RTGame Archive: The Sims 3 (02/07/2018)

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and those of you that were there for the stream like Noda I was absolutely they kind of sweatin and well hey it was a tough stream honestly to kind of maintain just because it was so goddamn hot today it's a bit cooler it's about 33 degrees but it's still [ __ ] warm so what I've done and I need to check this in the audio check right now can you hear the fan that's on in the background is I hope to god it's not coming out on the mic because I I kinda need it today the other thing that I have is the window is open behind me so I'm trying to get a bit more kind of air into this room just so I don't suffocate while I'm streaming you can't hear it okay that's perfect that's good here DJ thanks 100 bits what's black and white and red all over pokemon black and white that caught fire from how lit things it was terrible DJ Herrick J as well thank you for subscribing thank you very much guys okay alright so we're okay on the audio so then I can keep my fan on thank God for that cuz because I was just gonna melt if you do that the second thing I want to give notice to any of you who have been following me since my tf2 videos will probably already know about this I put out a ping for it in the discord last night but I want to give it a special mention just on stream right now because it's a big major thing I've been working towards the past couple of months give me one moment just to get this up on stream because naturally everything is breaking already price a piece may steep nasty Mase tea thank you for subscribing which Prime a berry much fun okay yep so here is the thing hopefully this is size correctly it is okay so black choco charity bash last year anyone has been following my channel for a long time knows I did it like a big charity thing in the tf2 community called the Black Codes summer jam I'm doing it again this year and we're trying to raise money for child's play charity we announced it last night we've already raised like a thousand dollars which is actually absurd like we announced as less than 12 hours ago and we're already like close to 10% of our of the way there but this is gonna be a 24 hour tf2 charity livestream with a bunch of my mates basically I'm the one organizing it I'm like I've been putting this together like over the last couple of months there's a bunch of info about it on the donation page I'll I'll pop a link for it in the twitch chat in just a moment last year I raised like close to 15 grand this year we're going for the full 15 grand if you donate as well you actually get an item in tf2 and that's kind of one of the cool things like I've set up with valve a nice little schnazzy thing that I can say about these medals because there's three of them the descriptions and all the medals were written by me most important thing I'm making jammers replace literally everything with avocados and then we have an avocado a day keeps the doctor away you just have to hit him between the eyes and then we have distinguish yourself from the Millennials by proudly proclaiming you eat avocado toast so those are all written by me and those are submitted to valve by me and like the names and that like that's all stuff that I got to kind of design so that's actually really cool PI bond model the medals for the night I got everything else kind of submission um so I just wanted to get special notice to that cuz that's gonna be a really big thing happen at the end of this month it just went live last night I'm gonna set up some night ball commands in the future just so it kind of has a refresher on stream but yeah I just wanted to give it like kind of special mention because this is a thing that is happening and Jesus Christ you could just got another fifty dollars in right there so that's kind of mad yeah that's the blob to go charity bash that'll be at the end of the month so I want to get special mention - let me quickly just grab a little cheeky link for it in the twitch chat oh yeah that that's that's the black bash that's happening at the end of this month like 92 degrees here at new york LMAO oh god yeah it's like 33 degrees Celsius here right now it's pretty hot like I'm really feeling it oh it's toasty oh Jesus Jordan thanks for the sunflowers and bits as well that's sang quit there thank you very much man okay let's let's not delay any longer then we're gonna check back in with America's number one family can you hear the game okay yeah let me just up that a bit there we go okay I think you can hear it too well now hang on hang on there we go it's time to check in with America's number one family no it's not black bull mines thanks mrs. Garvin I'm not logged in it's anyone out login I like to live dangerously never answer my question do you like Minecraft yeah I do throw the chill Gameboy friends it's pretty good oh this does not look safe for work already find the late-night love lamp that mines being drenched something about their jaws scares me we rejoin the action of course but Harry Hill enraged at a game of chess against himself how was it going Harry okay well he's clearly losing despite just playing himself Oh God but welcome back to the Bob family household everybody now the tragic thing I realized when I was setting up for this stream because we lost the save on the first stream this means we have to watch Ross Bob die again because the sentence I still what they were before so that's actually quite tragic I think he I think he's already spent his first day of his life so that means he's probably going to die tomorrow so that that actually is quite obsession he may not make it the leisure day here it's approaching in a couple of days Ross Bob doesn't have long he may not be around here so that actually is like quite sad but you know we're gonna make sure that he lives a good life he's got about 12 hours left and he's just gonna have us in other than her nap you know I think he's making the most of his time I love about four hours in the morning before he dies you know so that's all right you can see what his dreams are in a moment while the ouija streaming a football because of course dream of the Mario Strikers days freakin afraid Bob it's still keeping a watchful eye for criminals I put not Epona it's just enjoying the fountain the summer heat is getting tourist though she's was taking her chill as well and meanwhile oh my god Jordan there is another one just for you Jesus Christ man thank you again thank you very much man that's very Connie that's 20 good now thank you very much Billy Bob is just like eatin waffles at 1:00 in the morning and dilly Bob I think is just having to work birthday cake why do we they don't eat the birthday cake from the last stream did we forget to celebrate that Jim dad it was someone's birthday WA wait you're SEMA starting a new relationship and a neighborhood like this that definitely won't go unnoticed would you like to learn more about romantic visibility in relationships I don't know who's in love but we're gonna have to track him down later Billy Bob just picked up Bob you always remember just how incredibly self Bob felt in his arms unicorn al how's it going I give her subscribin how was it going friend Oh don't seem keen on going to bed despite it being like 1:00 in the morning Harry is still just playing chess I like to I am oh no he's finally gone to bed and afraid Bob it's picking up the game where he left off Jesus Christ afraid Bob okay let's just let's just have them a peaceful night's slumber it's just rest up itu continuing on its plan for twitch domination it's been kind of nuts lately I think we're about 10 subs off the soccer mode now like we're actually insanely close so we may even get at this stream depending on how things go if we do the night I'll pause the Sims just a - let's take a while to go true but we live in hope it's Bob's birthday today she embarks in the next stage of life escapes a great adventure well that's great because it was a different Bob's birthday yesterday and they forgot the ether cake so we can just use it now I'm sure to put it in the fridge or something it's also Billy's birthday it's also the other Billy's birthday this works really well okay um let's okay so Barbara debt is really hungry so we're just gonna serve the cake right away Oh pop up is gonna level up again they're all eatin the autumn salad that was just left I was on the counter last night none of them are bothering to get changed they're very comfortable family I think it's the best way to describe us [Music] they're okay in each other's precedence as they all have a solace for the morning and just ignore the birthday cake no waluigi you kept waluigi you can't just do that no no you can you own up for your actions you're not going to school you clean that for can play I said yeah know what waluigi if you did clean up the [ __ ] dishes you're not going to school for the love of God man you can't just do that no don't just put it back down again just so he's just skipping school now the bus is waiting for him and they're all just blowing out a birthday cake no waluigi by the ouija you got to pick up the place come on we don't have time the bus is gonna leave put the plate away put the plates away yep he's getting them come on they're celebrating Bob Bob bobs birthday by being trapped in the wall come on Waluigi go clean them well I guess we don't have actually as a kitchen sink for them so this will have to do I'm sure that's how eunuch I don't see any issue with that is it just me or is the game freezin every couple of seconds well they might be the amount of phones we have okay well it's Bob Bob's birthday again due to our difficult upbringing once again you would not be allowed to choose the trait for Bob Bob has developed the mooch trace so the circumstances have changed this time dr. Felix thank you for subscribing we hope you enjoying the stream map so this the circumstances have changed this time Bob Bob may only be like a toddler now but she's gone she's just gonna mooch off of everyone by asking for handouts okay and these guys are still just celebrating Bob Bob birthday in the drywall we should probably get them out of there no idea I think the fountains are actively lagging the game I'm just noticing that like we're starting every now and then who's not a pony even thinking of I don't know how that person is okay well the fountains are gonna just gradually destroy this same household so we have that going for us let's see did waluigi make it to school no he skipped school on a field trip day by which I mean he's just he's just smelling the garbage I might gonna give the cat a slice of cake that's actually very sweet okay well where is the man of the hour Ross Bob needs to pee before he dies so Ross Bob and I'll put that in the birthday cake I think you've seen enough birthdays my friend yeah sure just just leaves the I go pee and we're gonna then go make the most of your day okay satellites a cake all over the place for hurt look even like a bit more cake there it's nice quality still despite being non-existent just pretty good that's pretty good okay so Ross Bob we need to go on an adventure with Ross Bob oh my god the game is my god okay can i I'm gonna adjust the sentence cuz the game the game is actually chugging on visual effects medium light and shadows we're just gonna hop some of this down we'll see if that runs a bit better some of them we have to restart for but the others we should be okay Jesus Christ Jordan thank you very much giving you another one because you always make me laugh and help me treat my days thank you thank you very much right there 25 quid Jordan that's really con do you know I I'm glad to hear that man you always very welcome here okay so Ross Bob is gonna go on a field trip with a fraid Bob they're gonna go to the beach oh come on Ross Bob you grab that cat and let's get going he's just finishing his game of chess and he's no sprinting oh he's surprisingly fit considering he's only got a day left to live where are you where is afraid Bob no yeah no the cat the cat is on his way for the field trip I think the cats gonna have to walk cause the cat does not know how to call a taxi oh no the cat just walked into the taxi oh no it's not the taxi it's a sloppy jalopy okay oh here we go going on a road trip ah there we go let's go to the beach he's dreaming of the pictures like he remembers them in the good old days which I mean yesterday he hasn't been alive long okay we're now at the beach let's have an extreme beverage it's time to leave all of your dreams Ross Bob and the cat is gonna go sniff this woman named Pauline who's sitting over here go get I'm afraid cats gonna go flirt with this nice lady here come on now Ross Bob's got himself a drink because god only knows he's gonna he's gonna need it going to station the nice in the nice chair here meanwhile Barbara please sit down what's going on with Barbara okay well where else Bob's having his drink cat the cats getting off to a good start with Pauline let's be brush how can the cat even communicate be brushed like how would this sim know oh but this is what the cat wants more importantly why does she just have a brush on her okay well the cat's just having his way see Miss Bachelor oh no he's wrong he's trying to get in with Pauline here oh no he's trying to get in with Ross Bob okay this guy looks like he might be dying tomorrow too so let's just have them bum this seems as a bachelor and he's trying to hook up with Ross Bob on his final day to live let's play chase while work watching here why is not Epona so hungry hey not Epona eat your hay just just eat the hay you get to it what's wrong we're not opponent okay well maybe maybe we have to move that oh I think it's cuz of all the freaking flamingos okay let's just move some of the flamingos then although I like these lawn ornaments the horse is actually dying of starvation because he can't reach his food so we should probably consider moving them over a bit okay let's see if you can access your hay now oh now you're just being unreasonable what do you mean there's a door in the way a freaking horse is like trapped in a prison of the mind have an existential dredge not Epona like look the flamingos are gone there's enough space now if they've taken over the entrance of the house you know come on not Epona you gotta eat your hay what's we have to move it again he wants to go in the house if you want to make mac and cheese I buy the wrong food wait what is wrong with our horse he's going to die of starvation if I don't fix this it literally surrounded by food come on not opponent you just get you got a walk you got to do it you have to move you're going to die hey oh my god the our horse is gonna die cuz he what cut he can't be arsed to walk over and eat the hay fill in the water the water doesn't have anything to do with it the waters over here the play he's not in the pond hey dice we got the same okay alright move the hay okay all right all right we're gonna try fill in the water emergency landscaping looks sick not alone I don't want our horse to die cuz he just can't be arsed to walk over okay there's some more field come on now there's no excuse please please eat the hay I can't say I can't save not Epona and someone has to go to work whose job is it who's missing work I'm trying to save our horse cuz he can't eat his [ __ ] meal is it Bob Bob for work so Waluigi oh no it's Ross Bob now Ross Bob you got to get to work I know it's your last day to live but all the family's dependent on it well he's already there how did he know he's already at work wouldn't he leave the beach I was afraid Bob afraid Moffat she's just oh you can't do that that's like you can't just leave the patch oh oh he's stuck here but what is the car you must have taken this Lee Ross Bob just ditched the cat on his last day to live to go work a 9 to 5 and now the cat's just like living on the bench and the horse is still gonna [ __ ] die cuz they won't move you gotta eat the hay I don't I don't know what to do the horse is going to die on our front lawn because he's lost the use of his legs what do I do I don't teleport the horse I don't know hey this isn't Star Trek we can't just do that ctrl shift let's see but that just paused the game we can't pick up the horse I got it I gotta think of something can I raise the terrain around no attack thank you for subscribing okay wait no I was trying to raise the ground the horse was on no this has made it worse this is made it infinitely worse we got it we got to save our horse Oh what what do I even do here he's just an ass now [Music] how do i how do I get him out I got a lower the terrain I got a lower the terrain quickly I got [ __ ] what is wrong with my horse what is it what do I do how do I save him our horse is defying gravity right now but he's going to die of starvation hell of what the horsies in council how do I do a lot I don't know how I've never cheated I'm a Christian gamer I don't know these ways shift control see I did shift control see it just pauses the game I'm doing shift control see it just poses this that is the console why do I exist the council everyone screaming at me how horse is gonna die I will open the console I do it laughs you okay it's up there you bar on what where is it it's at the top left chatty I'll close all these [ __ ] tips where is it gone I don't see it no Barbara you gotta help us all the wages is painting a [ __ ] painting you got to do something top left there's nothing on the top left there's nothing there chief control see top left oh oh no it's there oh okay okay okay what do I do I got a savior [ __ ] odorous what do I do well what's the command wait what's the Chabad how do we save our horse now put the chat is moving a mile a minute what is it what's the command please it's not mutter lo that going gives you money reset sim not a pony Bob I'm [ __ ] panicking I'm not even typing straight well don't just cut the Ross Bob oh thank god he made it out unfortunately he walks backwards now but we saved him and all that cost was our front lawn oh [Laughter] thank god Waluigi can i just stress this this guy is [ __ ] no help so I pop up could paint a better painting than this he's just sitting here well I'm not opponent was dying of hunger just painting the scene like for the love of God my god oh god I just realized is is the fan and I need to move the fine I'm gonna just make sure that's well positioned away because I think that actually was hitting the mic a little bit there oh okay okay well he's just gonna keep making the painting not opponent is saved okay will you eat your your your food can you now eat the hey are we gonna have the same problem again oh now you [ __ ] do it not even facing the hey lucky you're not opponent damn horse it's given us a heart attack we lost the last day of Ross Bob's life just to help this goddamn stupid horse and we can't even fix this flip in the terrain that's permanently stuff like that now we have a pothole on our front lawn we lost the last day of Ross Bob's life to save our horse and he's still in [ __ ] work 7:00 at night Ross Bob you know you're going to die once you finish your shift this is the last day of his life I know he's grungy didn't get new socks he forgot to have a shower he doesn't have time to fill his lifelong dream to learn an athletic skill or go to the day spa the day spa is now closed like we're never going to be able to fulfill this his lifetime wish was to become an astronaut we didn't come close we just saved a stupid horse Waluigi Bob just grasp the basics of painting he'll always remember that moment where it all start to come together yeah I hope he remembers that moment when not opponent was just starving and defying gravity as he was just like painting away that could've been Ross Bob history I still can't get rid of this pothole The Fountains are messed up now as well these ones should be down in the cliff like waluigi just skipped school and he just painter in his underwear all day with like flip-flops on a who does that Harry Hill is just having a nap at eight o'clock Jesus Christ Harry be exhausted Ohio MoMA again I gotta I gotta just the window hang on one sec guys I don't know how well you can hear that the like basically there is like a bunch of children just screaming their heads off outside a school nearby said I get a bit rowdy okay that's a stove I'm back in hopefully that fan is going to keep me alive man Jesus to bliss thanks for six months how do you not know how to use a console it's the exact reason why I have no desire to pursue a career in the tech support industry also half a year already thank you very much hon that Jesus Christ that isn't claimed okay all right so we saved our horse Waluigi did a painting and Ross Bob's going to die now Billy Bob we're gonna catch up on the action here float in the sea there are thousands of other fans floating around in the sea of psycho fans and it's hard to stand out as a distinguished young fan your boss recommends a quick read of getting noticed in the sea of fans doing so and that your job performance increase and improve your relationship with your boss now the problem here is I don't know if Billy Bob is the type of person who knows how to read but he's also not the kind of person who knows how to say no so we'll just accept that and hopefully works guys that's fine okay Arie Hills now dreaming of not Epona and non Epona is dreaming of having a horse family and music while the way Jesus still [ __ ] paint him after all this time he hasn't done anything else he's running out of energy at this point how many subs until you can get the sakamoto it's now ten away I believe so we're getting pretty damn close so that's a camo I'll stop the stream for a moment to add it if we hit it today actually yeah it's only ten more subs until we hit like 300 so we got that we got a new ammo on stream this is passion for painting what's he drawing oh he's drawn the [ __ ] house would light like a child's impression of it like look how tall it's like here's the pyramid you can see her to say [Music] he's drawn the house oh my god true Irish at work you know he's really in his element surrounded by the flamingos Waluigi just grass the basic is still painting he'll always remember that moment where they'll start to come together you heard of here Waluigi is a it's an artist in the Macon front until the left work gruntilda earned $98 why is there a tombstone next to gruntilda barber's left work oh it's cuz they look working the morgue okay I was scared for a moment that Ross Bob died already they would I forgot that they were working the morgue the two of them why are they hurting so little money yeah I guess 125 is good yes 78 is good okay I guess that's no I guess that is actually average for a day I think it's cuz we just like earn $19,000 there's no reason last last time sounds a bit confused yeah Bo thank you for subscribing man I think that pushes us to just knowing then no anyway Congrats Billy's impressive performance has earned him a promotion to roadie what's wrong swap celebrate whose birthday is it oh we had a job we had a job emotionally [Music] oh no it's Billy Bob's birthday not Ross Bob different got different Bob Billy is now a full fully mature at least some of the time adults really need to think about establishing himself in his career and family life while there is still time while there is still time he has about four days folks and I just remembered that the cat is still [ __ ] on the beach oh no no we gotta save the cat no we got to get this cat home the unknown storyteller thank you for subscribing with which crime how was it going we got to get our hat the cat back home phrase Bob's been trapped in the beach all day Billy Billy is also an adult now we'll need to think about establishing himself while there's still time - this is gonna be dark in a few days all these guys will die here for growing up too fast Papa John I love your pizza thank you for subscribing how's it going okay the cat's got to get home get the cat home because the cat is like the most important member of the family alongside not Epona because they're not going to die everyone else we're now on the clock to live their dreams this could be of like a massacre come the end of this stream when everyone dies yeah what where is the cat okay yep he's he's on his way home it's getting her okay not opponent is good extra nutritious okay that's good she's just sleeping next to the Boyd Harry is okay he went to bed hungry that's that's not ideal Ross bob has no energy he's running low on fun and he's hungry so he's did this he's gonna be [ __ ] miserable but what we can do is we can at least take revenge on waluigi no get back up Ross Bob now it's your time to shine okay in your last moments we're going to make a true work of art gonna make a large pain but is dyin brash Ross Bob is going to leave his legacy using only the finest Crayola crayons ba-gawk-oh thanks the subscriber Prime Jesus we're really [ __ ] close when I was seven often um oh Jesus Christ okay well I hope he gets has time to work in this painting further cuz this is a pretty bad start Ross Bob I don't see any happy little happy trees here I don't even know how he's managing this cuz he's using paints not crayons Billy Bob is finally broken free of the yoke of childhood and the occasionally cruel teenage years adulthood is both a memory and a license to make more memories I [ __ ] hope so Billy Bob just said this Mitch life crisis instant midlife crisis oh and someone just peed on the floor oh no Bob Bob you can't do that you got a what's wrong with the computer what happen Barbara you got you can't just have cake at a time like this oh my god I'll repair it yourself stop eating the cake oh the showers broken too okay oh we need we need to call some technicians ok get Harry hill and on the shower Harry Hill is not the kind of man who he needs to call a technician he's gonna do it himself get out of bed I know it's I know it's 2:00 in the morning but fix that shower Harry pinnacle a man keep painting Ross Bob we had we'll hang your portrait on our house when we're finished making true Irish right now did afraid Bob ever come home yeah he did okay so he's okay Ross Bob's getting hungry but we don't have time he's got to keep painting he's gonna make what okay he's gonna he's gonna make waffles I'm gonna cancel that so we can make some mac and cheese in memory oh no he can't make mac and cheese cuz the time of day oh okay well he's gonna have some canned soup as his last meal so justjust just keep painting Ross Bob for now just keep painting the kiddies come home cool we're gonna get you to the day spa yeah if you can live long enough tomorrow I promise I'll get you there yeah Harry's already fixed in the shower computer is pretty bad why is afraid Bob hissing until I pull windows and dreaming of waffles okay ross bob ross bob needs food so he's gonna eat gonna just take a break Billy Bob hasn't midlifecrisis the utter Billy Bob also has his midlife crisis and how he got out on the wrong side of the bed today forever some more rebellious behavior for him ari Hill just started having a mood swing he won't forget the day his hormones got the best of him he's freaking prompts man Irene yola's having mood swings he's fixing the shower the computer the computer is still like got a catch fire we have to fix that soon the cat's destroying the newspaper that's okay like someone play with the cat they're all in bed tired from Harry Hill who has to fix the shower okay Ross Bob you gotta go back I'll know his moods to low he needs to sleep okay Ross Bob yeah go to bed okay and Harry hilah's now fix the shower good job Harry you just you just need to mop up the puddles before you have more birthday cake okay and how easy is just gonna relax this is what a proper midlife crisis looks like can I just stress eating cake at 4:00 in the morning with a broken shower water everywhere and like your computer is about the catch fire actual midlife crisis save the game yeah we'll still save it as we go let's do it let's get that in now I've worked seven hundred people there Jesus Christ how's it going folks how was Ross Bob and the horse still alive but we managed to save the horse despite the gravity problems from before I don't know how Ross Bob is still alive he should by all means be dead by now he's dreaming of the horse probably because the horse is somehow managed to cheat that as well and he wishes he can do the same make someone get a baby we need a phone actually okay yeah we need a telephone lightin appliances no electronics yes the 998 table top phone oh we can also having a mobile phone no put that right next to the door there we go now you can look how to walk in and you have the phone there we should probably buy a fire alarm to know I mean that's 100 quid we want if we want to actually save our money oh let's get the teapot clock instead [Music] it seems good to me we need some more culture let's get and we've been saving hard with the budget less oil hang on okay just move a few phones we've but we've been doing well on the finance front the last wall so I think it's time to treat ourselves move the chess set and you can still use the chess set clear space it's time to guess the snowboard halfpipe [Music] there we go look at that we're doing well in the finances we've been saving every penny it's time to treat ourselves [Music] now we're gonna make this a day from memories for Ross Bob he's gonna go snowboarding and he's gonna finish his painting it's gonna be great why is why is Barbra Barbra dreaming of debt that can't be good he wants to put - on a CD we all do oh no okay I think Harry Hills gonna be first to try it out Harry Hill if you could snowboard please is he gonna change her is he just gonna do this in his underwear how does he even get on oh he has to walk behind it God that that's scary it just looks like he's disappeared Larry here he goes oh he's not getting changed he's just going in his underwear oh this is gonna hurt if Harry Falls well he is amazingly good for his first time snowboarding well I think we've just like liked Harry Hill is just a god of everything oh no there he goes well that's gonna burn God he's not gonna be able to walk after that you need like some protective gear that's kind of that's gonna hurt so much [Music] like torn to skin off his ass though oh no poor Harry he's just gonna go back graphic arty yes our baby that was a bit weird nobody that was a bit too specific but that's what it's like you gotta not graze yourself you know he's going for round two anyway he's fearless it's gonna burn out the fall dance no kids but a scratch how can it burn when I bought him his ice no cuz cause like the friction like I know he's on my kind of snow here but it's - it's still gonna really hurt no ice it's snow poor Harry he's hurting his back he was snowboarding all night could he die doing this I don't think so well what's wrong with the horse now yeah what's that what's that what's going on not Epona you want to paint you want to paint why Cannot opponent use to scrap the painting you're a horse you don't know what that is okay well I think that a bone is still stuck in like the walking backward cycle the horse this is jealous that is a passion to draw swab you know who wouldn't be okay it's almost Billy's birthday it's almost Bob's birthday it's almost the other Billy's birthday it's a time time is progressing afraid Bob has gained the adventurous trait you now be more curious unwilling to explore the open world he's afraid Bob just back here okay a Waluigi is starving okay waluigi i want you to serve breakfast for everyone let's get on that right away we'll get someone to fix the computer soon gruntilda yeah I think I'm told I can do it no it seems too hungry damn it okay Barbara you look like you don't know what a computer is but we're gonna trust you to go fix it I mean while Billy Bob this Billy Bob I want you to get up and we're gonna see what services we can call you jobs an office real estate and travel services purchase additional home we don't want to do that enrolling bored in school throw a party we can trow a party Oh get out of bed Billy Bob we can have we can have a party now do we have like the snowboard think set up what Harry Hill but you just adopted a horse learn more about how to take care of his beautiful creature I don't know a horse awhile I'm just a doctor one what the horse is fine okay Waluigi ask to finish making food have a shower and somehow get to school on time as the game chugs hard with the bus okay party planner okay we're we're going to invite all of them let's invite everyone Billy Bob knows in school okay here's the guest list this is going to be a costume party a dress code is costumes to start 10 a.m. that's not a good time for a party after school so 6:00 p.m. tonight I'm gonna have a costume party Sanjar oh thank you for subscribing my prime man hope you've been enjoying the stream yeah it's now it's now five more for that new ammo Jesus and costume party oh the waluigi just has to finish the waffles have a shower and get to the bus in time Rosberg is ready for another day of pain no he's trying to go to bed if now Roz Bob you already got some energy yeah there we go Ross Bob get game is chugging because the bus is here and Sims are trying to go all over the place come on Ross Bob look at that he's starting to get in nature it's paintings really coming together hey what what Waluigi didn't even have a shower he didn't eat oh they're going to school of Bob Bob now as well as Bob Bob's old enough okay well Waluigi you're the big brother okay you got to look after them make sure like you wash your face or something at least in the sink oh he's not looking too good he's very hungry smelly and disgusting okay well Ross Bob is back to painting re is still going at the snowboard Jesus Christ Harry wait so where's the waffles then hopefully dr. chance thank you for subscribing were crying for more oh no he just he just left the waffles horrifying quality what's wrong with not opponent again oh don't tell me you've gotten stuck again no you can get out of this one okay you're you're just whining yeah just just go digging cocoa searching for gold or something Billy Bob yep you're just getting dressed for work and your dungarees okay that's fine ari is actually finally stopped snowboarding desperately needs to pee where's Ross pop Oh Rosco oh you got to be careful much he stop please you're a very old man yeah you you gotta be careful here he's entertained he's got to finish his painting it's gonna be his legacy he's going back up cross Baba's no fear he's like 80 years old has a day to live whose dog is this also all the get the game the game is a really chugging game is chugging I think it's cause of all the fountains is there a Cyril way to remove the fountains let's see Dunsey oh thank you for several twitch prime as well Jesus Christ betray oh I know okay we at we have to fix the void I have I it pains me to lose the mote but I think the mote is causing too much lag as the terrain is so awkward but we're gonna fix it and we'll sell off the fountains can i multi-select okay I can do this pains need to do with this but we are we are lagging quite bad [Music] oh geez mi t--'s he Middies he might ease Thanks thank you for solving as well I'm on ok we're getting rid of the fountains Oh sledgehammer tool yeah that works ok there we go just delete all of those ok hopefully the game runs a bit better Jesus Christ poop Oh Duke thank you for subscribing as well we're one sub off the amount oh there we go yeah look at the game the game has run a lot better now yeah I had to sell the phones there we can actually watch Ross Bob we even nailed the Landon whose dog is this stray dog oh gee oh my god ok whoa whoa ok a lot of people just subs oh Jesus Christ ok all right hang on okay let's pause time for a moment we have a we have a special special announcement everybody thes a commotion has been unlocked thank you - like a meetings for the gifted sup - Jess Chen for subscribing with crime Jerome for subscribed my crime and crusher for subscribed my prime and now SG subscribe my prime as well Jesus Christ okay we have a new mo III give me like a couple of moments and I will add this to the stream right now we're now 47 off the next remote but we have this aqua there will still be more emotes if we can hit more milestones but Jesus Christ that was the barrier since like January of this year I took six months to get that amount nano thank you for subscribing as well oh my god okay alright let me let me set this up a sneaky peek as to what this actually looks like - on the twitch end cuz I don't know how many people get to see like all the twitch management stuff weeks it's not not everyone streaming bollocks I'll give you a sneaky peek at some of it I can do that now so let me just first of all save the emote files I have to get him off my dear friend Chloe Miu they have been commissioned by AIA commissioned her to do he has made many emotes for us previously so let me just save the files on my machine making sure I'm just getting the source Jesus a ten who 2800 I think this is scribe my prime as well nano as well I got nano already I think may have but thank you again okay just gimme gimme give me two moments to get this set up I'm almost there do you like the emotes are like really far back blog now as well like yeah they're still coming up like NH hasn't even come up pat your dog donated five hundred bits there as well thank you man that's gonna come up soon to Jesus Christ okay let me give you a sneak peek as to what this actually looks like behind the scenes um so basically yeah so this is basically the way the widget that you cash for adding partner emotes so you have all your remotes here you get to upload them here if it's a tier two moat - now the only tiered ones like you only get one slot for each of those but you have like a different window for that so that's pretty neat and you also get a progress bar that listen do you mind subscriber points your progress - next - mo so how that works is like for a regular sub equals one sub point if it's a tier 2 sub it gives you two sub points if it's a - your tree sub it gives you like 6 so like but like that's a more expensive sub though and you want to get into money so like I don't I don't really advise that one I'm gonna see it particularly mad but it's actually but it's actually pretty cool so what I'm gonna do look at this we got our sacks so now I upload all the Zacks bad PNG file don't worry it's just someone's does that DJ thanks for the hundred bits free money thank you very much let's try these again we're getting bad pngs I went too fast yeah I did okay and Zach look at that okay the unique code is Zach so you add that all the motor gun preview is RT games Zack you didn't submit your changes and look at that it's a tit so it'll take a while to pop up on stream I believe you'll have to refresh it a few times to get it to appear as well Jesus Christ the D alerts are still coma true that was only DJ their pet your dog thank you again for the 500 before Leo Nader thank you for subscribing as well that will come up soon as well yeah so there we go so our tea game Zach it'll it'll take a while to show up but it's now added to the channel so there you go folks we hit it and you can even see here 307 to like if again that a forty tree we got another one that rose by two as we were adding the emote that's absurd so it'll be a little be a while before we get the next one I reckon after that let's thank you so much everyone because like that I was there like a treshold that we have not surpassed since January of this year we've got this the first new memo we've had in a very long time yeah so that's it that's been added so thank you again everyone to make that possible thank you again everyone for subscribing see for the freaking ridiculous amount of bits I keep trickling in as Leo Nader finally working his way to the alerts Thank You Man Jesus Christ okay we're gonna we're gonna gear on back into the game so yeah so keep an eye out for the psycho mode it should hopefully come up and start appearing in use by the end of this stream it tends to take about an hour for it to actually kind of go true processing you definitely know when it comes up because everyone start spamming it but it is there you may need to refresh the channel page a few times okay now back to reality Ross Bob only has a day left to live celebrations aside for a moment Ross bob is on a very short clock and gruntilda has a very fishy science project you've been asked to bring a fish to this science facility before the experiment begins dual performance will increases our reward get on like gruntilda just go into the chippy okay Ross Bob get pain we got it we got to finish his masterpiece this is going to be his legacy Micke p.m. MCB thank you for subscribing as well price has a ridiculous amount of soap stood a thank you very much everyone like seriously okay come on Ross Bob you got to keep going we have to have this painting ready for the party later tonight that's the goal right now that's that's what we're working towards it why is afraid Bob so concerned about windows as well is it cuz our house is no windows hmm can we buy a window let's see windows okay so here's our current house what window can we get we get like a lovely little insert here we could get a limbo window it's not a window that just looks like a hole in the wall wait tonight I got their entire lives punch show for the entire neighborhood to see we don't need this door let's put another window in there oh no we can't no well let's not let me place the last one give me all these other fancy options there we go oh it cuz the phone's there okay their entire lives now on show all the phone is on the wrong side of the house as well I didn't realize that I supposed to be inside okay well they they never have to worry about like it being too dark in the house again I think like we're well lit up we can just appreciate how the home looks now I can look at that now the dream eventually is to get windows on all of these floors oh it's just nothing but windows the entire way up oh there we go the sakamoto yeah i'm seen in chat oh we got an army a sax oh that looks so nice yeah I'll let Zack know he's the mode is now live thanks again everyone who made that possible the Zaca mode is live look at our beautiful home what's wrong with the lights inside it looks like so bright okay oh no I don't I don't mean to take a photo I'm afraid Bob go out the way a moment walls cut away I fee you know it doesn't matter if the walls are cut away now we can just say like walls up and it's fine oh no we can't see the toilet oh wait [Music] perfect we can't we can't even put it there we can pull along there so they can see in the shower from the opposite end there we go qu+ thanks to the hundreds it's the truman show but the stuff is the bob bob leave the reason they died after living a short life is that they found out way too soon the truth oh no okay we got an open floor plan now we can appreciate our beautiful home look at that okay now where's Ross Bob no Ross Bob you're skipping work you're not working today you need to pee Oh Ross Bob go pee no interactions available yeah he's taking matters into his own hands come on use the toilet Ross Bob P use it Ross Bob what are you doing why is this so many people in the toilet those other people needs to go to work that's like a carpool outside there's an ice-cream truck beeping at us Ross Bob you gotta pee you're not dying a bladder failure no Barbara Barbara you didn't you barely needed to go Barbara he was in there first oh yeah actually do need to do the cutaway because we're having trouble tissue and commands yeah go Ross Bob go pee oh my god Ross Bob oh thank god okay he's finally doing it we could like it the instant relief you just want to like orange to yellow instantly okay Ross Bob I'm for another day of pain naughty you peed and why isn't gruntilda in school he's just trapped by flamingos please turn off r9k what's that I don't I don't know what that is okay well let's just keep going it's an anti-spam thing oh okay no I'm yeah I'm keeping that on no I think there's too many people here oh go without us we'll leave that on that's just that's just a stream second thing is the foot that's the first I've ever seen someone asking me to turn that off I think it's always on probably for the best I just don't know when I was called it Ross Bob keep painting you know don't don't grab a plate Ross Bob what have you done [Music] where does painting go oh no wrong Oh okay Ross Bob you gotta have that salad cut past we gotta get a new painting together what just happened make thanks for the Tillinger booths it's in your inventory now that's a book and that's his high school diploma [Music] that's not the paintin election Journal gems oh he's found none of this [Music] well his life's work just got delete it I don't know why the horse scratches goddamnit your dressing room what do we have that just in your inventory re-asses homework at 0% complete that sounds like Harry but why do they all have steered her dressing-room mirrors [Music] you one too what'd you find these mirrors so that's a high school diploma it's another high school diploma okay well we're just gonna have to start you painting them with the precious time we have left Ross Bob right who's the guy in the hot dog oh no the cut the party Oh No oh we got we have to get expenses for the party we're showing up why our tree of them dressed as hot dogs I forgot about the party okay we got it we got to get some stuff set up we have the swimming pool we add the chess set we have the halfpipe we're gonna need more we need putt we need Party Party sort my function party entertainment parties it is quite a bit here total demise thank you subscribe him a prime man Jesus Christ okay we're gonna need we're gonna have we can't go all out on the bar Gator Crusader Thank You 100 bits Jesus Christ thank you everyone so many people with bits and the subs today okay we're gonna get a snow cone machine thing of balloons [Music] and a table of consumables I think that should be good miscellaneous entertainment what else have we got incinerating firepit portable fire pit [Music] we'll get the incinerate and fire pit [Music] okay well put that there [Music] yeah if we got a tanning booth why is it tanning booth under entertainment that seems weird Emperor Akane the family fun water arena oh we got to see what this is [Music] family fun at water arena okay Ross Bob you need to get paintin again we don't have long left practice paintin only gonna have time for a small one this time party's already started people are showing up okay we need to get everything else set up Barbara you pop the fire on gruntilda you get that served places people places you need to start making blue raspberry snow cones Billy Bob you need to just go swimmin and just say like oh the pool is so inviting you know you want to kind of convince people to come that way you need to start a water balloon fight Billy Bob invite Sam Harry you need the trough you're sick snowboarding tricks but nowhere did Harry go oh god the taxi just got him for work oh I know he's on his way back from work ah perfect gonna make it home in time this is where the party happens look at this well we got everything this one is toast thank you for the sky fortress crime Jesus Christ Brody 10 up from since we got this a commotion another 40 till the next oh god okay so we have a person kind of in a hot dog suit and people just make him faces let's go with the water balloon fight how long does Ross Bob have enough time to finish the painting it's working as fast as he can hot dog trying to get some sno-cones time of his life we need a stereo audio let's get a sick boombox just pop out there okay Barbara we're gonna need you to make some more food serve dinner you can't be sleeping right now Oh Barbara you got to get up [Applause] miss bola thank you for subscribing as well Jesus Christ thank you very much okay we got all the hot dogs trying to cook something Barbara is this trying to serve some food okay Barbara if you don't make it a stereo turn it on there we go I just just have a dance party there's nothing more fun than a dance party with some hot dogs especially if you're in your underwear but so many of them come dressed as a hot dog there's so many hot dogs one two three four five people are dressed as a hot dog why is everyone yelling throwing a great party and we went to bed again oh he's like lying on his deathbed okay all right billy-bob see we can call to live in the South Hall services not very witty thinking a somewhat good run [Music] okay let's see who are we gonna call and make this more entertaining we can call the fire departments the adoption service police pizza repairman babysitter or just the maid let's just order some pizza would you call the police we just have like a regular house party no witness the deer literally all of them witness the deer late for work Roswell just got the base is a painting always remember that moment where it all started to come together what's the camera going was weird Billy has left work go promote it yeah see you party I think the party's going really well there's even a couple of new people just living in our home now that's the sign of a great party they just don't want to leave Bessie here this is just taking a book I'm just gonna go play some chess the hot dogs having the time of their life roasting marshmallows having the time of their lives go into sentence to make sure Ross Bob isn't living longer than two days I haven't changed anything since but like before and we've already had Simms agent rapidly maybe he does I just have like a day or two more like I don't know it's it doesn't seem to be dead yet it could be today I think we Tru a great party oh look it's raining this time but we have the freaking roof over our heads keep clicking that instead of this but look at that we're just safe you know I'll hide inside I think it's time to go but I had fun so thanks nice party I gotta go nice party while the wheedies curfew is in one hour if he's out past curfew you may get caught by the police what what's Waluigi minute in while the ouija may get caught by the police if he stays outside what have you been up to Billy's party was a modest success the guests feel good about having attended look at that we Tru a stellar party and the entire neighborhood is talking about it I don't think I could have gone better we even have just new people who's living in the house well that's just Billy Bob with a new haircut if I were stuck on the wall again well Luigi Bob still has his face paint on but he's going to budge Oh wobble I'm not sure what he's supposed to be dressed as everything's going well still need to fix the computer Nonna's know who is energy who could fix the computer okay ross bob has the most energy so we're gonna try and fix that goddamn computer before he dies there we go we'll just speed it up look at that and now he's gonna use the computer no I know wasting time actually Ross Bob you gotta you gotta get back in your pain there we go look at this busy Oh Ross just completed a painting valued at $3 sell it for cash or drag it onto the wall to hang it well you know you can't put a price on air Irish is is priceless okay I can't put it anywhere there we go look at that it's like van Gogh you know he just did sunflowers but his own take on it it's absolutely beautiful hang it over the Diploma even bigger accomplishment good job Ross Bob you drench brush the painting is finished he's gonna get a call okay Ross Bob just just just go back into bed no afraid Bob you gotta give him back his bed an extreme sleep not to have an afraid Bob but Latin Ross Bob go back to bed there we go yeah where we gonna send Ross Bob Finn what else is there to explore Naren a road let's go Matthew whoa what is this oh it is just a power plant or something no growing trees in there your greenhouse Oh though someone's house maybe not there go on an adventure to the beach let's go here with Bob Bob and we'll also send not a pony that will go off and have an adventure okay everyone else just have like a peaceful slumber there we go a little jingle because we're doing so well bras Bob gets to go to the day spa I'm still I'm working on it for a pool party that's a different kind of party Oh No yeah we got to get Ross okay yeah he wants to meet someone new and rub the horse's neck and improve your painting skill off Ross Bob you're killing me with the order okay Ross Bob we need to get you to the day spa it's this could be your last chance which one is the day spa Sharma day spa it's gonna he just wants to go there so we can get anything he's gonna get a tattoo oh it's been on his bucket list all his life that was the time Billy's birthday also Billy's birthday and it's Bob's birthday okay wait mixin tattoo ink Zuka oh god I forgot how well toned Ross Buffy's [Music] daddy's fitter than me okay what choice of tattoos do we have we can get that on his back and remind of these forever is sin get a butterfly or like a weird one of those and those are all the options okay [Music] wait I you can put a tattoo in every spot we just tojust America's fine quite helpful what color are we gonna make them [Music] remove all advanced mode scaled oh no you shouldn't give me these you shouldn't give me these options oh it's just for the one on the back doesn't work for the arms oh we for almost forgot the ankle tattoo go back god there's a lot of options you can choose where it is on his arm wait Oh No so I did this wrong so he's only got tattoos on his back so far but then if you go into arm you can apply the tattoos again and then if you go into his chest you can apply the tattoos again and if you go into his ankle you can apply that [Music] Oh God [Music] that's a lot of tattoos make them really big I'm going to see if I can [Music] okay max out the opacity oh this is a lot okay hang on gotta go true the motions here there's no fast way to do this yeah those are those tattoos done now we just gotta apply all of the other ones light light out there that opacity scale up okay we're almost there [Music] almost there as I catch sight of his back [Music] hey just gonna go out in style you know give me the coolest guy alive gotta up the ankle tattoo [Music] and there's right side as well oh my god now we have to do is utter arm okay here we go again we have to get every part covered finally gonna live his dream having a tattoo and I think he got more than he bargained for fricking jokester that Ross Bob is [Music] more tattoos chest is fine I just need to do is utter ankle [Music] and we are looking good Oh God I hope for us barb died sir I have tickets what are you talking about it like he's just he's gone out of style Oh God think I can change the color for all of them as well but I think we'll just leave it there except the tattoo eggs except the tattoo there we go three hundred dollars well spent let's check out check them out okay change outfit well on your swimwear Herman lacrosse table look at that was the puke he must be an agony African of the sector's like that doesn't isn't it really painful they get even one tattoo let alone like twelve in position you must be like the skin it must be burning not a bone is in the red it's wrong what's wrong no don't do this again not a poni yeah just just back your butt up look.this hey for you right there just go eat it there we go you're gonna be okay Waluigi just had a shower no one is dressed if it's faculty they do not like putting clothes on they all stink like the toilet the toilet is mobbed right now [Music] hey what's going on here Rena humble who you what's this person but miss something what is she doing [Music] who the hell are you [Applause] [Music] Roscoe please ask her to leave no interactions available who is she what did she do anything I don't know who this person is it's the repo guy here to take your stuff because he didn't pay bills oh but I have two grand on me how do we not pay bills we've Morton enough money what'd she take did you take anything you're still here look in the mailbox next time to pay bills oh okay let's see oh yeah pay bills oh okay well we didn't lose too much money so it's okay okay Billy Bob's getting some more horse for the book more food for the horns - that's pretty good we really need to clean up our lawn like ever since the flamingo started getting knocked down it's looking pretty bad here a bomb went off or something flamingos everywhere hey Ross Bob's going for a swim Ari's pays the bills [Music] we just need to clean up the front lawn and we're good probably move this news bird tail thank you for subscribing with which Fryman thank you very much I hope you're enjoying the stream add another bathroom the last time I did that though they all got antsy about it oh okay I know what I can do but we have space to make this work okay though there's like a bit of drywall here so what I can do sort my room bathroom if I put a toilet here and I just pop a door here this should technically be in your room okay I need a bit of wall back there we go put that there [Music] look at this instant I can line up the door come on go on the side okay you know that's good enough there we go we have a second toilet now and we can just add more toilets as like as we go yeah okay I'm gonna splurge a bit in a few toilets [Music] so now we don't have to worry about these bathroom cues anymore everyone should be able to access the loop look at that we've toilets now now they can just poop in the drywall ah efficiency you know that only costs like $1500 absolute bargain we just made three new toilets [Music] okay Barbara you need to pee you use that toilet that's why that's not looking to clean up as well so they could just use the new toilets now so that works really well like we did we times that caught someone wet the bed over here Waluigi gotta get out in that mop that up okay where's the frayed Bob afraid Bob what are you doing over here braid bob is just desperate to scratch something okay um well I mean he's on his way home he's gonna he's gonna make it back what's the rest of the family the rest of them are all here yeah let's see how we doing on the meters pretty good pretty good overall the horse isn't feeling very social which is a bit weird consider it's a horse I'll plan to your friends here in the family when the painting go oh hey she repo'd it oh no out of everything she could have possibly taken in the house oh she took the painting that was Ross Bob's leg yeah now he has to make another one Ross Bob once you finish your shower [Music] practice painting we'll make another one I was that stuff's supposed to be his legacy [Music] listen to this funky music though [Music] the sub is here and all the slaves hearing getting ready to Patti down at the beachside it's gonna be another fun crazy day in the Bob hunt family household when wacky adventures and they gonna get up to decks meet the box covered soon to cavity cetera [Music] basically what that music is put the walls up we have walls there's loads of wall and they had some killer music they're doing well everything is looking up yeah we're gonna make sure that they have some fun too Waluigi you're not doing too well in the fun departments let's just roast some marshmallows again Mangum is on the wall RT does it does it should show though oh it is okay that's really weird cuz it shows the other stuff on the walls but not that okay so the repo lady didn't take it there we still have the paintin we still have it it's just moved like what is all that show up in the world what is that particular just disappear even the phone shows up [Music] okay well Ross Bob doesn't need to spend as much time painting them well it's just as well cuz apparently he doesn't give a [ __ ] he just went for a swim okay who made a play two hamburgers Barbara you got it you gotta pick those up call house oh they actually do this would they act she just summoned the entire family paint the floor burgers no questions asked a good floor burger everyone is here to get the floor burgers Ross Bob just changes clothes because he felt like it grab a plate they're all stuck waiting stuck right here why if she also stuck does a ladder in the pool why is she in her clothes [Music] okay the fountain the family is freaking out of it the other burgers left that's the main thing what is wrong with her Ross Bob can just join her and go for an extreme swim you know after it's burger everyone just have dinner we're having leftovers be game let's see now Bob Bob's not feeling too good he has no energy and she stinks but Waluigi is reading her a bedtime story with like blink-182 playing on stereo I also realize how close is she sleeping to the oven that can't be good that's not Walla we just Billy Bob as well [Music] Longley ability Bobby just told a bedtime story okay why is she panicking about the pool there's a lot of right there I don't sound on the grass Bob hopped in look he's going into the pool I know that's Billy Bob ride check thank you for subscribing my crime I hope you've been enjoying the stream Jesus Christ you're over the point thing I showed us somehow we need a tree hundred for the amount we're now on tree hundred and thirteen we're getting real close to a magical number that is three hundred and Turkey tree because I can't pronounce us remove the ladder I'm not removed no there's a ladder there I'm not evil they can leave any time let the low-hanging fruit to kill him they're all going for a swim see like it's fine it wouldn't be using the pool as there was an issue 330 tree amazing can you say it again that's why we have the tree a moat that's in the shape of a tree my accent means I can't do th as well you may notice I'll say like thank you very much and like it's a hard team thank you seriously why are they freaking out like it's fine they just left foot ok we got it we got to stop this music Harry Hill stop reading your book there we go thank you I'm amazed I was still alive also I feel like his two days should have been up by now because everyone else has been like accelerating rapidly in regards to our age like why is Ross Cobb just fine oh there goes Harry okay well I think people are getting hungry again let's see yep Grinch ILDA is 0 out of 1 fish fish still and uh hmm why can't you serve dinner you must have a counter to prepare mac and cheese oh it's cause the swollen spaghetti with veggie sauce has been there the entire time okay well we'll just put that over there for now serve dinner oh no it's good it's cuz this that's causing the problem there we go mac and cheese by a trash can we have a trash guy and it's out here it's just not very good at using them gay gay fishy is gay fishing thank you for selling the prime I hope you enjoyed the streamer we have a trashcan they're just not very good at using it I need flamingos in the pool can I put them in the pool now I can put them next to the pool fall in here so they're like watches over them and keep them safe [Music] it just needs a clean up all the flamingos like it's it's just a freaking dump looking on the lawn we have a fountain we have flamingos plates of food everywhere there's just hay spoils newspaper please we got a snow cone machine you know you still have the snowboard track can you make the flamingos huge is that can you do that is there way to scale items can I make this bigger [Music] and since four you can make it bigger okay maybe it's just not in symmetry Oh Bob Bob grew up again okay this is her birthday she's no energy he's a real adult now Ross Bob just got woken out of bed by Waluigi in the middle of the night he just wants to sleep baba's reach 14 years angst and raging hormones can make this too difficult period for any sim Bob can now join the workforce by taking a part-time job although her grades are still a big factor in her future success due to her indifferent study habits you would not be allowed to choose a trait for Bob Bob has developed the vegetarian trait for us well make sure to study hired in school kids are you become a [ __ ] vegetarian this topic any sense I didn't study I'm a vegetarian I can't eat meat I don't know what meat is I never saw it in my textbooks [ __ ] that's not how that car lights oh I smell hot car so we can't serve her mac and cheese whether we go mac and cheese that's over hamburgers anymore is it got that vegetarian the floor burgers but no cuz it said that it's cuz she didn't study but she just became a vegetarian like it doesn't make any sense oh so I guess wagster thank you for subscribing man hope you've been enjoying the stream oh that just doesn't make any sense well she's a vegetarian now you know we should have worked had her in school we could have avoided she's dreaming of meat - no you can't make that up she's just rigged for chicken like she's not even a real vegetarian [Music] Oh Donna and police become an elder now you can start thinking about retiring and basking in the glow of his accomplishments you shouldn't take too long to get us Affairs in order because you never know when your time is up no yeah the Billy hasn't got long Ross Bob somehow managed to live all this time oh my god Billy's an old man now oh god he looks older than Ross Bob okay they're all growing up we have two elders now this could be sad by the end of the stream Billy the other Billy has also become an elder oh god the role told Billy Bob and Billy Bob IRA on their pension waluigi's like frickin delighteth Ross Bob is still somehow alive I don't understand that he's been alive all this time he's not he's not looking too good isn't his energy is pretty low he's freakin immortal he's lived through the war let's save again before we lose anything I can't get over that vegetarian I'm still just thinking about it in the back of my head didn't study in school so I became a vegetarian like you would forget to eat veggies if you didn't study like didn't know I got a veggies good for you like vegetarian equals an educator like it just doesn't make sense I want the horse again he just had his heart broken was afraid where is the cat but where is the cat whose house is this how long have you been gone oh my god either he's going hungry oh we got to get you home No okay pee on their lawn quickly we got to get the cat home he's been gone so long come on afraid Bob yep just not even on the grass just pee on the porch he dreams to hiss I bought gruntilda and Billy Bob and meet someone new ok we got it we got to get the cat home oh come home cat I'm home we missed you cats been gone like a very long time everything else seems to be fine outside okay Billy Bob T oh god yeah you got to get the bed have an evil slumber you just want the party of it probably is dysfunctional that's why the cat left my family is perfectly capable of keeping them themselves you got her okay I'll have you know that Ross bob has lived four days longer than he should have four well sources for surviving here you know there we go where is the Cat Cat come home run come on just run through the night yeah you can you can rest now yep he just collapsed okay well the cat is home safe that's okay did you turn off dying nope nope dying is still on all the statins I had the same as before I just don't know why Ross Bob is living so long because you've seen everyone else like grow up and like ridiculous speed like for God's sake like Billy Bob was a team he's Irish he's now an elder you need to buy food for the cat he yes he has food in his bowl I see what just spill it again what's Billy Bob gets up okay peaceful night's rest well I got a fire automatically turns itself off that's quite nice [Music] what happened here what was that sad trombone playing for okay well they're up anyway what does that even mean sometimes so many tooltips there Billy Bob is in mourning because Simas Bachelor toy oh god he was it he was just that the that was the guy that frickin Ross Bob went to the beach with oh no that's when they had their date he's dead Mario does worked in his homework of waluigi okay re he'll is starting to feel a bit ill afraid hasn't been getting enough attention lately Pat's need social interaction to develop properly if he something life continues a social worker will be forced to take away all the pets in the household okay alright though this this is dire okay we need to save our animals okay not a phone up wake the [ __ ] up eat the hey almost Waluigi gruntilda Barbara's birthdays no we don't we don't care about their birthdays we got to save our pets hey Billy Bob still has energy Billy Bob I want you to literally just play with the cat no that's that's changing his name uh-uh we got to feed the pet beat afraid Bob come on Barbara keep that cat well-fed there we go he's got food the action you truly go here go here cat we need you need to eat we'll get your social in your scratch up soon go cat go cat all the turkey starting to go bad I knew we should have put that in the fridge eat from the bowl we can't let the care workers take them away we have to save our pets ok the horse is doing good the bus just spawned yeah the horse will be able to get enough exercise look we'll just say get the horse some exercise horse go air we have to save our pets okay so once you done that cat Oh scratch your post Ross Bob's still not dead he's just making snow cones for himself now have your timers life everyone's in really poor health what's going on Ross Bob hasn't even finished his next masterpiece an angry spoon by the looks of it a taking a snow cone anyway Waluigi is is not doing good but stuff was taken was there a perfectly stuff was taken although the bird will hang the cat didn't save us oh god damn it we lost a lot of stuff there yeah well least we get in the scratch up we got robbed wouldn't they take what's even gone this is a stone stole like a flamingo or something everything else is there yet still there what on earth of the burglar take yeah messages would have been one of the flamingos and everyone's upset like 50 more flamingos guys like look I'll buy it I'll buy a new one Becker [Music] by something better than a flamingo actually we will buy Oh what we gonna get cultures all a lot here are we going to get another trash can we have a trash can [Music] I'm gonna cheer them all up at a beach umbrella look at that forty bucks well spent Oh that brings up my house so well grant ILDA is also starting to feel ill well maybe if she hides like a shower before she went to school you'd be doing a little better okay we need to up the cat social hey Billy Bob's an old man now I'm gonna cut away mute affection eat it a treat there we go come to me cat how's the cat still complaining about windows oh look at that social is already on the mend oh really Bob just just keep playing I chase look at that afraid Bob's having the time of his life [Music] adorable he stole the trash can we still have a trash gun it's right there we have a bin in Darwin do we have an in urban get a stereo why did she steal our garbage oh okay no it wasn't beside the fridge no I put that there like the other night the test I only came up last night in particular well that's fine anyway we still have a bin it's right next to the mailbox oh it's fine everyone takes shelter indoors pets are doing good billy-bob is also starting to feel ill but not Epona is just improved or racing skill all right gruntilda is also ill okay i have looked the computers fixed you still have some hamburgers gosh you know Harry's cleaning that up now what we'll do what we're doing really well it's gonna go clean him in the bathroom sink that look at that pristine clean sink Oh God [Applause] but our sim put on a few pounds that Roz Bob and that's the same as ever doesn't look any bigger Roz Bob just just go snowboarding again we don't know why you're alive at this point but you might as well make the most of it feel like this is how our Chi lives welcome to Japan I'll the turkey got wet you're right hang on can we get waluigi to grab that when you put the turkey in the fridge always in school it will work hard in school god only knows you need it waluigi look at that the finally cleaning up all the dishes in the lashing rain about time I will be back to normal in no time at all I RTF anyone YouTube when you move you last so look you up and yeah you're screamin oh hey Dasha Oh glad you enjoyed the videos are you very welcome here we are catching up with the Bob family household things things have been going pretty well if I do say so myself and the family is doing better than ever before boss Bob hit it hurt his butt again he knows what he's doing I mean this is just how he's like not to I he's been just in the peak physical condition this entire time [Applause] could be why he's doing so well cuz he should by all means be dead by now everyone else is like started becoming an elder and he still have some half miracle life I guess [Applause] love your visit finally caught you screams oh thanks Junko are you very welcome here hey what's wrong with the horse man okay horse is real thirsty just have a drink come on horse come on horse just back up the ice cream truck is here okay who's going to go get ice cream come on Billy Bob let's deliver those sport forms [Applause] get some icecream in the rain she was right in here freezer bunny popsicle the kids outside have actually stopped screaming so I'm just gonna open the window again no a few little omen be right back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay there we go come back rip horse is gonna die glass is fine he just needs a drink he just needs a drink horse horse don't do this have a sip of the water [Applause] come on yeah there we go it's fine here's this real thirsty Bob Bob starting to feel ill while the ouija Bob is in mourning because Victoria and the truce chahid Oh God okay another sim died that was at the party do today this is some Ross Bob is like I would live to people at this point and he's still just like snowboarding it's a cool thing he's looking for us anytime soon all of the guests are starting to die yeah that's how you know I like time is progressing as it normally would the neighborhood's gonna be like a [ __ ] ghost town in a week everyone Duffy's keeping up with the bába sáí bába Tennessee a Bob family household careful until they will come in about an hour that's cool barber will come for an hour - there we go the Pats are doing well ma'am Ross Bob is really needs to be but he can't stop snowboard where his skills [Applause] he's only got painting clearly nothing else whoops here he goes you know Ross Bob let's get back to work what is wrong with gruntilda okay well she's gone cuz Ross Bob not work he had a job but I believe he just didn't show up to work too many times and I think he may have been quit been fired I feel like he's had a day off for like two days now Ross Bob you gotta go pee come on Ross Bob keeping you alive wait no no he's making a snow cone first I didn't even tell him to do a lot Ross mom you're gonna poop your pants you don't have time for a snow cone well they're going for work to work again [Applause] he's just sitting now in a snow cone in the lake the lashing rain when he needs to desperately pee snow cones just too good gotta have it meanwhile Harry's is playing video games one of the billy-bob is in the shower we don't know which Waluigi wants to go on the computer everything's waluigi is okay okay well let's get on the move again Roz Bob couldn't hold it in any longer eh you you gotta be kidding me you won't even clear love Piko sir Thank You Selma crying hope you enjoyed in the stream he didn't even make it to the toilet in time I prioritize that snowcone he doesn't even need to pee now he's just gonna take an extreme shower instead either couch slowing you wise the couch bonuses turn that off why is the couch clone why are these two people stuck busy queue for the bathroom do we need extra showers to Vaughn Ross Bob get your extreme shower extreme shower there we go I don't know why the couch closed like what does that mean it's floor under does look like it's coming from under at the small F just magical then the cat in to investigate [Music] the cash will now spend his days under the sofa we just sit on the sofa with you in your shower long you gonna be streaming for I'm probably gonna go until the top of this hour so fair bit yet okay what tool tips Ross is a daredevil sim which means like to take many things the extreme okay Barbara has been busting your hump and has earned a raise at work but what are we supposed to do then we need we need them to go on an adventure or something with the time we have left cuz I like I don't know why Ross Bob it still isn't dead but I fear the end is near a couch what about the couch why is everyone saying eff I'm just saving the game oh that's the cat again they keep turning on this radio too no it's not that radio won't they go home oh it's your computer ha Bob you're doing your homework yeah set booby-trapped scary computer sure hello it's gone okay the computer is rigged to be scary see where's the horse horse is doing good let's go to map you alright cuz we still we still don't really know what's going on in town what the hell is this the Central Park summer festival oh my god how long has this been happening okay we're gonna have we're gonna take the whole family tomorrow no it's almost over today we're just gonna let time speed up tomorrow we're going to the summer festival everyone earned promotions all the weed he is feeling a little off today that's okay Harper got a promotion well they all got promotions you're in big trouble young lady you better not do that again maybe you should help around the house - got my good side okay I don't know what's going on there [Music] check back in in the house would it'll speed enough time until the next day and then we're gonna send them all to the Summer Festival [Music] what's the horse doing nothing okay for the summer festival tomorrow one-day seasons that's not how time works that would be silly King this is so sad I'd like to play - I I don't want to say the name of that one oh thank you for the like five quid man I think I can't it was Duke dollars then in stream laps convert it into euro thank you very much it's almost Harry's birthday okay so we want to make sure they're oh they're all in the red why didn't any of them sleep last night oh my god no one went to bed oh no the festival is on in an hour they're all in the right now we got to go here I'm taking the family I'm taking the family we're making it to the summer festival I want to see anyone in bed just they're all just legging it down the street I didn't expect him to get here so quick the hook just ran horse is excited okay summer festival we're inside and it's about to begin oh this it's time for the magic of summer where are they going Billy Bob Stiller get your face painted happy clown hairy no way do you think you're going hairy Ohio there's a noisy car outside hang on I'm just gonna wait for that the pass oh I I can never tell like it what you guys can hear on the mic like a quiet road but you can always hear the carrier's when they get sore best just hang up we'll just hang on one moment I'll wait for that to go we're good okay Andrew the eatin contest Harry Sam was too tired to do that right now enter the eating contest while Luigi Barbara dim is too tired we're gonna miss the Summer Festival enter the hot dog contest what do you mean he's passed out oh gosh they're on the road well that can't be good yeah ever ever everybody just make their way back to the summer festival where's waluigi going you went to talk to the cat as did Harry and this man what is happening what's going on with this cat so many people they're all old oh you can see the aged look at this the entire town is just pensioners now everyone's old this cat is popular Harry's commenced out okay that's fine Jesus sleep on the bench okay where's Waluigi miss Barbara he's also passed out what's going till Allah he's at home bras Bob's just going to the toilet where's Billy he's having a snow cone well at least [ __ ] someone's enjoying the festival he's also having a snow cone okay would you like the snow cone machine well at least someone's getting the most out of the festival you know Rickon Billy no no Billy you gotta enter the hot dog contest I don't don't use the toilet gotta enter can I interact with that no let's play some football no don't pass out I cancel this I'm sure he's okay he's out cold no he's good he's good yeah he had a good slumber come on Billy we're gonna go play some football thank you oh look not a poet is here to go play football with the horse got a boner nope Billy stop trying to use the toilet play football I swear to God come on stop yawning hold it in please go play football be so close I just want to see him be happy oh my god okay I'll let him pee well at least the horse is here to play football oh the beautiful park is like really helping his mood that's good okay he's going to toilet actually made it in time to no peeing himself good job Billy woozi XD thank you for cell phone with prime hope you're enjoying this dream Wow how do you believe even know about the Harry Hill jokes that we used to do on stream all the time I imagine some people just like joining the stream of the first time are confused by the several Earth's never thought of that okay there we go he's peed let's go join in the football join in the fun come on it was too tired gonna go have a nap on the bench okay well he's getting the most out of the festival all right six six six viewers fine from God the horse go oh he's having the top seven the time of your life is dancin go watch them watch the ice rink oh the skating rink everyone is so old in the town I haven't seen a single person without gray hair or a cane oh hey that's one Kalin he's the youngest person alive yeah I can't do anything else with the horse they are getting the most out of the summer festival let's check back in so most of the bulbs have lost out they've gone home Billy Bob though the tank that he is you just sleep it on the park bench he knows where the real funs are he's gonna have a power nap this woman husband's being sprayed by a sprinkler for an hour oh my god wait no Billy Billy no don't leave don't want to work but I actually works I go back to the bench what get out of the car go back and map the summer festivals on Billy we don't need money we need memories quickly sleep on the bench they sleep on the other bench no he's got that bench now okay all right he can't make up his mind quickly Billy send him over not a pony is still enjoying the festival - sorry Madison someone's taken I want Billy to have the time of his life at the festival it could be his last day alive for all I know I got to make the the minutes count so I were having a power nap on the bench Payne upon his face I don't think you can I tried to earlier it's getting some energy you might be able to play football soon Oh what's going on what's with the weird music hey let's go back over there he's joining football no he's got play the [ __ ] football stop trying to do something else join Billy I just want to see what it looks like there we go he finally made it oh god it's such a long time we finally got him to play football living the dream how's the rest of the family they're all just having a nap everything's peaceful in the Ross family Bob family household check on Ross check on Ross he's fine he's asleep they're morning cuz Christopher Steele passed away and then a person he outlived another guy yet Ross is still alive he won't die apparently screaming a chicken again having the time of his life I think someone else at the summer festival died he's outlived tree people despite being an elder from the Stars kind of scary I don't know how he's still alive like the the custom date means that you should be dead everyone else is aged like rapidly but he's still here have you saved yeah I've saved recently let's go back to the festival an opponent having fun with Billy it's going off okay well the festival is over for today Billy he wants to go be bit by Epona what he's just waiting for the horse to walk over look if she can bite him why are you okay with this you just got bit you got fit again what he begged for carrots what is Billie Bob doing a Billy Bob just just just right riding to the horse home or just walk home okay that works too where's the cat all the cats are living on the in the park now okay that's fine wait where are you oh you're in work and I'm Ross Bob still just having a peaceful that we're okay oh I can live longer than the outer time sentence if they lead a healthy life yeah that's just a testament to like how well I've looked after my sims I've been able to keep Ross Bob content I'm happy with life all this time just show us how good I am at planes Sam it's caught a troublemaker was there another burglar let me caught Waluigi why is he giving me that tool tip and Ross Bob forgot to turn off his phone in the night it's just not gonna answer - when - calls you don't pick up the phone Oh unless you get hungry I guess yes you get up there it's a mailbox for bills Barbara is on it nope she can just send a love letter there's no bills there's no bills making a good life for our sims they're doing well he's flying these little tunes I don't know what they're in Malaysia - I love this how long has that been happening Oh Billy Bob now you got to fix the shower first this is like a lost cause you can't just frantically mop carry the shower Fanta Kleem oppan try and contain it but that's not a good plan one is dying again well it's someone in the neighborhood so it's okay look a lot of people are gonna die okay we've set this up so they don't have long to live my sims are living longer because they clearly have the best life who else gets to go snowboarding you know it's so content white I have zero energy all the time you know just having like a ball find the rest Ross Bob's still alive after all this time please walk to the toilet beware smother Luke Billy he lives up oh we lost the first one and it wasn't Ross Ross Bob he's just watching now we lost the first one it was the first Billy Bob now we only have another Billy Bob oh this is a sad day Jesus there was no mercy there oh he's dead Jesus I think he just went to hell oh now they're all in mourning [Music] well Ross Bob outlived him I don't know how what he sitted it go use the toilet ross bob ross bob is witness the death of another sim i had to forget witnessing such a sad event I'll send a love letter to Sandy yeah showers still leakin that's not gonna stop and pooping anyone even fixing that oh no Billy was fixing it but then he died okay we'll get Bob Bob on it you know she's not gonna drop dead Billy was fixing it and then he just passed away okay get Ross get get Bob Bob on it got a bed fix that shower goddamn it Billy couldn't even fix the shower before you have to go and die how selfish can you be still morning where's the tombstone oh there it is just an urn on the floor look here to delete maybe not do that okay well stick them next to the shower it's a reminder of its legacy you lost the first Bob and we should say we should save here too keep on going I can't believe he's out live Billy but Billy was a teen when we started at this stream and somehow Ross Bob is still alive I don't understand why he's not dead what's wrong with the horse now horse stop morning just sleep you didn't even like Billy go to bed look he's dead already okay he's not gonna be any less dead in the [ __ ] morning so you might as well get some [ __ ] sleep freaking horse man he's gruntilda's happy yeah thinks the house is nicely decorated despite the morning dirty surroundings bad night's sleep smelly and disgusted she has to be in place the decorator makes that shower someone just left their salad in here what happens if the water hits is er for me he thinks I hope that's not gonna like do anything do his ashes hope they're okay in like the tin box we have just go to sleep just go to bed utter Billy I know you were close cuz you had the same name but just go to sleep he's stuck are you stuck Harley's trapped wait can I move I can't they move oh not again they got stuck in each other somehow well time her the second cheat on the street well just do not opponent again there we go the horse is G doe morning and what's wrong with Billy Billy why are you stuck oh you know what Billy now you know what just go [ __ ] you know like the other billing it was like you're doing so much first he was trying to prepare meals he was trying to fix the shower until he like had a heart attack halfway I've had it with this Billy this one didn't even play football when I asked him to go [ __ ] yourself Billy [Music] I'll be fine it's okay it's just a joke guys okay I know that he defies gravity don't be okay it's just a little joke guys just a little prank you know son they're easy he's nothing to worry about you know we'll bring them food he'll pee himself soon he'll be okay he's spending tonight in the rain let's just fast forward hopefully it muffles his cries a bit don't mind him peaceful night's sleep gir until it is Barthe ands Barbara's birthday and waluigi's birthday look at Ross Bob go he's having the time of his life again he didn't even sleep last night oh no it's go fix the shower Ross Bob other Billy gets what the same is hole I repaired the shower stop morning we can engrave the epitaph dear Billy Bob may you rest in peace you you perfect so cahuachi we have to move it okay I'll move it I'll put it in the other toilet okay prepare the shower oh yeah is in the way these are the doors on the left okay we really need to clean that sink to sink ain't looking too good is it it was like it's like a boss crush I'll get Harry hill on that clink oh go scrub the sink when you wake up how's the horse doing Horace is fine he's just having a snooze look he got an onion from the time of his life [Music] cat cat you guys are so worried about the pets we care more about the pets didn't like freaking Billy he was like standing over the void this entire time it's just crying uncontrollably you're more concerned about the cat who has a mild social decrease but in his needs then this guy users looking over the abyss I guess he isn't it more important will you shut up can i muffled America wall this this is real trippy yeah okay I can fix the terrain hopefully this means to be quieter it's just so loud that's really annoying well that's the wrong direction hang on there we go hopefully that means it's a bit quieter god damn you sounds as loud as before [Music] shut up Billy yeah this is probably they're all still born in the utter Billy Oh God they're not looking too good in the house Ross Bob oh you're a saint but you got to fix the shower you have to fix that please you're almost there Ross Bob you gotta stop giving up fix the shower he's so close every time there we go now have a shower Oh freaking Harry is just swooping in ross bob worked hard and now he's just taken it okay skipping the queue god damn it we get Ross bulbs shower eventually buy a new shower okay maybe we should see or buy bathroom a new shower and a new simple shower put this in the crawlspace here Oh doesn't fit there I can what do that side never even put it over here it should be okay [Music] if that works go out of your shower Ross Bob know he needs everyone to go away okay make some wall that wall isn't working okay no that's why okay it's not doing the room small little shower all we need we just need a door there we go perfect now you can go have a shower come on go have a shower no he's just crying again Joe have your shower there we go well the lovely little shower room I'm much better hey Billy Bob ain't looking too good that's okay welcome Bob Bob needs a shower as well cats doing fine horses doing fine everyone just needs showers he goes waluigi i wit knows we don't need windows I want this one to be like a more private space you know like we even have a seal in lawman si [Music] or cash the horse and cat are fine well is everyone freaking out about them [Music] we're fine the horse just needs a little exercise they don't run he's just mourning the loss of the first Billy gonna affect his mood you know he's not gonna be 100% a sim just died how insensitive can you be guys like come on like that Billy is dead all right give him some time to grieve it's not easy bein horse like a tower and place the shower there so everyone can see how it's sighs I don't know if we have money for that imp if thank you for serving with which crime thank you very much like I really appreciate up everyone that's known today thank you very much guys oh the other Billy said we don't really care about how okay Harry Hill Harry Harry Harry Harry where are we gonna go for an adventure this place looks really cool let's go say hi to the neighbors I'll send gruntilda with ya I'm Barbara with you literally all of the family all of the family that matters just fast forward a few hours that's the time pass there we go they get the taxis are arriving fun day at the neighbors having a fun day out the brass fathers now lived to utter Bob's in the family okay now do these guys have a toilet visit the whole wolf hat household come on Roz Bob been around the block there we go oh they're on good terms yes he do he's going in I think he's in there their house is so much nicer than theirs they afford all this like different rooms [Music] and I'll quickly use the toilet Ross Bob you're in the house we have to avail of this while we're here there we go cuz they go to work we gotta work we ever save the kid to work oh I accidentally hit a button there we go Ross Bob okay now just find the kitchen where's the kitchen where is their kitchen biggis our home they have a kitchen they don't have a kitchen oh no they just order take Illinois notice how they all just order takeout for a moment go have lunch make some hot dogs Ross Bob just make yourself at home just pretend you live very well look see he's just getting all the facilities he needs making some hot dogs they said make yourself at home you know are we just gonna pretend this is his home Rob is that probably out live with everyone out of sheer spite like I don't know how he's still alive after all this time like even everyone in this house is a hold they've all aged and ross bob is still here surviving the test of time he's just making hot dogs you know he's not as fast on his feet anymore but he's doing really well I can know his hot dogs oh yeah that a nutritious breakfast okay where you going now Ross Bob it's finally living the dream life I mean like who needs stuff in your own house and you can just chill at your neighbors you know mm-hmm I'm going a great hot dog mmm hunger is shooting up mm-hmm wooden hot dog just completely filled him that seems unrealistic honestly italic is not dinner but he's now completely full I was just so good asko stargazer else Bob oh there's some nice things I like they're gonna complain it looks like she's blind anyway [Music] just keep living in the new home cat save the cat Oh Ross Bob's crying okay hang on I think the cat's just come in to join Ross Bob okay he'll be here soon afraid heard how much fun Ross bob was having so he's just on his way send the cat up here afraid is fleas Oh No still morning as well oh damn and afraid Ross Bob you might have more luck with the telescope if you point it away from the house I'm just saying you're like you're looking the wrong direction okay well he's still having fun so that's the main thing come on cat look he's coming the during the family the cat has made it cats gonna go sniff this person okay well I'm no stairs sleep doing Grimes you just move in the entire family here you know they're gonna be dad in the day anyway Ross Bob's gonna outlive him you know what he's like I need food he's still had half hunger be friendly and beg okay you might get some extra food here afraid go on give me your all oh they're mourning the loss of one of their friends who died hey Rob just buying a telescope where's not opponent where the hell are you what are you doing over here not opponents just in like a new side of town yeah well saddened not Epona back home [Music] do have plenty of water fer we just need to buy some more hay that's horse and intersect under objects oh that's cuz that's the car space coming up food acquired let's go back to the cool new house we have Ross Bob it's just kind of getting in there you know let's see if you can ask why is teach Walla Walla we she's here as well when in waluigi get her okay let's teach waluigi the drive then I think it's time it's time to learn how to drive waluigi no practical experience and just talking about us I guess okay we're gonna go drive waluigi just grow up here we go he's finally a young adult his future is wide open what will he accomplish due to his endeavor different study habits you would not be allowed to choose a trait for waluigi waluigi has developed a loner tres oh poor waluigi he just want some love you know he sees all those cool friends invited to like the next Smash Bros and he's just completely forgotten to the wayside even freaking Daisy has a character now he just wants to party he just wants to join in or Waluigi look he's even dressing up as Mario but just try and be more likeable he's desperate for attention you just want someone to love them that's a lifetime wish for waluigi crush the author of master of the arts golden tongue golden fingers like wah Luigi there we go oh he's crying over the Bob it's fine well we didn't like that Billy anyway Ross Bob still just here what happened the gruntilda Ogrin chill has also had our birthday Angie's party next to the mailbox they grow up so fast grow up too fast [Music] my god look at this a young hotel with all the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood in future is wide open what she accomplished because of her success in school you may choose a trait for gruntilda we have a success story and you guys doubted me you guys thought I was a bad parent she got success in school you what we gonna go for that's why she knows to wear clothes good job Griselda success story right here live in the lap of luxury become a creature robot cross what master thief and the emperor of evil help I think lap of luxury is most appropriate you only need 138 thousand simoleons practically halfway there barbers growing up to look at this there we go we got another one they're all growing up Barbara is now a proper adult a young adult mind you she still looks like she's your aunt but she's now in her young adult ears it was a teen all that do to earn different study Aventine abilities the trade Barbara's developed a perfectionist race okay the happy day a lifetime wish is to become a world renowned surgeon [Music] she doesn't look 60 it was babies arty well we don't know anyone in the neighborhood who hasn't died so I'll just call it an adoption agency I guess stopped a pet from the shelter we can't really do babies because everyone's dying it won't really work what we can do is adopt a new pet you gotta go to work now talk to you tomorrow nerd all the best quickly take care I won't be going too much longer on the stream front I'm gonna wrap up soon pet adoption which one we gonna go for misty Gilbert boo honey socks dinner cat's name was just dinner we were like with an accent dinner what else we got Maynard moonshine Road on Rufus captain wave Road Han okay Rodin looks quite nervous now it looks like he's going to kill you we get wrote on a let's after a tan that's come with many new responsibilities need lots of TLC don't worry I I am very good at looking after my animals well we have all this hay out here my horse ok so we may have lost to Billy's we got a dog things are looking up there we go he'll be there soon let's fast forward until we get our dog the urn is still in there I don't know didn't need that anyway I remember correctly there was only one Billy living on this house yes I think there was only one yes geez get a good night's rest you really hated Billy he was just like the worst Billy the other Billy was so much better it was like the reject one but they were trying to create like Billy twins they were like the perfect human beings and they got the first one right I didn't the other one like they ran out of government funding so it's like all [ __ ] we got a poop out of this Billy we still gotta make this guy and so like they just say God picked up some [ __ ] play-doh and just shucked it on the ground and that was the second Billy I didn't someone shat on it almost Barbara's birthday people are freaking out about the horse hang on hang on I just say the charity good look at the event oh thank you very much man I appreciate that thank you for donating the block get all the child's funds child's play house fund is not desktop sound right it's a school education fund for Bob Bob thank you very much so seriously oh he doesn't need food he just needs water I'll just have a drink okay slow down time Ross Bob is still in mourning no Ross Bobby you you got to stay in bed we need to keep you alive Oh too bad Ross Bob we need to be very careful in regards to your needs okay let's get that for the horse we'll move that over horse should be able to access the water now the boiler room for how are you the school's boiler has begun to break down and someone needs to fix it however the schools budget is already running low and the can't afford professional repair technician you can fix the boiler where it seems over the school we'll pay you for your time let's go Harry you fix that boiler okay so the horse just needs to drink water he's passed out that's okay it's a cat the cat just needs to scratch them Oh scratch where are you cat oh okay you can still make it in time oh no God is really far away okay well we'll get the cat home where's Ross Bob he's in bed he took a taxi home he forgot to take the [ __ ] cat but he made it home Waluigi he's no energy he's soaking wet but he's having a nice salad go to bed Waluigi once you've done your salad the horse you need a drink Oh drink so you taxi to the cotton pick it up and take a taxi home almost like 20 bucks so come on horse have a drink outside reading for Bob Bob and Barbara Lupe tous bills horses having a drink okay so everything's okay now I'm not the lady from the adoption agency will be arriving soon and we're gonna have a newest family member okay things are looking up you know like we're doing really well maybe we just call them cat when his name is afraid of both things it's just easier to say the cat same reason is easier to save the horse oh we can go to bed get some rest where's the cat how was it going afraid he desperately wants to scratch something he's making it okay that's good hey horse when you're done just have a sleep in the rain ice cream oh sorry you gotta get some ice cream buy an ice cream treat no attend school you don't need that ice cream there just waiting to get our dog these are looking pretty well as we cat it's a [ __ ] home for half a mile are you just getting some exercise you know get the blood pumping never hurt anybody all Ross Bob's getting hungry I'm getting scared for Ross Bob I'm getting real nervous we haven't meeting his needs as well and we got a fiend Ross Bob once he gets up we needs enough energy to get some food he's dreaming of - he's wondering why he's been alive all this time that's fair you know we're gonna go one more day gonna get Ross Baba's food and then I think we might leave it let's just get him alive I know toilet broken the drywall that's okay we have like two other toilets I really would like to invite over is it Mirage try to pronounce that Alvie after school of course that's okay all of Harvey's friends are welcome well that's a carpool oh no who's supposed to be in work this time oh it's Ross Bob no you're not going to work across Bob yes freezer bony popsicle think he's missing this one he's just having a sleep always deep in the red he's got fleas anxious to advance and work he's very hungry and he's in morning please very comfy someone else died I think not entire family okay okay he's full of energy Ross Bob now is the time they'll make that mac and cheese you're famous for come on Ross Bob out of bed it's your signature dish making this way still mourn the loss of the inferior Billy which is weird because I don't think I exist it no don't go scold Harry Hill after dinner make your mac and cheese Ross Bob you don't have time for this we'll make a dinner it's making a signature dish a meal left put him on the map mac and cheese how's the cat and horse doing well the cat's fine he just made it home now look I'm a day Oh scratch go scratch cat a horse is fine just need some exercise when it wakes up so just say horse oh here plenty exercise there we go he's having his mac and cheese he's like Ross Bob's doing better already now we just need to make sure he pees Arie Hills goal growing up this Owens still Reagan but Harry Harry is delighted [Music] how old is Harry now Ari's finally a young adult due to his difficulties in school he went up here I choose to trade for Harry how he's developed the absent-minded trench that's okay okay so what is new Hoodie how he looks a bit medicine I'm gonna be honest Ross Bobby's right there you don't need to laugh at him okay well Harry Hill you know he is a master in the kitchen elaborated five-star chef we saw the big golf we did that back at earlier this year [Music] okay Ross Bob we don't having any fun well go P that's fun Harry brought his friend over the cat's finally getting the scratch need hey I think we're doing good so I think we're gonna wrap up there I think we really outdid ourselves this time like the family is looking better than ever before I just look at all the improvements we made that I would say just just take it in green fire gun thanks for seven with Grimes thank you very much man I think things are looking better than ever and the Bob family has old we even lost one of the ship Bob's oh Jesus Christ i black out thank you for subbing with crime as well whoa just at the end of the stream he's getting ready to wrap up thank you very much so I hope you enjoyed it will we stream it again tomorrow at the same time Jesus Midtown maniac as well thank you for some with crime oh my god that puts us up to 319 320 sub-points Jesus we're turkey off the next one we just got back today there's been like 35 subs today alone that's insane seriously though thank you so much everyone for coming by the stream I hope you enjoyed this will of course be catching up with the Bob family household before long once again tomorrow I want to try stream some stardew valley because it's actually a mod for that that removes the player cap as well and that seems like a game where it'd be fun because there's no Boston stardew valley you're just trying to run a farm so we're gonna try it were like 20 farmers so that should be good fun hopefully gonna be doing that tomorrow until then I'm sure I'll be talking to using the discord don't forget to support BLAP I'll be plugging it a bit over the coming months just because the big charity event I'm the one who's been bloody organizing most of us um it's gonna be a cool thing kind of happened at the end of the month you'll be hearing about in the channel in a video at some point here in July um but thank you so much for coming by though folks hope you all enjoyed the stream well family household doing well we'll catch up with them next week let's see who you can write of course the only note we're gonna end the stream on is just making someone's day let's see well as a stream and sims limbs treat which I don't know if Sims trees that's popular on to it just seems for I don't know why people like some swirl it seems like have a lot of things wrong okay there's another stream for Sims tree that's simply called suicide cult so maybe not that one that sounds whirring who's the Bunga Roo these are the best widdle streams let me just have a quick look on hang on one moment I'm just gonna ah no they they just went offline twitch sims 4 let's the CEO who's doing stuff with sims 4 a lot of people that actually stream Sims 4 it's kind of weird let's see [Music] I'm trying to have a look this is because there's so many here there's a lot of people who stream since four nerdy fool I'm building tiny homes let's see what's this doesn't seem to be any audio on this one I'm trying I'm trying to see here anyone in that stream trying to have a look we want coal no I'm not I'm not from the super psyche well I can't host that that just sounds bad okay folks thanks for joining the stream gonna leave you in the care of the suicide cult hey Ike oh god now I have to do it okay all right you want a suicide kill let's just quickly track the stream and make sure this isn't too bad no no I'm not doing that already no because you know why you know what I clicked on that stream all of his sims are children I'm not hosting that No no I'm not no uh yeah I I'm not doing that one suicide cult and they're all kids I open it there was like six strollers in the house just just no no I'm not I'm not hosting that one let me see I'm not doing that this I think is a different language okay I'll go let me go back to sims 4 which Sims 4 this is taking a while to find I'm trying because I don't know who streams different games like outside of tf2 that's the thing that all the people I know and like most of the trimmers I follow LTF to folks let's see I'm just trying to see if there's a nice-looking one let's build Forte hey let's see okay yeah we'll leave her and yeah she's gonna I think she's just kind of like building like a lovely home she has a very impressive property so like if you want to see someone actually doing the game well I'm gonna I'm gonna pass the host she looks like she's knows what she's doing so I'm gonna leave it in her care she currently has seven people watching oh go make her day just building like a nice lovely home thanks for coming folks go say hi to her make her day take care of folks I talk to y'all tomorrow you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 20,535
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-303175595, rtgamecrowd, Checking in with the Bob Family Household, The Sims 3, Twitch, Gaming, Checking, in, with, the, Bob, Family, Household, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: udmryuMLlgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 30sec (12690 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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