RTX 4080 - Hogwarts Legacy (with DLSS 3 testing)

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hello guys crispy and welcome back to another video and this one my friends I'm gonna be testing the GeForce RTX 4080 16 gigabyte GPU in Hogwarts Legacy this one is the founders Edition model of the card we are running it with the latest nvd drivers as usual and I am not overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerapps GPU Z resizable bar is enabled and I am running it with an i5 13 600k overclock to 5.6 gigahertz over in the memory tab you can see that it's running at 6000 megahertz it's always double of what you see there if I go into task manager you can see the 6000 megahertz right there and the I5 once again so let's get into it now shall we oh wait shall we also if you're interested this is the one that we're using today let's go for the settings first I'm playing at 4K resolution to start this off using Nvidia dlaa as the anti-aliasing mode because it's by far the best one out of the three and it gives you the best FPS as well if I said it's a TAA high for example you can see that the FPS dropped by a little bit so this is definitely the way to go if you're playing at Native resolution by the way there is no full screen mode in this game so we're stuck to windowed full screen which works quite well anyways over here you can see that frame generation is in this game I'm gonna test that a little bit later reflex is on I tested it off and with on plus boost to see if it improved the stuttering and it didn't do anything to stuttering issues so stuttering is still here by the way missing is off frame rate is uncapped of course and these are the settings right here over on the advanced settings we're using the recommended ones which is everything maxed out set to ultra aside from rate racing which I will be testing a little bit later as well let's go now finally okay so this is native 4K resolution getting right around 69 frames per second my friends at ultra settings that's not bad whatsoever but uh I was expecting a little bit better you know it's a 4080 after all super expensive GPU maybe with these new game releases and the lackluster performance they will finally start lowering prices on the gpus I don't know probably not right anyways if you see some fluctuation there in the GPU side of things it's not a CPU bottleneck it's just the game itself at least here at 4K resolution because I actually tested the limits of the 13600k before I started recording and that CPU can do 120 FPS around that in this area right here overclock to 5.6 gigahertz like it is right now basically these areas with a lot of vegetation basically forests right are the most intensive ones for the GPU to render it's way more intensive than the castle in Hogwarts I will go to the castle a little bit later by the way using these same settings um but yeah it's just so you know if you get less FPS inside of the castle it's because you are CPU bound we're starting to drop into the 50s which which is again a bit lackluster you know I was expecting 60 plus with the 4080 at 4K Ultra settings like at this point you need a 4090 to actually get 60 plus if you want native resolution the good thing is you got the LSS of course which works quite well and it looks really good at 4K major stats are there not because we are vram bounds so those little stutters that we saw with the 3060 TI wasn't really because we were vram maxed out unfortunately it's just because of the game itself it stutters it's an unreal four engine title and pretty much all of them stutter quite a bit games these days man they can't release without stuttering issues right I hope there's like a day one patch or something coming to this game that improves something there oh boy we got the centaurs right there I remember them from the the movies hello guys how's it going yeah they should be friendly you know nice yeah they don't do anything to me I can just chill with them let's go oh yes I'll use lumos my friends you can you can kill them spiders why aren't the spiders doing anything to them oh they they probably know to stay away you know anyways oh my God oh my God and I should have known to stay away from this area actually leveled up you know they're level 20 right now hard to kill but we should be fine maybe I level up like 20 levels if I kill them that would be nice what's my level by the way I don't even know wait let's do the Thor thing actually that wasn't what I was expecting but okay sometimes you can actually do like a thunder spell and it looks quite awesome but that wasn't it anyway aside from the stutters guys I would say that this is uh 100 playable experience even with the stuttering issues it is 100 playable anyways oh come on bro can you oh Jesus stop that what the hell also it dropped a little bit there with that blocking effect by the way really up close you know there we go yeah we're seeing 60 FPS right here pretty much the same as we've seen previously in a more dense forest part of the the the map oh we should probably move to Hogwarts actually right anyway if you want to max out the game at 4K it's gonna be a decent and playable experience so how why are there so many people inside of this Forest oh come on Jax Jack's cousins yes there is an actual Jack in this game so you know what you know what to do when you see these wolves you just go to the top of some rock or whatever and if you think it's gonna be fine yes let's stop it there and let's move away to Hogwarts all right here we are in the castle you can instantly see that we're getting way higher FPS at the moment than in the forest because we don't have a CPU bottleneck once again so to everyone saying that this is more intensive well it is indeed more intensive on the CPU side of things so they're not lying you know it's just that for what we're testing here it makes more sense to go into the forest and actually test the the GPU itself you can see a bit of fluctuation actually on that 4080 right now and you know what's interesting out of curiosity I ran the CPU Z's built-in Benchmark and it said that this CPU at 5.6 gigahertz actually is slightly faster in single core performance compared to the I9 3900k so it doesn't get much better than this unfortunately in terms of C pu performance in this game and given that CPU utilization is quite low in this one it doesn't really matter to have the more cores on the I9 oh my goodness those textures are taking a while to load oh boy I don't remember the last time that I've seen such slow loading textures but okay everything is loaded in right now back into like the 60 FPS range as you can see it's looking really gorgeous can you can you please shut up this water kind of reminds me of the Red Dead Redemption 2 water but I guess that game looked just a little bit better still I'm gonna go ahead now and enable dlss on quality and this should comfortably put us above 60 FPS at all times unfortunately it doesn't get rid of the stuttering issues so those are still going to be there hmm interesting I thought there wouldn't be that much of a difference enabling the LSS but I can tell it's a bit softer yeah sharpness is at zero so I'll do like Point 15 here I didn't really see that big of a difference with the 3060 TI okay maybe because I was using a bit higher sharpness with that GPU so dlss on quality will make your game still look really really good you are pleased to be included very nice alright guys so we got a really nice thumbnail right here anyway we went from 60 FPS up into the 90s by the use of the LSS and although it's not the best implementation of dlss that I've ever seen like far from it actually it's it's a pretty ugly one compared to other games especially at 4K like I was expecting it to look a bit better um the hell is that up there interesting we're gonna check that out but yeah I think it's totally worth enabling if you are looking to play this game at 4K with the 48 especially with the smaller monitor I can tell all of those little detail differences because I'm actually using a TV as a monitor it's the LG C2 OLED 42 inches and at 42 inches you can see you can see the implementation of the LSS is not as good as in other games oh that there are those things like it basically looks like you just enabled TAA instead of dlaa here at 4K and it's just slightly softer than the native resolution but nothing to worry about I think again if you must have 60 plus FPS all of the time this is a pretty decent way to to do it I would totally recommend it so people are just having fun over here with their wounds why why do you need to use wands for that that's weird like okay we have these things in in real life you know you don't need ones to to use them I guess it's maybe easier just to cast a spell and use the thing also some of the textures aren't really that good even on ultra settings as you can see and even with plenty of vram it's only utilizing 10 gigabytes at the moment so the 16 gigs on the 4080 are definitely enough as will be the 12 gigs on the 4070 TI and 3080 TI which I will also test in this game yeah basically now I got nothing to complain about aside from those little pesky stutters that happen every once in a while you can see them in the frame time graph but those aren't gonna go anywhere anyway so you you should just forget that they're there and play the game and have a bit of fun or maybe just don't buy the game because of that but I guess that won't do you any good because every single game these days comes out with stuttering issues so yeah if you want to play them you got to put up with that crap let's stop it there though for dlss that's really really good again the Hogwarts Castle is more CPU intensive so I'm not gonna go there with probably bcpu band at around like 90 frames per second or so and end up seeing around the same FPS what I'm gonna do now is enable frame generation I just want to see how it looks and how many frames it can actually generate for us so here we go and wow at least on a static scene it looks really good the grass is moving because of the wind I can tell a little bit of softness there while it's moving but no worries wow and the good thing is since we were getting like 90 frames per second previously on average the input lag is basically the same as you'd get with the 90 FPS but the smoothness factor is is much improved actually wow and I'm not really seeing much of an issue here you guys probably can tell on YouTube because the compression will wrecked everything in this game with a lot of vegetation and stuff but uh maybe there is a little bit just a tiny bit ghosting effect or smoothness effect softness I I don't know how to explain it but it's not that bad actually it's not bad at all I would say still pretty enjoyable like this it might be worth enabling this guys I'm also not seeing as much stuttering here because the one percent lows are at 97 at the moment way better than the 60 FPS one percent lows that we were getting previously this is really impressive guys okay I like this experience hello Jack how's it going let's just pet him once again shouldn't you move out of the rain actually like cats don't like rain also my hair it's a little bit fuzzy now with all of these up scaling Technologies enabled but if you aren't really pixel peeping it's fine I'm really impressed at the implementation of frame generation in this game in some other games like for example f122 it looks terrible I wouldn't really utilize it in f1282 but in this game if you have a 40 series card it might be very well worth it single stutter right there it's the first one that we've seen here using FG by the way yeah yeah uh hurry hurry everything is all right he's not Harry actually his El crispo that's his name all right let's go down here there we go good stuff good stuff it's all good it's all good we only lost a little bit of HP there I just wanted to check out a little bit more dense of a forest area with more bushes and stuff this is it I guess and also from generation is amazing because it gets rid of CPU bottlenecks so if we go to Hogwarts right now while using FG I'm gonna I'm gonna do that it should still max out the GPU yeah that's the case so without frame generation we'd see around like 90 frames per second in here this is the most CPU intensive area and now it's we're seeing 95 GPU usage are 97 with 130s and 140s and it looks even better here without all of that grass around you I I wouldn't really be able to tell that this wasn't native resolution let me just disable FG real quick so you guys can see what kind of FPS you can expect with the LSS without FG again uh yeah dropping into the 90s a little bit more stuttering and around 110 frames per second with a little bit lower GPU utilization because again we are CPU Bound in this scenario that's amazing okay now I want to test it a bit at 1440p using the laa and everything else still the same ultra settings no rate racing at the moment and a lot of people are actually buying the 4080 470 TI and even 1490 for 1440p gaming not so much at 1080p like it makes absolutely zero sense to buy one of these cards for 1080p gaming so don't do it please I'm not going to test 1080p because of it unless RT performance is terrible but yes it since there are tons of people who buy sorry again this wasn't the door that I wanted to open um since there are tons of people that want to play at 1440p with this card I want to test it out for a little bit with the LSS stuff and frame generation and everything else so again we are CPU bounds tons of stuttering right here because it's loading this area for the first time and uh yeah it's it's just a little bit of a mess you know it's not GPU bound whatsoever so let's get to a GPU bound scenario now ah here we are once again near the Forbidden Forest with all of those trumpet little flowers oh yes and now we're getting 100 FPS once again around that 90 to 100 still CPU bound GPU is still not maxed out so we're seeing a CPU bottleneck at 1440p ultra settings with the 13600k at 5.6 gigahertz which should perform very close to to the top of the line CPUs from Intel and AMD at the same time also with ddr5 you know so yeah this is a little bit lackluster performance once again and I would love to have seen better CPU optimization still that there's a lot here that means that with dlss and at 1080p as well it would get exactly the same performance as this so this isn't really a good GPU test anymore I was expecting a bit better performance once again even though we're not maxing it out it's close to being maxed out so we wouldn't really gain a ton of more FPS if we had 100 GPU utilization here so yeah uh I guess what you need to do is play with a little bit of frame generation at 1440p and that should do it and in this game to enable it you actually need to enable the LSS at the same time there are a few games where you don't need dlss to use frame generation you can use it over native rays but yeah not in this one let's try it with like 15 over here sharpness FG on and this should remove the CPU bottleneck right or close to it at least oh yes okay guys this is the way to go again with dlss without frame generation it would get you the same FPS as native 1440 because of the bottleneck but yeah enabling FG is just it's insane it gives you so many more FPS it's wow and it also Smooths out that frame time at the same time like it felt quite stuttery previously now it it doesn't it's something that I have noticed in other games as well especially games that have a bit of inconsistency there in the frame time graph a little few micro centering issues enabling FG actually gets rid of those micro stuttering issues now compared to 1440p dlaa I can tell it looks a lot softer right now I'm not sure how it would look on a native 1440p monitor it could be looking really soft because again this is not my native Rays it's a bit too soft in my opinion so I'm just gonna like bump this up a little see if it looks a bit better now now that's too over sharpened maybe like 30 here or 0.3 yeah I guess that's a decent balance again you are actually losing a bit of detail by the use of FG at 1440p whereas at 4K those huge status are not gone by the way but yeah whereas at 4K it was really really close to like native res with TAA low or something like that here at 1440p it gets pretty soft the image still again it might look way better on the 1440p native monitor so yeah I'm using a 42 inch 4k monitor which has the same PPI as a 1440p27 inch monitor and if this looks as good on this settings on a 27 inch 1440p monitor as it did on my 4K 42 inch monitor using same settings but at 4K of course I could actually recommend it alright finally we are using some rate racing guys 4K native using the laa no frame generation or dlss at the moment and we're using the ultra settings with everything all of the bells and whistles turned on basically and it's getting all the way like 30 FPS so I'm not really hopeful actually I'm impressed to see these FPS because indoors in that get to like lobby area or whatever it was getting 30 FPS really close to 30 and now it's oh boy it's dropping it's dropping so much oh my God oh my God yeah look at that frame time by the way that is absolutely terrible and also what are those oh my God what oh boy okay okay maybe don't play with race racing I don't know but yeah what are these Reflections right there or like light Reflections I don't get it doesn't look natural whatsoever I expected RT to look natural you know because it usually does damn it's almost night time oh my God another huge set there look at that RAM usage now holy crap bro this is not good this is not good whatsoever I'm gonna wait until daytime because it's more beautiful ah there's Jack ah very beautiful Jack this one look at him look at what he did to that awesome looking skin I wish the cats had fur actually like they look pretty weird it's maxed out settings why don't the cats have fur I'm gonna go to Hogwarts actually just to check it out there okay it isn't more intensive interesting oh nice I don't think we saw those Reflections previously yeah pretty sure they weren't there without rate racing but you know if if it if at 4080 is struggling this much with rt I wouldn't really consider it with anything lower end than a 4080 or even with the 4080 itself like this is not really acceptable performance with all of this stutter it's just it's terrible that's why I didn't test it with the RTX 3060 TI there's just no point okay I'm gonna see it with dlss on quality first without frame generation let me just get it like to point 15 sharpness or whatever yeah and all right getting 60 now that's way better but it's still dropping into the 50s stuttering a bit less that frame time isn't as terrible as it was before but it's still not perfect it's far from it there's still a ton of micro stuttering issues I'm not sure if you can tell like in the actual video that yeah like that was a huge Setter right there but sometimes you can see light frame skips it's what looks like frame skips those are actually stutters of course ah all right hello Jack how's it going again I love the fact that there are so many Jacks around I don't really love the fact that he clips into my pants sometimes so anyway inside oh my goodness yeah this is completely unplayable like this and look at the GPU utilization it's actually CPU band at this moment but it's CPU bound with 20 CPU usage it's stupid this game is not optimized towards the CPU whatsoever alright let's try frame generation on because well that should remove the CPU bottleneck hopefully if you want to play this game with rate racing enabled you will need a 40 series GPU with frame generation to remove those stuttering issues they're still there but they're way way less noticeable now and it is above 60 FPS that looks weird what is that what what like is Ray tracing even working properly at this point I I'm I'm really not sure like these Reflections I'm all for them like those those look really great but some of the objects are so weird they shouldn't be reflective or like the other glass that we've seen in hogsmeade it was just weird you know anyways guys um this is probably it uh for this resolution this guy is bugging out as well what the hell well magicians he's moonwalking but forwards yeah very impressive it's the resolution of the 1440p using dlaa using ultra settings with Ray tracing enabled this native res first and I'm just curious to see the vram utilization at this point and if it stutters as much as it did at 4K because you know I don't think a lot of people are buying a 4080 to play games like this at 1440p with 60 FPS what the hell man if you don't use the dlss frame generation it's it runs like crap basically with Ray tracing no matter what even at 1440p this game is is broken I'm sorry like a lot of people think this is actually well optimized and it is for the first half hour of the game it doesn't stutter whatsoever it's buttery smooth but um this is terrible like now it's not too terrible but whenever you load in new areas with a lot of NPCs it is very terrible all right vram usage is at 12 gigabytes already by the way it's going up still um and I want to test it with the LSS frame generation again the LSS without frame generation would get exactly the same FPS as we've seen and with frame generation we should use it at point three as I saw previously it looks a little bit better finally this is it okay 160. oh my goodness we went from below 60 fps to 140 plus basically and once again that frame time is much smoother at the moment but again that doesn't mean that it won't stutter uh because those huge spikes are still gonna happen every now and again I guess we found a playable experience with Ray tracing right yay it also looks pretty weird like that is super noisy down there don't use Ray Tracy that's what I have to say thank you very much for watching this video hope you enjoyed it don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already I'll be back very soon with another GPU today still so keep tuning for that and as always love you all bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 77,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpu, graphics card, components, old drivers, high end, directx, deals, popular, graphic card, tech, cheap gpu, fortnite, power, graphics, demanding, games, testing, benchmarks, review, 5900x, ryzen 5, ryzen 7, xt, geforce, nvidia, beast, fast, ti, 4060, rtx, rt, 4080ti, zwormz rtx, performance, benchmark, live gameplay, 8gb, 12gb, 4080, rtx 4080, 5800x3d, 3d, vcache, 12900k, 13900k, fastest graphics card, world, powerful, expensive, super, rtx 4080 review, best, 13600k, i5, hogwarts legacy 4090, hogwarts legacy 4080, i7
Id: I0wSlrJDWnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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