Russell Brand Really Knows That Charlie Sheen Fellow | CONAN on TBS

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I don't be distracted by that it's fake I was wondering how did it get in here yeah we need that to be in the sky the night time and why is it so big do you change it to approximate the actual lunar patterns like crescent moon yeah we moon we thought about that but it's a big and then we thought what the hell we talking about that would take time it would take some effort people won't appreciate it you would care but no one else would know life care right it does move it can move from side to side we'd like to see that don't we have a device here somewhere that can make it move all right all right I don't know if this is gonna work right now let's see if it can work yes and look how the lunar reflection follows on the water ah that's right set a well designed set by fine and very good Odyssey look I'm giving you a halo you are God forces [Applause] oh yeah this is the my favorite TV show of ever be on yeah well for a moment I just pretended that that was really happening yeah isn't that crazy you left your body alright let me ask you something I've noticed recently that whenever there is a controversial celebrity they try and link them to you to make the story juicier for example there's this story recently that you've been taking Charlie Sheen to yoga I've read that a couple of places are you taking Charlie Sheen to yoga if one thing would be guaranteed to ruin yoga would be the presence of Charlie shake again would you know the guy I know in that Charlie Sheen I went around his house once during when he was going real crazy there was a message of my answer phone from Charlie Sheen and it was like it was amazing because the news was just essentially about Charlie Sheen this is when we yeah blood Charlie Sheen that's what surely there must be other things but probably nothing else was happening no only Charlie Sheen is the epicenter of our planet yes unlike during that time I've got an answer mrs. Ewing it would say like a brand genius won this it's genius tool it's Charlie Sheen I know this is crazy so listen to it carefully there instructions to go to his house I went there knows all people likes him being Charlie Sheen which was out of control crazy and you know he wasn't doing knocking stuff over he was sat down around the table with a bunch of guys who looked real on edge I think it was their job to look after Charlie Sheen there was a distinct atmosphere look like if Charlie Sheen looked away that one of them would like push a note into your hand get me out of here [Laughter] yeah and so you went you talked to him just had a chat with Charlie excuse me I think he's super cool yeah he's funny he's very funny right right don't worry they're not airing this one on PBS anymore I really was over when you made this booking exactly you ruined it I apologize I'm like but I'm curious if because you worked with him once on an award show yeah this is really cool what happened was I I hosted the MTV Awards and I did a joke at the beginning about Charlie Sheen right I said like I goes hey I need there to be someone in the audience that's crazier than me cuz like last time I did an MTV Award show Kanye West was there and he glad got a bit drunk and came up on the stage I mean it's nice to know there's at least one person who's more crazy than me in the room Kanye can't make it tonight so Charlie Sheen where he can you do something nuts and tried scene heard that there was this joke and you go and he wouldn't he said he wouldn't take his place in the audience you know something the people won't be out to a cutaway of him to make the joke more funny so like they said one minute before I go back that goes Charlie Sheen wants to talk to you he needs Shirin she's about this joke he's nervous and everything and already there's a countdown the MTV show is gonna be on in 30 seconds 29 seconds so it's a run posh trying to cheer there's Charlie Charlie you don't even look sort of like you know if you look like Charlie she I think he has a on cigarette on guys right Charlie the joke is I've just said there needs to be something crazier than me so Charlie if I don't and so Charlie if I do anything crazy this is the joke if I do anything crazy Charlie Sheen said scotch-taped under your chairs a bottle of whiskey and a gram of coke if I do anything now it's break open the bowl and do a couple of lines of coke and get up here is that all right Charlie anyway change it to a kilo this is one note to make it more judgement
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 3,984,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity Interviews, Conan, Conan (TV Series), Conan O'Brien, Late night show, Russell Brand, TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan best, conan best moments, conan brien, conan classic, conan funniest, conan funniest moments, conan funny moments, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny moments on conan, official, sketch, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, top 10 conan
Id: pwishDeqMDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2012
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