Let's Play Not Tonight | #29 Perfect Chapter 1 (Part 1)

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hello everyone welcome to another let's play this is not tonight and my name is anna-marie doll um it seems that I lied when I said that I didn't want to do a perfect run of the game I went away and had a sleep and watched some of my old videos realized I made some mistakes which is not surprising especially with a new game like this where I couldn't find a FAQ or a walkthrough that means that I ended up making mistakes because I don't know what I'm doing and haven't read up on the mechanics um so I did want to do a perfect run to clear up some of the mistakes that I've made that I made in the the playthrough that I recorded including I will note here upfront that I mixed up Doug and Dave two different people and ended up blaming Dave for the majority of my playthrough for something that he didn't do so we'll get there too in my defense I will say that if you want me to tell two characters apart you shouldn't give them names that start with the same letter and have the same number of letters because I'm going to mix them up thank you dyslexia um but that is my own issue and not the developers fault I so I want to start a new game and I'm just now noticing there is no new game option I guess I could go and steam and erase all my local data which I would prefer not to do but I see there that or I guess I could reload the very first chapter one day one but I think that doesn't give us the intro scene so um one moment please let me go into steam okay so that was about 30 minutes of me flailing uselessly note to developers please put in an easy way to start a new game it's very annoying to have to look it up and then try to delete your local steam data and reinstall the game and whoop it's still there and these developers did put in a way to put it to start a new game which I figured out just by clicking randomly you go into load game which is not where I would expect to find a new game and the slot-c was full of saved game data and you were able to click on it and hit the trash can and then you can start a new game there that was not at all clear to me but we did finally find it but yes please please please please please please put it away for people to start new games especially people with perfectionism tendencies and I actually have a strong streak of I'm pretty sure real actual OCD I start games over all the time to do it exactly right from the beginning and it's so frustrating when there's not a way to easily start over but we did finally find it um that doesn't really make sense you will lose all autosave progress are you sure you wish to proceed I already deleted it so yes um we'll go with my usual avatar I do need the day month year or month day year oh is already hmm it was already where I wanted it to be good um voice alert I did notice the game had updated itself which is nice they probably fixed some some little bits and pieces um our heritage never really comes up again in game which I'm not sure if I liked or disliked it's kind of a clever commentary on how all the people who have been dispossessed of they're stripped of their citizenship or in the exact same boat regardless of their background but at the same time it was a very good background and it never came up again so that made me kind of sad so as I said before I'll be in first New Year's Eve Ball British Museum London when you're in power I wanted to do a perfect play although it I will make mistakes of course and point out some of the things that I got wrong the first time her by my first flailing video and I will not be reading all the dialogue because otherwise this will get really very long so Jeff is telling us to get our things and start start working there's our clicker which I cannot use the W key for because we don't have the upgrade yet so that's going to be no ticket no entry and it should say Monday [Music] trying to get to check there you go [Music] ticket please I have to say hearing God's save the clean in the background as an American is always incredibly jarring to me because I'm I'm fully aware of this the tune was stolen by Americans too to make an American song it's just very American really to just hey this is nice it's ours now but I keep wanting to sing my country tis of thee which for years I what it wished had bet was our national anthem instead of the star-spangled banner' which is much harder to sing and it wasn't until someone for me well a big reason why it's not the national anthem is because it's it would it would it's it's it's the god save the queen' song first and foremost so now we're back in I'm sorry I've gone in to start to Darth myself now we're back in our flat and we're in which I think was January the hallway is cleaner than it eventually will be you remember it got crowded with debris but our room is filthy and sad so a person of your heritage welcome to relocation Block B your residence request has been rejected find enclosed a transitional visa to maintain transitional residents you have to earn this much money and your designated job is a bouncer integration officer Jeff will contact you to help with orientation and expulsion turn on phone press the home button a little pair instead of an apple that's cute I hadn't noticed that I really wish they would put in an upgrade to get rid of this crack in your phone screen I realized that that's part of the social commentary but if you're gonna give me stuff to spend money on let me spend money on being able to see my screen so this is Jeff saying he'll come by we don't need to read all this again I'm not gonna read all the things that I and I'm not gonna read the news to you we're today this is gonna be about mechanics and this is our transitional resident visa signed by beet root Bob what a lovely name beetroot Bob all right January 2nd calendar so we're gonna have Kings head work and the way we do that is we open bouncer and we take a job we need to pass five and we can get up to seven warnings before we have a fine we won't need that many I don't think because I finally know what I'm doing but it's nice that we started with that many warnings King's Head is run by Dave Stobart who is not the same person as Doug even though I mix that up in my first playthrough you're the new bouncer yeah I'm Dave pleasure should be a pretty quiet night curfews keeping most of my regulars at home check IDs and make sure everyone's over 18 let in 5 customers you get in get paid let in more you get a bonus so we don't have any extra pages to check and we don't have any drugs to sell which I will be doing a little bit more intelligently than the first time when I was fumbling around I do think this game could have benefited from a little bit more tutorial izing but then again maybe that's part of the atmosphere or flailing and not sure being sure what you're supposed to do here's the ID so we had just whoa okay speaking of tutorials although I think this was already there so you you get to go in alright after before and you go and that is all we're checking is dates tonight we don't have to care about faces we don't have to care about Holograms we don't have to care about flags [Music] [Music] I did browse the steam forums while I was trying to figure out how to start a new game and I did see that other people had made similar complaints as mine about being timing in some cases being almost impossible and another job is being extremely comfortable so it feels like maybe a little unbalanced especially in the gosh and since warnings don't hurt us until we get like eight the best thing we could do is just keep passing people and not even look at the ID because it actually takes longer to look at the ad and hand it back then to just let someone in who doesn't deserve to get in that's me min maxing this yes having said that we haven't found any when your knees rejecting yen [Music] that one was too young I saw that too I just wanted to see what would happen [Music] you're too young yeah I think rejection actually takes longer than just letting them in which when you're trying to get to that sweet bonus every second counts I wonder if they extended the time is any update cuz I don't remember blasting this night out of the park like I just did I mean 28 when the bonus to was 20 so either I really did get way better this which I mean I did I started out going holy crap I can't math um but but still even so be super cool they added some time because that was my biggest complaint so we made 38 pounds which is ridiculously low but it will go up over time 38 pounds for whole night's work [Music] all right so we're gonna advance the day oh the other reason I wanted to do this is I will just write up say I it nagged me that I had 28 videos and not like a nice round number like 30 so I thought yeah maybe we could get me to two more videos and call it a good even 30 so it's a nice job we have to do I believe it said we had to let in 10 people and we only get I think it's a two warnings will see we've got a problem with expired IDs keep them peeled so it looks like you can have five warnings before you start getting charged and eight is a fail and we need to check date of birth and expiration dates that's fine a very very much miss having the W key because that was useful I also do not know if there was a pause key which is relevant because I just got a text saying my mom's coming over okay after before and you go oh I'm Preston W I'm just going to take my hand off the keyboard behind my back sure before I'm sorry I know the commentary is not very good on my videos but if I don't do the after before thing I lose my once again I think it might actually be easier to just let people in and not reject them [Music] not easier but actually faster because five warnings is not that bad I wonder if anyone will try to bribe me I didn't take bribes the first time around because I was scared of getting in trouble but I think I actually might now I know it hurts my social standing social credits for [Music] first in order to get the bribe you have to actually point out what's wrong with our ID you can't just swoop them in [Music] the other reason that I wanted to do another playthrough with perfection is there was a couple of NPCs that I didn't interact with correctly obviously we know about Shannon and not giving her the CDs but there was that one guy at the fair that didn't make any sense at all you are too young for this venue no one has tried to bribe me yet you tight fisted jerks okay I need to get three and gets a bonus too so I'm just waiting them in now without really even checking and there's my bonus too now I can slow down so yeah definitely either I'm better at this I am better at this than I was the first time I tried but it's possible that they added some one time which would be oral asleep very good I would approve that if they did if they added time I I thought highly ups there my recommendation for the game because that was my one of my biggest frustrations was feeling like I couldn't win so adding a few extra seconds to each night would have been very nice but I don't know if they did or not I did click on the show me what updated but I don't know I guess I clicked wrong because I said it was just a bunch of news articles 64 pounds so we had has we've got 38 the first night now we got 64 that's not doubled but it's more cuz it's my life now thrown to bed I believe jump drops by tomorrow there he is King's Head Dave is texting us I'm gonna zip through all this here is my keep working don't mess up we're watching him good excellent uh notes we have more jobs check my calendar Jeff will visit next week earn twenty five hundred five a 30th and then we go back to bed which would help our medical score if we were doing the medical score but that's not until chapter 2 news which I will look at just to get it off my screen bouncer Kings headed past 12 and we can warn three so they're getting harder [Music] it's timing about the head doorman roll all we need to do is check date of births an expiration date and he says not to look Ferguson so we won't let Ferris in that's easy enough and I have to sit on my hand again so I don't keep trying to hit W I need that clicker upgrade daddy needs his sugar sugar here keyboard rates after before we go go check yourself get out after your chica get out fine I'll take your bribe a sure before I make it up three warnings but the thing over there says after before you go and I can't insure it for the others until I talk to this guy back in the queue you are not allowed in and I can't say why no first please go ID please after before after your ID is expired you suck well that's as may be [Music] first the other thing is I'm not dragging anything over my clipboard which took me to realize I didn't but hey me being mad at games and getting better is part of the fun I hope [Music] it wouldn't be as much fun for you if I was just perfect from the get-go we wouldn't have that wonderful emotional stress and joys highs and lows I mean you're not making mistakes the bribes become a viable bribery didn't really help whenever we needed those mistakes I [Music] think that poor is saying an app for pound or app for worrying as you get fine now I really don't think we'll get 30 and I don't think that there was enough time to get 30 we'll see you're too young you interested in offering me a bribe sure so that's my three words I don't get to any more before I action you're underage if I do any more mistakes then I I get fined and I don't want to get fined after before no hit 28 got a hundred and thirty pounds for bribes which is probably more than I'll get paid for the entire night throwing that out there [Music] so we let in so if I'm understanding this correctly everything between the past and the bonus one you don't get credit for in terms of money everything between bonus one and bonus - you don't get credit for in terms of money if we had made bonus - and then some we get credit for each head over I've seen that before but we could have stopped at twenty and just twiddle our thumbs if I knew we weren't gonna make thirty because there is no financial difference between twenty and twenty nine which is kind of but hey I don't feel so bad about taking bribes now because otherwise I was gonna get ninety pounds for the night and 130 was a necessary and important supplement so screw you Dave you don't pay me enough you don't pay me fairly [Music] so freeze bribe I took I lose to social capital I've know the head bouncer at the king's head which Dave is gonna tell us about oh he's happy that we booted Ferris out gave us a bonus I can't tell how much [Music] because I wasn't paying attention to what my total cash was it couldn't have been much cuz we just earned 240 so today is Saturday there doesn't seem to be anything to do so I guess we just sleep again I don't remember that being a thing my lorna is coming by she asks us for Vaclav which doesn't make a lot of sense because he lives with her so she says send him home so why would we answer the door would she say v-club I don't know um presumably only she knows there is a ghost above my bed I assume that's a painting on the wall and not an actual ghost but a little creepy um so what I'm gonna do is uh I don't a pause here go get something to drink and then I will be right back and we are back sorry about that interruption so today we're working the King's Head we need to pass 20 and we can only have two warnings we are also the head bouncer now I have yet to figure out what these icons over here mean it would be nice if there was some kind of help screen those must be the scores for the night SSB the number is the final wage that I made I'm not sure why there's a number on tonight's because I haven't made a wage yet the little heads look like fails but I'm not sure why there's four empty ones and one filled in one and I don't really know what the dots stand for or why there's eight of them and three of them are filled in we've worked there three times maybe there are five more job opportunities 1 2 3 4 5 yeah let's go with that which is useful if you're trying to work out how many times you need to work there in order to get the head bouncer but I do not know what the little fail heads mean anyway it doesn't matter off we go to work I feel like the iconography of your game should either have like hover text to explain it or a tutorial section you can click over to or so tonight's twist is that we may see fake IDs and we have the disco medal now and we still can't press W so I have to sit on my hand [Music] I really did want to get a full play into two videos thinking oh I'll go so fast it won't be a problem and I forgot how long the actual days take well they'll just be long videos alright after before everything's good shoot that was a hologram free one I always had trouble with the hologram so we only have one more mistake before we get fined so I'm yes it does need a hologram next in line I'm not gonna be taking any fries tonight most likely but that means my social score will go back up so hey works for everyone this is expired [Music] after before good I don't know if I need to be checking faces but I'm trying to stay and have it for that your flag doesn't have color [Music] [Music] you are just old enough [Music] [Music] so we're back in me thinking we don't have enough time it really comes down to in some cases just a random generator of how many rejects you end up having to process [Music] [Music] no hologram entry young get out you're getting a bonus kid you just slam this next one in no matter what it is okay that got us at the bonus one we absolutely won't get two bonus two and it no longer matters so the best thing we could do is just sit here no we make it to want us to if we take her instantly there we go we got two bonus tier now everyone over that matters all right we did make bonus - excellent I did not think we would you really crushed it tonight euro we pass we got the bonus one I got the bonus - we did one over bonus 2 for 1 whole pound and then double that was 342 and since we didn't accept any bribes we are back up at a safe almost 100 Social Credit and we can finally press W for our clicker excellent I can use my keyboard mail is coming to bring what I believe is a new job yep Club Neal which we will be taking we need to pass 15 and we can warn four or five is a what is that mean two heads maybe that's I don't know something to do with how much they pay this is Doug who is not the same as Dave a mistake I made in my last playthrough but they both start with D and there are four letters and frankly the fact that I mix them up is the least surprising thing in the whole world to me all right so we've got to look for all the stuff I had to look for before plus now we have a guest list and the guest list I thought was mandatory I got confused about that in my last playthrough but it's actually just a bonus so we could let no guests in and the night can still be successful we just won't get the guest list bonus so I misunderstood that and I was in Doug's dialogue just now I just didn't understand oh it's so nice to be lured presto all right after before you don't have a hologram I will be taking bribes tonight should say that laughs oh yes I will be taking brush line Simon saucer after before everything else looks good IDO is not on this list her name isn't here [Music] shame you could have bribery Frank sterling after before guess I'm ID please Henry hopster Danny's dorky this seals sharp wit after before and we just met our guests bonus Dean Chabot [Music] [Music] you're out on here sure walk right on it [Music] I'm taking bribes I'm sure before [Music] all right we made varnish - everything else is over [Music] really the first thing to do is just let them in as fast as it possibly can not worry about the warnings at this stage [Music] so I've got plenty of warnings and what I need is the extra people bonus okay 32 nice this that is the way to min/max it is to not aim for perfection but to use your wording strategically all right Doug Doug who is not Dave there we go 14 pounds so there's a guestlist bonus for getting the guest list but it wasn't mandatory it was just if we wanted the hundred pounds all that we made two hundred thirty-nine tonight which is a pittance compared to what we need to earn and our social score went down slightly for taking the one bribe okay people say he isn't neo always neo now do not let him drink again all right so we will go to club neo where we need to pass 10 and we can warn 3 yeah oh you feel he's not doing too well he's not all right here we go Doug oh okay tonight is chubbies alright let's slam this out of the park [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Vic's office here can I help you neighbor just me is this your middle of the club never no more drinking I have to work wouldn't let me give him his ID back chalk that up to the buggy let's try this again instead it accepted him no that's not what I meant to take now I'm just making mistakes his ID got stuck under my hand when I gave him the medal and I couldn't get it Meo hate job couldn't get it back out and I tried to hit s4 reject thinking I had a reject clicker which I don't because I haven't upgraded it yet and instead it decided that I hit w that's fine keyboard what the hell do I need a new one [Music] when I press s I needed to know that I pressed us all right daymo javi [Music] Donovan choppy [Music] all right let's talk to Beth love again I need to put his ID over here and then give him the item then hand it back to him okay there we did close my back after before all right yes this gentleman I apologize for making you wait though there is no really Thomas on here if your name's not down you're not coming in through the guest door tonight is this only Chubby's Chevy choppy indigo TV Charlie you go [Music] so what had confused me about the guest lists was on my first time through I had thought it was a mandatory aspect of the night and had not really is that it's just an optional bonus the fact that it's an optional bonus makes much more sense as to why you still have to check all the things [Music] but you still have to check all the normal stuff you just you also have to check to make sure their names on the list and that was confusing to me because it was like if their names on the list um why do I need to check you know why would the party organizer [Music] you're not on the list why would the party organizer invite [Music] people who don't belong in his club but what I needed to think of it as was the same game mechanic but an optional bonus round type of thing [Music] you can take the warning if you mess everyone okay there we go but yeah if you once you recognize that this is not required to pass tonight it's just an extra bonus money layer it makes sense that the name check is just an extra check on top of all the regular checking or at least it makes more sense to me that helped click oh okay all right hold on just one second and we're back let's go see what Doug thought of our performance okay main guest list boom there we go to 1853 we're criminally underpaid all right so we're gonna advance the day Lucille is coming Lucille is Doug's sister sake talk calling [Music] [Music] and now we have 27 new items to buy [Music] which we will not be purchasing but the bare minimum there are nicer clothes which I do not know if we actually have to buy and where Doug told us to but I don't want to the phone skins do nothing if I have a criticism of the game it's that well for one it gives me a phone skin that will give me a working screen and for two the upgrades to actually do something the coffee pots make you faster at your next job but I don't actually think they're worth the 15 grand it cost to buy them so I'm gonna go tonight our only job option as the king's head so we're gonna go there click to past 20 and 1 1 which we don't really need to work at the King said anymore because we've already gotten the disco medal but we need to work somewhere gonna make money and [Music] so we're down to one mistake and we need the past 20 so we essentially need to be perfect tonight we won't be taking any bribes [Music] after before hologram and he didn't say but we do need to be checking for fortress that guy nearly got us which very much herbs being because if you're going to add a sure before if you're going to add something you really need to tell the player it would have been easy enough for Dave to say that check to make sure they actually have the right picture it is on the flyer the picture is circled but is that her I honestly can't tell her hair was dark and I couldn't tell if the dark hair matched the dark hair picture so [Music] that's a source of frustration remove with the picture checking you do need to give the player enough lighting to tell whether people look like their picture [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no hologram on your ID mm after before sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's not you I wish they had me the wrong pictures more clearly wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can't there's no point do it okay so we didn't get bonus - and we got one morning but we didn't get find and frankly that one morning was bogus all right what does Doug think of our performance smash it out of the park [Music] [Music] so 300 pounds and we may have just leveled up our bouncer level I walked out pretty quickly looks like we did we have an orange clicker now yay we have post resist the scorpion watches help Nick love okay we have already done what we could tonight we will go to club Neal we have to pass a 15 and 1/2 might we should get head bouncer which means we can get the Prosecco all right the guest list is two pages tonight we don't actually care about letting guests in except to just get seven because that is an optional add-on understanding that made the game so much easier for my brain to wrap around optional [Music] let's go check on the guest list people Darcy jumps I don't see you on your dirty hopeful Hicks I do see you in here you're allowed Dena dr. Sam Smith Harrison Fisher [Music] Danny gherkin all right take two more of those after before your ad is expired feel free to come in miss 50 pounds after afar [Music] I do please Harrison Foster I don't see you on here [Music] lady please scooty fell I just need one more you Oscar berry yes you may go in the rest of you can brought after you are underage I would have accepted a bribe [Music] video 3 Horan [Music] I get two pounds for letting people in over as a bonus too but if I can find somebody who has something wrong with our ad I can make 50 pounds getting a bribe which is incredibly messed up when you think about it I guess she was having fits I don't want to get a warrior for them getting upset [Music] that is closing time and off we go talk to Doug what's foreign for well done do you know a chick named my lorna and why no reason everyone knows my mom 308 pounds good for us off to bed we go we're the new head bouncer club theo which means we can get the door Seco jeff is visiting we have bills now which we had to pay on the 21st [Music] so Lucille says Doug please I can't keep doing this how was I meant to know crew sake it was Italian come on enough enough so I had thought in my last playthrough I had thought it was Dave that was blackmailing her dame of the King's Head which never really made sense to me I fully admit that it I didn't understand why the per se Co at neo was being used by the guy at Kings head to to blackmail her that confused me but I just assumed that I missed something um when in reality I had Dave mixed up with Doug so I am fairly slandered Dave many times in the original playthrough saying that he had been blackmailing Lucille um I feel bad about that maybe Dave isn't so bad I still think he's apparently stalking my Lorna which is not great but maybe I misunderstood that too wouldn't that be lovely if I misunderstood I would like to have misunderstood that I would rather be wrong about something like that but I am glad that I was wrong that day was a blackmailer it is in fact it does [Music] so that makes me happy oh good we get to meet Shannon for the first time hi is it reggae night tonight yes but over 18 is only baby see there's a mistake on my TV the old best bouncer knew all about it but you were you born don't tell anyone nice try go I don't know why she's so young and I just screwed up a photo [Music] [Music] [Music] but in my defense they all look very similar with this pixel art I do feel like in papers please it made more sense to have pictures because they actually did have facial features and decent lighting here you have neither [Music] that's not you [Music] this is not a good ideas as a bad flag alright you jerks giving good IDs to get six more to get the extra bonus I do not think I will [Music] this is ideas a fake hologram [Music] [Music] [Music] look how good Miki we made foolish tone go talk to Doug there's a way for our report card to hurry up 478 pounds we're back to a safe Social Credit Ferris is dropping by that's gonna be my favorite flesh wall next week is festival time rhaggy cheese heads and lots of them take this cheese thank you so much so if we go into shopper and go to special I think you can just buy another ten of those we will use them the news is a crime scene and tonight we will go to club neo we need to pass 17 we can only one get two warnings and we want to get this door Seco okay so now we can give that to Lucile his sister whom he is blackmailing and who Dave from King said is not blackmailing dunk is blackmailing Doug Doug did not Dave all right and if we see any people with cheddar on their heads we can send them cheese after before everything else is good [Music] [Music] hurry let's go talk to her guess those people here are some wait who is not on here fortune Thomas after before [Music] more and white ideas not correct is a puppet [Music] all right got to in a sure before you go new cheese's tonight after before I didn't know if they would start showing up early Sophia grant Sophia grant I don't see [Music] Riley Roberts [Music] this is Ross Masterson I thought I let him in because I couldn't figure out how to my hand got stuck in an outstretched possession position Wendy hey Taylor I need to get the bonus your flag is bad get out ah sure before I really like this book [Music] almost at and Andy burns okay there's my estimates and we passed so now we just get three more fun bonus bathroom [Music] okay that may 21 and I might as well my father for the rest of it yeah okay but we meet bonus one and we got our guestlist bonus which was really all I wanted by Doug you're a terrible person who apparently blackmails your own sister we will be poisoned at a family reunion I predict that for you okay and our social score is perfection so that's good that will be nice when we start selling drugs soon terror alert in your area silence this edition will really have nothing better to do than to go to the King's Head pub where we have to get sixteen and only have one warning so you have to essentially be perfect it would be nice if we could sell some drugs but over there [Music] they're burning a hole in my pocket I have a perfect credit score so there's really no point in not selling drugs at this point Shannon is in line no Shannon how about listening to Ricky at home and you are still too young Shannon you are still too young after before this is apparently not you even though the only differences that in the future you are wearing a little flower piece in your head which honestly is quite silly that I should pick up on that no cheese heads tonight that means the line goes quickly [Music] your flag has got no color [Music] is you but the expiration date is off [Music] [Music] octogram get out no one is even trying [Music] very devious no color [Music] great name - and no one has tried to bribe us so disappointing are you trying to bribe us you try to bribe us none of you will try to bribe us [Music] I much prefer the orange one to the cow one that frustrates me if I don't want the upgrade I should be able to drink town oh well okay Dave give us our scorecard all right 556 not too bad got an A we didn't get any winnings I didn't think so why wasn't an S who knows the scoring to me is as esoteric as how many angels can dance on the head of a pin face Dave Kings head Dave some odd types of it hanging around my place I'm probably worrying over nothing cheese festival so tonight's options are to work clothing you and that is the only option past 17 weren't to sell drugs maybe find out hello Doug unpleasant Doug Oh blackmail Doug [Music] I'll leave my bag open just in case although I do not see anyone with cheese either cuz I guess that doesn't start until the festival after before in you go [Music] let us go check our guest list over here [Music] you're not on here buddy there's a bill Smith [Music] Cristobal [Music] what an interesting name Asher but I have known some people with some interesting names [Music] I saw your name [Music] I really thought I did I will be making a complaint [Music] [Music] this guy's legit because then we can gather the guests line Winston Bell [Music] there you are well we'll take one more I guess pretty cunning [Music] Simon pencil you don't pull or bribe me those are your options [Music] oh I'm trying Doug [Music] you were - yes where are all my juicy bribes I wish to file a complaint about the lack of proper bribes [Music] Ricki [Music] he was on the list but he was too late to come in sorry oh we I bet you feel like a right Wally sorry that was a have time to British humor it wasn't very good alright how do we do 612 not bad transaction pending Faro is Tuesday it's our first day at the cheese festival I need to read my messages because texter saying bounce around I mean miss if she reached over for an unmarked guest list - which means we can flip back and forth with the a and D keys good excellent alright hello it is terrible they arrested V claw for bombing the king's head my mclubbe would never do such a thing [Music] feat love was arrested news bouncer we will go to the cheese fest we can pass 15 I know hey have four warnings I like how when it's the first night of the job we have more warnings because that's when we're gonna mess up the most this is the festival guy about time you showed festival is about to start everyone needs a ticket and don't forget the VIPs rhaggy beast is tonight's password and we need to check that the tickets has a day and stamp all right and we need to get three VIPs to say Rick a beast shouldn't be too hard I love the fact that a3 and that you predicted that there would be rain we absolutely must not sell the cops but I do not think cops are a thing just yet so first of all would you like some cheese yes absolutely I would where is your ticket [Music] we're how do I get home rosary this is a freaking bug and I can't ask because I don't have they really need to fix that I can't reject them because the ID disappears and I can't I guess I could have let her in and taken the warning but I didn't want to if I've got to touch their stupid ID to reject them which it really should be a key but okay you have to upgrade for the key the ID student disappear I don't know where it went when the lessons zipping over the clipboard and I'm not seeing it all right that's enough ranting for me okay you're good to go after before everything stand after before everybody dance and Just My Luck nobody with a cheese hat shows up now you're expired [Music] you don't have a ticket you have to have a ticket password please and you go so we've got movies over here then we're gonna give the cheese okay after before Asher before how does not show up disappearing IDs the first time around and I don't know what if I'm doing something wrong if the game is doing something it's like what that isn't because of EFT [Music] today is not Monday [Music] I don't know why it's staying in my hands that troubles me last person gave you Craig faster well it's stupidly assumed that they knew what they were doing yeah there's something going on with used to when I would give them drugs I would get the drugs would drop back in my adidas bag and their documents would pop back up so I don't know what's going on there but it's troubling because I don't want that to continue being a bug [Music] please don't be just stuck here the hook are you kidding me what did they do in this update to break this game don't make me redo this whole night [Music] don't make me do this whole night [Music] Wow I am not happy right now so they have done something to bug out the cheeser festival or I'm doing something to bug out the teaser festival we never had trouble before believe I have to do the whole night all over again [Music] can't believe I have to take the whole night over I cannot believe I got to do the whole night all over [Music] I don't know what's to stop it from bugging again that's what worries me all right oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a fake no it doesn't have a hologram get out [Music] you have another tickets you know who I am [Music] [Music] okay we got the VIP valise [Music] [Music] this has no stamp [Music] he didn't take it please yours has no stamps and you clearly heard me say this the other guys so you're just wasting my time [Music] you are not a VIP get out [Music] so that's it never mind so much for let's play for the trying to a perfect chapter one because the entire month is [Music] I don't know what to do except to send about her reports the doves and say what's going on here um okay well that concludes this let's play because I can't I can't finish this chapter I can't finish this night um I'm very frustrated I'm sorry um okay I don't know what else to do so something in the update that came down today broke the festival and I will need to send a bug report to the devs and I'm so sorry because I really wanted to do a perfect chapter run for everyone and I I guess that won't be happening God I'm so sorry I I feel really bad about that I will my name is Anna Myrtle this has been not tonight I will see you in the next video if they fix this night then um you'd all keep going or I won't if they don't but we'll figure out what what we'll do um thanks for watching us and I will see you in the next video I'm really sorry bye bye this is gonna be a test and if this doesn't work then I'm just gonna trash this part of the video but when I got off of not tonight and went to go email the developer I couldn't find an email I could find a Twitter I couldn't find an email um developers make it possible for people to report a bug put a link in here we want to help you I noticed that Steam said there was another update and so I killed the game let it update pulled it back up instead of top four three one we've got dot four three three it is possible that somebody noticed the bug in tonight's again the reason I say I'm gonna delete this if it doesn't work is I already have made you guys watched the entire night of the 16th what two times already and I'm not gonna make you watch it a third time if I can't get past it so let's see how this goes hey but I need you to fluff up a ball let's get out of here and I'm gonna rouse the developers a little bit if they sent out an update the broke such a major aspect of the game the the drug dealing without realizing that they've broken it you have to have a ticket to get in um yeah okay sure all it subscribe got plenty of rings it feels sluggish I feel like I'm having to grab the IDS harder than usual [Music] [Music] password please reggae beast indigo if I give him the drugs is is his ID gonna disappear okay it didn't good I did have to drag it back to my adidas bag but you don't have a ticket [Music] related I'm finding with it [Music] he said to grab the cheeser to take it back throws their documents all over my screen not particularly where I would have liked them to be from home but I suppose beggars can't be choosers I do think it's weird that I have to take the cheese or back I got a fake ID which was a lot harder to tell because there you have an expired light ID license get out you're acting on the decency to bribe me then get out quickly last call get a few more just as person [Music] so I'm gonna sell them cheese I'm sorry but your color grandma's not valid oh I hate you you got some cheese off me though that's gotta be worth something buddy all right don't let me down light oh thank god okay they just first good they fixed whatever it was okay I'm relieved so so somebody must have told them right away that it wasn't working including me because I tweeted them okay 46 pounds go to heck two warnings that we also mean 310 and dark money and we lost nine credit points for selling drugs and taking bribes all right tomorrow is Wednesday and Lucile should drop by honky-tonk calling all the crap you don't want at prices you can't sorry pet family problems okay so again it was it was her brother that unlike that birdie buddy Pro Seiko damn you Doug so here is the pro Seiko door Seiko accidentally sold her crate to mio from Dorset they said I didn't know Dorsett doesn't have any vineyards world famous they said world famous but with the embargo against non UK produce Doug has been blackmailing me ever since Doug her brother family family problems okay not Dave sorry Dave and to thank us she has put some extra honky-tonk stuff on our on our shopper app and I think these are actually useful no they're not I have no interest in these however the flat also doesn't have anything useful but at least with the tiled walls I feel less depressed cheese or whoa go back cheese er there we go I'm not sure how we ended up in the bouncer app and um I don't think there's any problem on going ahead and paying our bills now the only reason I didn't was because I wanted to see what would come up on shopper when we freed Lucille from her brother so now we're going to take job we need to pass eighteen and one no more than two who is a good kid I'm very glad they fixed the bug right away hoppy puppy party is tonight password very excited that I can just move the clicker and radio out of our way wish I'd noticed happened [Music] all right after before Wednesday good you don't have a ticket after before you don't have a stand good I want to reconsider quick short and you go I will take bribes after before I don't know why I mistook day for Doug except for the dyslexia thing but also just because Doug was her brother I did you found his sister sure then again it is not even remotely surprising Doug he's a jerk we've known that since we met him so after before why he even let me think he was Dave would you like some cheese password please papi puppy party [Music] your ID is now but still bought my drugs didn't you buddy [Music] your ideas fake just okay we need to get at least five more people in which is tricky because a lot of people aren't doing their ticket people it's not that hard and I'm gonna have to start getting little careless at me just to get them all in on time [Music] I don't like being careless [Music] and you go okay we've bonus one never on formal Irish no stop there's no more Jesus come anything I don't want to get fined and there's no way we're gonna make it to 24 so there's no difference between 20 and 24 in terms of pay for the night clothing time is first I'm so nervous now that guy said okay good yes we yes we see what his pain it wasn't so high it make you head doorman best of a guy that's what the poem [Music] 475 pounds again thanks to our lucrative drug dealing my plan is to continue to sell drugs throughout cheesefest and then all of the next month I can keep my oh the next week I'll keep my Social Credit I don't know how well that'll work because I seem to remember that the blue power pills entered at some point Kingston was burned down the bastards etc so if the king's head was burned down by someone other than the resistance it was a false flag operation why is there resistance claiming credit for it the king's head has fallen the rest will follow Europe forever I don't really understand that but it turns out I also don't care so the two cancel each other out yes you do yes they do tonight we should make hit bouncer and then we can get the CD and then we can give it to Shannon it's a routine thing is the password and we can have two learnings before we get fined [Music] you know I did not give that to her no I didn't I refuse to take the loss on that I put it in my adidas bag I'm not happy about whatever they did to bug up this it was not a perfect game by far but yeah you got it you gotta check these things before you release a patch that bugs something up that's just careless and I am frustrated cuz if it hadn't been for that one night where everything went wouldn't close I would think I was doing something wrong like that good really bad at this or something I did not hand that one cheeser [Music] and now we got a warning because I'm also have had up worked up [Music] [Music] sin yes you know Shannon you're too young no Shannon going give us some teaser put it back in I don't think you got a hologram or we did good [Music] it's very fancy don't like I'm gonna drag it back over [Music] ah it looked like he said the right one [Music] great Bob it's not my fault that your VI Kings can't say that hazard properly I know I don't like that if you're gonna have them give the wrong path forgive a genuinely wrong password not like one letter change or something I don't know how many letter has ever changed but it felt like it was close because again people with dyslexia exist maybe it was massively wrong and I'm just thinking it wasn't I sure didn't see it okay so actually the best thing that you do now is to just hold still rather than risk continuing to make mistakes because if I make another mistake I'll get a formal I'll get a fine okay here we go closing time so you met her VAP sold almost solar cheater come inside Oh and a okay and the dev said we just had a look at this try our latest update so that was good they're responsible to Cork [Music] that's nice head bouncer good okay we like it when doves are nice yes we do yes we do it's not their fault a head above I mean it is but everything has bugs bugs are inevitable I visit villa you gave him disco okay so she gives us a resistance symbol and tonight we're gonna go no oh all we have is the king's head tonight okay past 15 more to I don't really care about debt huh crap I meant to buy some more cheese oh well actually if I don't deal tonight that'll be good for my social credits so let's just say I didn't buy cheese on purpose thank god you're here look at this place I can prove it the conspiracy I have a USB okay so we need to become head bouncer again no tickets no entry and no French people so regular ID stuff tickets with a day at a stamp and in French people are not allowed and we're not dealing tonight the adidas bag stays closed already that goes over there that goes over there out of my way should say Friday so after before we're not French everything after stamping these tickets this isn't like at a festival where there's a gate after [Music] okay [Music] no she leave sweetheart you're French I'm sorry [Music] there is no follow gram on your ID this idea is well dodgy get out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the French I'm so sorry no entry for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just as well that I didn't by any chance because there are no she says in the line Oh actually I like is all right there did not get enough to make the second bonus partly because so many rejects from my line go talk to Dave 70 pounds thanks so much Dave great working with you but our credit score will go back up to safe you need to read my messages I don't want to read my messages Dave here King said Dave I guess that's you and me we're gonna find out who bones like a five loses some jobs a bounce right great yeah right Dave don't care advanced day Jeb is here see how happy they are extremely happy face all right one one two oh he's new he says your social capital went down Christ check bouncer your profile page I know you spicy sausage suckers I know what you get up to failing jobs accepting bribes skipping work all that well drives down your social credit score and look around we know what your worse or not okay short version that score gets much lower I'll kick your arse out of here myself say Thank You officer jump Thank You officer job no like you mean it Thank You officer job my bloody pleasure remember we're always watching so um we actually had gone back up to safe but I guess that was because we dipped into dubious feels like he could have timed that a little bit better I don't know if that means I should stop selling cheese at the cheese festival I kind of hadn't intended to I had planned to go for broke at the cheese festival and then and then stop when the cheese festival was over basically so Doug can her jug can go check himself as the line people are happy to tell me I want to finish out this chapter but it's taking a lot longer than I expected it to um maybe I could cut the chapters of the two you know I think I should otherwise this is gonna be super long run so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have gonna hurt booth I'm going to go ahead and cut tonight and this will be the first half of chapter one on a an attempt at a perfect run where I do all the right things and speak to all the right people so I'm gonna pause the video here and then I'll pick up in the next video because otherwise they're just gonna be like three hours long again nobody wants that so I will pick this up in the next video and we'll finish chapter one then thank you so much for coming along and for watching even more of this game when I said I wasn't going to continue but then I was I started like I said I started watching my old footage of thought oh man I misunderstood a lot I made a lot of mistakes I should go back and fix those so um my name is Anna Mardle this is not tonight and I will see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Ana Mardoll
Views: 1,347
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: not tonight, let's play
Id: ur3Dxx6lUiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 38sec (8018 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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