The Evidence of God - Touré Roberts

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hey family welcome to the official youtube page of one i'm excited that you're here this message is getting ready to bless your life i want you to stay connected to the incredible things that are happening in this movement so don't forget to subscribe and turn on your notifications and if you want to partner with us and some of the great things that we're doing all over the world you can give as well now it's time to get into this word i love you god bless you let's stay connected god bless you family it's so wonderful to be here with you today god is on the move i know you already sense the presence of god the power of god god is here and like it says in the scripture whenever jesus was around the bible says that the power to heal was present and i want you to know that you're in the right place at the right time and i couldn't be more excited to move forward in our service today and today i'm starting a new series and we're going to be on this for a while we're going to eat and i just believe that that god's going to edify you he's going to build you up throughout this series questions that you didn't even know you had are going to be answered strength that you didn't even know you need is going to come to you i believe that there is a divine version of yourself that's going to pop out that's going to come forth it's going to grow like a tree because of the the wisdom the revelation the insight and the impartation that's coming to you through this series and so without further ado i want us to get right into it and uh and we're gonna start our foundational passage of scripture for this series is not an unfamiliar passage at all and it's in acts the first chapter in the eighth verse i know you know this passage uh but we're going to talk about it we're going to lay a foundation and god's going to move the name the title of this series is the evidence of god the evidence of god and and i cannot wait to share with you what the lord has given to me birth from the place of prayer it's going to be absolutely everything that you need and everything that that we need as a community as we move forward into everything that god has for us and so without further ado let's jump into this passage of scripture it's in acts chapter 1 and verse 8 and if you want to you know you want to recite it with me you can do it you so let's uh let's go let's go and the lord says but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the end of the earth you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the end of the earth father thank you so much for this moment that you have blessed us to be standing in right now hallelujah you are for us and not against us you are on our side you know the plans that you have for us they are good and not evil plans to prosper us and not to harm us to give us a future and a hope and god we are so thankful that you are faithful to perform what you start you finish what you start your word says that being confident in this thing that he which has begun a good work in us will complete it god is just so wonderful to know that you finish what you started and all of us who are connected right now in this moment watching those who are here those who are listening we're connected in this moment and we're connected in this way that you've started something in us and what you started you're gonna finish it so we just thank you we love you take us forward on our journey through this message today in jesus name amen amen amen you know what right where you are if you know that you're gonna be better as a result of this message i dare you to take about 10 seconds and just give god a praise in advance just just thank him right now in advance for what he's getting ready to do you got to learn how to sense a move of god you got to know how to lay hold of a moment when you just perceive and discern that god is getting ready to do something part of of the process of receiving what god has for you is taking it when you sense it in the air i feel the holy spirit we got to learn how to see some things the bible talks about how the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violet take it by force and without getting too much into that it's really all about learning how to seize the thing anybody need to see something right now anybody need to seize victory anybody in a battle and you can't just be sitting around waiting for the victory to come i just need about three or four people maybe three or four hundred people that say i'm gonna seize everything that god has for me today if that's your word say i'm seizing it put it in the feed right now say i'm seizing it i'm seizing it i'm i'm seizing it hallelujah i'm seizing it i'm seizing it thank you lord thank you ah i feel the lord it just feels good to be here it feels good to be home in every sense of that term but i won't get into that i was praying recently i was moved a few days ago to come down into our theater here in los angeles as uh a relatively expensive renovation took place here in our theater while we have been out it was a great time to do some really wonderful upgrades to to create a better experience for those who come in when we begin the process of slowly uh and methodically introducing the in-person dynamic to our hybrid model and uh and as we are preparing for that i i just felt like before we we even got into that i needed to come into the house of god and and really pray to the lord about about what we're doing in this season and and that's a whole nother thing maybe i'll talk to you about what that was you know why i felt i needed to do that really quickly it was just that as we're beginning to add more things to what we're doing i just wanted to make certain that that my heart and our heart and and ultimately our mission was completely aligned with the mission of god that was very important to me in essence it was about asking god god what do you want and and god spoke to me very clearly about what he wants and what is important to god and what is important to god first and foremost is that god wants to make himself known god wants to be known because because to to know god is to be liberated by god it's interesting you know when when jesus was asked what the great commandment was that the greatest commandment was he says where they're really two he says love the lord your god with all your heart all your mind all your soul and all your strength and then love your neighbor as you love yourself and i thought that that was powerful and if and if you don't read what jesus was saying in that moment properly you will think that he was after something that he was trying to to force you and i into loving him but in essence to know god is to love god and ultimately what he is saying is the greatest commandment the greatest thing that you and i can ever do is to know god because when we know god we're going to experience his love in such a way that we're going to fall in love with god which will create an incredible relationship with god which is the precursor for an incredible relationship with self and you can't have a great relationship with others until you have a great relationship with self and i know i went on a tangent a little bit there but what the point that i'm trying to make at the end of the day is that god wants to be known and god wants to be experienced and so as i'm praying lord lord what should our continued focus should be what should we be fine-tuning our focus on in this season god begin to tell me he says i want to make myself known i want people to know me and quite frankly this has always been the mission of god this is not a new mission in fact when usually you know the moment that you start going to church or the moment that you get saved and you get into a relationship with god you know the the idea of making god known or as we will call witnessing is something that you pick up pretty early on but if we're honest sometimes being a witness could be at least in the beginning at least until you get an understanding it can be a little intimidating let's can i just talk to some real people for a second i remember i first started walking with god and uh and i was going to the church that i got saved in and they had a ministry in that church called the evangelistic outreach ministry and these were essentially the foot soldiers and every saturday we would go out you know um with the desire to touch people you know armed with with the tracks remember like the four spiritual laws the little traction little track that you would hand out and some sandwiches right and those were our tools we were going out and we want to make god known and we had our sandwiches and we had our four spiritual laws and we would go out and and in all honesty i had a desire to make god known but quite frankly i was a little bit intimidated because i didn't understand that there uh is more uh to making god known than than a track and some sandwiches and somehow i would always feel most comfortable talking to leroy the wino at the liquor store [Laughter] somebody who was now you know you need to know god right it would always end up there and at the end of the day for me uh it was a little uncomfortable uh and even though i was excited about about blessing somebody and maybe introducing somebody to god or make a god no known to somebody i was also just as excited when i can check off that is now 12 o'clock time to go back to the church van so for me it was almost like checking off a religious box right and feeling like i had done my service as opposed to it being a really exciting and effective uh experience of being a witness for god can i can can i take you on a journey today and so i'm not quite convinced that it's just me but isn't it true for the majority of us that that sharing our faith can be one of the most intimidating parts of being a believer i mean can we have a real conversation you know i know some of us are radical and we just can't wait to tell people about jesus but but but isn't it true that sometimes the reason why we are not as you know vocal about our faith is because we have a fear of maybe being rejected or fear of being misunderstood right we have a fear maybe of no longer being accepted or or looked upon as weird or or crazy uh uh will will my words be accepted or will it just make things awkward for me can i can we just have a real conversation right now it is possible for you to love jesus passionately and yet still struggle with making god known in your life and through your life can i talk to some real people if i'm talking to some real people just put it right there in the feed you're being real pt you're being real and you have all these questions will will my god account be enough will it be effective and when you consider today's crowded and complex landscape of ideologies and philosophies and and religious dogma not to mention scientific theories and and what has become what i like to call in the more extreme uh context the religion of science like like where does my faith fit into that is it enough to penetrate through this complex and complicated landscape to really be effective although i personally know it's amazing sometimes i am still somewhat intimidated about being effective can can we just keep it 100 this is this this is everything this is everything if i share my faith will i be opening up a can of worms that i can't put back in see my faith is safe when i keep it to myself or when i just share it amongst my church friends oh don't make me i feel like preaching yeah yeah it's safe when i when i tell myself how good god is it's safe when i'm when i'm in my car and i'm listening to my own worship music and i've got my hallelujah but but do i walk into the office whistling yes jesus loves me or do i have to to shrink and become something in order to fit in under the the the guise of waiting for the right moment can can we talk like this today i'm talking about the realities that even the greatest believer has to deal with and has to contend with okay and here is what god said to me here is what god said to me as i prayed and i said god what do you want and he says tori i want to be known i said okay god i don't want to just see sometimes you can take a word from god i want to be known you say okay i got it i'll receive it we're going to make you know no no i want to dig into it a little bit what what are the impediments that that keeps me from making god known to keeps our movement from making god known to the extent and the degree that god wants to be made known can i teach today i don't just say okay and move on no i want to dig into that and so i start thinking about you know what are the impediments like what what sort of things stand in the way how can i make god known to the next level we are all in a next level season everything is on 10. everything is turnt right now so whatever good you did before it needs to be turned up right now because the world is turned up and when the world is turned up we have got to be turned up as well and then god spoke to me when i dug into that and i asked god how see i'm a how i'm not afraid to ask god how i'm not afraid to ask god hey god teach me i know you said that you want to be made known right and i get that and i'm committed to obeying you in that i get all that but lord will you please show me how see we don't serve a god that gives us a what without a how i feel the holy spirit and that should be encouraging for somebody that that you're facing something you're going through something god has put something enormous in front of you an enormous opportunity in front of you don't be afraid or don't think that you're going to offend god by asking god the how he wants you to ask him the how because he is full of wisdom and he cannot wait to give it to you and so i said god you want to be made known god what are the impediments god and i'm not afraid to say how because i really want to please you i don't want to false please you i don't want to do this god i really want to please you with my life i realize that the breath that i have in my body i owe to you the breath that i'm breathing right now is because of you paul put it this way in god i live and move and have my very being my being right now is because of you and i want to serve you with my being i want to serve you with my time i don't know how long i have on this planet right you got people younger than me dying like this so i want to get this thing right god so you want to be known you want to be known to the next level that is great you put me in this position i've got all these people following me i've got all these people i'm responsible for teaching god so i don't just want you to say that you want to be known god how how do i make you known how can i do this in the most effective way and then god spoke these words to me it changed everything here's what god said god said you are the evidence that will make me evident it was mind-blowing it's mind-blowing he said he said he said you're trying to figure out how to do it and i understand that you're wrestling through all the things that you have to wrestle through the landscape of of of culture and and complicated ideas philosophies paradigms religion all that kind of stuff right there's so many things you just pick all of that but i'm telling you right now that you sir and you ma'am will be the evidence that makes me evident i was blown i was blown completely blown away and i needed to dig into that too i'm gonna be you mean to tell me that that this thing is not going to to to be because and when i say this thing i'm talking about god being known and god be made you mean to tell me this is not going to happen because of persuasive speaking you mean to tell me that that that this is not going to happen because of politics god be made known you mean to tell me god that's not going to happen through politics i think we all know that that's true the church tried that that didn't work very well you mean to tell me that this is not going to be watch this even apologetics and i celebrate apologetics as a study and a discipline but apologetics sometimes just make you a good arguer not evidence that make god evident and god said i'm going to give you the strategy for making me known the strategy and making me known is not going to be how good you can preach it's not going to be how good you can argue it's not going to be how how wonderful you can articulate politics or anything like that it's not even going to be through apologetics although apologetics is wonderful if that's your field of study at the end of the day none of that will work unless you and i become evidence watch this it's not even you having evidence it is you becoming evidence so if you take a note so i want you to write this thought down the believer that's you or it will be you by the time we're done the believer will always be the greatest and most effective form of evidence that makes god evident the believer is a living breathing walking talking display of evidence that is equipped and empowered to make god known you are god's evidence do me a favor take a moment write it down put it in the feed i am the evidence of god i am the evidence of god and when you think about it this concept is corroborated by the fact that when god wanted to express himself and his image what does he do he creates humankind right let us make man in our image and in our likeness so when he wants to be known when he wants to express himself we see right there in genesis in the beginning of the scripture he does so by creating humankind and then when he wants to express his image most perfectly what does he do he manifests jesus let's look at hebrews can i just teach today a little bit can i be can i be professor toray hebrews chapter one verse one through three read this read this it says god who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets watch this has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he god has appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the worlds watch this who being talking about jesus who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person so when god wants to make himself known he uses people we are the evidence that makes god evident say it again i am the evidence that makes god evident i don't need no evidence i feel god see when you don't understand this you'll be trying to get some evidence around you to prove god god said you don't need no evidence if you see this thing right and you serve me right and you open yourself up right to me right you will become the evidence your life will speak i feel the spirit of god and so so let's go back to our anchor text because there's something very powerful there in what he says back in acts chapter 1 and verse 8 he says but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you semi-colon and you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem and in all of judea and samaria the most parts of the earth now here's the thing i never ever put those two sentences together i looked at those sentences separately okay on the first part it says and you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes plain now i thought look i i like power you know what i mean so i'm like oh this is amazing this is power to live you know what i mean it's power to rebuke devils come on somebody this is power to heal you know this is probably you know who doesn't want to be powerful you know let the weak say i'm strong my strength is made perfect in your weakness i thought that this was about power and it is but power for what yeah powerful what you got to put the two sentences together the primary purpose of this power is so that you can be witnesses i feel the lord unto me let me stop right there let me stop right there the witness in a legal sense the witness the witness's testimony is called evidence [Laughter] the testimony of the witness is evidence in the legal system are you tracking with me so he ultimately is saying that if you understand what i'm doing i'm going to give you power that is going to make you evidence of my existence i feel the spirit of god we're gonna go we're gonna go much deeper today much deeper i love it so so so let's look at it again you shall receive power see this is why jesus said don't don't don't don't do nothing don't don't don't don't don't don't try to serve me see here's the thing here here's the thing the people knew the gospel that those he was talking they knew the gospel they knew that the message the good news the message they knew that christ came christ died christ rose for us because he loved us they knew all of that and yet even in the midst of their not and they loved jesus so so they were for all intents and purposes believers but yet and still jesus tells them even though you're a believer even though you have good intentions even though you're trying to do the right thing you want to make me known and all that kind of stuff don't even try to do it until this specific power comes upon you part of it i i thought it was so that i can flow in the gifts of the spirit and flow in prophecy and the word of knowledge and tongues and interpreting yeah that's part of it but the main reason for it so that you can be evidence you can be evidence can we keep going and so so the key to being evidence is in your relationship and my relationship with the holy spirit oh god because because the holy spirit will transform you in such a way that you'll be an effective witness watch this not because of what i say but because of who i am [Laughter] see you've got believers saying the right things but some are saying some of the right things some are saying the wrong thing but some with good intentions are saying the right things but they're not effective because they're doing it in their own strength and not the strength of the holy spirit here is the thing if you're taking notes write this down this is my testimony my transformed life will speak of divinity my transformed life will speak of divinity i want to remind you of an encounter that moses had see see you if you study moses's life there was this this part in moses life where the season where god was making himself known to moses and and he takes moses moses goes up to the mountain of god and he's on the mountain of god for 40 days right they were not privy to moses experience with god they didn't see that they weren't there they saw him go up and then moses returns and he returns and he is transformed in fact he is more than transformed he is transfigured oh i feel the holy spirit and when he comes back down from time with god he is glowing so much so they have not seen god but they've seen moses and moses has been transformed and transfigured in such a way that the people without seeing god entered into covenant with god because moses became the evidence that made god evident that made god undeniable i feel that for some somebody in here you're thinking right now how do i need to go learn this i need to go study this i need to go do that i need to go over here i need to go to seminary i need to do this before i can be an effective witness for god and i hear god saying no baby you have got to get a relationship with the holy spirit because the holy spirit is god and he is the equipper for one primary mission and that primary mission is to make you and i evidence that make god evident when the disciples were walking the earth you know what made them powerful it says about them these were unlearned men they didn't go to seminary they they weren't trained up and raised by the religious scholars of the time they weren't overly educated or anything like that but what it says of them and watch this and they were extremely effective what it says of them is that they could tell the people could tell that they had been with jesus that's what the holy spirit does the holy spirit is the spirit of jesus and if you spend time with the spirit of jesus you're going to be transformed and transfigured what's the difference between transformation and transfiguration transformation just means change transfigurations watch this means change of appearance i feel the holy ghost that's why when god gets a hold of you the way that he wants to get a hold of you your countenance is going to change you're going to look differently you're going to talk differently you're going to be differently you're going to expect differently you're going to project differently oh there's so many things that i'm going to teach you over these weeks but you're going to become something that people cannot deny your life is going to say there is a god your very essence will communicate that god is real the holy s i feel the spirit moses came back down off that mountain and he was glowing they're like oh i know there's a god because i see something in your eye i see something in your face there is something about you you're not compromising you're not wishy-washy you're not being tossed to and fro you have a supernatural peace about you there's clarity beaming off of you i'm attracted to you god must be with you and so and so the holy spirit family we've got weeks of this but the holy spirit come on you shall receive power win when the holy spirit comes upon and you will be evidence watch this not only in jerusalem oh god i feel the lord not only in your safe place not only in your familiar place right when you say okay well judea is kind of close to jerusalem so i i can receive that so i can accept the fact that that i'm gonna be anointed to be a witness in jerusalem i kind of i'm familiar with jerusalem judea i'm somewhat familiar with but then he starts stretching it i feel god he says jerusalem he says judea samaria hey that's different i don't really know them too much right and then he says unto the ends of the earth in other words god is saying when i make you evidence evidence is going to work every time in every place in unfamiliar spaces i feel god when i become evidence i am evidence baby and i will work anywhere you put me anywhere you point me any situation you put me in the evidence that makes god evident is gonna come forth if that's your word do me a favor shout out evidence put it in the feed i'm evidence baby god is working on you i feel the holy spirit he's working on you and what he's working on you what he's doing is he's making you evidence all the things that you're going through he's making you evidence all the things that you struggle with all the things that you wish hadn't happened to you i'm here to declare to you right now they had to happen because you are getting ready to be the manifest evidence of a sovereign god if that's your word say that's me pt i'm evidence god's gonna be made evident through my life through my life it's not gonna be because of what you have it's not gonna be because of any of that it's gonna be because of who you are your transformation your transfiguration is about to be evidence i feel the spirit of god god is getting ready to use you like he has never used you before and the key the key to it all is the holy spirit let's talk about it a little bit and then we'll be finished because next week we're going to another level in the week after that we're going to another level the holy spirit is the agent of transformation that makes you the evidence that makes god evident and this happens via two primary disciplines and i'm going to spend more time on the second one than i am on the first one because i i want to bring you into the how i don't want to just hype you up give i want to i want to i'm going to make i want to make it i want to break it all the way down and so so how how does this happen how does the holy spirit become the agent of transformation how it happens through disciplines listen let me tell you something being all that god has called you and i to be necessitates discipline hallelujah i told you know i had my 49th birthday on september 8th and i said by the time this time next year on my next birthday i said i i just i said i'm going to be the greatest all-time version of myself in four areas spiritually emotionally financially and physically in fitness let me tell you what it's not let me tell you how that's not gonna happen me not being disciplined me just waiting till the 11th month and saying all right and get jumped down do some burpees no dog no dog no no discipline you you gotta you gotta go after it and i put spiritually there first because if i get my spirit strong it will give me the mental wherewithal and the strength and the divine support and the resources that will allow me to hit in all those other areas oh hallelujah see in order to be who god has called you be you got to be disciplined you got to be willing to fight for a disciplined lifestyle especially spiritually and these two disciplines that i believe that will give or she that will give the holy spirit reign in your life that will allow you to be transformed our time and his presence and prayer time in his presence remember moses moses went up there he got into the presence of god he stayed there 40 days i'm not saying you got to stay there for that you might in your life i don't know your life you might need every you might need 30 now you might need every i'm kidding but making it a habit to spend regular a regular amount of time in the presence of god getting to know god hallelujah getting to know yourself in his presence and then the other one is connected but i made them separate because time in his presence is different from prayer it's different prayer is is and i've got teachings i've got weeks and weeks i've got i think two teachings five sermons each on prayer you just google it um the prayer the forgotten advantage it's just i've got it there but prayer is is different prayer uh is is offensive it's offensive it's it's it's initiating a communicative encounter with god and there are different types of players prayers uh prayers supplications giving of thanks all these things pleadings there are a lot of different but but it is it's it's communication time in his presence you're not saying anything you just you just enjoy god and you you shut things out and you get in the atmosphere of god and you let god breathe on you and without you even saying anything god will start dealing with you and you'll come out of that time in the presence of god renewed and and that's not the one i want to spend the most time on but one of the two disciplines remember one was time in his presence the other was prayer prayer is the one that that i really believe engages initiates the holy spirit it is critical that we have a vital prayer life i have been praying more in this season of my life than i have ever prayed the word of god talks about praying without ceasing why would i want to pray without ceasing because i want to stay connected i want to i want to i want to keep that flow of god that flow of information coming to me prayer prayer watch this here's what prayer does prayer invites the holy spirit to come upon you afresh even if you look at the model prayer when jesus was teaching them how to pray he says pray like this a father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done so prayer done the right way is the invitation to god to the holy spirit to come into my life and watch this prayer makes room for the move of god in your life see here's the thing when you're not praying about things what you have said is i got this oh this is a digression but don't make me when when you when you don't pray you're basically telling god i got this i'll call you when i need you come on let's keep it 100. how many of us have a god i'll call you when i need you prayer life no i got this i've got my day to day got that covered yeah pay this bill boom i got this i'm gonna roll over here i'm just gonna jump in my car and do this not realizing that you need angels to get from point a to point b every single day they used to say no church all night all day angels watching over me right people have that same rhythm got in the car i'm going here never made it there right so so prayer watch this invites god into my circumstance watch this so that i can experience the best results oh god the the the god factor the the god result will always be better than the toray result toray is wise to ray's smart to ray he's a busy man he knows how to make stuff happen but i am not as smart nor nor astute in business i i can't compare so i need to pray without ceasing watch this to make sure that i am experiencing the best results out of life because god is not an intruder god will not intrude or invade our plans unless he is invited god is a gentleman are you tracking with me which means that if i am not praying without ceasing that means that for the most part i am only getting what i can produce myself which means that i'll have less than god's best are you tracking with me i want you to pray more i want you to pray about everything i want you to pray until you get tired of praying i want you to pray until you like you won't get tired of praying because when you see the results of a constant and consistent prayer life pray every chance you get make people get tired of you because you pray so much when they want to gossip you say i want to pray when they want to talk about how bad it is you say i want to pray let me pray about this and watch the results that show up in your life because you prayed god is waiting there are angels in heaven that are overweight now and they they're not worked out they're not exercising they're upset because they're assigned to your prayer life and you will not release them and they're over here like you know they're stretching and trying to work out and they're trying to like look like they're getting rigged borders and sitting in let me tell you something when you open your mouth and you begin to pray you will release the angels of god who will go ahead of you make your crooked pass straight i wish i've had about a thousand people that would release some angels on their behalf right now all you gotta do is open your mouth and pray [Music] they used to say in the old church oh what needless pain we bear all because we didn't take it to god in prayer i feel it i feel it i feel it i feel it what are you missing out on because you were handling it i got this god you know come all of us are guilty no pray about everything when he says give us this day our daily bread god was saying you need to pray daily give us this day our daily bread have you prayed today i ain't tell my blessing your meal although that's wonderful because that's an opportunity to pray but have you sought god did you seek god before the meeting did you seek god before the business opportunity did you seek god before the audition did you seek god before the date and maybe while the date was no good even pray give me the pray god what he said nah cancel prayer prayer it invites the holy spirit to come upon you and what i love about prayer and this is where we'll stop and i've got i'm telling you this series is going to get better and richer and richer but one of the things that i personally love about prayer more than anything is that prayer transforms me prayer transforms you i am the best toure when i have a healthy and vibrant prayer life i'm the best me my my prayer life empowers me to be the man i longed to be oh hallelujah the terrain that is praying without ceasing the pt that is praying without ceasing is the pt that has given the holy spirit permission to do what he does to to transform my life in such a way that i become the evidence that makes god evident we got a lot to talk about but i want to encourage you and i want to pray for you how is it going to happen god how are you going to use me you you've you've touched my life you've blessed my life and in incredible ways and and you you you want to be known and and i want to i want to i want to be used by you there's some people right now and and and you like god has touched you and you haven't quite figured out how to share god you have friends i'm talking to you right now you have friends that you know need what you got in god but you you haven't you haven't found out how to really share the people that you meet on the streets the people that you on your job the people on set and people that you're doing business with people you meet every day and you know you know you know that they need what you have and you're saying but i don't know how to you know i i don't want to say the wrong thing and and i hear god saying the promise is that when the holy spirit comes upon you and this was prophesying of the day of pentecost which means that the holy spirit has fallen he is here and he's not here in measure he the holy spirit is here in abundance and when you allow him to come upon you you will be evidence hallelujah that means that all you will have to be is yourself and everything that you need to make him evident will flow from your life and when it's time to move you'll move and when it's time to speak you'll speak and when it's time to do whatever that is required in the moment to make god evident you'll have it the holy spirit is wise you'll move function and flow the same way jesus did so i want to pray for you and here is my invitation god's speaking to you they're called people on the other side of my voice right now hallelujah and people with great callings and and you're trying to figure out how am i going to be affected effective for god in an uncompromised way how am i going to be authentic to my relationship with god and i hear god saying it's going to be not by your own might not by your own power but by the holy spirit and i want to pray for you because you're getting ready to be evidence that makes god evident and when god is made evident doors open when god is made evident the world changes industries change cultures change nations change when god is made evident hallelujah families change communities change people change lives change society changes when god is made evident and you are his strategy so i want to pray for you i talked about creating space for the holy spirit in your life and the first step to creating space for the holy spirit in your life is to believe god see if this message is resonating with you right now it's because jesus himself is touching you here is the thing no one can even open up their heart to god without the influence of god that's what grace is grace is the divine influence upon the heart and right now if you're connected to this and you're hearing this and you just feel like something is happening to you at a heart level it's the lord it's jesus and he's saying um it's me i'm here and i'm standing at the entry point of your destiny it's your heart your soul and all you have to do is not resist me all you have to do because remember i'm not an intruder i'm a gentleman all you have to do is open up just say yes he said and i will do the rest i'll come in i'll heal you i'll fill you with me and i'll bless you and i'll make you evidence you won't have evidence you will be you'll look in the mirror and see evidence with your life if that's you i just want you to say yes yes if he's knocking on the door of your heart i just want you to say yes yes yes and if you want to take it even further just say i receive you i receive you jesus i receive just yes just yes yes it's powerful yes it's powerful yes it's powerful all the promises of god that are assigned in your life are yes and amen yes it's powerful yes to say yes to say yes lord just say yes hallelujah yes yes yes yes just receive it receive it spirit is moving spirit is moving just yes yes lord yes yes yes yes and the more you say yes the more he's gonna penetrate your heart the more you say yes the more he's gonna come in yes yes watch this until you are overflowing with the essence of god which is the holy spirit hallelujah yes thank you lord hallelujah i want to pray for you father thank you for our time together in the beginning just the introduction to this message and you're already drawing your sons and daughters lord ian hallelujah telling them the truth and building them up and making them evidence you are explaining why some have had to go through what they've had to go through it's to make them evidence hallelujah that will make you evident lord many i discern many have opened up their hearts to you for the first time and some have rededicated themselves and some have have have worshiped you in spirit and in truth for the very first time seal that work in their heart right now god so much so that they'll never be the same again thank you lord for doing it it's none like you you're amazing an amazing savior god i thank you [Music] that you are feeling and even refeeling his sons and daughters with the holy spirit fears are leaving anxiety is dissipating even right now confidence is returning clarity is coming back hallelujah their memory about who you are and who they are in you is returning and gifts are being restored as they are reminded that they don't need evidence they are evidence thank you god for what you're doing seal this work in jesus name amen
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 11,790
Rating: 4.9538717 out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes,, one
Id: NcTlsShVmuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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