RTGame Archive: Not Tonight

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five hello everybody how is it going can you hear me we're gonna do a proper mic test before we start today's stream too just by the way so we might be a little bit before things kick off let me just get out the notices I notice I'm not looking over the fable streams the other day that things are a bit funky how does it go on though guys let's take our time getting started okay this black screen currently let me fix that should only take a moment oh I forgot to okay hang on hang on I forgot to actually do one thing on YouTube I quickly get this in hey folks so how's it going need to update the YouTube comments I put up also be streaming you this comment is area getting out of the notices there that's going on there folks I hope you can hear me okay let me resize my windows though they are really not cooperating monkey monitor setup okay let's go to the game that should there we go okay I think we're in the clear okay audio level wise do I sound okay yeah we're we're playing brexit the video game today sound is good okay audio is good cool okay I'm just making sure it's like I'm good I have to use different setups and like presets compared to like the big computer I have at home which is funding so I was using this portable computer for so long and I just didn't occur to me to actually write down the stream setup so I have to try and relearn and I keep doubting myself what like what my standard quality options oh god this is pretty cool - pokemon sword and shield yep so I want to just give a little summary as to what the hell we're looking at so let me just get like this steam little description because this game will very quickly become apparent as to what's going on this is like in in the vein of papers please so how would this basically works here's the steam of summary right in an alternative Britain where brexit talks have collapsed an extreme foreign government has taken power citizens of European heritage have been rounded up and exiled forced out of your previous life you find yourself in the midst of a booming gig economy fighting to scrape by and return to the city you call home this is very much in the vein of papers please if anyone's played that but it's like kind of like quite topical of a game to be playing considera we're now a month off you know the brexit deadline so I'm just gonna say going into this like people hard for a lot of political humor because it is completely unavoidable with this game this game is it's post brexit management that's how it describes itself specifically rexis which is like insane considering like the talks without started what two years ago good sorry I even like two three years ago the fact that people have the time to even actually develop a game it's such as a narrow window is actually quite impressive and I get it released well yeah this is what we're flying today glory to arstotzka okay Rihanna has been playing is a bit on her own same file I'm gonna be starting a new game we're just gonna start it right from here okay so how are we gonna go get the fro date format sure heritage you were born in Birmingham you're from the streets you're born in bash you're born in London which heritage should we go for because I want to see if we make this as difficult as we possibly can for a house this is a funny game yeah I've heard good things about it's just like it's full of a lot of political humor there's no Irish heritage yeah we can't say we were born in Northern Ireland imagine that would make life difficult oh Jesus the Birmingham bass or London I think a lot of people are saying London okay you were born in London to the sound of Bow Bells whelks are in your blood which itself runs thick with jellied eels he grew up on your grandmother's knee hear in her stories of the war and of the Blitz spirit she saw after escape in France then the letter came in divorce and it is declared she surrendered British British citizenship the rest of the family tree is already being uprooted we get a voice too [Music] very tricky to hear that when the sub alerts going off I don't that was that ring thank you for the tier tree thank you very much fun let's go with can you guys hear the voice select okay the OBS sound alerts are like really strong for some reason you can hear it okay it's kind of quiet yeah okay I thought I thought I might have been there we go okay let me just go back for a moment then and I'll just tweak the sound options a little more I want to get this right because I'm like so unsure of myself since going back onto the portable rig oh don't change the res go back go back options we go if we just keep it like that we should be okay okay let's start again it's all okay Artie I hope so cuz I looked over the fable footage and like it was it was kind of messed up and that's why I'm just really unsure of myself like I test it as often as I can yeah now it's way too light I can I can tell by looking at OBS hang on I need to tweak this I can just look at the meters and get a good indication just start I gotta make sure the audio is fine just go like it go okay like the stream we break halfway okay let's go I'll be in first New Year Eve ball the British Museum London England Alvin celebrates one year in power we're back to Alvin the good ol events welcome Albion first Britt has been alone for a woman near her its walk over here talked to boss the euro bouncer Grace's us with their presence rush the New Year's Eve Ball is only the most important event of the year I'll get your things choppy chop at no worky no money okay I'll just do it sir oh you got to address him by that proper title or like you'll be kicked out okay let's equip our items like the clicker to allow entry to the venue click on the clicker what what have I done wrong okay no any I need to start okay I thought it was like a testing rabbit thanks for 500 bits [Applause] okay ticket please let's get our ticket we have a golden ticket yep that looks okay you returned the ticket to deny entry yeah it's Monday make your way in everyone here seems to be okay honestly I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary just just everyone come in golden ticket it's Monday Oh Oh No did that wasn't because I let someone in was it oh hang on there's a guy at the door hey buddy you're a Heritage resident 1 1/2 block 13 flat 7 let's get our mail the Department of Euro aliens person of your heritage welcome to relocation Block B your residence request has been rejects it cool maintain transitional resident status earned Wow ok that's that's a lot in a month hope that's not a monthly fee just to say in the country Jesus integration officer JEP will contact you you will arrange a site visit to help with your orientation and expulsion cool yeah you turn on the phone press the home what do I got here oh it's my favorite brand a beat ass well abacus abacus brass thanks for 5 good rasathi went straight when it said streaming not so nice yeah I popped up a stream notification telling everyone like not tonight guys just hop on the twitch channel anyway yeah interesting let me just look at that again is there a way to go up the map because there was something yeah look at this Britain alone Scotland's not on this like clean cut off Norton Ireland's not there - we still got Wales look they're over there somewhere just brexit things I guess Scotland got out time for a crusade I need to turn on my phone what where is my phone you can kind of just click it like turn on phone press the home button oh here it is oh we got an IE pair yeah let's take a little bit just to get used to the interface I think more than anything hello okay we got a message from jump listen close fresh meat I'll be coming by and Thursday to explain a few things your jobs you want to have started a job I then or this will be a short friendship earn your keep don't cause trouble maybe we'll even let you stay maybe oh thanks jump I appreciate the opportunity okay that's advance today oh Jesus sure thank you for like 221 quid then to see here but a good nerd streaming not tonight seriously hope you had a good vacation up until now oh thanks Jerry I'm still on vacation like I'll be here until mid-march but I'm doing great like thank you very much oh that's very generous of you yeah what if I got to do now for now I came for hundred bits as well Wales also escaped from prison too did they oh Jesus Christ okay sky hi dragon with the 10k bits there's a lot of the drop volley and say that your content never fails to bring some form of joy to me when I watch this is my way of saying thank you also I live as part of the UK it always will be sincerely a Canadian well sky high thank you very much like that is incredibly generous of you you know Canada's part of the UK too if you think about it so is Australia and and your America India and literally everywhere else that now has an independence a kind of remarkable if you think about it just how many countries in the world have a day where they celebrate not being part of the UK anymore there's actually quite a few oh Jesus thank you very much no sky height like that's incredibly kind oh it's Jesus okay bouncer today's job the king's head pay is ten pound go well take minimum wage sure like it's the best we're gonna get oh and now do we got a job our door opens and get out of ourselves okay let's go to the pub well we get an Independence Day or the 29th of March I mean it is right mr. disco who knows let's talk to bus your new ban sir yeah well cool I'm Dave pleasure you'll be a pretty quiet nice chair if you keep most of my regular as a home should find things pretty simple check IDs on the door make sure everyone is over 18 letting five customers you get paid paid by Commission that more you could get a bonus got it yes good oh well get on with it well I could just don't like not take my job seriously and let everyone in if I want to some kind of disco dancing metal nice okay Kings Head pub okay over 18s only we want five in okay now we waste an ordinary day in the British countryside check your ID yeah you're fine and you come you're also fine she's come on haven't had any issues so far 1991 wait what what's the current year did the court into this game I'm holding up the queue its 2018 okay I was worried for a moment there I thought it might have been said something different okay just just get as many of them as we can in yet you're fine oh no way he wasn't English is that okay he didn't actually mention he had a valid ID I'm not sure if I'm just supposed to turn them away if they're not from here expires February oh you gotta take that back the last person should have been a lot okay well sorry I lost track of what multiples it's January okay yeah you're right sorry Hey last call get a few more in I just yep judges go real quick I want to get paid tonight I'm not even checking like for their credentials it's just like yep just take it in from Germany like that's fine yes yep you're fine it hasn't been a single person who's showing up to this club that has been underage oh yeah over 18 born before that's nice so it does actually give you a little heads up okay we just we have turned away one person because we weren't sure but a pirate from sighs I think we did pretty good we got a lot of people in the club he's your payslip great stars oh we missed out on the bonus though we got fined eight pound I mean that could have been worse honestly I feel sorry for you you're her folks my plumber was a Polish Jeff good bloke cheap too you know I'm from anyway and then her Chuck I'm from London okay well I better job tomorrow if you're up for it whatever I'm bouncer knows scram I'm from this country according to this game you didn't get finder you find at the eighth mistake ah okay good to know let's check the news there's two bits of politics the post brexit rise of Albion fur burst continues to take established politics by storm Albion first founder and prime minister Simon Tavener has proven his ability tonight right wing elements of conservative and labor support under his flank ultimately establishing a coalition government under the Britain alone flank spite of social upheaval the last few weeks post brexit Melanie's it's only increased the level of support for the Taverner agenda Albion first hopes the upcoming election will cement this new progressive future it's progressive apparently that's why everywhere looks just so pretty now Jesus Oh Albion first leader Simon has hit bank critics of his Britain alone policy simple fact is that in these difficult times Britain must look after her own despite protests residence requests continues to be rejected what officials currently targeted persons of European heritage with fewer than two generations of citizenship or earning under 30,000 pounds a year expeditions begin this month oh I dare okay that's just yeah I think we're doing good first job is complete know what's some map so here's my flash oh so we're currently working in like a euro zone but if we go into the green space and that's Britain only so I could you can have people that aren't from the UK in this region I think trying to make sense of it because it's not really telling me much dan here's the calendar postman comes every Monday oh and jumps with me on Thursday cool hopefully I can clean up the apartment by then cuz it's not it's not looking too good okay advance today yeah we got a text message from Jeff how's it going friend and yeah your friendly neighborhood officer here started on bouncer yet getting in the way of regular honest folks job you euros were born for really I'm coming to visit tomorrow tidy up okay I'll see you soon Jeff he's quite the character I think he likes me juror thank you for another it's like 27 quid I think that brings up like 50 or some not everything went true so I added some more please get a bouncy castle for your birthday oh thank you very much sure I hope you're doing well I don't we haven't got to tell us much lately cuz you know then and I just on holidays haven't been in the discourse that much that's very kind for my birthday I was thinking I might get a Lego set but bouncy castle can be on the cards too I guess we'll see but we can build a Lego set on a bouncy castle maybe that'll be exciting which is incredibly difficult not awkward a Lego bouncy castle I don't think that'll work because they're bricks I don't think you can make it like combined into both you jump up and down in a Lego bouncy cat like you're gonna hurt yourself you won't be able to walk for weeks bouncy castle made a Lego like that sounds painful oh look we have the very healthy option we'll just skip into work today let's just go Kings head again oh we can up we can upgrade our parts too we can get like better clickers I have less rust on them okay let's just take the job what about a Lego set made of bouncy castles I don't know if that would work why arty do you have an Instagram I do I just keep forgetting to use it I set one up and like I just didn't look at it again - huh it's like the username is RT game crowd I have opposed to anything I've kind of neglected it but I set one up just because people kept post and fine art and man like I wanted someone to kind of archive it all so I thought would be a good way to do it because I used to use the Facebook page to actually like keep a log of all the fan our people have sent but you know who really uses Facebook anymore and we Instagram is owned by Facebook but you know what I mean post some pics of America I really need to yeah I gotta pose like a few pictures even though mr. Wiggles toriana wouldn't mind it's like a sleep behind me again in his hammock glad to have you around friend look at us Brits and euros working together in harmony that's why brexit past am i right a sign of good cooperation oh Jesus makes you wanna weep but I'm yeah real unity yeah yeah I'm not a euro and I'm from London in this game turns out we've got a problem with expired IDs keep them peeled your eyes not the IDS don't peel the IDs keep watching for the underage buy under IDs underage so it's gonna step it up like bit by bit they're gonna tell me what to look for that's fine where your vacation I'm in the States staying let my girlfriend the next well no joy like just streaming I'm kind of being like self-employed I guess is you know I can I can work anywhere got a PC for it though I decided to fact off over here and spend some time with her they complete tree jobs for me I may even make you a head bouncer not just a title I der you get double pay and a few special benefits just like everywhere else I guess why would you want to work elsewhere don't answer that its head out here is this what what is this papers please it's very much inspired by papers please it's a similar kind of management game okay so I got a watch for expired IDs and then be an underage I'm gonna see if I can pick up the pace this time we didn't have a single problem last time you're fine you're good to Canada next I do want to go to camp again I've not been in quite some time [Music] do I have to check the ID can I just like chance it and just like click it no you do have to pick it up you're underage okay we didn't we didn't mess up that time we're good like welcome to just some people like security job I guess the videogame you know if you finish a card day or work you want to like take your mind off life a while under age like what better way to relaxed and just you know managing paperwork let them all in thank you for the tier two watching for some time now I'd love the students of videos always looking forward to your content keep it up chief thank you very much Oh expired you're not a real person you're out of date that's how that works doesn't matter if you're still the person on the card your identity is up you should be okay it sounds like they're having much more fun just in the pub than us out here you just hear like little bits of the music you're underage let me know what the problem is no we're just closed that's the problem you can't come in her face we didn't have to point that when I'm you we took her care we didn't give it back we just like took her ID and ushered her away oh dear great start your oh I'm glad I chose you well you click that job ID for anyway Thanks your work good jobs and I'll be looking at my new head dormant I'm honored it's a privilege okay so we have jumped visiting tomorrow now I don't think we can actually clean up the apartment like this is real bad looking it's like a ghost like above our bed - that's not what you want with no one's clean the bass the everything is just cracked is this my life now yeah like that sounds like that's what I'm asking okay let's just go to bed okay oh hang on I got a text message it's from Dave I can't how are you full-time thanksgi economy but check your head doorman status on bouncer profile page double pay okay well hey we got the promotion I I have to answer the door to him my what a lovely crapple you've got names integration officer Jeff you can call me my lord if you like that dot an order or an offer my job to make sure you froggies and Krauts stay nice and legal Jesus Christ Oh God you can't just say that man yeah now listen close this here Palace ain't free you want a nice asbestos stuff roof over your head you better start ironing i'm your transitional residence visa cavada hurry up should be in your bag here you go buddy ah one month and deportation list too I see don't worry you'll be back at home in no time but I'm ENGLISH about a hundred miles oh [ __ ] hell okay hang on hold that thought a moment Mike the mechanic thank you for what I believe it's like $100 that got converted into euro 87 like 89 just want to say thanks for all the great laughs here on twitch and YouTube thank you very much mine like Jesus Christ this is insanely generous I thank you very much my I hope you've been enjoying everything hope that hasn't been too much political commentary lately because I don't between this and the sieve sessions like it seems like we're going into like overdrive mode what brexit but seriously thank you very much I I gotta give that to the officer now yeah like what he wanted a lot so I could renew my visa and stay not get deported no no that froggy live but you can't you can't just say that now me I'd have your packet already but no a special little flower cow just waltz off with dignity can we define you scrounge up the two and a half grand maybe we let you stay for now anyway next month we'll see oh it's two and a half grand because you need to earn like 30k minimum a year so that's what they're checking for so we need two and a half grand like every month or we get deported basically cool let's not let's see strong and silent type back good other things work out I may have a job for you myself say thank you officer job Ike you'll see euro I think this could be the start of a beautiful relationship a lot more Kings had jobs to bouncer they always needing you meet Jesus back in a week keep working don't mess up and remember we're watching you we're always watching they'll get to work just London things I guess actually I can insane about a security cameras in London it's like literally every street corner we're not even in London at the moment we're kind of like more south I think it's out west Oh God oh that's the entire day gone - just talking to him there's no jobs today I could I could be earning money I have to talk to the officer it's my scan and ban as well I haven't even got to using that I just have a clicker right now okay let's just go to bed again you're we answered the door that's good enough for Thursday didn't even try clean up the apartment oh my god Oh Logan use interesting British citizens and persons of European origin escalate today when violence erupted outside citizen relocation block five interrogation officer Jeff commented this is where the heart leaders on the Left would start bleating about tolerance and community bollocks far as I'm concerned they can get on the boat with their euro friends oh my gosh okay well let's just let's just go to work it's just it's just another tag in England Oh take the job yep let's just go to work Oh God Almighty officer Jeff is a mad lad have you got a P o box yes Alex I do I need to publish I need to just put out a post well the info it's been set up for like a month now and I keep forgetting to actually like publicize the fact I have it I do actually have a P o box I need like double check with a number is but I'll get back to you on that soon I just want to like make sure I've got the right number because I kind of forgotten honestly okay let's talk to boss again they've been thinking about the head doorman role hard work and pays like crap who want to make a work a while can give you first dibs on the lost-and-found sign me up maybe our old disco dancing model from the other night sound good I'm forced to work here anyway encouraged strongly encouraged remember you can leave at any time we're not keeping you here we pay you well it's still yeah it's still better than something right you should be thankful that you can work for us here in this country you offer me your word let's disco dad's of Vettel see knew you as a clever one all right look I get it you need cash just keep the queue hop you'll get a mega bonus at the Q camera you'll see a smiley face if they're doing okay is that smart is that smiley face gonna help me buy food tonight keep the queue movin no one will leave and avoid any instance obviously do all that in the mega bonus is yours Omega is mega surprisingly underwhelming right oh yeah one more thing this bloke Faris keeps trying to get in keep him away from the punters okay Jesus was out king of the club seen a little prick with a bag of nose candy I don't want to see him in here got it no excuses best even got anything nice to say about the meadow on the wall he's not even sure what it is okay so we got to stop Ferris now that's the new condition oh look there's a homeless man asleep in the bus shelter someone smoking in the telephone booth okay I'd like more let's get going so just keep an eye out for Ferris that's the main thing dataverse expired and screw Ferris and Cal animate I was like what happens if we let them in like it's my immediate question but don't let this guy in but what if that's expired but closed it's expired Oh who's this guy back of the queue you joking made its feriss ferriss oh so this is the guy don't want you here perhaps my friend here can persuade you Paris I like your attitude it's keep look he said it was gonna be like a mediocre bonus okay like he offered me some fired cash it's difficult times I'm pretty sure like he just brought some cinnamon sticks or something you know he just likes having some incense on hand give a nicer like I just smell an atmosphere in the club I wouldn't be so concerned oh okay well it's probably for the best I left Paris and then we don't we don't need to worry about it I know entry keep going killer voff thanks for the 500 bits is my beloved Scotland independent in this game like the IRL planned to be yes it actually is okay you can actually highlight it the first time it's not followed man don't push your luck it was fake 30 pound notes don't exist oh [ __ ] I didn't think about it but I thought it was just game logic is it actually fake on that basis oh I just thought it was game oh no I'm in trouble look I don't know I use the year okay no I have no excuse that's that's pretty bad I should have checked you're underage this move to Ireland this place sucks I mean that worked well for us in the recent sieve stream we just left the UK and like you know we have at last at the plague what do I do with this fake currency okay well the clubs closed oh I hope he's not gonna notice but they're sure just let the homeless guy in instead hey buddy that was great Thanks don't forget to check out my other job some bouncer he didn't notice oh we've we've missed out the second bonus though he's only upset because we'd Latin one person who was underage he actually doesn't mind that Ferris was in here okay he didn't notice so we just got away with 30 quid is it real though we're the new head bouncer nice cops gonna visit again next week we have to earn more money I think yeah I think we count it it was real yes so game logic persevered they do have 30 pound notes okay so yes you don't have to worry about it being like a real note 30 pound notes in the future I know well I guess in the post brexit economy they have to replace the 100 pound nose with something and the 50 pound notion so if you think about it it's just adjust down sizes Jesus I'm so sorry for all the little political digs I'm gonna be like getting in oh no Ferris is calling up at the door I don't want you here remember this face its Pharisee right close enough Ferris is trolling a little party maybe gonna get a bit rough II could use a sturdy flesh wall like yourself between him and the riffraff you're interested Squire oh why we actually got a job opportunity because we let Ferris in Oh guys the lesson here is you know even if they've got drugs just let them in you know you'll get rewarded for this oh we should be teaching the kids I can I'll pay you more than cheapskate Dave I basically got a promotion what is thought there's good money in drugs hello - which supports have a twitch staff that have flagged the stream once again it's good to have you here Oh nobody wasted the day there's no jobs going once again yeah it seems like both streams we have we have them coming by they do actually hop in from time to time let me check users in chat none at the moment but I have seen them floating about or watching the stream out of interest too oh wow close to 3,000 for like brexit indie game that's surprising thank you very much for coming bye folks okay Vic love I known new neighbor burden as many months hello oh yes miners my Lara I know flat-six oh she's a person who lives over there no no do not need to know your name you lost a week here maybe I'll earn your name you've seen my Vista Lofton drunk out of sympathy what is polite phrase in this language if at what yeah I'm sure that's right descent home if you see yes not big talker are we looking to block 13 get tetanus jabs or tetanus your choice okay so we have Faris's party or we can go to King's Head again this sounds like a - level of two schools is the only thing that's a bit concern there's that seem to be a bit of progression though if we just go to King's Head see we can level up that meter you're so I'm doing it over and over whereas this only has one so this is like a once-off thing so if we want to get some more temporary money we should just try the party yeah sure a little private soiree let's take the job how do I need to save this game also no I think it's autosave school they just want to make sure cuz before anyone gets anxiety about us losing progress or whatever reason okay let's go to the party this is a lovely place you have here buddy I like what you've done with all the chemicals in your kitchen let's talk to our boss yo you showed is she alive maybe we'll know by morning I mean it's as good of a way as any any way to get ready to work all my guests have tickets no ticket no entry got it and look pretty for my VIPs you'll know them they're coming by car let them in if they have the VIP password don't take a Rando they won't hang around long okay entry VIPs and earn yourself a bonus quiche you mean capiche what else wait what what's the password though oh my Caroline a minute I have the VIP password you okay you didn't tell me the password so I just have to look out for the guys in character oh I can interact with the chemicals and off the cookie jar what if I want cookies okay well I guess we'll just go to work [Music] look at the bottom arty where is the password where is it okay I got I got it I got a start like checking them it's like no ticket admission Sunday let him in the permission Barriss is really cool okay I I just don't see at the moment cuz like I'm stressed thanks the point is though no ticket no I ID and ticket Oh VIP password please Paris is really cool and you go VIPs go to the front of the queue you've know you've no ticket time to go what do you think you are get out of here [Music] you don't didn't see it cuz you ignored it when it's actually on screen okay right now I get very stress playing these type of games so like stuff like that is just gonna go completely over my head oh god okay I got it okay you come in password Paris is really cool you tell games a good fit when I'm coming on how stressed I get played it been ages has actually put play papers please want to say 2015 is the last time no ticket the new Pokemon game is looking great don't leave Eris is really cool I'm sorry please don't be mad at me don't report me it's affair is because I know he's like a drug baron in this game I shouldn't have kept him late let's go I'll get a few more in I'm going which has score bunny myself for the new Pokemon starter because that thing looks adorable I really like like I'm like speedy fire types and it looks like it's gonna go that way there's another car here they expiry in January but still January would be okay I'm gonna keep your ticket too even if I turn you down cuz of your ID like I want to get into the club too okay I think we did really well there like we got for VIPs and we didn't mess up once hopefully he gives us a bonus spuddy thanks for 5 quid Irish man attempts to rationalize drugs and the tree DG thank you for the 5 good as well love your series of videos thank you very much that's what I call a party Thanks oh my god 150 quid he gave us 300 pound for a night's work that's insane oh we should work for the drug barons more often you've done me a favor and that means I owe you a dippy and returnee iconicity the start of a right disarrangement yeah please employ me you have so much money best of all weeks coming up soon that's my money maker chop Ferris all the ladies an artificially replicated social enhancers yeah that's ours for sure sis they know cheese there's power pills even face drops they don't know what any of those supposed to be keep appealed I'll be in touch I hope she's alive thank you so much Faris like you're you're a good boss cuz please don't send anyone to murder me in my sleep oh we need more nights like that I was so good we got a text from bouncer you reached Browns level two and unlocked click our version to enjoy rust free clicking oh [ __ ] oh we're moving up in the world upgrade the clicker oh that's how you know we're a valued employee despite the tracks of us being the Porta at the end of the month they give us a shiny clicker okay here's the mail 9 how's it going buddy job enhancements Club neo the hottest club in town understand guestlist supply fire bouncer there's no a/c or running water that's its kind of worry and you kind of have to have running water about ok there's no work going at the king's head Eider so but this only pays 10 pound this is like this is Cheyenne we get paid so little o W for the clicker now I don't have to use the mouse nice actually does make a difference yeah I'll start using the keyboard 10 quid that's like 1p u.s. after braces hey Jesus they pay me 50 euro bunny story Christmas shopping last year was one of the best Christmas shopping I've ever done because the pound was just very low and I tend to use Amazon UK because we don't have like an Amazon Ireland we have to go daddy to UK one our friends so thanks you ok saved quite a bit on Christmas there oh Jesus okay let's take the job all the best currently take care wait there was two letters I miss a letter oh no budget buying a car and sell that after brexit for two about I think fish and chips will just become the currency of the UK so like saying like here I'll give you a bag of chips it's like the equivalent of like spotting someone a tenner I think that's the way it's going and yo don't be like a battery means if anything goes you know you have fish and chips everywhere you get hungry you just start eating out of your wallet I don't need to worry about finding food anywhere you have them handy Kevin thank you for the ten fifty pits oh boy I want to die thanks Kevin hope you're doing well hold on okay let's keep going euro from the king's head ancient this is just gonna be my reputation that's game I'm from whatever don't plan on sleep with true to this job like a Dave's gaff only after the best clientele here nowhere if definitely no where F we have a guest list but anyone on the guest list just let him in check the ID as well all the usual rules apply for the guest list and regular folks queue on the left right right no guests on the right never simple when I should speak slower oh so the guests are coming down the right side now okay their name isn't down they aren't coming in a brownie you Oh magnificent French my mind at the guest list target rising Lee smaller mega bonus someone's got their big bouncer panties in a twist they'll get ready to work two cues as well double the cues key balls I'm happier they'll start leaving okay so the cue on the right is the guess I checked the guest list if they're I'll item eight if they're not on that list and I send them to the queue on the left is it guess that's right and the normal guess left okay yeah it was like a VIP list on the right and then it's just the same on the left that's bad well done okay so I have two different queues or Seco Dorset's finest sparkling wine definitely not Italian he wants them to cut my head doormat so they offer your little trinkets if you do enough work nice Italian wine oh it's the shape love and fantastic okay check the guest list okay wait where is the guest list ID please oh here it is yeah okay so you just cross them off there okay got it yeah that's I uh it's just business as usual okay I panic in these situations okay I forget to do the obvious thing and use my eyes you go ahead and write just keep going Oh God I got I got to get over to the other queue hang on I got it I got to treat the guests Denise you're not on the list oh no she was oh it's not alphabetical I'm dumb I'm sorry Denise okay I got to go over here and do a few I've already messed it up no I'm fully aware but I already turned that one here guess I need the money come in Mario come in Simon there you go Frank okay we don't have any more guests that we have to worry about we're doing good just take a few here ID please IV Denise will come back we know such a nice is the only person who hasn't got in so do your not so we don't need to worry about the guest list anymore yeah everyone over there is just a chancer now the knees don't come back okay so I'm just gonna ignore the queue on the right because like guest list it guess this is fine let all these guys in especially the ones with bribes oppressed over you as well sorry guest list is full galleys you gotta stop queuing over there we're only taking people who just came had a fantastic now they're closin time I think we okay a pirate from turning down Denise we did pretty good he's evolving pink peach thank you for the size and bits there as well it's good to see you again playing the future of the UK is he unrelated no any tips were moving to Ireland oh Jesus apply for citizenship now it's a peach Passport the passport office is already back looked okay so there was two incidents but you know we got a 50 pound bribe so it's kind of okay rotisserie thanks 400 pins as well hey Dad my partner proposed to me the other day would have lure the Rings team scrapbook I just want to share the gay nerd love with you and chat all rotisserie that's amazing congratulations now I'm delighted to hear that that that's very cute you must be a massive nerd I hope you realize that though I'm delighted for you congratulations rotisserie get yourself some better clocks before you come back slugs oh close my sis Lucille's with shonky thunk give you a buzz okay but we need to look swankier Dino spear thanks to the six months there as well I'm able to watch her streams for a while now but I still watch all your videos and I love them sometimes i rewatch your older videos because they're so fun well thanks very much time to spare it's good to see you back hey here's Lucille Sharpe wish hello oh Jesus this is Lucille your shonky tonk representative smiley face and little birdie tells me someone needs me don't worry Pat help is coveted it takes all major credit cards what okay I block her number now it's even 666 okay yeah I just don't want to be associated with her oh it's my Larina big collapse still on rampage people say he at neo always neo net please look out for safety yes must not get drunk again until I but that is not your worry oh ok so if I go to neo and he shows up at the door I'm supposed to turn him away I think that's how that quest is working or that like side mission right don't look don't let fake live in if we see him okay Mac is doing fine calendar this two opportunities going King's Head or Club neo so if I want I have to go to club neo if I actually want to advance that storyline I think because otherwise he's gonna go to club nyan he's probably gonna be get drunk and hurt himself or something notes are fine okay so we want to go to Club neo then we don't earn as much money but I want to see where the story goes but I or the guy he's probably gonna be dying or something ordinary Jacob thank you for the a quid hope you're having a good day enjoy my nickels and pennies or whatever coins are called Maryland thank you very much Jacob okay not a day on the job clean up your house goddamnit I don't think it's an option like it's simply just a mess in this game Ariana you okay Rihanna says hi hey Lucille contact you yes I'm sure she's pedaling only in the best British goods not much choice with all the embargo oh Jesus okay guys we'll get new trade deal soon we swear anyway to work guess this time again tonight hope you're ready for a big one keep a special eye out for the choppy family okay the Chubby's I'm more dangerous than an angry choppy anyway everyone has to be on the list or they're walking home no problem okay so same as before guest list two queues keep an eye out for the chubbies don't let václav in because we light any and he's gonna die we're getting more and more conditions oh wow yet they're all just Chubby's on the guest list you want ten in tonight don't want an angry chubby come on can't be doing good we have a bit of time to collect our Birds I mean I'll take two here and then we'll go over and do the one over there or you can do two here nope so yeah you're not a choppy yep you're fine oh I have to cross them off myself this time there's Lina you're not a chubby can I help you neighbor oh it's v-club my wife anyway you let me in yes you can see your ID v-club it's valid but I can't let him in your wife said no okay so he's alive now he's not gonna die sorry I keep forgetting to do W I've gotten so used to just clicking it with the mouse that's person an ID with no hologram oh that's a new thing don't call me an idiot RIA you're not wrong just not nice this is the chop stir oh Jesus Christ juror thank you for the 25 quid I'll have to catch your message just in a little bit I'm trying not to die at the hands of the Chubby's okay so they just straight up have fake IDs now and I'm sorry I keep doing the thing ID please Ted oh sorry this must be so obsession to watch me just like drag the mouse every single time and not use the shortcut it's out of date but you have money I already made one mistake so I don't care it's Laurie and it's it's demo yeah Mikey oh my God we're just marathon the chubbies we're only missing one of them there's Dan set the last chopper coming in now it might be okay we got we got to see what happens if we get every Charlie come on no you're just some Joker my friend here can persuade me he's very persuasive as chippy okay guestlist is done I'm so corrupt like it just give me money I'm just like come on in like I don't even care I've taken every single bribe the game has thrown at me Oh God juror thank you for those 25 quid before last one for now I promise Ali is going to be mad at me for doing this but I had to be done also tell Ali to sleep Thanks oh thank you very much Ali please go to bed we worry about you now see this is very kind like you're given like 75 quid today alone thank you very much yeah we just have to be wary of the amount of incidents that are clocking up because we might get fired all together at this rate but excellent work surprisingly so but you're looking to be a head doorman yeah three good jobs and we'll talk about it thank you progress on the bench over profile if you're lucky I'll sort you out with some of that lovely door Seco sparkling wine can't wait you'll get deported do I actually just get deported if I mess up the jobs enough times maybe I shouldn't take everybody I should I should just go back to work and for like the drug baron again because I had less to worry about he's what he's not gonna deport me the drug baron too poor you know hey apparently drug boy can deport me to Jackson thanks for the four quid have all the change of my wallet after being converted from US Dollars thank you very much oh hello we got a visitor oh it's the honky Tonk everything either prices you can almost afford have interests it didn't we need her clothes too bad you have no choice I had to install the app on your phone it's the law after all if you're not spending how do we know you're fitting in you do not need it Oh sh oh Sh it's no trouble there we go all ready to be a good British consumer why not try it now buy yourself something nice many shonky tonk products are available for you to sample right now just one click away and if you don't buy them here to be and deport it but it's the message Rihanna oh Jesus every Wednesday I'll pop by to keep you updated of new stock okay so we have a new visitor Oh God we have 34 notifications like okay let's just check everything else first that's my line uh how's it going Jeff seems to be going well I'm gonna drop by congratulate you in person thanks for wasting my time officer bye after you've earned the twenty five hundred I'll see you later [Music] gran has had enough for today got classes doing the you anything she's actually like studying like kind of building up to something there life while I'm here just playing video games Jesus Rick thanks for 400 pits thank you very much life goes oh finance news the pound had another bad day in the market following rumors of EU trade embargoes on British beef is max the third major hit to our currency since X in the single market declared by the government to be another shameful attempts to bully other sovereign nations against striking out in the name of freedom and independence okay got beef about beef let's just check here I can buy stuff from the flat oh my god there's so much stuff I want here I can buy coffee BOTS but I should I should not spend a thousand pounds on a coffee bar version - should i that would be a mistake right now what does the coffee do if I order it has to have some kind of effect I can't no I can't spend all my money on coffee wait takes from there 500 pair dat you and Ariana mash in a certain special game is this is this true and if so when is the string we didn't meet on a certain game just start playing games together like we met before a lot we were talking first don't do it please don't do it it's useless consumers of RT spend on have a cat o toast like a good millennial oh yeah you're right rotisserie Jesus I can buy phone skins though the euro phone the wax tile this wait does this have an effect if I just buy a euro phone is someone gonna look at that and it's like I hear what's going on there is that actually seems like it might have impact on the story if you buy the arrow phone you get deported do I actually don't spend any money wait you tell you you're 200 500 okay I've never heard of someone getting deported oflike you know a phone scam that's that's us a new level there's only one way to find out hey Tashi rag is what I'm currently wearing I can buy some combat and new clothes I can put a knife in my head I can buy like a 500 pound spider hat what I could I can literally just buy [ __ ] oh well let's just keep work and I guess for now Kings head sure why the euro folk' soar 250 pounds oh the economy ain't doing so will create after per exit of the drugs kids especially if your drug is your parrot or except it is actually if it is actually a truck oh no let's go to king's head again I haven't talked to Dave in a while tonight's gonna be busy all the competition closer tonight even better it's two for one night and all cider bog off oh it's just felt as when we're at bog off up yours too no I mean anyways a deal like that brings out all the fakers fake IDs watch from [ __ ] white flags no stamp on the ID anything like that those grifters will stop at nothing to get that sweet sweet cider okay killer walk thanks for 500 500 bits arty doesn't know Arianna said they've met he doesn't watch the suit has confirmed I haven't seen the latest video like do we met online more than anything we did play some games when we met big goof stop the stream yeah I gotta watch it Rex the new suit has video I'm being a bad boyfriend haven't got around to it I'm sorry I've been busy like you know be in here with her oh Jesus I'll watch it later was she actually talking about me in the news so Tyrus cuz I not know dad she did not tell me she doesn't tell me anything no she keeps everything secret it's like pollen taste I didn't even know why she lived in the States until I came over watch it now this watch odd Street relationship drive a pug Oh God take a look at the flyer and all the rest into age expiry of course this jobs not gonna get any easier there is an upside the more jobs are complete for any venue the harder they get that's a good thing means to get paid more service that I'm paid as little anyway why do you drop that disco that disco metal nobody's claimed it yet anyway oh we got to take it it's mine now nice click page 2 of the poster oh okay so you can pop this here is like a reminder no color no stamp check okay so okay I'll keep that there it's gonna take even longer now to get true the IDS least we only have one queue want 20 in tonight let's go that homeless guy is still asleep in the bus shelter I worry about him he's been there a while you're good okay no stamp sure it has a hologram no it doesn't have the stamp you're an idiot I'm not doing my job and of course the question is is Faris gonna come back again to the pub because if so I'm gonna have to immediately let them in thumbs up with your ID sorry I keep forgetting to use w there we go I'm so sorry yeah we're doing better we're doing better I'm not being an idiot anymore lying is fake no I'm gonna see what happens if I get like the perfect bonus I'm gonna do it right for once because I have I've taken every bribe and I've messed it up getting the perfect like his fake like a hurt II was fifty pound you fool I know that's like 500 pounds of today's money Oh date of birth going next door we're in the middle of the countryside there is no next door Javed LT takes five no dojo it out she doesn't take bribe no don't I just take the money and turn him away what proof do they have last call try and get a few more in all I got to go quick you got to make twenty come on no one have any fake IDs just don't chance it I'm real close on this no it's expired get out get out of the cute get it get it out of the cute but so close get in get in we need one more it's coming oh we're good okay perfect run nothing to worry about now go I can let a few of them in for funsies at this point anonymous chair thanks 400 bits victory Royale okay let's see what the bone is this thing so we turned sound I think like 85 pound worth of bribes here is your pay for my other jobs okay well we didn't get oh no so we didn't we have to get more than 20 okay so I should have just taken the bribes I tried to be like a good upstanding citizen in our UK first Society I should just let them all in there's just just just more money to be had oh that's disappointing this game teaches some questionable values so always take bribes and work with the drug dealer as often as he can because he pays good money oh I have to tell my lauren-lucille visit Wednesdays and you know half the disco medal but someone apparently owns I can just hold on to that for now only at the end the ones given 50 they really want in now I should just take all the bribes honestly I can get away with a few as long as I don't do like six and one go I seem to be okay Oh the Scorpion watches please turn over there's more the secret puzzle will self-destruct overnight reads left self before job / bed England stands what am I looking at like is there a way I'm supposed to read this the decoder oh there's a second bit of paper I didn't see that oh yeah that makes that's not even a difficult puzzle once you have the immediate decoder okay I'm being attacked by a weasel baby ferret we honest that's hi again sorry you had enough for uni yeah don't see it like we decoded it this is super difficult until we realize you just put this over the other bit of paper okay that's fine you want me to shut the door over a bit Amy yeah she's just saying hi and checking it on mr. Wiggles hope people don't mind that it just goes you know living away from home and whatnot at the moment technically still on holiday so it might just be a little bit of background noise but that's okay I think okay so help vehicle vCloud so do I help him by letting him into the club or do I just need to talk to him again well club neo is the job tonight so I guess we're going there what's in the news pubs in Somerset region have been advised to take precautions after the latest firebomb and attributed to French nationalists the queen's arms the crown and the prince lodgings adjust the latest in a line of antique patriotic assaults around the country police urge that anyone what information should come forward remember silence is sedition oh no look at your medal václav oh okay you can you can just take those items out so I have to do I give him the medal okay do we keep an eye out for him at the club tonight and that's what we're gonna do the Queen's arms is an actual pub here in Somerset really oh that's kind of funny billy-ray methinks 100 bits you get double pay for being perfect well thank you very much that's not that's not always good cuz the bribes sometimes are more than that good luck aren t you don't get to port it thanks appreciate the support it's the 11 of January you're in luck you're oh you know what head doorman just quit and here's you being not utterly useless as a bad I ready to step up sure thing guess this bonus is Telfer tonight though so good luck with that cool look I'll keep this one handy just for the ID now I'll just put the clicker there oh god there's two pages to the guest list oh I don't like that at all like I think we need a second bouncer honestly this is gonna be stressful okay ID please let's go already counting in see you later you're okay Sam Smith and you go hobby there you go the second page is gonna stress me out this entire time now every time someone I just don't want people to show up on the right you wait there of it there's a lot of chances oh here's me club on duty that okay see not drunk no need to tell my Larina teller was dancin yes okay so his ID is violet I'm gonna take out the metal that your metal my metal first-place national disco freestyle tournament 1992 neighbor thanking you thanking you no more drinking with new metal I am the whole like milk and cookies bread and butter while you ladder and fake club all we helps their marriage vodka and cook and we just encouraged some questionable lifestyle habits Big Love I have to work yes he has a fine job you do perhaps let me in for one last dance no I let if I let you in you're gonna lose the metal trader will not forget this by let him in he's gonna get drunk and he's just gonna lose that battle like instantly you know pump see we go oh okay um yeah I'll take that bribe never tends to be we now know it's just not worthless yep give me that bribe thank you you new check more carefully formal warning yeah that's okay though they're paying me well like don't I'm not worried about my wages okay ID Freddy tackle someone the guest list again Milly oh my god Milly you're ruining everything get out of here Artie the resistance is gonna shank you but no I'm trying to prevent him from going in I don't want him to get drunk sorry thank you yeah Breanna just leaving for uni I'll [ __ ] up I'm not wearing my glasses Thank You forgeting up I don't know where they are we'll just get more people in the club get a few more in okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna go quick on the guest list come on Jane yep you're into Oscar welcome to the club Isabella get out of here Isabella no I didn't want to come in anyway that's fine Teddy beanie guess this gets priority we're in the last moments that's just how it works there we go Oh Bharti go we did pretty good there we got some nice bribes it's just one quarter of all the cities you've destroyed yeah this is just what happened what's happened to the UK after all this Billy Raven takes 400 bits you could double pay for be a perf getting perfect it's fine it's fine look we got the bonus anyway see oh wait so wait do you mean to tell me if I got perfect I would have made like six hundred pound and that's why I shouldn't take the bribes so you literally only take the bribes then if you've already messed up is it okay yeah take the bribes if you mess up that's what they're for so I shouldn't be actively trying to take the bribes hey you know what you called my learner yes why no reason none that concerns you anyway Oh is he in order but should I have let václav in because I think he knows now that V cloth didn't come in oh no I should have given on the medal that I'm in maybe they were like this is like their meat in place oh no so Who am I helping if I'm helping my lair uh-oh okay we might be messing things up politically use your side Oh your transfer level tree clicker version tree click with confidence an orange iron color nice got a new clicker be social standard score drops with bribes - okay so just don't take the bribes I guess guy how's it going Lucille hey what is she talking about oh it's not for me see you Wednesday amore great shonky tonk savings okay okay let's check in with the officer ah 1 1 2 well haven't we been a busy little euro I've just accepted my status good here's your reward I call it biller biller illegally we can't hit you for rent until you have a regular income passionate bloody Society only see you just proven you've an income stream but you just you just proved you've an income stream you absolute class on so now you get to pay rent and other bills almost like a real citizen right I did you arrange to this hovel or this hovel to biller now don't pay a bill in time your social credit score will drop you know what that means means I get to Nick you make this big smiley face it's not just unpaid bills skipping work failing jobs drugs bra cool it all eats into your social credits cook keep that in mind when you're about to pull a psyche they go back to the cry my little waffle snorter that even mean okay so we got to go easy on the old bra I can't just keep taking them I mean it's only bad if they find out about the bribes realistically okay all right we're gonna have to be unlike the clean and narrow and just not mess everything up the next while well we got a job here's biller hey rent before a due day to avoid loss of social credit score you're not reply to this message nobody cares thanks phone that's a confidence boost I need it in the morning okay the king's head so don't take bribes pay my bills what can I can I pay the bill now hey there we go so get that out of the way and we need to help v-club and maybe not my larner because she might be working against some kind of resistance movement right those are all the different things in motion right now this game made about people make papers please it's not no but it is very much inspired by papers please wait my help with my liner oh my helping a V cloth I want to make sure I'm correct on this boat my Larina you should help her see you and you shall know oh mylanta that V Club okay people screaming help my Larina so by helping her just keep V Club away from the pub got it no mistakes tonight license and boards on my arse ready to shut us down no mistakes at a halt okay maybe one mistake you're not serious okay two mistakes after that though we're screwed good thing is is your fifth job for me well every job will get tougher you will earn more cash okay so I if I mess up here I close this guy's pub down what if I want to do that left that boy text my liner about v-club can i text them hope whoever pays more ruin his life to mistakes you lose pay I got I kind of just want to shut down Dave's pub but I was already just putting this poor man out of business I'm just gonna take as many bribes they can Oh tree mistakes you stop the jobs I don't get paid if I mess up do I I'll just walk away with the bribes okay I'll just get deported all right okay we'll just do our best did you know if you mess up no paid you'll be executed at dawn Jesus they've really upped their policies following brexit I mean I guess they're not bound to like human rights anymore set up by the European Court Oh Oh what now he's Social Credit just we'll just go crashing down got your attention dough didn't I picked up the metal literally papers please party edition okay at least there's only one cute like it's pretty straightforward just okay just don't mess up that's my one job tonight don't accept bribes it's fake not coming in I'm gonna do my best to be like absolutely spot-on perfect deal with the cue rutted Lee as we can keep coming in ruin his family they don't need to ease no I got one wrong okay guys we're shutting down days pub I'm accepting every bride from this point hey can you give me some money no he just hates me I need them too I need them to give me money if it's a wrong ID I don't want any of these regular ones where it's perfect keep coming in RT you score it's fun you have another chance hang on one moment I think he's darting into something he shouldn't be in one moment guys he's just he's just rummaging about I don't know if anyone can go to hear him there mr. Wiggles just wreaking havoc upon a plastic bag murder v glove please don't shut him down but I got one wrong I'm just graced in a pub like what other course of action is there I have to put him out of business wages dot come in I'm not even checking them I'm not even checking them just coming someone please bribe me I want money I seen we just working more efficiently since I've stopped checking no okay give me some money Thanks Roma's not been good enough closing early I got my bribing shut down the pub closed down Dave's establishment what was that told you no mistakes maybe we should try the execution thing after all I'm I'm not sorry I got an F you checkin bands or more jobs coming up wait is he not closed is he still in business cuz he still say though you can check the app from wor work I wanted to shut him down oh thank god it's drug boy oh no yeah it's it's just it's still open I didn't screw up enough uh how's it going Faris I've missed you one only now listen next week it's festival time you know what that means okay you know what that means funky beats Peas heads and lots of them oh man so square how cute take these cheezer's a gift from me no don't try them and guys a bonus spot any cheese heads sell them some cheese's on the side and tell them to shop Ferris calm your tits mother Teresa again I put this you really think you can afford not to think jump is just gonna stand back and let you pay your way legally please you want to stay you'll be smart use your noggin or not flush him for all I care if you want to be clever check out the special tab and shopper lots more where those came from okay shopper oh that's the game glitched oh no I gotta take him it's just some cheese pop that in there it's just cheese strings guys it's not that bad hang on he's getting in to cover it again one moment guys he's relentless right now I blocked the opening for the door so he can't get in there we should be in the clear sorry Bertha her pics of mr. Wiggles anywhere there should be on Rihanna's Twitter he's just wreaking havoc at the moment I'm sorry about it I hope it's not like just roping this dream or anything and now did you there is just a cash and a ferret in this room right now just dig it into like suitcases in the corner and like just causing havoc oh I wish you guys could see this like they're working together I feel not Almighty he the dream life I may have to just pop him in the cage for a little bit as he is bone mad like he's determined suitcase into a place he shouldn't be oh no way he's given up okay we're good okay we're in the clear Jesus Christ set the kitty free give us pics if we ride at dawn I can grab some pictures later I don't have the camera set up again cat tells about adorable cat antics about showing us I'm sorry Hawk in a suitcase you guys to definitely hear the claws there yeah I I got I got to catch up with my lion or two don't I extra can i message her enter code I don't think I can do I put in her number maybe there is there are one-on-one no hype her coat like what do you mean type her coat why do people telling me just type 5 1 what like where have you guys got that code from I'm not I feel that that might be something I'm not supposed to have access to I've mine says this I feel I shouldn't have this though hey is this gonna advance the plot in somewhere item unlocked what it our luck I can buy more cheeser 20 of those party stuff let's go on the why is everyone freaking out I just bought drugs guys like it look I gotta have a side gig going okay I'm gonna get to put the social stand is fine it's a smiley face let's just go to work go to work and sell some drugs outfits outfits so with the coal unlocked okay I'll check them later what I feel like that's something I shouldn't know about though that's the thing like that's why I don't want to do it cuz I know there was no reason for me to input that code I can't check the why now so [Music] okay I'm just gonna ignore Chapman I'm not doing that I'm not checking what that code does because there's nothing that you do is nothing telling me I sure didn't put that code so which is not gonna see what that does I just unlock the item and leave it or I'm gonna sell more drugs now as well I'm gonna sell even more drugs I was thinking of getting clean and you know like ease enough when I saw you to get a guy have in this game we're going all in with the cheese drink videos and never be advertised there's no way oh hey my head door bud let's make a dough double pay got it let's check the wine but not a good shift euro take my last bottle of doroshenko that do it best that Dorsett has to offer nice so now we have drugs and alcohol together at last oh Jesus okay two-page guest lists no my cure heart just be the Chavez again sorry I forgot to press Toby get going what you got for me just call someone chubby no no Chubby's dude there was a family who wants it in the last one you go Bobby I have to track the vote the ID photo now - which is just like an extra layer getting more and more stressed and on edge as time goes all you didn't check his date of birth okay we're accepting bribes again thank you hey Tony Oni are not on the list Chuck thanks to the tier 2 John we're halfway already I haven't let a lot of people in the club and eatin easing you're not on the list just come in make your way in I'm just gonna need to get as many people as I can Lauren there you go wait can I just give them a hang on can I just do this excuse me sir you want some cheesy wait no no no I didn't I didn't mean the tournament I I went I was kind of let him in I was just offering if he wanted something ah I made a mistake I'm never gonna be able to sell that drug got my there you go Lauren just tackle the guests cue Lucy you're not on it I don't know if I can even take the bribes anymore because I messed up so many times can I get away with any more of them Jessica you're okay no I kind of get away with anymore so even if I mess up like I'm gonna close everything down well never mind it's closed anyway even get that many bribes only got 40 pound there's a counter on your radio cool oh yes I had one more two more didn't completely mess it up fine work fine fine work yeah sorry about selling cheese strings that one guy I meant to let him in I was just putting the author there before he came in Oh God social credit score is getting a bit low that's okay still making money okay what's in the mail oh hang on ease in my suitcase now mr. Wiggles it's a cute name it is yeah he's just just getting into everything still feel like you can knock on my learner's door or something can't I I mean I can try that yeah well we got another jobs there actually no because there would be like a circle or something if I can be and there's no I can't I kind of click over there see read your mail I've been reading my mouth error alert European extremists at large in your area of be vigilant yeah right that's the only bit of mail I've missed not really anything there clean your room I don't know if I can we keep telling me to do that one is if I have an option okay let's just go to work again oh there who is mr. Wiggles is rihanna's pet Farish it's just cars and he's just a bit destructive today normally he's quite well behaved when we stream but he's going mile-a-minute know why hang on what's he doing now I can hear something hang out I'm sorry about this he just really wants to play with me more than and he's just trying to destroy everything to get my attention Jesus get a whole pop back in his cage he's like he's wreaking havoc upon the place he's very cute but I don't know why he's like this today mr. Wiggles just run the stream for a day I mean he's pretty basically doing that at the moment but mr. Wiggles play yeah let him manage breakfast ah God okay let's go a little further sorry about that like all the disruptions of stream I'll go a little longer just to try and make up for it yeah good luck tonight we've already got the metal there's nothing else here for us okay let's go you want 17 tonight don't mess up there's one guy in there at the moment just dancing all by himself okay date of birth to young I'm gonna try really hard this time don't accept the bribes yep I'm gonna try you have two chances to mess up oh so it's only on the second one that like you can't get the perfect bonus is it I thought it was like if you get one wrong then you can't get the double pay house that's how it works I almost let you in have a vacation in the club it's a reggae night tonight yes well over 18 s only right see there's a mistake of my ID Yoav Anson you all about it she's Irish do I I can get away one cheese Irish perfect no school for Shannon tomorrow don't give out it to me it's shining next time you come here you're [ __ ] you're never coming back in I trusted you I trusted you do I start except I start accepting bribes yep hey ID please I guess I'm I find now to date one too I can see if they want some drugs Jesus Christ just keep coming in last Karl can still get a few more in I need some what wrong ID so I can give it back to them important keep going in yeah I have to check the country of issue I guess that's a new thing and that's what got me with Shannon okay so date is wrong but would you like some cheese okay oh so that's how you're supposed to do it okay yeah so you turn them away anyway you just offer it to them cool this way it's tree strikes in your house the wines where the lady who sells you the furniture okay only sell the drugs are the people wearing cheese hats how was I supposed to know oh he didn't say that did he okay we still made 200 quid not bad for a night's work like I told you okay I haven't seen anyone with cheese haha but so it's just at the festival okay so I just got to stop trying to sell it to the average patron takes my learning you can't doula hey it's Dave things head Dave mana has been hanging around my place probably worrying over nothing the call if you hear anything okay ha okay so Dave's in trouble I don't search job alert looking for a new gig out the cheese and tunes the reggae festival okay perfect why today and your pants are app yeah it's it's not there at the moment though I don't need the festivals yeah cheese fastest from tomorrow yeah should i buy some more cheese ahead of the festival I have 20 at the moment that might be enough you have enough cheese okay okay let's just go a little longer then you've bored enough school let's keep going make a no double pay got it cool let's go again [Music] okay so if they try offer a story or that just don't believe them there's no point Chanin's ruins that opportunity for thee surely everyone and your ideas expires can you come Luke can you come Teddy I can't actually check for country of issue that's not even a thing here so I guess I just ignore like it doesn't show up here as well like you go back you go I won't try sell your cheese hey Riley yep there she is ready yes you can no you can't fly a country issued it's not there lace is not there yet you know on the list I hate you got a fun job to have give me one minute I gotta go over here oh my god this whole many but out-of-date IDs and you go Molly you go Frankie and you go Tobias we just think we just need more people kriste your name is crystal ball well you're on the list okay hell of a name no just get out of here keep going their parents must be fun they had that how much do you think that's impacted her life from having that name everyone in school must have made fun of her like there's no way about it I gotta get some more guests Isaac go vomit where is he oh you know on the list losing time what do you think you are I'm just the bouncer I'm sorry I don't want to get deported come in Ted Oh lily and we got to get this queue moving again and you go right okay I didn't I didn't mess up there right I think everything is fine please pay me double did you find you want a cookie you can't have a cookie that's fine yep times two oh my god if I ever commit a mistake at this place in am I just gone is that what it comes down to now because I know it looked like the warnings fines and fails have been tracked here and that kind of scares me got 500 pound pretty good mm Pam and cash advance the day will go to the top of this hour oh she's finally here hello Oh neighbor it is terrible news they arrested feet claw for bombing up the king's head oh no I think love would never do such a thing never leave evidence I mean cough be careful Chris they come for us then oh it is too much I know would you like some no you're okay see you later neighbor okay V gloves gone I gave I gave him his medal at least but he's been arrested police are asking for witnesses to an attack on the king's head pub last night any information on the terrorists of French origin known to be responsible for session the place as an act of protest against the government's personal loan policy remember silences sedition oh wait so don't actually know it's him cuz they're out looking for witnesses fine on why everyone keeps screaming at me to check bills like there's Dobby a notification if there's something there surely like it's fine okay let's go the cheesefest like builder please people I still say no I literally just checked it I go I don't know what you want there's nothing there I think they I think the people screaming that haven't played this game and they're just anxious I think that's what it comes down to go it's talk to our new boss about time you showed festivals but start like a beast let's take that with us remember everyone needs to take it and don't forget the VIPs tickets have the day in the stamp on them for VIP after request become my tractor and have a password no password no tunes watch out for those cheese heads yeah most uncool cats see anywhere trying to flog cheese there's you just let me know don't worry I'll keep an eye on them no touching the Merrill ACD up there it's a raffle prize before you ask her out of tickets let's go [Music] cheese and tunes festival I thought they'd approve who sells there's only one queue it is Tuesday come on in my man oh do you want that cheese er sure I love cheese er thanks but you can't come in because your admission ticket is wrong you suck thanks for the money yeah Oh would you like some cheese er thank you come on in here's my ID no cheese for you yeah I got it - go talk to this person okay Beast okay they don't have to show their ID they just say the password Tuesday it's always in check Tuesday all is good they have so many cheese hats Tuesday isn't that a tractor come on it oh no yeah well let me just quickly sell some drugs and then get your okay - come on in Oh they had the ticket wrong okay I'm making a few mistakes but I'm making really good money choose that come on in cheese thank you vision Tuesday interestingly they have the cheese hot even in their ID card November if you're good oh there's no stamp that's what I'm looking for burger sauce you're not coming in okay Tuesday good that's Carl can still get a few more in quickly do you want some cheese I'll buy some thank you I keep forgetting the check for the stem like that's that's my problem here I've made quite a few mistakes come in doing dresses of cheeser come on in password I get beefs it's stamped everything is in check it's stamped everything is in the check we we've made so much money from the drugs it doesn't even matter that we got so many wrong they're like we made 240 pounds a night that's a lot of quid that's six cheese or sold and we got to do it again tomorrow there showed them all out there all done look how much we made it's out drugs just expensive cheese I just enjoy a fine Brie oh my god like we're almost there we've almost made enough money the social score is struggling a little but that's that's okay that's for future me to figure out yeah what's going their day oh it's your one this cheetah when I give the bottle of wine to be with me yeah you okay don't mind me more products available all British made and like that bloody Prosecco are we willing to I'm under a lot of stress damn you Doug why do you want I have Prosecco give item you go you seen this door Seco its local per second after second my biggest shame excellent he sold of crates in you endorse that they said no they didn't know Dorsett doesn't have any vineyards world-famous they said world-famous the lion sorry but with the embargo against non UK produce like it's been black felon ever since was his last bottle it means no more evidence 1 1 2 I could cry thank you for releasing me from my team do you even even dug the demon demon dug to get it dug the abscess oh she's got a very stressful life hasn't she thank someone - you're a lifesaver he's just not having a good time hey she sent me a message - it's Lucy your ex shonky town representative you saved my life pet no more black belt no more shonky tunc I can quit my job and open a flower stall in Brighton okay thank you enough I also unlocked some bonus items in the shopper our secret okay xoxo oh we did some good in the world and we've almost got enough to pay off the rent we just need one more night oh god we've turned ourselves around like we're actually helping people let's sell some more drugs Jesus I made a lot of money last night okay it's the same as before can I have your CD oh okay finally we can unlock it I want the CD okay cheese and cheese let's try this again check the stamp but a love of God cuz that's one that I keep forgettin admission is Wednesday that's fine no she's energy I forgot to give her drugs I'm very sorry guys sorry I won't make that mistake again okay it's okay there's still two more people with cheese hats yo [Music] Wednesday Oh date of birth you're under 18 password no that's not the password what do they change the password yeah well at least we made some drug money okay yeah so they have a different password today may not make sense I just wasn't thinking okay some cheese papi puppy party you don't have a hat don't try to sell you drugs maintain eye contact let them in don't sell the drugs just gotta make extra shirt and sell drugs give me the cheese good to come in tell us some more trucks Oh wrong day not the worst though because we still sold them some cheese that's all in check house many of them with the cheese hats tonight really unfortunate yeah next door is like a toilet here so I don't know why she said that where's she gonna go the portaloo that fell over don't take it yeah you're cute for that and you made a big mistake password please a puppy party still a few more cheese hats get a few more in sell the cheese okay and you have no ticket so we don't let you in perfect okay just let him in at the end I didn't check but he seems to be okay session the toilet slide what wasn't so high I'd make you head doorman now we did we only mess up to one time because the password changed and I didn't know that's such a shame invade so much more money well I guess we only missed out about 190 extra quid cuz obviously we're not gonna make double the amount from the cheese and doesn't seem fair you missing the toons become head doorman I'll give you the CD okay should we try it one more time and then let's just see calendar cheese fast is on tomorrow as well cuts on all week yeah we'll try it we'll try one more day of cheese fest and we'll see see how it goes guess this version too nice let's check our social score suspicious it's it's not zero I have enough and rent to doing good I can already pay my bill so on top of it right now king's head has fallen the rest shall follow Europe forever okay vehicle is vCloud leaving like the propaganda or or like the attack on the UK and it's my liner trying to stop them because I still don't know which sat outside I'm supposed to be we're gonna get some official bouncer clothes there we go we look the part now okay I mean we don't have to keep doing cheese fest but I kind of want the CD you make your house look nice too I'll get a bit more money first read the chat I am reading the chat od read the chat oh god I so on attention please read why do they notice my message like it's 2200 people here I'm subscribing I do my best guys I'm not gonna notice everything I need to put mr. Wiggles away he's digging again hang on I'll be right back he's attacking the floor like ferrets do that from time to time his dig he's just going a bit too far those give bonuses read the descriptions Oh what was mine bouncer we're looking cool only no work in Pirates Ivy's jacket for looking more important dot dot do anything did I entry what love powerful mystical like I don't know what these do and get something for my flat if I want I can get some stuff let's get a radio we got some bangin tunes now okay let's go of the cheese fest let's just see if we can get the CD sick beats talk to boss it's a ring ting thing okay we slip a pass with the cheezer's anyway it's a mystery well I'll try and apprehend that guy okay I can't get the disk yet what was the password again just to remind if jack just remind me quickly it's a ring ting thing cool ID and ticket ticket how about a little something I haven't messed up yet oh just send them away Thursday it's all check welcome aboard there's no stamp I can't let you pass word you go Thursday yep that all looks correct Thursday oh there's a lot of cheezer's oh oh we're making Bank Oh we'll make we're making so much tonight now you you don't want drugs but that's okay we'll just let you in you want some cheese err thank you it's okay we'll get our we'll get our social score back up after this the dates wrong your ticket thanks for buying the drugs oh listen to a guy at home whatever I also have the wrong idea to last out of 18 really oh this is Shannon again nope please think again - no and you cost me a VIP Shannon you you suck get out of there I can't even sell your drugs you haven't even got a cheese hot it's wasting my time oh Jesus get him in get him in password so the cheeser thank you on everything looks okay come on in like Shannon cost us the perfect run now but it's okay because we made a lot of money on trucks Jesus Christ it's 320 pound get out of here none of it yeah ever so quickly because we were short on time this all seems correct welcome aboard I sold out oh my god well that's a sign a good business right there that entire stock we did so well so much chocolate you can't see the ticket we did incredible great work tonight arrow listen Gaucho anyone some cheese's let me know don't worry you'll be first first to find out I assure you we split their stash or something Klaus they stop rude of my concerts okay look we [ __ ] Shannon ruined everything but a pair from that look how much we made we did so well okay oh okay social credits bad social credits real bad we got to work and Dave sent us a message it's Dave Kings Head Dave just Dave now I guess so the news king's head was burnt down bastards come see me on Friday need to talk to you check bouncer take the gig he's but he doesn't have a place now gee thanks 400 bits I wasn't gonna work cuz he he doesn't have anything oh we got to answer the door yeah the Kings hedge like what there's something there Oh how's it going neighbor I visited week love okay big love disco dancing metal I thought you were good one here think of as a symbol of hope need it more than ever as euros we must stick together yes I but did not get that from me will deny everything oh so what is that mean that's like that's like an emblem or something [ __ ] what a dime the pooper the resistance okay I guess we're going to king's head still I I reckon we should go here over cheese fest got an odd symbol eat it I don't think we can he's still in business what Dave Dave you got you got to go home thank God you here look at the place look at it they say in the French blue my pub up bollocks that's racist know the French couldn't sort a cheese and wine event and in cheese and winery and who bloody inside job you hear that fascists I'm on to you trying to close me down because I'm so good to you lot other British people you're funny and you won't get away with who is Dave's enemy I don't understand I can prove it's all a conspiracy got me a camera didn't I a lot security footage is on this here USB computer maybe slightly melted for me i installed a firewall don't think you know what that means but you survived in this USB can I trust you if I worked for you already everything is changed euro trust no one I know become my head Doraemon prove yourself then we'll find the bastards until then we better play it quiet start as I have to run ticketed events now it would take it no entry new law ok and you to the bomb and Nationality checks now in the fact oh if you're French you're drinking at home no froggies allowed Jesus Christ Dave you can't just call like you can't call them froggies you know I could trust people giving you my security footage so I need to earn his trust to get the security footage to save the cloth I think because Vica life is going to be like put in prison because I think he's responsible or like involved in this so by earning Dave's trust I can help the resistance at least that's what I'm supposed to do Oh God okay we're going on our day I know I said I finished the top of the air about that I'm invested Oh God choppers just standing there to check nationality just know French we have so much to keep track of now keep this over here why are they still going to the pub despite of being like exploded yeah you're not French here okay you can have it on the door god oh I see well I'm gonna try my hardest again he's in the clear I'll take it a little slow and get the perfect cuz I think that's better than rushing it and just miss now in the times to booths it's not French wait you still had a cheese hat they're still showing up oh no I forgot to buy more drugs I thought that was just exclusive to the festival I didn't realize Oh guess who Shannon I'm bored let me in no underage China where do you get this money there you go near eighteen your hobby disappointing kids Julie eighteen later this year unlike she'll be able to get it and then he's just not there yet how are they even going upstairs like this the floor is all blowing up oh no French we caught one wrong day ticket isn't valid on the ball tonight no mistake so far check check check check come on in yeah okay so the cheese hat people just show up from this point so we should probably stock up on a bit more maybe not right away actually because our social standard is it's really bad we should give it a little bit of time you're good yep Artie's a police what's the police doing I'm I'm so busy looking over here he's just taking pictures there's also a cop right there Oh with the cop find I would if I just like try sell drugs I didn't even think about that being the problem look it's okay the only job tonight is discriminating against the French all right we don't have to worry about it it's fine oh Jesus Christ okay we did it perfect run Shannon doing get in we didn't mess up we didn't sell any drugs so the police didn't catch us give me my bonus Dave sterling work you're to think about what you're saying Oh Dave doesn't okay now Dave doesn't give the times too Dave I'm glad your pub exploded is what you get for only paying me 70 pounds for like four hours work oh that's only like 18 pound an hour how am I gonna be able to afford Mac Edie's tomorrow Oh God Pavin sterling best cut they know this isn't over the King said will never close except in holidays got to get the French back into the play you just told me to discriminate against the French which way is it well it's gonna eat all this state it Dave is just a terrible person Jesus Christ Oh years today as I say heard your bits go back to saw the cheese's to make up for your pay I think we're gonna have to oh he's already message I don't want him to message me you mean we're gonna find out bombed my gaff this is some jobs of bastards for you won't become my head doorman to access that security footage treat justice I need to get the security footage so I can like dispose of it because otherwise václav is gonna be in trouble kill her Fox for 500 bits so Dave is accusing the government of stage a terrorist attacks have pitted them on dissidents and undesirables it's like the very Kista - he got hit because he's nice to fire and as he doesn't want to discriminate but the government's making him is that what's going on he was saying some pretty questionable stuff I think Dave's a bad person but that goes for a lot of people this came I feel okay so that's actually what's going on so he wants to let everyone in but he has no say Jesus he thanks for 145 is they RT by an excessive amount of drugs Jesus Christ just blame shot yep it's all Shannon's fault she cast us like a VIP at the cheese fest we missed out in a big bonus [ __ ] chan Oh God okay I think on that note I think we're gonna have to wrap up there this was really fun yeah I properly got invested in this one and I like what's actually going on with the world how long is this game because according to calendar like we're gonna be here an entire year jacking cos brexit is that out of curiosity like how long does the game go on for it's about tree to four months in game okay so it's not a full year it's kind of like a hundred and twenty days that you go true or something like that okay if some other series that I do want to keep going true like I like fable and people watching Co optional like the other day may or may not of heard mention of the other one that's gonna be starting soon might involve Lego might involve George Lucas so like those theories are gonna be on the go and I wanted to do a save one as well where we play like from the start because we haven't done that in a while but maybe somewhere down the road we can revisit this game because this was actually quite fun actually I enjoyed this a lot I can't make any promises because there's so much I want to do I'm like fable and like save and the Lego one I take kind of taken priority or the next month or so because we want to do those for ages maybe down the road we can visit this one again because I this was properly fun and I think I think most people here are quite invest as to what's going on I know I am quick throw some new Pokemon games I'm really excited for hope it runs the 60fps UK is a fantastic choice for a region you know there's a lot of cool stuff they can do with that I just hope that like you know it kind of builds off Sun and Moon and kind of gets close to the Gen 5 was make it a bit more difficult or something I would appreciate that align Dexter Hydra bits by ot hope you streaming this game or thank you very much say each thanks for 300 thanks playing this game RT it's been great distraction when I was sick I am today get well soon sage hope doing okay RT just stream tree games at once yeah but the thing is cuz like I'm always looking for variety stuff cuz I ate here okay let me let me go to the credits card for a minute so we can just roll out the subs thank you to everyone at subset can do it's actually you have quite a lot thank you very much guys I'd the curse of doing variety and trying to keep it as varied as possible is when a game like this comes up it's so difficult to try and commit and just to see how far down the rabbit hole it goes because like there is quite a few that are just on the go and like I still want to do stuff with Rihanna while she's here too and I haven't even got around any of those streams minecraft story mode but the reason main reason I didn't commit to season 2 is because I just didn't want to be minecraft story mode constantly you know we only got four streams a week so it's really tricky to actually squeeze everything in I really want to continue this though because like that was properly fun I've really enjoyed this game I'm gonna add it to it I have a list on my phone and I'm just gonna add this here as like a placeholder brexit game maybe we can play a true in lieu of like the vote at the end of March or something just get this in before then because it's gonna be really interesting to see like people are gonna probably come back to this game after March I reckon because you know like breakfast it's probably gonna be wrapped up by then one way or another you yeah I've got that noted on a list anyway that's what I kind of want to revisit it's just again it's just hard to find time currently on holiday that's that's the other thing so I don't want to commit to too much you know I'm not supposed to be streamed I know what I'm like I just really enjoy doing this time off Here I am as DLC coming soon so yeah people will be back that's really interesting yeah it's DLC gonna be like before or after brexit thank you for the host there just right at the end thank you very much man don't overload yourself my mind that's just what I'm trying to bear in mind like as ever when I play something like this another concern I have in the back of my head is like how do I edit this for YouTube you know because I do like putting stuff there because you know for people kind of catch the streams like it's really nice they can just chew me and kinda get the abridged version of what happened something like this is gonna be real tricky that it like I reckon this is gonna be mostly plot points i watch this game i think it's like 20 quid on Steam it's gold not tonight basically the brexit game it's like it's identity at this point but it's just a really interesting take on like the papers please formula because like that's something you don't see often you oh [ __ ] hell as well a chief that scared me Quidditch boy 11,500 bits right at the end no message Jesus Christ man thank you very much it doesn't say me generous yeah that's the other thing like this stream like how many people like dropped like a [ __ ] hundred quid or like close to it cuz goddammit dude god damn it god damn god damn it sounds like I'm angry the nerve of some people you don't give me money like know I've been insanely generous tonight like thank you very much guys a lot - there's like multiple people who like just gave a hundred quid tonight for me just making fun of politics but thank you very much that like that's just crazy generous how dare people give me money Artie he should be so [ __ ] selfish you know Oh God okay hopefully we can revisit that game in future it's just because I have a lot that I currently want the stream but we'll see like the Rihanna likes this game too so maybe we can even do something together and like play it that way that could be fun but I'll pop it on a list anyway because yeah considering how much we joke about practice' on the channel as is at this point you know just exercising my right as an Irishman um like this game is really fun I'm kind of glad I played it today I'll see if I can do this again I just can't make any promises because okay we just started fable I want to do Civ again you know I was like I'm sticking a lot of time in a catering storm but we'll see we'll see he promises Wiggles in the other stream oh not that I don't the camera again sorry you guys I promise we'll get him eventually god let me see now because the rooms a little messy at the moment too does anything incriminating about I'd have to actually do like a search hey well but we'll get mr. Wiggles on stream like wooden Rihanna's around has that because I think she'd like to show him off excuses no I just don't know if like the I don't know if there is like I can see a billboard in the corner of the room I don't know if there's like an address or something on that you know it would be bad it would be really bad oh yeah it's not a deal then like when we get Rihanna on we'll see if we can like set up a camera and in show mr. Wiggles or something I think she'd like that I just don't know at the moment No Deal brexit means Jesus you know I'll get a picture or something up yeah I mentioned it to rank Brianna like when she comes home from uni she should be home like in the next hour okay I'm gonna go red wolf he's I believe streaming some shovelknight so go say hey to you know we just played the brexit game so if you want to play another game that features people digging a hole for themselves go outgo wolf it's playing shovel knight thank you so much for coming by this room today I think that everyone is sub thank you for all the bits hope you all enjoyed this I will see you all uh probably tomorrow I I need to mention like the makeshift schedule I have oh god I didn't even get that in at the end of the stream I'll post it on discord and Twitter later I ever liked a makeshift schedule that I'm gonna try follow the next well cuz I'm away I'll mention that there right okay thanks for coming folks I'll see you all soon probably tomorrow take care guys you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 374,050
Rating: 4.4812536 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-388176371, rtgamecrowd, Life after Brexit, the video game, Not Tonight, Twitch, Gaming, Life, after, Brexit, the, video, game, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 46sec (12106 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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