RTGame Archive: Hearthstone [PART 7]

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heiio everyone how's it going sorry for the slight delay on tonight's stream can you hear me okay it's just up hey folks how's it going hello hello can hear me cool odd streamer Jesus don't catch a break okay let me just closed a few things and then we should be good yeah how's it going though folks it's good to have you all here good streamer am I too quiet in comparison to the game or is the game too loud should I lower this a little keep it there is that good I'm kind of quiet I might just lower the game in a bit to kind of balance it out and you just turned me up game is fine okay alright give people a chance just to hop on in how's it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream we're doing a sponsored one today yeah we're playing some Herod stone because I love this game Blizzard wants me to play it again which is fine by me honestly just give people two minutes and then we'll go through the motions you're super quiet but yeah I'm good I might maybe just turn up the stream of it maybe that's the best way they do it more Khadgar I mean I'm hoping he's here welcome back how was your vacation it was great yeah I'm gonna be gone like again from tomorrow because I'm going to San Diego this time for a twitchcon I literally been back the last two days I mean I'm gonna be gone again oh god I love watching these streets of videos keep it up thanks wolf or she ate it man Jun thank you for the tier tree there as well are you wearing your glasses I know I don't know where they are yet look when I get back from this next trip then you start reminding me the way of the glasses oh maybe that's the best way to do it I don't know where they are okay but I get back from San Diego that's what you start screaming at me until I pull on the glass you don't even let me start the stream until I'm wearing glasses okay that's that's because that's a stage rash or today I'm not gonna have them oh god okay I think we're gonna get going with the stream we're gonna get this introduced so this stream today is sponsored by Blizzard the guys you might know for you know making hearthstone and World of Warcraft and a bunch of other stuff we're playing the latest solo adventure that is tombs of terror if you remember the dialer on heists from before when we played this adventure - bit similar to this but like new mechanics and new bosses new cars that you play with using the latest set from saviors of all doom as well this was pretty cool Thank You Tube listen for sponsor me for this if you're interested you like what you see in this stream if you type exclamation point tomb in the chat you'll get a link to check it out for yourself so again thank you very much Blizzard for sponsoring this and I thought it's like a little twist as we're playing today because we kind of it is with dial our own house before well let you guys are gonna design my deck as we go and I'm just gonna let you guys make most of the choices we'll do it by like mob mentality so let's do something stupid and let's go into this point cuz I don't know we're gonna be fighting shake and bake thanks for 245 bits got to catch a stray twist yeah thanks very much fun I've missed doing this okay you guys are designing my deck so let's gear on up chapter unlocked a lost city and the scorching dunes Jesus were making great progress already we're on the chapter tree I don't think Chapter four is out just yet pretty good start though let me just adjust the audio ever so slightly there we go okay uh start with chapter one okay investigate the lost city of the Toa fair to put a stop to the plague of merlocks yeah this adventure is following on basically from because like all the sets for this year are like I have a theme with the expansions and like you're following like the League of Evil and here's like the League of explorers like this is kind of like almost like a sequel to it I believe we got a bunch of new stuff here but I'm sure we'll be get to explore as we go and we have the anomaly mode too if you want to turn this on at the start of every turn deal one damage to all minions the anomaly mode if you haven't seen like the previous time we did this anomaly mode is like a challenge mode that you can pop off that sounds really hard to work with unfortunately do we do we want it on or off you guys get the first decision do you want it so every at the start of every turn deal one damage because because that sent that's it's gonna make it hard I'm seeing more people say arm so that terrifies me and we earned tree packs reaching the fifth boss of the chapter okay let's go okay we have a choice of heroes these are dual class heroes that they use for this Reno Jackson who is a mage and rogue we have sir Finley who is a paladin and shaman apparently and at least who is a priest slash druid I believe bran is still locked at the moment so which one we go in guys Reno Finley or Lise we gonna be rich okay yeah I think this is pretty anonymous that alright the dashing treasure hunter is now dabbling in magic okay let's do this okay choose a signature treasure Oh God so we have equipment I think we have to unlock some of this still just just before we go any further Daniel Nelson thank you for the [ __ ] five ciphers thank thank you for the 5000 bits welcome back arty I can still can't stick around because I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule it's great to see you again thank you very much man it's incredibly generous give her the fifty quid I haven't done anything yet thank you okay we have to defeat bosses to unlock these we're gonna go at Reno's lucky hat for now give him minion plus two plus two and spell damage plus one Reno claims his hat is brimming with powers but mostly it's just brim we haven't unlocked any hero powers yet but you defeat boss that you clear these conditions you unlock more stuff because the idea is you replay this quite a few times over so a mature mage deal one damage combo deal two instead and we're using this deck I feel I'm sure we have it a lakh daily cuz this is our first time playing you locked this all overtime and you just get new stuff okay so let's pick this up okay lieutenant Harry these the dreaded evil puffer troopers aka the Flying Fish let's go it's gear on up for this so many decisions but we'll start getting the buckets after we clear this game so you guys have more say there first time playing so we haven't unlocked anything just yet oh this is oh this is from the rumble I don't I've never seen this okay well let's take a Bible in book ID sure we'll just we'll discover a weapon why not let's see what RINO can do and we got his lucky hat too minions have invaded each deck twist plague of merlocks surprise mirth well I just draw someone around him him out of merlok so you're telling me I got the least possible amount of mereloc school well I feel great about it laughs that that's a good start we have to give him the hat as well or he's gonna die to the anomaly okay an turn oh my god he's not gonna live long well it's okay cuz his guy isn't gonna live long Eider Easter Easter even any point in me playing these guys because this guy's gonna die at the end of my turn and this guy will die by the time it gets back to my turn ah let's just steal a weapon sure yeah we'll get another identified Maul oh that's gonna be great for my lack of minions next turn okay correct that's fine oh my god at the end of our turn someone a woman merlok but it's okay cuz the anomaly just automatically kills it we don't have to worry about it okay let's get its get a spell we got a combo hero power so we're just gonna deal to to his face and now the books gonna die this will summon a Murloc totem but then it'll also die this only is to health so but italia but gets backed around to his next turn it's dead already so this anomaly is just completely clear on the board [Music] know is kind of played out a random character from another class to your hand where we go one of your friendly minion dies give another one plus like plus three plus two if I play this guy he'll actually live like a turn or two hopefully I just pop him down well like skillfully clear their minion off the board they'll pop down a tasty fin I think we've won just like that that's a good stack [Applause] okay so now you guys are gonna be able to start making decisions okay discs of swiftness passive your opponent must pass their first two turns passive your minions have plus what held her taunt or enemy minions have minus one attack people are just saying pick the ring but that one's kind of like a ring - that's a band that's a band or one do we feel like oh god this is very evenly split is that the disc scores of the ring I'll get the band is out not no one wants the band which one are we taking a lot guys the ring out of the disk yeah ie it's already very close but I think it's slightly favor for the disc okay but they don't get their first two turns okay slinging spells we have secrets or we have heroically empowered if we want to use a hero power like all the time so secrets hero powers or just more spells which way we feel a lot of people are saying secrets I think it's secrets honestly okay all right this do we have any secrets in her deck Kurt no all right well we get this will be like a forum out of five five so that's a great picture super named Irma virus averred as the Waker of the flame a severe power after you cast a spell deal two damage round we split among all enemies okay let's go let's test this out giving it a go so we still have actually nothing that can survive I don't know actually why we picked this because this even this will die this is for mana cast a secret like great the anomaly is just going to like a board clear everything so like we need to focus on building a deck that almost doesn't play minions oh and this it's also still just more merlocks in our deck so I'm gonna Rhino madam airlocks give us something I feel like that's not a very random amount of merlocks well my board is now clear it's just immediately gone I thank God he skips his first two turns let me just draw a card oh my double damage tell to your hero after you hear our attacks discover a spell and cast a random targets after you here attack someone choose one one silver hand recruits that's gonna be great considering that they all die at the end of the term here's the turn eight late gameplay I'll take the spear let's see how this goes mana addict this will actually live a turn never you cast a spell getting +2 attack this turn and I can combine it with the razor petal volley to actually do something here so let's just pop that down this wood this will be dead at the end of my next turn but it's okay because this will soon be dead too okay I can I can actually make sure this dies with me so this is perfect and let's just play that and build up carrots there we go it's not very random amount of merlocks is it Oh someone no it's something around amount of merlocks yeah it's not keeping someone around the birla okay well this is gonna chip away at that again at least I mean I can do a sick wombo combo here aha now this will be dead at the end of your turn oh he's getting more merlocks so was a random number between 1 and 4 what seems about right honestly okay well most of this board will be dead by the time it's his next turn so this is this is great for us give us some Merlot just a random merlok we can play a six - five five that does not feel great I'm gonna be honest we could play a key slinger what's spell sling or even forgotten infest us just destroy us board now guys enough with the glasses been out please okay maybe you cast a spell draw a minion from your deck I mean this won't die in one turn so it's something I've never been to a live street before a hi how's it going man the backstab is not going to help here because everything is always damaged let's just pop you down you'll take a while to die oh but no he was really trying to get it oh we win grace easy game oh no he had a secret hole with me my board is ruined doing good okay Reno's not dead just yet okay so if there's anything we've learned so far it's like the less minions we actually have like it seems to be better because everything is going to die anyway the slinging spells where we gonna quest an adventure that just kind of gets a bit bigger unstable portal frozen clone my hench clan burglar or duplicate Pyrus and a Firefly so elements honor among thieves as spells we had secrets before really want elements but why do you want out this will die this will also die and I guess we get a duplicate no oh people are changing their too now they want honor oho of honors much better people have spoken we just choose whichever looks nicest I strongly disagree Donna thanks are to quit earlier okay I okay I tell people are now Saints but you guys are so indecisive we started with people saying elements we've gone to honor and out spells in the majority just take spells spells for the love of God strawpoll yeah that let's get a straw poll up because it that you guys you can't decide at the moment so which bucket we got elements honor spells okay let's get that up let's see what the results are which way we lean yeah it's like this is this is very closely split like all tree ways no one knows what they want I think it's slightly favored for spells by like a difference of like seven votes elements has lost I think though honor has just taken it over okay well we're going with honor than the people have voted okay Oh curse eyes thief steal a card from your opponent's deck and put it into your hand some people think rogues need to be sneaky and then there's RINO is just like cast and magic in their face let's try this what's a story on the glasses I don't have them today but stream after this maybe back from San Diego okay so this is a turn to it automatically dies they'll have a nice turn tree play here so let's keep that and we have a hash I mean with the mana Avex this might do something and he misses his first two turns unfortunately I have nothing I can do on my first turn and now my turn - it's not looking too good let's get the minor attic down so this is almost dead but with the Hat we can make it live just a little longer discover a weapon after has tree spells to turn someone a dragon over kill give a minion your hand plus two plus two or just the lights justice we just chip away at them gradually just like I keep biting his ankles no people want the dragon we don't have enough just we don't have enough spells okay alright there you go [Music] Ok Go Vanna addict we physically don't have enough spells right now but sure look we'll take it get out around a minion to your hand I need to get this down I feel but I also want to see what the babbling book is deal six damage to a minion yeah we can actually power this up a little bit let's get rid of laughs okay we've almost got him down and he's only someone to single merlok once again he's only summoned to single merlocks again never gettin lucky with that I have a giant sound room oh I do have two puzzles actually do we cope we could get the combo off I feel like I should just play this guy though cuz like if he lives even one turn we do like we just win like sure that we just pop this big boy down try get you do you guys desperately want to see a dragon before this first get like well this game is over just because we have it oh there's our random merlok alright okay what we can get it in this turn this works well we just have to kill our guy with the backstab look at that dragon spirit we did it guys now we can wait oh my god Drac we're way too excited this is the power of honor oh okay right there are several options here but based on the name alone of the first one I feel I know which one is going to win here so we have the gnome the gnome literature he lets head damage all steel tad damage to plague Lord when you fight it we have a crawling claw which is rush reborn - rattle steal a card from your opponent's hand or a tracking device the start of game draw this draw a two tree four and five cost care feud I think that's actually amazing that's like draw the perfect curve but know that you all want the gnomes so there we go okay we have elements we get a frost let's Jane if we don't want to play is reno we have the old god we can get sued or a spell searching that okay yeah all right Reno's going in a very weird direction OPA sorry Bob the friendliest face you could hope to me in a plague-ridden desert its Bob again he's moved from the in okay well let's make our deck batter I guess we're a consume deck now wow I feel like we're having an identity crisis with this deck you know doesn't know what he wants to be he's currently like I both a rogue and a mage you can't do that in World of Warcraft that's illegal okay so we get to add or remove some minions C'thun is on the table too so we might be able to do something with him discover weapon from any class add to your venture deck with +2 +2 discover a spell a dish always starts in your hand choose a minion to remove choose an enemy minion add it to your deck okay is there any of these that we really want to get rid of just might work yes you sir okay all right we could we can take you Sarah yeah you Sarah's joining the gang is gonna be a heavy cost attack do we want to discover a weapon or discover a spell that always starts in our hand remove Kazu to display Tommy guys we can't with what like what's the point then okay y'all you all want the spell so let's have a study break so this well always starts in our hand so we can have the five cast spell assassinate turn one pyro creation turn one or effigy turn one all of these are terrible for our first turn you all want the okay we have an eighth cost carat that now starts in our opening hand great we also now get to remove a minion from the deck a friendly minion do either one of these you want to get rid of people are still saying c'thun guys we need we need some kind of wing condition like please I beg you keep everything please people don't wanna carry people will not want the book Burma rock days were for drip it's quite the day today I catch a stream wait for five hour bus ride Chicago Airport any carrot has a pun like known glitterati you have to pick it yeah basically like I have no say killer walk necks for firewood your baits as well goddamn entirety I can finally call up your violets and you start pumping them ahead again how's it going man good to see you again it's the Booker C'thun do we have to do a strawpoll to like rope maintain the best card in our deck because so many people want them gum it's that the point where her hat people just want to see the world burn okay okay all right which do we remove soon the book this chat is trying to sabotage you as usual they just want to see like everything burned hmm okay cast your votes oh it's actually massively favor from the book it's just a couple of meemers for C'thun okay you guys actually don't want to see the world burn okay well there goes the book it's actually massively favorite it's like a hundred votes in the difference [Music] okay let's fight twizzle flux spread in the very curse that maligned him give a minion - vile deal to damage to the enemy hero that's really bad because everything's going to die anyway let's see how long we survive oh dear IRT is booked look it was either book Vernon or keep the Colt in order guys okay I have to do what we think is right in this scenario a look at look at this opening hand we have power of creation and like a thing that will die and a turn ten play I can't use any of this I still can't use any of this great but it's okay because he doesn't get his first two turns now we might get a Murloc what a hand so the game plan curl he is turned for cosmic anomaly deal for damage to his undamaged minion that hopefully isn't hurt until then we're just gonna hero power literally every turn hey at least this will die on the end of his turn and not the end of our turn that song pothana counterspell thank god this has the reborn effect and comes back to life oh thank God we countered his reform scheme that's up its tree 1/1 imps god forbid we left free one [ __ ] names on the board that would die at the end of the turn anyway Jesus we have no obliterator we'll save that to like finish him off with we hold we hold on to this card for now that's the finish no me actually got to merlocks there well thank God all this is gonna die by the end of history okay give us something good that'll also die okay okay it's not gonna kill them is they think we need to get it as much damage as we can before then and then this is like a two mana pyroblast know me we will know him eventually but we gotta work our way up he's gonna summon a copy of a 2/2 minion that will then die at the end of my turn so doesn't do anything okay this guy's just gonna get one big swing off and then everything dies oh no it's actually not dead I know I know I can I can hero power I can hero power so we're good okay so I I do actually need a hero power this turn so that's unstable portal so I'm gonna 1 1 locust would rush that doesn't well actually i mean it does kind of help because now we can maintain the damage on his face we're getting ready for the no okay what else is he gonna play hello but insects getting there this will die at the end of his turn so that's great that's not so great but ok taking a lot of damage all of a sudden that's fine I need to get rid of this I can summon a copy of a Dublin imp that will then die at the end of the turn or I could just play a hench clan burglar we might as well play the burglar our deck is actually very heavily caster that this might be the best pick weirdly just know already okay holy your ass let's hold on to that this actually might be good make dark bomb that's fine well this and the mignonette spawns will be dead before they can accomplish anything so that's fine we just wishes true USERRA there unfortunately play a big boy so we can set up the note we can kill him next turn oh if he didn't do that wasn't attempt striking again okay you didn't have anything for that that's fine I can pop down your Sarah Ike what do I win if we try if we draw a high enough then we win that's let's try it okay what we're gonna know them we just need a forecast come on that's disappointing our deck is so heavily costed - no it's because you didn't know how many times you gonna play curse of weakness he does not want this thing to have help and that was entire board is gonna die okay well oh it actually gave us two murlocs ruins soon just got outplayed like this guy he just were randomly appearing I'll take it I'll take it [Music] okay so we have heroically empowered we have battle-cries with two peres's and a raven i just add book just clone each other or honor among thieves we don't have more of the c'thun package unfortunately which weaselly this guy has no power at all battle cry for more cook - okay okay here we go we don't have the C'thun plays in our deck right now but that's okay we can copy them and we can get more and we're against a literal sinkhole now let's go we could have used Jaina but that's okay we're fighting a sinkhole the ground itself we have no obliterate it we have it scarred is this a good it's a good early game play charge the keep I don't even know cuz our deck is so heavily could cost it I'll keep the gnome little writer we might need a pilfer please give us a car that actually helps us win the game okay merlocks have invaded the deck what is this hero power shuffle a sand trap into your opponent's deck that swallows cards when drawn that does not sound good everything's good and it's just looking for some she says everything's not good okay thanks for you Danny return give all means in your hand plus one plus one I mean that will help him live slightly longer I'll take it that we have a hat turned to just your ten damage to his face I don't think we're that desperate just yet I'm worried that this is just gonna eat away our deck - I don't know how this works swallows a card [Music] I mean I can I can play this and it will live a single turn but I feel like getting the grime street and 4/3 out it would be like better in the long run do the know it's too soon for the noses we do have a Sorcerer's Apprentice who is also a gnome with the gnome glitter writer so like that that's good let's hold our counts remove the top two cards great okay that's absolutely terrifying but thankfully we're just gonna deal with his board as we go that's not very helpful spell slinger you'll actually live a turn summon your beasts that died this turn thank god we've got the beasts energy package okay and that's fine that will just die no just keep screaming it hey razor petal volley yeah I could do a bit of a wombo combo here with the apprentice I think I want to just get this guy down is the sooner this guy is down like the better it means the stuff in my hand can actually survive a little while let's just get him down so I even like these guys are gonna live longer like the Kisumu actually leave it live a turn and I can buff this guy so the he sticks around longer good that's fine with the sand wasp that just dies okay this is actually really good so lucky hat on this guy razor petals deal tree damage we summon a Murloc we summon an additional marelok bolt die at the end of the turn all according to plan discover a weapon after a friendly mini loses divine shield came +1 attack I Evans I I really don't want that I think I'm good let's just take a Gore how we'll use that on his face later [Music] and we're gonna set up the counterspell just in case he has an answer for the growing Street enforcer keep buffing those carts okay we can get this down in one turn it's not problem counterspell kicking in it's fine and now if we had more merlocks be in business unfortunately do not is there anything just for this keysmith I guess okay so things are gonna start dying unfortunately Revenge of the wild I feel is not going to help me in this scenario [Music] know him already yeah I think we honestly just try and go face and I'm gonna just preserve this damage here get in as much as I possibly can't get another key in when a minion is attacked I'm gonna copy sure I need as much damage as I can so it's a gnome how the gnome how the gnome litter a dog or how combo will kill him this is the most damage we'll get with no obliterators let's go he's been gnomes I think we've actually got him Gor house gonna guide us to victory here I mean we had an excessive amount of damage so I think I think we're good anyway but we did it we beat a sinkhole we almost got the kazoo barista combo off as well pretty good not a one down [Applause] sometimes I was wondering why he didn't have any - like a line to say on - but it is literally just a sinkhole so crap thanks 400 bits I only just got here have no idea what the gnome is but I think it's always the time to use no thank you very much okay ever change an elixir at the start of your turn transfer more friendly meaning into one the cost one more robes of diminution after you draw a spell reduce its cost a zero this turn scroll of nonsense passive spell damage +10 at the end of your turn this loses one spell damage which which one we feel in guys oh no I [Music] think this is another straw poll I think this one's gonna be close okay so which treasure okay so it's gonna be a lick sir the robes or the scroll set this up again thank you to Blizzard for leaving me at the mercy of my chat it's very much appreciated I'm having a lot of fun okay let's see oh no it's ice melt elixir wrong - I'm apologized okay it's the scroll the passive spell damage +10 alright so we're gonna need a lot of spells then to capitalize on this battlecry package that is Pogo hopper life drinker and spirit of the shark spell surgeon and tinnitus henchman burglar and a spell slinger for Secrets the ruins sudden betrayal and an archaeologist Pogo hopper literally on its own is the saddest thing like yeah we all have spirit of the shark and we have baristas but yeah it's gonna take a while people want spells okay all right let's get more magic in the deck let's talk to Bob and hopefully he can help us out because we really need it at this point we're having a lot of trouble okay well we got there's a lot of ket we can play everything here if we so please so at all enemy minions here at venture deck they cost one less eye I mean she has a twin Emperor that actually could be kind of good she was a friendly minion discover a minion to replace us in your adventure deck discover a weapon for any class I to your venture deck bill the tavern when you mute but new minions increase his start and help by five okay so we have enough for everything so let's get the no-brainers out of the way increase our health discover a weapon the molten blade this transforms into different weapons the fools pain are the whip which do we feel like a fool The Fool okay we got a full Spain with actually really good because it's got plus two plus two oh my god I actually does so much that's insane okay do we want to add all enemy minions or like like which order do we go here we have fast-food hiring replacements and brood would like where are we going we can fill it with new minions we can choose a friendly minion discover a meaning to replace it with fast food ad all enemy minions to your adventures I think costs one less okay all right there they go and I can now brood and do hire and replacements if I want to just try swap something I think all these guys are kind of good like here's the c'thun package and here's he's Sarah so let's fill the tavern in you and then we'll swap something now okay the weak link here Oh got a Leroy Jenkins that's not a sleep on the board that's actually kind of funny because it has charge okay I can replace the tree Manor here at FM you have a friendly minion immune deal one down shell minions just battle cry deal 5 damage you want a crocodile a tentacle or occultist take the Crockett at this terrible this is this is so bad nice to see you two above our deck is awful it's so bad already hey old bark I started with just a rifle old bark I has taken up the blade passive here of our after you hear attacks out a round of a hunter card to your hand okay I mean we're not dead yet Colin likes 400 bits you fought a sinkhole please fight gravity next to look you heard I'm doing my best oh yeah these cards we add at reducing costs - oh look we have a curve before mana and five mana so we just passed our first tree turns our first two turns now and we're good we don't have any spell damage cards at the moment I need no litter writer he's not gonna be able to do anything we have time unfortunately we are also not able to do any hero power and pass okay another merlok that'll also die great a gain ten hour reduce the cost of meetings in your opponent signed by two that really doesn't seem good here it's just gonna kill us more oh wow he's actually gonna clear this thing I mean I just need him to hit his face a lot and his max is terrible apparently because he didn't realize the anomaly would kill that anyway I want to discover a spell from another class I think hey destroy tree of your mana crystals give all midians of your deck plus two plus two okay all right you have chats already spoken on this here we go now we're gonna have to rely on the anomaly a lot here just to keep our face safe because we're gonna be taking a lot of damage okay I mean I can clear most of this out yes so most of this is gonna die by the time it gets around to its turn the no obliterated us sixteen currently we we have to surrender to madness now no no we had to get it in while we could know when you kill that thing it's okay I can still just hero power this down no will decrease in power I'm fully aware but like it's either that or we die I need to kill this and I can't no miss I have to do this no no no no no he's just getting more stuff okay we could gnome him here we still got some of the gnome power in okay here we go there is unknown let's just clear his board with the anomaly that was it that was a good passer I mean backstop still actually quite handy but he's just not gonna play actually no back steps useless because everything is always damaged what am I talking about everything is always hurt slightly because of the anomaly this is pointless okay well dad I can go infinite barista eventually so we're gonna have to build up forwards I think store 5 deal 5 damage restore two health I you know are you calling to need to catch up on the matter ah great it's dead [Music] we lost so many minor crystals we just need to rebuild best we can oh no wait it's okay cuz it's still all Dolly's anyway thanks to D anomaly except for that last bit what did you do there oh it's the razor ma okay it mostly old eyes it no it it just doesn't die anymore okay that's fine if I get the sword of justice I can keep things alive longer and here I think I just need to get rid of some of the damage on board I have more cards in my deck than he is in his so you know maybe that's just how we win this he already has eight cards in his hand - I don't know why you played that he's gonna over draw three cards oh no he's just gonna discard all his surprise merlok cards okay all right but still kind of works I guess it was summer long I can summon more murlocs with the barista but that doesn't really help me what's actually good here I think I think I just need to like play the sword of justice I need to get this down fast like hands I'll at least die at the end of history and I can use bring it on I shouldn't use that just yet I hit it now in the face and like it's the same I leave it up cuz the anomaly would kill it so I shouldn't do anything they're crazy just pass my turn again [Applause] the hyenas will die that's fine that will also die that's fine so pretty much yeah his entire board will be cleared in a moment that's fine we just need to not run out of HP because we're certainly starting to get there oh and this is actually buffing the murlocs oh wait we can get the combo going gives me more merlocks my hands full okay well I mean it was worth a shot we could we could afford the burn one Karen I'm sure there won't be many consequent so that I can just get even more merlocks next turn with the barista and the barista will actually generate a new barista unless he kills it here please please please don't kill it here okay right oh and cuz of the anomaly okay how am i lucky oh that's unfortunate okay Voeckler doesn't really do anything let's just pop that on tinnitus and try and keep them alive best we can we have a backstab I think here we should honestly use it just on an tinnitus just so we get like the first one in it's a wild plan but it might just work that's unfortunate okay we can start fireball and stuff down I'm not too worried oh never mind I'm just sad now he destroyed his weapon there it is nothing break now there's nothing broke for us yeah well I mean at least the badness plan is starting to pay off because we're getting all the higher cost cards well the higher static cards Voeckler still doesn't do anything oh I need to power of creation into something good father warden I might actually be quite good here just summon two of him and then anomaly and save us be so much easier her deck wasn't full of absolute garbage there's no synergy with anything okay the hyena will die before it gets buck so that's all right and we just have to deal specifically one to this if we can get the mana addict combo off maybe what if we can gear up like a mana addict and then have the Sorcerer's Apprentice God it's a that's a fairly ambitious plan okay I think that's how we do it I need to see here if one of these secrets will trigger when I attack face great oh great that was also that okay that won't that one is manageable I do now need to I need to pop the man out of town now [Music] there's no way for me to kill everything I should have cast that first because now a deal does too much okay no because if I do that and this gets buffed ah you can kill everything arrow power on the monkey then razor petal monkey and cat but I want to try save my spells for the mana addict to do the Wong folk we're never gonna get it off okay III have to use them all right all of this wasted potential attack but his board said well we're gonna fatigue my thing to actually get the win this game the anomaly is simply carrying us and that that could be a secret that simply stops me from attacking his face oh it's only one way we're gonna find out it's not okay gained an empty minor crystal this gives us a zero cost card excess mana cash lot and we just kind of get c'thun and get stuck um did we unstable portal and we have a dragon [ __ ] this actually work for you Sarah I think we just play this guy go through it arty C'thun Oh get the armor in yeah we probably need to do a lot [Music] do i I think I actually get this I think the goal is actually just control is board as you know it's 11 time which we need to keep it yeah people are screaming face at me that's not good oh wait it's okay though because it's all gonna die I think I can clear everything err the damage equal to this minions attack okay we're gonna have some quite complicated Matt's going soon I mean I can people are just saying keep going face we can't keep going face because we're close to dying now [Music] the gnome when we light out drawers there's 21 carats in our deck I think I need to fireball this and then ping this like assume one could work but C'thun it's not gonna only its gonna do enough I think yeah I think I think we're fireball get rid of this he's gone right and like we need we need to get damage off the board get rid of him those will die at the end of the turn and then I hopefully don't die wait was he not legal oh no he doesn't I thought that was enough my apologies I'm still alive and it gave me some Merlotte's and beside thing is this looks incredibly impressive but then you realize it's all going to die oh my god I have a barista Oh guys my god do we kitsune or I reverse he has a gladiators longbow if I don't if I don't Voeckler here I probably will die that's the only thing so I do actually have to vet for and yeah I actually do have to play this because doesn't the longbow it means I'm gonna take too much damage that's really sad because that means forest I want work but like with alternative wills death oh my god maybe as many attacks kills a minion someone to merlocks when we go to deck this is still alive to go face - okay RINO's hitch a spot of otter got surprisingly far oh we get this lot so now after you hero attacks steal a card for your opponent's hand okay we still get our cards well our card packs for playing chapter one to anyone who does play like the first wing of this you do get free free card packs that's kind of cool okay after minion is played it gives the opposing player a coin that might be far less kick but you know after minion is played that's that's gonna be so many coins okay well let's play with the anomaly again do we keep going with Reno we try Reno again or do you want to go Alexis or Finley we must go arena [Music] okay people yeah people are still saying go arena okay well we have is LA so now you can steal two cards I kind of like the lucky hat but we'll try the LA so let's see what we steal give it a go hero power is the same weaponize wasp unlike bees wasps can skeet keep sticking you with a laser you'll one damage to an enemy minion for each beast you control okay let's try it [Music] I mean hopefully it goes a bit better it's just gonna be a lot of coins fly maybe we can steal the coins back with the lasso maybe that's the goal here [Music] big mana addict oh my God if we stock while the coins there the plague of murlocs is still active to raise our paddle volley yeah we just need a bill let's just build like a spell heavy deck I think that's just the way to go here I'm out of murlocs just whip that down I'll take it sure [Music] okay and yeah we're gonna get a lot of discounts on this dude do I have a man addict in the starting deck I don't think I do unfortunate it's okay lay the book I think we just start going face yeah Stellos poisonous hit him in the face with very arms there I can play this next turn and then like we're there let me just get the razor petals now so then we basically win it was for minor deal for basically you have one man at it that's good to know okay first one down Reno's ferret a little better already I it's a lot less chaotic with the anomaly go huh it's just constantly clearing the board okay so VIP membership taverns you visit our upgraders the dark light torch after you play an even cost card refresh your hero power it cost zero this turn very specific or just battle-cries trigger twice oh yeah we got to see what the VIP is yeah everyone's decided here let's see what Bob does for us okay we have spell lovers add two random spells whenever you cast a spell and cost one for each looks for each spell elements is just elemental package with a frost which Jaina or shuffle and draw but a stargazer lunar luna manic soul caster choose a friendly minion shuffle a copy and your deck and finder knives I spells I think we're yeah that's just go spells cuz there's gonna be so many coins I think we're gonna like try and commit hard to just build putting as many spells as possible in our deck from this point I think that's the game plan I think that's what how everyone's feeling there's literally every spell package nothing else okay so we have pilfer stolen steal that's fun we need the gnome back we'll get them back don't worry it's gonna take a bit of time [Music] that'll work our way up only its 15 house give your merlocks a rush let's just see what our weapon we can get - rocks will gain 10 mana crystals I don't know if the game's gonna go on that long but okay sure why not what we can do that next turn let's get rid of that I guess the next are we coined twig oh my god wait we don't even have to do that cuz we just have you just play it and then you play the other weapon we can do with this turn one coin two coins five ten mana nice okay let's see what we got it's 0 mana card great thank God I have this oh boy I spoke too soon okay yeah that's pretty good we have Ragnar Roscoe let's just get rid of that and he's just got to keep us alive awhile turn tree ragged nights actually kind of crazy we've got a little merlok it's fine do I win I do [Applause] easy game okay just trust in the spells and also you know lock it out and getting that twig and then just have another weapon on hand and enough coins to do it instantly it's pure skill okay so big spells multiple enemies spell lovers though is a big spells or spell lovers we're not even going to this is all spells though so that does also spells she's got a lot of spells people ok have people the same big boy okay taskmaster Mara this agent of evil is never lacking for lackeys at a random lucky to your hand okay well bigger go home we will have no minions in our deck by the end we need to get like a yog throne or something Chuck in its that way we cast random spells cuz that's what we're missing right now okay keep this cuz it just makes spells cost less we'll just put that away from now it's fine that activates now like I got in a tavern we won't question it okay we have the man addicts we have the apprentice you just stockpile a bunch of coins we just play everything I win just pop it down now get an early start should be fine it should also be fine just keep playing some more carrots for a moment you got another coin I'll play anything else you sure oh but do we win hey I mean we come close okay get these coins in the hero power in get another coin in let's go for a weapon do them hammer sure deal the damage Wow easy game you just play everything [Applause] okay so Stone Fox statue choosing mini had two copies of it to your hand it cost zero Bob's bouncer choose a mini and then Casper all if that meaning survives fill your board with copies of it that is a high roll mer Keys battle horn summon seven rocks and give them rush at the start of your next turn do it again Oh No we trust in Bob or are we going with the merlocks the Fox is here to I don't think people really want the Fox Bob all the way okay yeah this is a very high Rolly card but [Music] sure all right and then we have battle cries shuffle and draw or mighty minions we it with two Lunas pocket galaxy's a change the COS amazing detector one but I would like to stress that we have a very few minions at this point in time we weave with ignorin minions specifically I did that can change okay all right the Lunas pocket galaxy that really won't do much maybe bizarre Bob can help us let's see what the VIP ticket does if there's a go hey Bob special thanks to the secret Club oh there's all my god okay where where do we even start okay wait how much is the total cost of all these carrots five seven eight okay remove all carrots your adventure take that cost two or less we have something that just takes all their carrots exactly a doll enemy minions too and they go okay we could do the math if we so please use the friendly MIDI that always starts to your hand juice the costume around a car your veteran actor zero let's do the last get rid of all of those carrots okay let's get rid of a spell get rid of the vanish upper hand Lunas okay it's pretty good that's a format of Lunas pocket galaxy I give probably many plus two plus two I could do on a new hero power we just want something new see what it does let's go hurricane crafting is fired two missiles that deal one damage each if any minion Dolly's repeat this Brad ecologist your next fell this turn has spell damage plus two that cost zero in an amateur mange I think arcane crafting this is probably best maybe we want the arcane or like the rel ecologist all people are saying Ron ecologist you're next well this turn is spell damage plus do I mean that's only like zero manner deal to each turned I think our King might be more beneficial yeah I think people you have more people assign arcane okay so that's changed crews are friendly many discover a meaning to replace it within your adventure deck this one's honestly a real slow card so let's just swap out two on SnipSnap the beast or an ancient mage I think SnipSnap is honestly quite good if I was yeah people actually say it's tip staff - it's a couple saying the Beast okay pick him up and give it friendly minion plus two plus two for this run if that's the stack this is echo that's insane if that stacks there's a friendly minion always starts in your hand yeah we got to see if that stacks three mana four or five would echo it means a lot okay well thanks Bob for like spoiling us their ire - Jesus Christ there's so much in here now and yet you guys are right we didn't have any means that our deck but suddenly we have a lot more we have the forecast Luna as well at seven cost Luna I think we just Mulligan for Lunas and hopefully get it okay well let's yeah let's just go for Lunas all we want for cost variant please thank you appreciate Wow well just give us a few coins now too so we can play it a little sooner I'd appreciate that you'll a card from your opponent's deck and put it into your hand joke's on you in my hand outplayed and we got the snips now I'm playing it next turn okay we get a Murloc get another merlok Lunas we play every card from another class you've played this game I don't even know how that's gonna register like this is a row garden of itself I'm a rogue mage and it's test work in this scenario pretty good sweater sex 100 bits come on thanks 400 Ilya I got that one before actually we're good thanks again you count as a mage if I remember correctly but we're also a rogue oh my we actually got a few more locks I mean shift we might as well try just kill that with the missiles there we go [Music] pretty good if I almost won I am getting their games going quick you rocky bugger plays so fine us down hit him in the face I guess and then a plain noggin fogger can't really do much with the snip snaps just pop the hero power off that's fine collect its face Oh get in there no one would be perfect here I mean we do win without the gnome I think we have enough here there we go okay well Dex move and quit doing really good discover spell lovers are big spells I think it's big spells again I don't think I even need to wait here against Erica's next noble champion deal damage to a round of enemy minion equal to its attack oh god okay well I mean we just need to get Lunas pocket galaxy on turn four and we win let's just do that again then we should be okay I think we bullying in this now hopefully get the other one it is aluminous I don't think you keep it when it's 7 mana although people are begging me okay alright well hold on to this then just so we have it I guess this will get it out of turn early and of itself keep it because we have the coins you're right that's very true give us some merlok sure and you just slowly chip away yeah why is it always tiny pins I don't know it really likes giving us the tiny fin doesn't it just hero power here there we go that's actually really good supposed to be one of the ones you can just unlock it's like they all have new hero pirates for this tiny fitting loves you oh god this is gonna be monstrous here give me another tiny fin I haven't had in a while oh no we moved up in a new face oh I can look I can Lunas this turn though instead they might as well do yeah okay and an arcane tyrant for good measure there we go Oh No okay we need something good to play this with before we try it we do it we can't roll just yet we need we need something good for it okay just get that in I've work our way true here just hang on one second guys I'll be right back [Music] you've been in tighter scrapes [Music] [Music] my people turned to darkness I'm back guys serve it up enter Hong Kong you probably thought Pascal's game guys that's not right oh no he spent two mana to reduce my guys health an attack by one how will I survive I really want to do bob Spencer but at the same time at work if I I can select his minion or okay I think I think here we just dark whispers no tiny Finn's gonna be a big boy Liam down for now we can still play this why didn't he cast out on this okay all passionate [Music] he's gonna pop that into Wow so if I try reduce my board as much as humanly possible hang on alright guys which one we feelin do we want a bunch of pipe or like no they're not pirates ancestral Guardians or just arcane tyrants the Guardian okay here we go Bob Spenser come on [Applause] and we killed the reborn meaning to that surely he can't answer this you can't stop him off I don't even have space for a minion from my deck that didn't even work well guys we did it I can't summon any of these merlocks and I got like five of them there hey there they go show some respects just never doing good get a new treasurer if cloak of invisibility your minions have permanent stealth recycling after a friendly minion tallies gain two armor or band of scarabs enemy minions have minus one attack what were you we feel the same recycling people are just environmentally friendly in chat today I got a combat global [ __ ] oh yeah it's actually it's yeah it's kind of clear actually surprisingly I thought everyone would say cloak recyclin think of the planet alright god we have my key minions with an octo sorry - rattle draw eight cards some actual pretty good cards that work well with spells it's pretty good and some auctioneers in a croak and almost everyone saying mighty cuz you want to talk to Sarah oh it's Bob again here we go Bob heck Bob Bob we trust that what you got for us buddy am I gonna be able to steal like everything he has again oh my god we have seven goals this time total cost of everything is quite high it that it's actually six nine ten yeah so we can't get everything there is a lot here gained four mana crystals and draw two extra carrots for the next boss only I don't know how far along we are reduced the cost of all cards dyrdek buy one choose a new hero power increases start and he'll fill the tower when your minions give a friendly minion plus to look at for spells remove one move a friendly menu give adjacent minions plus two plus two and fast food fast food Oh No okay guys and they go right that's a good start what way are people feeling let's say in brood now it's so crazy I can do teatime are we against the last boss next or like how far along are we teatime and pack mule yeah those ones seem good so that will bring us up to like we'll have two coins left after that it's see if we gonna remove like it's slightly worse spell that was a terrible idea why flamestrike that was unfortunate okay pack mule that's all one down not the last boss don't don't use teatime okay yeah tea time will only be a temporary thing I can probably win when I have tea time you put Jason minions plus two plus two things get rid of after sorry or I can buff SnipSnap even more I can give a friendly minion plus two plus two I can make this like it SnipSnap there's like unstoppable the tree minus 6/7 would echo okay i what do we do it like finish it off then increase I start inhale and then remove friendly minion buff it more I can get rid of off to sorry or the anomaly which of these tool cards should we remove almost an unanimous for the anomaly this card is so bad for us okay we have a stronger noggin fogger - I guess we've already changed our hero power so we just increase our starting health in - and we just do this for the animation there we go got all these new cards we have God the costs are all so weird now - or at least some of them no because some of these were in the deck end time I think they're some of these are on the board it doesn't feel right 7 - needs shredder okay well we're good I profit Baron I earn profits from the misfortune of others let's go [Music] you gonna play anything else today no we were just playing Aaron starts that I'll go on to played a new adventure and you know blues was actually sponsored us for it - which is actually really cool this is a 2 - sniffs now I think we keep that and just hold it to like turn eight this is zero man at least Walker we might as well take that this shoots missiles oh my god that's actually insane this shoots missiles but just freeze everything now [Music] and once this deal one damage to all enemy minions okay I think I keep that for now I don't play a turn one sad man of 4045 snap oh my god I don't think your stack about this one I think you'll a moment separately 6 minor Lunas put that in he gets a coin get that down cycling's kicking it give us more coins please I really want to cast this thank you get a firelands but no I'll actually no I don't enough for that ice Walker here just freezin oh no an eye for an eye hmm that's um oh it's untargeted okay so maybe that's what's going on that's unfortunate I should have cleared that then this carrot is suddenly significantly less code yeah we don't have a target hey we got Lunas and we just need to get octo sorry and draw the rest of our deck and play at all okay flat down pretty good and I think here I'm just gonna kill it this way that's fine just hit him in the face but what is it what you a loon is I don't know how it keeps happening I'm gonna be honest God what we might get a really good missile here actually because there's so much just to hit it it's just like just destroy his entire board please and then we'll just like SnipSnap for everything straw everything great couldn't gone better okay well we can get some of them down still I do want to try and kill that if I can here thank you save the coins for additional sniff snaps oh no he buffed it by one zealot that's fine we have a one-man of Malley ghosts I didn't even know he was in the deck but okay I think we just start stamp snapping because this is gonna get out of hand like a real quick oh no we reduced its hell to one whatever will I do I think I play these separately too make as many as we can at the SnipSnap there we go can't stop em off ruined guys we put them all one carat he could just play one thing that kills him like here at least I have a better chance of living like that things already gonna kill something there's a friendly minions having a copy of it yes let's do that okay oh no let us sick lifesteal oh wow he is actually trying to clear God love him he is doing his best okay get that in that's another snip snap down it's okay cuz we could start to get the gnomes and goblins here hang out bolt and reflect [ __ ] we go and now we just clear them out we did it wrong no there's no space from [Music] okay well we got it we got to clear the snip snaps and then we get the gnomes it's all the work in progress got one no there we go got a lot of recycle in there too oh thank you buddy arty it is biggest enemy countin we got a Lunas sure so let's just pop that on wait we already have never mind that's gonna know okay what's it what's he got cards life at one help summon some more gnomes feeling very icky did this is just monstrous right now hey Dexter we have a one-man O'Malley goes with the Firelands portal like he gets the life steel in but like he doesn't even help that much because the gnomes feel so much damage they just beat him down okay he's dead he's Christ these sir cheese stop he's already dead God oh so we have big spells spell damage which we probably don't want but monkey minions there is a Ragnaros here but there's also a king beerus and some big spells it needs to be big you need rag I think I think it's big I think more yeah I think it's big it's probably big because it's fasteners like big than mighty and it's quickly overwhelmed in the chat so there we go general the same there's a server under the general iron in a rush to leave all your minions have rush let's go do this have an open in hand there is no Luna's and I think we just hired Mulligan for that because our tech is absolutely massive at this point it's less likely we'll get it in our open in hand but that's okay because we might just win with this this is only 28 cards in our deck I feel like those more yeah there we go 41 oh wait those are just Merlin's though oh my there were so many merlok cards I can honestly just play this this turn yeah it's probably good enough surely I think I have to because I don't have anything else we can just get a copy of that next turn assuming it doesn't die here oh it actually is going to die oh there he goes we need to deal with this real quick that's that's gonna get out of hand it was some warmer locks can't cast the Firelands board I might be able to get it with this what's the alternative I there isn't one cool well this is getting bad very fast he's gonna play something here at least so I can get it with the portal for sure now [Music] we've got the thermal plug takes time okay I think I have to just play that because this is way too dangerous believe it Oh tusk Aaron turtle I'll take we get tired down to the good boy keep going warmer laughs I'll take them oh and sure SIA Lunas Playa Lunas this can hit this scarab that would actually be amazing right now doesn't I'm in trouble for Oh No it's cut I didn't think this trip give me something that kills that thing that dial do with a job play that mixer oh my god that we're gonna need like a chain reaction here to get them all free knows not having a bunch luck okay we still have some armor our recyclates paid off of it we just need to get a really good streak we could do it wherever that flame strike here we go good sir really good start another one down oh my gosh come on that was amazing they brought it back just like that get two of them back in the game please it's perfectly calculated okay at least we can deal with that thing this time he'll kill her himself that's even better nice don't get too many merlocks as I do actually want to fill the place with some gnomes here yeah I just play this there we go and I think we should just play the sneeze yeah yeah but I'm good because if he plays a single minion he just gives us a coin instantly and we can just play something big from our deck again this isn't even that bags we have sneaks pop something if it does [Applause] Recycling's good the opponent council spell again a copy of it and give them a coin now how many coins are gonna be spelled early play they're too unexpected results okay I mean I might I might as well play this it's that I have some spells Chris thanks 4,000 bits I love you frickin streams thank you very much mmm yeah just just just play this give us some good cards teleporter whenever you cast a spell draw a spell where you deck that cost one more do I have one see how I do it's pretty neat I think you might get to the final boss this run it's like we're still alive here I said that it's getting a lot of mereloc so thank you he really doesn't like gallywix it's fine we can recycle them oh my god I didn't even notice that combo yeah some people were just pointing it out that's insane okay well for the time being top-down noggin talker wait I have enough that I had enough that term for Malygos okay that's okay it didn't think I did Oh want to do that it's okay a noggin fogger killed himself so we're in the best possible timeline everything's been corrected I could draw my deck I have Lunas no we got we got to get the Molly playing now or we're never gonna do it oh great we can't do the Molly play anymore [Music] it's just hero power please clear my board of it it's getting a bit messy here I'd appreciate it yeah thanks very much man get rid of some of this crap here I got a test that with a counterspell - yeah we're just not we're just not gonna be able to do it we're just gonna constantly get merlocks like okay just beat them down one-off lethal as well okay I can no even with stargazer that won't really do anything did I have something I would just kill him let's just see let's test even do here is that it I guess because we're a mage and a rogue oh you got me now bud with your tree HP I'm shaking in my boots we'll just pop you in I'm sure you activated my trap card he's just gonna kill himself here with the supercollider do you very well nice please just don't do your max there no see it's actually still alive despite everything oh good job buddy oh yeah well we got him another one down we have the bauble of beetles twins fell resurrect the first four friendly minions that died this game would give them reborn the aegis of death your hero is immune each turn lose one durability - rattle deal a hundred damage to your here I don't like that guys that gives us ten turns to win we will just die we could take a second Bob sponsor for that the Beatles is actually really good we do have a bob already [Music] you don't have to equip the weapon I mean it's true but once you do equip it you have ten turns and you die and what if he just plays like an oozing you're just dead okay strawpoll time I think this one's divide it so we have the beetles the aegis are just Bob see which way we're feeling oh the agent like to use five turns each turn so it loses your ability after you're at her and the enemies turn oh that's even better you die in 5 turns with it Oh what okay it's actually pretty one-sided from looking at the results it's like 220 for the beetles and in like only 140 for the ages so we actually have a clear majority so beetles but we do have some big spells we - huh okay second strawpoll time [Music] which one I'm not even gonna consider multiple enemies big spells or the mighty minions oh my god okay notice drop oh let's go please make the right choice here because like this guy is so bad we will draw our entire deck [Music] there it's very closely split but I think it's mighty minions this one there's ten votes in the difference there's ten votes if you haven't voted it please cast your vote it's so close at this this could have a heavy consequence on the deck no okay yeah its minions its minions is staunchly ten votes ahead yep okay I hate you all oh it's the last boss fish plague Lord of burlock the first plague is a fin full pox beware beware the Lord of LOX passive hero power you're immune after a Murloc die he's loose treehouse how many merlocks have I got to kill a hundred okay right this this includes my merlocks too so we need to get some more merlocks there could be phases as well so it may not be permanent it may just be get them to a certain point now hope to god this phases I don't want to see just try me but I got a Lunas that's good okay we're fire from Bob now merlocks have invaded the texas 47 cards in my deck gonna give me merlocks right off the bat we knows in distress oh yeah so I believe how this works the plague Lord bosses he's large alive monstrosity of gigantic persistent hell spools while he might not be able to be fast them on your first attempt you'll pick up where you left off in the next run so if we don't actually kill them in one go here and if we do this again and get back to him then he maintains the damage he has taken so that is an important note have a little like on a footnote on that from bliss but we're gonna do it in one shop so help me God he's immune so it's gotta kill one no it could just hit his face okay focus him okay that's fine also a Merlin drawn someone in that armor lock that's good okay rise right the first more friendly means that died this game so I really don't want anything the die right now hero power hero power I think this worked out okay yes it did change the cost the spells in your hand to five so what I can do is I can actually cast this will over by one and that means I can get Lunas next turn no I've already spent an idiot I forgot the hero power costume okay he's get more murlocs Oh Oh felt that one um very sad man we got luminous that hurt its merlok down okay I gotta get rid of this thing or he's gonna have too many cards like too quickly yeah it does count my merlocks is loss that's great getting them down the 392 damage play is cut unfortunately I really need to get lucky with my rolls on this this helps please play more like that gives me more stuff to hit I can get those two then I can clear a lot of it okay that's a good first one the gap let's go cool play it's needs I probably should play them their image just to slow them down a little there's a lot of stuff here oh my god that's a lot of merlocks Oh am I gonna be able to survive long enough to deal what all of these he has just immune as well as we can just kill everything here thankfully some of them i mereloc still they are in essence version him recycling is like the MVP at the moment still on our armor give us some more locks only it affected this uh I cannot afford to leave that alive I can try roll it and maybe get it but then if I don't get I have to like coin and fire lines or below okay so I have to point in fire lungs it's too much damage okay I need to still get rid of this because otherwise he like just get summer lockdown way too fast I've got this carrot even exists no weapons gone at least and a Murloc dead so the first four friendly minions that died this game they're all gonna be merica we're all gonna be merlocks oh oh and I can even get it with that here we go that's that's so satisfying terrible deck is putting in work you literally just have big spells and big minions and nothing else yeah that's a war leanness that really needs to die okay that that's gotta go I mean I try a blink Fox a might give us something good you'll 7 damage the two right good you get the leper gnomes to kind of build up our own and I'll probably gonna just like do that I'd say get the war leader because that has to die regardless let's see what we get with fork lightning pretty good okay did we kill this or the scary girl that makes merlocks cost one think I'm okay if he plays Marat scoffs one at the moment I think it's okay because they'll run out of cards in his hand I would say this gives them more draw on like fresh cards so I should get rid of that none of these are going to do anything as well because he's immune I can answer that I have a lot of gnomes please please just try clear all my knows about be deathly afraid of him feeling very icky at the moment oh my god I can't even summon more gnomes the board's just full he's still going he's as cold he's a lot of coins and everything our deck should cost one got me off the bat I just want to do one quick thing because this strictly speaking should be a good idea like even if I bought it pop the gnomes into this get rid of all the notes and if we just hero power that we have to be like abysmally unlucky let's go yeah like we're already good so this should pretty much kill everything I'd summon an army of gnomes yeah I can't even play the stargazer luminous oh I know it's works that's still alive Somali it's probably gonna have to die someone in the gnomes you feel icky yeah so that that's that's just gotta go feeling very icky we've got him down a hundred health they're close to it I can answer these if so many coins oh I am gonna discard a card I just hope it's not something really good I need to kind of save Luna until like as well we get him to a new phase or something cuz like right now if I just draw it from my deck it's not actually helpful cuz I just run out of carrots I can answer like pretty much all of this I just engineer it again too into that one into that yeah Dyke this will all die and we just rinse and repeat with the gnomes great we lost enough - sorry coding the work better okay kill this board how dare you we're doing great look you got user requested gnomes this entire day Oh story friendly merlok does someone is scaly Gollum we got them to face too now when the gnomes Dulli they'll actually do something they keep going oh good yeah I need to play a coin just so like I can clear some space in my hand so I can draw I need to clear poet quite a few coins so I want to do that do I play every coin in my hand play the ones are not on the right okay good turn you can summon five minions now and the merlocks are gonna just keep beating them down scaly golem what does that do chunk of all merlocks plus one plus one summons five girl that's what we can engineer this we just need to do some maths and now in the gnomes dolly - oh we really need to engineer this now I mean I was gonna happen anyway so it's fine okay I have six gnomes on board what's the best way to do with this to ensure that it hits something I don't know what's the best way I can get that to one I can put two into that two into that and that gives this tree with one help and then we just kind of high roll it right - to the five tree in the tree tree yeah yo gnomes [Music] okay that's the best we can possibly engineer I can trade in this gnome now but just in case I might save them see best possible start we could have got oh well it might cause a chain reaction another one dad oh my gosh okay this one needs to die which gives us another no recycling is built up a bit of armor so we can survive a hit or two I go try and Lunas here but no I'm gonna draw minions and I don't have space [Music] III don't think I lumen is here because Lunas will only let me draw one more character I could I could dump some coins to get rid of them but just place need like its I can pop that a nightmare amalgam something a bit stickier I gotta keep Luna's goes like that here if my board gets cleared then that's how I get back let the forecast guy I changed the cost of spells my hands to five which is really bad yeah I think I'm just gonna play that damn bag of Finn's dead cold take it hopefully he trades a lot here cuz I really need that cool he's only coming wait why does he do that first I was buffing everything else I won't question it okay so we need to engineer this again and this is gonna give all the verlox plus one plus one all right well the first thing is sneeze I think it's gonna go into this that's dead okay we have quite a few we need to get rid of I can get rid of the warlord like off the bat or I can get rid of even the syndra what is the tax that kills a meeting someone to merlocks from your deck guy yeah I think we'd get rid of you because that takes a lot of damage off the board I should I did the order wrong that that's fine okay one now here I don't think we actually hire all just yet because I don't want gnomes I want to actually Lunas and we can build the board a bit I mean what's it gonna give us it's just oh no that's gonna repeat the echo oh my okay now we're in trouble still get some damage does the killed one there and it killed another one we're gonna be down in the gnomes unfortunately after this turn because I don't think there is any possible way we can save them I'd be amazed if he doesn't try to everything is gone that's really good he did not kill it actually cut well okay you killed it alright puddle stopper what do i do I can summon a king Ferris and get like a bunch of wisps oh my god knack a sandwich with the coins could actually work kind of but then I'm stuck with the coins forever I'm stuck with the coins forever is the only thing and they will clutter up my hand so that's actually not as good as it seems they can get your vallah in the problem is now I have to deal with his murlocs and in still try and deal damage to his face but before we were passively doing it because we kept spawning gnomes tree coins at five isn't too bad okay but I need to spend some cards I think ice Placerville oh no matter what I do I think God's just makes sense cuz it's like seven deal seven okay I'm gonna how many coins am I gonna keep I have to clear that unfortunately but I I mean it's not the end of the world cuz I can answer most of this keep three coins okay get them all down the only way I might get them down ultimately is to actually just fatigue which means I should whatever does the tax and kills a minion now cuz like I no point keeping that alive right now because it won't have its effect activate do that okay and now we need to get rid of some coins nagas sandwich and then we play a king I could have spent one more coin there okay that's all right Eddie's some good cars and he just destroyed his inspire merlok for like icing on its own hopefully he can't fill up his beat I don't even know what he's doing who knows what the minds plan is okay he's getting he's still getting more merlocks but I can answer these screaming I don't even know what you play here [Music] what I do here there's no way you're gonna fatigue him yeah I can start beating him down I just hope he trades into me get rid of that he's only got 12 damage on the board and I do actually have a lot here it might be worthwhile but I know I think here I should actually trade go face all day no just go all-in that's up 95 HP it's true like it did this is a good play if he then decides to just like get his thing up and do nothing else 35 to face it's not even that much [Music] scrapes drape yeah I have to track us with Tompa but III need soul I kind of win this war somehow and I'm not quite in that position yet still get a fair bit of damage to his face okay and what I'm gonna start doing as well as clearing out these coins that cost five like just to play that I can coin to play a coin that costs five beautiful Oh No this effect Mali murlocs too give all merlocks plus one plus one oh he's messed up okay we have a really good chance now unfortunately enough to sorry survives great we have a really good chance now I want to get that in the grim scale Oracle - if I can but there's nothing I can kill before that just to into that there we go okay and then we get the grim scale Oracle it's pretty good I do still have enough to sorry I think here I yeah I trade that he wants to do the total thing again that's fine I mean yeah we are going face I just if I play this after sorry I need to like we really empty my hand I don't know if I'd do it this test give me anything good I don't know this will actually give me merlocks if I remember rightly to empty your hands then talk so I'm getting rid of all my coins this guy is just a beast as well task if you change lightning that's that's actually quite good to know test will give you chavala as well okay there's no space for chavala currently I'm not playing off - sorry I don't think it's the right play because I think he'll kill it I think yeah I think if I play off too I will just loose oh my god this is gonna be a mess this is gonna be an absolute mess on the mat oh where do we start eat a mitigator stat instead I'll add it to your hand if that eats is the frickin octo sorry then does that mean doctor sorry activates it's already a mess we could we can definitely win this but we just gotta you gotta work it out no it doesn't okay I don't know it's me taking cards out of a deck is good though cuz I think it is gonna end up going to fatigue this deck is almost over this might work use tester board clear eye I can use test yeah robot now use test first then I think I should because that means that there as you know cuz the fourth lighten and no I should actually play test first with the fork lightning cast first let's go test oh sure Haleh whoops guys not the brightest [Music] well we did something there [ __ ] donkey he just finishes asking when I'm wrapping up got to have it all I could try hi roll like a Trey's high roll it no it's not gone well okay the mass is gonna get real messy from this point are you ready Oh God okay now I need to like squeeze value out I need to take off some of his damage get that one just get that gun and then the rest can just go host 101 I hope he doesn't actually trade here because it's like it's in my interest I get to keep more of my stuff alive I have to get rid of that one because it's giving it all plus one attack like just off the bat if you trace in the test that's actually really good cuz you know test I don't mind dying and I want to play this again cuz this is gonna be really good and mermie hydrologist that's fine he's kind of filled his board with some shy that's good that's good like he's not even doing smart trades he's just gonna kind of sacrificing his minions like I still have a really strong board here and I'm gonna like play off this like this is great for me now do i high roll it again if I get the high roll if I do actually win the high roll it is actually like pretty strong roll it good attempt okay I can't I don't hit the totem Oh is there another face 90 treehouse there's another face shuffle all men's into your deck after merlok dies reduce this cost by 100 okay so I need to I need to not trade right now and I need to get up as much time as I can yeah just go face come on is there anything else I can play this turn I just need to get rid of some coins because he's got he's gonna play play a bunch of merlocks I don't have to worry about him perpetually buffing these things as well he's like we're past that now it means that my merlocks aren't as good now which is something to consider and he's answering them quite quickly couple of mins he's your deck after merlok dies reduces cost by one it's 38 cards in his deck III could do a high roll here there's no point in playing this one if I give him off - sorry well that's a madman's plan but I'm not I'm not gonna be able to think about that at this point so I do need to just like start doing damage okay after sorry oh boy please hit okay get him down what if I dragon's fury here just to clear the board a bit and just leave it so it's only off to sorry on the board does that know that's that's a madman's plan cuz if he's gonna do that anyway then he does it anyway save that for now I have the portal I should save that for now though too because they would just give him more stuff on the board I die I save dragon's fury for after I think shuffle no balls do it do it I don't think it benefits me to actually do it right now it just kind of kills the board and any like shuffles the Octus are you know already old scare - I do need to play the coin still because there's still the chance Lee just kills the octo salary it doesn't enough damage for it so we could just kill it I could be tall but beetle and doesn't help hmm not gonna use the power just shark no I don't like a shark helps the shark will just get shuffled I'm into my turn he's just going face that's good I think he's gonna shuffle okay so he's got a knock - sorry so we just have to get all of them into his deck and then kill them all and make them drop 24 okay there is a plan for I am running out of cards in my deck oh boy we've got some merlocks if I roll this I know I mean it gives us a Murloc actually face is the place right now yeah because there's so much stuff here and we just need to deal damage point it point it there we go some but seven marks have died this game none of them have charged so like that's a very moot play it doesn't actually accomplish much just looks a bit scary holoband secret my board is full again mayor Nagin fogger I I don't know if that will help test with the tiny pin okay [Music] there's a question here if I kill anything because I did it this is one just one to consider just face okay yeah no let's go we're in the game's jam here we go twenty nine we could do with this first try lizard has instructed this is supposed to take several attempts but we've had a really bad deck that seems to be carrying us right now yeah I'm saved dragon fury for like if we're behind on board basically recycling is so good like it just gives us so much security here okay that's another one gone alright I'm Aaron noggin [ __ ] I mean I think I have to go face with these two things I just need to keep up as much pressure as I possibly can and then I just play all my coins what is it going to likes is this a dragon fury time we could do it hey face first all right dragon spirit Oh No just kill the pipe or well oh boy needs a minions okay that's what that gives up another one down I need him to shuffle everything into his deck hopefully okay that's fine please just like use your hero power and interested 11 cards left in the deck 25 help here we go bad star oh it has reborn I forgot about that they all have reborn hey Duncan fog is putting in work we just gotta attack him that he's gonna shuffle him into his deck again I just need like a little bit more damage and we can kill I have the Firelands portal I don't know how to get more we're running out of cards we might get some good merlok still okay there they go can't catch a break [Music] that's uh that's a lot we're gonna need a good chain here to get rid of all that you're pretty good to have the MER NATO cost 17 so it's probably the best chance we can get to growl the shark it go and I have the high roll this I think I should fire Lance portal this unfortunately I have to wait I get engineered Sylvanas and somehow no take that I would I should be amazing go faced at the portal but I have deal one damage to only face you're running out of damage do I go face with this too I do have another beetle loaf in the wood wood for the love of God I think I could Jairo if I said that the one then there's like four of them one okay okay that helps Oh times up okay I I need a high roll at the clear some of his board I think the one damage I think will be worth a lot in the long run yep logo before - here we go what Oh No okay wait this still Sylvanas and grow eat a minion sure we have some stuff on the board and he probably won't be able to shuffle this turn we might be able to do this stuff okay give me some of his I can still attack I mean I'll take it that can attack on my turn oh no count down to 11 fill your head with random Marilla I only have coins oh my gosh I could survive a turret or two give me something good oh my god I mean it's the play to make let's win you ready for this do we believe in Bob here we go [Music] here we go uh what's the first respect well that's okay on the plus side he doesn't actually get much for this so just use up the coins I keep a few coins here honestly just so I have a bit extra I don't beetle here now he's about to shuffle into like his deck he's no reason not to do that I'm keeping two coins that may have been a mistake he's gonna have a lot of merlocks please actually just be really stupid here and just shuffle them all into your deck oh he's just not gonna attack that gives me two extra damage that's actually very significant at this point I mean exactly helpful we are we've already played lunes with our cards already cost one I have to do this and I just have to hope that like most of us goes to face and we just draw something good there's no I can't play the dragon right now because I played the dragon he just gets the dragon and like you know like what does I accomplished we're so close I don't think he has any recovery - I guess we just play that to get rid of it I was trying to think of a scenario where it actually mattered to keep Lunas but it really doesn't play the beetle but if I play the beetle again he shuffles well I think at this one I need him to shuffle though cuz that means sindragosa can get down yeah you're right I see what you're doing see what you guys are trying to communicate hopefully that convinces him to shuffle in it and then we just play a few more coins I want them to shuffle Hoss - this kind of works okay because he spent a lot of mana and this still I'm gonna have stuff on the board unless he shuffles late - please just shuffle oh my god their way to do this I mean I'm - off-screen oh I could do it not quite I want to still want to shuffle play bone marrows kappa leave he didn't shuffle they're okay to skeletal champions some more armor I need to set this up so that we just high roll it and win with the hero power I have these one ones here and he is trading oh no he got rid of that one youth that's bad I felt that one what I should do is I swap into this one because this creates the most matter one once which means this is more likely to go off multiple times we just need to strain missiles to hit him in the face the best possible play for me right now is to do actually but you know how cuz I can just hit him in the face can't I yeah go in shuffle okay I'm gonna convince this man to shuffle you got to do it but we're so close come on just kill of davit yeah this is like a tough match he's transforming the ball of the merlocks wait can we I can't believe you didn't shuffle that we did the boss of one go guys we can absolutely abysmal attack I believe that worked oh when we got a new card for adventurous have you played six secrets this game your hero higher becomes discover a treasure thanks and get a new deck and Reno's magical torch eel for damage shuffle a copy this card in your deck that deals to more damage oh my gosh you did it Reno ok chapter 2 boys let's go don't gonna be her all night no we're gonna we're gonna wrap up there Oh Mike I can't believe we actually pulled that off well thank you everyone for joining the stream tonight I hope you all enjoyed it let me get there just the credits up for the subs thank you again to Blizzard for sponsoring the stream if you like what you see in this stream tombs of terror is out now there if you type exclamation point tomb in the chat you can get a link to it for a swing is free and you get some packs for completing it that that was that was really tense but we did it you know so like if it looks looks stupid but it works that it ain't stupid so you know I good job guys we somehow pulled it off with that deck an absolute train wreck of a deck Daniel thanks for know 2,000 bits there three hours ago I said I couldn't stick around because I needed to fix my sleep schedule it's now 6 a.m. and I have never been so glad to be in the dissolve niak Daniel thank you very much hope you get a good night's rest oh my god I don't mostly drained after that it was way too much it was good fun you're not you're really not supposed to do it I everyone go I feel you need a hell of a deck to be able to pull it off and we did not have the carrots worse weird for like gnomes to just ship it in like whatever little damage we could possibly muster I would like we ran out of carrots in our deck by the end too we had Bob we did above we trust yeah that's gonna be the last dream for me for a while than guys because I'm gonna be at twitchcon San Diego this weekend if anyone happens to be there do come say hey I have a panel on Sunday at 2:00 next stream probably won't be for a week or so though hope you guys enjoyed this one thanks again to Blizzard for sponsoring it and I'll see y'all soon all the best guys [Music] you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 31,970
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-486259244, rtgamecrowd, Hearthstone, Twitch, Gaming, I've, been, sponsored, by, Blizzard, to, let, chat, design, my, deck, in, Tombs, of, Terror, Type, !tomb, for, more, info, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 21sec (10941 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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