Ryan Gosling interview

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you got some sweet moves my friend thank you thank you and this has been a busy year for your three big movies you got the Crazy Stupid Love Drive Ides of March bit bit overkill is it overkill you think it's a little too much you're overexposed everything I'm sick of myself really really I can't imagine how everyone else feels and had us I saw the applause sign I know I'm here that's a nice suit you look good you look shot I feel a little self-conscious about it no why well cuz I already wore it once you don't know and apparently in show business yeah you know would know this you can't wear the same thing twice yeah it's like you're spitting in fashions face yeah yeah but I don't care I'm wearing it again so that's what's being called a rebel let me ask you another quake is that like a free suit from a movie or did you actually buy that one no this is free that's why I want to wear it and yeah see mine I'm what yeah here's young men shop I'm also feeling a little self-conscious because I okay so I ran into my friend Lisa Shields last night Lisa yeah and she a her job is to work for it she works my agent now right what one of her jobs is to record all my late night appearances yeah she told me this last night she said I'm trying too hard on talk shows you're trying too far yeah she said you're trying so hard to be cool Wow and I said well what should I do and she was like I don't know just like I said I'm going on Jay Leno tomorrow yeah so what should I do she said I don't know I just don't talk don't number I'd like to speak to her during the day yeah she sounds like a really good agent yeah yeah I was like it's a talk show how do you not that's right that's right and then she said I said she said we'll do something weird like sit behind his desk and get him to sit in the chair I was like but isn't that trying hard yeah that's right you don't wanna do that do you know yeah but you and I do have something I'm gonna try not to try hard on this okay it's gonna be real well you know we should we should find some common ground okay that always works I found some common ground with you you like motorcycles I like one of cycles I was thrilled to learn this now you like bikes right cool so what oh cool so when did you first get into bytes oh yeah okay well when I was like the kid I think I was eight yeah I was walking to school and I saw a guy get hit by a car on his motorcycle and he flew off the bike yeah and his helmet flew off yeah and I had my backpack and I walked up to him and I was right above him I had this long blonde hair and all this blood started pouring out from behind his head and I looked down and he looked up at me I saw this little kid I don't think if he knew whether he was in heaven or hell and then and I thought my first thing I thought was I gotta get a motorcycle in was the first time you got a bike oh my first well first time I got a bike or what did you want a bike when did you know you know I remember actually because I was six it was a nourish of New York and one of my cousin's was dating like a hoodlum is my mother thing and the guy pulls up in a Harley and I had the big windshield in the corner of the windshield he had a girl in a two-piece not even bikini a two-piece like this you know so I said my god I don't like this and I said oh and look at the bike and my mother thought we not looking that giveaway I won't look you're not thinking that I don't care about the girl I want see the motorcycle no you're not looking at that girl she wouldn't let me see it so from that day on I had the hell yeah can I ask you can I ask you a question yeah cool um I I heard that you got in a motorcycle accident broke your leg in three places and got gangrene and still did the show that's right we just did the shoe store yeah when you're on NBC you miss a day you're screwed take a break more with Ryan yeah you uh you grew up in Canada web where Toronto area Cornwall Ontario so you always want to make me believe that that was too much really i seven from Cornwall out here no way well that's not Cornwallis yeah yeah yeah you gotta cool it's close I don't know some Paulo no not even was that the same town as Justin Bieber's well Justin Bieber was I think born in London Ontario oh okay we're very proud of him good job see you girly to cool kids yeah um well I did you know sure yeah so jaws want to make movies without without what all was the goal well I didn't know I wanted to I always knew that movies okay so like when I was a kid I saw yeah Rambo first blood my ball first blood and then after the movie put a spell on me and I thought I was Rambo and I even thought my face felt like uh Sylvester Stallone's and I put a bunch of fisher-price a bunch of steak knives in my fisher-price Houdini kit I took it to school the next day and I threw them at all the kids at recess and I got suspended and I didn't hit anybody No so that's I've been I'm sorry I don't think it's cool yeah but my parents like this guy can't watch movies you know yeah yeah they have too much of an effect on him so I could only watch Bible movies and at National Geographic movie Wow so the like then the next week I came to school and I hit a kid in the neck with a blow dart that's a joke I'm trying too hard on it now you have two movies in theaters now you wait you port not yeah a driver because odds are March do you do your own stunts and drive do you do any driving I did a lot I did a lot I did a lot of the cool stuff mhm but the really rad stuff yeah I didn't do no how about that handbrake turn weird is that you you try one well I can do a 90 and a backwards 180 oh that's that's very good look at you can you do that so I've done that it's a lot of fun yeah did you do it in the movie I I think I did a 90 in the movie and J fry who was my stunt double and kind of one of the best drivers of all time yeah he did he did the backwards 180 no I could have done it if they gave me a shot too now Ides of March this is really a top of the movie because this is obviously a big political year and you play a political operative tell people about what it's about who you play well I play as press secretary yeah - George Clooney may have heard of him yeah and he's running for France he's running for president he's and it's during the Democratic primary right and it's all kind of centered around Ohio whoever takes Ohio rocks the election and um basically I don't know how to say more without giving too much away okay but it's very good yeah it's very good I'm you shot at where Cincinnati in Detroit shot in Cincinnati in Detroit yeah which I hear that you like those places - I love Detroit Detroit's the best yeah I like those kind of cities I like not a big tall buildings everything's kind of like three stories and your little run down it's okay it's okay no I like that I like it birth to Motown yeah that's right the Model T Model T and techno so what did you do on location you're hanging out all day what do you do could you ride motorcycles they allow you do that when you make a move you know you can't no they don't let you do that no way I was there no I went around a lot you know I wanted to especially in Detroit there's a really interesting area called the Heidelberg project which is this are basically there's like 40 square miles of abandoned property so there's just abandoned schools and and and factories and all this all this stuff and and and this one artist has taken over about ten blocks and he's turned it into his own art project and there's lots of really neat things going on in Detroit so I was trying to explore that very cool now what's this clip we're gonna see from the film what's happening here okay I'm in this clip I make a fool out of myself Evan Rachel Wood is an intern looking for us and I think I realize in the end that she's flirting with me but I'm slow on the take all right let's take a look
Channel: Couch Potato
Views: 1,225,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Gosling
Id: m44goj3hVZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2012
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