S1E6: Should I Store my Magazines Loaded? Engineering Explanation

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welcome back my friends two guns up review today we're talking about a hot topic we're gonna talk about should I leave my mags loaded or should I leave them in tea to protect the springs we're going to use a little engineering a little science that's tough and answer the question be your [ __ ] back [Music] all right so everyone is arguing and you can hear both sides of the story all over the internet and all over YouTube about should I pack these full of bullets or should I leave them empty well the the answer for packing them full of bullets is pretty simple because that way I'm ready to go anytime wrap up at my ammo my cartridges this one is full this ready to go if I have to get you know get serious in a quickness that's a word I can click this in lock and loaded Rancho where is this guy just hold on a minute I got a hold I'm gonna get this ready here just a second that's one okay you don't want to be doing this right you want to be this guy ready to rock and roll so but then people say well but if I do that my spring will be weak and when I really need it my ammunition won't feed into my weapon well I am personally as an engineer I am not convinced of that okay so let's talk about what's going on let's talk about this little 2 2 3 or 5 5 6 P mag and let's take this apart and let's see what's inside here so up here where the bullets go in where your cartridges go in you have a little plastic follower that rides a little track there and as the the bullets go in this follower goes down and in behind here is a big spring so let's see if I can take this apart without the spring flying all over the room and injuring myself here okay so a little plate comes off you've got a little bottom plate and then wha there's the spring so this here's the spring and the follower okay so the spring is made out of steel and it's made of a special steel cult's reading steel you guessed it okay and what happens as I compress that it returns back and so it deforms so let's go to our engineering class over here and let's talk about this for a second what's happening okay so Springs work on kind of in this prince in this principal here in this region so what you have here is a diagram I've got my trusty marker and you've got where I say Sigma here which is normal stress okay so my engineers out here will know exactly what that is you might call it for the layman well if you can spell now you don't intensity of force okay so this axis here is how intense the force is so as that number increases what happens on this axis down here now this is epsilon to the Greek letter epsilon and this is for strain that's that's too little for us to see strain it's too far away for me to write and you might think of strain as just this deformation io n okay so this is as the intensity of the force goes up the deformation of the steel increases and the units over here are in like inches per inch so for every inch of a material that I have it's going to stretch so many inches this axis over here is in an English system and psi pounds per square inch okay so as I have this spring as I increase the load the deformation is growing now in this case the deformation is getting shorter so it would be a negative but it works the same way so as long as I stay in this region here okay that means that in other words if as long as I don't get above that much force okay or intensity of force then once I squeeze that and I deform that spring want to let it go what happens to it it goes right back where it started from okay that's what the elastic region is on any kind of steel or aluminum or plastic for that matter as long as I stay within that region this thing is going to return where it started from now we all have that little sister that borrowed your favorite thing all right your slinky here's your slinky and you love to play with your slinky right but soon as a little sister got it she stretched it right it's just a spring but what happens if I stretch it too much now look at my slinky here in the middle right where'd you go there's a spot where I stretched it too much you all had that slinky right and it wouldn't go back where it started from right every time you rolled it up and had a sprung spring right in the middle why is that because as I stretched that as I add force to it what your little sister did is got above this point and you have what's called yielding that means you have permanent deformation that means when I take the load off it doesn't go back to where it started from okay now gun manufacturers and magazine manufacturers know this there's engineers that work there believe it or not and these Springs are manufactured so that even when fully loaded right with this this is a 30-round magazine so if I go ahead and put 30 rounds in here if you look through the little window here you can see the spring is really compressed but even then this spring is designed to remain in this elastic region so when I take the load off in other words when I start stripping rounds out of here in my gun or my rifle right then that spring is going to return to its original state okay so that's what that's how Springs work that's how these magazines are designed if I loaded that up with 30 rounds and I went above this the next time I fired this when I got to the 30th route there would be no not really any pressure on that last bullet and I wouldn't want to push it to the top of the magazine and I probably have a misfeed okay now the other thing that you have to worry about in these Springs is this and we're talking about load them up putting them in your gun cabinet and letting them sit okay and that is creep okay now that's not the weird guy that lives next door Wow no creep is when you have material this is silly putty right if I took silly putty and I just hung it here and I just sit there for a long time now I could cry sit here for as long as I have filming my camera and this would not move right but if I put a load on this silly plate if I start making this heavier and I start letting it sit here all right what what starts to happen to it now what happens if i elevate the temperature I heat up the silly buddy right it starts getting longer and longer and longer and longer right and that's what's called creep okay the material has little slip planes between the molecular structure their little deformations impurities in the material lots of things that allow one molecule to slip past another and as it sits there under load it starts getting longer and longer and longer so as a spring starts to creat it loses its strength this string of silly putty here which is now it's down small enough where it's stretching under its own weight until such as a table right so now it's really creeping hardcore in it okay that's what you don't want from a spring and when it's creep like that going to happen well it accelerates with a large constant load and we're a large load we're talking about right up here up against the yield point that's not where we're down here somewhere below that on a spring designed from your manufacturer so we don't have this it worsens with elevated temperatures if you load your magazines up and you store them I don't know in the shin your shed in the back your truck you know where can get 120 degrees in the summer 140 degrees then you know you might have a little problem with creep but for most of us what are we going to store our ammunition and our gun safe in our house and a bottom drawer somewhere inside where it's air-conditioned year round so it's 72 degrees you don't really have any elevated temperature and creep is worse in softer materials so something like silly putty spring steel is not a soft material it's a very hard as a matter of fact it's harder than you know a mild steel or a hot rolls feel like a 36 steel spring still is a much harder steel and so it that that particular steel is designed to not creep so as an engineer as a doctor but not the kind that helps people I say load them up boys it's gonna be RA and you're a lifetime you will never get enough creep to ever know the difference the main thing is is if you store this in a very dusty environment then this little follower on here might get some grit in it and that might keep it from sliding right so but if you store it in a clean place like your gun safe it's not gonna get dusty you can store it in there first looking for for our lifetime we will never ever notice any difference any deck degradation so I say load them up you'll be prepared thanks for watching we'll see you here next time on guns up review
Channel: Guns Up Review
Views: 515,053
Rating: 4.8841515 out of 5
Keywords: Rifles, Glock, Pistols, Remington, Caliber, Winchester, Chamber, Colt, Stock, Taurus, Barrel, Marlin, Shotguns, Ruger, Bullets, Springfield, Lever action, Arms, Break action, Picatinny, Pump action, Armalite, Action, DPMS, Guns, Beeman, Scopes, Browning, Optics, Daniel Defence, Cartridges, FN, Firing, Fabrique, Bows, Nationale, Archery, Henry, Arrows, Izmash, Fletching, Jukar, Arrowheads, Lee Enfield, Shaft, Mega Arms, Crossbow, Romanian, Compound, Rossi, Recurve, Savage, Longbow, Smith & Wesson, Shortbow, Spikes Shooting
Id: D7f5VYJsqkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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