"Knife Guys" Will Ferrell and Ryan Gosling

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uh I have an ability to guess what people's New Year's resolutions are just by looking at them I'm like a resolution psychic I'll show you my cousin Sal's outside on Hollywood Boulevard right now hey cousin St what's happening Jimmy's got some you have some pedestrians standing by yeah well you're the psychic you should know right on all right well bring somebody in here and uh let's see who we have first of all I would like you to confirm sir that we have never seen each other or spoken before correct correct okay what is your name Jose and where are you from uh Dallas Texas okay I will now guess your New Year's resolution Jose um what do you do for a living I am unemployed okay your resolution is to get a job is that right yes okay hello folks it's Wednesday night and welcome to the KN hey this is a wow thank you how you doing will um will FOH everybody hey Will hey Jimmy how's it going what's up uh nothing just do just doing the show what's up with you now yeah ABC moved us up to 11:35 so we're on earlier now yeah right no really they did what is this what's going on here well I I use the studio at 11:30 on Wednesdays for my QVC knife show you might want to uh might want to check the signin sheet I didn't even realize there was a signin sheet to be honest with you well there is and my name is on oh well I'm I'm very sorry I didn't know no it's okay I'll just go ahead and start oh well that's you know what I'm in the middle of my show right now I just guessing people I have knives to sell Kimel okay all right just all right make it but do it quick okay knifers only a few of these Beauties left say hello to the nonstick razor steel Samurai stab Master 2200 you want Primo slicing action look at what this baby does to balloons huh you always have trouble cutting through flan don't you Jimmy yeah yeah not a problem this thing literally cuts through warm butter like it's warm butter oh that's that's great that's well that's fantastic thank you well you you're done oh not even close oh let's bring out my guests who have some more stuff to slice [Applause] Ryan my Ryan was my guess how you [Applause] doing what the hell are you doing here well I what am I doing what are you doing you're supposed to youing here we sell knives at 11:30 everybody knows that I didn't know I didn't see the sheet there's a signup sheet I didn't read the sheet I've never seen the sheet I don't know where the sheet came from here we've been here for 3 months I didn't know I'm sorry I don't know how this is my fault it doesn't matter Ryan let's let's get to chopping huh cookie dough cotton candy chocolate milk you always got a slice chocolate milk how many potato chips gone how many of these um tapioca pudding do you have how many cot cheese I think we should probably wrap it up because well applesauce if you could wrap it up because I don't really feel like you're selling any I don't feel like you're actually selling oh oh oh oh what are you all right it's your problem Jimmy it's not my fault I didn't do this oh I got your energy did this yeah it's deep it's deep too you see that it's it's clean a beautiful cut though a beautiful cut it's a cleaner slice it's a much cleaner slice than you'd get from any store bought knives right to the B right to the Bone beautiful you know maybe you should go see The Medic or something huh I think we're going to go okay we're going to go now oh he's Ryan he's getting a little woozy I think this is this is your fault Timmy this is not this is not my fault this is not my fault hey I didn't even get I didn't even get to buy a kn yes
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 16,115,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jimmy Kimmel, comedy, late night, interviews, celebrity, funny, bits, clips, sketches, comedians, tonight, hollywood, highland, los, angeles, california, walt, disney, company, talkshow, nightly, knife guys, will ferrell, ryan gosling, 11:35, psychic, new years resolution, cousin sal, mean tweets, celebrities read mean tweets, Guillermo, Man on the Street, YouTube Challenge, YouTube Pranks, Lie Witness News, Jimmy Fallon, Knife Guys, Will Ferrell and Ryan Gosling
Id: dqoPXC60l_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2013
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