8 Easy Attraction Habits Ryan Gosling Uses On Everyone He Meets | Classic Charm

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Ryan Gosling has been considered one of the most attractive men ever in the entire world let's learn how Ryan is able to capture the hearts of so many with his charm while still being an introvert in this episode of classic charm what is charm it's an unspeakable energy that somebody has I disagree as a social coach I've been studying this for over the past 20 years and I have found that charm comes down to nine traits here they they are right here now I personally believe Ryan Gosling is the most Charming person that I've ever analyzed and studied on classic charm and also does it in a way that's not big and bombastic but in a very calm collected relaxed way but also very focused and that's why I'm going to be covering so many of these traits of charm the first Mark of charm is embracing your individuality now I want you to watch this question that Ryan gets asked in this interview right here most most people most celebrities they jump to An Answer especially when talking about a co-star they want to try to show everybody how amazing they think they are and they oh my God he's the best actor he's so so but I want you to watch how he responds to the question going to work every day with George Clooney um highlight for you well he's just he's such an interesting guy he's doing doing so much all the time you know he wrote direct uh produced starred in uh the film he's also he's got satellites over Sudan taking pictures of the border that he's navigating from his cell phone you know he's checking the scores on the game he's got a few practical jokes in the work at all times he's uh you know he's just very big is he and it's he's so high functioning you know that it's like kind of fascinating to watch somebody like that in action do you see how he takes a pause how he stops and he thinks about what he wants to say you can see that he goes into himself and really tries to give the best answer possible here but not just the best answer the best answer that has to do with what his true experience is how he truly feels about his co-star that is somebody that Embraces his own individuality because he doesn't give a about just jumping to answering the most common boring obvious answer of going oh he's such an amazing person oh we have such a great time he doesn't do that he takes a moment he thinks and then calmly he tells exactly how he feels and that's another thing about Ryan even though he has an amazing sense of humor he's super charismatic I want you to realize that most of the time he's very calm he's collected and that's because that's who he is he's not trying to be calm especially in a world where Charisma and being big and huge is such a popular accepted ready to beloved trait Ryan doesn't give a he's calm when he wants to be and he's an idiot when he wants to be as well so the next trait of charm that Ryan embodies so well is having fun and being playful in this interview you could see easily how he keeps interrupting the person that's asking him questions and he does it in a fun way where it's purposeful where everybody knows this is him being playful this is how he jokes around we're having problems we're going through a conscious un buddying right now conscious un buddying I like that I want he'll be on tomorrow so we you know we like we're we're separated for like we we've agreed to keep 24 hours apart all right good to know when you see him tell them I look happy we we'll play some we'll play some of what you really I'm happier than I've ever been okay okay will tell him that I will tell him that for you Ryan I want to get into the movie in just a bit but first I understand the girl to boy ratio in your house is now 3 to1 yes how's that going it's Heaven it's like it's like walking through a field of flowers every day well congratulations live I live with angels very nicely put it's it's a it's a ray of sunshine in a dark time honestly because with Russell it's really it's it's it's sad it's sad that we've turned out this way you know well you actually play a father in in this and that relationship between you and your she's 13-year-old actress but your daughter it's really the the heart of the movie because you and also have your issues but your daughter what was it like working alongside uh her she's a just a star in the making yeah you you said it that because you didn't know how to pronounce her name I don't it's angori rice Ang Ang rice and they say so well I read the I have similar fear in my eyes too I can see it uh and they say it like it's like Maui you know although I think it's PRC in this interview with Jay Leno I want you to see how he's constantly trying to show that he's not a celebrity he's just a regular guy watch how when people are clapping for him he mentions oh you guys were just clapping because the Applause sign and how do no don't I saw the Applause sign I know I'm hip and it's a nice when Jay Leno comments about how much attention is on to him lately and how well he's doing in the media he goes it's a bit Overkill I'm sick of myself it's been a busy year for you three big movies you got Crazy Stupid Love Drive Ides of March huh yeah that's pretty good it's uh it's a bit bit bit Overkill is it Overkill you think it's a little too much think you're Overexposed everything I'm sick of myself really really W yeah wow I can't imagine how everyone else feels that is Ryan bringing himself down to earth he's never trying to show that he's better than others he doesn't have this type of ego where he needs to show that I'm this hot shot movie star this is a very important part of charm most people think that oh to be attractive to be especially attractive I need to show high value I need to be a high value man go yourself it's the exact opposite if you are trying to show off it only proves that you are insecure in yourself and you truly don't feel happy just in yourself so you need to get that validation from people you need to prove it to people how great you are Ryan doesn't give a about that he is always always bringing himself down to earth here are a few more examples feel a little self-conscious about it no why well cuz I already wore it once you want me and apparently in Show Business you know would know this you can't wear the same thing twice yeah it's like you're spitting in Fashion's face something yeah but I don't care I'm wearing it again so there you a lot of fun I mean it's it's sort of ridiculous you do you know I told them I'd be better suited to play the young Zena but they uh they cast me here I mean I'm excited it's going to be a lot of fun you know every time something like this happens my mother calls every kid that used to beat me up and she's like remember Ryan used to beat him up huh well he's Hercules now you just shut up yeah so she's very proud she's very excited for I'm also feeling a little self-conscious because I uh okay so I ran into my friend Lisa Shields last night Lisa yeah and she um her job is to work for she works for my agent now one of her jobs is to record all my late night appearances yeah she told me this last night she said I'm trying too hard on talk shows you're trying too hard yeah she said you're trying so hard to be cool wow and I said well what should I do and she was like I don't know just like uh I said I'm going on Jay Leno tomorrow so what should I do she said I don't know like just don't talk even in this interview about the movie The Notebook that he was in he's always taking the importance and placing it onto his co-star Rachel McAdams he's never saying oh I did it he's always saying she is the person that made this movie what it is we weren't making the movie when we were auditioning because really the whole it's really Rachel's movie and the whole film kind of if it's a car she's driving it so now the one thing about Ryan is he is an expert at conversation he knows every in and out of how to chat with somebody how to ask questions how to make that eye contact how to listen how to take a conversation from normal and boring and put a little spice put a little C Charisma in it and how to make it more sexual at the right times how to get physical with somebody Ryan is a master and because I've been studying conversation for so long I created a course called conversation Mastery which you can get in the link in the description or scanning the QR code right now conversation Mastery cost over $600 on my website but I wanted to make it free for you so I put it on skillshare and I'm giving you a whole month of skillshare for free when you click the link in the description or scan the QR code and when you do this is how it's going to work you sign up for skillshare Yes you put your credit card details in but you're not paying for skillshare you know why because you can just cancel the trial like literally right now you put your credit card details in you cancel the trial you get my course that's over $600 for free now listen if you want to support skillshare you love the classes all that type of stuff you can continue with skillshare and pay for it but that's not what I'm asking you to do I'm just asking you to get my course for free on skillshare this is my little loophole that I created for you click the link description QR code I'll talk to you more about this conversation Mastery course after this video let's get back to Ryan now another Mark of charm that Ryan embodies so incredibly well just like all of them is taking a special positive interest in the person that is in front of him at any time and one of the best ways that Ryan exemplifies this is when he's in an interview he's never trying to make it about him he's never trying to to make it an interview he's always trying to make it a conversation so he's always taking that question and he's throwing it back at the interviewer this turns it into something where it's two people that are just relating to each other or are we just too nice I don't really know what do you think I think we're just too nice I said that yesterday and Paul Gatti really went at me for that my first thing I thought was I got to get a motorcycle when was the first time you got a bike oh my first first time I got a bike or when did you want a bike when did you know you know I remember actually because I was six it was because he never takes the person that's in front of him for granted if there's a person that's asking him questions he's not just dehumanizing them and acting as though they are just some computer that's spouting out questions to him that he has to answer no that is a person that is a human being in front of him and he has to acknowledge that he has to show that person how important they are to him now the next thing that Ryan is so good at I want you to watch how good Ryan Gosling's eye contact is and now remember it's not just eye contact for eye contact sake a Charming person isn't just staring at you okay what Ryan Gosling is doing is he's using his eyes to look into that person how you do this is you kind of just gaze onto the person's face you're not staring at any one thing at a time but what you're doing is you're taking in their emotion that they're constantly expressing on their face at every given moment when you do so you're able to see through the lines of what that person is actually trying to tell you or not trying to tell you everything is on a person's face now this is a big one here because without this Ryan wouldn't be Charming you could be interested in people you could be embracing your individuality but if you don't have a rebellious streak in you if you're not a little bit cheeky when you're interacting with people you kind of come off boring a little bit flat I want you to watch in these clips how Ryan takes so many situations and makes them a little bit up he likes to turn them on their head he likes to take situations and say you know this is going really nice and well why don't we just like throw a little into the mix I probably could yeah bye what bye no bye bye Ryan bye Ryan [Applause] Ryan bye this is not something that most celebrities are doing on interview junkets they're trying to behave they're trying to be squeaky clean Ryan knows how to balance that with just a little bit of deviant so because Charming people are so good at balancing the Deviant and the normal y of their personalities I want you to watch this very subtle thing that Ryan does in an interview when he's about to talk about sex but instead of saying the word sex he chooses a better more acceptable word copulate we we share the same dream somehow I don't know how and so I think it makes for a good a good a good team you know so did it end with a kiss kite then no we just kind of creatively copulated and uh made a movie baby and my car he does things like this because if you push too hard in the rebellious misbehaving Vibe you're going to come off a little crazy annoying just unacceptable so you always want to be cleaning it up with being a pleasant courteous polite person now here's where Ryan's charm is probably the most abundant he's probably the most quick witted A-list selebrity I've ever known now being quick wited is a skill that you develop but at the same time it's all about being being as alert as possible for what the conversation's actually about what's actually being talked about look at it a little bit deeper than just surface level and you're going to be able to make these quick connections to what somebody says or to something that you even say turning something into something more funny or more interesting was was the magic immediate or did it evolve no yeah no it's a filter that they added in post just later on the same people that designed Gollum for lord of the Rings they just went in there and they gave us chemistry it's good it works right it's it feels real going back to Ryan's interviews in the notebook I want you this is probably the best example of Ryan showing his quick win now there were some other people that were talked about for your role from Tom Cruz to Matt Damon I didn't hear that what do you think about that what were they doing casting me you know Nick sent me the script and he he said he thought that I should do it and I read and I thought he was crazy and I met with him I I said Nikki you know come on this is not the face of a romantic lead and he said well you know that way when she says that she loves you we know that she's in it for the right reasons so I thought well that's probably true and he's like Brad Pit anyone's going to fall in love with Brad Pit you who's going to fall in love with you and I thought yeah it's mean but you don't need to say that he was like no I'm not trying to be mean I'm just saying that you know you make babies cry and I'm like whoa that's what do you stop it you know he's like no I'm just feeling nauseous looking at you it's nothing person I was like come on know if I was going to give you the magic pill for how to be Charming I would just put you in an improv class the most fundamental Concept in improv is something called yes and it's where you take whatever is being talked about you agree with it and then you add on top of it Ryan is the best in this and it shows that he's actually studied improv for years did you just hold on for one sec oh okay Sublime I don't know I'm have to think about that and just like most celebrities that I analyze and classic charm they are passionate about a wide array of things now Ryan is no different he's an actor but at the same time he's a musician he's released an album he sings he plays instruments he is multi passionate in life and every Charming person that I've ever studied is the same we all know his performance in Barbie singing I'm just Ken but I want you to listen to this song that he wrote years ago and performed with his own band [Music] we know why something is watching from beond [Music] oh now I don't think I'm ever going to analyze somebody as Charming as Ryan Gosling on classic charm but if you have any suggestions for me put it in the comments if you're interested in my conversation class and learning all of the ins and outs of how Ryan actually goes about having conversation how does he ask questions how does he Express himself how does he make eye contact if you really want to get deep with his stuff and learn how to flirt just like Ryan does if you want to have that energy just like Ryan does get my conversation Mastery course on skillshare on my website it costs over $600 but I'm not going to do that to you today today I'm going to give it to you for free when you sign up with skillshare for a month now this is not a sponsorship with skillshare this is me putting my course on skillshare and giving you that free month trial to use my course and then if you like skillshare keep paying for it whatever but if you don't want to continue with skillshare then you could just cancel the free trial and then you get my course for free that's a $600 course for free right now when you click below or scan the QR code now I've been a social skills and relationship coach for over 15 years and if you want to learn more about the ins and outs of charm social skills dating and flirting you could click the Subscribe button if you want you don't have to smash it like the other dorks do you just kind of like lightly stroke it what was this
Channel: Anthony Recenello
Views: 41,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dating
Id: -cD2uoaLhZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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