of you hadn't been to church in a while but i want to challenge you to sow your seed and to give tonight some of you can give an amazing gift amen there are probably about three of you that can give a hundred dollar seed tonight join with me tonight and give a hundred dollar seat others of you can give 50 or 40 or 20. i just want you to trust god sometimes you got to step out there and just trust the lord amen somebody just watch god turn some things around in your behalf give your tithe one tenth of all i possess that someone needs an envelope brothers please keep your eyes around one-tenth of all i possess belongs to god amen amen i'm looking for god to bless i want my tithe to increase amen i'm praying i'm i pray about the stock market now go go somewhere and tell that i ask god lord i need you to touch this stock market right now in the name of jesus i need to move something over here lord thank you father and god hears my prayers amen i go to bed and the stock market is upside down when i wake up the lord and turn some stuff around where i saw red the whole night before and now i see all green when i get up i'm like thank you jesus i can get on there and get god some more money for the kingdom hallelujah amen praise the name of the lord one of our brothers called me because i did i didn't quite know how to do options and he showed me how to do options and options you can buy stock for a lot cheaper and he he sit and walk with me where he called me on the phone and walked with me through it i said wow this really blessed me and just in just a couple of hours amen i made 1800 just because he called me and told me something amen somebody yes yes yes yes but you just have to just i'm telling you god answers prayer i said again god you're faithful you tithe i'm a tither so blessings have to come after me any other tithers in here [Music] amen just go ahead and pronounce it i'm blessed in jesus name amen i prophesy and speak over your life that god cover your business open doors that no man can shut that you walk in plenty and fulfillment in the name of the lord thank you so very much all right we're going to give stan with us quickly we'll let you go it was 8 o'clock now it's 8 14. somebody talking too much in here amen amen all right thank you for standing with us we're going to show thank you that are watching on facebook and youtube please give now there's giblify greater community temple memphis there's paypal and there's a text to give you'll see all that online you can do that if you want to use your debit cards is this working you can use your debit card over to my right if you so desire to do that you can do that right away but before you give before you go make sure you give let's do that now father everyone that offers seed tonight and offers increase to the work i pray you do something amazing in their families in their household maybe for their children for them on their jobs promotion comes from you we know it god i pray you'll make a way out of no way whatever they need if it's automotive it's if it's a house or property whatever it is god i pray that you'll do it for them in the name of jesus let it be affordable let it be custom let it be just for them a blessing with their name on it and we claim it done and i pray for health and strength something that we cannot buy thank you god for health and strength right now in the name of jesus that you'll even bless let that be part of our blessings that we are able to live to enjoy what you've given us in jesus name we give you thanks amen and amen please feel free to give over to my right and you can give right here as well hey don't forget soon we're going to be having a family zoom for the church and i want to invite you all to log on to the zoom for us when i tell you gct family i miss some of y'all i ain't seeing you in a while and i want to see your faces on zoom we'll be telling you more about that soon coming up we're getting ready for hallelujah fest that's going to be on a sunday this year and also miracles in memphis we want to bless about 3 000 families i need volunteers for that we moved the golf tournament to october the 2nd october the 2nd that's still on a saturday and we invite you to come out and be a part of that with us as well we need volunteers we need volunteers for the golf tournament next tuesday we're going to be doing the mental health session and seminar and i want you to come out and be a part if you know some people that need to hear it this is this month of september is suicide prevention month why do you think we have to have a whole month that the nation emphasizes suicide prevention because suicides are up and we want to discourage this fear that's in people amen is ex-instinctual anxiety and so on and so there's anything else i'm missing amen oh i'm sorry psalms for sunday will somebody tell me what that is psalms and sundays sound like give her a mic so she can tell what it is vacation from 11 to 1 o'clock on saturday where you celebrate your favorite psalm and you enjoy ice cream it's at the north location yes sir oh wow okay all right okay hope they don't melt all right and uh secondly thirdly fourthly fifthly i know we had a bunch of announcements we met today with the city of memphis and we're gonna be one of the churches hosting the partnering with them and giving out food to the homeless and hungry on thanksgiving day and we're gonna have hundreds of meals that we're going to give out along with other churches in the city it's about eight or nine churches that are partnering with the city but i told them we wanted and i had charles uh recently we want to give out in this community and north memphis community so thanksgiving day so we're still live on thanksgiving day please tell others that we're going to be giving food to the hungry and homeless not just homeless but hungry and if you need more than one plate when you come just tell us you can take it with you we'll even have a table set out or tables where you can sit there and eat if you so desire as well that's thanksgiving day also remember we have a one hour thanksgiving day service too our service is from 10 to 11 and we do the meals after the service so roughly about 12 o'clock we'll say either 11 30 or 12 we'll tell you but we're going to do it simultaneously the uh giving away the meals will be here in north memphis so when he volunteers here and we need volunteers on north campus amen thank you so very much now the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit rest rule the bible with us henceforth now and forevermore everybody say amen and amen and don't
Channel: GCT COGIC
Views: 868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greater Community Temple, GCTCOGIC, COGIC, Greater Community Temple COGIC, WEAREGCT, IAMGCT, COGICMEMPHIS, Bishop Brandon B. Porter, MEMPHIS TN, CHURCH, CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, TUESDAY NIGHT TEACHING, GCT, GCTMINISTRIES, brandon b porter, porter, tuesday night teaching, tnt, touchbythetruth, tncentral, church, memphis, preaching, preach
Id: yHRN6-V9ZF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 25sec (4465 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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