Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) | 8K | RTX 4090 24GB | Ultra Settings
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Channel: guyWith4090
Views: 75,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LETSPLAY, GAME, PC GAME, RTX4090, RTX 4090, VS 4090, 4090 VS, GAME TESING, RAYTRACING, RAY TRACING, 4KUHD, RTX ON, i9 13900K, 4Kgaming, exclusivecontent, gameplayvideos, gamingcommunity, gamingenthusiast, gaminghighlights, gamingperformance, gamingsetup, gamingshowcase, graphicscardshowcase, pcgaming, supportmychannel, ultrahdgaming, youtubecreator, youtubegaming, 4K, FPS, game play, let's play, lets play, gpu, rtx 4090, rockstar games, Rockstars, gta 6, RDR2, rdr2, red dead redemption 2, gta 6 trailer
Id: oR4vPrvCvgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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