Ammo Stockpile

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welcome back to the tactical Family Channel today I'm doing a video on my ammo stockpile this will be one of two of my handless stockpile videos as I have two different stockpiles I have one for my range ammo and then one for my HD mo slash shtf ammo we are starting off with my range ammo so what I'm going to do is this will be done freehand so that I can kind of show you guys all the ammunition so please bear with any shaking or hard movements with the camera as I will be doing my best to keep it steady so let's go ahead and jump in here I'll start showing you guys my ammunition I have for my range ammo again this is all my range slash training ammunition I will also go into information on why I do stockpile large amounts of range and training ammunition so we're going to go ahead and start off over here now as you guys can see we're starting off with this 3030 Kalkan right here see if I can get in there get you guys some nice photos so right here I have my nine-millimeter and then I have another thirty can of nine-millimeter not a whole lot but I do have that and switching on over here I have these are back here so I have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I have ten 50 Cal cans full of 45 acp as that is the round that I use the most and I have probably about 10,000 rounds or a little under 10,000 rounds I would say each of these 50 Cal cans have a minimum of a thousand if not just a little bit under a thousand rounds I mean they're all different kind of ammunition this is brass some are reloads not done by me I just bought and then others are some in the box and then just from like freedoms munition in other places back this was all done back last year when in California we were legally allowed to order ammunition so that's the 45 ACP and then if you guys recently watched my latest upload video or one of them this is my stockpile of ten millimeter as I just recently got a Glock 20 June 3 s SF so this is my 10 millimeter I have a thousand rounds in 10 mil here ok and then moving on over here this is my stockpile here of my 2 to 3 / 5 5 6 so I have a 2 to 3 here here here here some more 2 to 3 more 2 to 3 and then over here I have my 5 5 6 and that one that one and then 5 5 6 and this one as well the majority of it is 2 to 3 steel case the reason why is because again last year when I was ordering in December before they eliminated the online order of ammunition this was my method and way of getting the maximum amount of ammunition she trained with for the best price so I have well in excess of see here we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I take probably same thing where they get 10,000 rounds maybe even little more and then I have these are the I know these are the steel penetrators but I do use them for training and other types of testing and stuff like that some more here and then these are actually steel penetrator - they just don't have the green paint on them and then going over here this is my these are the Malaysian ammunition box out here and this was just some surplus ammunition I bought by the 762 by by 51 camera G I'm gonna best focus as possible the reason is not auto focusing but anyways so I have there we go sorry I just like see if it autofocus it busines so anyways so I bought that and I use this for wasn't super expensive it was actually pretty cheap I do use some of it for training and I have another 250 Cal cans there for training and as you can see 762 ball carton actually that was a can of came in the original can and as you can see the other ones here are silt I haven't open those and I don't want to but they've been silk from back whenever they result as we see this is a six of 1985 so that's all the ammunition I fired it haven't had any problems yet I've had a few not fire but for the majority everything does fire so moving on over here I have these four right 30 Cal cans right here are all 308 ammunition and then over here I have another 50 Cal cam and this one in here I have three and the seven 60 by 51 but this is a forty five seventy reason why is it's expensive ammunition I do train with it not a whole lot not as long as my as my other type of weapons obviously because the 4570 is well it's a good gun but the brown does drop a lot after a hundred yards and then moving over here I have three canisters of their the the Ranger ammunition see if I can get it to focus there hey cameras just not doing well today anyways so there's a ranger it's a low recoil slug got these really cheap these are also part of a video I made from last time I went to the gun show so I got a really good deal on those so I have that and then I just have one box my box with one pasta canister here of a 22 ammunition that I used for a training don't do a whole lot of training with the 22 but I know I do need to stock up more on that because it does go quick it's a fun gun shoot 22 when is it 22 not fun to shoot so so now I know some of the big questions are like well you know why would you stock up on so much ammunition for range ammo and I have a few reasons why I do one because I live in California - because well you never know what the government can do but starting with the first one in California I look perfect example we can no longer a hoarder ammunition online so we can no longer have that security of going hey you know what I need some ammunition for training or I'm gonna go do a a big exercise let me go ahead and get a good grip of ammunition for a good price so now we pay a lot more at the stores and you're limited to ammunition that they that they carry and it's pricey so that's one of the reasons - with California and the government I mean you really honestly never know what can happen they can say ok well guess what you're not going to have any more ammunition any more or you can only buy you know 500 rounds a month or 20 rounds a month whatever the case may be and when you go training I know at least when I go training or when I go to the range I can easily go through 600 rounds and you know to replenish that if you were on a limit of only 500 rounds a month or 20 rounds a month whatever the case may be that can take some time so that's why also I think it's always good to have an excess amount of ammunition on hand if you can the reason being is because you never know what can happen and it's always good in my eyes who have that ammunition whether if you needed to barter which if you had a range ammo we much rather barter with range ammunition than barter with a HD or sth F and for ammunition also you know allows me to know that say for instance there is a big dry spell with ammunition or all the ammunition was being bought up it gives me the ability to know that if all of a sudden all the ammunition you couldn't buy anymore or something happen and it was you can get ammunition for a year I know that I could still train without affecting my HD or shtf ammunition that I would still have ammunition that I could still keep me up-to-date with my training and stay 100% ready if something were to happen so those are my reasons for it I enjoy also you know stockpiling ammunition it's it's a fun thing of mine I've watched tons of videos on YouTube I haven't seen any recent ones lately but you know that's kind of my guilty pleasure I guess I enjoy those videos it's always nice seeing people and what they stockpile and how much they have of it now you guys also might be looking at I have a whole bunch of ammo cans in the back and all of these ammo cans here are going to be part of my ammo stockpile video - that's all of my HD ammunition and my shtf ammunition so I'll be doing another video on that again it's quite a bit of ammunition I'm going to do my best to either spread it out or I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do it but I will make it work so anyways again let me get you guys another good view here this is my stockpile ammunition my range training ammunition it's a good amount I'll I definitely always add to it when I can I just went shooting and I went through 600 rounds of 45 ACP so again you know ammunition can go quickly when you're doing training or anything like that so I will be getting more I will probably maybe six months or a year from now do another video and hopefully my stockpile will be even bigger it is a costly thing to do but hey you know it's I look at it as it's an important thing to doing and it's an important commodity to have so if you guys have any comments please leave them if you guys have any questions or suggestions please leave those too as well thank you for checking out this video don't forget to hit that like and subscribe and you guys have a good night
Channel: Tactical Family
Views: 474,162
Rating: 4.747355 out of 5
Keywords: ammunition storage, zombie apocalypse, ammo stockpile, ammunition stockpile, ammo stockpile range ammo, ammo stockpile 2018, ammo stockpile 2017, ammo stockpile shtf, ammo storage 2018, ammo stash 2018, ammo stash 2017, my ammo stash, shtf ammo stash, ammo prepping, ammo storage, tactical family, ruger pc carbine, featureless ar 15 california, ammo score, ammo stash, ammo cache, stockpiling ammo
Id: JmLcseBmqwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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