Russell Brand Has a Crush on Wendy!

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please welcome Russell Brand good Russell and you hi hello Wendy Williams hurry up you've got a sticker on your pants forgive me that was a misdemeanor that's just to restrain myself if necessary it was just about that Howard Stern thing Oh as a matter of fact I was on Howard Stern he's a disc jockey on the wireless and he asked me which a person in the public eye do I find physically attractive and an icon of worship in the realm of erotica I said I like that lady Wendy Williams that's you thank you that is what you live inside your consciousness lives inside of Wendy Williams that is connected to all consciousness thank you Russell what fragrance are you wearing is this a combination of thing I mean ice this is an aroma that I released naturally when aroused so I might be producing a lot of it now because this for me this is a highly charged situation I'm not I've not been trained for this degree of beauty Thank You Russell there are no precedents are you single yes I am as a matter fact be my route yeah you're you're married of course oh yes no I'm not asking for me doctors but there's an audience here yes so let's start organizing them into the available and the unavailable well would you like to get married one day again yeah I'd like to get married I'd like I liked it I was married before I know I really liked it yeah I know we talked about it you know we do hot topics here on the show and we know you were married to Katy Perry and it lasted for 14 months and yes we were married and what she said was that the schedule conflict was getting in the way and that you wanted to have a baby you're gonna put this back for a moment okay okay this is hard to concentrate okay because you are particularly beautiful today thank you I'm gonna have to reapply this mechanism thank you um what but why did you didn't she said that you wanted a baby and that that we didn't have to be ours I said we could just get one anywhere one there's just loose in the wild just a free-range one well from the farm Russell let me ask you this can I get a straight answer from you what you never felt more straight woman would you would you ever seriously date and commit to another celebrity I don't know I don't know because it's like it's hard to know whether or like I think you just have to meet people and try and judge them so but like if you meet some of their famous the first thing that you're actually so well there's that famous person right then you eventually you connect to who is the real human being in there and that's the thing like you know we're all captivated and fascinated by celebrities when I meet people that I've mar when I was a kid I'm like oh my god that's like person but they do chat to them and then you have to judge them on their individual merit and that normally comes down to the way they connect to one another or to a higher thing yeah that's the ultimate way yeah connects yes so whether there's a celebrity or not it's about the girl not her occupation and how similar to you they are yeah now you must have family members Wendy that are available where are they one or more family members Russell you and I have something in common congratulations on your sobriety oh yes yes I'm Susie jokes it is Russell's been sober now for over 11 years it will be 12 years on December the 13th all right um no I want to talk very seriously with you about sex addiction because I'll serious I don't I don't want to laugh I don't want to laugh you know well keep your eye on the true sticker I am I'm on the fence about sex addiction you're on a sec spend most of the time I say it's just an excuse for men to cheat however I wrote a book and I made a novel it came out of spring and my main girl you know Kim kind I made her a second name Hey same kind yes look she's at minute base she was a sex addict and I went to a few sex addict um you know uh Paul she's gone now Serapis oh geez when they quit the therapy you know group group meetings and I sat in the back and I listened and I said well maybe but I didn't talk to any of the people so this is my first conversation all right it probably isn't because I think what you'll find Wendy is that with addiction the object is not what's important doesn't matter if a person has problems with their food or alcohol or drugs or getting into debt or sexual behavior I think that addiction is any behavior that you're doing to distract yourself from being in pain and misery and then when you try to stop you can't stop but for me that is the nature of addiction and I think people are suffering from addiction in many many forms yes food very common drugs alcohol very common sex gambling sharpy gambling shopping so it's a very prevalent disease and I think it's because we have a culture where people aren't connected to one another and aren't connected to the divine anymore we've lost out on here's the thing at least like when you were doing drugs um drugs are not something that you need once you stop them but you still have to have sex really undermining the thing isn't it this how do you down boy rather ridiculous Russell talking to the dog on the sticker yes Russell you still have to have sex show it what we hafta does it become a slippery all husband mind oh the last game I'll do it but only if he's 100% okay with it because I know he's in the band isn't he and I've heard he's quite tasty no listen don't I will do it Russell that's all in the name of science Wendy I'll do this look now the woman has to be Christ wills it if our Lord wills it to be so does a woman have to be like hanging from chandelier type sex with you tell me what what is that but how would you get her down here these cables the wirings no safe call an electrician we're back with our new friend Russell Brand during the commercial break we were talking about our various addictions and what we liked and we didn't like and stuff and Russell you're very very serious about I am about talking about sex addiction and you feel as well for me there is no such thing as sex addiction there is the phenomena of addiction and the object of the addiction is irrelevant it could be cakes it could be something that a word that sounds similar to that if you are a woman or a homosexual gentleman cakes or whatever it is is that the problem is if it's swindie they're not whatever the whatever they are whatever the object of the phenomena doesn't matter okay any material obsession that disconnects you from higher things statue all right and anything let's talk fashion put your feet on those feet and let's give you some shoe cam here just a classic pair of Chuck I like it so no no Russell rustle up stand up yo man so you got started in this business doing stand-up oh and then in man ho no and then you got into acting and now you're back to now you're back cause you said stand up stand up so obedient um here's your stand-up special help hello I'm standing up special for you how long are you telling like how long is your set will you be - won't know it's gonna be on epics actual yes I do a show on a channel is called epics you've not heard of yes we have have y'all yes we have save big concerts I know like Madonna for certain epochs with Madonna yes Oh lovely yeah well I'm on it now yes doing some jokes and my in my show Messiah Complex I talk about great historical figures Jesus Christ che Guevara Gandhi Malcolm X and what why we don't have heroes now that prepare to die for what they believe in and what those figures meant what they represented and how really what they represented was all of us together and the great qualities there in all human beings that are somewhat subjugated and lost in a culture of thus obsessed with materialism and individualism Wendy I understand you know I hung onto every word and the crazy thing is is that for as cheeky and outrageous as you are you you actually have a lot to say which is it which is not surprising but it's just very refreshing do you know what I'm saying it's refreshing and now what I don't understand is how it is that you wrote a children's book but you don't have children do you have nephews and nieces that you're close it's got more children okay my best mate manages kids he their twin boys they're my god children my dear beloved friend Nicola her daughter Ashiya my godchild so I like I like doing being a godparents it means I get to talking about spirituality and important things and I don't ever have to like if they don't want to eat vegetables which they don't do they you don't have to go you have to you have to eat them so I can just go have the ice cream I don't care so grab it alright so he'll it what do i i'm already grown my bones are formed yeah you will grow up unusual because of this argument yes you won't listen so tell us about your children's book what made you decide to write one what i thought is that like we've children the kind of entertainment and the kind of messages they receive i wonder how they will grow if they if the only messages they receive is that your value is based upon what you look like your value is based upon what other people think of you on how thin you are how much money you have so i thought the fairy stories and folk stories contained within them a wisdom and truths that are lost in the stories we tell contemporaneously that just means at this time so I put truthful stories together aha the Pied Piper the Pied Piper Hammond is very famous story you know what happens is the town of Hamlin is overrun by rats they call the Pied Piper the Pied Piper leads the very scary images yeah it's terrifying but but children can handle it the children can handle the fear and on the Conte this is spooky like but the piper leads the rats away cleanses them of the problem of the rats but then the people of Hamelin don't pay him but I think in the story what the piper represents is the connection to the divine the connection to the sublime whenever in a story a character is depicted as a musician like Orpheus in Greek myth or Krishna in Hindu myth is a divine connection what does it say in the Bible in the beginning there was the word the vibration the vibration you wanted to come back all right everybody make sure you pick up a copy of Russell's new book the Pied Piper of Hamelin all that one or this book right here the revolution and brand-new comedy specialist called the Messiah Complex and it airs Friday night at 10 o'clock bought epicotyl be right back you
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 2,128,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand (Celebrity), comedy, Katy Perry (Celebrity), Wendy Williams (TV Personality), The Wendy Williams Show (Award-Winning Work), Howard Stern (Celebrity)
Id: SmW8jxGINko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 26 2014
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