Ryan Gosling Funny Moments

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are you a funny guy um well I've been trying to you know I've been trying to say that for a long time now no one will listen I I was so nervous I walked up to him I said uh don I'm Ryan and he and he went what do you want me to do uh get up and shoot a rocket out of my pants an ex-girlfriend of mine used to W want to watch your uh show in bed every night and if I ever got a little handsy right I'd get smacked and she would say after Conan do you say these things do you want to say anything these things I write them actually it's my sight I didn't feel like I was getting enough that wasn't come let's get sensitive man okay all right I mean I even loved him in that Over the Hedge movie y when he played that squirrel that liked energy drinks what was that just style he he insists he insists on it he insists on it for the summer well like 10 years ago I shaved the Mohawk you know just for the summer yeah of course and then every time it started to grow out he turned into a to total jerk okay here's one of me like looking at some ducks right and I'm like in some kind of a some kind of like a Star Trek jacket I don't know why I have that and and it says hey girl I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay wishing I could waste the rest of the day with you instead of these ducks and I said to him you know like well what was what was Frank like and he said what was Frank like he said one time I'm in the bar Frank comes in gets two handfuls of Goldfish crackers runs outside I go outside Frank's lying in the grass he's crumpling up the crackers on an antill I said Frank what are you doing he says the ants got to eat too Tony I really wanted him to direct the film and I when I met with him it just went so bad it was like the worst meeting he was he didn't look at me he wouldn't talk to me he just kind of stared off into the distance it was like a bad date right and so I wanted to get out of there so I said I'm going home you know if you're not going to talk to me then beat it you know and so he said well okay but I need to ride home cuz I can't drive I said how you going to make a movie called drive if you can't even J all right hey girl sorry my shirt fell off let's see let's hear another come on one more and Diane works here in fact that they were about to get on the tent on the freeway in Santa Monica and you pulled up next to them or somebody who looked like you pulled up next to them and handed them a several boxes of Girl Scout cookies and then drove off and as you drove off Daniel said I think that was Ryan goling and his wife said yeah I think that was Ryan goling so was that Ryan Gosling seemed like a good idea it wasn't you oh it was you yeah look I regret it I knew you were a kid dancer there's something about me that says K I can tell a kid dancer I can I can spot one from a mile away that's the creepiest thing anyone's ever seen old blue eyes has charm them again well actually it's were you photoshopped yes no yeah it's actually it's a program that James Cameron has come up with it's called Avatar and you just put on this like jumpsuit and there's like six pingpong balls and then when you do scenes you suddenly magically have muscles why the move well I turned 30 congratulations thanks uh you don't legally have to move to New York if you turn 30 though you just felt like a change well everybody told me that I would feel different and I just didn't so I thought I'll do something different so you feel different so I feel different for her you know by the way what's going on between you and my girlfriend I have to admit something oh uh yeah okay I didn't try the suit on before I came out and I realized that it's it's so tight that was so neat the people of Disney are so incredibly amazing they are so nice they treated us like we were kings and queens like we came from our just our houses where we had to do our own stuff and they did so much stuff for us just so neat are you going to show me your WS I don't have any ey muscles let me be the judge of that I don't well can you buy me a drink first or something jeez just suddenly there was there was all this Cellophane in our basement okay and he wanted me to sell it he wanted you to sell C sell it what do people do with cellophane you know it's like plastic wrap you wrap sandwiches in it or you like Saran wrap Saran Wrap really okay so I was like taking it to school in my backpack I'm trying to sell it to the kids at school I'm trying to sell it to my teachers and then when I couldn't get rid of it I thought I'll go outside of the supermarket and I'll just wait till people with their food cuz they're going to need to wrap it are you embarrass Ryan let's see your face come on it's so look if you have to lose your comedic virginity you want to lose it to Steve Carell he's he's very gentle but anyway I had a fantasy that one day someone would buy all of it you know like some guy would just come along and be like I'll take it all which never happened uhhuh so I was walking out of Ralph's one day and I saw these kids were trying to sell the cookies and I was like I'll take them all and so I bought by hundreds and hundreds of boxes I didn't realize how many boxes I was going to have I had a car full of them I didn't know what to do so I started just like throwing them out the window to people on the street dug deep down to those Mickey Mouse Club Roots I mean that paid off in a big way on this particular film oddly enough I thought my background in ' 90s hip hop would help mhm but it doesn't translate get down get down George okay gosh oh my God what he's more interesting than I am so I just thought it would be helpful no that's not true well first of all I always wanted to make a character that people will go out for on Halloween mhm so I'm really crossing my fingers on this one yeah I'm going to make a I'm going to make a a lot a movie about hey girl oh perfect well '90s hip-hop just doesn't seem to translate it to soft shoe it doesn't matter how many times you thread the needle where does my hand go let me tell you now my my four finger and my thumb are going to start talking to your lower back it is so I need your lower back to just pay attention all right okay I sat in the audience once you sat in the audience of uh a talk show yes uh how long ago was this m late '90s late '90s I think so no or no it doesn't matter I sat in it that's the point so I thought okay I had some fantasy about it being something like you know like P being waved with Palm leaves and fed grapes and uh it's not that at all it's just like a big hairy Turkish guy that washes you with the bar of soap I don't know what I'm looking stop the music who you looking at I I thought I was are you dancing with over there or you dancing with me I'm dancing with you I should be dancing with you right yes okay I'm St it's not about this it's about this there was a guy in high school who had uh driven to the David Letterman show yeah and he waited outside and when the camera passed by him he acted like he was having a seizure and he got on the he made the cut and uh he has never bought a drink for himself since was like this made him famous in your town Harry fallen uhhuh and then he tries to connect my uh my my right foot to my left arm and he's he's trying to connect them like this and I'm in such pain I go like that yeah and and his and his belly goes in my mouth I want to feel like I'm the only person in the room should we C no matter all the people are boring right now the world melts away just you and I all right I'm locked in get in here all right okay uh give her a tip okay I feel like it's going well I I think that there needs to be a little tension like a little conflict here I'll okay ask her a question uh so you say you're from Westminster is that a nice town I like I like your suit do they make it for men I'm like getting more and more soupy as the night goes on and by the end of the night I'm like I look around everyone's wearing white hats and I feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole cuz they all have these white rabbits and I look at the TV screen and Russell's on on the TV accepting this Trophy and he's got his arm around me at in Atlanta what and I just said uh thank you for a lovely night and I said I got to get home just get home I got home and in the morning I got the set and they were like yeah that was a taped game have you been to a taping of this show before once oh he shows me how to tip him with magic money I we rehearse it I can't believe we're rehearsing in the nude I'm like I got to get out of here then he gives me to another guy wraps me in so many towels it's like I've been slingshot through a Bed Bath and Beyond I'm just like I just got to get the hell out I feel sick I go to my room I get to the locker where I put the money in I'm ready to go I come out he goes like this you know I go all right I give him the money I think it's done I turn around and the guy that um you know WRA me in all the towels goes but I'm like I thought wasn't supposed to take out money you know I thought it was a secret secret that's why point I take out money and it turns out it's fine so the whole rehearsal was just for nothing and I give this guy money I don't have enough I said can I get change from one guy he gives me change and then I give him the change I turn around the guy who gave me changes like this I was just like you know what here you got a big mouth and you just like to run it my little girl was born he sent me a uh a um a gift certificate for Toys R R Us did he really yes and it said um he said don't worry you'll get another job kids are expensive sure you can from what I GA that well you know what there has to be some surprise so why don't you watch a show and then you get to see me perform
Channel: A Swizzle
Views: 117,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan gosling, ryan gosling funny moments, ryan gosling funniest moments, ryan gosling cute moments, ryan gosling and jimmy kimmel, ryan gosling and jimmy fallon, ryan gosling and conan, young ryan gosling, best ryan gosling moments, ryan gosling and emma stone, hey girl ryan gosling, ryan gosling hey girl, ryan gosling dog, ryan gosling compilation, funny moments compilation, ryan gosling interview compilation
Id: 5gzrcuZCq7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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