Forza Horizon 5 : RTX 4090 24GB ( 8K Maximum Settings RTX ON / DLSS ON )

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thank you bienvenidosa Mexico see you on the other side follow that card must be thank you there might be a little bit of traffic ahead watch out for that picking new friends eh you go enjoy yourself I have to go make another delivery Drop Zone approaching lovely day for a drive foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] there's no other way around you've got to go through it for the eye of the storm foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign background and guide you through the bridge you're not gonna leave your eyes when you see this keep going foreign [Music] this is Mexico we've already had cars falling out in the sky but all eyes are on the Superstar making their way to the festival right now [Music] just arrived at Horizon Mexico then you are in for a treat my friends get ready for the biggest Horizon adventure of your life well that is the last inbound cargo flight racing neck and neck with an AMG what [Music] distract yourselves in Horizon see this driver before and trust me [Applause] [Music] oh yeah well that was day one of our Mexican fiesta party people and we are just getting started please welcome our number one Superstar to Horizon Mexico it is a real Fiesta ball Mis Amigos got one of the best in the history of the festival you just uh just wait and see coming in hot any second now testing testing [Applause] please give it up four combo [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey my friend when you dropped from that plane what were you thinking I was doing all I could to not think about it Jamie told me to expect big things from you but nothing so so spectacular yes Kaylee I have so much to show you serious Mexico listen if you plan on stopping by the festival at any point you'll need one of these no promises I believe this is yours how was your flight not bad exit procedure was a bit rough yeah I bet come on Romney will handle Expeditions I will coordinate Festival Logistics which just leaves [Laughter] what do you call primita primito I saw what you did in the UK Alejandra right the rumors about what you can do with the engine are true sure we will well speaking of did we get that delivery arrived this morning yes this is quite a collection you've got taste I'll get them over to the garage but which one are you taking out first ah the A90 Supra the latest successor to one of the most iconic cars out there good choice especially if you like drifting gotta be the Supra great how about a personalized number plate I'll get the rest of your cars to the garage it gives me a little more time with them hey Campbell talk about making an entrance I know you've just arrived but our first showcase is ready to roll we just need our Superstar hope you're ready for this oh I am ready I'll be there soon what is up everybody Scott Tyler here on the one and only base Arena The Horizon Festival has landed and oh my do we have big plans but first our Superstar is here and he is making his way to our brand new Showcase Event ready for on a wing in a prayer Amigo you bet yes yes yes okay uh Horizon big news I gotta go like uh right now [Music] in 400 yards you will arrive at your destination [Music] [Music] thank you I'm not completely sure what your next showcase opponent is planning this is Scotty Tyler broadcasting to you live from a plane this time we are throwing everything we have got at this Superstar but good uh pilot there's a temple on the runway double on the runway stands at the stadium going wild yes What's it gonna take to beat this Superstar let's see what else you got hey hey the cargo doors are opening you want me to shut this oh that was the plan [Music] touchdown Go Team Motorcycle now it's a race Horizon Superstar driver versus Daredevil biker who you got hey uh did we lose a biker [Music] [Music] pilot what is that wait he's got a wing suit final straight and this kid is not stopping [Applause] thank you foreign [Applause] that was incredible as a thank you from Horizon you can keep the car [Music] the whole festival is talking about you if you can meet me down at the festival we'll talk about what you want to do next done cheers Haley see you soon okay so it was a person in a wing suit on a motorcycle in inside of a cargo plane right Horizon just making sure I got it right for this text I'm sending to some friends back home and sent now how about some Foo Fighters just under skill point you can use your skill point here to unlock perks every car has its own set offering unique bonuses skill points can be spent on any car you own turn right I've had a few requests come in both in need of a talented driver kids take a look my friend Carmen is looking to photograph some storms in the area and she's asked for a driver with strong off-road skills an Alejandra has requested a driver to help her search for a long lost vacho with a bit of time before the next big event he should be contact First you sure we can make the schedule work I can come back for the other one later yeah I wouldn't be much good at my job otherwise would I I'll help come Roger that I'll let Alejandra know you can help her later Haley says she found me a driver one who's not afraid to Dive Right In have you ever chased after a Mexican dust storm before the feeling I'm about to why oh you're the driver everyone talks about Haley's asked for pictures of all the cars at the festival it's called Horizon promo and obviously we want action shots fast ones I can do fast let's go for Horizon promo you just need to take a picture of your car but it'll look better with a little drama let's head into the storm and find the perfect location there's a turn off some people believe mysterious things happen in storms like these there's even a story of an explorer who got lost in a storm and only found her way out when she found a huge statue near the coast it's just a legend of course but wants to see if we can find it I'll take any excuse to drive this car through the heart of the storm over there so you see it in the Sun get a picture of that stuff foreign but there aren't supposed to be any statues like that near here perhaps it was uncovered by the storm yeah that must be it okay I'll get these photos to Haley we should go treasure hunting again soon eh I'll call you hey Campbell we've kicked off a whole bunch of new events so it's time for you to get out there and show us what a superstar can do everything you do earns you accolades think of them as many challenges that cover races stunts exploration everything if you earn enough accolades we'll be able to expand and kick off the next chapter of the Horizon Adventure or if you're feeling slightly more impulsive we could catch a slingshot straight to Hot Wheels Park what'd you say or if you're looking for something a more down to earth something with gret's glory and rally driving then I have just what you want so what do you want to do first I could go for some racing you have arrived at your destination [Applause] [Applause] thank you thank you foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] hey Campbell great work out there we're just about ready for a horizon adventure and we want you on the project speak soon [Music] [Applause] turn around when it is safe to do so foreign welcome to the auto show feel free to browse and let me know if you need anything yes foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] 100 yards turn right [Music] turn right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] God turn left [Applause] arrived at your destination foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] thank you hey amigo vehicle to say we're ready to expand it's time for our first Adventure another secret we've been working on can't wait be there soon Remy foreign [Music] okay 400 yards turn left turn left [Music] maybe 200 yards turn right turn right it's covering already are you that was an XP board The Horizon team have heated them all over Mexico there's plenty more to be discovered if you're feeling adventurous there's an expression in espanol you may have heard but this is more than just my house is your house my friend this is about home and family Horizon than Mexico are family welcome to your new home take a second to look around we'll leave as soon as you are ready check out your wardrobe pretty cool no you can keep your clothes in here and get changed whenever you're home I'm sure you're the most stylish driver at the festival there this is it we're ready for the next stage of the Horizon Adventure Romero has marked out potential outposts to expand to and new event types to unlock the choice is yours where shall we go first foreign [Music] [Music] Horizon Apex will be the ultimate destination for road racing well we're cleared for takeoff come meet me my friend you will see thank you in 200 yards turn right [Music] [Applause] turn right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know just the spot to expand the festival but the path takes us to the deepest part of the Jungle so you trust me of course wait why would I not then follow the rule I will guide you from the air and pray the weather goes it's just me or does that Sky look glorious [Music] thank you again we are slightly too late for this Festival I'm afraid the name means place of the roads of the Gods going left here looks like we've got the sun God's attention [Music] Remy are you sure we should be heading into this storm a bit different is nothing to fear my friend they might know that to help if you said that Jack Straits landing at the clouds and rain will fall and put it down in the jungle safe touchdown from Romero are you okay never better any loving you walk away from is a good one and down next to some kind of flood in the temple I'll see him through the player no one's been here in the wild look even the excavations are abandoned an expedition to a lost city when is covered by you and the Horizon Festival hey Robbie I think I'm gonna take a look around find somewhere to put the beacon do not let me interrupt your Mesoamerican history lesson my friend you can come and get me when you're ready foreign Festival comes and goes every year this has been here for thousands of years I think I found just the place for that radio vegan isters work now at least someone knows where we are foreign statue let me just get a picture of this there's the plane that direction ah there you are right let's push onto the coast storms can't be bad about the ancient peoples of this region knew the value of the Ring are you all right I am fine I don't plan on being discovered here by the next archaeological expedition to you my friend no this place is definitely nicer without us in it let's get moving some of the roads might be blocked I'll navigate it looks like there's one way to the coast through the heart of the storm you can handle this my friend I trust you do your worst we are Riders on the Storm Riders on the Storm we're nothing Road works we'll have to go through this one take a right I hope you like Bob my friend couldn't like it more let's do this hold on can I see those photos what now yes I want to see I really want to see them okay that one was very close go faster please thank you the cops are breaking keep pushing we're for the worst of it now tulumi's just around the corner welcome to beautiful Tulum we made it no thanks to the weather you're right but these beaches look beautiful now foreign you know I think this will be the perfect spot I think you're right my friend you made it no thanks to Ramiro no welcome to Horizon Apex ready for my road racing program not sure if you know this but I'm a bit of a rally fan if I'd take the whole gang along so you coming here are the events I've set up so far this is what I've been waiting for my friend now I get to see what you can really do foreign your automated natural navigation assistant I can help you explore Mexico and find fun things to do I've been upgraded with the new Forza link module Forza link tracks the status of you and the people you meet online and suggest ways for you to link up and play together [Music] Campbell hearing your name a lot lately whatever you've been doing keep at it we've got big plans ahead all right my friend the time has come Choose Wisely do you want to ride in High car or low car every time you see this light up it's suggesting a new way for you to link up with other drivers pretty good Amigo the Universidad is sending a technician to do some research at our Festival outposts and he needs a driver be nice to him he's my baby because he won hola my name is Juan Maria Garcias the university assigned me to conduct research at Horizon outposts and my cousins said they could introduce me to a horizon driver special and I guess that's you me hey I'm just here to help thanks Juan [Applause] 200 yards turn right turn right 400 yards turn left [Applause] China [Applause] [Music] arrived at your destination hola I think I should show you around the east coast region first Alejandra says a real eraser studies the track beforehand good advice besides I talked to the university into letting us study the beautiful beaches and Clear Blue Skies these calls for power and style the Ferrari Portofino will do nicely root is set Telemetry recording and Alejandra is probably watching the video feed so she could have picked something nicer than a swamp keep this coolpame my friend I think you mean beautiful Coastal Wetland ecosystem [Music] [Music] if you don't mind getting wet Ali said she hit some bonus boards near here you might want to check back later the tip I wasn't supposed to tell you please please don't tell Ali she won't be happy [Music] welcome to Tulum the archaeologist at the University will be glad we came to visit sorry we couldn't stay longer [Music] foreign [Music] wow fast roads and ocean views the perfect location for Horizon Apex either you're very bored with my tour are very eager to prove your speed to Prima Ali my friend [Music] this is Playa Soul it's a nature reserve try not to disturb too much sand ah such beautiful weather it just makes you want to sail away to the Horizon and um I mean a fascinating climate data if I could get lost here too maybe some other time when Ali is in checking our telemetry foreign [Music] foreign Ty that's the East Coast very important if you want to compete at Horizon Apex I have plenty of vehicle data for Ali but there must be more to find in the region I'll be in touch yeah that was fun see you soon [Music] all right I've spoken with the Department of ecology at the University come and meet me when you're ready ecology I'm on my way [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] informal in 400 yards turn right [Applause] turn right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you have arrived at your destination the research theme saw what we did before good news we have permission to conduct a special survey around Playa soul this aim sport Fiesta is our special survey vehicle very scientific no what do you need me to do I'll record the data and your skill chains so long is this for science down to the beach I think you'll find plenty of sand there and skills of course I think the university would like to know the effect of a speeding car on those Beach loungers look like random destruction but we know very aerodynamic [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you're driving more often [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and I'll send the data over to the research team it looks like we got everything we needed now that was Style thanks to you the university will be able to make Playa sule fun for locals Racers and touristas in the future I need you down here quickly is this everything okay yes hello in 400 yards turn sharp left thank you turn sharp left turn right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] about take the third exit [Applause] [Applause] you have arrived at your destination the university has asked for a complete survey of Mexico east to west coast to coast an Ali wants complete Telemetry for the racers at Horizon Apex that's why she gave us the yesco we'll never be fast enough for her she's the best racer in La Familia don't tell Rami I said that but calm down one we can do this okay we'll take the highway so you can really open it up here's the thing we've also lost a traffic density Telemetry so do you mind helping out you'll get as close as you can and I'll record the numbers let's go vamos if any machine can do it this one can this is fast very very fast Los Santo we're doing side never mind they're gone [Applause] [Applause] I don't want to see the Telemetry on how close that was foreign [Applause] [Applause] we did it now it is after a drive like that I need the vano forget the university I have to put together a presentation for Ali she wants her Horizon Apex Racers to have the best I just hope I have all the Telemetry she needs relax one she'll love it your family ah you know what you're right Gracias my friend [Applause] hey Campbell that's it it's time for an adventure here's the thing it's not all about expansion we also want to build our existing outposts with bigger race programs and more events Expeditions into the unknown or new adventures in our own backyard thank you [Music] tell her you're available honestly she won't say it but I know this is important to her [Applause] in 400 yards turn left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] turn left 100 yards [Applause] [Applause] turn right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] in 400 yards turn right [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to unlock this perk you first need to have unlocked an adjacent perk you have just unlocked a permanent perk this applies a permanent bonus to this car you have just unlocked a temporary Park these offer a limited number of uses to this car [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn left foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how can I help jump in the buggy I'll tell you the story on the way Ramiro was looking for all things that he spotted his home last week and he found this photo he gave it to me said I might enjoy it but I don't think he realized what he was my friend what would you say are the two most important things in Mexican culture um family family of music clothes famiya and the Volkswagen Beetle bocho is the Mexican nickname maybe sabolo Fernando was the first tourist own one and thanks to that photo I think I know where it is seriously let's go find it [Music] so tell me about it means great grandfather but in the family he's just Papa Fernando we never met but everyone says I'm exactly like him you have to understand in Mexico obocho is like the family member that lives in your garage Papa Fernando loves that car to death and I think Marta finally came for it on a muddy Road near here he took one last photo and left it there so that's where we're going if you can find it I can get it running again I really hope we can save it let's get up into the hills look for a turn off there should be a road or a track oh [Music] okay look around this is definitely the place but bring the watchop here the storms can get tremendous let me just get the door sticky it's really here we found it for you papa Fernando but look at it I've never seen a beetle like that oh the weather's closing in I don't like the look of the roads around here you drive the truck got it I'll have to put in a new batteria plenty of oil giantas or electrical oh this is gonna be hard even for me it's a beetle but it starts first go you know I wouldn't be surprised keep an eye open for Road works the road to the coupon just now maybe we'll be lucky ah maybe not so lucky after all ah looks like roadworks can you find a way past it I think I can manage that that's one way through you gonna do this I have much of videos that's the thing about gocho it's not just a car it's a lifestyle [Music] [Applause] park the truck here I'll take care of the rest what did I tell you finding lost cars isn't Magic it takes good luck hard work and sometimes a drone oh my friend the hard work is just getting started call you soon hey Campbell I know you're busy but I have um Festival facilities way over capacity so if you wanted to push for that next big expansion that would be very helpful Amigo I've been working on the board show and learning more about Papa ferrando come meet me when you have time I'll show you what I mean thank you [Applause] [Music] 400 yards turn left [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what do you think very nice where's the voucher oh I'm taking my time with it don't worry Superstar sometimes ah so that's how it is okay then [Applause] good [Applause] there is a shorter route go straight ahead this is a technical route once the city turns but the next checkpoint is outside of town you're not making this easy [Applause] all right thank you [Applause] hey well done I'll let you get back to the garage call me [Applause] on amigo guess who has the watch running as well as it did in 1963. it would be really good for some rally driving we could do that here if you prefer rally cross and showing off some Gymkhana skills we could do that here you choose and meet me there Ito on my way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 400 yards turn right [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you have arrived at your destination what do you think Fernando used to race around Guanajuato before Street Scene before Horizon before they even called it Jim Gana it looks great can I you bet this is a gray area for some Gymkhana I've set up a course show me what you and The Watcher can do great analy I've started the timer let's do this when I was working on it I found some mounting bolts up on the chassis I think he was messing with the right pipe somehow not sure why yet but he was way ahead of his time with his car up ahead [Music] [Music] all right foreign tastic driving feel free to you know stop I really wonder what he was trying to do with his car I'll get it back up on the lift and have another look seems like this car really does run in the family you have no idea has been coming to visit the water while I've been working on it in the shop they've told me the most amazing Stories you wouldn't believe actually drove for a rally team for a while he competed in the Baja maybe even Dakar we could recreate one of his runs the esophia told me he once put his watch out through the roof of a building we could recreate his jumps probably leave out the building though your choice I'll take care of the setup
Channel: GTX 1050 Ti
Views: 11,766,825
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Keywords: gtx 1050 ti, test, amd, benchmark, hardware, build, cpu, gpu, tech, gaming, new, comparison, firefly, computer, pc, nvidia, forza horizon 5 gameplay, forza horizon 5 cheat engine money, forza horizon 5 rtx 4090, forza horizon 5 rtx 4090 8k, forza horizon 5 rtx 4080, forza horizon 5 rtx 3060, forza horizon 5 rtx 3050, forza horizon 5 rtx 3070, forza horizon 5 rtx 3080, forza horizon 5 rtx 2060, forza horizon 5 gtx 1660 super, forza horizon 5 gtx 1050 ti, forza horizon 5 gtx 1060
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 32sec (5912 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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