Best of Ryan Gosling on the ‘Ellen’ Show

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So you wear these how often? I'm-- I took them off to come here. Really? You're always in them? Yeah. [MUSIC PLAYING] And you brought me something. And I want to know what it is. It's in a bag. They said you brought me something fun. Well, I bought-- OK, so for Christmas, I got these for my family as a joke. And then we put them on. And they're so wildly comfortable. Then we never took them off. And I liked them so much. I brought you one. I thought you might like it. Oh, this is what I've been talking about we need to start making for the show. It's a onesie. It's a onesie. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] With feet. Right. And I-- I like them so much that I got all of you one too. Everybody in here? Yeah. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Here's what I'm going to say. I don't know if you agree with me, but I would say that Ryan Gosling is the best guest we've ever had on the show. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] It's a lot to top. I don't know how anybody's ever going to top that. I know there's like a novelty aspect to this. Yeah. But they're pretty comfortable, aren't they? They're-- [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Yeah. So great. And to work out in, you get your sweat on. Oh, yeah. I was already getting my sweat on. This is adding to the sweat a whole lot. This is-- but this really is something I want to do with the Ellen Shop. I want to do-- this is such a great idea. Thanks. Jumpin Jammerz. Uh-huh. They gave them to you. And now, thanks Jumpin Jammerz. And so you wear these how often? I-- I took them off to come here. Really? You're always in them. Yeah. I'm not-- I don't want to-- Hardly-- Part of this is to make this somehow popular so I can wear them out and not feel like a fool. All you had to do was put it in GQ. They'll follow you. That's what I'm saying. We'll do whatever you say. Well, it starts here. It's a movement You're the style master. It's Jumpin Jammerz movement. All right. Now, will you wear something like this if it catches on to the Golden Globes? I'd love to. All right. I would like to see that. But like in a tux kind of a situation. Yeah, with a little-- like a flower. Yeah, dress it up. Yeah, right. Yeah, a little flower right there. You're kidding, but I'm not. I'm not kidding. I'm totally serious. So people talk about how handsome you are all the time. And-- [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] They do all the time. All the time. So there's a wax figure that I saw of you. And it's hard to get those things right. Have you seen your wax figure? I haven't. Let me show you. It's really good. It actually-- isn't that good? Is that as close as we can get? But it does look good. I saw it closer up. And it looks very, very good. No, that's really good. Look at the people taking pictures with you and everything. Because it looks like they're taking pictures with you. I'd like to show you-- I just learned this before the show. I did not know I had a wax figure. And it turns out I do. Where is it, near Niagara Falls. OK, this is me apparently. [ALL LAUGHING] [APPLAUSE] I was-- I was just-- I was just showing this like literally before the show started. And I was like, am I an usher? You look like Phyllis Diller. I think I do. It's a combination between Florence Henderson, and Phyllis Diller, and a bunch of people. And I'm clearly dancing because that's all I do. That's haunting. It is haunting. And did you pose for yours? Because they got it so right. Did they measure you and do a mold? They got it that good without even-- They didn't ask me nothing. Wow. Well-- Well, you didn't-- you didn't even know. Yeah, I posed for that. Yeah. Yeah. I was like that for about an hour. No. I don't know why. That's just crazy. You brought me something that you made, I hear, before we go to break. So what do you want-- Can I just say that I know a lot of people, I'm sure, say that they're your biggest fan. But I think a strong case could be made that my girlfriend sister Janet is your biggest fan. Yes, she's-- She's in the audience tonight. I know. Hey, Janet. Hi. She-- every year, you have that Toys for Tots thing. At her school, she runs the drive. She also brings hand delivers the toys every year. And this is also interesting. Every day she comes to the house, she has an Ellen hoodie on. And if you ask her if she gets hot, she takes it off. There's an Ellen T-shirt underneath. And if she takes that off, there's an Ellen sort of like singlet. So it's kind of like one of those Russian matuschka dolls. It just keeps going and going. And I just thought, is there any-- I made this. I made this. It just says Janet. [LAUGHS] Is there any way you would wear this and take a picture with Janet? Janet, come on down. Do that? Yeah. Come on. Come on! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] You're the best. You're the best. Janet, you're not wearing an Ellen hoodie. I'll give you one, though. Because I have some back here that I keep. Oh, my God. Hi, Janet. But she is wearing a beautiful-- it is a beautiful Ava Mendez dress. Really? That's Ava's dress? I love that. I love the stuff she does. Here. Put your Ellen hoodie on. You're the best. Thank you. Of course. Oh, my gosh. Are you ready? [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Wait a minute. Hi. Quick question, are you mad at me? Why? Because the last time I came out, you leapt into my arms. And this time, I just got a tiny-- Oh, no. Did I really leap into your-- Yeah. Oh, I feel-- [ALL LAUGHING] Oh. Oh. Come on. So nice to see you. And thank you for having me. Having be back. Put me down. OK. You want to stay? Yeah. I'm going to stay in here. Thank you so much. It's just like a chilled out. We should do this. We're just hanging out. Yeah. Just have a conversation. Why take it seriously? No. We're just people hanging out. Why don't people talk like this more often on talk shows? I don't know. My pants are too tight for this. Can we sit down? Yeah. Thank you. Well. That's good now. Thank you for that. Good. I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was supposed to do that every time I saw you. Now, I will. Yeah. It's in my contract. I will-- really? Every woman jumps into your arms? Just you. Just me. All right. So I'm going to get a running start next time. Like before you even reach here, I'm just going to run towards you, and you won't know which way I'm going to jump. I-- you heard it here first. Yeah. Please welcome, Ryan Gosling. [MUSIC, CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] If we take this carrying thing any further, we should invest in like an adult baby bjorn. Yeah. Well-- And then you can just hang out there. I didn't know how to run into your arms. Because every single time, you pick me up. It's a little different. Yeah. And when you were just standing there, I thought, OK, I'm running into your arms. See, I should have jumped like that, right. Is that what you thought was-- should I have run and jumped in your arms in another way? You did-- you did do it in another way. No. Yes, exactly. I did it the wrong way. And somehow-- That's the magic of it. --you're incredibly strong. That's not the worst it get. No. I'm going to think about that when I'm laying in bed tonight, going that's not-- that's not how I should have run into his arms. It just seems like I went too fast at you too. Did I scare you? No, but your one leg went up, and I went under. I know. I know. We did not rehearse that. No, we did not. It's so weird. We didn't rehearse that. Yeah. It looks like we would have but no. [LAUGHS] We thought we would give you a chance to raise some money asking you some questions. And for every answer-- and I'll be the judge of whether it's good or not. Also, we'll donate $1,000. OK. So that could be a lot of money, and it's a good cause. So make sure-- I'll make you a deal. What's that? The ones I don't want to answer, I'll donate $1,000. That's not-- no, that's not fair. That seems fair. No. All right. But try to answer some questions or it's just boring. All right. Name a celebrity you had a crush on growing up? Raquel Welch. OK. Fill in the sentence. I like to blank in the nude. Undress. If you're in the nude, you can't undress once you're in the nude. I can do whatever I want. Yes, you can. You're right. Have you ever had a nickname? If so, what was it? Harrison Ford calls me Brian. I hope that's a nickname. I don't think it is. I don't think-- I think he thinks your name is Brian. All right. What physical feature of yours do you like the most? My left thumb. It's so much better than my right thumb. I was going to say that. It's what I've always admired about you. [LAUGHS] What's the strangest thing you're afraid of? Loose hair. [CHUCKLES] Loose hair? Yeah, just like-- just one. Like somewhere-- like-- Yeah, like you have beautiful hair but if just one of those were to just wander over here. It would give me pause. [LAUGHS] OK. All right. If you had to cook for your family, what can you make? What's the budget? How much time do I have? The budget is $34, and you have an hour and a half. There's not much a grilled cheese can't fix. I'll go there. All right, grilled cheese. Nothing like a grilled cheese sandwich. Nothing. A little tomato in it. If you owned a boat, what name would you choose for it? The SS Nausea. Do you get seasick? Not a fan. OK. What's your favorite children's book to read to your kids? The Grapes of Wrath. [LAUGHS] Nice short story. Yeah. Oh, that's great. Yeah. They probably go to sleep midway or-- what's the most thrill seeking thing you've ever tried? This show. Because I run into your arms? Yeah. What's one of your worst habits? Not answering people's questions. OK. Next. What's your Wi-Fi password? I'm going to pay $1,000 to not answer that. All right. I'm going to-- I'm just going to round it up to $10,000. I don't know what it was. But thanks to Ulta Beauty. You just raised-- oh, $15,000. 15 is what I'm going to do. All right. All right. Nicely done. We'll be back in a nutshell. Have a wonderful weekend. Be kind to one another. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 40,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show, elen, degeneris, game, season, fun, the ellen degeneres show
Id: F5XBifrweS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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