RTX 4090 | Red Dead Redemption 2 - 1080p, 1440p, 4K, 8K, 12K, 16K

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hello guys crispy and welcome back to another video it is for my friends I'm gonna be testing the GeForce RTX 1490 in Red Dead Redemption 2. this one is the founders Edition model of the card we're running it to the latest NVIDIA drivers as you can see right here I'm not overclocking the car you can see all of its specs in Tech powerups GPU Z and over on the left repairing it with a ryzen 7 5800x3d and 32 gigabytes of RAM let's get into it shall we let's go for the settings first now and we're starting this off at 4K resolution using the maximum settings in the game it's not the ultra preset guys uh well maximum aside from like msaa and FXAA here which I feel like it's not really needed in this game honestly it's just an FPS killer here as well as resolution scale and motion blur and the three tessellation this last setting right here is also completely useless basically so this is native 4K looking absolutely fantastic my friends almost 100 FPS there for reference the 3080 and 30 90 in this game at 4K Max settings get around like 50 to 60 frames per second on average so this is insane gains right here my friends holy crap all right let's call roach can't wait to see that boy I feel like he's just ignoring us my friend oh let's start counting rfps as well uh also in the full review of this card I was seeing a few stuttering issues here in Red Dead too what are you doing buddy come on get over here please thank you and those issues seem to have been fixed because the frame time oh no now that we are uh running around it's actually starting to to feel a little bit stuttering again maybe it was just a one-off but it's definitely a little bit better than previously and I've also noticed that issue with other gpus testing this game recently so it might have been like a an update or something that screwed it up a little bit but it's it's much better than in the full review that's for sure 69 one percent lows that's amazing I don't really see Bob right here should we wait for Bob to get there so we can kill that bastard heck no maybe not this is not really a way in this map by the way we're actually gonna make our way to the strawberry town if that guy was just he just popped in right what the heck okay the draw distance is not really that high and there is no draw distance setting I believe or at least if there is it's set to the maximum already I don't know what was going on with that but hey this is one of the most gorgeous games out there and we're gonna go to the strawberry town because I heard it's super intensive because you got some running water there and water physics are actually the most intensive setting in this game roach calm down it's fine it's fine The Croc is just sleeping there okay buddy we don't need to do it come on Broach why why he's far away he's not even doing anything to me are you serious where'd that boy go ah get over here roach always doing the same crap to me I don't understand what's wrong with this boy I have not seen Red Dead Redemption 2 so beautiful and running so smoothly at the same time in the past of course that's it's it's insane this game and it's released back in like 2018 on consoles which is crazy yeah super nice game by Rockstar can't wait to see what GTA 6 will look like should be insane right look at all of this fog around us not dropping our FPS near vegetation by the way or at least not by too much it's still really really smooth there's not a rose right here where is your owner oh there he is yeah I I am I'm gonna go I don't mean no harm buddy that's a beautiful horse right there it's the color of Jack you know very nice series oh what you better leave I was I was actually complimenting you about your horse buddy diffuse [Music] calm damn boy are you serious I'm just gonna go I'm go I'm moving okay I didn't do anything to you buddy please stop it stop pointing at me all right he he actually wants to really do anything to us I will leave so I'm gonna move on look at that up into the 100s right now and I'm spending a little bit more time here at 4K Ultra settings because I truly believe you should play like this with the 1490 and most people with this card will probably choose to play like this as well um so yeah somebody's calling me actually oh boy oh boy just a little glance to the phone to see who is calling me and that happened I almost crashed there so definitely don't ride horses while you're on the phone I've been here for a really long time already at least the game is absolutely amazing when it comes to the graphics so I'm not complaining too much about spending like 10 minutes just riding my horse look at this with more water on screen running water by the way it's dropping rfps a little bit into the 70s but nothing that we haven't seen yet I'm super impressed that inside of these forests with a lot of vegetation it doesn't drop because I remember seeing some older gpus dropping by a lot trying to render all of these vegetations that this vegetation yeah that's it oh what there's Jack right there wait a second roach roach stay put there okay thank you unfortunately Jack is dead can I actually remove Jack from here probably not right can I get inside no okay I want to kill this person who did that to Jack that's not good practice you know you don't do that to the dear animals only to Bob and Bob's animal no Bob's animals is actually Rex so he's a very good boy of course it's not not his fault that Bob is terrible oh oh that was oh my oh that's disgusting okay and and roach is contributing to that as well all right okay now we we actually need the bath by the way we are in Strawberry town and it's starting to touch a little bit once again those little frame times I haven't seen a single stutter during the trip but yeah it seems like in these um City areas or town areas it kind of is a little bit inconsistent so you gotta lock your FPS if you don't want to see that all right let's go roach you also need the bath you know I would like to to get you inside of the water yes there we go there we go approach where are you boy Roach roach oh no what have we done buddy uh-oh oh he's fine he's fine he's going out now by the way even with all of this running water the 1490 can obviously handle it like a champ no problem whatsoever let's go ahead and enable quality DLS says and leave everything as is here we go 4K with quality dlss I think we got like a hundred and something FPS on average it's looking sharper actually interestingly but you can see some dots in Arthur's hair which is a little bit weird you know and the roach's hair as well yeah that can be a little bit distracting I would probably choose the native resolution anyways although it's a little bit softer um yeah it did look a little bit better in this game but hey if you get used to dlss and you don't really care about the minor visual imperfections here and there is still a very good option of course I'm just saying that some other games look much better than this one with the LSS enabled and I thought I would choose dlss on to play this game with but uh no I prefer native resolution since it's a slower paced title you don't really need that extra FPS boost and it's not really increasing our frames by a heck of a lot either so it's it's okay now we are near the water that's why we're seeing 90 FPS when dlss was disabled we saw like what 70 ish maybe 80 frames per second around here if we go to a forest area I'm sure we will get like a hundred plus there and inside the knee area where we started this video at it also got around like 100 120 most of the time but as you can see in less intensive areas we can definitely get up into the 115 to 120 frame range so it will depend on the areas where you're at of course that's that's to be expected right in an open world title with such a big world like right Dead Redemption 2. it's not going to be the same FPS everywhere you go oh boy everything is okay buddy come on come on cross the river there we go oh good all good no it's fine it's fine it's okay all right that said I will leave it there for dlss testing all right 2560 by 1440 is now the resolution ultra settings let's disable the LSS now and uh this is it this 1440p native resolution getting a hundred and tens yeah not bad once again we are near that River so FPS are a little bit more intensive than the normal stuff that we usually do like in Sydney and I I honestly was expecting higher FPS at 1440p but we gotta remember that these are not the optimized settings that I usually test these are maxed out settings so it's extremely impressive you know oh what that's a huge jump roach chill down what the heck okay let's go in that direction buddy all right now that we're far away from water it's getting 150 frames per second that's really insane at 1440p back settings in this game wow such a nice experience again guys I really don't recommend anybody to play this game at 1440p with the 4090 or even buy a 4090 for a 1440p monitor unless it's like a 240 hertz 1440p monitor but you're gonna be CPU Bound in pretty much all of the games that are out right now so I I don't I just can't recommend it for these low resolution is that check is that check no these are coyotes okay it's good to see Rex as well hello how's it going this is insanely fast dude High refresh rate experience at 1440p Max oh hello Jax no these are still not Jacks I know that are there are cougars or lionesses here in in this game so it's not Jack oh boy let's go away we need to go away buddy roach do not leave me okay it's all good it's all good all right wolves are still behind us hi kind sir you need to have some helpers oh what oh my God he's dead he's dead I've never seen that happen here oh oh yes now we're real cowboys with some blood on our jacket that's terrible actually you don't want to see that honestly let's go back to strawberry and play at 1080p there for a little bit to see if we can actually get the high refresh rate experience in Strawberry or not wait a second let's just drop it down here and make our way there and then when we get there let's play at 8K here we go 1920x1080 now we can actually play at 120 hertz because the capture card supports it at 1080p resolution here we go everything else is still the same and let's find out can we get like 200 I think so we're pretty damn close oh my God it's so smooth right now it would have been just as smooth previously by the way but because of the 60 hertz I couldn't really feel it unfortunately but yeah it's still not enough dip bro why can't you turn this I don't understand you leave me without words boy okay 120 is dropping already what the hell why is it oh the water is nearest see if the water is so much as being near us you don't even need to be seeing the actual water you know it drops your FPS tremendously it's crazy so we were seeing like what are you doing what the heck no roach roach go back go back leave the the crazy man alone come on come on come on come on it's pretty weird behavior in this game basically if you are in Saint denier or something like that you're fine but if you are close to running water your FPS will drop like crazy and now that we're not close anymore it's at 196 198 at times I think the game is capped to 200 oh no it's going over 200 now all right interesting let's go down there now to the city once again so it can reach 200 FPS but if you want that Blackberry smooth 240 hertz experience in this game you're not gonna get it even at 1080p with the 1490 what a shame pretty bad GPU huh of course like this is super super fast once again High refresh rate experience at 1080p resolution at 1440 we would be seeing like 100 FPS around here or 90 something which is still very good of course honestly I was expecting a little bit higher FPS here in the city area not gonna lie just gonna quickly bump it up to 1440p to see how much it gets uh here here we go 25 60 by 1440 everything is still the same I'm not going to touch any of these aside from dlss a little bit later at higher resolutions uh yeah that's it we get like 90 frames per second so not a big difference you know between the resolutions oh what did I kill what the heck I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that no don't kill me please oh my gosh I am so sorry I really didn't mean to do this huh anyways around here 100 fps to 110 and in the city you actually drop into the 90s now the real test begins everything so far has been buttery smooth but this is 4320p 8k at the moment no dlss enabled and this is just gonna erect everything guys intensive can I get back to the game please thank you oh boy come on I can't I can't hit things gosh sorry oh come on we gotta survive this start cutting our FPS I'm almost dead need some meds there we go come on God damn it that was really quick I was trying there it's just gorgeous by the way if you want to take screenshots this is the way to go ultra settings seems to be borderline playable and remember we are in the strawberry town so super intensive town right here getting above 30 FPS at the moment oh man 8K is now possible you just need roach you got to be more careful I am taking the blame here for everything that you do people don't understand that you just can't control yourself to hit things you know all right let's go near the water now I'm not gonna take a bath because yeah we're gonna dive we do so because people are after us at the moment but I think with DLS says this will actually be a playable experience here and if you use something like the hardware and box settings which are optimized for the best performance to visuals ratio you can actually have really really good FPS probably the bump up in performance compared to Walter is insane the higher you go in resolution the higher the texture quality is as well in this game that sometimes happens in a lot of different games you know but I can definitely tell that the texture resolution is a little bit better than 4K not hugely better but yeah it is a little bit and it is noticeable if you stop and pixel Peep and stuff so this is insane that we're getting playable FPS at 8K in Red Dead 2 ultra Ultra crazy crazy stuff dude Jesus all right stop there stop that not not a single move okay thank you right um I want to go ahead and enable some dlss let's do like performance this is insane and now the LSS is looking fantastic holy crap almost like native 8K this technology is awesome sometimes damn and we're getting 60s now this is the way to go my friends if you have an 8K TV which you might do if you have 40 90 you know super expensive GPU so you're probably rich just do me a favor connect your PC to your TV and enjoy some beautiful visuals at 60fps because this you can notice the difference between even performance dlss at 8K and 4K res a lot of people say that it's to the point of diminishing returns and it definitely is don't get me wrong 4K was already extremely sharp and detailed and beautiful but I have never seen it so gorgeous here yeah 60 plus would definitely be possible with like Hardware unboxed optimized settings guys that's crazy but this is already really damn good for something like Red Dead Redemption 2 again single player title no need for super high FPS around 60 is really nice let's go back to Strawberry now see our FPS in there it might drop into like the 40s I think come on roach all right dropping to 50 right here can you make that jump boy let's go no you didn't even jump are you serious approach come on you can't be this bad I will trade you for a Rocha riches uh actually roach oh he's a girl in The Witcher 3 and that's the original Roach so maybe this is rocho because he's a boy all right he's fine he doesn't drown so that's okay the water physics are just insane in this game when they're set to the maximum really beautiful and it's still only dropping into the lower 50s like seriously this is this is a seriously good experience if you want the best visuals possible and you play with the controller I I still recommend 4K but this is a true possibility for people with 8K TVs or monitors now let's wreck the 1490 because apparently we haven't been able to do so yet alright so this is 12K res at the moment of course 8K wasn't really possible already at above 30 FPS all of the time so this is going to be terrible but hey not as terrible as I expected holy this is so sharp it was already really sharp at 8K honestly can I can barely tell the difference but it's especially at the trees at the very far distance you can see that it's a little bit sharper you know what if you are in the screenshot game this is it you can still run around and you can take some screenshots I will just go ahead and load the previous game even the power wires at the distance look at those from the electric thing there I don't remember the name of it but you can see them and they're they're there without any jaggies and stuff like what that's crazy dude it's crazy resolution here again I really think that 4K is the way to go once again but you gotta check it out if you have a 1490 you gotta check this out turn up that resolution scale and be amazed because you can't tell the difference if you're pixel peep again I hear Bob there he is oh Bobby's a girl this is not Bob it's bobbis Bubba's shut up it's okay it's okay Arthur Arthur leave her alone I just wanted her to stop playing copyrighted music like Bob oh you did it to be so rude Arthur so good though so let's see what the heck what are you doing buddy I will punch you you bastard you think a revolver can kill me you need like like four revolvers like these guys to kill me yes it even Dane even Dane I will only die if I want to now I want to die didn't really work as I expected I actually thought he was gonna die now um now okay so 12K is possible let's go down to low settings now for the 320p Now using the low settings preset I just turned the bar all the way to the minimum and the resolution scale is set to 1.5 so it's still 12K but now at the low settings curious to see what it can do okay so this is 12K low settings not really possible it's looking terrible look at those textures guys absolutely awful right now it doesn't even look like a red tattoo anymore it's it's red dead 0.5 anyway 24 FPS sometimes cinematic experience here feels great after playing with 15 or 12 FPS gotta say that and let's see it now can we go above it oh yes oh yes we can go to 16k let's go come on don't crash on me okay it's working it's working oh boy it is terrible as expected of course after seeing 12K struggling so much but yeah come on can I get back to the game please I'd really like to see the game we're vram maxed out at the moment so we'd need more than 24 gigabytes of vram to play this game at 8 at 16k resolution yeah but this is it at least it doesn't crash and it actually allows us to set it at this res I cannot see a difference between 12K and 16k by the way in terms of uh the sharpness of the image you know it's it's definitely far into diminishing returns you know but yeah this is it guys and that's been it for this video hope you enjoyed it don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already this is a lot of fun to test out I'm really loving making these 40 90 videos that's extremely high resolutions super fun and I hope you guys enjoyed as well I will be back very soon with another one and as always love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 757,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu, graphics card, components, old drivers, high end, directx, deals, popular, graphic card, tech, cheap gpu, graphics, demanding, games, testing, benchmarks, review, ryzen 5, ryzen 7, xt, geforce, nvidia, beast, fast, ti, 4090 in 2022, rtx, rt, 4090ti, zwormz rtx, performance, benchmark, live gameplay, 8gb, 12gb, 4090, rtx 4090, 5800x3d, vcache, 12900k, 13900k, fastest graphics card, world, powerful, expensive, super, rtx 4090 review, i9, ryzen, gta 5 4090, rdr2 rtx 4090, rdr2, red dead redemption 2, red
Id: xlswicxMCkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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