Ryan Gosling funniest moments (Updated 2020)

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how are you guys thank you oh good thank you how are you thank you thank you my pleasure and that's all for today good night everyone even if he's not nice to you it's great right i mean it's the best i i was so nervous i walked up to him i said uh don i'm ryan and he's and he went what do you want me to do get up and shoot a rocket out of my pants [Laughter] sorry sorry about my friend she's a hoser i want to get into the movie in just a bit but first i understand the girl to boy ratio in your house is now three to one yes how's that going it's heaven it's like it's like walking through a field of flowers every day well congratulations i live with angels you can't watch movies you know yeah they have too much of an effect on him so i could only watch bible movies and uh at national geographic movies wow so like then the next week i came to school and i hit a kid in the neck with a blow dart that's not true that's not true that's a joke played neil armstrong in this film first man yes and and flight was you know he was neil was flying before he could drive so it felt like a something i should learn how to do right and um if i'm honest i thought you always hear about celebrities flying so i thought how hard could it be if celebrities can do it celebrities yeah it's gotta be uh it's very hard yeah no yeah so you learned on like a small like a twin engine thing yeah like a cessna and um it was uh they asked me to take it into a stall like a self-imposed stall and i thought uh you know what else has stalled my interest in flying let's go i mean that really was hilarious you were laughing through a lot of this show you know i have this weird disorder where when i find something funny i laugh you laugh she said that she sweats a lot when she dances and so she was sweating on you a lot was that a problem i don't know about this sweating but yeah she was wearing a lot of layers i don't know if that was contributing to the problem or if that's because of it's hard to know it's a chicken or the egg thing i guess one of my first few lessons we flew over my house and i waved to my kids and i thought i could get used to this that's fun yeah and then he said let's put it into a stall and i thought oh no let's let's let's land ryan gosling just asked me where should i look and i said just look at me i've waited my whole life to say that to you just look at me ryan you're my lighthouse in the store maybe because i've had a lot of coffee and i'm about to crash into the rocks so and uh it was her first time in new york and i i i brought her to the window in the morning and i i i said uh you know you know sweetheart welcome to new york and uh two cars went smash did your daughters get to see you in the astronauts uh uh do you call it an outfit or what do they don't call it an outfit you don't know uh in the astronauts what do you call is it a uniform spacesuit spacesuit oh yeah well that makes sense yeah yeah did they get to see you in the spacesuit they did they came to set and they happened to well they came on this day where i was shooting a launch scene so i was in the space suit and uh and and pretending to launch i think they think i'm an astronaut do you do anything to dissuade them from thinking you're an astronaut my oldest said the other day she pointed to the moon she was like that's where you work right the answer is absolutely yes of course right i don't know yeah no to me it's yes yes always lie to your children it's always the way to go what's the strangest thing you're afraid of loose hair loose hair yeah just like you know like just one like like somewhere like like you have beautiful hair but if just one of those were to just wander over here it would give me pause it's a it's a scary thing to do because you know especially in an audition because you don't know your characters you don't know each other you don't know what you know you don't have any frame of reference for what you're doing what are you going to talk about in this scene you have to create a scene in that moment and we just couldn't shut up it's unearned you know i don't really deserve it but you've never said hey girl for just you want i've never done a record i've never said that now okay never said it [Laughter] emma and ryan is this your third time working together yeah what was it like for the third time good night but i don't do that here no i don't have to do that we give everyone a cadillac when the show is over we all know this buddy look under your chairs look under your chair it's a cattle what physical feature of yours do you like the most my left thumb it's so much better than my right i was going to say that now let me ask you another question is that like a free suit from a movie or did you actually buy that one no that this is free that's why i want to wear it we're very close and we rehearsed for three months and shot for two months so we spent you know almost half a year together which was really fun hey ryan ryan let's just forget it it's really offended in the end i've had too much champagne to answer that question emma will you just repeat the very last part again i'm sorry yeah it's basically how our modern era has shaped what we consider a love fantasy today i don't know that i can speak to the entirety of the modern era right now but by next week i'm going to have a solid answer for you with footnotes and references if you owned a boat what name would you choose for it the ss nausea you get seasick not a fear okay well there's so much secrecy around this new film what what can you tell me about it obviously you've told me that it's you having a drink i think it's uh i feel like that's where this is headed you don't take halloween decorations down no what do you have out there right now well you got your tombstones you got a lot of like sneaky skulls um you know what happens your bats your witch your witches it's just uh what's that what what about christmas i think they go well together i don't think they're mutually exclusive we're going to talk about the movie uh specifically in a minute but you were at the kennedy space center last week yeah what do you do what are you doing when you're there are you doing press are you talking to people you're looking at stuff there's looking at stuff there's talking to people we had um an amazing opportunity to talk to an astronaut on uh the the space station that's cool yes you spoke the video chat thing or yes yeah yeah how did that go drew feustel oh oh you had his name tattooed on your body i just oh you wrote it with me i wrote it but i didn't want to get it wrong anyway uh uh right six months yeah and what did he have to say was he excited to see you um i think we were more excited to see him but he was uh you know it was incredible he was telling us about uh you know he's taking like nine space walks okay was asking what those are like wow he said it's just incredible when you're out there and you see the you see the earth just floating and then you know the vastness of space and you realize that you know we just feel so alone in the universe and we're just so lucky to have each other and then he stopped himself he was like anyway enough about that here's the bathroom why did i show you the bathroom i don't know but it's like if you go online and you look up like space station stuff it's just oh they're always showing you the bathroom and i feel i think it might be i feel like the one questions that people get that they get yeah i think they think that that's all you want to know about did you want to know about it no was it notable in any way the bathroom i just tuned that part out honestly you did heard like something about a number two tube and i was like no oh did you only talk to the americans because there's a cosmonaut up there right yes there were two oh yeah right um yeah and he sort of floated down down the hall and yeah yeah floated down the hall to his uh you know his cosmonaut friends and then this kind of bartering system started happening about uh like the the russians wanted from what i could tell the russians had like russian cream cheese that they wanted to to trade for some um american space shrimp what american space shrimp i got to sense that the the the american space shrimp is you know it's from naples morning thank you so much thanks for having me he's a nice guy the nice guy a funny guy oh that's a nice way to oh you see how i did that you like how i did that okay you should do this professionally you're good at this all right you can come back tomorrow all right i'll go with you thank you guys
Channel: FavCelebrities
Views: 1,128,859
Rating: 4.8681445 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Gosling, ryan gosling, Ryan Gosling funny, Ryan Gosling funniest moments, Ryan Gosling funny moments, Ryan Gosling funny 2020, Ryan Gosling funniest moments 2020, Ryan Gosling funny moments 2020, Ryan Gosling 2020, Ryan Gosling 2020 interview, Ryan Gosling interview 2020, Ryan gosling attractive moments, Ryan Gosling handsome, Ryan Gosling best moments, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling and Harrison ford funny, Ryan Gosling and Harrison ford funny 2020, Ryan 2020
Id: 79YlMZlqZmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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