I was sponsored to let Twitch chat design my deck in Hearthstone

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pretty big deck ngl

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Dat_fast_boi 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by Blizzard Entertainment we're playing hearthstone again as they've released a new solo adventure for the game called the tombs of terror this is a single-player adventure where the idea is you gradually build a deck of cards while defeating bosses have increase in difficulty and they turn a bunch of treasure can say unique to the adventure - if you're new to hearthstone you don't actually need to own the cards already to be able to play this adventure everything in the adventure is given to you so it's quite inviting for new players or even those I haven't played in a while the adventure also features dual class heroes where you combine cards from two classes into a single deck there's also a new type of boss called plague Lords where the idea is they have a massive amount of health and you have to beat them over multiple playthroughs of the adventure if you like what you see in this video there's a link in the description below to check out the adventure for yourself the first wing is available for free and you learn some facts for completement lastly just as an additional tidbit blizzard actually sent me a mystery box for this this is honestly just something quite cool to receive in the post they sent a signed message from I'm sure who is the real-life Reno Jackson a bunch of actual Explorer and equipment that includes binoculars at sextant of all things rather old-school camera some pens with ink and some hearthstone swag so thanks for that bliss I hope you guys enjoyed the video and do please check out tombs of terror chapter unlocked the lost city and the scorching dunes Jesus were making great progress already investigate the lost city of the Toa veer to put a stop to the plague of murlocs and we have the anomaly mode too if you want to turn this on at the start of every turn deal one damage to all minions we have a choice of heroes these are dual class heroes that they use for this okay we have to defeat bosses to unlock these we're gonna go at Reno's lucky hat for now we haven't unlocked any hero powers yet but you defeat boss you clear these conditions you unlock more stuff because the idea is you replay this quite a few times over minions have invaded each deck twist plague of merlocks surprise mirth well they just draw someone a random amount of merlok so you're telling me I got the least possible amount of merlocks cool well I feel great about it laughs that that's a good start we have to give him the hat as well or he's gonna die to the anomaly okay and turn oh my god he's not gonna live long well it's okay cuz his guy isn't gonna live long Eider Easter Easter even any point in me playing these guys cuz this guy's gonna die at the end of my turn and this guy will die by the time it gets back to my turn ah let's just steal a weapon sure yeah we'll get another identified more oh that's gonna be great for my lack of minions next turn okay correct that's fine oh my god at the end your turn someone a woman merlok but it's okay cuz the anomaly just automatically kills it we don't have to worry about it okay let's get its get a spell we got a combo hero power so we're just gonna deal to to his face and now the books gonna die this will summon a Murloc totem but then it'll also die this only is to healt so by the time it gets wrapped around to his next turn it's dead already so this anomaly is just completely clear on the board if I play this guy he'll actually live like a turn or two hopefully I just pop him down well like skillfully clear there minion off the board and I think we've won just like that so now you guys are gonna be able to start making decisions okay discs of swiftness passive your opponent must pass their first two turns passive your minions have plus water he'll hood taunt or enemy minions have minus one attack I think it's slightly favor for the disc okay so they don't get their first two turns think it's secrets honestly okay alright this do we have any secrets in their deck current no all right well we get this will be like a form out of five five so that's a great trick giving it ago so we still have actually nothing that can survive I don't know actually why we picked this because this even this will die the anomaly is just going to like a board clear everything so like we need to focus on building a deck that almost doesn't play minions oh and this it's also still just more merlocks in our deck someone a random item airlocks give us something I feel like that's not a very random amount of merlocks my board is now cleared it's just immediately gone I thank God he skips his first two turns let me just draw a card a few here attack someone to one-one Silver Hand recruits that's gonna be great considering that they all die at the end of the turn here's the turn eight late gameplay manna addict this will actually live a turn never you cast a spell gain +2 attack this turn and I can combine it with the razor petal volley to actually do something this would this will be dead at the end of my next turn but it's okay because this will soon be dead too okay I can I can actually make sure this dies with me so this is perfect and build up carrots there we go it's not very random amount of murlocs is it I mean I can do a sick wombo combo here aha now this will be dead at the end of your turn that was a random number between 1 and what seems about right honestly okay well most of this board will be dead by the time it's his next turn so this is this is great for us we can play a 6 minor 5 5 that does not feel great I'm gonna be honest yeah we've gotten infests that's just destroy his board maybe you cast a spell draw a minion from your deck I mean this won't die in one turn let's just pop you down you'll take a while to die oh but no he was really trying to get it that's a good thing bud oh we win race easy game oh no he had a secret hoo is me my board is ruined if there's anything we've learned so far it's like the less minions we actually have like it seems to be better because everything is going to die anyway why do you want out this will die this will also die oh people are changing their tune now they want honor oho of honors much better though people are now Saints but you guys are so indecisive we started with people saying elements we've gone to honor and no spells in the majority strawpoll yeah that let's get a straw poll up though honor has just taken it over okay well we're going with honor them so this is a turn to it automatically dies so we have a nice turnt replay here so let's keep that and we have a hash I mean with the mana Abuk this might do something and he misses his first two turns unfortunately I have nothing I can do with my first turn and now my turn - it's not looking too good but this is almost dead but with the Hat we can make it live just a little longer discover a weapon we just chip away at them gradually just like I keep biting his ankles so people want the Dragons we don't have enough we don't have enough spells okay all right there you go [Music] the add around a minion to your hand I need to get this down I feel but I also want to see what the babbling book is feel six damage to a minion okay we can actually power this up a little bit let's get rid of that okay we've almost got him down and he's only someone to single merlok once again he's only summoned to single merlocks never gettin lucky with that oh I do have two petals actually we could we could get the combo off I feel like I should just play this guy though because like if he lives even one turn we do like we just win I sure do we just pop this big boy down try again you do you guys desperately want to see a dragon before this first kiss game is over just because we have it all right okay well we can get it in this turn this works well we just have to kill our guy with the backstab look at that we did it guys now we can win there are several options here but based on the name alone of the first one I feel I know which one is going to win here draw a two tree four and five cost care for you like that's actually amazing that's like draw the perfect curve but know that you all want the gnomes we got a frost let's Jane if we don't want to play as reno we have the old god we can get soon okay yeah all right Reno's going in a very weird direction Wow I feel like we're having an identity crisis with this deck you know doesn't know what he wants to be he's currently like I bought a rogue animation you can't do that in World of Warcraft that's illegal bassoon is on the table too so we might be able to do something with them discover weapon from any class add to your venture deck with +2 +2 discover a spell a dish always starts in your hand choose a minion to remove choose an enemy minion add it to your deck yes you sir yeah you Sarah's joining the gang is gonna be a heavy cost attack remove Kazu to display thomas guys we can't with what like what's the point then okay y'all you all want to spell so let's have a study break so this well always starts in our hand so we can have the five cast spell assassinate turn one pyro creation turn one or effigy turn one all of these are terrible for our first turn you all want the okay we have an eighth cost carrot and now starts and are open in hand great do we have to do a strawpoll to like rope maintain the best carrot in our deck because so many people want them gum oh it's actually massively favored for the book it's just a couple of meemers for C'thun okay you guys actually don't want to see the world burn okay well there goes the book oh dear arty is book look it was either book burnin or keep the Colt in order guys okay I have to do what we think is right look at look at this opening hand we have power of creation and like a thing that will die and a turn ten play can't use any of this I still can't use any of this great but it's okay because he doesn't get his first two turns how we might get a Murloc so the game plan curl he is turned for cosmic anomaly deal for damage to his undamaged minion that hopefully isn't hurt until then we're just gonna hero power literally every turn panic counter spell thank god this has the reborn effect and comes back to life oh I thank God we countered his roof rhyme scheme that some woods tree one one imps god forbid we left free one on imps on the board that would die at the end of the turn anyway Jesus can we have no obliterator we'll save that to like finish him off with we hold we hold on to this carrot for now that's the finisher no me oh we actually got to Merlotte's there well thank God all this is gonna die by the end of this turn okay give us something good that'll also die we need to get it as much damage as we can before then and then this is like a two mana pyroblast he's gonna summon a copy of a 2/2 minion that will then die at the end of my turn so doesn't do anything okay this guy's just gonna get one big swing off and then everything dies oh that's unstable portal so I'm gonna one one locus to it rush that doesn't well actually i mean it does kind of help because now we can maintain the damage on his face well getting ready for the gnome get in there this will die at the end of his turn so that's great that's not so great but okay we might as well play the burglar my dad is actually very heavily costed that this might be the best pick just know already dark bomb that's fine well this and the mignonette spawns will be dead before they can accomplish anything so that's fine play a big boy so we can set up the note we can kill him next turn oh if he didn't do that it wasn't attempt I can pop down you Sarah I guess we do I win if we draw if we draw high enough then we win okay what we're gonna know them we just need a forecast come on a deck is so heavily costed - okay well oh it actually gave us two murlocs ruins [Music] tomorrow that we have heroically empowered we have battle cries with two baristas and a raven but just add vote just clone each other or honor among thieves we don't have war of the C'thun package unfortunately battle cry for more cook - okay here we go we don't have the C'thun plays in our deck right now but that's okay we can copy them and we can get more and we're against a literal sinkhole now let's go is this a good it's a good early gameplay charge to keep I don't even know cuz our deck is so heavily could cost it pilfer please give us a car that actually helps us win the game Danny return give all means in your hand plus one plus one I mean that will help him live slightly longer do the no home it's too soon for the nose that's not very helpful spell slinger you'll actually live a turn summon your beasts that died this turn thank god we've got the beasts energy package no just keep screaming it mean I could do a bit of a wombo combo here at the apprentice I think I want to just get this guy down cuz the sooner this guy is down like the better it means the stuff in my hand can actually survive a little while let's just get him dance like even like these guys are gonna live longer like the keys to actually leave it live a turn and I can buff this guy so the he sticks around longer okay this is actually really good so lucky hat on this guy razor pedals deal tree damage we summon a Murloc we summon an additional marelok bolt tie at the end of the turn all according to plan discover our weapon let's just take a Gore how we'll use that on his face later and we're gonna set up the counter spell just in case he has an answer for the growing Street enforcer so things are gonna start dying unfortunately revenge of the wild I feel is not going to help me in this scenario yeah I think we honestly just try and go face and I'm gonna just preserve this damage here get in as much as I possibly can sure I need as much damage as I can so the gnome how the gnome how the gnome litter a dog or how combo will kill him this is the most damage we'll get with no obliterators let's go he's been gnomes ever change an elixir at the side of your turn transformer friendly minion to one the cost one more robes of diminution after you draw a spell reduce its cost a zero this turn scroll of nonsense passive spell damage plus ten at the end of your turn this loses one spell damage again thank you to Blizzard for leaving me at the mercy of my chat so passive spell damage plus ten all right people want spells okay so add all enemy minions to your adventure deck they cost one less take the Crockett this is terrible this is this is so bad oh look we have a curve for mana and five mana so we just passed our first tree turns our first two turns now he's not gonna be able to do anything we have time unfortunately we are also not able to do anything better merlok that'll also die great oh wow he's actually gonna clear this thing I mean I just need him to hit his face a lot and his max is terrible apparently because he didn't realize the anomaly would kill that anyway I want to discover a spell from another class I think hey destroy tree of your mana crystals give all midians of your deck plus two plus two okay alright yep chats already spoken on this here we go no we're gonna have to rely on the anomaly a lot here just to keep our face safe because we're gonna be taking a lot of damage yet so most of this is gonna die by the time it gets around to its turn the know obliterated us sixteen currently we we have to surrender to madness now gasps no him no we had to get it in while we could know when he killed our thing no one will decrease in power I'm fully aware but like it's either that or we die I need to kill this and I can't no miss I have to do this no no no no no he's just getting more stuff here we go there's unknown let's just clear his board with the anomaly that was it that was a good passive I mean Baxter I'm still actually quite handy but he's just not gonna play actually no back steps useless because everything is always damaged what am I talking about everything is always hurt slightly because of the anomaly but this is this is pointless I can go Infinite barista eventually it's all we're gonna have to build up towards I think store five deal 5 damage restore two health I you know I kind of need to catch up on the matter how great it's dead oh no wait it's okay cuz it's still all Dolly's anyway thanks to D anomaly I have more cards in my deck than he is in his so you know maybe that's just how we win this he already has eight cards in his hand - I don't know why you played that so pretty much yeah his entire board will be cleared in a moment that's fine we just need to not run out of HP oh and this is actually from the murlocs oh wait we can get the combo going gives me more murlocs my hands full okay we could we can afford the burn one Karen I'm sure there won't be many consequences for that I can just get even more merlocks next turn with the barista and the barista will actually generate a new barista unless he kills it here please please please don't kill it here okay right oh and cuz of the anomaly okay Oh am i lucky let's just pop that on tinnitus and try and keep them alive best we can have a backstab I think here we should honestly use it just on an tinnitus so wild plan but it might just work that's unfortunate okay we can start fireball and stuff down I'm not too worried oh never mind yeah well I mean at least the badness plan is starting to pay off because we're getting all the higher cost cards it'd be so much easier her deck wasn't full of absolute garbage there's no synergy with anything I need to see here if one of these secrets will trigger when I attack face right oh great that was us over I need to pop the man add it down now all of this wasted potential attack but as board said Rob we're gonna fatigue um I think to actually get the win this game okay thanks again the Blizzard Entertainment for sponsoring this video if you like what you see in this video there's a link in the description below also if anyone actually knows how to use a sextant that would be greatly appreciated I don't know what I'm doing with this thing
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,067,945
Rating: 4.9075708 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, Hearthstone, Tombs of Terror, Hearthstone Tombs of Terror, Hearthstone funny, Hearthstone funny moments, Hearthstone adventure, Hearthstone saviours of uldum, saviours of uldum, Hearthstone funny gameplay, Hearthstone Tombs of Terror funny, Hearthstone adventure funny moments, Hearthstone plague lord, Tombs of Terror week one, Hearthstone new cards, Hearthstone expansion
Id: 7dBv-dn1qVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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