RTGame Archive: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (30/09/2018)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] uh oh everybody how's it going you heard of the high elves Oh God how is it going everybody are you well and you hear me okay we are playing an absolute classic today I want play this for so long like on Twitch this guy guy kind of when I was like doing like the initial Skyrim stuff this summer I was debating between either doing Skyrim or Oblivion I went with Skyrim first cuz you know some more recent one you know people have more memories of that now back in my a frickin oblivion was the game to play stop you violent the wall Oh God I guess it's had quite a little closer hey that's better that that should be okay now okay I think I think we're good how's it going though folks don't talk about any lower but the funny thing is I have like 200 hours in this game I never did the main story ever I know there was a point where you have to go to kibosh that's it and I never advanced it I did literally everything else and it was like the last thing I was supposed to do but then I got lost in the world of odds at the end it was spoiled for me in like a friggin cutscene in Skyrim I remember that woman playing no but I know what happens plus I never actually finished oblivion so I was hoping if we play this for a couple of weeks we might get there hello though everybody it's good to see you finally got to your live shirt you're very welcome here red how's it going hey decor define or serve your sentence [Music] let's start an arty cult I think we're okay is like a Church of Harry Hill it's been well established at this point that does the job let's be real this game is a bit weird in the sense it's a pathetic game which means if you tap out of it like your computer poops itself so I have to actually we're gonna go black screen for a moment and I'm gonna start the game and hopefully this will come up right like it's like a problem with every single person I've ever played they don't like being minimized yeah hang on let me get this fixed I asked them I already have to minimize adjust the audio it's crashed Reba's has again I've ever played has this problem I don't know why Todd Howard keeps doing this you gotta fix the games Todd gotta fix their games have an hour in any bethesda game just like breaks it instantly but I hope this is adjust it right I'm gonna like adjust it in game if needs to be so I got that there that's gonna be useless to me and once I click play I can't touch anything else there we go it's ivy no it's live I it's my favorite game Blair we are living okay so let's just adjust all the audio stuff now we have to do with this kind of ingame if I tap out it all like everything will break voices are generally like a bit too is low so I'll pop that up you can think about there and then foot stepping effects laughter that's my moment Livio the realms of the Daedra it's been sir III was like glancing at this just before I start applying like my old save files are honest like I last played this in 2011 apparently his cloud saves and I had no idea cuz I sure as hell didn't have this computer back then I can t remember what I was doing my character I these these are all probably mods also fire halls of water it sound it sounds too like Generic you know wait a moment this isn't Harry Potter I've been bamboozled that's a long time ago 22 April apparently toxic thanks for the territory just take my money and be good hope you're doing well toxic it's good to see you man okay we're gonna start a brand new game people really freaking out because the date was the 28th of April I missed ya Oh Mike you're a digit 420 number come on guys you're not seven I know some of your seem up at seven most here here in seven thank you again ah yes I was born 87 years ago hey Patrick Stewart has a cow sixty-five years I've ruled as Tamriel's Emperor but for all these years I've never been the ruler of my own dreams now I get a battery than that the amulet there after seeing the gates of oblivion beyond which no waking I may see though the game called Skyrim fill a clothes like darkness but doing sweeps the land it's not Sara [Music] this is a 37 last seed the year of akatosh 433 these are the closing days of the third era and the final hours of my life you heard here Patrick Stewart's dying tonight try saving the cestas really frickin chuffed they're gonna kill him frickin Todd Howard just like wringing his hands together it's like we're kilt killing for Cara tonight oh ho [Applause] for Howard [Music] thirty years of heavy data share gora obviously [Music] - them trees Oh 2006 graphics men look up DirectX spies whoa and then there's this Muppet yeah okay you see in the cutscene I've been waiting here for ya bagel thanks red your birds stop your viola at the lock okay what race we going oh good god no okay anything but Khajiit because Jesus Christ 2006 wasn't kind here what are we gonna go for here what's that feels a lot less racist and I remember like five or so here okay maybe not five like eight we're at a crisis thanks for like this 1682 that's 20 quid that's been conferred ish hey love your vids I'm glad your challenge growing so much so fast you definitely deserve it thanks for about a crisis you're very welcome to the stream I hope you enjoy oblivion but people are just telling me to do Shrek like which one was Shrek what the orc not Shrek guys as all Mike Myers looks like and just because of that we're gonna go with Austin Powers Mike Myers let's see if we can make this guy look like the international man of mystery basically the same thing if you think about it we're gonna make Austin Powers bonzai Brooks thanks to the 900 bits good morning arity finally got out of bed after receiving your live notification oh good morning dear Banzai you having a good Saturday okay we're gonna go with Mike Myers in Oblivion enter a character name literally just it's Mike Meyers yo okay so let's see how he gets on we have to face oh gods we don't have sliders this time wait to base shape face okay we're gonna need a reference pick but if I get the reference pick it's going to crash the stream do what do I risk this is there may be a way in the video options but I can have this not crash I don't think so I need to get a reference pic of Mike Meyers and I don't want to crash a stream oh they did this there's no EE and Meyers is there AG I'll remove that first one there's a windowed mode [Music] where where is the windowed mode okay alright let me check in the options before you start the game alright this is a router anti-climatic hang on we'll go through this again yeah just exit game we're gonna see if I can start it in windowed mode and we make Mike Meyers in a moment every protest the game has this problem so we're just gonna see if we can fix it it was saying there's a windowed mode there is a windowed mode mode window let's see if that fixes it okay so this fixes it but it has a slight problem on my end the window is like slightly incorrectly sized like let me let me show you guys what's happening here this is now my window honey it's chopped off the end I I can make do with this I can make too it's not the worst thing you guys won't have to bear it what's wrong with your phone not my phone use your [ __ ] phone you duct fit yep I thought using my phone cuz I want you guys to see Mike Meyers too cuz I guys we need the reference or it's not going to make sense though Mike Meyers Austin parrots [Music] okay we got we got we got the we got the giving it come on give me the shot there you go you're the perfect image let me just load this up so we have our reference pic I did this is important for the quality of the stream guys you gotta use your phone that you you guys don't understand I gotta get it on the stream it that's the reference pic for our character so let's just leave him here for a moment up it pop him down there that's who we're trying to make okay alright so yep new game okay let's just do that again I don't do garlic's extra folder but stuff you violate the law okay there we go yep ahead DJ thanks 400 bits - I'm working at the gym can you please give me some motivation paid a core to find a surfer sentence the only motivation you need Goossens our necks with five could as well afraid Bob the Khajiit no we can't do that I'm gonna try and catch up with some bits at the end the stream again you know I said I every stream I never do it Isaiah thanks 400 bits and a smoker and bagel thanks 400 as well I live in his colon although he heard his new game Skyrim for Amazon Alexa Alexa play Skyrim okay let's make Mike Myers there's a brat home what color eyes does he have it the kind of brown he's a young one his skin is like perfect his complexion he's very fair-skinned a hair gotta get the hair right again we're looking for Mike Myers international man of mystery that might be the best we can do Eric color is kind of okay your face cap is boss Oh guys that's not the FaceCam but that's not a face cam in the corner could you imagine we just check it though oh geez rub the tree other people okay there we go all right we'll go at loose wavy hair we'll need to find some glasses for along the way age is fine a face make your face care so fast no it's working as intended okay the problem is once I start adjusting with this stuff he's going to look like a potato like really all god oh my god we got it we gotta try get this right he does have a kind of oh my god like he need to stretch his head okay it shouldn't be that stretched my god there we go adjusted a little we gotta be accurate like to Mike Myers here we don't want to offend the man he's got a really high eyebrows he looks quite surprised in the reference picture so let's take him to that it's cheeks it's just affect his ears that's really weird cheekbones aren't really pronounced like the kind of low oh you just know this guy's gonna look like an alien by the time we're done he's already got that going for him I don't like where this is going and we need to make Mike Myers all of these effect literally every other setting too so like oh my god this is gonna be a nightmare [Music] nerdy kelsa thank you for the thousand bits I feel even work soon but I wish the best in the stream of it's Saturday oh thanks the nerdy kalsa have a good day at work motor and bagel as well thanks for a hundred bits have you heard of the high elves I feel like we're gonna be getting that a lot this stream it's Mike Meyers I gotta get the chin right not right at all but is that just like that just tucks in his chin he looks like a goldfish when you do laughs that just removes his chin but what's this flap here as the sun's catch enough oh god yeah we could tuck it in we could we could tuck I wanna make the chin bigger I want to make oh good god you could fit like an apple in there okay hi alright makin bike Meijer hey let's go back a bit it looks like his face is rolling it looks like he's been flushed oh no we go over Mike Myers hey let me let me just adjust the reference picture for Mike Myers can i yeah let me just properties filters add scaling I know it's not it's not let me adjust I was gonna squish his face not let me do it goddamn okay well still making microwaves it's fine his cheeks [ __ ] them in it looks like he's sticking his tongue out yeah go in what I'm here ice down absolutely massive out wide on the side there decal so please don't [ __ ] up my dreams for years thank you for another thousand bits no decals a flame as well thanks for 500 bits and Olivia thanks for a hundred thanks for interests a baby while I do my history homework it's your history homework involved in Mike Myers I'm glad I could help us though okay you know he's our eyes are perfect oh do you know when you have like a mirrored image of a face where it's like it's just half the face and in the other half is rendered by your mirror and it looks so weird you're in like a hall of mirrors well that's what this guy looks like except it's his [ __ ] face actual hall of mirrors let's get that in we're going from Mike Myers yeah we gotta be real careful with the jaw here hey jaw is perfect it's just the mouth happy or sad yeah well not that just makes it bigger and inflate his lips teeth oh my god you could just make them tidy do we make it like tiny lifts yeah we gotta do that just got a tiny route it looks like he was drawn wrong and we gotta do his nose oh my god that's a hell of a range just for the nose how big can I make his nose how big can I make it this nose will pierce the heavens make a bigger fake it I make it we make it Oh big it ago oh Jesus Christ flame as a hundred [ __ ] quid for like a giant nose thank you very much flame that's incredibly kind eeeh Jesus Christ it looks like Phineas oh my god that's exactly who he is okay if it is stretch he can't see the other half of his face if he closes his eye he's lost like half his sight because his nose is so [ __ ] big oh my god I can't get over how [ __ ] stupid looks if there's any higher that's true history that's a thumbnail right there it's like that's all we need it's it's too perfect okay we got we made Mike Mike there we go so Mike bauxite thanks for 1,500 oh god you made a shark what have you done I think the resemblance is uncanny there we go Mike Myers hello a shudder with the curtains even I did study okay now we're gonna go with that name is Phineas Myers but okay all right yeah we it's the unholy love child of Mike Myers and Phineas from Phineas and Ferb and the more I think about that scenario like the worst that sounds so we'll never speak of that again where the name comes from fishing mail six four five good this is the peak of human evolution secret plot x-mode your bits okay we're done are you sure you want to be a rut I mean that's the question it's asking me are you sure you want this [ __ ] nose no you sure you want to be a brat home oh no guys that's fine okay tutorial we go it's turn caps lock on I can't jump right now wait ease my jump button what I am one of the key ones trolls attack you'd be left click yeah yeah that that's fine cast is see that's a bit awkward ain't control run shift always run caps it jumped is just e huh it's wrong let's place to jump ever again lazy girl thanks for a thousand bits I only wear a helmet that's a very good question with great difficulty I imagine a thousand bits 30 Cal so as well hey at least you know though I want to pick a fight with you because your face is just so terrified it's true grew I see a nice 100 bits as well in the name of Jesus Christ our God and Lord strange and by the intercession what is this okay that just goes on I'm not sure what's going on there I shouldn't have said a as well that was a mistake okay yes press space to jumps and f5 to quick save his body is perfectly fine it's just a space Oh God Vicki 600 bits Archie you're making wheel burger really proud with this character a little burgers great I love his videos I pot as well hundred pits please leave your face kappa all Mike Myers is still here hang on I need to we need to remove Mike Myers we can't have him there the entire story and I need to turn on subtitles where is subtitles there we go and you Mike Myers back so I feel safe are people really not upset that Mike Myers isn't on the stream my job right now is to get you to safety we gotta meet with Patrick Stewart now come on this set is supposed to be off-limits Captain Picard as usual mix-up with the watch don't worry I'll stand as well back over by the window stay out of the way and you won't get hurt sure thing prisoners stand away from the door over by the window now sure thing prisoner get over by the window now sure thing prisoner get over by the window now how long can you keep this up prisoner over by the window now the game requires that the iPod hundred pits please of your face camera this is thank you why the coyote place our dress alone Unitas knows the sword it's very much a one from my dreams Patrick Stewart I'm so sorry for you you've been having nightmares the one for his dreams let's go it up assassins attacked my sons and I am next my blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route by chance the entrance to that escape route leads through yourself who are you why am I in jail the gods have placed you here so that we may meet as for what you have done it does not matter pretty sure as a rest it was for how sweet being so goddamn ugly but I was put in jail like my faith is literally just a nose W thanks for 300 bits is your character or self the hilarity no it is not I am your Emperor Uriel Septim by the grace of the gods I serve Tamriel as her ruler you were a citizen of Tamriel and you aggressively shall serve her in your own way what should I do I go my own way so do we all but what path can be avoided whose end is fixed by the almighty gods all right we must keep moving let's go snowy thanks 4,000 bits I was the Emperor not counted on the face also hi hope everybody Daniel thanks Tina thanks for 100 - I beg you Phineas Myers in space captain for all future Street order of a go thanks 400 as well get going oh don't worry I'm here the help don't worry it is the game bright enough as well do I need to up the brightness thinking about it now that was quick I loot him that's cool I thought the captain died well I haven't got any inventory oh wait and correct it unless you do good don't forget her katana I do is there a katana on the ground I already have a sword needs to be brighter I'll make it a little brighter hang on long with them yeah yeah brightness I can't Augustus that's really weird look at that it's grayed out okay but yeah sorry guys if it's dark like oh no turn on a light on your hands legs I'll take point let's move you stay here prison don't OBS oh god no that would be awful okay get going blade skill increased get the right mate make our way into the world rusty war axe it's been I've played this game so many times it's just been so long it's the last one like this is a real nostalgia trip for me right now let's take all of that shield make it darker cut this no we're not there yet which physics but we live in hope guys yo this guy's got a club and some lockpicks looking at this I remember I hated this mini game like Bop all the locks up cool can't apply that seven times [Music] what about the Blackpool trip Rati how's it goin man I don't see I still find the dealer III want to go there at some point probably won't be this year these things they're just a bit too bumpy have you been oh man I hope you've been keeping well how many years you have in this game I mean I played it are we still playing in 20 like 11 I think that's when I stopped playing and I was playing it pretty consistently after it came out like this is one of those games that myself and Stuart played a lot of like alongside freaking fable 2 if the one that like whenever we just kind of have like sleepovers like I mean eat up we would just be plying it like we've many happy memories at this game juveniles in particular we play that a lot press C guys it's fine we've dug it it's ok we have we have a bit of health we can go a little bit without here ok fine if you left freaking out already oh we got some bows Armour oceans hey bit of everything ok what do we want what does the most damage he's all one hand I think these are all just doing one damage at the moment those I'm not skilled for anything maybe I miss reading that that one's the damage isn't it gotta be let's get some armor we got to see what it looks like what a helmet okay use a bow you need some arrows okay for the old bow his face yeah people are just joined the stream we're gonna freak out every time we do not bagel thanks 100 bits in the computer that this game is how you smuggle lockpicks into jail dialect question actually did I check for that people are just like yelling buttons for me the press now as well like with no rhyme or reason like press a party press W aren t the f5 key quick Saints the game and you guys okay oh uh red core and in cata make u-bolt for 500 bits there hey kind ears thanks guys our team press C seer t proceed do you see the C key what subscribing room is channel II didn't see when I asked him to an interactive streamer bullies his twitch chat' live on air does not press the key on his keyboard that everyone asked him to literally the worst man alive floor lettuce okay we found a helmet okay that they ain't gonna look pretty I like how our nose like kind of naturally merges with the line of the helmet it's like an even curve beautiful I think we're gonna have a fun time with this game I belong to play this like myself for a long time as well I've been feeling very nostalgic for it so I'm like really excited just be playing this next well we're probably gonna do a good few streams on this gonna see if we can do the main story or something where are we going I wish I could up the Breton's because it actually is quite dark I equip a torch no wait where's my torch oh so oh yeah that's right we're in oblivion now you can't you can't do oil them is to put away your weapon and you take out the torch okay so we'll be able to see like every time we're not in , wait if I if I only put the shields can I have the torch hey I can oh yeah that's fine you know news while I carry thanks 400 bits no any girl go need to come on cash I have been versed in the Irish language I don't really like it kind of forced to learn in school I stopped very poorly in my opinion I do know a bit bawd Ruby I'll take it doc up on potions press C a few more times I can hotkey items and spells from you drawn away I hold now a number key and then clicking the everyone's onslaught okay actually remember that so that's really good I'll say like five for that it's for that uh snai thank you for like 1264 bits per se it's for you every time someone gives me money from now on I'll press C just for that one guy that's a quality stream right there Viper dugongs likes for 200 bits as well hang on in order for the help they feel like that sort of freak out the head like yeah well but dad probably came this way at some point I mean loved that some sting card on the ground first time he was there keep on going via this now that's all it was junk can't like craft stuff as well my goblin up ahead hasn't seen you yet let's go into sneak mode with our torch perhaps I should put on the shield about now Kaleigh thank you for the 5 quid that's one press to see right there good buddy oh no I did it off though cows just trying to level up my heavy armor skill like that was all not part of my plan give me that or at me delicacy if it of feet thanks for 245 control all to the shut down just for you got a mortar and pestle oh yeah you need that for like frickin crafting stuff in this game don't really work at stations I believe yes actually have the items hello oh Jesus Christ fill this gobbler blame thank you for like another 10,000 like Jesus Christ money give me 200 quid I've only I haven't been going that long I need to go he says but before you go flame just for you one see thanks for the hundred quid that was just for you oh say thanks very much Miley that's incredibly generous of you have a good day wherever you often Aussie thanks for 200 such a waste of all these dad rocks think of all the food for a fresh pop oh no we only get like a frayed ball like luxury kibble I'll have you know don't feed him rats he's worth more to me than right oh I can activate it cool that really didn't do anything your block skill increases that was a good trap sure showed him laser thanks for 245 there there we go they call a lot up don't judge hundred bits kick kiss your monitor please I gave you a quid in bit over you nose go buy a tree pack oh dear Lord I'm not reading the rest laughs you know what you said making our way I mean we could be sneaky here I think they'd sneak instantly leveled up just like that the trick is when you're getting the combat just keep pressing left click and eventually they'll all die watch me just like stealthily kill this guy master of stealth I mean the games really not punishing me for it I I can just guy keep spamming see and like just heal all the way up is this skyrim it's the prequel to Skyrim basically in the same thing forget how dumb the combat is you literally just like walk up to them and keep spamming and you'll kill them all let's just take all that and a repair hammer okay that's the thing I can use those oh wow okay so yeah I can repair my sword of it oh and the hammer breaks okay I kind of remember that now and so long since I played Ozzy thank you for the 200 and he plans to travel to Australia at some stage none in the near future Australia's very far away oh cool I'm planning to stay around Europe the next year for downlink Oh an iron longsword moving up in the world without equipped Sneyd thanks premier 287 press a sure thing vision thanks for five quid all that for skip tutorial red Corwin a thousand and hiker with a hundred thanks for playing oblivion it's a really great good game that happens to be a meme factory at the same time I've played in a while so I don't know about that but your look will see you as much well thank you very much everybody I need to take up my torch getting dark keep moving take the shaman stuff and we need we need to just drop the hey what do i press the drop a thing what's the button it just said there what was it not see this time uh IRA doesn't seem to be doing it what's the bun shift click thanks I appreciate it one guy not me man in the chat you getting a promotion there we go man gee thanks for a hundred early is too far away also Artie lives in Japan for a year if a Japan was like very much a planned thing though like that was we going in the deep end that now that I'm like I'm back I'm back in Ireland I won't like stay close to the Europe I'm hoping to go to some conventions next year oh you know maybe we'll be able to organize like a meet-up or something the other things go I'm planning to be about this time you're gonna play Far Cry 5 I'm not really interested in it I go away in here alright helps here how's it going I'm here to help why not being punished for I'll kill you first I'll kill you first well hey don't they care Oh God okay we're going this way doubt impress and see all God okay we cook them but how was that right well that was weird sorry about that yeah is that I got a moment hang on a moment it's that I'm gonna see if I can get him hang on I know this is hang on for Karla hello Oh dis doesn't spin detector hang on hang on hang on hang on Oh hello we still got air Stewart is here but like mutant we could Stuart just showed up but your what I can't area okay I've gotta hang up now bye I I I got error stir Stewart was just here he sent the message like please don't do dirty by oblivion that's my favorite game and like he's gone we lost them I thought I could get him on the stream for a moment or two but I guess not Stuart come back okay let's just have the assassins be killed or I'm not evil this time I was just trying to call my friend he can help us he must they cannot understand why I trust you they've not seen what I've seen he literally just hit him on a thorn I explained listen you know them literally just stop this van face with an invisible hand I'm not on good terms with the guards that sounds about right I've served the nine all my days and I chart my course by the cycles of the heavens the skies are marked with numberless sparks each a fire and every one a sign I know these stars well and I wonder which sign marked your birth which sign marked our birth rent it's the lady the major thief Atronach lured lover ritual serpent shadow steed or tower warrior most stats there honestly beef is pretty good that's that's like that kind of 30 uh what one do we want here well people saying the lover he's a great kisser Phineas isn't even gonna be able to kiss anyone because his nose is so [ __ ] big I think I don't know if that's right here gonna be honest it's Navy thanks for 589 we become to Norway anytime soon slightly closer to Australia maybe it was kinda conventions in Norway I got on oh I've never been who knows red Corps for 145 as well I literally love you oh thanks red Corps and snare in our 250 says lover okay we'll try it this is so bad lo use the lovers kiss para once a day to paralyze an opponent for 10 seconds at the cost of 120 points of fatigue so like we exhaust ourselves they're exhausted for 10 seconds and then it just kills it's so bad it's it's terrible why do you guys want this thanks for 500 and we gotta get something else I'm I'm not that's the mean one oh that's why you're all telling me to do it's the mean one hey Archie don't tell them it shot guys we were gonna make them build a bird character no no tell him shh shh keep quiet guys he's got a big lover it's gonna be a sick fail I know are you guys are like oh what a lab you're literally paying me money to get the lover as well Vytas get the lover thousand bits Kevin just says get some cookies instead 400 pits Oh what we're real a thief actually gives you the most stats it really does that's actually so good and you just look at it like that you get like 30 free stats you get 20 with that you get a meme with that speed ability grants a bonus of 20 your speed you could just run really fast oh my god no I know how we have to get the seed goes with trial and not opponent not opponent we trust that the signs gonna run faster the end of my path my death a necessary end we missed him in the second when it will come gotta get him here lazy to realize our 500 what would Stuart do I don't know your stars are not mine today the steed shall speed your progress on the road see speed your progress they know I am a professional speedrunner a bethesda property games aren't you afraid to die no trophies of my triumphs precede me but I have and my ghosts shall rest easy men are but flesh and blood they know their doom but not the hour in this I am blessed to see the hour of my death fair enough is my emotion fate then fall see my face my dreams grant me no opinions of success their compass ventures not beyond the doors of death but in your face I behold the sun's companion the dawn of akatosh is bright glory may banish the coming darkness with such hope and with the promise of your aid my heart must be satisfied I'll see thanks for 200 bits there a steed you say why don't you let me write I can't finish that cut and work faster thanks for 200 bits as well where we go I grave a tongue shrila than all the music called me you shall follow me yet for a while cut out the honey must part ok come on Patrick you may as well make yourself useful carry that torch and stick close what you sound very familiar we're the Emperor's bodyguards our job is to get him out of situations like this although I admit things are not going according to plan you sense so what other character and whatever because the game is he sounds so familiar who is he we know this man what character is he not the lover you got to stop saying the lover my job is to make sure the Emperor gets out of here alive and I intend to do it who is this guy he plays someone else that Minuteman got it is he preston garvey we're-- the Emperor's bodyguards our job is to get him out of situations like this I admit things are not going according to plan I don't think that's quite right it's like a bit of an accident in it I don't think he's Preston he's definitely someone he's not fan ass guys he's not fat enough I don't think that's right super cow so excited your boots oh jeez the neck board as well thanks for five under Emperor urea has a bit of a Ross bathroom oh my god it's on us here's a sick joke guys I'm gonna snap a six-string meme guys like we lost Lee [Music] so easy just reload to say it's easy piece I don't think it's easy piece master I don't think it's in thanks for the water reminder - we're good add some water Emperor you okay protect protect the Emperor what was that encounter alrighty let's just keep moving in see okay we'll just let them fight awhile look at the a I go I just fell over magic herb spice drawing on them and died I love your contact II I'll take super cause fix to the 99 there to the armored guy is actor is paladin dunce oh that must be earth in yeah I can see that yeah it that's where I was recognizing yeah I knew it was one character in followed but I didn't think it was Preston Preston sounds a little bit different he's Powell and dance making the ransom to Bethesda office holdup razzle dazzle thanks Rio and Remmy take a look Santos Emperor hello look at the big smile on his face don't think I blinked once he's not he's not oh that guy was just lying see that he's definitely a character and like a fall let's go over the side passage the big nose makes of aerodynamic so he runs first he's not in any fall okay it wasn't in any of them Oh in Oblivion his name is Michael Mac wait here with the emperor guard him with your life was all these guys supposed to be fighting anyone that was fine so no these guys are supposed to be I can go no what you will look no no Patrick it's a bad time it's there's a guy in literally right behind me he must not have the amulet of King it's a lot of exposition there's a guy who's going to stab me - Joffrey he alone don't get back to the fight okay sure give it the Joffrey yeah sure jaws yeah whatever you say like Patrick I'm busy I'm [ __ ] it there oh now look what you done you couldn't wait two minutes why am I in the third person my god how do I reset the camera Oh Patrick Stewart you ruined everything how do i reason at the camera hey Jeff no it's all that it's not see see it stashed oh thanks the blades are sworn to protect the Emperor now he and all his heirs hey Boris the amulet where's the amulet of Kings it wasn't on the Emperor's body and / gave it to me strange he saw something in you trusted you they say it's the dragon blood that flows through the veins of every septum they see more than lesser men already remnant of kings is a sacred symbol of the Empire most people think of the red dragon crown but that's just jewelry the amulet has power only a true heir of the blood can wear it they say he must have given it to you for a reason did he say why yeah he said just give it to something I was kind of busy I was in the middle of a fight but like this Joffrey guy seems important he said that why not her heir nothing I ever heard about the Joffrey would be the one to know he's the Grandmaster of my order although you may not think so to meet him he lives quietly as a monk at Wayne & Priory near the city of coral oh go over there first you need to get out of here through that door must be the entrance to the sewers past the locked gate that's what we were heading it's a secret way out of the Imperial City or was supposed to be secret here you'll need this key for the last door into the sewers everything yeah just give me everything you know there are rats and goblins down there but from what I've seen of you I'm guessing you an experienced barbarian am i right that's a bit rude he's calling Marion oh wow okay yeah yeah choose a character thing oh no we have to make another decision here Dovahkiin Katie thank you for 100 bits I'm guessing by you username this is kinda into Elder Scrolls let's make a custom class we're gonna be an unstoppable killing machine up combat with your two favorite attributes you will gain it +5 to each one well you don't speed gotta go fast and I can just brute force my way through anything all we need because I saying lover again no lover isn't even an option haircuts uh-huh yes Trenton speed you're just seven major skills you'll start 25 in each one oh Jesus Christ yeah athletics gotta go fast we're pretty good at presses see so we'll get restoration up as you know cuz we're gonna be able to get that one up naturally so we don't need to get the booster I will get blade sure what else do we need oh fast someone's just saying lamp his suggestion just lamp athletics blade what else do we need we do hand a hand everyone like punch stuff up it was really dumb speech craft what I don't even remember what speech craft does how [ __ ] everyone say it laughs what if I does athletics blade I don't know what I want let's just see what people say why do people want speech it's just speech I can fall okay we're taking speech done alright we're just gonna go with our strengths we picked a few locks we'll go to press and see and that that's five slots we have two more cured it yeah we got we got security we got security we wearing a heavy armor I wants to run fast in heavy armor so we'll get that in only the best stuff for us acrobatic seems really useless so we're like we're not to even bother with that in case they all else fails sure look we'll go hand to hand okay real Gabrus thanks for five good London blocks so you don't have you have that's a lot of damage I think we I think blocking some we're gonna be able to able to level up on our own let's go with that and your name for your custom class oh god I wonder what everyone's gonna suggest suggest here this is the love there we go a gentle lover class of course represented by a barbarian wielding an axe about to murder someone you sure you want to be a that's a hell of a question I wasn't far off in any case ah see thanks for a hundred there trusses rtd blood i've okay and infinite thanks for a tree ten voice actors neighbors michael back it he is done lines and red card Morrowind oblivion yeah stunning and fallout really okay well thanks for clarifying that anyway you must get the amulet to Joffrey take no chances but proceed to Wayne IN Priory immediately got it okay yes I understand the Emperor's trust was well-placed let's do it a thing I now need to open the curtains cuz now it's too dark I'll stay here to guard the Emperor's body and make sure no one follows you you'd better get moving mate Talos guide you okay sure thing see you later boss I'm just gonna loot the Emperor wait oh wow really I'm just gonna notice some snack the grab aura of the chest on handy stables she is offering to open a horse with armor at no charge anyone who resents her would a note like the one I've just found uh yeah I got that off the Emperor's like dead corpse yeah okay sure are we really doing this done Barrow Cove I just want to loot the Emperor leave the emperor in peace okay is there a way to pick up his body well there's definitely a button to pick up the body what is it at the controls this is important to me activate BRABUS z hey come on Emperor cálmate but where's the way forward hey God we got a hell of a climb for him yeah it's let's move slow come on buddy oh no he's stuck in the blip come on Patrick he'll Patrick here let me down now no his robes just stretch negative dance yeah mr. right song as isn't it this is it you I apologize a vulture okay let's go to the cake I know I know wait where's the gate where's the way for her that's true here great you go you know we try to be as respectful as possible on these streams because you never know what someone's going through in the personal Oh a visitor razzle-dazzle eyesore 500 of the new Ted do please like sir ho Chirag core Ozzy nice for tree 45 just take my buddy you deserve it oh hey a darshan bare roots razor cool you quest deep scored hollow sure again every quest in the game Ross crying sure Ally thanks for Ted could really sink our teeth as I listen to the bus I'd never be able to hear it give it up oh no ok Paul Hardcastle we got that to catapillar like takes us over there [Music] red car thanks for 145 eager plop huh droop it's don't do the vague Questers do horse sever their thing and today thanks for 610 you can kinda like had cats and eat everyone can yell oh good and forward and the shine on my screen is back as I opened the window oh no because I opened the curtains again I got a shot him again [Music] there's no please in the Sun it's either too bright out or it's too dark come on son are you like this show some respect for the stream okay keep going up a good fight right keep on going so keep having a list or jab it's work can you do that I thought it's like a quest item so you have to hold on to it [Music] flips off as he tried to fasten it around your neck I have no king if it of B takes for 200 not a weave as well 100 bits that scarily one toy in Australia but perfectly worded Wow well fair play to you for making it to the stream okay finish exit stirs that oh my god stop giving requests like what how much DLC is there for this game like how much have I gotten in like the past five minutes one two three or five six seven I've got seven quest at the moment complete the story all the keg makes the trip it's your wizard RT mo what let's find me oh hello good fight where am I on the map then but we are here wow this does not give you a lot of space to travel around of it we can just fast travel here okay [Music] seems kind of ridiculous like I don't need to travel any of this okay you just travel a place in this game right I thought you got to go find them first I guess not okay let's just go talk to him I've arrived yeah I know it didn't take you long at all teleportation skills doctor thanks our how to play crab right a brave yes can I help you hello let's speak the child he's upstairs go ahead it's put away our torch okay we can put away our torch by just having a sword and shield out at all times how are you - brother Piner oh it's Joffrey my athletics increased Dave here left her 100 bits he says exercise your lover skills over I gotta stop reading the messages I'm brother Geoffrey what do you want God Anna thanks Wonder Pets yeah brought you the amulet of Kings this cannot be no wonder the Emperor is permitted to handle the amulet let me see it here of the nine this is the amulet of Kings who are you how did you get this what do you know of the Emperor's death well I it's just a dance with his dead body his last words were can you do the can-can as unlikely as your story sounds I believe you only the strange destiny of Uriel Septim could have brought you to me carrying the amulet of Kings okay the principal instruction he referred to is none other than mehrunes dagon one of the Lords of the demonic world of oblivion operations closed shut the jaws of oblivion certainly suggests that he perceived some threat from oblivion but all the scouts dr. Howard the mortal world is protected from the danger of oblivion by magical barriers in a vivianne trash inocent I'm not sure only the Emperor's truly understand the meaning behind the rituals of Coronation let's go ask the Emperor then all right and Saint Alicia herself received it from the gods it is a holy relic of great power when an emperor is crowned he uses the amulet to light the dragon fires at the temple of the one in the Imperial City with the Emperor dead and no news heir crowned that's the copypasta happenin in chat right now was fine it may be that the dragon flies protected us from a threat that only the Emperor where is this coffee faster come on what's this bars are gonna get you without us yeah just go back to lamp guys go back to lamb brush memes you know lamp got a real feeling about our I rock people they saw Roger go to get the Crusader armor all that is I am one of the few who know of his existence their wishes ever served as captain of Uriel's bodyguards the blades one night Uriel called me into his private chambers a baby boy lay sleeping in a basket to deliver him somewhere safe he never told me anything else someone just sent a message that said your super not funny and it got like flanked by knights Margaret now it seems for the stream teams thrown this guy is saying something offensive I think it's not even the cursor and he just said I'm not funny plank for inappropriate content like oh [ __ ] he's telling me about the bait story yeah yeah where can I find your bad son his name is Martin he serves akatosh in the chapel in the city of cahuachi south of here you must go to crotch and find him at once if the enemy is aware of his existence as seems likely he is in terror that iota kvetch and please let me know if there's anything you need my resources here are limited but I will help in any way I can thanks Jeffrey work thanks of 200 bits he says lamp twice and goose Anton thanks five quid he says you can open my door as it were absolutely cha is it something you want to tell me today guys are being very forward with these donations never there okay yeah we gotta go find merit he is a priest in the Chapel of akatosh in Karachi he never knew that he was Uriel Septim son you need to find him at once and bring him safely back here okay all right let's go find him waste no time you must find Martin before the enemy does yeah sure thing Joffrey Bharath Hank Joffrey - all Mike he's got a big sword oh the quick stick okay we're good at Xavier thanks for hundreds soccer player thanks are 100 vibrate by noise storm it's 10 out of 10 core likes her hood as well rotor margin is voiced by Ned Stark himself oh no he's not voiced by Sean Bean that means he's gonna [ __ ] die oh no no spoilers please by the way I actually haven't played the main story at all kettle lights at a party work thanks avert or 200 he says give lamp and and Benes likes to ten quid he also says lamp a diamond guys how goes hello hello kid are you okay and I can I help you you need anything um you looking to talk to Joffrey okay go chat I'll see you later yeah well that's just fast travel over to Karachi I guess we can teleport in about the world a door in Niven debate oh that's the freaking shiver and I'll start oh I want to go do that soon come on run while there's still time the road but it's only a matter of time before they're overwhelmed I I just got here i teleported here run from what God's blood you don't know do you deidre over ran much last night there were glowing portals outside the walls gates to oblivion itself Oh No there was a huge creature something out of a nightmare came right over the walls blasting fire they swarmed around it killing no he's struggling to finish the sentences are you okay though well said he can't be destroyed go and see for yourself shout out to the voice actor giving it his all and the modelers and make animators for the game thinking this will do pretty emotional delivery but a lot of emotion in his voice and like his he's just staring me in the eye you know we're like not moving that a hungry Hedgehog under pits I bet the chats favit or not you I don't see why it's always in so close a big gap thanks Richard as well and work I'm sure another hundred as once again get one it was sadly and matías some of the other gods helped some of us escape they cut their way out right through the city gates sadly and says they can hold the road no no I don't believe him nothing can stop them if you'd seen it you know it's so emotional but like before it's too late they'll be here any time you see your expression run while you can ok see you later accent get along he was out of a David cage game ok let's go to kvetch bird while you can we can how's it going hope is gone the Imperial line is dead ok and is broken the enemy has won octi you later I'm done talking to you [Music] that frickin time to cheer at the end that bet is laser to Ted quid he says lamb got him first try that guy just dropped okay let's go to kvetch basically join the dark brotherhood oh yeah I killed an innocent guy cool my first play that's not something I did like right away I used to be like very much goody two-shoes and I played games I was so concerned about having like the most optimal build you guys oh okay oh you found a gate to oblivion well dry be at this stage as well like I really don't have any equipment I'm gonna think of it keep the game scales what you have oh not a hundred percent sure stand back civilian well I've already further ahead when you know for you get back to the encampment at once work thanks to our 200 pits islam' another 200 bits there he also says land okay need a bit of a try and hear what work you okay there buddy the damn city that's what happened it was too much too fast we were overwhelmed couldn't even get everyone out there are still people trapped in there some made it to the chapel but others were just run down in the streets the count and his men are still holed up in the castle okay I'll go in don't even get back into the city to help them damned oblivion gate blocking the way Oh Calgon I only thing we can do we'll try to hold our ground that's what if we can't hold this barricade those beasts could march right down and overrun the encampment I have to try and protect the few civilians that are left it's all I can do now and let's go on in I'm oh this is an each attempt to persuade you must admire both joke and coerce each of these actions raise their lowers the Embassy's disposition don't take too long because the Embassy's disposition is it was steadily falling hell is this to highlight each possible action the Embassy's face shows his reaction to it you will love like dislike a hate each action this mission goes up he said to loved or light action and it goes down he's like to dislike - hey - action I don't remember this at all then Joe gained a loss region ok ok all right it's like fuller wedges when they are allowing with actually the ABC likes or it's like less full wedges when they align with actions he doesn't like that that's just not funny I can't argue with that you're pathetic no you do me too much honor what just happened you're full of it what a wonderful compliment you win this one what a dumb joke oh I kind of get it alright so I want the jokes to kind of empty you've got a point okay you think that's funny goodness you're a big fat liar okay so I'm getting like in that cane here I can't argue with that well what's the point of this that's just why am i doing with these I mean get its disposition up come on this position max okay does that do anything he didn't really have many facial reactions gonna be honest [Music] yeah I i I've never wants to done that I learned something new there farewell farewell friend okay let's go into kvetch though we got to go through the gate first I just walked past done with that gate there you just got to go around oh my god there's a lot tougher yeah okay alright alright okay Pressey if you're telling go into the chapel okay what's it like out there we were beginning to feel we were the only survivors that's a natural reaction when someone walks in not like who are you like how did you get in here those monsters - like out there you know we were out there earlier now I haven't been home to come back in weeks natural reaction where's Marsh brother Martin yes he's right over there he led a group of us here during the confusion of the attack we owe him our lives okay go talk to Myron by that okay all right either that's mine have you brought help we've been trapped here since that danger over around the city oh my god it's actually Sean Bean he's gonna die this but this man doesn't live of course I'm in danger but I'm needed here I can't leave I assume you didn't risk your own life to come here to tell me something I already know who are you and what you want you're Martin right the priest yes I'm a priest do you need a priest I don't think I'll be much help to you if all this is part of a divine plan oh sorry thank you very much there forgive the Serbs very kindly a man you didn't have to do that fingers crossed for the partnership hoping you got it man thank you very much that's very kind of you hey there's a plan we're part of it can you do the can't carry what plan what are you talking about the can came Batoche all through that terrible night but no help came only more Daedra what can you possibly know that would help me make sense of this Uriel Septim son Emperor Uriel Septim you think the emperor is my father mr. old man I am a priest of akatosh my father was a farmer Bernier you are in danger you spoke to the Emperor before he died and he told you to find me yes why would I lie I don't know it's strange I think you might actually be telling the truth what does this mean what do you want from me come what means is it a way in in place sure no I'm sorry but even if what you say is true I won't abandon these people to their fate I'll go with you when we can all leave here together okay you're telling me if I kill everyone else in the chapel and it's just the two of us we can get go yes she wow she's a puncher let's practice our restoration - all level up my skill here all right you okay okay careful now okay anybody who could very menacingly at me I don't I like I don't know if I should stop her just like ask her I think she's embarrassing herself just keep walking I'll just keep healing myself for now the Apple born thanks 100 pits I'm new to the stream i watch the - with these bits very much behind you don't dirty the Dage right here lady oh god she's on fire wait can we get the demons to kill the lady just just just Chuck some more fireballs they've accepted her as one of their own I just need to just need to heal I can still win this I've missed Oblivion's combat system really have you know it's really like the pinnacle of RPGs when you think about it and just fight mechanics in general absolute pioneer in terms there we go when the lady goes well she just not here now over here wasn't like not too much here burgundy linen shirt I don't know long top I guess we got to go seal the gate of oblivion I think that's what the quest is telling me you see if anyone in the cap I decide to go back to will help me rescue mark and the other people trapped in the chapel I mean the monsters are dead they can just walk out no I'll go tell I'll go back to the campaign the monsters are dead so I ran to hey my blade skill increased yeah let's go back to the camp and if you guys have anything to help how could the nine let this happen are they angry with us let's go back to the in camp yeah we need help you want to help you're kidding right no my name is that I can plenty of yous are you sure yes no I don't think so I don't know how to close this gate but it must be possible because the enemy closed the ones they open during the initial attack they just walk around about and see the marks on the ground where they were kind of like like a little fence you know he's got a hot Batman into the gate to see if they could find a way to shut it they haven't come back if you can get in there find out what happened to them if they're alive help them finish the job if not see what you can do on your own okay the best I can say is good luck if you make it back alive we'll be waiting for you let's go into the game a lot it's a brave thing why is he got a big smile on his face - like considering the situation you costless like have you seen this guy oh there he goes okay I'll go into the gate then I'll see you guys later good luck and we go oh look this is a survivor hey buddy probably helping uh-oh uh-oh he's doing a lot more damage than me I want to say there we go cyber care thanks to five good love you Daniel and also with lamb and the real stress victory under bits is any chance he can play survives mice and their paradox games with city skylines but on Mars I have heard of it III try not to come in to confirm anything in advance but I have heard of thanks I never thought I'd see another friendly face the others taken they were taken to the tower and with Garlington Maddy has sent us in to try and close the gate we were ambushed trapped and picked off I managed to escape but the others are thrown across that bridge they took many and off to the big Tower you've got to save him Katsura and getting out of here he's also got a smile on his face like what's with these guards he needs your help here you're right you're right I can't just leave poor many into his fate if he's still alive that's more like a but it got to try to save him alright lead the way let's find minion and get out of here let's go pal Hey I said are in the tower apparently which tower quite a few I would just get looking we'll find the way get some blood across alrighty then you guys you can get his stuff yeah well little them away while we're here I could use some better equipment I have right now isn't exactly great this man needs umbra oh I use the heart of a bro kappa 'roy it is but maybe we'll find in our travels a love potion its fleshy pod keep fighting our way he's doing a lot more damage than me don't god I kept him around now wait second source whose school my we don't have school don't get out too later fleshie BOTS give America our speeds being drained it's her one step that he ever tried with rimworld I was watching italic stream it last night and it looks what you to complicate it for me gonna be honest I've been curious in it cuz like people have suggested I went a few times but I don't think that's my kind of game I wouldn't enjoy it that leaves too much going on I just get stressed if I plug that hole righty then [Applause] I understand I don't understand I was nothing in this game but oh well well I mean it's been pretty straightforward Patrick Stewart died so we have to go find Sean Bean and now we're just assembling the Avengers to fight off save I think it's pretty straightforward when you think about it oh my friend died I wasn't even paying attention oh god damn it yeah let's take all this stuff we got a steel longsword now all the Shane mouths oh we're a nice of kovash now those who joined the stream late and and zo character hope to sleep soundly tonight oh this is so much better that's doing a lot more damage oh my god yeah we need to give a proper burial come on buddy come on now pick this guy up he's like stuck in the ground like I got a wiggle on come on he looks fabulous now oh my god let's just leave this what a superhero rip it right is the bitrate struggling it might be because of all the stuff in the sky we're literally on max bitrate at which supports so I don't know I can do that okay great you cheap stuff now now the YouTube home that was just literally gonna be to the side of my characters face as it's too perfect okay into the tower lads okay I'll race you inside there you go horse Scout take all your arrows cool like a second tower there I guess we can just go in true yeah how does I go on folks did you get essence I don't like with stores your magic is nice word thanks for 100 campfires just a ground lock just get it out of your system okay Ally armor it's cool increase and then my heavy armor skill increase cool in hitting different body parts if that's the way forward as well bring NRT in you away just destroy the amulet keep making our way fix it here that's a lovely door Oh God hello doing good soccer thanks 400 bits I got this I've read those bastards I'm sorry luck found I assume that restores HP go to the blood feast and there's something else in there Danny you've won them cloade and they serve a few oh yes just like Dobby okay I guess we go back up here and we're trying to like climb the tower QZ thanks for 100 they just kind of scream in their message I totally thanks for lunch misspell and work thanks 100 her she ate it guys eight making our way in really dark ball going up one of these has got to be a trap as well they're like two well positioned to not be that actually is a trap but it's stuff game down ready go I do a lot less damage when you stand when I runs out it's good to know have you ever played this yes half way back in the day don't like relative is very hazy you didn't lose the Daedra that I'm not oh that's too light now dog maybe we have too little no if we don't keen ow what do we get the key I was ok we can just go in here it may be the keys over here somewhere during the Brighton is up I physically can't the option is disabled for some reason hello how's it going friend oh Jesus Christ oh Jesus Christ I got toxic thank you for the 10,000 bits am i cool now Artie last time we played cool and good fable with Danica Oh toxic thank you very much man you didn't have to do a lot that what that was a year ago now like honestly hard to believe there's a thank you so much oh man like I didn't realize you were still here here it's terrible he must have been lurking a bit incredibly kind yeah hope you're doing well quickly quickly there's no time hello bald man in the case that's what keeps the Oblivion gate open find the sigil storm remove it and the gate will close hurry the keeper has the key you must get the key get the key get the key hey I just picked up a key there yeah I got it take the key I think we have time like I actually just killed every enemy how do I get him out pretty sure we could just wedge this open if we tried there's no time user a pair hammer anyway oh good hammer there's no thanks again for our toxic though it's very generous of you hope you keep them well go back in there we got we got to save that man quickly there's no time there's there's no time absolutely urgent we closed the gate to oblivion that's why I'm gonna sit in this chair for 24 hours there's no time I swear to God if we close the gate and I was like like well not everyone made it out one guy was stuck inside and like he's freaking dead like I swear like he just wanted to kill himself like a publicity stunt or something just make the steak somewhat look more urgent he definitely had time to escape there but I made it all the way home I'll do it for 48 hours what bio acre boomer sauce thank you for a thousand bits they're very much it's very kind true the gate we got to keep moving runed portal okay let's take that means to be like a guy that are trying to kill me light armored vest that guy just not gonna follow me like I'm in the clear now I think I might be yeah you do you go down there keep going down I remember to use my shield there we go what I pick up or more a mace that's kind of lame if you're a lot white armor vest is like doesn't really heal anything I guess it's worth money because of that drop the rusty iron that better than this current shield we have no it's not heavy out just leave them there but I was keeping as double current damage that's kind of lame what does this for how much of the mace to where did I drop it oh no it's all curved is it down here now wait we need we need to move this guy he's out of the way does anyone see it Oh bollocks we didn't want that mace anyway pretty sure Sean Bean would have died pick it up bananas still hope may go away oh there's a big bad Oh the bloody stairs hey ow acrobatic skill increase all right you got him they look at them perfectly calculators no no mints are you sure that that's more because like what determines the damage I thought it's this number here you know long so it does much more right I'm not crazy here that does that there's more looking at the right number Oh God ever punished there we go get along so does more yeah it does well you guys like giving me only gonna slack no we don't need that one Artie the loose does more Artie Artie don't tell him guys don't tell if it's a letter six three babe come on guys we're better than this you can accomplish great things if we work together we saw the jackbox stream the best reference point but the reference okay let's grab this stone I sweat now I swear to God if that guy in the cage is dead and the gate closed me feel inside like I'm I'm going to kill someone on the outside I swear to God if that's what happens close the gate are you able to join us now gotta go let's go breaking the siege is too much I mean I already killed all the guys in the inside but sure look we're just gonna give them the confidence booster clear the southern plaza let's go lads the siege of kawatche and all its glory home steep from Lord of the Rings has nothing on this battle epic like no other imps and lives of plenty much drama i have helped us sadly and Matias and his men retake the southern Plaza we did it guys and we only lost Desson but sure look no one cared about him or dislike more damage I'm gonna just take all his clothes for a moment and then we'll sort out what's best hey easy ones are just slightly New York Danya Garrett Hellman see moving up in the world and we can drop all these other ones so I will drop that to only that bow only not nice you sword that's are pretty good but I love how every time I go to change my characters inventory there's new people who have joined the stream and haven't seen his face yet didn't just freak out the moment they sparked it that shows pretty study xes Telfer burkas we wipe the bastards out there we go it is a to pull those people out of the chapel's let's get in there and make sure they're alright come on this is some of the beginning of the battle let's save the civilians that on it we killed like four imps were terrorizing myself and these civilians why is everyone so happy there's no one else there were others sir but they refuse to stay put we tried to convince them it was dangerous but they left anyway I guess they didn't make it very well the area outside the chapel has been cleared and these people need to be taken 50 escort them to the camp south of Europe not away back to the hood right you must eat the heart soldier sir yes sir this making me can you cure them in different ears you okay as well you like very close to me you okay - come on guys come on everybody out everybody yeah that we evacuate let's leave hello we we did it I'm still in one piece I mean of course we did I never doubted us for us I don't remember who you are but okay easy yeah we got to go find Martin come on buddy I want me to Wayne you destroyed the Oblivion gig they say you gave them hope you help them drive the danger back yes I've come with you to Wayne and Priory and hear what Joffrey has to say you know his voice is just like butter oh nice I know you don't say it's like butter you say it's buttery smooth whatwhat's the phrase you don't say it's like butter cuz don't do you say it's like butter you got a nice voice Shawn me what I'm trying to say I like you we'll keep you it's just a shame you're inevitably going to die later in this room just because you're Sean Bean oh no that's more of them you must help they're killing everyone at Wayne on priory they're killing everyone I don't know I think they're right behind me try matter at least yeah I can see the mace theater you can see it moving slightly the old strat thanks for under can you turn on text-to-speech for one thousand plus bit donation so we can make Alexa buy stuff for people I think that would be a mistake thanks one hundred bits I was in the sheepfold when they attacked I heard the prior talking to someone looked around the corner to see who it was they looked like travellers ordinary suddenly weapons appeared in their hands and they cut the prior down before he could move they saw me watching and I ran yeah that must been very recent he's still running the guy is literally there where's Joffrey I don't know in the chapel praying I think you must help us okay let's go let's catch Jesus Christ Oh to you who are you help me Sean Bean there's an old man with a knife I know I've done something wrong and I need to I need to fix my thing for some reason whenever I scroll in game it Scrolls in literally every other window I have open a lot of PC just Abbot as the song feels so like whenever I scroll my inventory too fast like chatters like it's gone there we go you okay there Shawn I think we should find your friend Jeffrey at once follow me I'm with you let's go buddy we find Rory he's got a book on this person and I not take their katanas looks really good oh I can eat oh no my kind of better got a longer reach maybe hey how long is it well it's about the same oh good old reliable real strife thanks 100 play set of Kings Tuesday you get the master seduce of straight and be a Satanist I've never played who say the Kings - I don't know anything about it Oh your time is excellent I'm here to help we did it your back sank tell us they attacked without warning I was praying in the chapel when I heard prior Mae Burrell shout I had just time to arm myself the amulet of kings I fear that was the target of this attack I kept it in a secret room in Wayne own house we need to go see if it is safe Bharath named Joffrey we'll go together but I fear the worst let's go get this our knives and the altar is fully healed you know oh I didn't mean to sit down [Music] like that get some gold I fear the enemy came here for the amulet of Kings we just established this real star things that are hundred I swear the bald and dude looks just like my dad and 15 years ago yes I love how they just like stare into your soul he's not even moving his feet and we lost him [Music] go upstairs but where is the thing is there not in here I thought it was right daddy's got to like the completely wrong place there's Geoffrey's chest I care you've taken it the amulet of Kings is various the enemy has defeated us at every turn omerta no so it is not all gone against us thank tell us for that we gained Uriel's air and lost the amulet of kings martin cannot stay here we have driven them off but they will be back once they learn of Martin's survival which say will you make a combining character it looks like Ferb please I don't know if that's possible real strife if only well mash me safe know where is truly safe against the power arrayed against us but we must play for time at least cloud ruler temple I think the hidden fortress of the blades in the mountains near Bruma a few men can hold it against an army here the hidden fortress earthing we should get moving I won't rest easy until Martin his safe word cloud roller temple hey let's go Sean let's continue on to cloud ruler temple I haven't had a good night's sleep since Karachi was attacked it's not many like dialog options for him I feel like that would have cost like too much maybe the sooner we simply like follow me or way there that's it I'm table so we're sure worship is yeah worshipper yeah that's why I was confused there thanks super chums a cloud ruler I believe oh hey it's on the map Wow will never have to just explore this world why do you guys say courses it's not just which is open your map and teleport over here anyway we will never have to see any of this world who's gonna jump like that 100 real strap grandmaster is this yes Cyrus this is the Emperor's son Martin Septim Adam my lord welcome to cloud ruler temple we have not had the honor of an emperors visit many years times if I just starting to steal for this guy thief you won't get away with this come your blade you treacherous little filter how dare you steal from me I didn't steal from you I stole from the other guy let's just go inside yeah we just walk awkwardly like well he just tried to rob the guard with us walk on in I was going folks he's a big smile on his face but there is yet hope here is Martin Septim true son of Uriel Septim Amanda he's the Dragonborn the blades are a joke um no that's like a Skyrim listen at the Lord I know you'll stretch me another hundred I'll do my best you to me I'm not used to giving speeches but I wanted you to know that I appreciate you welcome here well said Sean Bean of your loyalty in the coming days how are your permit when you inevitably die thank you the final act how it goes Thank You Martin we don't always not much of a speech was it okay thanks saluting me and hailing me as Martin sector don't worry about sound ungrateful I know I would be dead by now if it weren't for you thank you emperors are also as regretted one expects me to suddenly know what then why are you a dragon bored in Skyrim they well they're not never to tell them what to do and I haven't the faintest idea you two get the amulet of course the amulet of Kings so we can take it to the temple of the one and light the dragon fires and stop the oblivion invasion you will be Emperor the Emperor that's an idea that will take some getting used to you'll also be king of Gondor someday but you know they'll get your hopes up buddy take it slow living the moment you know I'll plan to fire ahead its website all practitioners of Daedric magic are familiar with the almost impenetrable barrier between our world and oblivion what the Emperor told you implies that the amulet is the key to the preservation of that barrier what I saw it Kivar everything looks like Ned Stark I mean I think that's the idea get those gates to oblivion existed a bit of resemblance to a mere ply gavage is only the beginning requesting it is dagger I should probably go doula areas between our world and the Bolivian you must waste no time in recovering it waste no time okay I'm gonna go off and do like those for house quests I got the state of the game I actually have quest is I'm a horse samurai right now tomorrow it's been great talking let's see go back here horse armor not hungry stables let's go see what's going on here oh the real story for this game how's it going folks I came as soon as I heard how are you what have they done to you snog Barbara owner and proprietor we bored horses and well we don't actually sell horses anymore that is I'm here about the horse hammer what can I interest you in I want horse armor and a horse you've got to be kidding I'll take any horse see what we've got here I had no horse snack Arbor outfit a her old nag with steel armor and gave it to me free of charge now on shoe I offer any legally owned horse that I bring to her but steel or elven armor for five hundred gold he honed huh how are you the Mike Myers run never got an armored old nag oh look at her go he's called a nag because she complains at you when he don't buy the right brand of butter in the store I wanted the spreadable but you have to get the raw stuff no the raw stuff isn't right it's not a pony a long-lost donkey oh no damn it guys wait what's going on here as well yeah this is just me it was that tiny look shrunk down or that's just me okay no like there's a weird thing going on with like the perception I guess that that looks like a miniature I I know it's far away okay look I've seen that father Ted sketch it's priority yeah I know it's slightly far away but that just looks wrong promote like the perception was kind of messed up like it looked smaller than it should have been like that ship looks tiny for a moment look like a model [ __ ] things far away it looks smaller - yeah I know that okay I'm not going mad here there's a gate right here huh no way that was big enough I should just drop this law in the head cuz we've learned a lot ago rtu okay but you sure you took your meds Gilstrap thanks for the 100 okay look we did horse armor then now we just got a complete like seven more quests before we start packing till we got done Barrow now we can go get is sword oh I can't fast travel here oh no there's a quest in the middle of the lake that's Shivering Isles I really want to go do that it just had this under cliff [Music] Syrian thanks for 200 it's where is Archie game artillery only it has to be done all I know about artsy artillery only is it's just some meme that keeps me inspired in my videos and I'm probably never gonna do it I have to go look up what it was actually referencing and it just seems like a shite copypasta I'm gonna be honest so it's never gonna happen sorry folks we don't do shite memes do we go okay where do we go now I'll put the chicken head and don't mind it he's a beautiful boy Ryu - plays hoi four what's that I just know I just thought it was like a copypasta thing that like people post on comments now some new memes that's my nose - hey birdy how's it going Art's of iron okay I only know what eyes like the dome copypasta thing that I keep seeing everywhere so I've no interest sorry I don't know what the story is behind us what is that face eh stop questioning my beautiful character okay he's got some real sniffers on his face you know he can track the scent of anyone who crosses the Emperor should we go get the sword then cuz the guy we're prac trying to fight apparently is like mehrunes dagon hey gone okay so let's go back to the chestnut handy stables we'll take our darling horse and we'll just ride over there I guess where's my horse where'd he go what is it now you see my horse the old nag in here I lost my horse already okay price yes I will I'll be confiscating your stolen goods oh and no gold to pay your fine then pay with your blood okay see you later there was an attempt made I didn't feel like paying today okay bad way Hey okay we got a long way to travel then we need to get all the way over here let's just get going I guess we're gonna be riding for a bit I will hire you right here know where things are they're 200 nice handheld lamp I put this away is there any way there we go good thank our way over it go all the way around and I got to fix my scroll thing too yeah there we go we're good oh look it's my favorite town I know whatever we Syrian army next one are 200 bits I mean from channel I saw productions when he played hard iron ore at World War 2 simulation game how many hit triage K says he said he would do an artillery only challenge he hit it and he said he shouldn't be the only one to suffer though the meme spread comment sections ravaged all that remained was materially only hearts of iron for in PewDiePie's channel and Kody's channel or have changed anymore heard begun okay so it's it's some meme that got out of hand right okay well good to know yes I just know it as like just a thing as like in YouTube comments it's like on power we're just people saying first these dates that's it this already makes sense the spread to meme outside of your own channel to like like have you like me at the end of my video saying hey guys make sure to like spam comment folks the word of our Lord and Savior Harry hill you know that doesn't think that's our joke you know like that doesn't make sense outside of the context I'll get why people are doing that then yeah that just seems kind of dumb work that's what Oh 200 hey there guys lamp there's a quality mean that's been on the rise this string that's ok even head in the right way yeah lil Mac games awesome to ream out of hand because it's the website everyone uses sneekly play games on the computer in elementary and middle school okay thanks hundred bits I rock we're gonna be traveling here for a while so I'm just gonna do my best to catch up a chop we're on the right way now yep gotta follow the yellow road down and we crossed two rivers and then we go left gonna be here a while how we doing on time to twenty five to six okay we should have time to get the dagger we can play it that way if you like okay see you later I haven't thought this true of the highway then I'm gonna be honest with ya this wolf though what are you doing down there I need the other side [Music] prick Syrian army tanks are no 200 a game you should play as tropical five to be honest tropicals another one in spelling right on our wall there's a lot of games I want to play no time back simply is a case of just kind of working true them and there's some really stupid ones I'm going to play two I already have the game picked out from Halloween it's gonna be like awful so many different levels gonna be like a train wreck it's gonna be great there's just the like yeah there's a lot of games that have been thinking about playing I kind of wanna do real Stratis 100 was a very high quality hostage situation there a highwayman I almost had me obviously dad needs to play spittoon two of me already I actually really want a place to tune to at some point I've had it like on my switch for a while and I played it a bit when I got it and the internet was so shot in Japan I didn't really bother playing it much more pass that was thinking of doing something play it at some point these are having four watt in the option I don't know what that is Chris you've been saying that Ohio have no idea what you mean eat making our way then we go let's go and get some Wii Sports on the channel oh damn I can actually do that now cuz I have a Wii U and like my capture card you can connect that to it I need to buy like an extra cord so I can do GameCube games still be on my to-do list they surprised attune into RT playing oblivion and it isn't weird immediately well melody that's because if I just and there's my character I got the Hat so you get a good view [Music] the reference picture was a pancake yeah just keep go huh the nose is like a compass it points the way forward and his misery wait a better eSports Resort 100 I should really like to read sports at that school I loved like little sword fighting gamma not like pinnacle of technology back when I came out a Wii MotionPlus big leaves for that game unlike Skyward Sword and it was kind of flimsy there we're just going to get like the Daedric sword basically what we're doing at the moment gurney and well out of the way he's a nosepass it's the part where you meet Puss in Boots oh yeah that we already lost donkey though I thought that's what we establish we just stole some random horse they're happy I found your twitch ow i watch youtube videos all the time you're hilarious I love the color labs but call me Kevin all thanks player to nation I need to say you play Skyrim later on I already played Skyrim it was earlier this summer I wanna do a fight Rove Olivia hey I wanna kinda get in the habit of like playing this like maybe once a week I'm not really sure just yet I'm gonna play like how long I feel I do actually want to see how the story ends cuz I've never actually got there come on horsey you can climb the cliff goats got none on you [Music] will you play morrowind I've never played morrowind I don't really have any memories of nostalgia that game so like Anna I never like played it I know some people are quite loved it took a cult classic they Ino Majora's Mask but I've got like this is the oldest girls game to like I'm more attached to like this is the one I played knows what you never played borrow and well yeah I just got AB living here when I came out and then like I looked at morrowind once it's like well that looks dated though I just stick with this granite this game looks dated now you know yeah like I've only played oblivion be honest we all know that we just use the week controller and just play the bye with our hands and sword fights group it's just as effective if not better cannot go that way turn back trying to get to the fort there we go Arwen is a classic good inside memories yeah like I've heard good things about it this is a kid you know like graphics or everything you know so it looks slightly dated you're not gonna play it come here it's grind like I just have no memories with it no can't play ever link I haven't played GTA Haider like I'll talk about stuff have them done never played them and Thunder cliff cool let's save here now we stealthily make our way into the force wow that actually worked I don't even know if there are enemies there but we're in oh there are enemies elegance is being drained ah joke's on you I'm already live-streaming sorry if it's a fight you want okay all diary a voice beyond the door calls out who got his storm clouds over nirn what what I get in [Music] hello all right get in small diary okay I can find the journalist cabin I may be able to learn more okay right totally me guys it's totally me don't trust me you have contracted tunnel cough I sneeze being drained that's myself and my sneak okay well let's just steal their diamond Sal awareness oh hello oh yeah drain my intelligence basically everyone in the in this dungeon seems to be twit shot they're all gonna have that drain intelligence effect we play monster underworld I've never played a monster game I don't have any friends I could play them wit you there you go love you too arty Kappa and whorls is a good place to start yeah like I've heard that I felt like it's a very good entry point I try playing the one on wiiu before like very briefly that's what I said like I haven't really played them I picked it up and like I tried it like an hour I remember just being intimidated by like a top menu monster underworld subs only how many players is it support I don't know if we could realistically do that you cannot drink something that is already before 8:30 like a very straightforward dungeon good to be honest here you guys are not putting up a fight just mosey on in you got MPs where it takes way too long to progress see I'm always wary of that for stream games too because like if I know a game is long like I don't really want to commit to it blind unless it's something I like I'm really pumped for I don't really likes gonna start anything just dropping them like really story like focused like stuff like Skyrim like I'm okay with that because you know like it's just sky are like you just wandering about the world anyway but it is something I tried like bear in mind oh it sounds kind of weird to say because I know this past summer I've just like starting stuff and dropping out like every second week yeah I was mainly because like the time concerns like now that I'm back like I want to spend more time I'm like each game and kind of like get it to a point where I'm happy with it you know like we'll probably be screaming oblivion again like next week cuz I'm having a blast here I'm loving this you need to play fallout 76 when it comes out oh yeah they'll be already going to play like incomplete server folks not story oriented I'll just take a long time it's very growing to be my guess in that case if it's very groggy it might not be too entertaining you know yeah I brothers have a high quality action gameplay where we're just like left clicking a hundred times and killing everyone that's the kind of quality for my channel gun is like mining copper we life click on people the other jab Oh Nora lune how's it going thousands please play The Witcher series I played witch or two and I actually really liked it I have what your tree but I've never got around to playing it keep meaning to absolutely love The Witcher 2 though what was it guy in here save very hard look look at that what can I do for you hello assassin bye okay I guess he's gone as a as a good'n care oh that's why I love games Oh what just happened I don't know hey honest to god don't know just a right way it is ladies big priced just try and find the sword the Dark Souls like this love the way you branch tree yeah it's just my accent so we will get very upset about that I had one guy here today who left like a really angry youtube comment and like yeah it basically went all the lines like oh you just say tree incorrectly because he tried to be especially unique snowflake you know like this man like was just set off because like an Irish accent exists today I got a comment like that apparently like I'm just a snowflake you know trying to make myself like you know the guy who says tree nope he's an Irish accent thing I could say tree correctly like what I'm having to concentrate too much I would oh you're you're on my side I just hit him I hope I'll be can't be friends now God that you shouldn't do that buddy oh no I just don't know what the guy's problem was though like oh yeah like we're locked it up trying to find you deep just cuz you're Irish you know but you got actually Irish like No oh I am oh yeah nice fake American accent you got there like like what from America you know I just don't understand oh we got the assassin oh wow he's got some fancy gear whoa look at all this this is all enchanted valuable cool I'm glad we killed him jared is a given capacitor my other stuff that's like there's like no difference really look how much longer the hood needs to be just to cover the nose like still just like pokes out oh my god oh we got it we got some pretty good gear now breathe thanks for little hundred we follow the country roads to take you to West Virginia fellas pretty sick there's even worse to go there I mean if we're flying fall at 76 we'd have to acknowledge at some point like freaking like this happened today as well like it's City the city skylines official Twitter is now aware of the videos we've made IIIi got like a shout out and like their public feeds like today so they're aware of like what we've done below cities but on top of that Bethesda is also aware of what we've done to those cities cuz if you look up like the country roads fall out cover on the official like Bethesda music channel like my comment that simply says almost heaven is literally the only one that's favorite it and if you look at all the other comments its folks just like kind of Compton about those videos so we've got like Pathet Bethesda and City skylines are now aware of our existence so it's only a matter of time before we have like a city skyline like all out crossover DLC I'm just saying the only way you can go from here you've peaked out see a load of weird acknowledgments like that the last well apparently Pro Syndicate watches my videos that's a really weird one I learned the other day mention me on Twitter all folks know who he is I only know from like the old Minecraft stuff he used to do oh this is his journal on the virus I believe in search or something called if our vegam these bazaars I should be able to spell eh I'm gonna follow him today let's take his diary though we got to go kill the commanders next my toes be afraid of you yes pterence is being drink thought about it I'll heat a big sword and like no armor on him okay upstairs Oh we'll see that oh okay alright he's well never mind that acknowledgement fences okay thanks reporting that have folks I didn't piece that together okay I won't put that one on the CV that's okay that just got quickly clarified in chat yeah I didn't piece that together I'm sorry alright we got the ball we need to go down go in there bill this guy come on he's a veteran thought he died like faster than everyone else he's been fighting too long God why does it keep doing that my thing keep scrolling wheel strap you would Phidias die does that meet summer is over yes didn't hear about the day there you go there we go well well played what using your feet to turn about you dead though well how we doing on time too it's currently six we're gonna get to the bottom of this dungeon I didn't think we're gonna wrap up for today hey this weekend's just a little awkward because I'm still just beating up with friends just that like because I'm freshly back from Japan like I'm heading out a little bit in a little bit tonight next weekend though like both days we should be good to go for like a very long time and you know it's gonna be like kind of stream soon enough anyway but now I feel I may even stream tomorrow I'm not sure yet your luck is being drained got her why is like moving like a mile a minute to write she didn't know these up the problem here is your friends now do something about that if thirst is being drained oh I'll get a drink after this free events like thanks for reminding me I haven't had a drink this entire stream but moment we're done in a big class this your eyes playing tricks yes you're absolutely right trick of the light it's just it's just a shadow you know don't worry about bring school not you guys gotta stop putting me on the Sterling I'm not Wilbur that's a different guy he'll over the last hit was like just suddenly rag doll like down they go let's see no I got in the sea story why oblivion good this case this is a game really I played Saul nacho back in the day I love this game it is a bit janky revisiting you kind of like realize that like the cut to combat for this game you know like I'll go this fight as I just like repeatedly hit left click that's not good calm hot it's no witch or two I just so many like kind of memories of this game though like I really want play Bach one swing and he blocks one of mine I block one of his okay nice talking to you basically every fight guy I've never really had a good common Eider like it's kind of just like an Elder Scrolls to my field wait was he a bad guy or is he just like a slave he didn't actually hit me yeah well morally gray streamer I think we can cut leave it at that he pooped it was just sitting there he murdered it is it oh it's a no one objects to when I like murdered the guy when I'm entering kvetch but the slave in the mine who probably hasn't seen daylight in seven weeks suddenly a problem for everyone come on guys hello yep it's gone hello let's be sneaky it didn't work [Music] who's there no idea it was infiltrate at the base wait I gotta go for this thing here oh thank god the slaves are hostile so it's okay if I go that makes me feel much better ocean of healing oh my god oh god what is happening I'm out of healing potions Jake Amelia go in stealthy they'll never find us now we just got to go fast deploy my speedrun strategy no it's not I'll make more mistakes keep going keep going I haven't spotless yeah Oh God go in there hot tunnels collapsing if we just keep running and use like our speed channel the power of the steam then we should be able to get what we need and get out in time we just got to be real quick how's it going yeah it's it's in this tent we got it we just need to get out it bait him in the tent just need to find a way out well away my sword I run faster how's it going folks oh that's not the way true true that's a freaking like labyrinthine air wait no the door is further down oh god I got okay I gotta keep going in a wrong way okay excuse me sorry sorry excuse me sorry just walking passing the hall keep walking excuse me how's it going love your work can tell they act as a chat it's like a cloud following us beat run strats do my acrobatic skill increase you don't say you don't say that was a hell of a jump come on isn't in there [Music] just keep moving I'll make it that's the next place no it's down here no it's not it's down here I think just keep moving the speed her at school but we don't have school in here hey potion Leland you've gone it are in the right place oh my god we're actually on the right track it's a fight you want don't worry I don't want to fight here's the barrier going to place the orbs on these can barriers dispelled let's keep going in [Music] we complete this entire dungeon we're having to fight anyone whom this point they're like we seem to be doing like pretty damn well when you go back to Ireland I'm already in irrelevant that's why I'm able to stream at this time of day I got I got I still have to upload like a proper video or notice to the YouTube channel oh yeah I'm back home then it was something thanks for the 5 quid we tie by playing Crusader Kings 2 you'll be able to create the Bob family dynasty in real the kingdom of Ireland keep learning care of your fan base should be able to help by yelling press see look your stream it husband suggest a few times to block and can't really confirm or deny anything buzz there's just a lot of stuff I want to play but you never know sure I think it's better if I just never like confirm or deny what I'm gonna play is that way there's no expectation set and it's always like a pleasant surprise I got all on to say like yeah we're streaming live live Ian and it's like oh no oblivion and I can decided to break at the last moment Todd Howard came along and personally sued me though I can't play it and we got I understand every possibility oh god oh these are vampires okay we want to be careful not to be hit then oh god oh god no don't don't give me the vampiric curse I'm I'm good I just had a cold last week you know you know all my blood where is your man trying to get further in over here now it looks like something important who's this guy ow where's the guy I'm just trying to like like fall further and further into place he's a bear Bryan Piatt barbarian they have those now learn something new he fell from somewhere I think I'm on the right track I seem to be going further in something's going on here Oh God okay I got to find my way about it over the flexion cool you were quite a bit no that's the guy they were fine oh it's the soldiers we're definitely on the right track it was the agent no you were in the pacifist run it's okay we complete the pacifist run and fall out before literally no one died we can get away with a few chickens don't why me guys don't mind me this looks like the right way thank we're at the right place now this is a really long dungeon - like I imagined this would have been very cool if we actually played the game properly and fought our way true instead we're just like speedrunning it rainy thank you for the hundred bits hello oh you're hostile okay wow this guy's hitting a real strong okay all right all right evasive maneuvers evasive maneuvers for you vampire sea sapper right though no he got rid of our weapon that's why we got the unarmed skills oh okay oh no it broke you ever have her oh my god we don't okay well-kept save the katana for this moment my buddy area farted rotten is dead and with him dies and he tried to drop my army may have posed to the Empire did it but where this thing we're looking for the fancy cloak you might as well take that I leave him naked we'll make our way in who's this guy Oh beating heart I guess you don't eat it my daddy once ass and tried to force the gate open sure Oh God my willpower is being drained yeah just keep you keep turning just keep turning light armor skill your IR was like a second skin okay that's cool that that's good to learn let's just run around for a little bit get that back on up and we're properly refreshed eat the heart the heart makes me accountable have you killed him you got the dagger oh there might be a way out of here - yeah that's a dagger then how good is this only is tree damage oh but Daedric Spanish don't strike okay that's why I use it that's neat we can instantly kill someone with this now my god it works the only I was anything to do with our skill the fighters ever happy well we found this door we could just like gonna came all the way out but that here any whole time well that would have saved a hell of a trip if we known about it that's a Nirnroot eat the hair to eat the heart eat the heart you guys want me to eat the heart I found hang on you want me to eat the heart eat the heart eat the heart that's okay I was a mud crab coming verse wrong hair wrong hair wrong heart [Music] don't eat that don't eat it let me just fast travel so that it D spawns hang on [Music] okay we're good we're good I think we'll leave the stream there thank you so much everybody coming by today I hope you enjoyed this this is great fun the stream I'll probably throw it out again like next week at some point cuz I'm having fun even if no one else is before we go we're gonna read out all the subs I actually caught all the bits this time so we don't need to even worry about that they're just when one lips came in there let me see yep final Apple board thanks 100 bits drink Hashem's pushed into a curtain order creation elements which are put together into a formula called h2o just then purify by another group of atoms they call themselves humans what and I die I die no it's trying to be said there Bella thank you how'd your pets at the ED they say hi dad hey Bella how's it going we'll be streaming again on Tuesday next 7 p.m. GMT that's the next scheduled stream before we wrap up we're just gonna do the subs those get ahead enough before we do the radar anything like thank you so much for coming by now hope you enjoyed the stream today in case you're wondering for future when it comes like the weekends we'll always will always be streaming at this time both Saturday and Sunday don't we start today and we'll be starting again just so you guys know it's part of the new schedule yeah next room will be 7 p.m. GMT on Tuesday rates Ernie yeah alright alright turning after this dream yeah yeah we're just gonna get the credits ready yeah well we'll get the can-can ready as we read out these how many subs as I've been this stream may not be too bad go okay we'll find out let's see if we can get it to it in two minutes roll credits oh you'll be fine he's even slowed down a little bit that's how you know it's fine okay thank you - oh god we're after just the audio Oh Valentine a line longer named potato spikey scanners use Anton Anastasia - sachi taunted she gamer freak in proxy epithets Piper Cain I bought youtuber books no hyperino back o swag happy nerd see nearly kill so brogre man that's cow Leon bison wagon I'm gonna go with wagons rocket ship my store game jam donkey chance monkey thanks Mary teas I got no nuts Asia I'm some random guys ate dinosaur opera squad William you read core spine tez Encana design rec the witching gold cyborg dr. Felix thora anteater Obama's third nip hell of a name more kids more benefits of Oh Kai the smoke app no cry not too rough asphalt zombie fixation here for the games hit me short match goatman me te yoker green flame a no-go guy tiny TV a swing breed is two openings soccer player 99 to tree music box not dirty Dan 69 Gengar Phoenix Kasia pillow stearin cynical cookie Ormrod slippery paddle zero meme inhaler enter dude mashup and OH an economist name is cookie Wolfie Oh McGee cattle was there I don't know be still here I was the : vine I hope you're doing well Cody dreamer yellow mellow super cosmics the not by a guy to Princess Luna razzle boo record five ever the man to 69 catfish to destroy Janey dog don't stress dater Oh dauntless dusty max blitz Carter dirt crazy kid sushi dog crow eight nine one guns and glory oil at 767 cranky guts Z Joey it's a mirage me gunslinger Pro cane sir go super cat robotic crisis call me for a good time the legend the blue - ew4 dren I am the shock to to treat thumper non potato Ranger Firestar such one we use it's up to - squirrel cookie 197 if our true cheesy free / tree I don't alas Wells's like chicken is lanaaaa epic troll man twitch let guy sport streams ultra no mega Gator mason man Mon Ron Jimmy gasps static portents the dominant dominant mean Alex is ginger cold sack cirrhotic us that cat mr. fabulous 93 man the corrupted thing Jamaat's club seed bun and had one or two just at the end there that came in that won't be on the feed but I can catch him here pal be for two months there and we are lovely music to end the stream with today a bang we're gonna go and rates Ernie then what about the after credit scene I need to do like an Africa did something I think I think it's actually not a bad idea I was thinking about that the other day because I know a lot of people just gotta hop off when we do the credits that I like doing them like what do you guys think about the current thing right we just gotta tackle the marathon of names so I can acknowledge the substr in the stream because there's simply too many like it would disrupt it way too much no what about the Stan Lee cameo important like the people like the credits is it okay let's people hop off in the credits all they do yeah a miss out on the rate is good isn't the first time for me right it's a nice that keeps a stream fluid yeah I think it's quite nice having it there because I don't read them out during the stream you know cuz I if I if I stopped to read I catch every single one during it will be way too much okay after two outs I have to stop silence 100 bit stuff because it's just too much I like your struggle to say the names that's good to him admit maybe we can do like an Africa at its thing each time I'll give that a thing what can we do as like a special just just for the guys that stick around cuz we have the raid already the bit Cup is lagging for summary now all that's going on with that [Music] that's really weird your accent makes the credits better I think could be like yeah like what what should we do is like an after credits thing a kiss that's possible all the people who stick around you get one on the hug meter a preview for the next stream that's an interesting one Lucas um god I think that actually is one week would maybe do a little teaser for just like the end of it show your face you've had a webcam I told you that I just pop it at the end tiny giveaway or something that's a good idea to achieve the next stream like cuz hmm that is one that could work so I do have like kind of like a working list I'm currently off to quit like sometimes it might just change like I might decide to do things a different order you know that's why I'm not too sure about that one review slash fun fact it's timely teases the next Marvel movie bad if had a face go totally do that we're like it's just me kind of one like um Mike for a little bit after you should press see it if that's not an after credit see it I don't know what is one restoration spell we did it for like the guy who gave like 200 bucks he got that like lesser restoration you just tell her what else is great oh thanks it is kind of nice because this very much just is like you know he's kind of like after the stream I can actually like kind of properly reach out now because most people headed off a lamprey hate Oh God Almighty I'll give that I think anyway like I would probably just teasin I see him streaming but the thing is I don't know if I'm gonna have it set up in time so I don't know if that's like a smart thing to do like I yeah we were like a minecraft server thing I could you know like I don't know if James about it like I don't know server might be going to go maintenance that day you know this nobody thinks I could happen a video of you dabbing that sounds I would encourage people to leave I think okay honest you hop in sub voice chat for one minute you see that could be problematic though cuz if I started to get into that then like God knows what's gonna happen his music is perfect for credits after credits ya the classical is really nice everyone loves dabs I strongly disagree I don't know about that clap for 10 minutes that sounds intense Oh God chose your feet instead of face that if I had a camera you know what I could do as an after stream thing we could say like hide the gorge after every stream maybe that's a good reason actually get a camera we could like just say hi to the cat he tends to be about he's not in my room at the moment but he comes in sometimes maybe that's something they're invested get a camera specifically so we can show George after the credits that could be a good thing I might consider that yeah to be a wall of it before I could set anything up like that because I actually have to buy a camera you know and have it delivered not a bad one though yeah like that's actually really like that idea we got a little word in with George I'll see what I can do in the future that one will take time to do cuz I have to actually buy the thing I like that idea no late - yup - for Tremont it's a theory tree minute AF to a session let's go only he doesn't play up to any more loci less rooms wrong yeah I'll see what I can do about a cat cabinet I actually really like the idea and I spend my hard-earned twitch bits get back at camp you'll be a cool you could collab with wine sauce Joel what specifically in the half the credits moment thank you for watching the stream everybody we now join vine sauce Joel for two minutes I have to this dream for a sick : after credits or Joe Oh God yeah we're gonna rap in the stream there anyway folks I actually gotta get going like some of my friends might realize I'm still streaming and like why to [ __ ] about their house I gotta go this has been great though we'll have to have the little chats after the stream that's at least something I think we can do been more time in the after credit trying to think of what you can do is and you actually then actually doing something you're not wrong cat this is quite nice okay thanks for coming the stream folks we're gonna raid cerny go send them some love I will be back on Tuesday 7:00 p.m. gmt hey guys [Music] what's the rates man ass Ernie is a lovely guy yes sick in house screaming the girls [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 91,017
Rating: 4.6435122 out of 5
Keywords: rtgamecrowd, Twitch, Gaming, This, game, is, fitness, Help, me, squat, to, save, the, world, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Skyrim, Oblivian, Episode 2
Id: mtj8SJKwDWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 38sec (12878 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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