Is It Fruitful? - Stephanie Ike

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hey family i'm pastor torey i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being a blessing to people practically we love you get into this message and change your life hallelujah family i'm so excited for this day and what the word of god is going to do in your life um let me know what you're tuning in from i know that we are a global movement and it's so amazing to just see where everyone is tuning in from you see today i believe that this word is going to speak to some of those some people rather that just feel like you're in a place where on the outside everything looks like it's amazing right your life on the outside just looks incredible but on the inside when you're with yourself you have this feeling like it's barren you have this feeling like you're not as effective as you used to be that you're not as connected to god as you used to feel it almost feels like the better days are behind even though on the outside from an external perspective it looks like things should be thriving rather things are moving forward but yet there is this sense that am i being fruitful there's this sense that i don't feel like things are actually moving for me even though everyone around me seems to believe that my life is amazing right and this message is really going to speak to you and i'm going to be talking today from the book of revelation now revelation is not a scary book it's actually a blessing in the first chapter it's amazing one of the first verses it talks about that he who reads this book blessed is he who reads this book right even the lord is trying to encourage us to read the book of revelation and the ones who heed the prophecy who heed the words that are written here now what i'm going to be reading from is there's is one of the seven letters that were you know that was instructed by the apostle john to write out to these churches and these seven letters were addressed to churches that in biblical times were known to be in asia in our modern day it's actually western turkey and what i love about this is that in just the wisdom of god you know god is such a strategist you know oftentimes we see that when god does something there is both strategy and it's and it has some kind of symbolic meaning and essence to it so in reality you know in the time that this was written yes this message was written to those churches but there is something about these churches that it almost as though that what they had to offer the message that is offered from what we're going to read and what we're going to learn that when we put it together it just feels like this puzzle piece coming together and to understand what god is actually saying to us and so today i'm going to focus on the message that was addressed to the first church and it's a church in ephesus and so let's dig into this word like i said revelation 2 from verse 1 to 7 and the scripture starts off by saying you know to the angel of the church of ephesus writes these things says he who holds the seven stars in his right hand who walks in the midst of the seven golden lamp stands you see i love how the lord just even begins this this letter he addresses himself as the one who holds the seven stars and he walks amongst the seven lampstands now in revelation 1 20 it actually tells us what this was was you know was what they referenced rather and the seven stars were symbolic to the angels that these letters were addressed to the angels told to write it out and the lampstands were the churches so in essence it begins by actually talking about what makes the church effective in the first place it talks about what is the backbone what is the power behind the effectiveness of the church and honestly in the same way it is what it makes us effective as a believer because the lamp stand was not just about the physical church the lamb stand was about what gives the church its lights what gives it its power what gives it its glory and that points to the holy spirit in our lives what what empowers us you know there's a scripture i love so much and it talks about not by might or by power but by the spirit of god by the spirit of god i am who i am by the spirit of god i can do all things it is by the spirit of god so what gives us this sense of effectiveness what gives us this sense of being what gives us this sense of identity in god when the lord gives you a word what allows you to carry this word out is the spirit of god that empowers you and this is what this lamp stand represents the light and then the angels which is also so beautiful because we learned even in the book of psalms it talks about you know these great mighty ones who do the bidding of our god they heed the voice of god and they carry out what his voice instructs and so we often see this correlation that when there is an assignment by god when there is something that god wants to establish on the earth when there is a word that goes forth when god gives you a word god backs it up that's the beauty that's what i love about doing things that god assigned me to because when god gives me your word not only does his spirit empower me but there is angelic forces there's an angelic host there are angels assigned to help me carry out that word you know for example i remember a couple years ago there was something that the lord had called me to do and as i began to carry it out as i began to walk it out there were moments where it felt you know like god i don't know if i'm the one for this i don't know if i can do this and all that stuff but as i began to walk it out i remember a day that i had an encounter with an angel and the lord began to show me that this angel this particular angel is assigned to the work that i called you to do so there is this um assistance with the angelic host and with the spirit of god that empowers us you see we see this same thing in the book of acts in acts chapter eight there's actually a story there's a man named philip and in his assignment we see the working relationship between the holy spirit and an angel it starts off by an angel actually you can read this um you could start it off in verse 26 and it starts off by this angel instructing philip on what to do study this in your personal time and right after he heeds the voice of the angel now the holy spirit instructs him further so there is this working relationship and my reason for bringing this up is that as the lord begins this letter he starts off with the thing the very the two essence that causes us to be fruitful in life we have the holy spirit the power of the holy spirit and we have the angels of god who assist us in carrying out the task and assignment of god i want this to encourage someone because you may feel like god has given you a word this is not even in my message but you may feel like god has given you a word and a task and you feel like god i don't know anyone i don't have support in this i don't know how i'm going to carry this out you have to understand that when god gives you a word he knows how to carry it out he has support coming your way there are angels assigned to the word of god and the spirit of god to empower you you know i'm just reminded by the story of a man named elisha when the people there were forces that came against him there were armies that actually came against this one man and elisha he understood that his calling that he was not by himself that there were angels on assignment to also protect him when elisha looks at all the people against him his his servant actually panicked the servant is like oh my lord look at the armies that have come against us elisha only said god opened his eyes that he would see that those that are with us are greater than those that are against us when the aim when the angel i mean the when the lord opened the eyes of his servant the man looked and he understood that there were angels surrounded everywhere why because elisha was called by god he did not call himself he was not a prophet that woke up one day and said you know what today i decide to be a prophet today i'm just going to walk around and just say you know thus says the lord no he did not call himself god called him and when god calls the thing when god calls you to an assignment when god calls you to a particular task he knows how to take care of you and i want that to encourage you but we're gonna you know shift this message a little bit now let's read let's continue reading um what the word of god says now this is the lord speaking right and he says i know your works your labor your patience and that you cannot bear those who are evil and you have tested those who are apostles who say rather they are apostles and are not and you have found them to be liars and you have persevered and have patience and have labored for my name's sake and have not become wary nevertheless i have this against you that you have left your first love remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else i will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place unless you repent but this you have that you hate the deeds of the nicolaitans which i also hate he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches to him who overcomes i will give to eat from the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of god now before we fully dive into this scripture it's important to understand the setting of of this place right understanding the church of ephesus and the city of ephesus now the church of ephesus was founded by the apostle paul you know he came into ephesus and ephesus was known as ephesus was almost known as like the marketplace of asia right it was a thriving economy but the interesting thing is that it was thriving around pagan worship pagan beliefs and pagan worship so in ephesus it was home to the temple of a goddess named diana now diana was believed to be this goddess of fertility right and it was so interesting because she even her temple was known as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world so literally people would all around the world would come into ephesus to not only worship this goddess but to purchase you know they had um they were selling books spell books that contained all kinds of satanic stuff right and they will purchase amulets and all these items that they believe will bring them fertility it would bring them prosperity it will cause them to be fruitful in their lives that it will do all these things for them they believe they put their trust in these tokens and amulets and spells and so ephesus the economy literally thrived off of people's pagan beliefs it thrived off of people believing in this false goddess and the interesting thing that happens is when paul comes into the scene when paul comes into the city he reveals who the true and living god is and when he does this you can read about this in acts chapter 19 when paul does this the bible tells us how the fear of the lord came upon the people and when the fear of the lord came upon the people all of a sudden they had this hunger and desire to know god they had this desire to know the lord and walk in his ways it actually tells us that they brought they talked among themselves and they brought their spell books all the things that they had put their trust in they brought it before paul and they burnt it now when they burnt it it's this is really fascinating stuff right they burn it and then the bible tells us that the worth of what they burnt was actually equivalent if we calculated in dollars to about six million dollars in one day in one day because of the ministry of the apostle paul these people brought all the things that they had purchased in belief of this pagan worship and all of that and they burnt it all now how this affects the economy is that if the economy was built around their pagan beliefs as the church of ephesus was growing and extending and the word of god was going out into you know into all asia the economy was on a decline because now people are no longer trusting in the false things and the false beliefs and fake ambulance and then the spell books and all that stuff people were no longer buying it and so when you think about this there's going to be resistance there's going to be some resistance against the people and against the church of ephesus because their existence alone meant that the city was on the decline for the economy of the city was going to be on the decline and so when you hear about this you understand better why the lord begins to talk about the things they did right in response to the opposition you see in verses two and three like i read it talks about when the lord said i know your works i know everything you guys have been doing i see you i know your labor and your patience i recognize that you have been steadfast he said that you know what in response to this opposition in response to the resistance that has been against you you remain steadfast he said that i know that you cannot bear those who are evil you see these are the very same people who used to practice things that would be considered evil in the sight of god he says look i know that you're strong in the faith i know that you are no longer influenced by evil i see that there is something that has changed in you and then he says and you have tested those who say they are apostles and there are not and you have found them to be liars the lord said you know what even when people because you see what was going on is that in the city the people started trying to find ways that were strategic to cause division and to break the church and so they would disguise themselves as those as though they were teachers or apostles or they were followers of the lord but they were actually coming to cause division and the people in the church of ephesus when they would hear what they would say when they would hear their teachings they're like look this is not in alignment with what the apostle paul taught us and so the lord said you tested them right the bible talks to us about testing the spirit of a person testing what what is what are you saying because if your word does not align with the word of god then it did not come from him so he says look you've tested the people you tested at them and you said you know what you guys are liars right and then it says so what we're learning is that now they're they're walking in the place of discernment discernment against any form of division then he says wow and you have persevered and have patience and have labored for my name's sake and you have not become wary all these things sound amazing that look and with everything going on you didn't lose your hope or your confidence in the gospel despite the resistance you have not grown wary this is so powerful because when you're reading this i mean to me this would seem like lord this is the model church this is where everybody wants to be that look at all the amazing things they are doing you see many of you may even feel like this right you may feel like there has been so much opposition against your life so much resistance against your life but yet you have not grown wary that you have been pushing back that you have remained steadfast that you have been you have endured it sounds amazing so you may feel like god i'm i'm doing oh i'm checking off the boxes but yet it still feels like my life is out of place it still feels like i'm doing all the things that i believe i'm supposed to do but yet it doesn't feel like there's any fruit coming out of my life there's been so much opposition and so much resistance and i'm still strong in the faith i haven't wavered from my belief but what is going on lord and this is where the message really begins you see all of this jesus applauds them he says i know your works and i see how you guys have responded to the resistance good job but then he says nevertheless this is so intriguing i have this against you that you have left your first love remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else i will come to you quickly and remove the lamp stand from its place unless you repent now this is so interesting because oh i mean this church seems to be a thriving church from the outside when you look at a church like ephesus you're like look this is a church that has the fear of god this is a church that are moving in the things of god that they are resisting the evil one that they are pushing back any false teaching they call it out they said no this is a lie this is not coming from our living savior but then all of a sudden jesus says you have left your first love you have abandoned your first love and this really perplexed me because my then the question becomes if this was not if the things that they did if it wasn't motivated by love if it wasn't motivated by the sweetness of relationship with god then what was it motivated by because if all if all this that has been going on was not motivated by love then what was mo what motivated the people in the church of ephesus and then it dawned on me that this was religion it started off as relationship but somehow it got phased and and diluted into religion and the lord began to show me this vision and the only way that i can explain it was that i began to see people god's children who had abandoned the position of relationship and found themselves in the place of religion you see how do i how how do we come to this conclusion that this is now about religion because when the lord says if you don't repent then i will remove the lamb stand from among you when we talked about this in the beginning the lamb stand represents it really speaks to the holy spirit it's almost like jesus is saying look the ways that you have been walking is void of the spirit your motivation is void of the holy spirit and if you continue in this manner then i will make it official if you continue moving without the spirit without the leading of the holy spirit without the place of relationship with me then guess what i would make it official i would remove the lampstand among you you see the reason why this is so critical is because sometimes we don't see ourselves there was there was a time in the scriptures where there were people that came to jesus and no jesus actually said many would come to me and say lord lord did we not prophesy in your name do we not cast out demons in your name do we not do all this stuff we we healed the sick in your name and he would say to them get away from me i never knew you can you imagine this picture that there is an excitement they see the lord jesus and they're like oh lord lord we did all of this in your name we we we went by the book and he would say i don't even know who you are i never knew you intimately i never had a relationship with you what you thought was relationship was religion and the lord began to show me this and the best way i can say this is that relationship it reveals an ongoing partnership with the voice of god while religion reveals partnership with a system you see sometimes we come into when we start off in relationship with god we know we learn about all the things that it's like okay you know this is what god has called us to do this is the commission and all this stuff right and all of a sudden the system becomes the idol you see the people of ephesus what they did was actually the things that the lord said look i i know i see you right the things that you guys are doing this is great but i have this against you you have abandoned your first love when you first came to know me the excitement you had when you met me that all you wanted to do was say lord jesus i just want to know you more i want to know what your voice is leading me to i want to understand what you see in me i don't want to get caught up it was not about getting caught up in practices it was about being led by the voice of god and the lord recognizes if you are no longer led by my spirit when you are led based on a system then you are void of even the love of god guiding you because when you are connected to god in the place of intimacy then you are moved by what moves him that you are you because you see the lord highlighting the scriptures yes you hate what i hate but he never talks about loving what i love he doesn't talk about the church growing or expanding it's almost like the church in ephesus has come to this place of stagnancy and when something is connected to the kingdom it is connected to growth the kingdom isn't it advances the kingdom is is synonymous with with fruit whether it's fruit inward or fruit outward but the church of ephesus they had come to a place where there was no more fruit it was just what they were doing and defending the king and defending the gospel and all this stuff right but nothing it's not expanding it's not growing anymore and my question to you family is what is motivating you are you motivated from the place of the voice of god the place of relationship or is your life led by your systems is your life led by what you have created around yourself that makes you comfortable that you have your system that okay you know god i you know i talk to you and all this stuff and i read my word you know i listen to the the sermon and then i go about my day i no longer involve you in the big decisions around my life when was the last time that you just sat with the lord and said god what what give me direction about now when was the last time that you had this hunger and say god what are we doing together what is it that you are calling me to do because the lord even began to show me that some of you you found yourself in places that god never sent you or either he did not send you to go there or he has not sent you to stay there and then you find yourself in this place and and you you feel like something is off but when you are disconnected from the voice of god and then all you're doing is living by a system you created based on the last thing that he said you see the people of ephesus when god speaks to them he says remember from where you had fallen he didn't say you you know you lost your first love he said you left it this is not something that is lost somewhere in space he said you walked away from it that there was a place there was a place that i had with you where you were just so excited and hungry where when you when you're worshiping i mean you're even who you are in the moment it was just there was so much passion you had for the lord and it's sad right now family because sometimes when we see people that are passionate and on fire for god you sometimes hear these comments and i've been guilty of it too you're like man just give them some time you know all that fire is gonna come down you're like just just give them a little bit of time all this you know every moment jesus jesus jesus jesus you know that he's gonna calm down but what what is actually calming down is it that the person is going to come down or that they will begin to compromise their relationship that they will begin to compromise their fire that they will begin to compromise where they first met the lord jesus says go back to your first works go back to the basics go back to the place where my voice was like heir to you because without that then what are we doing here i cannot empower what i did not send i cannot empower what i don't recognize you can't live a life that you just go about things doing you're doing things your own way and then when it messes up you know jesus becomes the cleanup crew if you have found your prayer life to seem more like a cleanup mission then maybe you're moving from the place of religion because there they're science family you know i often say that pride it's so prideful to even reveal itself as pride that's how prideful pride is and there's a bunch of priding and predators but pride conceals itself and religion functions with pride because religion says look at all the stuff i'm doing this is great me and god we are cool religion is when you find yourself talking more about god than you talk to god religion is when you're just like what look man i am serving i am doing all this stuff when you go out you're just like man can i tell you about jesus but when was the last time you actually spoke to jesus when was the last time you just actually sat and spent some time not so that he could fix a problem but to know what he's saying to hear his voice to move in his leading and that's why i mean i'm pretty much in the message but the title of this message is is it fruitful because when you start looking at where you are in life and and you have your questioning like am i being fruitful right now do i feel like me is growing is my relationship with god is it growing is there fruit on the outside what is taking place in my life right now and the message i want to leave you with family is that you need to go back to the first works you need to go back to your first love what it felt like when you encountered god what he said to you because you see an encounter with the lord is an encounter of truth what he what did he reveal to you about your identity what did he reveal to you about what he's called you to do in the earth what did he reveal to you about the mission that he has empowered you to do what did he reveal to you it doesn't work when you're off sick because walking with the lord there is a rhythm to it there's a rhythm that goes in relationship with god because god is the type of the type of god he is the only god you know true god that in one moment he's like look i want you to go here and you're like all right we could we're right here and it's a rhythm next thing he's like okay now it's time to move this way you see that's why jesus in his time he would say jesus will go to certain towns and he's preaching the gospel next thing you know jesus is like look we need to go to the other cities we need to go to the other towns because he was in sync he was moving he was walking with god he flowed in the rhythm of the voice of god he stayed in that place of intimate relationship you see there are many of you watching and and the lord began to show me how you're easily swayed by what sermon you hear on what day that if you are listening to a sermon about abraham on one particular day then all of a sudden you're like okay the lord is calling me to leave my father's house then you listen to another sermon that talks about staying where you are you're like the lord has called me to stay right here you're easily swayed by what you listen to because you don't have the foundation of the voice of god for yourself and so you find yourself in this place of confusion and feeling perplexed because you have not yet been connected built an intimate relationship with the voice of god for yourself you see intimacy is something you have to be intentional with it's something you have to protect you cannot treat it like a system i remember many years ago well not many of you and i was talking to a friend of mine talking about marriage right and she was like stephanie marriage is overhyped i said what are you talking about she's like no it is she's like dating is where it's you know that's that resides and i'm like what do you mean that dating is where it's at you know she didn't say what the love resides because you know this was years back but that's my translation right and i will say it's boring it just gets like dry next thing that you both are just it's just about the your the duties and the roles that you take on to make it work and i'm like but what was it like when you were dating she was like oh it was exciting you know we we were so caught up in like how do we surprise each other and how do we do all these amazing things for each other we were just we loved building this place of intimacy we loved it but then man she's like nah this is boring she's like you know what it is overhyped enjoy being single and then when we talked about it i said it doesn't sound to me like marriage is boring what it sounds like is that you have built your marriage around a system rather than around intimacy that you have lost this this art of intimacy has been lost between you and your spouse and now it's about a system it's okay i do this you did this this is what we do to make it work and when you continue in that way in my mind i'm like it just sounds like at some point love will get will grow cold so imagine when we treat our our relationship with god like a system like okay i do this and this is what happens and then i just go about my life and i do what i have to do if something messes up god can you fix it god can you clean it up god can't give me back then i do my own thing okay it messes up god hey where are you why is this happening no there's a rhythm and that's what i want to encourage your family i want to encourage you the same way the lord encouraged the people there were three things he said to them he said remember repent and do the first works it's almost like the lord is saying remember repent and return return to the place where where we moved as one return to the place where my your heart was the only thing your heart desired was god what are you saying where are you sending me what is it that you're calling me to return to that place and so remember family remember the joy of your relationship with god remember the joy of your salvation remember what drew you to the lord jesus remember the excitement remember what you were willing to lay down for the voice of god in your life and then all of a sudden now you found yourself in a place of comfort and now the voice of god has become optional you see the lord began to show me how comfort sometimes becomes the cradle to sin that when we find ourselves in this place of comfort then sin because sin feels like it's permissive like you know what hey it's not that big of a deal why because you don't see the immediate repercussions of your actions you don't see the immediate repercussions of living a life that is void of the voice of god leading and directing you you don't see it and so you play with stuff isn't it so amazing that when we find ourselves facing calamity when we find ourselves you know in the in the face of an obstacle all of a sudden we are just like lord jesus you can you can have it all isn't it interesting i remember when we were kids right um there was something my brothers and i would do when there was something we wanted so bad the prayer was god if you give this to me then i promise i would never do whatever whatever whatever whatever right and that was the thing it was like a normal like we're like okay let's let's let's pray to god it's like god if you just let us watch flintstones tonight and my mom doesn't interrupt us with the news or something boring on television then god we promise we will do our homework on time you know what and then funny enough i feel like god sometimes we just allow that to be answered and the next day the next week we are not doing what we said we would do and this is the pattern that we see even in our adulthood right we're just like when when things are crazy around us we're like god you know what here i am do whatever you want to do with me but all of a sudden things get comfortable things get relaxed and now what god has been leading your heart to do now feels optional because again comfort can be a cradle to sin and so family let us get back to the place that we remember what it felt like when we first encountered the lord we remember all that we were willing to lay down and we get back to the place of god what has your voice instructed me to do in this time and that we repent you see repent talks about it's turning away from and turning to what the lord has called you to do turning away from the though i do worship and all this stuff and sometimes we feel like when we hear about i do worship we think it's literally about worshiping some kind of god or something no but sometimes even your relationship can be an idol your comfort can be an idol you the your the places that you're in it could be an idol if it is a if it causes you to be limited for moving in the thing god called you to do and so when god says repent he's like turn away from this nonsense and come back come back to me come back to my heart and that's why he says and so by doing this you are returning to do the first works family what are the first works in your life what are the things that you were just like god i say yes what have you given your yes to that is not evident in your life anymore i want you to take some time today and really sit with god don't sit with god just to solve your problems and and all this stuff right but sit with god to say god what did i forget where have i fallen from what were the instructions you gave me in the first place when i came to this city what was the instructions you gave me in the first place when i got connected to this person what was the instructions you gave me when you opened this door in front of me what is it that you said to me that i have strayed away from because you see when your life is busy in the name of god and there is no fruit sometimes it has become religion and not relationship and so let us get back to that place of true relationship with the lord you don't want to be the people that the lord uses as an example when he says they will say of me lord lord did we not do this and did we not do that you don't want to be the people that have they're like oh wow we did this in your name we did that in your name and he's like i didn't even assign you i don't even know you like that can you imagine jesus saying i don't know you like that it's not funny but it's a little funny but it's really not because it's like wait but i did all this stuff in your name no you did it in the name of religion and god says i want to know you deeper than that i want you to know me deeper than that and so let us remember repent and return family i want us to just use this as a moment of prayer you see for some of you watching you may not have even opened your life to the lord yet you may not even know the lord and i'm speaking about who is calling you and knocking on the door of your heart perhaps you have felt his presence and you have you have an understanding that this is the lord and maybe you're just afraid of submitting your life you're afraid of surrender because sometimes it may seem like you know to surrender your life to jesus means that you no longer have fun that's a lie that's a big lie right but to surrender your life to jesus means that you are surrendering your life to the truth of not only who he is but who you are you see the bible tells us that our lives are hidden with christ jesus you haven't even met yourself yet if you don't have a relationship with the lord you don't even know who you are without a true relationship with the living savior and so maybe you don't know the lord and i encourage you in this time to say god i'm opening my heart to you i'm opening my heart to you i want to know you more and if that is you our pastor has a series on the basics of spirituality i want you to watch that because it's going to help guide you into just the basics that it's not about a system no it's about how to lead you into the voice of god for yourself for yourself family this thing is about relationship and that is why there is no you know um one guy to all things there is no one like everyone's life should be exactly like this on tuesday morning if you do this and you do that and then you have pleased the lord no because the way god uses and calls us and the way he instructs us it's so unique to the individual and what makes you sensitive to that is your intimacy with the voice of god i want you to think about this do you talk more about god than you talk to him then something is a little off because what you do should be the overflow of what is if you're someone that you like talking about jesus but what is your personal relationship with him don't get lost in the trap of religion find freedom in relationship in true relationship as you take time today to just sit with the lord and say god show me have i fallen where have i fallen show me myself oh god reveal to me you see sometimes you have to before the lord and say god reveal to me tension of my own heart the bible talks about how the heart of a man is desperately wicked who can know it you never want to get caught up in thinking that you know everything about yourself and you are just in perfect relationship with god no you never want to be you don't want to you know sell your own hype or eat your own hype i don't know how the saying goes but it's something about hype and you don't want to fall for it you don't want to be that person you want to be the person who is always before the lord saying god please show me myself in this moment show me why did i do that when you do something you feel a little off ask the lord reveal to me what is the nature of my intention am i connected to you or is this connected to something else and family i believe that from that place of authentic relationship with the lord you're gonna experience fruit in your life in a way that you have never seen before because you're gonna hear what the lord is saying to you you're gonna hear his instruction you're gonna you're gonna be where you need to be when you need to be there and when you are led by the voice of god family you are not by yourself the truth is all you need is a word because when there is a word there is the empowerment of the holy spirit there is the voice of god who is leading and directing you you are sensitive to his leading and there are angels assigned to help you there are angels because they listen they don't listen for your word they listen for the word that comes out of god's mouth and when a word is released there is an assignment to watch that word come from the place of the spiritual realm to manifesting in the natural realm family you're not by yourself but we need to get back to the basics we need to get back to the place of genuine and authentic relationship with our lord let us pray heavenly father we thank you we thank you for your love god and we thank you for your goodness lord i thank you for those who are even saying lord i want to know you lord i don't want to do this by myself anymore lord i don't want to live in this place of fear that knowing you means that my life is gonna just feel boring no knowing you means that now my life has color it's going from black and white to a colorful vibrant life because finally i would know who i am in you lord jesus come into my heart that should be your prayer right now if you are saying yes to jesus for the first time then let the your prayer be lord jesus come into my heart i surrender and lord i never want to lose this desire i never want to lose this fire for you i never want to lose this passion for you help me lord help me to be more sensitive help me to follow your leading in all things and if you're saying that lord you know what i have fallen from where you first met me then lord help me to return i thank you for the grace that is coming upon me now i thank you for the grace just say that with me lord i thank you for the your grace that is coming upon me now to equip me o god and to equip me to the place of being back in your presence falling at your feet oh god because even this i cannot do without you thank you jesus thank you jesus you see i'm just seeing many that are literally on their face before god literally just falling on their face before the lord this is your place of power this is your place of position when you can come before the lord and say god have your way not my life but it is christ that should begin to live through me reveal to me the deep mysteries about what you've called me to do and lord i say yes it's going to be so beautiful family because that posture is the posture of your power and so lord we thank you we thank you for what you're staring up right now in the hearts and in the minds of your sons and your daughters that they are coming back to the place of their first love thank you lord in jesus name family in this moment we're gonna worship and i want you to silence every distraction and as you begin to worship just lay it all out before the lord say god you know what i'm coming back home and if that's you and this message is speaking to you i just want you to put that in the chat right now i'm coming home lord i'm coming home i'm coming back you know i allow things to distract me and confuse me and and stare me away but lord i'm coming back i'm coming back to the heart of the matter i'm coming back to the heart of worship i'm coming back to your feet it's going to be beautiful family god bless you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 42,562
Rating: 4.9535961 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Id: TUu_5Nx2TYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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